,1.1 i. .1... 4 ' 0- v,: j4 V - 1 t." :ttmf BERNtXRAVt lyTY, N.C., JUESDAY OCTOBER S, 1906.t-FIRTS SECTION..'; 29th YEAR Willi Uj ft a.... V utTii n ir'i . rcri f'TiTr; r"Y Y ItUUl 111 fci ' WU.il " t..u.i. lliirf iMuwt 1 II 3 : ' "We extewi a cardial Invitation to the farmer Hi Um vfcnv' fty of New. Ber to make thia Bank their headquarter w ea here. If j e boUaeeeS if .transact her the facilities of , thi bank .re at your dipof " " v . . ' - MIES B, U0Et, "toiMtot , wv tV ataDCI, V.-frssMeel . r J figTEWARTy L H, CUTLt-R. Ji C U BHADHAM, v-. S inn?-. .t r v 4. t,i ifj-W, HVGHK8, . J. J. WULFENDKN, C E. TOY. ww b. hladbj, 1 , ; ; - -r'1 ' will Rjola Uswmpao (a Jaw to, : Btt, Moot, Oct S9.-!naitry d : cavalry ar eloaio ia oo th taVaUloui . , ,De tadiana and tb7 will navsto ji r M amunuaM4 . . Mtwaaa an traveling Bortatraat, -a tfftent af j Dili TALKS TO 15 CLUB Iimiwi ' fimT enii hiiiiA'rn Miv nr nnnTfir E3EE MURDER. i- caralr and two Mtfaatry in motint againat tntn an4 will mrrouad them The Sflprem Conrt to Decide ,btuto wpecud M th ioflian. - whether or Not Hogpen is may a tha fmlUty bX iotUng op a tftftot and fttiwndae. ; "-?t'-'-;V' 1 1 New York, Oct. 0.-HaiICaptr( a j:. .-'c iti ftinnniiitlifVlftll 111 anniMitraii am v mat VMraratv dt uiiw , VVUIUMVu cw A 1 " (" fv-- whom he'wai namonred." Th couple lLl"JU want to rjtl and rtgiatated as man IlLllU l'i- JAftartaa murder,, Hap . W 4oa hot aad kflW Wmelf. Itia aald tha affair ia the rcauit f aa agreement Thre 5 Days 10 toser. Hamptea baa a family T . , n , and.waa assistant vaecreiaryi i i nal Readers; bwWXoCi5tt at-Tha TigeVa of 1 earVbUe aci(j.' SfSe iad Juat, flnishad 3tIaadia' a latter from her iasUnd, .' . ii i the! letter or some other thing was the I j motiTt U not known but before the let- tr was received she' wm apparektfjf as bright and happy .aa "wr. She had trouble with her husband some months ago bat it had been' adjusted and eon aequeatly her rash act ia thought to be from some other eaota:iUv. ham ! emraFBBGHi rues. Events of Past Prineetos) defeated Cornell at foot ball 'i"l ' .. l 11-'- m ' r : wpnniTftnu mni I'nrrf t ItUttki IH HIUMMV . . 1 hv rMultJui ii, a fnrmal Mnaratioii 'whkh both parties have agreed to and bMlnatrial, Comaxrciat, ffeciaC ReligV skned. v,IeoinpBtibUty of temper i ous Criminal and. PnUtical VCtaereaiioaputureiJb ehar-ea that the Duke waa too rend i her ffirl friends. The Duchraa. who Bappeainga Goiideue ia Italia! .- -' ? Tansrier. Moaaecx Oct. 28. -French ' and Sp infah wirsh ps are here oa count of suspt'cted trouble with the fcandit Chief HaisuU. Raleigh, Oct 26-Cov Glnnreceiv d word today of the critical iUaeaa 'of '-was Conauel v the daughter wf W. K Vaderbilt, has been granted her legi timate dowry and the 8under!atid house but she ea not go to Blenheim, the seat o the IfUrlbera esUte. The hxness ia. growing deaf and altfiotticb noun "ahows that her troubles havt his brothers. T. a Glenn, at bis home ... - t w mtMmru Thev ".T?ee..e..ee mn marrief m;18. , RaMih Oct 2-The 8outhern BeU r,t X Th. Roaaavlt ore Telephone Co. has fi U by brief if fetior,wp f Am0ricaa Hiatorj wa nawer to the eonplaint of Beeftary V, .v.