TIB WEEKLY MIL SstaUlsW ! pub lauafi la Two Seottoas, every Tw ftay and Friday, al Journal Bunding, Se tt) Craven Slrcet. ' V "HARLP3 lT 3TEVBN. St.' ' anwoa f raoraigtoa'. -8UB8CB1FTIOH BATE?" Two Montt3.....r..........p. Threee Month, jg Bis Booths,.. w TwIt Monti..... LW ... vgQlOtf APVAW : , Official Paper of New Bern and Craven Centyv "V -.YHY' Y advertising (UN tarnished upon P- pttoatton Uto otnee, or uyon oy awil. . -- ' ks-Tbr joimaAk i only sent oa fy danca basia. Bubaerlbe.a will raoelre aotloemr expiration 01 war eottoa w. be ; appreciated hy- Oa tovasas-" . - .... .v.w" : - " vntered at the PoeW'ace, New ben f, wi noataleM matttf. New ew.'W. C.. October .26. 1906. SCH08L HEALTH ANB r V: CHILDREN EX0$URE In the local columns tbe Journal baa noted the bur decrease in attendance at the Graded School, due te sickness. Inhume, cities, complaints come of poorly kept and ill ventilated school rooms, causing sickness among pupils. In this city, no auch complaint can be et'up, aa the cause for the absenteeism due; to illness of pupils. . To the great percentage this year of aick scholars must be attributed, the abnormal, weather conditions which have prevailed. Excessive heat and humidity,, with continual rains and ex treme changes, within a few hoars, of temperature are enough to try tbe most hearty and rugged child. And yet with the abnormal weather con titione which have and continue to pre vail, have parents taken extra pre cautions in looking after the outdoor habits of their children? Some parents may be indignant, If it was suggested, that they should seek to keep their children indoors, when the weather was rainy. Or advise their children to avoid over exercise and heat. It is not necessary that children shall be cooped .up to avoid rain or sunshine, cold or heat, in order to be in good health, but it is is necessary that care shall be in aome measure exercised, and specially so in such seasons as the present, if children are to be kept from Sickness. It does not mean any hardship, or personal restraint on a child's freedom, if the child be taught to observe weather conditions, and so learning be kept practically immune from illness that comes through ignorance r heed lessness. Every child knows through observation, that loss of limb or life, and physical suffering, will be tbe re sult if certain dangers are not avoided. Rain or sunshine, look toe simple. What if one has wet feet or clothes. There is ne harm in lying in the sun shine, or standing with cold feet for an hour or two on wet ground. A cold is easily cared, is the thought, but a broken Gmb is different, and yet a cold may be the quicker way to death, than even a limb cut off. There need be no abridgement in a child's amusement, because it is taught to observe weather, conditions, and so avoid sickness. Rather there is the - . better pleasure in life, for it is the sound body which can best enjoy all that 'can and should go into a child's dally life. , IMMUNITY SEEKING CORPORATIONS Many great corporations grown rich through a high protective tariff, or through special municipal and State franchises, have become in their own belief; ' to be immovable bodies. So far as laws or public opinion was concerned, these were unimportant to these corpo rations. The created corporation, was in its own opinion, greater than the feres or body, .the people, which was its creator. YYY ' -' The Standard Oil Company has held itself as one of these immovable bod ies. But wheat jury m Onto a few days ago, found this corporation guilty of conspiracy in restraint of trade, it realized that it was subject te the law. Now It is reported that tbe Standard Oil Company proposes "to immunize itself under foreign statutes." That is, take up an ostensible business rest denes in England, and so escape the American "persecution," which refus es to recognize this company as being too sacred, therefore not amenable to law. But law and order prevail ss pub lic opinion enforce them, and removal from one state to another, or from one country to another, will not give any corporation the defiant freedom to act t oty a power in Itself. . ! ' .' -y i .'