JHUfcUiboJ I Bit. puh iabei Is Two Sections, ey Tues ty Mid Friday, si Jouraal Building, 68 0 Crsvsa Bret. , . "rtARLt? U STEVEN sono tan raopaitror. SUBrtORtPTIOM HATE?- Two Uoetta,.. .'. .. "Ce.U Three Hootl.,. tin Months,. 00 Tee Months, 'uu 4 f ONLY IN ADVANC, ; Official Paper of New Bern and Craven County. Advertising rate furnished upon ap phoattoa at iha otnce, or upon inquiry ay null. - yTh Jotmau. is only sent on r.ay--advaace basis. Subscribe. will teceive notloe ot expiration of their iub r ipttona and an immsdlaU response to notion W'.i U appreciated nt fie JoOMUt . Entered at the PosWoce, New Bern If. i vwi .! mntter. New Hern, N. C. November 16, 1906. GOOD A ROADS, GOOD SCHOOLS. WITHOUT EXTRA COST. Such surprising conditions as stated in the Journal's Greensboro corres pondence, in last Sunday's paper, can hardly be matched, much less excelled, in, any county in North Carolina, or in the entire South, as may be found in Guilford. These conditions are good roads, good schools without the coat of an extra dollar to tax payers ! Let this be considered in any county and every county in the State, by the peo ple. Think of the comfort of good roads. - Consider the matter of good schools. These are for the present generation of Guilford county people, and for their posterity. And the pres . eot generation is not living cheap'y to pay for these benefits. They are hav ing the best of everything. And the neat generation and succeeding ones are coming into an inheritance, without any debt to pay, an inheritance that .will make them deeply honor the men juid; women of the Guilford of today, their wisdom in leaving them such a rich legacy,' as good roads and good Schools The good road proposition in most counties, assumes the shape of a bur den to the average citizen. A bond is sue presents the aspect of a threatened storm in harvest time. One, two, three hundred thousand dollars spent on roads per a bond issue, has the appearance of an incubus which will overwhelm and destroy. So a bond issue meets defeat at the polls. Such good counties as Mecklenburg and Wake have experi enced it. The Guilford county people, wise in their generation, have volunta rily called for bond isaues amounting to 300,000 for good roads. This to be used $65,000 a year. The result of this prac tical venture, is such an increase in the selling values of taxable real estate property, because of good roads, and good schools are in the same category, in benefits, that these increases more than create the amount for needed in terest on road and school bonds, provi ding also a sinking fund that will retire the bond issues aa they mature. And no increase in the tax rate. The application is not to be confined to any one county. The merchants, the citizens, the farmers of every county should study this action of Guilford county, and its wonderful results. Con siderations, as to material things, are not different in Guilford. It is only the people. No doubt not less than fifty counties in North Carolina are more in need of good roads for what produce they raise than is the the county of Guilford for its actual home crops Good roads i not a theory, it present its bene ficial results. Guilford county has plain ly demonstrated that it is a good buai- proposition. and Wall street, as ore than a foreign war. What is there in free America to propagate and promote socialism, is often-asked. If any citizen, any busi ness man, will look over the commer cial news of the paat few days, there will be found one financial, so-called, transaction, that will go to promote and aid the cause of the socialist. Edward Henry Harriman may be known to a few thousands of citizens in this country. Last week, so the re ports say, this gentleman achieved the ambition of his life. He secured the mastery of a cl ain of railroads extend ing from the Pacific' to the Atlantic, and down to the Gulf of Mexico. The fact that this transaction inyolved a good deal of disreputable dealing, in no way shocks the financial morals of Wall Street. The report that this railroad deal gives Mr. Harriman the control of 12,500,000,000 of property makea uneasy only those millionaires who would glad ly grasp any kind of property that could be financially manipulated, no matter if like Harriman, it was in billion dollar lots. If is this kind of financial colossus, which is the aid to socialism. It is a force against everything which opposes, to crush and drive out of existence. It is the means to annihilate individualism. It is the force to gain public adminis trations, and make them act as the financial colossus shall decree. It is the force that