r No.C2. ' ' I. , NEW BERN, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C. FRIDAY NOVEMBER 16, 1906.--SECOND SECTION. 29th YEAR is? f ft THE FIRE Slioultl have the careful consideration of every farmer. : Money ! not covered by insurance. If your house burns up and your money with it, the money is gone forever. If you curry an account in this bank your money is safe. You can check a&uinst it at any time if on a Checking account If on a saving aecount it will earh ou POUR per cent '""'KE TO THE FMIMERS BANK l Capital SI 00,000.00 A LIBERAL POLICY 'IAMFS R. BUnES. "lmUnfc GEO. B. PENDLETON, Csihltr, 111 -"-H'! B HtWfHii-l TELEGRAPHIC -Events of I'ast Tliree lays Tersely T(I1 For Jour iial Renders. BE 13 Industrial, Coiiinim inl. Social, Itcliid miM, Criiiiiniil mill I'nlitiiiil llirnin;s ( oinlcimcil in Ken- Lines. Ran Fra.-ww... N I ! The Stand ard (V.I C.i , li ii ii 1 1 i n. I In Cali fornia in cxU'ii iici .if i's oil li-ld.i. The fraud charges against thU company . the government will investigate. Philadelphia Nov. 1.2 The National Congress on uniform divorce laws prc--sented at thefocowl pension toly, the draft of a bill which wns desirej to he passed by all the State legislatures and which looked toward a better condition and operation of divorce laws. The bill cites six seasons for which divorce can be obtained. They are: infidelity, fel ony, bigamy, desertion, habitual drunk enness and intolemfle cruelly. The legislatures will he asked to agree upon the period of repidenre before applica tion for divorce ran Ik made. This will tend to decrease migration divorce. Lexington, Mo , Nov. 13 The execu tive committee of the National Kditor Sal Association is called to meet in St. Louis on December 4 th, to discuss the discrimination of the Hepburn rate bill fcs applied against all newspapers in the matter of railway transportation,. New York, Nov 13, : Lawyer Delmar of California and chief counsel for Harry K. Thaw. Ktntos that his client is in a state of mental ami physical de cay. New York, Nov. 13. John Driscoll, a citizen of Waterbury, Conn., sudden ly became a raving maniac on the street here today and it was with the utmost ' difficuty that he was prevented from , doing great dnmngo. Somo time ago Driscoll was hit a hard blow on the head by a man with a blackjack. He has complained of the pain made by We blow. It is supposed that the in- - , jury caused the insanity. . ,. . " Norfolk, Nov. 13 Captain Crockett of the schooner Whiting testified in his own defense today in the case ngninst him of cruelty to seamen. He denied . that he had shanghaied the nine men who were taken from his boat in pitiful 1 condition or in any other way abused them NsHhvillo Tenn. Nov. 1 2-Tho Nation witnessed. Thus in things material and 1 convention for the promotion of im- ( things moral we, as a state, have proa migration and irrigation held itssecond percd during the past year as never be day's session and discussed somo impor' fore." tant matters Jof the improvement oflv , .. . x, ,. , t. .. . Washington Nov. 14 Persistent re- the south along these lines. Gov. Hey- . . . , . ... i a . o .u n i- v I ports are being received that Gen. Caa- wmi u ouulii iaiuiuiB was cnosen president of the permanent organizat ion and J. R. McMullin secretary. ' Paris, Nov 14 The Countess Castel lane, formerly Anna Gould, was given absolute divorce from her husband. The case terminated rather suddenly hut the defendant is given the full measure of shame. , Ay the provisions of the decree are that Castellnne be al lowed 130,000 annunlly, that the Coun tess have ths custody of the children but that the father be allowed to visit them twice a week. The mother can not remove them from Franca without the father's consent The charges of mmorality snd Infidelity hgainst the DANGtR . Wm. .- SUDE8, r V- rVni.iirt.- 6 Count were sustained. , San Francisco, Nov 14 It has been discovered that more than $1,000,QOO of money that was sent as relief for the earthquake and fire sufferers has been diverted by meansof embezzlement and other varieties of theft It is said the money never reached the committee. President Roosevelt has named a com mission to investigate the matter. Asheville, Nov 14 A thousand men and many blood hounds are looking for Will Harris, a negro desperado who killed two officers, another negro and fatally wounded a fourth man. The man Harris escaped from the Mecklen burg chain gang and went to Asheville. He had in hU possession a'Savage rifle and with it he shot and killed without provocation, Ken Allison a negro restau rant keeper; Another negro, Tom Neill is mortally wounded. The police giving chase shot at Harris. The police cap tain and patrolmen Bailey and Black stock going after him. The captain first encountered Harris and was Bhot in the arm. He told officer Blackstock to fire but