TBE UM JOURNAL EitbU'"J 1878. . Pub Uheil in Two Soctlon,eerjr Tues ity trnl Friday, i Journal Building, M- CO Crvn .Street. "HARLK U STEVEN PITOR tWO PBOnBTO. SDBSOKUTION HATES Two Monthi,.,..... 35CenW Three Months, " Six Months ..60 T wdTe Months, ONLY IN ADVANUK, Official Paper of New Bern ana graven County. Advertising rates furnished npon ap plication at the olUco, or upon inquiry Oj mail. IVThB Joubi. ib only sent on pity-t-adTance basis. Subscribe; will receive notice of expiration of thoir mU tcriptlons and an immediate response to notice w-l t.a appreciated r 'ie JoUBNax tiered at the Posto'iice, New Ttern 0, a wnn,l-',!aR mutter. New Bern, N. C, November 20, 1906. DISCONTINUANCE OF EASTERN CAROLINA WATER ROUTES. The report, which has every evidence of being trustworthy, tli.it the line of iteamers now running between this city, Oriental and Elizabeth City, will be discontinued when the Raleigh & Pam lico Sound Railroad begins operations, is a matter of serious importance to the places where this lino of steameis now run and do business. The disconlinu ance of these river and sound steamers, if they are withdrawn, wil! mark a change in the passenger and freight trade, that cannot hut work commer cial hardships to many trade and busi ness interests of this section. The fact that the interests which have bought up timber lands, saw mills and railroads in Eastern Carolina, also control the a earn boats which run in the rivers and sounds of this same section, will in no way lessen the hardship. While the extend ed railroad lines will be able to develop a good deal of country, an I prove of great help to agricultural and industri al interests, there is also the need of lines of steamboats which shall touch at river and sound points for passen gers and freight. However, railroads may appear to cover territory, and give attention to carrying trade interests, they seldom meet the full trade demands. Public attention in Northern states is turning to the need of artificial waterways, wheie the natural water routes cannot be found. The people of New York have agreed to spend about $100, 000,000 upon widening and deepening the Eric canal, thus opening up of a water route for large craft from Duluth to tide water. The Pana ma canal, with its $2511,1)00,1)01) cost, is another example of what the people are willing to pay for water ways for com merce. It is often given as the reason for doing away with steamers between New Bern and Elizabeth City, that there are shoal places between the two cities. If there are, and they interfere, they can be removed. This is not the only water route with shoal places, that have been removed, and navigation made better. If the railroad plans arc carried out, as reported, New Bern, Oriental, Washington, Elizabeth City, and other river points, besides those on l- the Sounds, will have no regular boat or any kind of communication by water. There is a great deal of trade that a boat service might develop, locally, be V aides the regular through trade ship menta. Even with the present boat service, merchants are delayed in get ting freight. How is it to be possible ; that a railroad, which must be gotten 1 WW nutJU uruer, uciuru it uuu uu us fair service, is going to handle the business that this section now offers? 7 It is to be hoped fo the commercial interests of this section, that the steamboat service will not be with drawn, bat increased. DEMAND FUR VAGRANT LAW ENFORCEMENT. The case of the negro Harris at Ashe ' villa, with the horrors of his killing five men, and the hunt for the murder er, and his death, makes emphatic the demand for the strict enforcement of " ' the vagrant law in North Carolina. The enforcement of this la w will come nearer than anything else to the solution of the negro question, for it will separate lHthe colored citizen who works, who owns property, and is settled in a home, from the fellows of his race who are idlers, thieves and vagrants, - and not fasten upon the ordorly negro, the sins of every rascally negro, who eeni to uvo n me oi crime. " Observing the vagrant law by the of I'm - - i" Ccials of every town an.) city, would