VrV Hi 1 I A. u i I A I 1 A. H - ' I - A. i AiJ : : ' ; . ' : NEW BERN, CRAVEN COUNTY. N. C, TUESDAY OCTOBER 23. 1906 -FIRST SECTION. 29th YEAR No. 55: 3 4 n7 F.1AKE YOUR f.'.OIiEY W THIS BASK PAYS INTEREST ORK FOR YOU "i i -. On Savings Accounts at 4 per cent a year, compounded semi-annually. ,;.;S'"-V j . ;" ' .On Time Certificates of Deposit at 4 percent if the money ..... ?Tmnihs six months. y:M 'r'-; 1 .... Yoa can choose the plan beet suited to your needs.' There' 5 is no need of having idle moaey.riTh.ia Bank is safe and liberal CAPITAL 6!V POLLOCK SI. 3100,000.00 i W 1 fT 1 1 " -TV '" V - r TELEGRAPUIG IIEIVS Etents of Past Three Days Tersely Told For Jour nal Readers. TOORT MM BE TOM) 'Indastrtal, Commercial, Social, Religi ' . "au, Criminal and Political Happenings Condensed in ' - - i. .. Few Lines. ; them to their reservation. r ' The cowboys have had a fight with them Jn which two were' killed. A number of Indians were wounded. .Wilmington Oet 19 One of the worst freight wrecks die Atlantic Coast Line has had this year occured at Dunn last night . The train was running at usual speed when for some reason which has not yet been ascertained the engine left the track and eight ears followed. The engineer, Capt. Turbeville and a negro brakeman were killed and one or two men were injured. , The cars are total wrecks.-. ;.' y; L: ;, . Fmdlay Oct 18-rhe trial of the Standard Oil Co, came to a somewhat sensational finish today. The Jury da- liberated on the case for nearly 30 en strongly guarded, arrived today to replace those striken who reiusea to arbitrate. Washington, D. C, Oct 22d.-The Virginia Fertilizer Trust cases have been advanced by the Superior Court for a hearing, to December 8d. Mobile, Oct 22. -A vessel which has arrived at this port, brings the news of a terrible hurricane that visited Hon- duraa, which devastated several towns, and a tidal wave wrecked many vessels Numbers of persons were killed. Chicago, Oct. 22. M. M. Carpenter, regarded aa prince of ' get-rkh-quick Swindlers, died in his cell, the cause of hit death being morphine. - Berlin Oct22-Overtures are received here from the United States, through Secretary Taft for better tariff relat ions between the two countries. . . , Colorado Springs, Oct. 22-A severe blizzard islprevailing, the temperature 16 degrees above zero, There is a heavy snow storm raging in Colorado, Minne sota and Kansas. ROPER LOGGING II si r 8 in; IBER A Department of the Roper Lumber Company Granted a Charter. , . ' Raleigh, Oct 19.-A well known rail . hours. Once they reported to the court way contractor has contracted to grade that they could not agree but the J udge a line from Washington to Vandemere, ' sent them back to consider longer. The distance of forty miles, the Atlantic sentiment was in favor of acquittal but Coast Line being really the owner, they returned to the jury room and re Work is to begin at once. Both free sumedkallotmg.' While some were dis labor and convicts will be employed in cussing legal points others were sing- SCARCITY OF UB0R . ;, THROUGHOUT STATE. uie consiruccion. . it la ine purpose u ' cover the line with laborers and com plete it in twelve months. There will be three miles of trestle and a bridge 8000 feet long across tha Pamlico river " at Washington. " New York, Oct 19.-The New York Central & Hudson River Railway which was on trial in the United States Cir . cuit Court for accepting secret rebates from the American Sugar Refiniog Co. .was found guilty and fined $108,000. " New Yrk, Oct 19,-The news that the Bank of England had raised it rate of discount to six per cent caused a flurry in the local speculative market 'The gold reserve of the Bank of Eng ;land Is depleted to $90,000,000; a ship ment of $5,000,000 of gold waa made to Egypt Large shipments are coming to America, The situation is serious for English banks. Washington, Oct. 19. A. M. Haw - kins, General Superintendent of the P. O. & W. railway, died suddenly here today. . - V.,- :v.;:.v- Mr. Hawklna waa located in New Bern last year and was, quite well known. Ha was connected with the P. O. & W. railway. New York, Oct 19.