before the policeman could obey the order he fell dead with, a bul let in his chest Harris then started to run down the street and was inter cepted by Bailey and he was instantly killed by a bullet from the negro's gun. Harris kept running and soon had reached the Biltmore estate and found refuge in the wooded portion of the place. , There was no delay on the part of the police and citizens to get Harris and they have surrounded the woods where they are sure he is located. A reward of $1,200 has been offered for him. Raleigh, Nov. 14 Governor Glenn's thanksgiving proclamation issued this afternoon says in part "while exces sive rains have damaged our crops, and twice the public peace was marred by acta of lawlessness, yet our manifold blessings have so far surpassed our tem porary ills, that they call to us for thanksgiving and praise. The percent age of increase in the stateragricultural ly industrially, educationally, and mor ally, has been phenomenal, and far ex ceeded our fondest hopes. The price of farming and trucking lands have largely increased in value. Industrial enterprises are being rapidly developed throughout the state, and are paying good dividends. Peace and good will now exist between labor and capital. No' pestilence or scourage has visited our state, and with the above two ex ceptions, law and order have been main tained., Our educational progress is a source of congratulations, as .longer terms; more efficient teachers, better ; school houses and equipment, mark a new and nrmrrmaivn iMi-Init In am. . .... ... . . - school life, while the growing temper ance religious spirit 'of our people de notes a moral condition never before tro, president of Venezuela, is dead can not be proved by authorities at Caracas It is believed here that the government is trying to conceal his death in order to keep in power.. Pittsburg, Nov. 14.This city is en tirely at the mercy of thugs and hold up men. Many robberies are commit ted dally, and the r jbbers laugh at the attempts of the police to check the career of crime. The condition has been the cause of a mass meeting of citizens to tske strenuous steps against these outrages. Chlcafo, Nov. 14. -The Wabash rail way system will expend $12,000,000 on improvement of the road by double tracking and new equipment. Raleigh, Nov. 15; This afternoon Secretary of State Grimes filed with the Corporation Commission his argn ment and brief in his complaint against the Bell Telephone Co. He asks that tolls for long distant messages be re duced to five cents a minute and tele phone rentals to $2 per month for busi ness houses and $1 60 per month for residences. Of the 87 telephone com panies doing business in North Caro lina only eight report over $2 for busi ness houses, 25 report art average of $1 to $1J0 of the 67 only 6 report an aver age charge of over $1.50 for residences 27 reporting an average of 1. Grimes says he does not consider It unreason able to ask reduction. , The Bell Tele phone Company valued its property in North Carolina at $1,157,000 and testi fied it had paid a profit on this of $53,- 673, reducing taxes and tha', this was 5 per cent on the valuation. The State valuation is only $337,000, in which the company paid almost 16 per cent. The Corporation Commission will pass upon the question in a few days. " Chicago, Nov 15 The Tribune has compiled the number of murders that have been committed up to the present time since January 1. 1900. The entire number is 9,000 which is declared to break all previous records. Washington, Nov. 15 Attorney Gen eral Moody has begun suit against-the Standard Oil Company, for violation of the Sheimon Anti-Trost law. The com plaint states that it is an unlawful com bine and asks that the articles of cor poration be revoked. Asheville, Nov, 15 Will Harris, the negro murderer of four men was killed today in a fierce fight with a posse of men at Fletcher, ten miles from here. Harris was in a barn and the men num beting several hundred surrounded the place and began firing. He returned the fire and then attempted to escape but was shot down .and his body fairly riddled with bullets. Pittsburg, Nov. 15th. Crime is still rampant in this city and the police seem powerless to check it It is car ried on in open defiance of the law. De tectives are arriving from other cities and numerous arrests have been made. The adjoining cities and villages are as much at the mercy of robbers as is this place. Colon, Nov. 15th. President Roose- velt was given a tremendous greeting here today, and the city is en fete in consequence of his presence. One of the inspiring scenes in connection with his welcome was a chorus of hundreds of school children who sang "Star Spangled Banner." Hw the guest of President Amador. Chapel Hill, Nov. 15th. A game of football has been arranged to be played between the