SHORT PASSING EVENTS. fo Beautify Your Complexion Attractive Display of Woods .if ikii f k j r mmmmz MRS. ANIMUWtN;;; There can be no doubt' About il tnat ths tendency to resort to surgical Opqra I tions bu been too great In the past and 4 that this harmful tendency is growing p less every day. ii . p Experience haa demonstrated that E many ailments whioh seemed to require snrgloal operations In the past are now , being cured by tbe use of harmless rem . ediea. Pernna has done as much as aby ;" SURGICAL OPERATIONS AVOIDCD. other remedy to es- $ tablish this vexy important faof. i M Thousands of people hay been oon h damned to undergo snrgloal operations. St Their physicians have told them that ft they must either submit to such opera- ? Hons or lose their lire. i After this they hare resorted; to Fsrnna and found relief. i k uuer gooa remedies Mrs 1 acoom- pUahed the same result, but it is safe to i assume that no other remedy has E . . . , . ft. equaled Feruna in its beneficent work, ; Many of the alleged incurable de- r rangementa of the pelvis are dependent p pon catarrh. .h ,f v,,.-;r .y Y There la no cure for these except 'the b removal of the catarrh. J jj Peruna seemingly works miracles in i, aome of these cases. The explanation. however, is very simple. Peruna re moves Uie catarrh and Nature does the Parana is Sold by Yonr Local Druggists. Buy a Bottle Today, SOUTHERN RAILWAY SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JUNE. 18, 1906. : . : : s : ; . . 1 118 186 108 112 3 Eastern Time : 107 135 111 117 Daily. Daily. Daily. Daily. Lt -. Daily. Daily. Daily. Daily P M P H AM AM AM PM AM AM 2 80 7 20 1 80 0 GREENSBORO ..... 12 05 6 85 3 67 ., 2 43f 7 S3f 1'4 8 McLean fll 43 f 6 16 f 3 80......... '2 66 7 48 2 00 '15 Gibsonyille.... . ..... 11 28 6 00 8 17. ........ 8 00 7 63 2 05 17 EkmCollege.. . 11 23 6 65 S 10 3 10 8 06 2 18 21 Burlington..,.. . 11 14 6 46 . 2 67 ....... 3 15 8 10 2 23 23 Graham '....11 07 6 39 2 48 ......... 8 20 8 15 2 29 26 Haw River....... .... 11 01 6 33 2 86.......... ' 8 82 8 27 2 82 Mebane 10 60 6 22 2 23 1 f 8 44 f 8 88 2 67 37 Efland ...... HO 88 f 6 10 f 2 08 ......... ...... 8 63 8 47 8 08 41 Hillsboro 10 28 6 01 1 68 ;.. 4 05 9 00 8 22 46 UNIVERSITY 10 16 ' 4 49 1 42 845 430 9 20 8 62 65 DURHAM 10 00 4 80 1 20 9 20 6 67 4 88 9 80 4 02 67 East Durhn 9 44 4 18 1 07 9 07 7 IB f 4 46f 9 87 f 4 12 61 Brassfield.. f 9 87f 4 10fl2 64f 8 42 7 80 6 01 9 51 4 27 6J Morrisvilie 9 13 f 8 68 12 84f 8 22 7 42 6 13 10 02 4 40 73 CARY....,.- 9 06 3 49 12 24 8 12 8 05 5 89 10 80 6 15 ' 81 j RALEIGH.......... j 8 45 8 80 11 69 7 60" m. 6 64 HO 4Sf 6 83 87 Garner... ....... ........ 8 26f 8 12 11 81 ......... 6 OOjflO 61 f 6 40 Auburn 8 20 f 3 06 11 23 6 12 11 02 6 54 Clayton......:. .'. 8 08 2 55 11 08........ 6 25flll8f 6 09 Wifaon's Mills., 7 65f 2 40 10 60. ; '6 43 M 80 6 29 SELMA 7 49 2 25. 10 38. 6 49 11 36 f 6 36 Pine Level....... 7 86 2 12 AO 26 ' 7 02 11 48 I 6 46 Princeton 7 26 2 01 10 10 7 12 fl2 03 Rose 7 14 f 1 49 f 9 65 J.. t 7 80 12 20 7 15 U GOLDSBORO 7 00 1 85 9 40 M X PM AM Ar. Lv. AM PM PM AM This condensed schedula is published without notice to the publ e. Trains Noe, 112 and 108 connect at i Goldsboro with Atlantic Coast Line trains, both Southbound and Northbound; and with Atlantic and North Carolina trains for Morehead City and intermediate points. Train No. Ill connects at Greensboro with train No. S3 for Charlotte, Colum bla and Jacksonville. No. 37 solid Pullman train, drawing-room sleepers New York to New Orleans and Memphis, also for Winston-Salem, Wilkesboro, Dan ville and local stations. .. 