. M M mf J H. H lrrt j if 7 r No. 4. s- NEW BERN, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, FRIDAY NOVEMBER 23, 1906.-SECOND SECTION 29th YEAR BUSINESS mm That U what a commercial of checking account 'in this Bank means. ' "' ' You put your money and your confidence in this Bank and do your business here. : V ' - Thia Bank, in turn, stands behind you with its confidence, its business counsel, yes, and its money, also, within the limits of safe, and careful banking. . No business man, no farmer can afford to overlook the ad vantages of such a partnership. CAPITAL $100,000.00. JAMES B. BLADES, Prwldsnt. Win. B. BLADES, W.PmWtsl. CEO, B. PENDLETON, Cathlsr. .i.i m TELEGRAPHIC NEVIS: jured. The steamer Orinoco was en abled to continue her voyage to the Antilles. Hew York, Nov. 22 An unknown w ! .... 1 -i man supposed to De insane anui uuw men on Madison Avenue today inflicting serious wounds, One of the victims was the physician who had been attend ing her. Greensboro, Nov. 22. The passenger train from this city to Goldsboro, was struck in collision by the fast mail here today and two cars derailed. The pas uixrar train was I standing on the side track, close to the main track and the fast mail brushing past it caused the accident. None were seriously injured. Hail clerks Neal and Williamson jump ed and sustained slight injuries. San Juan, Porto Rico, Nov. 22nd. Yesterday was the biggest day in the history of Porto Rico and President Roosevelt's visit was the cause of the universal demonstration. He was ac- principal one, which was magnificentin ..... ranleat recption ever held 60 OHDIlG DECK E M Two Good Laws Relative to Saloons Originated North Carolina in MPT1 PERCY; GRAY CRITIC AlU ILL Events of Past Three Days Tersely Told For Jour nal Readers. TERRITORY I IE TO Industrial, Commercial, Hut-Sal, Religi ons, Criminal and Political Happenings Condensed in Few Lines. Albany, Nov. 20. -At the Episcopal Convention in session here Bishop Doan poke emphatically against the mar riage of divorced pernons faying the church should refuse to grant its bene diction. "Let the state which separa ted them reunite them," he said. Washington, Nov 20 President Roose vslt has declined to suppend the order dismissing the negro troops of Browns ville, Texas, in disgrace but says he is willing to hear any new facts. Philndelnhia. Nov. 20 Several ice dealers have been' put on trial for con spiracy to raise prices. Memphis, Nov. 20. A severe elec trie storm attended by heavy rain fall visited this city today. Avery large area in Tennessee and Kentucky is af fected Norfolk, Nov. 20. One of the local companies of the national guard have gone to Princess Anne, to guard a ne gro who has been arrested tor criminal assault Farmers in the community gathered and threatened to lynch the man. Columbia S. C, Nov. 20 The monu merit erected to the memory of Hon. Wade Hampton was unveiled today in the presence of 30,000 people. Govern or Heywood accepted the monument in the name of the state. Raleigh, Nov. 20th. The executive committee of the North Carolina Bank era Association have decided upon what it known as the group plan, dividing the State into seven districts. This plan will secure a larger attendance at the meetings. It is more convenient and cheaper. every respect Other addresses were made by President George T. Winston, President Venable, State Superintend ent Joyner, Miss Mary K. Applewhite, representing former students, Dr. J.E. Brooks, representing the Guilford Al umni Association. The large auditorium of the students, building was packed with people, and the exercises throughout were- exceed ingly impressive and beautiful. At a meeting of the board of direc tors held in the afternoon to select a successor to Dr. Mclver as President of the College, State Superintendent J. V. Joyfier who had been generally con nected as the next President came be fore the board and stated that he could Serious Illness of Mrs. Palmer, Gener al Stedman's Daughter. Death of Dr. MeDaniel. Two Fine Discourses by Rev. H. B. Dean. Interesting Ex ercises at Prox imity. (Special Correspondence.) Greensboro, Nov. 20. One of the evidences of the decrease of blockading in the west, following the Wa'ts law, here. Chicago, Nov. 22. -Senator Tillman will lecture here but will not mention the race problem. Special detectives have been employed to guard him du ring his stay here, as there "have been I the more vigilant work of revenue of mariv threat acrninHt his life. I ficet-3. and the real punishment of par . . ... I ties convicted bv Judge Boyd, is the Grand Rap.ds, M.ch. Nov. --ur