Carlisle College team (In dians) and University of North Caroli na. The game will probably occur on Thanksgiving Day. Tacoma, Wash, Nov. 15 News comes from the far northwest that loss of life and property on account of floods,snow and cold is great Many places have been isolated for 36 hours and the riv ers are flooding the plains. ' Life of a Great Man The publishing company of Jenkins Denton have been given the contract for publishing the life of the late Pev. Sam Jones. It will be a work that will give the only authoritive account of the great preacher's career and it will con sequently be ft valuable adjunct to any library. Sam Jones was too well known to the people of the entire country to need any formal introduction but like all the men who have done great things and won much fame we desire to keep his name fresh in our memories ac quainting ourselves with his words and works. The book is now ready for sale. It is compiled by Rev. Walt Halcomb, the co-laborer and closest friend of the great evangelist, assisted by Mrs. Jones and there is not an incident in the life of Mr. Jones worth recording O at does not appear. It is all in all a complete and splendid memorial of a man who was perhaps the most remarkable man in some respects the world has ever known. t '. ' ' , Notice. Roberts & Hurst, or their representa tive, will do all the collections for D. L. Roberts. D. L. ROBERTS. ' A great big nickle's worth in every nnttlenf Pep-Tono. DuRy'i Dead Shot Chill and Fever Cure '"''.v is ft splendid medicine. 6 or 6 doses will curs any case of chills and fevers. No Cure, No Pay. For sale by all d.iihU and country stores. WRONG PARTIES F Young Trotter Makes Admis sions Which May Convict Him of Serious Offense. COUNTERFEITER AS DESPERATE CRIMINAL First Quarterly .Meeting or thld Fel lows, u Pleasant Occasion. West ern X. ('. Conference Now in Session, Bishop Wilson Pre siding. Bishop Cheshire Holds Services. Negro Shot by Policeman. (fpecial Correspondence.) Greensboro, Nov. 13. Graham Trot ter, a young man of Mt Airy, of ex cellent family, and teller of the First National bank there, is in the city lock up here, awaiting the 'arrival of an offi cer to take him back to Mt. Airy, charged with complicity in the assault Friday night on a man by the name of Turner, who was returnirg to Mount Airy in a buggy with Miss Ashby and another young lady, Miss Ashby was shot twice as the horse and buggy were flying from the scene of the hold up. A young man named Brim was arrested in Mount Airy Saturday and is in jail awaiting the result of Miss Ashby's in juries. With instructions from Mount Airy to arrest Trotter, officers here received notice that he had boarded the train some distance out from that place and might get lost in Greensboro. The of ficers went a mile out from the station and boarded the train, where the regis tration is made at the Y, and finding the party described, made the arrest, and are holding him without bail. When seen in his cell at the police station the young man said he did not care to make any statement. He did say, however, that he heard he -would bo wanted as a witness and left home and came to Pilot Mountain where he boarded the train and came here. It was suggested to him that a mistake had been made in shooting Miss Ashby when he quickly said, "now, you have it, that's the truth." Asked for further particulars, he said in effect that the parties who were in the hold-up were looking for certain people and were simply mistaken when they held up the buggy in which Turner and Miss Ashby were riding. He showed considerable knowledge of the entire affair, but was not pressed, and finding that he had already said too much or more than was necessary, he said he did not care to talk any further. Trotter's admission that the hold up and shooting was a mistake bears out the report made by a Mt. Airy gentle man who was here Sunday. He said that it was generally understood that the men implicated were on the road that night to meet an appointment with two women of the town. As they failed to meet them, they thought that some ona else had in terf erred with the ap pointment and the attack was made under the impression that the buggy contained these parties and they made a terrible mistake. ; The United States Marshal's office here, has been notified by wire from United States District Attorney Rose of Baltimore, to proceed to Salisbury and take to Baltimore,' Irvin Talley, who was arrested by Chief of Police Miller in Salisbury Saturday. Talley is designated as a "desperate criminal" convicted of counterfeiting, who escap ed from the Baltimore jail last Septem ber. - . . " Today and Wednesday will be big days with local lodges of the Independ ent order of Odd Fellows as they have with them some seventy-five or a hun dred visiting Odd Fellows in attendance upon the