'r-M -.! ! , ; Train No. 117 handles through coach between Raleigh, Chase City and ' Richmond, where close connection is made with-Washington Southern Railway . for Washington and Eastern cities. - , . Train No. 107 connects at Durham for Oxford, Chase City and Richmond; Unlvanritv Station for Chanel Hill dailv exceDt Sundav: at Greensboro with train No. 86 for Washington and points uaiem, npn roint, sausDury, unariotte ana lniermeawie Biationn. i -, ; Train No. 136 connects at Greensboro with No. 39 for Charlotte, Columbia an! Jirlrannvillit: No. 85 for Atlanta and all Doints Sooth and Southwest: Nos. - 84 and 88 for Washington and all points North; connection is also made at Salis bury for Western North Carolina points. ' ; ----' ' ?J'.' 9. H. Hakowicx, P, T, M.. , W. H. Taylob. G. P.IA. H. B, Spencer, G,M 1 1 ! Washington, 1). C, D f. Vmmul l t k Charlotte, N. C. Bex 280, -New Bern, NIC. Has everything . in the Music Line you Want from a Mouth-harps up to a Piano. You can, find the largest stock of Aocordeons, Guitars, Violins, Banjos, Auto-Harps, CoL Zithers, Man-' doiina and musical novelties, also Strings for any Instrument. We also call your attention to the ' ec&j KZ3aa of which we carry a" Large Stock of the can get them at our place on essy weekly your friends. Come and see us. V. . A fine Una of Gold-Fish and Globes In Stock. ' E.WALLNAU, V AGENT FOR THE HOBART CABLE ORGAN COMPANY, , And Expert Piano snl Organ Tuner and Repairer. " -. ' .. . ? ! S-ff :cd Tt ..?cnY"r3V;th .ttofi..:! i:ellef. ; r ; U I-; :, AN OPERATION ADVOCATED. Pe ru-ifi Takeit Ctf a Last Kesort, Brinis Health and Strength: A' SXA' MUSbEN, Brinkley, Ark, writes: - "I uttered with female trouble tor tbirteea years, and tried the best doe ton la Louisville, Ky., without relief. ."1 spent thousands of dollars at the Springs. ; r - f-Thm tnrtnr AmmlmmA Mil I mm operation performed to remove my ovaries, which would not content to. 'i saw an advertinmnt nf vnnr Persia ani bought one bottle? and be fore bad taken it all i eould get out of DM ana wait abonti .' ' J "After taking three bottles I we at well and hearty aaaver. - "I gained in flesh. Trom lis I In- creased to 188 pounds. ' If It had not been for your great and wonderful medicine, I would now be in my grave. .. ; M:s ";.': ' would advise all women sufferers to try It ... t . "I would not be without it for the world." " A WOMAN'S LETTER TO WOMEN. Mrs. Caroline Kramer, Fort Collins. Col., writes: "The majority of women who are suf fering from disordered periods and othor troubles, have such strong faith in doctors that they allow them to ex periment on them for kidney, liver, or stomach troubles, until they become discouraged and their money is gone. ; This was myjin.fortunate experience for nearly two years, when my atten tion wae called to Pernna. "1 hardly dared believe that at last I had found the Tight medicine, but as I kepi oft using it and was finally cured I could only thank God and take1 courage."'-; - ' -...!!.. "I have bad most satisfying result from tbe use of your medicine and have SATISf ACTORY advised doaena of i RESULTS f ROM women wno were i PE RU-NA. suffering with yywuw woman's ills to use Peruna and let the doctors alone, and those who have fol lowed ray advice are better to-day and many art fully restored to health." 1 as information and is subject to change North, close connection for winston- T. E. Green, C. T. A. ' v ' Raleigh, N. C c-i-'-V : - .."if '. 1 ecui tm mm t latest and most popular prices. You payments and entertain yourself and v . .J The regular service will be held at the Presbyterian church tomorrow. The hour of Sunday school haa been chang ed from 9:40 a m to 8:30 p m Those in terested will please take notice. The storm and Jhigh water of past few days have cVven the fishermen out of the lower waters of the Neuse river, The local fish market has had few fish during the past week. Rev. W. G. Walker who will conduct series of revival meetings in the Christian church next week is a talent ed, forceful and consecrated speaker, The meetings will commence tomorrow The public is cordially invited to hear hiro. - ;.'