overrides law, and laughs at the suggestion that it 'is responsible to God or man. IN MEM0RIAM. : ' IHsflHsHiV ' ' ' The silent hand of death has again entered the portals of our Lodge and taken from our midst our beloved friend and brother, Edward Gerock. His life's work is finished, and he has been summoned to his reward. Generous, affectionate, and genial, his friendship true and steadfast, kind and pleasant to all, upright in all his dealings, yet firm and unyielding in his devotion to what he considered right and honest His life in Odd Fellowship waa one of constant labor, and the impresa of his able efforts will long be felt Jby our Order. ureen will be his memory, a memory that will burn brightly and constantly in the hearts of those who knew him best, and in the affections of those who survive him. Such men die not, but on the arms of love. We who have felt their power and know their case. Lift them to brighter skies and fairer scenes. Beyond the reach of earthly hope and fear. Resolved: That as a tribute of our love and esteem for our departed brother, this memorial be spread upon the minutes of the Lodge, a copy, un der the seal of the Iiodge, sent his be reaved relatives and a copy sent the New Bern Journal and Orphans Home with request to publish same. CEO. GREEN, 1 JOS COHEN, Committee. W. F. CROCKETT ) FORECAST OF PRESI DENT'S MESSAGE Supreme Court Opinions. ' Special to Journal: Raleigh, N. C, Nov. 13 Supreme court filed the following opinions to day: Biles vs A. C. L. Ry., from Anson,' no error. Hicks vs M'g Co., Guilford, no er ror.' Railway Co. vs Hdw Co., Guilford, decided in favor of defendant, both cases. - ' Isley vs Briiige Co., Alamance, new trial.' Woody va Fountain, Person, er ror. - Hodgin va Railway, Guilford, affirm ed, i Carlton vs Railway, Rowan, affirm ed. Thaxton vs Insurance Co , Rowan, affirmed. Typewriter Co. vi Hdw Co , Rowan, affirmed. Jones vs Commissioners of Stokes, no error in oth appeals. Rarrettvs brewer, Montgomery, re versed. Duffy va Insurance Co., Craven, per curiam, affirmed. Milling Co. vs Coltrane, Cabarrus, dismissed by consent matter being com promised. I PIHMENE A system of progressive taxation up on laree inheritances. liovernment supervision oy licence or otherwise, of all corporations (beside railroads) engaged in inter-State busi ness. Federal legislation to correct and re duce evils of divorce. Publicity of campaign expenditures and inhibition against corporation con tributions. Greater protection of railroad pas sengers and employes Dy adoption oi block system, and eight-hour day for emuloves. Exclusion of undesirable European immigration. A more elastic currency system to prevent monetary stringencies. The Washington Post is the authority that says the above are the principal recommendations that will be presented to Congress next month by President Roosevelt in his message to that body. It will be noticed that anything sug gestive of tariff legislation is omitted. On the tariff subject, a Chicago paper savs that senator (junom or. Illinois suggests the wisdom of an extra ses sion of Congress next Spring which will take up the matter of tariff re duction. This delay is for the repub licans to try other legislation, first, and then be prepared to come in as tariff reformers, if there be a public sent ment that way, and so pose in the presidential year as the party that stands for tariff reduction. In the fifth section of the above re commendations, there seems to be spe cial need just now. The railroad dis asters are occurring with terrifying regularity and he death horrors are making new records. The last one, the demand for a more elastic currency will please the entire country. Speci ally is there a currency system needed which shall consider the needs of the producers rather than those of Wall street. If speculation ia to. be carried on, it should be made to stand on its own bottom, and not have the aid of government funds every time the big speculators feel hard up. The inheri tance tax will make the millionaires contest the issue, if the tax is put upon a basis that will touch those who should justly pay such a tax. If the message covers these points, Coqgress will be a scene of activity, and the President be kept busy in steering his recommendations through to success. . Lowest Temperature Yesterday morning was the coldest that has yet been on the scene. The local mercury went as low as 28 and of course there was a thin coating of ice on standing water. This tempera ture was taken by the local government observer, Mr. James Hill. Bv comparison with the weather bulletin received at this office every night that with the exception of places in the extreme north, the temperature waa as low as any place on the map. The minimum temperature of New York. Boston and other northern cities was from 2 to 6 degrees warmer. Sluggish Llvsr A Fsc To Ambition. You can not accomplish very much if your liver is inactive as you feel dull, your eyes are heavy and slight exertion exhausts you. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup stimulates the liver and bowels and makes you feel bright and active, Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup does not nauseate or gripe and is mild and very pleasant to take. Orino is more effect ive than pills or ordinary cathartics. Refuse substitutes. For sale by Davis Pharmacy. and William's Carbolic Salva With Arnica wltoh Hazsl. The best Salve in the world for Cutf, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, I letter. Chapped Hands, and all sKin eruptions. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25c by druggists. WIUI.iams m Hi. w., rrop s, Cleveland. O. Sold by D. A. Harget. The latest "fellow" of the Royall Botanic Society of England is Baroness von Eckhardstein, who for years has devoted herself to the study of botany and is now a recognized authority on certain phases of plant life. The Ra- roncss, who is a daughter of the late Sir Blundell Maple, spends most of her time in the country following her fav- ority holibe. OA8TOTIIA. Btara the 1 lia KI'J ta H;IW lwa?S B"" Signature Of ilia Kiuh'iiu H;ie Always i He that can read nnd meditate will not lind his evenings long nor life tedi ous. From the French. Mil ir . C r. 1 ! 1 Mr. T. H. McGinnlss, 2141 Central Ave., Cincinnati, O., says: , : - "I have bad catarrh, for seven years, and have tried almost every advertised remedy without receiving any benefit. One bottle Cooper's Mew Discovery has effected a com plete cure. I have gained in weight and feel stronger than I have for years. My head is clear, my appetite good, my food digests perfectly, aad my whole aystem has been greatly benefited by your wonderful retnedy. I am deeply grateful for the remarkable cure the medicine has effected In my case." Signed: T. H. McGINNlSS. EBflAND FOR COOPER : MEDICINES From All Over the United States Startling Ac counts are Received of the Unprecedented Re- -suits Obtained With L T. Cooper's Remedies. , The wonderful new medicines, Cooper's New Discovery and Cooper's (Juick Relief, with which L. T. Cooper hat had such marvelous success in the treatment of stomach trouble, kidney trouble, catarrh, deafness, rheumatism and other diseases in every large city and about which every one has read numerous accounts in the newspapers, have become iu great demand and have had a tremendous sale; this de mand for these famous remedies is increasing. From this very city the sale and results obtained from Cooper's New Discovery and Cooper's Quick Relief has been marvelous. DREAD CATARRH. - ' If you are troubled with a foul smelling breath, inflamma-. -Mon and -soreness of nasal Cavities and air passages and the dropping of a nasty mucous from head to the throat, if there is a dull heavy frontal headache and ringing sounds in your head and you find yourself gradually growing deaf, beware of catarrh. - . Cooper's New Discovery should be taken internally to ex pel the catarrhal virus from the system and heal the mu cous membranes of the nasal cavities and air passages. It heals the tissues of the throat and bronchial tubes, and frees the entire system of all catarrhal poison. ' Cooper's Quick Relief should be used in connection with Cooper's New Discovery for catarrhal headaches and in all cases of catarrhal deafness to open the eustachian tubes and restore the nerves of the ear to their normal condition. , Cooper's New Discovery sells for $1.00 per bottle; six for $5.00. Cooper's Quick Relief costs SO cents per bottle. Yoa can get them of , -- : BRADHAM'S PHARMACY, CORNER POLLOCK & MIDDLE STS. A Msthedlst Minister Rscemmsnas Chsmbsr. Iain's Cough Rtmtdy. We have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in our home for seven years, and it has always proved to be a relia ble remedy. We have found that it would do more than the manufacturers claim for it. It ia especially good for croup and whooping cough. Rev. James A. Lewis, Pastor Milaca, Minn., M. E. Church. Chamberlain's Cough Reiredy is sold by Davis' Pharmacy and F. S. Duf fy. AN AID TO SOCIALISM. Yellow journalism to many people means any newspaper which refuses to remain indifferent to existing condi tions, particularly where such conditions bear upon, and burden the average cit izen whose gain is