-th, Unlveraitv of Be.. When the tip of adog'a npeelswld and moist, that dog is not alckv A feverish dry nose means stektwM with a dot. and so with the human fl a. Dry, eraeked and colorieaa' lips mit f everishneea, and are aa well 111 appear insr. ! To have beautiful.1' pihk"velvet- .Womaa'a Ajrricn tnral intntes.More Tictlnu of ilai' Dog BiW 6ame Wardens Appointed. ? Dr. BmV c . ; ler is Endeavoring to Head ' i on v-uiiie rueww. t Raleigh OetfiWtb, Before tee su preme Court there waa argument in the of conaiderable Interest involving the question of whether a city or town ia liable to damages to health., Jin the parileubir case ui'queeUon there waa a hog pen which was claimed tu be a, nui sance but was not abated. There was eickneas nearby and suit was brought. like Hps. apply at beddme a coating Of e Supreme purt has , decided that Dr. Ehoop'a Green Salve. It wil!f- j PPy was done by . .... . :i , I reason of a nuisance in thw case ww . . , HilwM flat 1 re OP ui " uw"Ce in cbo (. M.I t . kndbelwei not cared for property there was convinced. Large nickel capped glass jvs, 26 cent. F. 8. Duffy." PRESBYTERIftliS A Man 'Regards Enforcement ; J of Prohibition LawIa'- 1 X finginenV"oiTei .,; sonaljliishta ' tSpecial Correspondence , Greerabairo',6i:t 87- What la prob ably the mosi; novel au't on record is i one brought in the Superior court bere j yesterday by Thomas West aeMnst the City of Greens boro, for tlO.OOO dam ages. Thtj summons was serwdon the Indications Seem to Show That the Hobo Shot by Detect. ive Bivens was not Killed in Solf'Dcfense. Fed , eral Court at Wil-. f mington. ; (Special Correapondenee) Eaieigh, -Oct J3. Yesterday the h of Stete Grim, to the; charges of fx , cessWe rates for long distan meaaag- lia. ''i aaeaa The firat Iseture waa given Wdu k n n.u T air f rroiumhia . ... . a I'T AS. motww w. T 'TW ? ,?rr VuiVert, NeVYorlt- W Emptor will be ma le mihS'bn. by the corporation eom was preaent and Rocaevelt'a nam. cheered Preeident Mexico City Oct 27-SUw Hunt and three other American adventurers were arrested last night charged with fraud, with fundef of International Banking and Trust Co.,' charges were preferred againat the American Ambassador be- Suteeville, Oit 26 The Synod a Journed tlay after a very interesting nd profitable eesslon. The next syn od wil) be held at Fai etteviUe. Millerabor. 0.. Oct 26. -W. J. Bryan spoKenere last nigm ana mine ww ),t ,1, tA have the proceed- course of hU address made a snarp at- diMBjate4' ; b n. 9iiMnH Cirabsv itd Dick of . . i thiaSUte. Be declare that yaUad-k -Flftrthr t tunW dJ.vWPHtearkaowft ta b dead aa a re- death and then no ma. who m in.,mpe.t of teain on the West Jeremy and . the with the people waa ever VMimm& P ..T , trestle Into the. water, Pittaburi , Oct 28. -The trial for per jury oj CiiJord Hooe, the negro coach man of Augustus Hartj la increasing in Interest Hooe took the stand in his own defense today and in ' endeavor!' g to clew himaelf of the charge f pet- juy mdde atatemnta atueking the b ' t, vlrtueef M ?, Har.J V Who had caused his arrest , the crowd in the court , . Tm Aow Hi Intrtsa di.gstiM!eidelt 8un,t, tth, n-grohrf ttrUato., iawl but uU, water i tht Interference of eourt 1 officers which at that place was thirty feet deep. . Of the 84 passengers in the three coaches only a very few havf been known to be aaved while the dead takes) out exceed fiftj people. The passengers were; caught Iks retain, box, without any possible chance to escape. The accident ws Turning In,"; the the track runnirg on the tie and then went overboard. The thetbue- that sepa rate Atlantic City from the mala hud. 0 .IlrC HI . Oct 26. -Foo robbers down Into the water to not the eoodi dynamited a bank here hut nigh', and tion of the cars i awful ,The ps looted he sire. The exniosiort aroused gers ia the first and second etaaa cars citizen who gave chaa i and had a run-1 mad a desperate fight for life, but of ning font with the burglar batthe C6 avail. ) V " W f J ' ) i "k ; ( latter escaped. Mayor and member of the city council L-...,,,.