.'.. J companies in this conn ! : t t t out"T-!'y, ss te Ciand - ' ' r ' -y, fYrg ts itrrovY's , ; . ' '.i t' Y, are j.e- pared to take the foreign . position stand, when suit is brought against them. In one state there may be more favorable laws or local conditions for a railroad, than in another, so it pleads 1 "foreign corporation," and the person seeking redress, must lessen and weak en his position, if he wants to continue the case. But there are enough people who will not be deterred by any but an absolute barrier, and will often hammer the seemingly impossible obstacles down, in order to give righteous re dress from wrongs committed against them by corporations. An 1 the public are encouraged by such individual acts, and public opinion is aroused to form a solid front, and force the offending corporation to live up to the letter and spirit of the law, aa though it was an ordinary citizen. It may appear that money in suffic ient amount can gain an immunity from any misdemeanor or crime. It may in some cases, but there is a public hon esty which refuses to accept the bribe, or can see in a money payment the just offset and equivalent for violation of the law. There may seem the possi bility of immunity from the law's force by removal or money buying silence? But it is precarious and hazardous. The only safety is obedience to law, for in the law'a observance is found im munity itself. TARIFF REVISION PER TARIFF BENEFICIARIES. In all the discussion on tariff revis ion, which simply means subsidizing special trust interests, the only propo sition offered is to have a tariff revis ion, when those who are enjoying tariff protection shall no longe ask it ! And when is any well protected manu facturer going to seek political assist ance, to deprive him of the fat extras, that the tariff let's him enjoy? If it had not been for the sufferers, the consumers, of highly protected manufacturers, who' unable to stand the strain in way of excessive cost, openly revolting and threatening the complete overthrow of the entire tariff system there would never have been any tariff revision. The once called "infant industries" were grown and strong, but the good which gave them such tremendous growth was still to their liking, and the consumer has been appealed to year after year, to stand by the laboring man, and not put down the splendid tariff wall, which only stood between the American labor er, and the millions of laborers of for eign countries whose pay was far be low the Americans labor worth. And yet the American laborer at the same time was paying the cost, in the high price which every tariff protected ar ticle he had to buy for personal use or consumption. The laborer who is de ceived by tbe tariff logic of the trusts, must blame his own ignorance, and work on, paying the cost - And yet more tariff reductions are wanted and demanded. To this is set up the plea, that those who seek tariff revision, do not know what they ask, that the friends of tariff, namely, beneficiaries, know best when revision will be a good thing, and will then take the work of revision upon themselves. Is there any period at which tariff beneficiaries are going to throw away this good thing? The past has been no such time. And today, tariff revision will only come through the public de mand, and a united effort of those who are paying millions into the trusts, getting together and facing down and out, the tariff whfch has made and is continuing in power, the great trusts of this country, to the. destruction of all individual effort, and attempts at personal progress. Y Ts Care A CeM ts Oa Bay. ' Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets Druggists refund money if it fails to core E. W. Grove's signature is on each box, 26c. It is the bait that lures, not the fish erman or the rod. From the Spanish. rOM.X.A.. pThe Hind Ton Hgw always Batftf A gude tellow is a costly name. Scotch. . YvvY How's Thfs? We offer On Hundred Dollars Re ward to any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, . f P. I. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known P. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfect honorable in all busi ness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. ,' Walcing, Rinnan 4 Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Ctarrh Cure ia taken inter nally, acUcg directly upoa the blood and rcueoua surfaces of the system. TYYjwv 's sent free Price 73 cents r rl ' u fald ly all drur-'ots. TYsl Yl'sIYrjy Fills for constl- ,MY .3. Man tat . '"; fo Kmnov Freckles ft Pimpla Nadinola i rate am, aiuw ' wfDja If II tail M V f MllMruau, collar I - vZ- slid i I aroptluu of tha I v-v1 tirkA nlHf of bo 1 Y ' t ium b1Iiii. Car w "er nd Ui worn la Wdaya. . . - "Af tar Him defacw ar i ore Mi akla vtu deu, aoti. haaltur and baantlfai. No poaiDl fcaria w mult troa Ita ua U oauu and 1M bf laadli ttra iiiaai or H&ll. UTIONAL TWltl COMPANY Paris. Tat Sold in New Bern by Bradham'a Pharmacy and other Leading Druggist Mill Point ; v t Oct 20. A severe storm visited our place yes terday, the wind blew and the rain caute down in torrents nearly all day, the tide waa the highest, we have had for many years, the storm did great damage to cotton. We are having some sickness in our neighborhood now, hope all will soon be well again. Miss Bessie Smith is very sick again, we hope she will soon be on the road to recovery. Mr. R R Gamer waa called to Newport this morning to the bed side of his sick mother. Capt. J. R. Smith left here on the morning before the storm for New Bern with a load of cotton. Mrs. Meadows and son Joby are vis iting her daughter. Mrs. Annie Smith. Mr, and Mrs. C. W. Taylor were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Guthrie, Sunday. Messrs. Mack Norris, Graham Wig gins and Daisy Lilly were visitors in our midst this week. Messrs. E. B. Moore4 and C. W. Smith are soon going to move to their new homes at a place called Paradise, formerly known as BellB Bay. ' Mr. Charles Whitford, of Vanceboro, waa in our berg last week trying to buy land. FAITH. Has Stood tht Tstt 25 Ysart. The old, original GROVE'S Tasteless Chill Tonic. You know what you are taking. It is iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No Cure, No pay. Loco Oct 22. We have been having winter of late, "Jack Frost" came early this year. Some of our people are at Jackson ville this week attending court. Several visitors attended services here Sunday. Miss Casaie Eubank spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Sidney Iliggins. Mrs Annie Garner and children are visiting Mrs Garner's parents 1 ere this week. Miss Etta Smith returned Saturday from a few weeks visit to relatives at Silverdale. Miss Sidney Higgins spent a few days at Deppe last week. Mr N K Eubank and family spent Sunday with the family of Mr Rollie Collins. Mr Willie Higgins of Olivers spent Sunday at home, accompanied by Miss Ella Harrell of Trenton. We are glad to note that the health of Mrs Gillette, who has been very sick ia much improved. "Trixy." A CusrinUtf Cars Far Piles Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protruding, Piles. Druggists are authorized to re fund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure in 6 to 14 days. 50c. ' ' Bairdf Creek Oct 21 Tbe weather ia fine for cotton pick ing now but owing to the scarcity of pickers in our place you can find nearly all the fields white. Mr A C Brinson is preparing to re model his dwelling house. Mr W R Harper has moved his fam ily from this place out on the sand hill for their health, Mr J P Willis is fixing to protect his stock from the winter's chilly winds and snow by means of a new stock house." -"j r:-,'. " Election day is coming on and it is not hard to learn who nioit every one thinks would make the best officer. '. i. Messrs Seth