make impossible such a character as tbs Asheville negro. According to re- parts, this negro Harris, comes to the f ' y, with gun over lis shoulder, and inarches about the' streets as though he was in the woods, seeking game. It took very little to start the chain of horrors, which was ended by the death of Harris. The moral does not need to be point ed at Asheville. It can be applied to al most any town or city in the State, where the authorities do not enforce the vagrant law. Is every strange col ored man known, and his time account ed for? If without work, and a hanger around the streets, how many hours is such conduct going to be permitted '! It is up to the authorities of every town to know strangers, and particularly those who have no visible means of sup port One of two things should be giv en them to decide, leave at once or go to work, the only alternative being, in case of refusal, arrest and forcible la bor thrust upon them. It is through the idlers that crime comes. The worker has no time to think of crime, to seek mischief and plot against the community. Times are prosperous, but not so to warrant li cence to idelers anil vagrants. Some one has to psy the cost of tfie idlers' support, and this cost is added to win e, the idler becomes a depredator and criminal "The strict and impartial en forcement of the vagrant law will soon scatter the idle class, either to other states, or to a good working posit ion on the roads. DUTIES OF BETTERMENT LEAGUES If the Journal may be permitted to criticise, it would say, knowing the rea sons which prompted the organization of the local league, called Law and ( r der League, that the name is a misno mer, when the actual duties of the league are considered. The conception of some citizens on hearing the name, is that the purposes of the organiza tion are those of a vigilance commit tee. the members being in duty bound to act as spies and detectives, to look af ter the enforcement of all city ordi nances, to report violations of same, and to look after disorderly persons up on the streets. This would be the careless, first im pression, judging from the name. Itut logically, it is hardly to be supposed that fifty or one hundred or more citi zens are going to band themselves to gether for such purjMises. These are purely the functions of the city author ities, the looking after the rr.ainten ance of law and order. The purposes of the league have greater and greater intentions than doing de tective service for there are mat ters of local betterment that call for the best efforts of this local league. Local betterment leagues, whatever name they may take, are not new or ganizations in this country, for all progressive cities have established them. Perhaps local politi al anuses, which are certain to grow out of the continued municipal control of any polil ical organization, have caused many mil municipal leagues to be formed. Political control does not necessarily mean good lo cal government, no matter how much the party may pride itself on its own re spectability. Any continueil olliee holding by any political organization is sure to develop a set of perennial olliee holders, who cone to regard the ollices they hold as personal property, and themselves as no subjects for criticism or rebuke. In making greater cities, commer cially and industrially, socially anil moraily, a local league of business men can, if they will consistently work to gether, effect wonderful improvements.. No local board of councilmcn, have ever been so thoroughly equipped and up to date, that they could not be greatly helped by an active and intelligent local league of citizens. Not a month passes, but some matter of vital concern to business interests or tax payers, will come up, calling for adjustment through a local league. If no local league exists, the matter may be juggled along through the municipal authorities, but the effective force of a local league, only, will get the best results. In the establishment of the local league in this city, there should be a hearty and spontaneous joining of every citizen. It is not for politics or detec tive duty, that the league