-- th at thai by the aherilf late yesterday afternoon. kBown wUte wbs waa shot and an4 Is returnable teihw oexh term Of killed Saturday evening a mile north ef ?he Superior ewt.i Guilford eoonty, ihi if bf detective Bivmrt the Cot J, A., Barringer of the Greensboro 8eab0Md rAir Lmfc ,An utopaywaa nar.aad recogr.iM as ooe oftbemost cnMertA necessary, and thia waa astute damage suit lawyers in. the State made principally to determine is marked as the plaintiff jjmuncil. whetr the bullet mtered . from the The suit and claim for damage grows roar 0f the thigh. ' Bivins la in jail out of the following aUte of cta,ju Pharger manslaughter. One of detailed b the pialrfliffi West abort Uwy, for Bute M MVtna time subsequent to going In iffect. fa things pointed to murder in ihe firat oV Greensboro January firat 1905 of pro- gre , Bivjna pleads self defense, but hibitiod, and theeloBintf of everyplace wSUnoteay anything by advise of his in the city where liquor nou!d be pro- counseL There are no mark to show enrod, West rented a building and had who u u Ms hat to the ,4. it fitted with counters; grasses. Jrew of a Norfolk hatter, sugar, lemons, srjoons, etc.jjind all the Judge tod Marshal Dockery jwwphenalia of a bar. n the same w-nt to Wilmington today to a term of building he had made a large number Federai court. Four prisoners are of p.ivate locked box, imiUrtUtbe io BW8 00 their way rora AtlanU postofflce; or private bank vau!t deposit thj being ttom NsW Bern and it Is arrangement Relented those prl- expectnl that two or three will be vate deposftartes-to customers. wh0 1 gatliered in at Wilmington court CALL PASTOR, Rev. Melton Clark, ef South Carolina The Unanimous . Choice. , HEGISBiHO CEfEIOT. . H TWO GiES. liability, but on the health q iaetion it ha decided both wsys, as will appear frvmcases in the 115th and 130th re- amtrwan uoiiar worinip. . I , Tom Dixon,' the well-known phy The reek leas persuit of mnjney. la the I wright and lecturer, talked this more- threat American curse, aays O. 8. Haiiflg to the Wvnutn's Cluix rle is her den ia Suceeea Mtgaiine. In no ether I for a couple of duysY Bb"ply, '.'The -ountry in'heworllia there the samel One Woman"; vrill b presented tomor- tewiptatloa to cola al of on a abiiit, I -ow eyenicg at the Academy of Music. enemr. tcucatwn everyinmg-uifo Tneretavery last comp aiot on :ne dollar, aa m America. Th :resburces I part of parsnns here and indeed at oth are ao vast, theopportunitie for, wealth I ar points in the state as to the inequal- w great that it takes a very lew I ity of railway rates A businegs man lead sot to be swept I a'o the current I aa speaking about the rat on f umi- that aeU toward the dollar. Nowbar 1 ure from Grand Rapid to Raleigh 'lee ea the globe is Mammon worshiped I ibe distance beingr 1200 miles, and the o universally as ia Amortea The very I rate $1, whili if go 4s areshipp! from reedom and fqjality of our republican I Qnad Rapids to Richmo .d, two nua natutions double ahe danger. , I irad nr.Uoa from here thi dietance b Tt New I or poller oparHBenI 1 il(iloe-. hundrl. wlinaforuha 2i e at the city $31,262 a day. t : a I mileg from Richmond to Raldir .. the rate ia 43 cn. mukinir