Willis and Will Cuthrell spent Sunday, evening around about Arapahoe, we suppose with an eye to ward tome of the opposite sex. The sharpie Ruth Watson under com mand of Capt. Brinson loaded with bale cotton and other produce left Monday for New Bern market, Y, Jack Frost visited our section last week, we hope it may be an addition to the people's health which has been very poor all the summer. We have two cases of diphtheria around here now. Thoa. Brinson's old est child, and Jno Brinson's child, Dr. Dees is attending them. We hope they will soon recover. V We notice that Mr J E Reel the lead ing merchant of this place has prepared for the cold north westers this winter by filling his yard with nice oak wood. T.-V'Yi'.V;. m. . Thsy Make Yes Feel Coed. The Dleaaant nureative effect exna. rlencedbyall who use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and the healthy condition of the bodv and mind which they create makes one feel joy ful Price 25 cents. Samples free at the Devis Tharmacy and F. S. Duffy's d.-.2 ature. f.-J DOG. CHUTES KOC. Charges Through the Streets 1 of Raleigh Biting and Snap ping at Animals and Men. Y Killed After a Chase. Special Correspondence Raleigh Oct 23rd For a couple of hours here last night there was no end to excitement about the wild rush of a mad dog, a large spotted hound through some of the principal atreets. So far as ia now known he bit five men and a boy. He waa ehased all night and the police were notified this morning that soma boys in the suburbs had killed him' with a pitchfork. Several other dogs were shot during the search for the mad dog. This morning all six of the persona bit were treated by a physician. One of them, the twelve year old boy is badly bitten in the arm. He waa oa his way home with aome bundles for his mother, waa attacked and bitten while on Fayetteville street, in front ot the post office. John King, a fireman on tbe Raleigh and Southport road, was the first man attacked, and he waa bitten in the thigh. The doc tor gave tbe patients anti-serum and cauterized the wounds. He said no bad developments had been noticed but of course it could not be told what might happen. Several dogs were bitten and the doctor notified the authorities that these ought to be killed at once. Snpreme Court Opinions Special to Journal: Raleigh, N. C. Oct 23. The Supreme Court filed the following opinions to day: Lumber Co. vs Cedar Co. from Dare, reversed. State vs Cantwell, New Hanover, af firmed. Hatcher vs Faison, from Duplin, af firmed, i Dewey vs Railway, Wayne, affirm ed. McCoy vs Railroad, Brunswick, er ror. Yarborovs Banking Co., Cumber land, affirmed. Perry vs Hackney, Chatham, affirm ed. Cherry vs Power Co., Chatham, af firmed in both appeals. Wall vs Wall, from Anson, affirm ed. McKethan vs Blue, Moore, revers ed. Ledbetter vs Cotton Seed Co., Rich mond, per curiam, affirmed. State vs Hough, Anson, per curiam, affirmed. i 'j' ; '.: Y Rowel vs Little, Unijn, per curiam, affirmed. State vs Scott, Union, per curiam, affirmed. ;', State vs Little, Anson, per curiam, affirmed. Dwii vs Railroad, Tyrrell, per cu riam, afflmed. - Hobgood va Match Co., Guilford, dis missed under rule 17. Trust Co vi Benbow, Guilford, dis missed under rule 17. Trust Co. va Battle, Guilford, dis missed under rule 17. Appeals from 11th District will not be called before Wednesday November 7th, the day after election. Davit Pharmacy Successful. After a great deal of effort and cor respondence the Davis Pharmacy has succeeded in getting the Dr. Howard Co. to make f apec'.al half-price intro ductory offer oa the regular fifty cent size of their celebrated specific for the cure of constipation and dyspepsia. This medicine is a recent discovery for the cure of all disease of the stom ach and bowels. It not only gives quick relief, but it makes permanent cures. Dr. Howard's Specific haa been so remarkably successful in curing consti pation, dyspepsia and all liver troubles, that the Davis Pharmwy ia willing