first quarterly meeting of this district, the session to be held in the hall of the Buena Vista Lodge No. 12L Mr. Thoe M Stevens, of Durham, Grand Master of the order in North Carolina, and Mr B H Woodcll, of Raleigh, Grand Secretary have accepted the invita tions extended to them by District Deputy R L Woodard, to be present and take part in the exercises, Bishop A W Wilson of Baltimore.ar rived in this city Saturday night, on his way to Mt Airy. where he will preside over the Western North Caro lina Conference of the M. E. Church, which meets there to morrow. The Bishop, with delegates and pastors from this section will leave Greensboro at 7:55 Tuesday for Mt Airy. There was a large congregation at West Market street Methodist Church last night to hear Bishop Wilwn preach and his sermon was one of great power and eloqut nee. ' Sunday morning he preached to an over flowing congregation at Muir's Chapel, four miles from the city and after in termission of two hours for dinner whk;h was served by the congregation to all present, the new church was dedicated. This church is now one .of the best country churches in the whole section, 1 SS PAPERS LOW Norman II. Johnson Address es The Retail Merchants And Makes Suggestions. MINISTERS GOTO ATTEND CONFERENCE. U. S. Marshal Returns From Court. A iMVKe Attendance at Baptist Convention Expected. Fear fill Burning Accident. Special Correspondence. Greensboro, Nov. 14 Many of the newspapers are iust printing the news sent out In this correspondence, two weeks ago, that Major Rreece would be again tried for alleged wrecking of the Asheville bank, on a bill of indict ment foutd at the Federal Court in Greensboro prior to thcbill he was tried in three times at Charlotte. In about two weeks from this date, still further glaring head lines may precede the story, that owing to the death last week of Mrs. William Rye, one of the most important witnesses for the govern ment, the case will be called for trial and a nol pros ordered. There was a pretty good attendence of merchants of the city at 'the Court House last night to hear Norman H. John son, of Raleigh, attorney for the North Carolina Merchants Association discuss many topics of capital importance to the retail merchants of the state. He was introduced by Mr. J. N. Hendrix, president of the local organization. In speaking of the recently passed pure food bill he said that he regarded it as one of the most jbeneficials ever passed The speaker was strongly opposed te the proposed parcel-post bill, which has been agitated for some time past he said that if it became law instead of there being a hundred or more merch ants in Greensboro there would be not morethan five. He said that those who are backing the moverr.ent for the parcel-post would ruin the retail mer chants. United States Marshal J. M. Milliken and Deputy Bailey arrived on the noon tnin from Asheville, where they have been in attendancs on the Federal court There were no criminal cases of impor tance tried. Deputy Joe Milliken ire- mains to attend court which is now en gaged trying civil cases, and will prob ably adjourn today. The pastors of the Greensboro Metho dist Episcopal churches together with a large number o' delegates and others, left today for Mt Airy to attend the annual session of the Western North Carolina Methodist Episcopal Con ference. They will go to Winston, where they will take a special train for Mt Airy. Quite a number of dele gates and ministers from other towns were in the lity yesterday on their way to attend the Conference. A meeting of the board of stewards of west Market street Methodist church was held last night and the finishing touches put upon the report to be made to conference this week. As usual, the obligations of the churches met in full The contributions per member have been four or five dollars each more than they were last year. For missions alone over three thousand dollars was con tributed. The Sunday school report is also exceptionally yood. Canvassing committees, representing the three Baptist church of the city be gan vesterdav. the work of securing homes for the ministers and delegates to the Baptist State Convention, which will meet here next month. This is a large gathering, butt is believed that Greensboro will do its full duty and ex tend to the members the hospitality for which the city is noted. While standing in front of an open fire place yesterday afternoon, with hei eisrht months' old babe in her arms. Jessie Houston colored, had a fit and fell head lone, her hands reaching the fire, the child fallimr behind the back log and burning to death. The mother was badly burned about the hands, and was erf lea witngnei wnen sne learned the tragic death of her child. , having been just completed and fully paid for, it costing (6,000. It is the third church built since the