is organized. It is for every local betterment, that wise and patriotic .citizens may see needed, and a strong effort to secure and maintain the betterment. There is every reason for a large membership, for the greater the membership, the easier and greater the accomplishment, if locaj betterments'. N Cats 61 Pftstimsnla or Rtcord. We do not know of a single instance where a cough or cold resulted in pneu monia or consumption when Foley's Honey and Tar had been taken. It cures coughs and colds perfectly, so do not take chances with some unknown preparation which may contain oplaten, which cause constipation, a condition that retards recovery from a cold. Ask for Foley's Honey and Tar and refuso any substitute offered. For salo by Davis Pharmacy . v ' COMPLICATIONS MAY ARISE OvtT Hit' (liK'stion of Hie He wn nl tor Will Harris ami. (lie Doubt oi His luViir tity. U'pe'ial CorreHndeiiee.) Raleigh, Nov. 10. -Quite an interest ing question may ariso in regard to the State's reward of $100 for the negro murderer said to he Will 11 -'rri.i, who way killed at. Asheville yesterday. The Private Saeret-iry said this morning that there had n.'ver been a case of the kind and ih.il h- did imiI. KLi.a.v what would lie ditue in the mill d r. li is p.-e-siimed that if a demand is made for the reward the juesiion will be laid be fore tin Attorney Cener.d for his opin ion. The Pool Tournament. There w .iri quite a number of the d -votee:. ol the ivory a' toe pool tourna ment in Elk:- club last ra. 'it The con tent ivv; 15 ld I -:i:ne and the tourna ment w interesting throughout. The followuii; vent lemon w'-'tv winners id prizes in their respective classes: I-1 class. S.ini It l-aiton. :Uil .la"..-'., !v II. P. ani-ert. ::r.l ela:s, 1.. ('. la'.r loot. lib class. I. l! il.uiiels. To Ohio A Cold in Ono Day. Take l.aative ItrumoQiiminoTablet.s Uruggists refund tommy if it f .! In cure T W. lirmoV signature i. on each box. 25c. If You Own a Dog. Pay the Tax. The mayor's court is ipiite busy at present set ( lirTt; up the dog ta; mutter ami there is a question in -om- p-'fts whether tin1 dog is worth theli. However, the police drag net has bc-n over the city anil arrested every per... i: who owns or h irbors a canine. To day of gnti-e in winch the l:ixi-p..-nhle has passed and in addition ' I la- tax there are the cnsls to p iy. I on.-. Iiiontlv it would h;iv been better had the lax been par I beloi e. I acre v.e: i 15 persons iili-i uigiiieiil oil thi ciiy c for yesterday by I heir ne-.-lec:. .lulia Ann Cobb was disorderly and paid one dollar ami costs anieiail .e.- in !.T5. A Guaranteed Cure For I'Hcs Itching, Khnd. lilei-ding, Prot runing. Piles. Jtrurgi.-ls are ant hm i, ed to i . fund money if PAM nl.NTMI-iNT I'.ie to euro in ii to 1 I ,l;is ;.Oc. Victim ol Mail Cal s Bile. Kinston Free Press Nov. It'.: Today about, t he noon b mr Miss I li left Palmer, the young daughter of the lute )r. Palmer. l' i look. r!on, wisbi'ien by i cat that had run i.iad. She was immediately broiii'ht to K uu I on and w ill bo taken to Kichinond tonight 'or treat meiit. Several weeks ago ill - cat was bitten by :: dog that n i" knew to be alll.ct- eil with hydrophobia. The dog lias .since died, and until todav Ihe i-at had s' own no signs of t he rabies Hesi.les bit ing tin' child today the mad at bit a puppy which with the cat, has since been kill ed. The new Pure f ood and Drug Law willl mark it on the label of every cough cure containing opium, cloroform, tu nny other slupifying or poisonous drug. Hut it passes Dr. Slump's Cough Cure as made for l!0 years, entirely free. Dr. Shihip all along has bitterly opposed the use of all opiates or narcotics. Dr. Slump's Cough 1'iire is absolutely safe even for the youngest babe anil it cures, if does not simply suppi ess. (let a safe and reliable Cough Cure, by simply insisting on having Dr. Slump's. Let the law be your projection. We cheerfully recommend and sell it K. S. l ulfv. A Fine Showing. The New Hern Hanking and Trust Company is now two months old having opened for business Sept. 15th It has deposits of 157.UiW.