.. The K. of P. band went to Warsaw last night to furnish the music for a political meeting. The reputation of the band as first-class music dispensers is growing. . . The storm flag warnings have been up over Hackburn's almost continuous ly for tea days. This is one of the longest periods known, and 3ince flags have been displayed here, no such per iod is remembered. Rev. W. A. Ayers has returned from the meeting of the Baptist Association at Davis, and will conduct regular ser vices at the First Baptist church to morrow. Mr. Benjamin F. White, a clever young Wilmlngtonian who has been with the Armour Packing Co., in this city, for some time has gone to New Bern, N. C, where he will have a posi tion with the same company. He has the best wishes of many friends in Wilmington. Wilmington Star, 19. This morning at ten o'clock Miss Tucker will hold a special meeting at Centenary church for girls and boys. The meeting will be open to older per sons, but the service will be conducted for the girls and boys. A Csrbla Curs for Croup Used for Tin Years Without a Failure. Mr. W.C. Bott, a Star City, Ind., harawarefmerchant, is enthusiastic in his praise of Chamberlain's Cough Rem edy. His children have all been sub ject to croup and he has used this rem edy for the past ten years, and though they much feared the croup, his wife and he always felt safe upon retiring when a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy was in the bouse. His oldest child was subject to severe attacks of croup, but this remedy never failed to effect a speedy cure. He has recom mended it to friends and neighbors and all who have used it say that it isuner qualed for croup and whooping cough. For sale by Davis Pharmacy and F. S. Duffy. Consul F W Mahin reports from Not- ting that, according to a correct news paper item, an inventor named Carr in Middlesex, proposes to make artificial rubber from cereals wheat, corn, etc for use as bicycle and automobile tires, and also as golf balls. Afflicted with Sors Eytt for 33 Years. -I have been afflicted with sore eyes for thirty-three years. Thirteen years ago I became totally blind and was blind for six years. My eyes were badly in flamed. One of my neighbors insisted upon my trying Chamber win s Salve and gave ma haif a box of it. To my surprise it healed my eyes and my sight came back to me. P. C. Earls, Cynthiana, Ky. Chamberlain's Salve is for sale by Davis. Pharmacy and F. Duffy. 'i In a conflict between two women each struggles for the last .word. Chicago News. How to Curs a Cold. The question of. bow to cure a cold without unnecessary loss of time Is one in which we are all more or less inter ested, for the quicker a cold is gotten rid of the less the danger of pneumo nia and other serious diseases. Mr. B W. L Hall, of Waverly, Va., has used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for years and says: "I firmly believe Chamber lain's Cough Remedy to be absolutely the best preparation on the market for colds. I have recommended it to my friends and they all agree with me.' For salt by Davis Pharmacy' and F. S, Duffy. " ProtldestlsJ Eltctlea will Make at Chinas. No matter which candidate is elected Foley's Honey and Tar will remain the people's favorite remedy for coughs, colds and incipient consumption. It cures eolda quickly and prevent pneu monia. A J Nutbaum, Batesville, Ind, writes: "I suffered for. three months with a severe cold. A druggist pre pared me aome medicine, and a physl cian prescribed for me, yet I did not improve. I then tried Folev's Honev ana Tar and eight doaea cured me. For sale by Davis Pharmacy. M. Georges ' Clemenceau became Primo Minister of. France, succeeding Premier Sarrien. OAdVOnXA.. ( tk, Mm mi raw mwn props tl a) J u si.. si at sA im turn mi linatsK SI .S . a A box of empty beer kind of hopeless case. bottles l one 1 f VTADINpLA l 1 T ONEQUAtED BEAUTIFIER. '. Ponoerly advertiwd aill sold at BattiiolaJ. 