A total of 721 Saved From Ilia sea., I iut it Ik claimed ttat Kictimond ia a T1ei was standinir room cmlv at the I gateway." Nrth Carolina ' has no meniag performance of the Edsall I gateway, nor has South Carolioa any Wmthrope Co, at the opera x house last 1 8uincwimen in- Richmond ay that if uinht The company is cordposed of a I ihii, privilege was token awny from dea r fifteen actor of more or lew I thtm they wnu!d lose an enormous talent, generally less. Ia the marine I amount of their business, as the north drama "Saved From The Sea," it wu I t'-aroliei tri.de is almost as Ikrge aa that only another name for the old play Fishl of Virginia. ThepaopU of North Car- ermaa'a Luck which, was exploited b) I l(na will nnd tin a very practical local players here two year ago, and (statement of the caee.. fc'i with better suceeea. Th play was rc I ; Ar rang -menu litve been made by ag ognisedaa that by many ia theaadieneel :i tiltural deoartment . for,, tin holding tad a unanimous vote waa east ia fan-1 of Woman's Iostuutes at the folt"wnn r of our own actor. 'They had som I plaees: Kmston, Djcembsr h; Eiisa specialties which might do to a fourth I tethton, Dc. lOih Whiteviile, De. ate town that has a tea cent show 1 12th; Myotony D.. Uert'orJ. uoce a i ear but such a punk outfit will I Dec. 15th; Elisabeth City. Dee. 17cb; ot wet aavthin but ffibee and ieei. I Camden. D , 18th: , Columbia, Dec. Tonight the show will be Ih Shad-1 19Ji; f urrituk, Dee, 22nd. i kept the key. ' Those patrons aa a rule used these lockers to keep bottles of btn whiskey or wine. -Those who de sired have drinks mixed or made mare palatable, would take out their bottle, get West to mix the sugar, lemon, etc., nd Into the glass he had prepared this mixture, the whixkey.- waa poured by the box owner, out of the botln be T wina'ton,"' Rev. Pr. TyreBi At Democratic state headquarters it ia announced that Insurance Commis sioner Young will speak at Lineolnton on the night of October 30th. Yesterday afternoon at the City Hall some 3K) person met to hear addresses on the abject of a Y M C A. Among the speakers were. Governor Glenn, ow of Mnight V ltStl s-t .-X litMlll, New York. Oct 26 -Chariea W. Morte.' e prominent banker ahwwell Governor Glenn appointa the follow ling game ardens. L B. Woodhouse,, W. B, Mercer. S. J. Owens, and S D. Briggs, all for CartereU-w Dr.; Rowland who gave the anti serum treatment to the six Dervms whb No Nltd cl it When HjfOmtl to Uled to J were up to today known Jo. have be n rra rafefh " " "' ' I Mtt ov w 0ULa ? wonaay ns turt tiiarrn. , 1 that two more were bitwsn, Physician and aeientista agree that! Mth on the hand, both being profexsora tha lee medicine en swallows, tho I at St Augustine' Normal College bere better. It ia in keeping with (hi ideal They were bitten near the college, Oae that Hyomci ia recommanden by lead-1 that night fo Baltimore for treatr ing physicians throughout this and oth-1 meat,; jhe wound of the other was mr catarrhal sections. . .. J - s 1 eauriied there in the college ho jital When this treatment! used la ear I todxy he came down and waa given tarrhal trouble, there ia ao stomach I y,, terum. . That mad do must have doelng. for the nMdieiae ia taken ia I vMM mile upon miles. A.t time he with the air you breathe, and goes right I mi Hke a rabbit and then again h to the spot where the catarrhal germ I would attack anything he saw. . t arw prewsit, healing tha Inflamed ai.dl nr. Tail