-17 nnd total assets of $'25,3111,2?. That the bank is growing in favor and strength is very plain lo all who will examine its excellent statement up pearing in this issue. Wade Nappy lor Life. Croat happiness cann into the home of S C lilair, school superintendent, at St. Alhins, W. Va., when his little daughter was restored from the dread ful complaint he names. He saysr "My little (laughter had St. Vitus' Dance, which yielded to no treatment but. grew steadily worse until as a last ref.ort we tried Electric Illttors; and I rejoice to say, three bottles effected a complete cure. "Quick, sure euro for nervous complaints, general debility, female weaknesses, impoverished blood and malaria. Guaranteed by all druggist. Price 50c. . The primrose and the lilly of tho val ley will stand the shade of trees belter than most other ilourers. . A Ytar of Blood. the year 1903 will king be rememb ered in the home of F. N.vTacket, of Alliance, Ky., as ajtear of blood; which flowed so copiously from Mr. Tacket'n lungs that death seemed very near. He writes; "Severe bleeding from the lungs and a frightful cough had brought me at death's door, when I began lak ing Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, with tho astonishing ' result that after taking four bottles 1 was completely restored and as 'time has proven permanently cured." ' Hunr- nnteed for sore lungs, cougha and colds. For siilo at all drug stores. Frice. 5(lcU I and fl.OO. Trial bottlo free. rr 'ti ti: K'.y ,, ;fsi? " .' MA DIN OLA JL 7K1- &4iZ(jUM ED BEAUTIFIED, Kuijtay ;uivri:-fl and sold r Suiiuota.i i- tr.ua si.'lltteWnull NADi -refunded . piniptcs, ' disr.olorati tions, !. . tkin ci.v.1 beauty e' ' Price : l-U; if II , N;!: " Sold in I'harnucv ,1 ivl ilMMWy '., trccklrs, p'l' , col'ar ie.;.o'e? crup L. .ivcs the r. f.'.r,-; the tWHcvinds. ' ..il aiing '.'u Mcd bv i' , Tffnu. Ilradhani's New Horn by i ud other l.eadia; Uruggi -X PI ins fur Mclvpr Day Ho:., i V loyner has i sued the fol lowing circular letter sup. r:n! oii.leiits urgin adopi mg orne el' the ; have been iirevi ncd, In the e aniiy upon their i.'geiil ion i that made in" ailopt- ed: Noilh.C.aiolin t 1 lay will lie celebra ted in the public school.-; December 1 1th. The subjei I fur study will be the life, characl. r. teachings and servi -e.s of Charles l. M. lv.-r. a :ire distri buting from the oil; e as rapidly as pos sible the i t i phlets containing the pro gram, i ."I may expect yours in a few-day-;. Iha by dislribr.'e them promptly to al! your i-ublii s Imols. The law re M in - ilia , ch-bratioi, -if North Carolina 1 lay in . i iihlir ,-chool. I! t he duly of . very superintendent to n quire ev ry Jin ol i.-ach.-r lo obey that lea... a. the ceialc.a ilace ..'1 1 'eeember 1 '., req tire all ..i-'uoois t ton c.ta: . "a all the failing le i soiaa otl , thereafter I'ie ase u ch 'iiri n a: lale- p lie lis, I..!.rat r liav that d iy t" appoint i early as possible your teachers t" urge the ni pal, mis to make a liberal coiitrilmtion on t li t!) Mi lval Mi ca, -.h ,11 coiili f nl '' . Slipel ill' i II : '' I a d y appointed lor rial Statue I'llfid. 1 i-vpiv-t every county a North Carolina to ersonal interest in the ii o No'ih Carolina uu' schools and in se eiit i ibiil ion from the and teachers to this I ake an li. propel c.-l ! lay in all curing a h children. I fund. Mr. (i,.ri. .- 1.. Van Noppen. pub bailor of the :i..i'nipbk.d History of North Carolina, has kindly donated lo the Memorial l and one 1 housaud excel lent stwl engravings of Dr Mclver. 1 will send one copy o tiiis engraving free to each of ti " ten public schools in each county making the largest contri bution on North Carolina Day to the fund: Provided, tiia' i he picture will not be sent to any school contributing leas than $J oo Ple;c'C make this offer known to all your lea. hers Please havt this letter and tbi-i propositi m pub lished in all your . o uniy papers." Very truly yours, .i'. v. .ioynki:, ,- iip't. Pub. Instinct ion. Kiliiiiisnpss ninl Copst patiun. f or vi .u s 1 was troubled with billious ness and constipation, which made life iniserahle for ne-. My appoHle failed me. 1 lo.t my aai.illo'ce an. I vitality. Pepsin preparation! and cathartics only ma In matters worse. 