0,'lL:.jt.' j , so 'i itaM biek ' NAMNC4-A is guar ameed and moorr refunded If it. falls to remove freckles, pimples, Un,, sauWness, liver-spots, collar dacoferatioos, black-head duHguring crap tlooj. etc, in twenty days. Leaves the skin dear, soft, healthy, and restores the beauty of youth,; Endorsed by thousands. Pike 50 cents and UM) at all leading drag stores, or by mail. Prepared by National Toilet Co.. Paris. Term. Sold in New, Bern by Bradham'a Pharmacy fand other Leading Druggist Preachers Have a Feast. Special Correspondence ; . . Greensboro Oct. 19--Last night at the McAdoo Hotel, an elegant banquet was enjoyed by the members of the Greensboro Ministerial Association, who dismissing one time; from their thoughts and hearts all strain of theo logical doctrinal or other subjects of carking care, devoted themselves to the uncommon task of letting the world wag as it would for a while and making merry for themselves,, and delighting their inner man, at their, own leisure, and their own expense, and being be holden for the nonce to nobody, except their Great Shepherd Rev. S. R. Guig- uard, Rector of St. AndVews Episcopal CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. . ; The Kind You Have Always Bough) Bean the Signature of Mothers-in-laws come in handy when the children are sick." ' . ', Quinsy, Sprains and Swell' ng Cursd. "In November, 1901, I caught cold and had the qumsy.' My throat was swoolen so I ' could hardly breathe. I applied Chamberlain's Pain Balm and it gave me relief In a short time. In two days I was all right," says Mrs L. I Cousins, Otterbum, Mich. Chamber lain's Pain Balm is a liniment and is es pecially valuable foi sprains and swel lings. For sale by Davis Pharmacy and S. Duffy. ; To Curt A Cold In 0ns Day. j Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets Druggists refund money if it fails to cure E. W. Grove s signature is on each box. 25c. An Original Newspaper Story. A newspaper v office, especially an evening newspaper office where the pa per is going to press several times du ring the day, represents as busy a scene as you can find in any industry. It is small wonder then that the newspaper story has become a phase of modern short-story writing. "Thompson's Beat," by Homer Saint-Gaudens, in the November Metropolitan Magazine, is quite an original . newspaper story and one that gives you the true color of the newspaper world. It furnishes plenty of excitement, too, an! tbe ruse of the hero to gain his end is sure to win the reader's admiration. , ,,, : 1 i . . - WEAK KIDNEYS MAKE WEAK j i Kidney Disease Causes Half the Com mon Aches and Ills of New Bern People. .'.':':'..- As one weak link weakens a chain, so weak kidneys weaken the whole body and hasten the final breaking-down, f Overwork, strains, colds and other causes injure the kidneys, and when their activity is lessened the whole body suffers from the excess of uric poison circulated in the blood. ; . ... i Aches and pains and languor and urinary ills come, and there is an aver increasing tendency towards diabetes and fatal Bright's disease. . There is no real help for the sufferer except kidney help. . ; ' - ) : Doan's Kidney Pills act directly on the kidneys and cure every kidney ill. New Bern cures are the proof. - . J. B. Coston. farmer and lumberman. of Deppe, N. C, says: "I suffered with