to return the price paid in every case where it does not give relief. ' Headaches, coated tongue, dizziness, gas on stomach, specks before the eyes, constipation, and all forms of liver and stomach trouble are soon cored by this scientific medicine. So great is the demand for this spe cific, that , the Davis Pharmacy haa been able to secure only a limited sup ply, and every one who ia troubled with dyspepsia, constipation . or liver trou ble ahould call at tbe Davis Pharmacy at once, or send 25 cents, and get six doses of the best medicine ever made, oa this special half price offer with their personal guarantee to refund the money if it does not cure. , Bandits held the inhabitants of a North Dakota town at bay while they blew open the safe and carried off K- 600.." 1 : , , Dasftf ft U Plages, - There's grave danger from the pla gue of coughs and colda that are so pre valent, unless you take Dr King's New Discovery, for . consumption, coughs and colda. Mr Geo Walls, of Forest City, Me, writes: "It's a Godsend to people living in elimatea where coughs and colds prevail I find it quickly ends them.' It prevents pneumonia, cures LaGrippe, give wonderful relief in Asthma and Hay Fever, and makes weak lungs strong enough to ward off consumption, corahs and coiJs. 60c and 11.00. Cuamr.teed by all drug stores. Trial bottle ftee. FEDERAL COURT CONVENES. The Regular FallTerm of the U. S. District and lircnit Courts Xow in Ses- ' ;-- gion. - ' The regular fall term of .the U. S. Court -convened yesterday with the usual formalities. The officers weru: Judge, the Hon, Thos R. Purnell. Dis trict Attorney, Harry Skinner, J. H. Giles, U. S. Marshal Claudius Dockery, Deputy U. S: Marshal, R. WVard; J. T. Sharp, Aid court cryer, Edgar Bryan, Clerk of Court, George Green; bailiff J. W. Smallwood, J. S. Basnight foreman of Grand Jury! Numerous cases were continued. In the case of U. S. vs Charles Flowers, John Reid and Arthur Midyett.,; Com missioners of Pamlico county, D. L. Ward appearing for the defendants stated that they had satisfied tbe order of the last court; F, D. Perry witness 1 for the prosecution also making the j same statement t The original penalty fine of 500 and costs was assessed, , ! U. S. vs Henry Fulcher, of Carteret county. In view of the physical and mental condition of the defendant, the latter was required to pay a fine of $100 and costs. U. S. vs James M. Harrison; defend ant pleads guilty. ' Judgment suspend ed on payment of costs, special, tax and penalty.. U. S. vs Provideace Bryant, defend ant dead, action abates. U. S. vs Albert Reece, retailing spirituous liquors without payment of special tax, not guilty. ' Case of U. S. vs Schooner Eva D. Rose set for hearing Thursday. U. S. vs Samuel Blackledge, Craven county, retailing spirituous liquors without payment of special tax, not guilty. U. S vs George B. Hudler, Duplin county, defendant waived trial by jury, was found guilty and sentenced to pay $100 fine and costs. OA8VOHXA. A Christian is God Almighty's gentle man T. C. Hare, WILUAKS' KIDNEY PILLS. - Have you neglected your Kidneys? Have you overworked your nervous sys tem and caused trouble with yJur Kd neys and Bladder? Have vou Dams in the loins, side, back, groins and blad der? Have you a flabby appearand of the ftice, especially under the eyes? Too frequent desire to pass urine? If so William s Kidney nils will cure you. Sample Free. By mail 60 ceUa. Sold by Druggists. - WILLIAMS MFG. CO., Props., Cleveland. O. Sold by D. A. Harget 'Tig clemency makes the absolute con quest Petrarch. Blood Poisoning results from chronic constipation, which is quickly cured by Dr King's New Life Pills. They remove all poisonous germs from the system and infuse new life and vigor: cure sour stomach, nausia, headache, dizziness and colic, without griping or discomfort 25c, guaranteed by all druggists. The most faulty are most prone to find fault From the German. A Badly Burn Girl or boy, man or woman, Ss quickly out of pain if