wholMale re8igation of their officers, men working on the new breakwater o Unite(j state8 Commissioners. The surrounding the lake here wereoverta- crimjnal docket in the Federal court is ken by a terrific storm today and swept growing small or the small the court at ti ,j fc. j i Asnevuie lasc weeK naviiiK hu iuiFi IllbU bills wauci aim I . tant ca86 Wnacever lur violating revenue law. Formerly the position of commissioner was much sought after, the fees being good, earned principally from bindinar oarties over to the Federal The Chicago Evening Post announces t f vj0atintr the law against the the engagement of Arthur Uevim, one i illicit 8a,e or manufacture of liquor, Third Baseman Devlin Caught by I Cupid not accept the presidentship where up- of New Bern's State base ball players in I The ,atcst regignatlon8 8re those of J, th h,H tinned the administra- the ot league to Miss lima L Rrown of Bryson city Swain coun v.. v. I urtll. Ik. .nwhlav nf a I :hlfnfrn nRFlK' . . .1 .J -.L-I "" W"6 X- o. . tion oi tne conege in ui uauua m iu present superintendent dean J. I. Foust until the close of the school year, June 1st, 1907 and will possible an assistant to President Foust I The refusal of Mr. Joyner is taken by UD6E SWS RU LING REVERSED. he Case of the Lynchers in Anson County in Regard to Change of Venue. (Special Correspondence.) Raleiah. Nov. 21st The Supreme Cnnrt has at last handed down its de cision in the State vs Lewis and others, th Ivnchinir case which was removed from Anson to Union county last sum mer and which created so much inter est and excitement in that Bection of the State. Judge Shaw quashed the bill tf. indictment upon, the ground that there was no such crime defined in the revisal as lynching and that while un der the original law of 1893 this case might have been removed, yet under the law as it now exists in the new re vival of 1905 the Supreme Court of Union county could have no jurisdic tion. Judge Shaw's mling is reversed bv a majority of the court The opinion of the court is written by the Chief Justice and concurring opinions by J ur- tices Walker and Connor. The court holds that section 3,233 of the revisal is sufficiently connected with section 3 698 to give the court of Union county jurisdiction over the offence named in 3C9. Much is said in the ton- OF I REVERSED Dr. Butler Returns From .Jack sonville Wliere lie Met the Southern Commission ers of Agriculture. LICENSE GRANTED BY PHARMACEUTICAL BOARD. Comim'iciiil Chilis 'Will Nut Merge, - News and Olisener to Have a House Wanninjr. Norfolk & Southern Officials mid Offi cers of Other Roads Arrange Merger. Large Contribu tions. (Special Correspondence. ) Raleieh. N. C, Nov. 22d LITTLE BABY'S -AWFUL HUM Thin Skin Formed Over Body and Under it Was Watery Blood When Washed it Would Burst and Break-Suffered for Weekt Now Sound and Well- coun' tv W. W. HamDton of Mt Airy er. Mr. ueviin, itwtu Derememoereuig county and John B- uwingoi has won a national reputation by his I in Montgomery county. Strang- wonderful batting record with the New I . of al) there j,ave been no appli- Drovide as soon as I York giants. By some slip of the type I u for appomtraent to these vacant in ine paper me uaw ui nic ""b i United States Commissionersnips, ana was not given. I Judge Boyd has not yet filled the va- Tt-. has not been long ago, many to mean an acute stage of polit-1 Gives visor, strength, vitality to your I when these places were considered ical conditions at present" and future I nerves, stomach and every part of your I choice plums by republicans, who failed over the question of educational poll-1 body, its easy to iaae; Bwanow t. : h. qi.ia tie Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea; it w " v" I j,. n, kiulnM. Ta nr tablets. 35 uuva ww - t Washington Nov. 21 The ginners re-lcenta. p. s. Duffy. that up to November 14, port states that up there have been 8,536,436 bales ginned against 7,501,180 to the aame date last year. North Carolina ginned 383,356; Texas 2,982,698. Tulsa, Ind. Ter., Bishop Taggert, of the Methodist Church, died today after a lingering illness. Washington Nov. 21-The War 'de partment has issued a statement regard ing the dishonorable discharge of the negro troops from the Brownsville, Texas, company, saying that s rehear W. C. Dowd lor Speaker. to get something better, and the hold up in applications now, shows that there has ceased to be anything doing in the blockade industry. In discussing the recent ordinance of the City of Richmond, requiring sa loons to close at midnight and not open until 6 o'clock the following morning, an