1 do not know where I shoulrhh ivi: been ,ttlay hail I not tried Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets. The tablets relievo the ill feeling at once, strengthen the di gestive functions, helping the system to do its work naturally. -Mrs Kosa Potts, llirminghaiii, Ala. Tffesi; tali- lots nro for sale by Davis' Pharmacy and F S Duffy Justin McCarthy, the hintoriari nnd ex-leador of the Irish party, is now liV' ing in retirement at Wcslgate-on-Sea. McCarthy is still busy, hut his night has be come greatly impaired. Had t Close Call. "A dangerous surgical operation, in volving the removal of a malignant ul cer, as large ,as my hand, from my daughter's hip, wasprcvented by the application of Uucklen'a Arnica Salve, savs A C Stickel,' flf Miletus, W. Vn, "Persistent use of the Salve completely rured it." Cures cuts, burns and inju- ics. ZTk; at all drug atores. Your clothes may illy becomo you, even when they wear well. A Rtllablt Remedy lor Croup. Mrs S Rosinthal,' of Turner, Mich., says: "We have used Chamberlain's Cough Meilicine for ourselves and chil drtn for several years and like it very much. I think it is tho only remedy for croup and can highly recommend it." For sale by Davis Pharmacy and F. S. Duffy. The mtiltrplication table furnishes the rJiipil with food for thought. HOLLISTER'S ' ' Hcskv fountain Tea Kuggefs A Bu! Mwticlm for Bm PDl. Brlnnl QotdMi Hualtti and Hd Vltor. A aiwlllo for Consltrilnn, Inillwstiim, T,!vir !nl Ki.liiiiy ti-oul.lu,. 1 iineli'S, la-.i !nn. InilHird l:i.i.. llnU lircutli, Sliiciii'-ii imw. W. ilemlm-hn mil lliwkrh. lui llncky MumHnin Ti n In fcil l.i fiiun, -a oimi'.s !". K-ii'.i.o UKvix hi liOI.UN'lltK lJBIH) filMCANr. MultsOD. W . COLDEN NUGOf-TS FUH SALf Vi PC0IJU DISPENSARY'S BUSY DAY. I'irt us Causes n Trunsfrr of Stirits. (ht i' Sl,r0) - Uusim'ss. (Special Correspondence ) ...T , Kaleigh, Nov 1(!-The roreipU at the dispensary yea.lerday, circin day. were jl,('7S. Only. I wo or three drunken per sons were noticed. Thc-ie w!as u sniall light at the Pair grennds nvwhich two or three Hah igh characters Figured, but nolxidy Wal! hurt worth speaking of. There were 0.OUU persons at Ihe circus at Ihe tilteiaiuori performance and only almut a third of that number at night because of the cold rain which set in. The i ir .-us went to Henderson, thence to Norfolk, and ends its season Uii-lunond. A doi-.en or more railway men. representing Ihe various roads north and west were here today to fol low t he circus and get. the handling of the business, that it has in the trans portation of more than 1,200 performers aril employe. J E Latham's Market Letter Special to Journal New ork. N. v IV.- Sincf my last Idler a matmial advance his taken place. Pes.-itiiisni has given pi .ce to optimism and those who now fee friendly to col Ion are pretty near th. whoie company instead of a corporal's guard. Several things have trans pired to ctui-v thi! change of heart Among them is a rate for money of six per cent and less against tell p"r cent, and higher. A disposition to lower crop estimates and finally for aim wt the (ir.it time during '.his crop the south has been bullish ami the farmer has ob tained from selling thus an act if riot in word serving notice upiai th" coMon wm M that he must bee insulting bolore selling his cotton at. low prices. .lust as important however is the more cheer fill all itiidc of spinm rs to low grades to whii h many mills must turn or else stop turning thcirsphiille.;. Noone be lieves they will stop because it is know n of all nyn that si.inn"r cotton even lo.v grade cotton at present is a very pro (liable business. Asa matter of t.n t the use of low grades will be less hard ship than usual because they aiusl be used generally an I if one mills product is a little "off color" bis eomp 'liiors will be just like the merchants ami con sumers just as well accept, the situatio i md look pleasant. Prom what ! 