Butlerw State Veterriitarian irriuted mucous immbrane, killing 1 ta IWW - Union county , co-operating the diseased germs and catering Cb wltK the United St Us experts who blood with theoxygta, driving au calar4Mdovoring to clear North Caro; tarrhal gern from tha syatem. - ; ljiM 0f cattle fcks and thu not only Do not try to cure eatarrh of tha .Hminate the dreaded Texts fever but h -ad by putting medicine . Into your I aUn to increa'i the price of ca ttle to had taken irom hi , private locker, West never handling the bottle or sell ing the whiskey, but receiviog for his part of the transaction five cent for each service. He wtif naturally doing fine business in a newly made ."dry city", when he waa . haled to the Mayors court under a charge of violat ing the prohibition law. , 'Twenty cases were piled up strainst him, and although he waa ably defended in the city court. he .'was bound over to the Superior court and required to give bonl in the sum' of one ,thounard -dollars to keei out of jail. His business of course was discontinued. . 'At tho' next term of the Superior court the hills nf Indictments were fawn and sent to the Grand Jury, which deliberated a w-ek before find ing true bills. These indictments were never allowed to be tried, although A est appeared at each term of court, wked for a hearing, was denied, and had to.' renew, his bond. , At the last term of court hi attorney demanded a trial utating.tothe presiding Juge. a history of the freqnent denial . to tht- lefendant on the prt of the State and City broecut ng ofScers. of a trial on the indi-tmenta. To Judge ordered a trial, whereupon, the eases were dis inifsed or nol prossed -y the proaecut- ing offl-era, the defendant , West being discharged from obligation of attend ance. '.jvl- , His claim for damage is based on Joseph G. Browi, Dr. Herbert A Ry iter, Hon Richard H. Battle, Mayor Johnson, Rev C W. Robinson, Dr I McK Pittenger. Josephus Daniels, Rev Or Alfred H Moment and F A Olds. The city is to be thoroughly canvassed 'or subscriptions this being the begin- n.ng of the movement 7 ' Later the inquest was conducted at a great length. It was found that thf dead man w is W. H Bryson of Colon. Chatham county, and that he boarded here for a while at the house of Mrs. Coppega. He was identified by fellow hoarders ' He had worked six weeks in thi railway yards here. , When the hearing , ended thia , aftrnotn the coroner said the evidence mad It loot-- very much like a case of murder in the iret degree. The evidence of the doctor who han lied the body waa that the wcum which causvd death was nude b severing the great artery in the leg and was from the rear. The wound on the head was only superficial, the skull not having been cracked. There was large crowd present at the hearing and interest was very keen. Feeling againat detective Bivins Is intensely bitter. The new Pure Food and Drug Law will! mark it on the label of every cough cure containing opium, cloroform, 01 any other stupifying or poisonous drug. But it passes Dr. Snoop' Cough Cure I a ma 4.1 M T tk .1Wt in.uinn at hi,, as made lor W years, onuruij xrw. vr. rit . ritkm to niir.no a lawful Nhoop all along has bitterly opposed km.u. i h. l nm...tnnMi hu theuse or ail opines or narcooca. ur. 3. ...r.n u l : prosecutions oa the , part of the city even wr we youngeas o-.n anthoritiea The humiliation of beliur cure ivooos mVv.. h.bin . riminl Vhanre In twenty a saf and reliable Cough Cure, by separate and distinct prosecutions; the np'J bistiog on having D.8hoopa. . rfnIU koniVfAl Lit WW W 111 1W ,IVKV. kH.n 8ot of iail. and other in i arise of a I cheerfully recommend and aeU It-F. mpntitl aruruiiih natureu ., ;-i i.i rd I S. Duffy, llr. . West called hia eetehlishment 1 ' 1 and enterprise "Corferage't . Should Rural Letter Carriar Examination. hf win ia tl.ia $10,000 suit agaimt the city,' ha himself, wilt be a Vcotker." - 1,1, Latham Weekly Settoa Letter. Special to Journal "" . .