, : M : 111 J I ! i ' " - - 5 f;'r . No. Et. , NEW BERIf i CRAVEN COUNTY, N. Cw FRIDAY OCTOBER 19, 1906. SECOND SECTION. . .' 29th YEAR r ' . Temporary; The best form of temporary investment that -farmer out find for money that b is holding for use in the near future ia one of our ,- ' v ' IZt CEETir.r.TB . CFEu;IT - Cubed at any time without notice but if 'left six month ia tercet will be paid at 4 per cent year. ; . . t v - , -. . JAMES B. BLADES, Pre. Wm. B. BLADES,, V-Prea. GEO. ,B. PENDLETON, Cashier. - - V . m POLLOCK feT. CAPITAL ILLLLiuiiub lila ; Events, of Tast Three Days . Tersely Told For Jour- sal Readers. - " iec:x,!i:::ll:eb ' , ce to execi Isdartrial, Commercial, Social, Keligl mh, Criminal and Political ' Happenings Condensed in Few Line. ,;V Frankfort, Ky., Oct 16. Consider ablo interest U centred in a suit on trial bare now in which President Pea body of the New York Mutual Life ia en deavoring to force the dismissal of Bis cos Hind man. Stats agent for the com pany because his running for office on a fosion ticket Hindman is supported by Stat Insurance, Commissioner Pre Titt. - VJ;V Rliani-Chiae, Oct. 18, Complete returns from the typhoon which caused se much damage on the Chinese and Japanese coast in September was 10, 000 people killed and a loss of 18,000, 000. : Now York Oct. 19 The condition of Mrs. Jefferson Davis is growing worse hourly. Her marvelous vitality is a surprise to her physicians. - , ' .-, New York, Oct, 16. -District Attor ney Jerome, intimates that another man may be arrested as accessory to the murder of Stanford White by Harry Thaw: It is expected to be shown that . this man urged Thaw to kill White and that bo placed the revolver in Thaw's Baleigh, Oct 16. Governor Glenn issued a respite today until December 18, for Freeman Jones, colored, under sentence of death for burglary. ? The esse comes from Durham and the exe cution will talcs place there. Durham- England Oct " 16 There is much rejoicing here that all the miners who were (antombed alive In the coal mine have been saved by means of the hoisting engine. "'"-,".-' CUcfo, Oct 16 A gasoline explos ion occored here last nfcht in a barn a hers automobiles are kept Ten ve hicles were destroyed entailing aloes of ?-o.r:o. . , " " lury, Oct 13-At J'.he g-IJ hill E.'.ae two men were killed tod: y by Jan ex;'.ttiion.of dynamite. The cartu'ge was carelessly handled. Rale'h Oct 16 Ths Supreme court is hewing arguments on the Wsdes boro lynching ease. The def -s holds t' -1 ti e revival does not a", v tVe case t)tt, UJ in any o" 'r county than t ' ! i v ' tv cr':r.e was commit- ti ".yCI.Ij, C,U ' rlCii ! . T' b s i.:. j t : 1 1' cje it e suit of t' ) f'ate , )i) - nr- t s i t- v y i Ik, P-t IC'.h. The mcetlpg of ' 5 i ' id V 9 Norfolk & uiV I (f V a A'." ' 'c & r irlh C' " i r 1 1 ce t ' y and com i 4 Investment 100,000.00 Cleveland, O., Oct 16. A faUI acci dent occurred here today by : an auto mobile running at a high speed ran into a trolley pole the machine exploded and two of the occupants were killed; the others are seriously injured. Columbia, S. C , Oct 17. Governor Haywood has ordered the State militia to be present at the execution of Com mander Johnson, a white man. John' son killed a preacher for denouncing him for living unlawfully with a worn an, who is now serving a 16 year sen tence in the State penitentiary. It is feared that Johnson's friends will en deavor to rescue him. "1; J ' Norfolk, Oct 17.