-kmmunication with Havana has been established and news is received of one of the most destructive and wide spread cyclones in tqe history of the island? ' Over 100 lives are said to have been lost in tho city, all but 16 being natives, The storm had been predicted many ' .hours before by a Catholic priest who had a great reputation as a weather . observes. Thoe who fallowed his ln- traetioiiS were unmjurea, The marines had left the city a short time before the storm broke and were on board the American ships in the harbor bound for home. All ships pass ed through the storm uninjured, ex capt the cruiser Brooklyn, which was swtpt ashore, no damage sustained. She went into deep mud and waa easily pulled off, Wind velocity was 80 miles an hour. The tents need by the marines at Camp Columbia, six miles distant were blown a way and one soldier wsa fatally hurt Street ears were blown from tracks and 100 buildings were virtually wreck ed. Great loss of life is reported in the Interior particularly, in the Finer del Rio province. Waves smashed 85 boats to pieces lying in the harbor, i . Omaha. Neb., Oit J9.-The Ute In "ans in Wyoming are on the war- rain. Their incessant looting for six months past of herds of cattle has fj tU r !. m u. i t .cyhave 1 to f ' 1 1' e r, ' 1 --g. The Ind- t "1 f ! t rsl ' 'o v VNi (iiivir ing byms and when the .last ballot was taktn tha result wa announced at ioneo causing a great commotion in the court room. There is much rejoicing over th verdict ' -ryT - " f Birmingham, Oct 19. -The Wattley boarding house was set on fire last night and ten : men, boarders, were burned to death, and two citizens were fatally injured. ? ( Louisville, Ky., Oct 20. -At one of thelarge stores here a bargain sale waa in progress and a big crowd was in attendance when some practical joker placed a five dollar bill on the floor to see the scramble for it Several saw it at once and each tried to get it; others seeing the commotion joined the throng and soon there was a tumult in the en deavor to get the money. Twelve per sons were seriously hurt : New York, Oct 20- When the Lon don stock market was straitened on Friday the effect wu easily noticeable in New York and there was almost a panic here.f The aituat on is still com plicated although the London market baa nearly assumed its normal condit ion. Much satisfaction is felt that the outflow of gold has been stopped. , Havana, Oct 20. -News from the in terior parts of the island show that the devastation worked by the cyclone waa worse thaa estimated at first The to bacco crop in Pinar del Rio section is a total loss and in many other places im mense damage ' waa done to growing crops. All transports With troops on board have arrived except two. There is some anxiety about them. , . Norfolk, Oct 22. Suit has began in the Federal Court here, in the sum of $23,000 against the commissioners on their deal for the sale of the Virginia- Carolina Lumber Company's timber lands in Nash and Franklin counties. in North Carolina, to the Montgomery Lumber Company j $ ' .V Topeka, Oct 22. The farmers coopera tlve business congress met here today. The purpose of the congress is to more closely ally agricultural interests, west and south, and to increase an j , fix the price of wheat . Chicago Oct 22. -Isaac Wolff, wide ly known during the past qurater of a century, as the ''news boys' friend," is dead. Last year he gave a Thanksgiv ing dinner at which ten thousand news boys were fed. Mr. Wolff began life aa J a news boy. ,' t ,,, , Ptttsburj, Oct 22.John Doran, who yesterday attempted to cremate his wife, was nearly lynched today by the Infuriated pHple. S-i'' y, Oct i.d The Southern Railway Company is rapidly filling its ehrs at f ppneer, wfch new men. Fifty u . J.E.Latham'1 Cotton Letter Special to Journal New York Oct 20-Unfavorable weather and manipulation to establish a better selling basis during the first part of the week caused the highest prices of the season to be reached. Fear ing this wave of advancing prices and enthusiam from eleventh hour bulls, the market in the past .two days haa to contend with money disturbances abroad a panicky stock market at home, and fears of further serious troubles, polit ical and financial that at the moment alarms England, France and Russia. If these