( New York Oct 27-Ia the early part hire to be axamim d, with aeopy of the J tha wMik the market was kent atlmu t PP"o '. The Postmaster at New Ben, N. C. will furnish all persons, wbo meet th'j requirements ot tbereguiauons goveru ing ih appointment ot camera in mi rural free delivery service ana woo de lated to the top price of the aeason, Ly Raleigh, Oct t Joseph A. Holine atcaeh thmUaeltheraMleatifteaorj to for many year the State Geologist, co nrooe sense treatment , Breatne the them.i Dr. BuAifwill be viriualijf in healing baUams of Hyomei and In a tew I service of th United Sta'es in this It realgneO. in governor Baa Bf jM mlll MtlMMliif. and It enn. I Immirrunt: work m tartnwht and his known In marine circles has purchased ' jointed Joseph Hyde Pratt hi success- tin0ed use will result ia a complete and services will be vnrv valuable not on!y the Mallory line ofteam.hlp. ;;L. Holme, ha. bee. la the hating ear - 4 - HTwTvveratcott oLv.-a .r... 1' k 1 a tTnlfil fitiua aarv ee for two vaara a Durry nas aeeB e many cnrea I --a itrvm the ixopl as wll aa in fr,. "---"-,-- , "I made by Hyomei amoagat hi eastonv farm them in other wsys of the ha Bering- teasi o.uw pep' waicnea moo ov m, v., Mral af them eases where a? portent things neeeseary to be done. the footU game between li s Unive r been acting a geolog st J waiter T, j. hl( giv-B up, that aityof North Carolina and tiirin-arul- Daniel ha resign 4 i. folkltor.of the be givoa aa absoiate guaraoteeof cure, vtechnlc Inst'tute today. The game Second District The Governor ha ap- or aaoney will be refunded, with every 1., i- ti: ,u nnlntxl John tt. KrT af WarrntiV outfit be Sell. WH iiibrur3ij vAviviua iivukhwu aisa bw w - - - - w the North (irolinans showed that they wdre master athlete and skillful play ers, becau thelr opposonx out w Ighed the-a twelve pound to the man. Th score was 0 1 0. Wsshlngt", . Oct - 27 Pree'dent Roosevelt hS-respited the-mutinous colored sailors, Adams and Sawyer who were to htre b crj huag st Wilmir.g , ton, N. C. Frl ay Nov.rrt T time is length el to Dsci'mTr, 1 ' 'ew York, Vet 27. LitjC. IIn p t "i, -i C), iied Vkfr! Tpir-w a );' I fci. i I ( to 1. d aim, Kerf being the d ao cratic aomlne for the position. . .a, 1 1 4mit - Wilmirgtoa Oct 29 Theena Dixon, who expected t go today to Wilson where his eompan l ptajl.g "The A Splendid CMtnbutlo.i ' The largest as well s one of. the most remarkable eontrfbuHops to the The complete Hyomei outfit tost but cause of foreign nil Biona was made at $1 while extra UatUe of Hyomei, If Centenary church undy? The pastor needed, are only SO cents. - , ... , . . had not made sptcisl ffort but had I preached and ppi.ken often of the work of the regulations, and a return tnvol Werested partk who sent thousand mMte fiie in writing with said post- of U-Unrams predicting much higher l,nAU;r his name, wiih a statement as prices, It Is generally believed that ttie j.a the location of bta residence, its 01a t amnn d W Dinad