Bucklen'a Arnica ralve is ap plied promptly. G J Welch, of Tekon she, Mich, Bays: "I use it in my family for cuts, sor es and all skin injuries, and find it perfect" Quickest Pile cure known, best healing salve made. 25c at all druggists. ' Never ask a favor of a man until he has had his dinner. Punch. - a Yonng Mother at 70. "My mother has suddenly been made young at 70. Twenty years of intense suffering from dyspepsia had entirely disabled her, unsil six months ago, when she began taking . Electric ,, Bitters, which have completely cured her and restored Ihe strength and activity she had in the prime of . life," writes Mrs W L Gilpatrick. of Danforth, Me. Greatest restorative medicine on the globe. .Sets stomach, iivarandkidneya right, purifies the blood, and cures ma laria, billiousnesa and weakness. Won derful nerve tonic, .Price 60c Guaran teed by all drug stores. U A valise in which a wealthy' Ohio man was carrying $48,000 in negotiable bonds disappeared, but was recovered and a railroad fireman was arrested. ' O .STOniA. Jnti, t lie m iw nan im pongn lie Kiu tw Haw kmn BoojW ' Fear shame,- Motto of the Duke of Portland. Y i How to Curs a Cold, j : The'question of how to cure a cold without unnecessary loss of time is one in which we are all more or leas inter ested, for the quicker a cold is gotten rid of the less the. danger of pneumo nia and other serious diseases. Mr. B. W. L Hall, of Waverly, Va., has used Chamberlain'e Cough Remedy for years and says: "I firmly believe Chamber lain's Cough Remedy to be absolutely the best preparation on the market for colds. I have recommended it to my frienJs and they all agree with me." For sail by Davis Tharmary in1 F. S. Du.Ty. tflie Kind Yoa nave Always ta use for over 30 Tears, ana :sonal a i a I . Y All Counterfeits, imitation and Just-an-good" are ba l Kxperimeata that rin wja hnd endanger thct health ot ' TfM ChU4rej-?!perleace against Experiment' a 7t . i tl m Mm. - A. M Whnti O! CASTOR A J Castoria Is a harmless aubstltute for Castor Oil, Pare)-! ? s . MJtvym auii iBuuuuuir oj rups, in m I'loosant It, ' j contain neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic 1 1 5 anbatanee, Ita age ia Ita guarantee. It destroy Worma! f i and allays Feverlsbness. It cures Diarrhoea and 'Wind! 1 1 Cone. It relieve Teething Troubles, cures Constipation I ? euid Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the I Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep; i The ChlldreQ'a Panacea-The Mother's Friend. ' j Genuine lAO jueaxg ion SI r J Mil : Z S J s J7 . r He KM You Hare Always MW In Use For OverO YearW 1 MMimMnimimmnamMm J. A. JONES, UVERY: FEED. SALE O " 1 II " Largest and Finest Stock of Horses - Bern. A CAR LOAD of each Just Wagons, Harness, Robes, Whips, Cart Wheels. &c. 1 " k J. A. J O N E S, BROAD ST. PROPRIETOR. MEW BERN.'N. C LOOK OUT! LOOK OUT!! FOR ' j. ... '.',1.; -i'-r l'- L G. DANIELS' Hew Lot Horses Also Buegies, Wagons, Har-' neas and Saddlery of all kinds. 1 Would do city livery. Good Rigs at Reasonable rates. ...... "PHONE 104. L. G. DANIELS "PAROID" " HE.DS HE JJSt F03 ' ' ' ' - : Xll'B GLARAMKE Buy a roll ot faroid, open it, examine It, sp- . ply it to your roof, and then if you are not' satisfied that you' have the best ready roofing on the market, send us your name ' ' ' " and address, and we will send you a check for the full amount . - you have paid for the roofing, including the cost of applying it Gactill Hat dvat c Comp'ye Middle Street. Phone a Sj i. .. .- l' " - II err. .70 i '::rrj ( fca VXSaXVAJl Bought, and ivhich has feeenf " but borne the. slnttnMa'A lias been mauo under Lis per- $ supervision, since It infancy. w JtllnHeTTIA AMA tt rlAAdlirA itaii In 4liCa aa - ' I I UKIA alvayo tijnatuxa Cf : -51';Yf:Y rrir-l-'iii; .... .. M : II . srnl Mai - . - - w oui aaa a In!. Also a comnlte linn of R.Knra V .. .. Y.-- . i 1 ) :aW" r .... I,rfii Vnm-arf.f 1 f HOOFING F13ST CLASS ROOFING, - .'".. ' ,,;-;Y- 147. ,! New Bern, N. C t ... EXCHANG