old resident of Greensboro makes some interesting assertions. He says that hfl believes that Greensboro was Grand Secretary B. H. Woodell of the Grand curring opinion of Justice Connor about Li0dgeof 0ild Fellows has returned the constitutionality of the act and Mr. from Wake Forest where he went in re- Justice Walker, undertakes to show i tion t0 the establish nuent of a lodge. that the act of 1893 supposed to be He Baya one wjn ne there and a nam entirely repealed by the revisal, may ber of 1 ita memUers will be students, vet be considered by the court in con- mhn manifnat much interest in the struing those sections of the revisal. matter. Mr. Justice Brown dissents. state Veterinarian Tait Butler has He agrees with the majority of the returried from Jacksonville where he court that the legislature has the power attended the meeting of the Southern of removal before indictment found as Commiaaioners of Agriculture. Before well as after to adjoining county. He that ne wa8 at Baton Rouge, where holds however that the title to Section th re wag a iarire meeting, at which he 3698 "Lynching" is no part of the act apoko Tomorrow William A. Graham and that a mere title cannot be con- al)j gtatB chemist will Kilgore will sidered in construing a plan and unam- return from Jacksonville. They and bitruous aci: that the crime known as the other commissioners and delegates lynching is not created by sec'ion 3698 went t0 Tampa on special cars as the and that while section 3233 authorizes quests of the Jacksonville people. the temoval of indictments for lynching The Suprer. e Court has reversed the the revisal fails to create or define any ruym 0f the Fusion court, in the case such crime. That the crime described o the Commissioners against Loan in section 3698 cannot be lynching by Trust Company, the decision being that . ... . 1 1 .l t . ... i : anv known definition oi me wu. the Fusion decision in ueonam agamo Judtre Brown goes into the history ot lvnchine and traces it down irom an cient times when it was called "Jed ward Justice". "Lydford Law", etc. He refers to the old Vehmic tribunals originating in Westphalia which exe- CURED IN ONE WEEK BY CUTICUR A REMEDIES "When my little girl baby was on, week old she had a skin disease. A , thin skin formed over her body and under it was watery blood, and when she was washed it would burst and break. She was in that condition' for weeks, and I tried everything I could think of, but nothing did her any good. When she was three months old I took her to San Antonio to see a doctor, but the doctor we wanted to see was not at home, so my sister gave me cake of Cuticura Soap and halt a box of Cuti cura Ointment, and told me to use them, which I did in time. I used them three times, and the humor began to fade, and in one week she was souna . and well, and it has never returned since. I think every mother should keep the Cuticura Remedies in tne nous. Yours trulv. Mrs. H. Aaron, Benton. Texas, July 3, 1905." WEEPING ECZEMA "I have used the Cuticura Remecbta for some years past. The Cuticura Soap we are never without, and the ' Ointment is the finest in the world. It has done wonders in curing my uttl girl of weeping eczema. Respectfully, Mrs. J. E. Mersdorff, 310 W. 3rd St., Madison, Ind., June 27, 1905." SLEEP FOR BABIES Rest for mothers, instant relief and refreshing sleep for skin-tortured babies, in warm baths with Cuticura, Soap and gentle anointings with Cuti cura Ointment, the great Skin Cure, and purest of emollients. Sold throughout tt wtl. "utK-rr so, HftMlvent, out. un m tw vhwmi. Chitty was wrong. The Fusion decis ion was a most remarkable one, and as a lawyer remarked today, was the high water mark , of Fusion legal de lsion. The Fusion court held that in a case where bonds were authorized-fo be is Mr. W. C. Dowd, editor of the Char lotte News is a candidate for Speaker of the House of Representatives. The Journal is glad to voice the sentiments of its contemporaries in praise of I tne first city in the United States that Mr. Dowd. We are sure that the I began a practical solution of the most State m well as the dignity of the I demoralizing features of saloons, and House are safe in his hands. He has I to Judge David Schenck, then one of made a splendid success as editor of I tne hoard of aldermen, he ascribes the one of the best papers in the State and I credit for the solution. It was in 1886, he will be sure preside over the lower I when 'saloons were scattered all over cuted thieves and murderers caught in gue(j m$ the Journal showed that 94 the act without trial or delay. The members had voted