troubles can be successfully avoid ed I rather think well of buying on de clines because the movement has not assumed proportions sufficient to relieve the anxiety of these who are needy for cotton to fill engagements, and people whojhave heretofore entertained bum per crops views are inclined to modify them, another thing when prices drop below 10 cento a pound in the interior farmers say not sell freely, . we expect to see a very tight money market for several weeks possibly for several months. Crops About Bellair . :'.,',;, ,v .I... Oct 22. This is the eighth day of consecutive rainain our section, cotton picking and general crop housing suspended. The housing of the crop however, is quite a brief item about here if we have a few nice days. One farmer haa just housed the corn on 11 acres, which has usually yielded 60 barrels, this year the total is a little less than 80 barrels. We don't know whether this is a general average or not hope not however, for when a few are short and some have a surplus, it iaessy to meet thedefi- ciency.;.': -"'; v1--.- '";-;! - The potato crop seems- quite short, and in some places very few peas. Few farmers however have fair crops of peas, many were late and killed by the early frost before maturing. ' Sickness in our vicinity has abated some, but this warm, wet weather is favorable for germinating disease, as well as oata. Some of us sowed oats hat week and before we could get the ground properly harrowed, the oats were coming up. . . y L. R Parker Thinks Mill Men Muk TU( LISTING UNO POLITICS RAIN DWGES COTTON. Why Do Republican News- Equals Frost Injury. Great papers Fail to List ? Judge ; Boyd Says Peniten tiary for Block ' aders. " "Special Correspondence. ' , Power Development. Tex as , Great Cotton Crop. , Special Correspondence i Raleigh, N.C, Oct 22. - Charters are granted the Bank of Ramseur, com mercial and savings, capital stock $50, Choice hams and bacon at Oaka Mar ket today. Farmers' Meeting. Bellair, N. C, Oct 22. The farmers about Bellair are ear nestly and cordially requested to meet at Bellair school house on Friday eve ning, Oct 26th at 7 o'clock p. m. All who are near enough to attend are here by invited to be with us. The object of the meeting is to or ganize into a compact body for mutual encouragement protection and ad vancement Wa desire to discuss the living issuses of the day in a non-parti san spirit and be prepared to grapple with the farm problems that confront us. - - ; -v-;.. . The nights are long and we can spend from 7 to 9 o'clock once or twice a month in such discussions aa will be helpful to all. - Don't get too busy doing something of less importance and forget this meet ing, October 26, at 7 o'clock p. m. FARMERS' CALL. Oyster Outlook Poor. Whatever may develop as the weath er improves, at the present and so far this season, the oyster business has been very small, and the oyster both small and lean. Too much rain and a Mistake by Allowing Cotton to be Sent Out of the State. E. L. Danxhtridge Re-elected President of the State Fair Association. (Special Correspondence) Ralegh, Oct 19 A charter in granted the Roper Logging & Timber Company, headquarters at New Bern, capital stock $50,000, the John L. Roper Lum ber Company being the principal stock- holders. It is authorized to build log ging railways and to cross the' Trent river near Pollocksville, if the" govern ment consents. Another charter is to Wilson & Co., of Greensboro, to make hogsheads, hoops, etc. $10,000, G. C. Wilson and others stockholders, and a third is to the Mountain Home Compa. ny, inc. to build a club house at Hdge- mon, Caldwell county, capital stock $25,000, North Carolina and South Car olina men being the stockholders. Today was the last day of the fair, and the attendance was very good. In point of agricultural exhibits and live stocks it is the best fair ever held State Treasurer Lacy said today: ' am sure I tell the truth when I Sny it is the best State fair I ever saw." Wake county took the prize for county exhib its. Moat of the exhibit was the work of one man, William Robbins of Ral eigh. It was pronounced by judges the best exhibit ever made by any county in North Carolina. Among the visitors to