congre gation first worshipped there a century ago in ft log cabin constructed by Rev, Mr. . Muir, an itinerant Methodist preacher. A larger building was erec ted in 1853, and the new one takes its place. The ceremonies yesterday were very impressive and were participated in by ft large number of people, At Si. Andrews Episcopal Church last night, Bishop Cheshire preached a notably strong sermon to an overflow ing congregation, and administered the rite of confirmation to class of 15. The negro George Wilson, who was shot by policeman Skeene last Friday while running, after escaping from ar rest is now reported in a critical con dition at the hospital. The ball lodged in his back, and he was not thought to be seriously hurt, but his condition is m irnvo Khnnlri tha marl llA It la being said that an investigation will nmv. m.et Snoi matter to the rffieer. who shot him. " ---- T SEVERAL ILLICIT i STiLLS DESTROYED City Ownership of Water Plant Question Wanning l'p. Sharp Fight TELEPHONE RATES WILL NOT BE RAISED. Mecklenburg Week in the - Supreme Court. .Mclvei' Day Program Will be Very Interesting. Only i Distilleries in the Raleigh District. Talk of Stale Base Ball League. (Special Correspondence) Raleigh, Nov. 15 The revenue offi cers have been pretty active during the past few days". Deputy Collectors Merritt and Lloyd captured one still last Thursday several miles from Franklinton and yesterday went back to the same place and found another still in full blast in exactly the same bed. One was an 80 and the other a 65 gallon capacity. The moonshiners got away, some of their Jpals having dashed across the fields and given them warning immediately before the officers arrived on the scene. The moonshiners are quite busy now making moonshine for whiskey use as they put it. Rev. Crawford Jackson of Atlanta is in the State, sseking to raise funds to establish about 50 miles from that city a reformatory for white children. His purpose is, he says, is to have such a reformatory to take children from any state in the south. The Southern Bell Telephone Com pany, whien it is said woum raise the rates here will not do this. This infor mation is specially given by the dis trict manager. Mr. Gentry. The Ral eigh rate is $18 per year for residences. The matter of city ownership of the Raleigh waterworks is being made quite an issue in Raleigh, one of the newspapers taking ground for such ownership and the othe attacking it. The time in which the city could buy the old plant, privately owned, has nearly ended and estimates have been filed for a new plant. Labor Commissioner Varner has al most finished the inspection of cotton mills and nex", week will end this and then the very interesting annual report will be made up showing the number of such mills, spindles, looms, employ ees, etc. There will be a very heavy increase over last year. From what can be gathered it seems that there are about 18 new mills and very exten sive additions to the plants in many of the older ones The number of whiskey distilleries in this revenue district are now only 12. New ones have been built at Rocky Mt. and Fremont. Before the Watts law went into effect there were over 300. The present distilleries are so much larger than the many small ones, that the taxes which the government re ceives are almost as large as they were formerly. There is some talk about having a North Carolina baseball league next season. The railroad connections are such that a good circuit can be made. For the past three years there has been no circuit in this State but interest in the game has increased rather than aba ted. The number of Confederate veterans present at the North Carolina Home is now 106 and transportation requests have been prepared for ten more who will arrive in a few days. The Supreme Court will this week hear appeals from the 12th district. This is the Charlotte district and the docket is unusually larger than from any of the others. The State department of agriculture will ?ssue its pure food bulletin by De cember 1st this containing the analyses of the samples taken during the past six months. From the office of the State Superin tendent of Public Instruction there has been issued the complete programme for North Carolina Day which this year is Mclver Day, Friday, Decemlier 14th. The pamphlet is very well prepared and is full of instruction and inspiration. ; The Morehead-Beaufort Bridge. All of the rails to complete the track across the A A N C, Ry. bridge be tween Mor. head and Beaufort Will be carried to be put down, today, and the completed track will be in place Satur day night, so that trains may cross. Next niek freight will be carried over in can and December first is named as the day when the regular passenger schedule for trains will be established, making Beaufort the eastern terminus of the Atlantic