- A fearful storto is raging on the Carolina coast and much damage has been done the shipping. The whaleback Berkshire has been re ported disabled and the revenue cutter has gone to her assistance. ; New Orleans, Oct 18th. -Charles A. Barnes, of Illinois, was elected Su preme Chancellor of the Knights of Pythias at the Supreme Grand Lodge of the order here today. ; Washington, ' Oct 17 President Roosevelt telegraphed to Mrs. Hayes, daughter of Mrs. Jefferson Davis, say ing: "Pray accept most sincere sympa thy for Mrs. Roosvelt and myself." The body will be taken to Richmond for burial and will be under escort by con federate veterans. i Seneca'.S. C. Oct 17 This town is destroyed by fire and the loss at the present time f s estimated at $100,000, The fire was of incendiary origin and it is believed by many that negroes are responsible for the deed to avenge the turning of the negro college here a few weeks ago. Raleigh, N. C, October 17th. At a meeting of the Council of State today, November 12 th was set for the State Text Book Commission to pass upon the three text books for the pub lic schools which were left out of the Hat adopted in August Civics, North Carolina History and Pedagogy. Allen of Wayne and D. H. Hfll of Raleigh will submit hbtories. ' . Raleigh, Oct 18. Chatters are gran ted the Tyrrell Manufacturing Co., ? of Columbia to make lumber, barrels and shingles; capital stock 150,000, B. F. Duncan and others stockholders. The bank of Vanceboro, capital stock $25, 000. W, C, White and others stock holders; and the Monarch Heating and Radiating Co., Greensboro, $160,000. New York, Oct 18. A great storm of acy clonic nature ia raging in Cuba, There has been' no direct communi cation with the island on account of wires btl broken. The soldiers camp at Havana has been destroyed and ship ping in the harbor damaged, many American boats among' the number, The storm Y as reached the Florida coast, the city cf -liami badly damaged. The country south of Jacksonville is devas tated. Wires are all down in that re gion, , Brussels, Belgium, Oct 18 -Agents of American labor exportation bureaux have secured 200 Flemish weavers to go to Charleston, S. C, U, S. A. to v i i cc Hon mills there. They sail . T' ' was the first luctel- .fa n number of mill labor- 'rit exiats between t ( f T ' .iura and South 1 1: ' 1, O t. 17. U.e J 1 Findlay, Ohio, Oct 18 The ease of j the State of Ohio, against the Standard Oil Co., is now in tne tanas oi ins jury A verdict is not expected for several hours. The general impression is that the verdict will he adverse tothecorpor ation. ;" : ." ': v' A ' New York Oct 18-Charles Murphy, the Tammony leader made a startling statement today charging the leaders of the "Independent League" with hold ing up candidates for cash contrary to the pledges and purpose of the organ isation. ' Bizerta, Tunial Oct I8-7AD efforts to raise the French submarine boat which went to the bottom off the Mediterran ean Sea, oi this coast Tuesday have proved unsuccessful. The boat lies In 100 feet water. There were lS'men on board of the boat and jiey have per ished. 1 ' S1"., I Norfolk, Oct 17. Secretary Taf t ar rived from Cuba today on the , battle ship Virginia. ' , v I . .;. ; ':,--. ..:' i. vv-v-. 1 Washington, Oct 18 A governor for the Panama Canal Zone will be appoint ed by President Roosevelt this week. It has been decided to keep a perm anent force of soldiers in Cuba; 7,500 will be stationed there with the except ion of 600 men, all the ;marines will re-1 turn to their homes.'