Democratic headquarters today was Capt, J, P. Al lison, of Concord. Speaking of the de velopment of his county, he id that while it had hot as many cotton mills as Gastgn, nor was building as many new ones, yet he believed the number of spindles in the mills which are being built will be as large as that in Gaston, that is somewhere about 100,000, two of the new mills is to have 50,000 of the number. Speaking of the labor ques tion in his section, .Capt Allison said that the scarcity and unreliability of labor was great and that this is the case all over the State without an excep tion, so far as he knows. No work in the cotton fields has been possible all this week. Secretary T. B. Parker of the North Carolina Cotton Growers Association said that com plaints were coming in about the qual ity of cotton. . Several cotton mill presidents tell me that it is going to be hard to get the high quality of cotton which they desire. - He fears that the mill men are making a great mistake bv lettintr the cotton which has been picked leave the State in large quanti ties, as he understands sharp buyers are picking it up for export One mill president tells me that he finds even now that he cannot get the grade he needs, except at a premium. Secre tary Parker says that most of the mill men are srouur along from hand to mouth, waiting for prices to get lower. He says they will wait in vain. Nordica, the great singer, who sang here Inst evening gave the second and final concert this evening, leaving to night for New York and thence sailing for Europe, having cancelled all her American engagements. She was an honored guest at the State Fair Mar shal's Ball at the Capital Club tonight, this being the crowning social event of the Fair, at which the marshals pre sented their sashes to the ladies of their choice. The re-election of E. L. Daughtridge as president of the State Fair gives a great deal of satisfaction. His county Edsrecombe. makes a fine exhibit He is one of the best farmers in the State and successful along all lines- It ia the general comment that the fair this year was the cleanest ever known, A minister said be had never seen any so clear of gambling and in decent shows, nothing being done either of these lines. Some fairs have been horrible as to the shows. ; The conduct of the fair shows what can be Idone along this line and the example will be followed,. Tneie will be a move ment for an exposition of 2 weeks next year, with very large prizea for county exhibits and the fair authorities will be urged to build a new main building. which ia greatly needed, as part of the old buildings are going, to wreck. $100,000, D. H. Warliek and others. ' There is to be an election here on the question of the issue of $300,000 of county road bonds, - It is feared this important measure will faiL The re tiring county commissioners leave to the incoming ones the appointment of road commission in case the vote is favorable. " " ' ;' ' There began here today a civil term of Superior court, Judge Peebles presid ing. There are 12 divorce esses on the docket. ... In a few days, it is expected, work will be resumed on the great power plant at Budham Falls. ' The estimate of cost has gone on to New York. It is $100,000 to develop 1,500, horse-power, and $150,000 to develop 4,000 horse power 9 months in the year. The cost greater than expected, as part of the dam must be rebuilt It was not prop erly built The dam is 1,200 ft long and 9 ft high. It is said by some of the farmers that the carnage done by the rain which began last Monday and which yet con tinues, will nearly equal that by the frost. A letter from Texas says that all the cotton there can be picked it looks lik e a 6, 000,000 bale crop. Pick ers are being paid 75 cents to $1.00 a day, and board, and in 30 days it is ex pected the prices will go to f 1.50 in west Texas. The crop there is a record breaker. fine pork loin, Bausage and liver at Oaks Market today. LIST OF LETTERS fWn.hnm (Vt. 22:-tJnited Statea, 000-the Bank of Bladen, $15,000, corn- District Judge Boyd spent Sunday here, jmercial and savings, and the Bank of leaving last night again for Statesville ""wro, o,vw,. commercial; me wa- ui-t. which haa not vet