1 ear probably . less than fifty per cent will grade .niddling and above. The next giiuieis report will be ready on the ill, an 1 t.ie agricultural ueparimeni. win make their annual crop guess in the ear Iv uavs ol 1 ii'cenuier. inese re ports are expected to thro some fur ther light on thesitualion. The .senti ment has s'l changed its unlikely the market ill dei line materially this side of Christmas but present, prices are not bad from the farmers stand point and 1 I doubtful almut further advances in the near future being sustained. WILLIAMS' KIDNEY PILLS. Have vou mirliH-led vour Kidneys? Ilavo you overworked your nervous -tvm and caused trouble with y.mr K'd nevs and ladder? ilavo you paiim in .he loins, side, back, groins and blad der? Have vou a tliihliy appearance ot the T.ue, especially under the eye.s? Too fii ipient desire to pass urine I If so Williuiu'u kidney I'ills will cure you. Sample Free, liy ninil fill cei.ts. Kold hy Druggists. WUddAMS MFtJ. CO., Props., C evi l.ir.d. (). Sold by 1). A. Ilarget. A present in cheap hut love is deal From the KuMiiun. C ASTOR I A For ItiCaats and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the BiKua-turo of Wo prefer to scratch tha acquaint ance of people who liye like cats and dogs. .- . ' William' Carbolic Satvt With Arnica and , . ' Wltoh Hud. " I The best Salve" in "the world for Cuts, BruiBes, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, T- tter, Chapped Hands, and all skin eruptions. ' It ia guaranteed to give satisfaction, or money refunded. Frice 2!ic by druggists, ' WILI'IAMS M'FG. CO., Prop's, Cleveland. 0. Sold by D. A. Ilarget. Of family trees, also, il should be said, "By thoir fruits you shall know them. ' ' . ' OASTOIIIA. Cmii th ? 11,11 M Vm ,lnw km """ Nothing li so expenttive aa glory. Sidney Smith. PIUS! PILES! Pit ESI Pr. Williams' Indian Filo Ointment ..... . .. ,,l:J ill...J,'nM 1 ll..j.ratn.l Will euro iniriu, -if, "", "' and itching Filet..' H absorbs the tu mors, allays the itcliingnt once, acts asr a noiiltiw,. gives inst.mt relief.- Dr.' Williams' Indian File Ointment is pre. pared for Files and lli hingef the pri viito parts. Every box is guarnnleed. Sold by dnir'Ki:- -s, hy mtiil, for E!c nnd Sold by 1). A llurgeU pFemale Wealcnesssi "hist Fall," writes Mrs. S. G. Bailey, of Tun- neltbn, W. VaM "I was going down by inches,' from female disease, with great pain. After tak ing Cardui,. C5h I My I How I was. benefited I. I r am not well yet, but am so much better that 1 will . keep on taking Wine of Cardui till 1 am perfectly "cured." I ' ' "Despite the envious attacks"of jealous enemies and rivals, Cardui still holds supreme position today as in the past 70 years for the relief and cure of female diseases. It stops pain, tones up r': If the organs, regulates the functions, and aids in the replacement of a misplaced organ. - At Every Drug Store . yjm m i DorCt Suffer nitfM lories fromf toothache uriliev or rheumatism LiBjilveivit evil pain td.io t 4 t .-.i",. a- . i." ; f-.? fail N.-'tnc cJ1o 2 Day. Halifro and m nerves oaia induces sieep i At a!I tkdiiers. Price 25c 50c &H00 1 Dr. E&H S.S!oe,rv, Bosor,Ma.ss.U.S.A. Pooi Relation Cartas to "lown; Bill bimmons; ana i more. IHE LATEST 10C. KIC 3 FOB 25C. The Finest Pieces ever sold. Every Piece a Hit: With, every $1 worth of music we. give. you FREE one book with 52 Pieces of Popular songs Iff Iff W We sell Pianos, Organs and Phono graphs on easy weekly payments. SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE - WALNAli', Agt. Dealer in Edison riionogirphs and Musical Instruments. BOYDEN - DORSCH $5.00 and : HIGH ART IN, MEN'S SHOEMAKING ! ; ' Have your foot fitted ! , 4 - Shoe Department Always'' Rcmcnbcr the Ftm 1 Native ' ; Brbrao .(lraaina '! U J - J$ZZZ2. Cures a CoH in C::o Bay, Grh bTtva. C X 4 FREE ADVICE Write us a letter dcscriblnt .11 four symptoms, anj -e will send you -rt Advice, In pl.-iin -sealrj envelope. AiMrent: Ladies AivUory Department, TheCnatlnnouicj Medicine Co., Ch.u. . noog., Tenn. - in $1.00 Bottles. quiets the 1 1 mr im win '. It A. COPY of all the Attest and Popular Sl'teei. Music as Cheyenne; 'i'he Stars and St flies nnd you; Chicken Chowder; Hap py i line; Waltz Me Around Willie; The h - Coon; Somewhere; Poppies; When a : : X : : : 4k : : : $6.00 c 1

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