. ' ! Biserta, Tunis, Oct. 17. -Great ef forts are being made by French, Eng lish and Danish vessels to rake a torpe do boat which is lying in 180 feet of watev The boat ia an English war vessel which collided with another boat about two years ago and sank. Seven men were drowned.''' ; 1 ; Birmingham, Ala., Oct 18. The kws caused . by the fire which burned up several blocks here is placed at 1300,- 000. '! ' -' I ' LlSf OF LETTERS Remaining in the Post-Office at New Bern, Craven County, N. C , Oct 16 1906: MBN'8 LIST. B-J W Blanks, Andy Bowen. . C-Willie Cain, T B Crawford. . H-GedrgeO Hawkins, W M Hall, Charlie Harris. r K-WWKing. P John Perry. . T Clarence Tu ton. . . WOKBN'S LIST. B Mrs. Sammie Bryant Mrs. Mary J Bryan, Mrs. Bryant, Miss Virginia Bariaek. .' - C Miss Lila Chadwick. , :' E Mrs. A V Eadie (special delivery) J Mrs. Maron Jackson, (special de livery), Carrie Jones. ' , - S Mrs. Hannah Spencer. 5 T Mrs. Maria Turner.' ' ' J ' W-MiasEGsa White. Mrs. Pauline Williams, Mrs. Eusa White, Miss J an al Williams, Mrs. Lenna WUlis, Mrs. Louise Washington, Mrs. Sudie I .Wil lis. W-r--A:rir"-A'. The regulations now require that(l) cent shall be collected on the delivery of each advertised letter. - - v - : 8. W. HANCOCK, v:.- p. Mi ' r Mr. J. M. Cannon, salesman for the Globe Tailoring Co. ia giving his fall opening at J. J.Baxter's clothing store. Mr. Cannon is an expert fitter and all who desire a perfect fit will do well to see his line. ' Every suit guaranteed to fit Today ia his last day here, : : Have you tried a bottle of Pep-ToooT Natures best Tonic. ... . .;, "v..-; ' v'ft Kew York Cotton Karkel: Special to Journal: "'' t t Now York, October 18 Open " ' - Close Dee. 10.97 ' l , ,1 10.6 May 1L27 , " 11.24 Local Cotton Karket Number of balea sold Price per pound 10.90 : v'i Pid:r'.i Civs Satisfaction Raleigh Times, 17: ' ' l The Four Pi kerts had another good slzsl audience laat n!ht at the Metro- poKtnn Kail, and sin delighted their patrotss, if one msy jui';s from the Ll.-ul '.rre t' "y received. . ' TI.e '. y f. as "CLI. ' oma," a western dmn a, ;;h vt action and sen- Br:".I-'in. TI 9 f. ' '."a wera good 'I' 1 1 ft' ' .r.t t' t c" r an j t wou'J 's U I' .i -f t-"-y ttur.tf r "nil 1 1 H. Tls I v. t ii t' t t: 9 t'.ovr is sa eve t f , ' rr tl n. . " r v ( 1 f j kt j . ' r prices at V.'st -rs' Z ,re. 11 OCT. EASTER ACTS A3 A DOT1EII But Still The State Agricul- '.'turaf Fair jlas .Good ". ' Sized Crowds. : mim gg"?et- . IT1VE f.'iUTARY DP.'LL AboIUIimcut of Crinds ' Crossings. "Requisition Grafted W Negro Thiet. Eligible Insurance ' " ".. . --CeNipsnis.' ' , - ( Special Correspondence. Raleigh, Oct 18. The movement to have the State pension appropriation considerably increased, if possible one hundred thousand dollars. Is now being pressed quite vigorously. The appro priation is now $275,000 a year, the last legislature, having added 475,000 j to The' northeaster 'which) set In early Monday continued today aid was In fact worse than ever, with a (riving rain which soaked a great man'y' visitors to the State Fair. It is the worst weath er known continuously durihg any State Fair and was certainly unfortunate in every respect, as a great jmany thou sands of visitors make tlis week the event of the year. i -.;'T j. The rainy weather has prevented any cotton shipping being donelduring the week and this loss of four days will tell pretty heavily and" cause further deterioration of the crop jaa . well as loss by cotton falling on the ground. AU in all, it is the worst year for cot ton on record, : the oldest growers say. V:'!MJ Late yesterday afternoon in a driv ing drizzle of eold rain the A. & M. College Cadets drilled for a company prize, six companies competing, and Company C, commanded by Capt Geo. W. Hinshaw Jr., of Winston-Salem, winning the penant The judges Adju tant General Robertson, Quartermaster General Macon, and Capt W.. F. Moody were very much pleased with the drill by "The Pony Company", which is com posed almost entirely" of Freshmen, who have only had about six weeks drill. : '.;f v,..'