by the day of toil and effort,, and Whose entire capital may nXe f o beyond owning his own house and lot In this twentieth century, mjjjioo ' dollars are talked about as (l&j, aad held in less actual consider ation, as to a njount, thai one hundred wawanq Qouars waa a quarter oi a eentury ago, ,'- As an age aad century where only big things count, the existence and sur vival of the average citizen is lost sight of in the rush of the millionaire, and the crush of the billionaire. Colossal means all the word implies in this day, when applied to individual and corpo ra t a g -jregationa of money, and finan cial power. It is the surprise of many t!.it so-called yellow journalism pre "'. It startles others, that a man V. R. Hearst should threaten the ' 1 p 'ntence of two great po- OA8TOU1A, Baua taa 1,011 Haw always Siastm ' sf A specially prepared copy of Leon cavallo's new march, "Viva I' Amer ica," has been presented to President Roosevelt by Rudolph Aronson. $100 Reward $100. The "eaders of this paper will be phased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive eure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure h taken internally,, acting direct ly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building the constitution and assisting nature doing its worth. The proprietors have so much faith in its eurative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to eure. Send for list of testimonials. Address T. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists, 75c Take Hall's Family Pills for eonsti- Charles Beresford is a staunch-L,ared for tMlea and thing of the pri ler. "I am now 60 years old," vate parts. Every box is guaranteed. Lord teetotaler, be said recently, "and since I have en tirely given up wine, spirits and beer, I find I can do as much work, both phy sically and mentally, as when I was 30, if not more." PILES! PILES! PILES! Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will cure Blind. Bleeding. Ulcerated and Iwhine Piles. It absorbs the tu mors, allays the itching at once, acts as a poultice, gives fnstant relief. Dr. Williams Indian Pile OmUnent is pre Sold uv druggists, ly mail, for fiOc and l.(K) Sold bv D. A - liarnet. A rash man provokes trouble, but when the trouble comes is no match, for it. From tho Chinese. Mrs Garret A Hobart, wife of the late Vice-President, has given to the trustees of the First Presbyterian Church of Patterson, N. J., ground on which to erect a new church, and has also donated $2,500 to the building fund. Reforms are generally most unpopu lar where most needed. Martin. A Reliable Ksatedy ter Creep. 1 Mrs S Roeinthal, of Turner, Mich. says: "We have used Chamberlain's Cough Medicine for ourselves and chit- dren lor several years ana nae n very much. I think it is the only remedy for croup and can highly recommend it" For sale by Davis Pharmacy and F. S. Duffy. Mrs Roosevelt is sn ardent admirer of Rembrandt, and owns several fine prints of the great Dutch master, which she has at her home at Oyster Bay. , If you like coffee but dare not drink it, try Dr. Shoop's Health. Coffee. is true that real coffee does diaturbe the stomach, heart and kidneys. But Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee has not a grain of true coffee in it. Being made from parched grains, malt, etc.. forms a wholaome food-like drink, yet having the true flavor of Old Java and Mocha Coffee. "Made in a minute." Call at our store for a free sample. Sold by J. L. MeDanit'. The New Pure Food And Drug Law, We are pleased to announce that Foley's Honey and Tar for coughs, nnd colds and lung troubles is not affected by the National Pure Food and Drug law as it contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and we recommend it as a safe remepy for children and adults. Rank has its boron as urea. Beaumont. well as pleas- CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind Yoa Have Always Bought Bears the Signature Wire Crass. Nov. 13. The old saying, "a calm after a storm," is well applied to our berg at this writing, for since the election there has not been much going on, as Wire Grass precinct went Democratic. Mr. Ed. Carraway, of Merrimon, spent last Sunday evening with Mr. D. W. Herring. Mr. . Paul, of South River, was here last week stopping with Mr. Carl Dickinson. Miss Minnie Mann, of Newport is a welcome visitor among relatives and friends at Russell Creek this week. Mrs. Guv Sabiston and sister, Miss Rosa Dickinson, of Core Creek, passed through here Saturday from Beaufort where they had spent the day shopping. Miss Nellie Dickinson, who has en tered school at Morehead City, spent