tiiUorranu I (nc ana I preached and 'pi. wa freely SU p ied by the same inter est that created it The ginnera figur eg were larger than the general expeel anry, and while they do not indicate a short crop, nor , prove, a pig one, they discouraged theae whofeel bullish, 1 am not pealmiaiic about the crop any wunre except in Eastern Carolina, and believ with (00(1 weather from now out that the q uantity will be sufficient for all need. The quality we fear wilt ha. ..ndpaireuhla and will be affainst the . . ...... . ; marset,; Vinuer, ib cuxunwiancra u seems in order to suggest te those Who direction f om Ue pos flke. .The examinationa will be hek. at each time and place as may bere nfter be designated by the U 8. Civil Service Commissior. of Washington, D. CL.V'"1''" i; ' " 'Vj- :'.':V''' For ; further information as to tht rnanner of appointing rur I carriers, apply to the Postma ter at the above- named oificw, or to To U S. Civil Service Commission, , . i (Rural Carrier Divibiuo), 1 ;..' Washington, a C Italian Strike Breaker. Arrive Bpeaeer. A Chooa efSSa Xeeal ' : Singer Will Prodaoe Kaaleat -Comedy the "Serenadere." . tSpecial Correspondenea.) "' Greensboro Oct 29 There - wa aa . immense congregation at th First Pre by terian church yesterday to hear Ret. . Dr. Egbert Smith preach, and ha deltv ered one of his old time delightful help ful and entertaining discourse. Dr. Smith is here from his present hem la '' Louisville on a visit to hi kindred sad . friends, and on next Tuesday wilt offic iate at the marriage of Miss Julia' Glenn to Mr. Sloan of ReidsvTli. ' After the service yesterday mora- ' ng, tnere was a .congregational meett ing to hear the report of the Church Session, and the Pastorate Committee , aa to extending a call to a new pastor. The joint committee unanimously roc- ' ommeuded Rev. Melton Clark, of Fu-r'" ance S. C and the congregation with out division ratified the reconuntodaV- ir, end authorised rail to be extend ed Mr. Clark is the son of W. A. Clark, a wealthy banker of Columbia, C, is 82 years of age, a "graduate of 3, C, College and Jolambia Semraary, - Qehaabeen in the ministry Hyear serving in Florence !1 the time. He ha never preached in Greensboro, but he members of the pastornate eonv mittee have heard him preach several times, at Florence without bis knowl edge... , i'' The First Presbyterian Is the largest and wealthiest congregation in this city but has been without a pastor since January 1st, when Dr. Smith, left to become pastor of the First, Presbyter- . tan Church in Louisville, Kv., . Saturday afternoon. Judge Bynun and G. S. Ferguson, Jr.. as counsel for the Southern Paving and Construction Company entered suit in the United States Circuit Court here,- againat th City of Greensboro in the sum of about thirteen thousand dollars, balance claimed to be due the company by the -ity, on the contract with the company lor the paving of Elm atreet with vitri- rled brick. The whole of the work, as contracted for was about thirty-five thousand dollar. The company bad completed about two-thiHe ot it, when tax payers, alleging that the work w very far from being what tha specifications called applied to Judge Allen and obtained aa erder restraining the city from paying any further mow ie on tha contract until th work cam up to the specifications. Tha city joined in with th contractors, and fought th suit succeeding la aavmf tn order of injunction dUralseed. Attached to train No. 85 last