.' ! In the face of the bad weather there were many visitors to the city today. They swarmed in the public building and took in all the sights that could be seen. The banks, poetofftces, etc. were closed. ' Usualy Thursday of Fair is the big holiday here and most of the stores close in the afternoon.' I . t The county , commissioners are mak ing some of the public roads safer by getting them off grade crossings .of the railways. ' This is being done two miles west of here, and is also being done north of here, where a very dang erous crossing has been eliminated at a considerable cost to the railway, some thing like S5, 000. ' ; The governor grants requisition made by the governor of South' Carolina for Henery McGili, colored, charged with burglary and larceny at Lancaster, S.C. He is now on the chain gang of Anson county. An effort was made to prevent his going to South Carolina, T., L. Can dle, Esq. of Wades boro appearing for him.' '! The' list of Insurance companies doing business in this state just issued by the insurance department shows that' there are seven life, insurance companies chartered by this state; 'twelve assess ment life companies; twenty-one fire companies and three accident compan ies and surety companies.' Greensboro continues to be the insurance center of the state. Small Items -, , :aV- , . Oct 17. We have been blessed with very good weather Since our last writing. , Eldor Lupton of Belhaven haa been holding a protracted meeting at White Hill church the past week, and added two new members. .- , .- , . Rev. Charlie Lee of Bath, addressed the congregation at St Mary's Chapel Sunday eveningat 8 o'clock and Sunday night '-'"i r : ' : ', Mr J J Edwards took a flying trip to New Lorn Monday on business. ' . ' Hufus .M'xon and Mibs Casjie Ald rUre of South Creek attended church here Sunday. Mil s Marietta Dunn of Fox Eranch returned homo from Blount's Creek Thursihy )ant, slie rt'ports a fine timu, t!r Cl-arlie and L B Dunn of Arsra hoe a'ic:- lei c h at White IIIU CUur y s 1 ! y. I , ' 1 1 ,v. r I. 'ft for Auro. i n J;t, ; se he will at'eii j ' . 1 . r ,:'.s. n Bios Dsaa--: He Mysteriously Disappears and Suicide is Feared. Special to Journal 1 - - f Raleigh,' Oct 18 Alexander Francis a native of England and one of the members of "It Happened In Nord- land" company which appeared here last night ia missing.- He was" subject to melancholia and suicide is feared He played a minor part w " ." . Oriental vl P . The farmers ara bringing In their cot ton daily, but the crop is short sa is most everything else in the fanning line.. ; ' y v?' ij ;i v j. ; The carpenters are very busy putting up houses Mr. B. F. Pickells is having a two story house put up on Mason St, and Dr. G. G. Bell ia building on the corner of Main and Academy 8ts. i ' The Roper Lumber Co. is putting up a new saw mill and dry kill and other buildings which will enable them to do a larger business. " " ; I Dr. O. C Daniels left yesterday for Beaufort on a business trip. - . i ; i Mr. Will Aldridge has gone to Beau fort to attend court, . fa V'' Mr. Ben Manning and Misses Carrie Hoell and Lena Stephens made a flying trip to Bay boro a few days ago. . Messrs Willie Keel and Charlie Saw yer were the guests ef - Mr Joel Lewis Sunday. , Rev. Geo. Vause has just closed a protracted meeting at the Free Will Baptist church much good was done. 1 . We have had an epedemic of chills and fevers for quite a while, but we are glad to know that no one has died of them. V ':':..; . " ' , i Mr. Johnnie Sanders is very low with hemorrhagic fever. This' is the third case we have had this season, all have recovered. . ." . Mrs. Harriet Payne , continues to be very sick with malaria fever. ;,'.,,! Mr. J. F. Cowell of Bayboro and Mr. Rob Woodard of Pamlico are in town today in interest of the bank.; ......