completed its wuga, yimDer umpany, uranite rails, work. On Saturday, when court ad- joarned over to Monday, a suit against the Southern Railway was in course of trial, , the evidence being concluded, leaving the argument to be completed this morning. Court will probably ad journ for the .term on Wednesday, as there is but one case ready for trial on the civil docket LTne next Feder al court in this District will begin in Asheville, on November 8th, having been postponed from the regular open ing day, November 5, on account of the election. Among offenders against the revenue laws, tried and convicted at Statesville last week, was a prominent citizen, a member of the county Republican Executive Commit tee, charged with almost openly run ning a blockade distillery, and the tes timony showed that it waa in full blast while Federal court waa in session in Statesville last April. The defendant was ably and ardently defended by Judge Furches and Hon. Romulus Z. Linny, md as ably prosecuted by Dis trict Attorney Holton and Asst. Dist Atty Coble, and was convicted. Neith er the political prominence of the de fendant nor the legal abilities of his attorneys could save him from Judge Boyd's oft repeated notice that here after men convicted of blockading were going to be sent to the penitentiary, and the man was sentenced to a term in the Federal prison at Atlanta. The regular two week term of Guil ford Superior Court, for the trial of civ il cases only, began this morning, with Judge Fred Moore of Asheville, presid ing. Judge Moore held the last term of court here, it being hia first, and evefybody was highly pleased with the manner in which he dispatched busi ness, and held the scales of justice. While on the subject of republican ideas professions and practices of civic virtue, as compared with democratic, it may not be amiss to mention a flag rant derilection. There are in this city three democratic and two republican political papers. The Patriot, tht Rec ord, the Telegram, the Tar Heel and the Industrial News. On the tax lists, democratic papers have given in their property for taxation. Neither one of the republican papers, The Tar Heel or the Industrial News, although they boast of their splendid plants, have lis ted a dollar, and will necessarily have to be made to pay taxes.as delinquents. A gentleman this morning said he rec koned the Industrial News felt like it was a foreign coproration, Butler real ly livine in Washington, and was not liable for North Carolina taxes, while the Tar Heel ibeing owned by Black burn, who had no residence anywhere. felt like it was not domiciled anywhere. Be that as it may, neither one of these corporations are . listed for , taxes Guilford. At the last term of the Fed eral Court the republican Candidate for Clerk of the Court, couldn't serve as grand juror because he had not paid his taxes for 1906, and the republican can didate for sheriff was disqualified . for the same reason, only the latter, who ia wealthy owed for two years and srave a check for over three hundred dollars, past due taxes, in order serve even on the petit jury. These things seem strange of Guilford County Republicans, who pride themselves as being superior to those anywhere else in North Carolina. They ahow that in manv respects they are all tarred with the same stick. Remaining in the Post-Office Bern, Craven County, N. C 1906: . A great big nickie'a worth in every bottle of Pep-Tono. - Lilliputian Wedding, At Mrs. W. J Lucas' residence near i II E;VSILW : - I . General Hardware, ' X Sa$h; Doors, Blinds, Lima . & Cement. I IGENT : FOR OERICM f ILI1UL UULIULU I fUll I UNDER HOTEL CHATTAWKA X x New Bern, N.C. 4 SILVER. STEEL GUT AND SILK STRINGS FOR 1UN Ennett's Bookstore kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkktk MONEY TO LOAN I . HOUSES TO BENT CHEAP) APPLY Isaac H. Smith 130 Middle St, New Bern, N. C at New I , Oct 221 WOMEN'S LIST. A Mrs. Julia Arpin. B-Mrs. Martha Braxton, Maggie F, Bradick. G Mrs. Gentry, Amandis Green. H-Miss H B Harrison, Mrs. Louise Hudson, Mrs. A C or G C Howard. P Mrs. Mary Pollard. S Miss Daisy Simmons, (special de livery.) Mrs. Emma D. Springs. T A R Taylor. ' men's ust. B Mansfield Bell, Levi Blackmon. C