last Saturday and Sum'ay with her ps rents. Several of our citizens attended the quarterly meeting at Harlowe Saturday and Sunday. ' Mr. J. E. Guthrie has again moved on the Sfe Elmo farm. Marshallberg seems to be holding out strong inducements to several of our citizens, as they contemplate moving there in the near future. Clam dealers in this section say they do not consider times very hard aa long as they get $L0 per bushel for clams. Mrs. West Noe, of Beaufort, spent last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S Dickinson. The oyster supper at the academy Friday tiicht waa quite a success, and all who participated enjoyed the atewed oysters and picklcB. Rev. W. A. Piland preached for us Saturday evening, it being his last ser mon before the annual conference. His many friends and members will be glad to have hirr. for their preacher another year. , u. imwi.'-';.vl Smokeless Powder Shells "LEADER" and "REPEATER" The superiority of Winchester Smokeless Powder Shells is undisputed. Among intelligent shooters they stand first in pop- o ularity, records and shooting qualities. Always use them for field or Trab Shooting. Ask Your Dealer For Them. LOOK OUT! LOOK OUT!! -FOR L. G. DANIELS' New Lot Horses Also Buggis, Wagons, Har ness and Saddlery of all kinds. Would do city livery. Good Rigs at Reasonable rates. Vienna is to have the largest and finest illuminated fountain in existet.ee. Theilluminating power will equal 900,- 000,000 candles. It includes 27 immense reflectors capable of giving .70 van ations in light effects every 17 se conds. ' Basra thai y1' Haw Always &fflg$f Bifnatu , af , Ihe Kind Haw Always phone ioi. Had a Cleat Call. : "A dangerous surgical operation, in volving the removal of a malignant ul cer, as large as my hand, from my daughter's hip, was prevented by the application of Bucklen's Arnica halve, savs A C Stickel. of Miletus, W. va. "Persistent use of the Salve completely cured it." Cures cuts, burps and inju- ies. 25c at all drug stores. L G. DANIELS J. ... . - - "V I.-., .v.-- : vr.frtn.MMl -. .' ' . - , : ...... vifjT1 v.'.-' V V .- .; - i - ! ": i . . .." - t J Apple stains may be removed from the hands by rubbing thom with a little fl i i i : .1 - t . I l.. I lemon juice or me iiibiuo. ui uro n)jr peel, rinsing them off later with warm water. How difficult it is to save the bark of reputation from theroekaof ignorance 1 Petrarch. - '.ten corporations nation. ( A Cass' Llalmant, , When you need a good reliable lini ment try Chamberlains Pain Balm. It has no superior for sprains and swell ings. A piece of flannel slightly dam pened with Pain Balm is superior to a plaster for a lame back or pains in the side or chest. It also relieves rheu matic pains and makes sleep and rest possible. For sale by Davis Pharmacy any Famevs Strike Braakara. The most famous strike breakers in the land are Dr. King's New Life PUls. When liver and bowels go on stWike, they quickly settle the troubfo, and the purifying work goes right on. Rvst cure for constipation, headache anddiz liness. 25c at all drug stores. Sometimes the rabble discovers 'hat ia right -From the Latin, i and F S Du!T. ', Ns Case el Pnaumanls en Record. We do not know of a single instance where a cough or cold resulted in f meu monia or1 consumption when Foley's Honey 'and Tar had been taken. It cures coughs an J colds perfectly, no do not take chanceft with some unknown preperation which may contaWopwtes, which cause constipation, a condition that retards recovery from m cold. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar and refuse substitute etTerwl. Pot aale by Rogue ' ' Nov. 6. Messrs. W. L. Arrlnglon S. P. Han cock and Leslie Davis, or Beauion, spvnt Wednesday at this place. Mr and Mrs. O. L, Holland, Mr. and Mrs. L. J'. Taylor spent last Wednes day in New Bern, v Mrs F. P. Koonce and children, of Trenton, came last week to visit Dr. J. W. Sanders and family. Meaars W. F. and C. W. Taylor re turned from Beaufort Monday. ura T. D Hewitt, of Carteret LoAre. and Winfield Uaskett, of New port, passed thrmgh this place last week. Un. TL W. Smith and Mrs. E. B. u Yimhrna been on the feeble lint ara convalescing. . ,; At. and rJ. A. JONES, LIVERY; FEED, SALE UNO EXCHANGE STABLES SS-UBHP ? v ' " 1 'P ' 'Til- if" f J L. J Largest and Finest Stock of Horses and Mules ever offered for sale in Nh. a. A CAR LOAD of each Just In! Also a complete line of Bu fgws, Rami- A Wagons, Harness, Robes, Whips, Cart wneeis. c. . .1 A. JONES. BROAD ST. PROPRIETOR. . NKW BERNrN. C Davis I'harnvwy. . . -TT-, ) IT 3Cv:?C jr !al.-ir... -3

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