-; Mr Herman Rich is visiting relatives and friends here. I . xiE '!' Our Graded School is progressing nicely under the efficient management of Prof. Miles. Tne little ones gave their teacher a most hearty welcome, Miss Nina Todd has charge of the pri mary grades. , . The Oriental bank opened up this morning for business. ; . . , , , . ... VIOLET. -' Swansboro Items. October 17. As the eold wave is over and we have got warm again we will let you hear from as. ' " Our little town is quite lonely this week, nearly all the young people are attending eourt at Jacksonville, this week as witnesses against blind tigers. Miss Frost the Unitarian school teacher from Boston, arrived this week and will commence her ' school next Monday. x j Mr. W. J- Davis' baby died today, aged seven months. Mr. Willie Sanders passed through here last week en route for Maysville to try his luck fishing again; he says they bite very slow. Will, don't you think they would bite, better if yoo would fish in the day time? , ,, . I . Mrs. H. J. Ward, ; who has been spending a few days with us, left for her home ia Wilmington last week, ac companied by Mrs. J. A. Pittman. Messrs. .Fred Pittman and Morris HatseU, who have been working In the railroad shops at Spencer, N. C, ar rived home last Sunday to attend court as witnesses which ia in session this week at Jacksonville. Guess they will go back next week. .... v : t '; Miss Alice Blouot has agreed to take the nubile school at Verona, and will begin teaching next week. vl Fishing seems to be a little better now. Capt Martin W. Heady caught at his fishery last Saturday 180 barrels of roe mullets. 5. Capt George Littleton caught 184,- 523 shrimps and sold them for 151.00. . '-';- - x; . No other remedy on earth is so good for children aa Hollister'a Rocky Mourv tain Tea; makes them eat sleep and ffrow. Hritrhl eves, rosy cneeaa. ie or Tablets, 35 cents. Eor salebe F. S. Duffy. ' . 1 -n - ' ' A great canal which drains the two Italian provinces of Mantua and Keg eio and discharges into the river Po, has just been opened. For five yesrs 6,000 men have been employed In dig ging the big ditch. T;..t : t 1. 1 known as the s OI . . "..I town .,-,9 cf DEATH OF fuSS. JEFF- .. . ' ;.--!a.iEBSOiDiiS. ....... - $ - - x r--. - Dissolution Came After a Week's Illness With Pneo-; "i-;' :-; monia. ' ! . Mrs. Jefferton Davis.1 widow of the President of the Confederacy died at her rooms at the hotel Majestic, New York city, Tuesday, night at 1020 o'clock. Following is taken from the Associated Press despatches in , the morning papers, relating to Mrs. Davis' sickness and death: - - ' ' ' ..."Althouifh grave fears were felt from the first, , Mrs. , Davis' . wonderful vitality, wh'ch brought her through a similar attack a year ago, gave hope of Ultimate recovery until- last night when a decided change for the worse wss evident and the attending- physi cians announced that the end was near. It was then believed that, Mrs. Davis could not survive the night but she ral lied slightly during the early hours of today. . Shortly after seven o'clock this morning she had a similar spell, and Rev. Nathan A, Seagle, rector of St Stephen's Protestant Episcopal church, was hurriedly summoned to give relig ious comfort to the patient in her last moments of; .consciousness.' The I cler gy man remained some time and an hour later it was announced that Mrs. Davis had lapsed into a state of coma. The period of