night waa a coach half filled with Italian ma euioiata en route from New York to Spencer to take the place of the strik ing machinists. Tha coach w filled' when it left New York, but part ef. th Italian war let off at Mcnroeif onjwork -thor. It is learned from anoificiaj.: sources that some of the machinist sent to Spencer a few day ago have quit wovk and gone back north, An enormous cast of 2S0 people eonv posed of the best Greensboro talent. w:l produce on next Friday night at toe Grand .Opera House th Musical tantasy, the "Serenadera." The pro ductioa is a mixture of musical comedy and opera and will prove one of th moat pleasing events over gives here. The lady managera have engaged th service of Mr. J S. Atkinson to stag the reduction and he is progressing rlnely with rehearsal. Theeelor effect and the costuming wlii be beautiful. Great enthusiasm and interest prevail to the cast The benefit is f r th Y. C.A.. -v. York, saying hia prioclpel reason for f ws t eorif ! t I s h.vy-3 rv f t' ! t tiei h 'eu it ' i t U.4. .,;.gof ila I y CUue r. V'l-yt'.s Ih'hH.H ia vVo-,,!.-s. II hat 0 a' -A 1-ii-re two dayt and lw'. 1 , Trt". ! V r s h s i" le,;n 1 ... A L 1 . j 3 - , .1 1 U : f ! A. II. 1 ? t ittamtad - ' ! v ' fT r?.??ZaZ grew cottm that price, are aowicood, jars, amma vox won nas mmi in our arearea irora iru-'-Kiinriei mmi wieir m- , . ... . 1 One ro-o lft hurrietly fr, New r,5 1" T l0..?,!ft ' 'K " "T'nJsocceM there has been at kast tea . .. , , , - . '"ineioeai ssnouioer crace itiiBuraay any ine amount raisrn was sooo ana ... . . , .. . , . . market wlulilt Is v. T sne win remain wi;d orr son n 11a (.viuwu, k Co for 4 t I week and thence , t ' " ' rtr-'bnrg Va., wher ahe will - It Is really of the most vrondnr- a, tij wii.t r, tny aho have Sue- ful tonka for developing the figure and i, s . "otiiing tiis nervM ever onerrd tn tne ,- ." Amrlcn people. Hollfct i'a Pocly pro a tie heart, 1U, 26 and 10 eent rf -T - 9 1 -7 im l. r !tt7 1 y s i t'.iiintJu Vi et TatleU, Ci owa' F.b--r1o at o '"at. It eiea att tict: rqi..y. ' --'-' r i " ' Some say that city girls are poor, Ig norant things. Some of them cannot toil a horse from a cow, but they do know that HollUter'e Rocky Mount a l'eaisoi.eof the greatest beautifit-r known. Tea or Tablets &S ceUa, F. S. Duffy. , .. , . tj ,1 eilbetAndaraon, Mr. J. J Gilbert, recently of Ciaa ton, now employed by the government at Panama, was united in ma.rlsge to HAUs Georgia Audeiana, of Greenville, last Friday. Mr. Gilbert la well known in this section. He wa in th Kmatoa post office ior some time, and also was connected with hotel Tail. Tiie mar. ciage wa th result of love at tt, t sight air. Giloert Laving met tl a young lady when on a bualness errand to the poet office at Greenville, a bere aba waa a dork et th time. Preventica, a the nm imp !!,, pr- vent all Colds and Grippe when "t.k : a . . lCacKaV Ksc-u-dlnt) ci rt all headachep, et , da s net de 'Pile (iUickly and positively eured at the eux stage." Preventi.-a i--with Dr. Shooo'a Manic Omtmeou Its tootheome candy tablets. IV v. ' made fnr Mle alone utd it doea th dlwipate ail coida quickly, and t.' Iwork surely and wil haatisf action. Itch erlj, when you tr. tl.ut a c i lug, painful, protruding or blind pile eominjr, thry cl eck and 1 rcv 1 1' I disappear ilk niagic by i- a use Large Pt event i-s tre thorotv.-y . 3f r. a KiAel Cppd gliss jars, oSJCrnts. dr", 4 a 1 ; r i

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