and North Carolina rail road. : " " " - When you're broke the girls are shy They turn and fly as you come nign Rl-SCe UD OKI mall. BII11W auiuw uiuvn Taktocky Mountain Teajfwill change vour luck. 1 For sale bv F. S. Duffy. ECZEMA AFFLICTS WHOLE FAMILY Father and Five Children Suffered for Two Years With Terrible Eczema Home Remedies and Medicines Gave No Relief- Mother Expresses 'Joy at. . WONDERFUL CURE BY i CUTICURA REMEDIES " My husband and five children 1 all amicted with eczema. They had it two years. We used all the home rem edies we could hear of, without any relief, and then went to a physician and got medicine two different times, and it got worse. It affected us all over except head and hands. We saw Cuticura Remedies advertised and con cluded to try them. So I sent for $1.00 worth, consisting of one cakevf Cuticura Soap, one box of Ointment, and one vial of Fills, and we commenced to use them. I do not know how to express ofy far in finding a cure, for two of my chil dren were so bad that they have the brown scars pn their bodies whtere they were sore. If it will be of any benefit to you, you-can publish my letter with pleasure. Yours truly, Mrs. Maggie B. Hill, Stevens, Mason Co., W. Va., Juos 12, 1905." CUTICURA A BLESSING. vTo Skin-Tortured Babies' and Tired Mothers. The suffering which Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment have alleviated among the young, and the comfort they . have afforded worn-out and worried parents, have led to their adoption in countless homes as priceless curatives for birth humors, milk crust, stalled head, eczemas, rashes, and every form of itching, scaly, pimply skin, and scalp humors, with loss of hair, of infancy and childhood. Guaranteed absolutely pure. Sold throughout the world. Cnrlran io. Ms., ntaft. incut, Me-. luwlfnL fOe. (In funu of Chooolau Coti . rUI,, Wo. pn tUI of (0), uitr be hod of ll drumltn. Fttttrr Drug Choi TJUUMI b lmo. vorp., son rropf., notion, Man. I rra, " Bow to ClindvTCij UiiMb" I BUNCH OF PARDONS. Convicts Who Have Been Good are Released From Durance Vile. Many Refused. . (Special Correspondence.) Raleigh, Nov. 14th. Governor Glenn today granted four pardons, these be ing the following: . Frank Towery, of Burke, who last year was convicted of bigamy and sen tenced to two years on the public roads; the governor says-lhat Towery is Igno- ' rant, his wife deserted him uid had been reported dead and that he has grave doubts as to whether Towery, at his second marriage knew she was liv ing. Towery is old and infirm and par don is granted at the recommendation of the Solicitor and county commission ers John Evans, Rockingham county, con victed of assault and battery uoon his wife, was sentenced to twelve months. Since the trial it develops that he was more sinned against than sinning and upon recammendation of the Judge, prosecuting attorney and many good citizens a conditional pardon is granted. Walter Nelson, of Buncombe county, ' convicted of aiding and breaking jail, " sentenced to 18 months; pardon recom- mended by Judge, Solicitor and county commissioners, he having made, a good prisoner for over a year. For this rea son there is a conditional pardon. Willie Phifer, of Mecklenburg coun ty, convicted in August of last year, be being a boy of 12 who stole a $15 bicy- cle got an 18 months sentence, condi tional pardon granted upon recommen- itioa of Judge and Solicitor. PARDONS REFUSED. L A Spouse of Madison who pleaded guilty of forcible trespass and got 12 months on the county road, was really guilty of. forgery and obtaining money under false pretense, so bis sentence -was not excessive. ! . James Armstrong of Iredell, convict ed of larceny in August of last year, , sentence 18 months on roads. No one recommends pardon and the punishment for larceny and robbery was not excess ive.' .. ;'. , -' ' ' Thomas Hathway of Chowan, convict ed in 1900 of perjury, sentenced 15 years in penitentiary; neither Judge nor Solic itor recommend pardon. - . Nelson Bumgarner of Wilkes, convict ed of manslaughter, sentence 4 months , in jail, the governor regarded this as very mild, as Bumgarner ' conduct . caused the death of the man. No reason is shown for pardon. Stokes McCrary of Buncombe, con victed in July of last year of larceny sentenced two years; pending applica tor pardon be made in his case. Bob Smithermon of Forsythe,convict ed of larceny, sentence 2 years on road No reason for pardon and neither judge nor solicitor recommend it. C C. Mills of Rowan, convicted for larceny last February, sentence 12 '.months. Neither judge nor s.::. :: t recommended pardon and no g x J r a- 1 son shown for it but on accoui 1 1 i condition Governor reoorr-- ty commissioners that he Ul and not be maJa to Wo, i 1 strength. TTT fK TFT TTTTPT TT"T TFTFI

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