unconsciousness contin ued to the eud. -, . ,V . : At the bedside when death came were Mrs. J. Addison Hayes, of New Ark, N. J., only surviving daughter of Mrs. Davis; Jefferson Davis Hayes, a grand son, who is a student at Princeton Uni versity; Mrs. Charles E. Bateson, a niece, and Dr. and Mrs. Gustav Webb, the latter a granddaughter, and Dr. R. H. Wilie,' who, with Dr. Webb, had cared for Mrs. DavU throughout her illness. J. Addison Hayes,, husband of Mrs, Davis' only living child, had been summoned from Colorado Springs, and was hurrying across the continent. when a message announcing the death of Mrs. Davis interrupted him. ' Mrs. Davis had for some years made her home in this city, where she had a wide circle of friends. Throughout her illness solicitous inquiries regarding her condition were continually made at her apartments. ' ' 1 1 At the Majestic tonight it was said that the body would be taken to Rich- mon on Thursday. : : ;' ? Definite plans for the funeral had not been made tonight but it is understood that services will be held here by her pastor, and it ia definitely known that the body will repose beside that of the late President of the Confederacy in Richmond." Winter Green Items " 1 " Oct 18.' The rains this week have caused cot ton picking to be delayed. We are having warm weather now and it is highly appreciated. ' Mrs Curtis Rhem and daughter of Halifax are making a visit to relatives .here, --,' - ,:.. ..- Webster Mallard, accompanied by his cousin, Miss Luia uaugnerty or 1 ron ton I were in our midst a short while last Sunday. " ' F B Hammond of Turkey spent Sat urday and Sunday at G W Simmons on business. . 1 . Cleveland Avery and brother were visitors at E H Heath's Sunday after- nooD w t j 1 it : ' -' f . Tom Lane and Miss Bertha Tucket passed through here Monday from Cove enroute for Fort Barnwell. We hope them a pleasant trip. Rev and Mrs G b Webster and litt daughter, Thelma, spent Wednesday at G W Simmons. Come again brother Webster, we are always glad to wel come you, , j ; ,; - -. Quite a number of our young people attended the Wootten-Barwlck mar riage at Fort Barnwell Tuesday night Remember the date, of the "Shadow Party" and barbecue supper, which will be on -Friday night October 36, Everybody ia invited to attend We assure them a nice time and plenty of barbecue, ice cream and cake and iota of .other - good things, .also good music, both vocal and string music . , . , ,!.. " , iTwo 8weethearta.! ' Fine Butter at Oaks Market.' s , White Kill. Items.; October 17. ' We are gladl to say that cold weather has come at last and "khy jack" viusU ed us one night last week and killed out "general green." Mr D. S. Weeks, of this place, loft a few days ago for Riverdalo, whii-e be will engage in the cross tie iu very much to the regret of our t -i '1. Miss Louisa Adams, of Broad C i, who has been sending the pant week s with her undo, hit. Win. A h:is returned to ber home. I'r. sn-1 l'.-s. N. C. V,'e ' r f.yingtrp to rt"..-t;-r luut I' vkit their d;i''..ht.:r. t..0' 3 a ' t SAVED DfaD LYOirS LIFE Untold Suffering "and Cc-; .r.t Misery-Awful Sight From fct Dreadful Complaint, Infan'JIa Ec zema Commenced at Top cf his ., Head and Covered Entire. C;i. MOTHER PRAISES ! CUT1CU3A REMEDIES "Out baby had that dresdfu! com. plaint, Infantile Eczema, which a cti him for several months, commeii. tat the top of his head, and at but cove. m his whole body. His sufferings wei untold and constant misery, in f vet, there was nothing we would not 1 v done to have given him relief. le family doctor seemed to be whf-. r incapable of eoping with the ease, eud after various experiments of his, which, resulted