my back-t It was so bad that I could not walk any distance or even ride in an easy buggy. I do not believe I could have raised ten pounds of weight from the ground, the ' pain was so se vere. This waa my condition when I began using Doan's Kidney Pills. They quickly relieved me and now I am never troubled as I was. My back is strong and I can walk or ride a long distance and feel just as strong as I did twenty- five years ago. I think so much of Doan's Kidney Pills that I have given a supply of the remedy to some of my neighbors and they nave also found f ood reunite. If you can sift anyth rom this rambling note that will b any service to you, or to any one suff m-ing from kidney trouble, you are at Liberty to do so. ' For sale by all dealers. Price 50cta. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, fmie s fronts lor t tie uuitea states. , Bipmber the name Doan's and take no other. - LADINOLA. mt 'BODIES. Raleigh, Oct. 20. Jt is . estimated that there were ever 10,000 visitors to the State Museum. One of the most admired sections is that containing th woods of the State. Thongh a greal many specimens from this section are' at the Boston Exposition, yet those here have been .yery attractively re arranged and make a wonderfully fine show. Many persons from other States express their very great Satisfaction at this particular feature. The museum continues to be an object: lesson and guide to persons desiring to settle in this section. Nothing has so made for the development of North Carolina as this. Theatrical Forecast. We publish a list of theatrical attrac tions extending to December 13. Some of these were not published before the booking having been made later. The amusement loving people can look for ward to some exceptionally good at tractions, theatrical as well as opera tic -. " i These are the shows: Next week, Tbjs Four Pickerts Stock Co. T , " Oct 29th, The Edsall-Win throp Stock Co. Nov. 2nd, Thos Dixon's, "One Wo man." Nov. 15th, The Princess from Pf.ris. Nov. ICth, "Twirley Whirley." Nov. 19th, Joshua Simpkins. Nov. 20th, Florence Davis, in "The Player Maid." Dec. 7th, The Fliiht of Princess Iris Dec. 8th, The Irish Pawnbrokers. . Dec. 13th, The Clansman. Prosperity Shown by Increased Char ' '' '' ters. ' ; ; (Ppecial Correspondence.) Raleigh, North Carolina Oct. 20. The prosperity of. North Carolina is very well shown by the notable increase in the number of charters granted to corporations Last year's figures were big but this year's will be larger stiQ. The number of cotton mills granted charters will be as large as in any yefr since that .saystem was inaugurated. OASTOHIA, Tlia Kind You Haw Always Cigiiatin of Some of the ' restaurants for work men in Paris are conducted strictly on hygienic principles. Even the napkins are' not put into rings and allowed to touch, but are put into marked pigeon holes and each laborer gets his own on entering. ! HOLLlSTER'a ; ' i Rocky llountain Tea Nuggets A Bmy Madldns tor Bmy People, Brine 6oMm Ntsttt sns RumwmI VlfOT. a mnclfla (or CoBMlmtlon. Indkresttoo. liver and Kidney troubles. Pimples. Eczema. Impure Blood, Baa ureatn. siumsn noweis, rawununa sndBseksche. Its Rooky Mountain Tea In tab- t form, so oents a Dor. uenuine maae py olusteb Dbuo COMPAnr, Maaiaoa, wis. C0LDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPI A&NC Reduced Rates To Raleigh N. C. Account North Car olina Industrial Fair Oct 29, !Nov. 2nd 1906 from Bests $2. 10, LaGrange $2.25, Falling Creek $2.45, Kuuton $2.65, Caswell $2.80, Dover $2.95, Cove $3.jl5 Tuscarora $3.40, New Bern $3. 70, River dale $4.00, Croatan $4.10, Havelock 4. 