Stanley Clark. J W Cavender George Croom, Julius Cox. E Daniel Enoch, Charles S Eason. F Spence Troush Forse. G Eddie" Gentry.' H-Hasty Hardisty, G W Hooker, W MHarril. J Edward P Jones, Wedie Jones. K Wesley Eeniom. , LRFLeary. M-Thomas K Miller. M L' McEach- ian. -i ' PH E Peele. Moses Phelps, S Pel- ham. R Samuel S Reese, L W Rugner. S E F Southerland. T John D Teachey Esq. W W A W illis, Tull Williamson. The regulations now require that(l) cent shall be collected on the delivery of each advertised letter. S. W. HANCOCK, P.M. MrCflOl V IMJUIILLI P I U. U. II BRYAN BLOCK. ' Just Received a Fresh Supply of Lowney's Chocolates, Assort ed Nuts. Burnt Almonds. Also Royster's Chocolates and Roast ed Almonds. ' I carry a fine line of Smoking and Chewing Tobac co, aa well aa All Popular Foun tain Drinks. , Don't forget oar Ice Cream. 'Phone M. C. J. McSORLEY. School Books I have accepted contract! with University Pub. Co. and can fur nish the following booka which I have in stock: . . , Maury's Elementary Geography, (clotn.) UniiTv'n Cnmnlata CMWranhv. Hanaell'a Hignsr History of tha U S. Pep-Tono the ideal drink. Tones, braces and refreshes. Blood Pebenlna A Beautiful and Touching Tribute to , "Little John Ives," On Sunday morning when one of John's schoolmates heard of hia sudden death, he said: "Puna. I want to ca to John fu neral." : The father, who does not approve of his children attending funerals, replied: , ' William, the funeral ia to be at the same hour of your Sunday school; I think it best that you should attend that" But William persistd. "Papa, John was my classmate and mv friend he never tried to fight me - . . like the other boys, be, aiwaye stooa up forma." - Papa's heart was touched, and he said; "My son, you shall attend your little friend' funeral' ; c ... Thera was not a more sincere mourner corner of South Front and East Front Sts. This novel entertainment will be given next Friday night. Much interest is felt by the young people who have been .receiving skilled training for some time. About 25 young children compose the wedding party and enter gleefully Into every feature of the ceremony, The winsome little birde-elect per forms her part with rare grace and she with the groom and rest of the bridal party show the result of good train ing.';".' Entertainment in the way of music and receptions will be added. ft ,itt. William at the funeral of lit- Grown people will be charged 25 centa . , . Sunday afternoon as he stood for admission and children 10 cents. Refreshments will be served. high water has thus far caused oyster results from chronic constipation, which arrivals to be very light, and the en- ia quickly cured by Dr King's New Life tire season outlook ia not favorable for Pills. They remove all poisonous germs business or good oysters. Very favor- from the system and infuse new life able weather conditions would improve and vigor: cure sour stomach, nausia, the oyster, but only good weather is headache, dizziness and colic, without going to make the oyster business here griping or discomfort. 25c, guaranteed worth eormiderlng. by all druggists. beside the grave of hia friend, tightly grasping his father's hand, watching the lowering of the coffin in the ground Antnlr flalo i and Ue covering oi wa nrauuu uj TJOUSO and . LOt. tulfloral offerings sent by sympathizing I can sell you at once a twelve-room .frienda, - : dwelling in a choice location and neigh- - v . , ,. . ' borhood for only $2,500 00,' possibly Don.t you win you oi uw j , less. Less than half of It will answer To wear a smile and sing a songT for first payment. The unusual oppor- It's a good old world after alL tunity'is because an immediate sale Is Provided you take Rocky Mountain Tea, wanted. In the spring and fall. C. T.HANCOCK. For sale by F. S. Duffy. Classics Third Reader. Claaaica Fourth Reader. , ; . TERMS CASH 1 . . Owen Q. Dunn POLLOCK CRAVEN STS. Look! Looki Look! WHAT IS IT ? . Q IS IT T ;why j. s. Miami the leading 4 furniture maa of our city has on hand the finest line of Stoves and Heaters that " has ever been placed on our market. Cd's Bri;:::l f.::l AND See him before buying 87 MIDDLE ST. r 1 1

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