in no benefit to the chill, wo sent to Maron, 111., to a druggist a 11J got a full set of the Cutieura Remedies and ' applied as per directions, and he b-a to improve immediately, and in auut three or four days besa to show m brighter spirit and really laughed, for the first time in a year. In about nuty days he was fully recovered, with tLe exception of a rough skin, which ia gradually disappearing, and eventually will be replaced by a healthy one. ' ' "Praise for the Cutieura Remedlat has always been our greatest pleasure, and there is nothing too good that we , could say in their favor, for they oer- tainly saved our baby's life, for he was the most awful sight that I ever beheld, prior to the treatment of the Cutieura . Remedies. Mrs. Mae belle Lyon, 1&29 Appteton Ave, Parsons, Kan., July 18, COMPLETE TMTIZtTi; : Complete external and internal tnat ment for every humor, consisting of Cutieura Soap,Ointment, and Pills, may now be had for one dollar. A aingk set is often sufficient to cure the most torturing, disfiguring, itching, burning, and Bculy humors, eczemas, rashes, aid irritations, from infancy to age. when all else falls. -'- vswono. rww vngm uwa. t'wp Bonn SSrS4aatlXtoOmtaklaML . '- Arapahoe " October 17. We have much sickness in this sec tion at present but now, as the weak er haa become cooler, we bop some of it will vanish. .. , ' Mr. J, W. Rawls, who has been very sick, is out again. Mrs. Henry N. Banks who baa been sick several weeks, baa grown worse and isve.7 low. God grant that she may recover. . ':'"'.''" Mr. W. R Harper, of Bairds Creek lost one of his little girls last week, she had diphtheria. He has moved back to bis old home on the sand hills. Mr. John Smith ia the happiest man in town. It's a boy and a Democrat His name is Robert ' ' . Warren Hardison, the mail contrac tor, attended the Radical convention at Bayboro Saturday. ) Uncle John W Pipkin says he hardly knows what to do politically. Ills son is 00 the Radical ticket for sheri.?, Lis son-in-law ia the democratic eandl 'rte for sheriff and another son-in-law is cn the Radical ticket for the LegL.'u.'.re. Now Uncle John let us advise you: C.:s of your family is enough at a time r i yon want to be for the one that is gc ? to be elected, so you vote for Geo-- Ii Brinson for sheriff and you tULJ good and be on the big aids af Nov ember 6th. .;, , u . ' ..'.,f,');i:,. Atlantic Eatss.,,, -, .... . . v.,.: . t. cvt 17. Where is everybody T Gone to c t ' The north winds tell us autumn I i come but very few w Liter lii'j 1 s come. ";"!" .Mrs Annie Bragg of Ocracchs I 1 been spending several days in c-r t 1 visiting friends. Mr T R Draper, "the plcturs r has gor to his home atCalh. I a r; t several , eeks here for lis ..' Capt T, 77 WUUs cf II... her I ' : light house spent undny inoi rt . Call again captain. The second month of At'.. ' '; ( " school opened np with seve.l t , pi Is, among thorn V.t IV-. C ' Ocracoke, Mias CortruJs I"' Witt, and lit Ray Adarrs cf I" '. 1 ; These run the enro";n t ? t ! ' . Misa Lucy Linton of i . v''C s last week to t&ke c!.ar3 iu medlfeUgrs!. eft', a C Misa LI; .v'?nM,sl'.,!.,yr as at"-'1 "rc-f.' are a!'A'?ys t' i t w".-';. 1 : ers. !.:rJFr; :,tfr our t 1! t v it : : thef i ' . : e-' ; : t 1 r 7. t..a t. ' i j 1 9 t t 1 v. ' ! y a f ' ' 8 cuiitrul tf 1 '. "& r (' -t B'a r V ' .'l 1' e, on t' e l C r . r, rr f e t :;? -,t I tt Itfl , ': . 1 I ". 1 i .1 1. r i x Ti.r 5. C: ' " t.r 1 1 :n I ... bcott of C. " '.": -tr uru y ti';.'.t and f .' j 1 r torn w a, , i i ' '- ! i ' ' t - a i 1 t 1 Jlrs. A. O. V, ;..) I.ivu;.;..j V, )!, 1 i V cy: .! 11 ,1 r t y

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