30, Newport $4.55, Wildwood $4.05, Mansfield $4.70, Morehead City $4.90, Beaufort $5.15. v v f These rates include one admission to the Fair. -f To Charlotte, N. C.,' Account Sunday School Chautaugua Nov. 17th, "18tji, 1906, from LaGrange $9.75, Kuiston $10.25,, Dover $10.65, New Bern $11.85 Newport $12.80, Morehead City. $13. 25, Beaufort, $13.50. r ' ' I . Dunn. N C Account N. C. Christian Missionary Convention Oct. 29, Now 1. Rates on certificate plan one and one-third first-class fares plus ; 25 ceuts ror rounotnp jj-j i? Richmond. Va., Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Masons and Grand Com- manderv rinurnts-Tempiar oi Virginia, October 23-25, 1906, rates on certificate Asheville. N. C Aocount Missionary Conference ProUstant Episcopal church Third Deoartment of the United States from LaGrange, $11.15, Kinston $11.60 Dover, $11.86, New Bern, siitw, ew i. n ic ijf 1 A . iiggn Beaufort. $14.00. Tickets to, be sold October 20, and 21, final limit Novem ber etn, continuous passage in eacn yi; rection. - " - - I H. C HUDGINS, O. P.1 A Democratic Rallies in Cra ven County ! The County Candidates and other Speakers will address the popla upon the issues of tbe day at the following ii i i . i.. . I?' tinea ana places, wwik. . i i Taylor's Store, Saturday,. October 27tl at 12 o'clock M. , I j- Truitt's, Saturday, November 3rd, at: 12 o'clock. M. , ,', New Bern, Monday, November $th, pit 8:30 o'clock, P. M. JAS. A. BRYAN, Chm. Craven Co. Dem. Ex. Corru F. T. PATTERSON, Secretary. ' Most people get better obituary tices than they are entitled to. , no- ' s William's Carbotls Salvo; With Arnica ans wltoh Hazsl. The best Salve In the world for Cuts. Bruises. Sores. Ulcers. Salt Rheum. tetter. Chapped Hands, and all skin eruptions. It ia ' i-UBrnrfd 'to rive satrnf action, or money reiundud." lJripe jkjc y onirfBrs. . WILLI Ami M'FG.' CO.". Prop's, Cleveland, O. Sold by D. A. IJargeL L - - AVegelable Preparalionfor As similating the Food andBcgula ling the Stomachs andfiowels of promotes DigestioaCheerFul- ness ana ntsi.ujiucuiis ueiuar Siium.Morphine nor Mineral. otKahcotic JUJmum-. UUSJa- , JmitcStmi wvawawwrmwt- rawwawa . A perfect Remedy for Cons tipa Fion , Sour too.Diarrhoca ivonns .convulsions .tevensiv ness and Loss OF SLEEP. A. Facsimile Signature of ; s NEW YDHK. - -lift'. exact tTDfnr or wharbul. J, mmmLma , 5 II I it.. FEED. f iLargest and Finest Stock of Horses and Mules ever offered for aalekKew Bern. A CAR LOAD of each Just In! - Also a -complete line-of-Buggies, WagonS7Harness7 EobeSi Whips, Cart Wheel. Aev -iwaw-'- J: A.i J s ' It BROAD. Sf. LOOK OUT! LOOKOUT!! -FOR- L. G. DANIELS'-'Sl New Lot Horses Also Buggies, Wagons, Har ness and Saddlery of all kinds, . Would do city livery. Good Rigs at .Reasonable rates. , 'PI10NE 104 tjBrBANIELS IAS f nAT rtAVR MXed th world over? acknowledee that the correct .ityW. excello&t ' finish new colorings in fabrics and exquisite, fit our perfect workmanship and taste leads the "world for perfection in the art of tailoring. We don't pnly give you an elegant suit of clothing or over coat, but we g'ye you a gem or art tailorW. and -'a Btyld" that cannot found in New Bern. . , far lldrn; afm, rt. plaf Mint p p -For Infants arid il' ItiWA Youlii Always Bought Bears the Signature K,0f yt Use I- ' CI ForOvor 1 lllilli ll 'A AW i t it a u i iriir . .. w i m.. m mm m "3 ft i!ft in 11 Asf I . . . , : . d m n mcft MJPIGE,. inwnUrill'W'4!?,l'P" O N E S.rt y PROPRIETOR II i NEW BERN.'K. C 4 , L If- . r t 1 ' i 127 Middle Street.' Full line Of DrtiEs, Medi- cines, iToflet Articles i nd v Supply of Soap. . Fresh Flower, Seed! . PHYSICIANS - PRESCRIP TIONS A SPECIALTY IX k' J. . REG , Porch'Columns, Rails usters, Spindles, Stair Balusters, Grills, Hint!. Corner Blocks, I: in be Doors, Frames for Woe lr Brick Bu.liir--., :0':' Mantles, Brackets. -I' in Church Alley, U: N.C. Pharmacy