for the bill, and Justice traces the history of lynching tnat, after the word "nays" there were down to the time of C6L Thomas Lynch no fiuures. was a fatal omission and did of Virginia, who having caught a thief, not follow section 14, article 2 of the instead of delivering him to the officers constitution. Justice Clarke, then of of law, tied him to a tree and flogged tnat court, protested against such a de- him. From this gentleman the term cigi0n. The present decision in the lunohinir m derived The opinions are I .., nf Commissioners against Loan all elaborate and full. MUZ ttcper tUI o U). Potltr lung CkMk Om, Solemn.., BOHoa, UHd i rtt, " U" Cm tat th Skin." Southern Railway and of the various other roods which it is absorbing includ ing the Atlantic & North Carolina, Suf folk .& Carolina, Raleigh and Pamlico Sound, etc., were here to arrange att ; the details of the merger. It is said that this system will build a number of branih lines in order to cover more of -eastern North Carolina. ' The stock holders of the Raleigh and Pamlico Sound Railway unanimously accepted the merger proposition. President Haines says the road from Raleigh to Wilson will be put in operatian in early spring. 1 branch of the General Assembly .with the same capability. His work for the I . . . I nart v entitles him to the honor. ing will not De gramea as Decreuryi , Taft finds that President Roosevelt ful- . ph.hlw lfillrf ly considered all arguments before he I . runscon r ree rress, ti. the city, and ran all night He had passed an ordinance, prohibiting sa loons within 100 feet oi any cnurcn, school, market house, the court house, or postoffice. Reauirine saloons to close from 11 p. left for Panama. w m t k m . forbidding the use of ... oi 1 . P,i. Mmday night Mr. Robert Nelson, of n or back doof and providing Borint.M-"" rwntiuui Keck townsh n. awoke tOliU.t . o..j... .m iV, hrkAn . . . . . . i l . l lllttl, lir ouuuuy to""'s cess Anne coumy nave iwrn u. behold a burglar trying to enter nis i oUouij forfeit his -license. One effect wherewith to prosecute the negro Smith I home through a window which was left I g ,0 t gU the gaioons on Main St who committed assault on Mrs. Leggett I up on account or ine warm weamer. i here the Uce couW watcn them, It is known as the female The man was in a croucning posiuon, wag weed out all the dives, just entering ine room ana rar. newuu i nd Bnother was to compel the Keeping fired a load of buckshot from his gun 1 0j or(jery places, for fear of forfeit- and the man leu oui oi me wmuuw. He is believed to have been killed. Tk. Knwrltti. v.i ft nlnred man and - . . . i charge of murder pwrrea against ner . -r of flye hou8eg , by two of her daughters. They say that j neighborhood. the woman killed their children. One lMtJlonday Protection Fui d. New York, Nov. 21 A German wo- man was arrested thia morning on the I Greensboro, Nov. 20 The memorial exarcises held here today in honor of Dr. Mclver, late president of the State Normal and. Industiral College were plainly ligniAcantjof .the high place he had won in the esteem of the best ele- - ment of progressive life in this and and other States. It was distinctively a ' tribute from thote he had educated, In the persons of many former students from all parts of the state, of those he had inspired by the presence of leading educators and co-workers from this and other States and a literal outpouring 'of citisena of the city who knew and ap preciate J at close range the splendid per tonal civic and material value of the man. One of the highest tributes to his work and useful life was the one paid inferential by the emphatic absence of politicians, no State Government of ficial, Judge'on the bench, congressman said she took one child and wrapped it in rugs and throw it in the street, another saw her kill babies and burn their bod ies. : : ' r. : ' Poor Old Standard Oil. The troubles of the Standard Oil Co., a re not all at home, but they are appear ing at every place where the trust has any interest at all. The corporation is ure of business. The strict enlofce- ment of the ordinence broke the saloon influence in local politics, and uv less than a generation brought the city to an overwhelming Bentiment for prohi bition r.nt Prcv Grav. who was sick for a lonir time, but after treatment in a Richmond hospital came home about two months ago greatly benefitted, was again taken to his bed three weeks Small Items. Nov. 19 having some nice weather to have some for quite Supreme Court Opinions Special to Journal and Trust Companies makes entirely 2l.-The -Supreme valid a number of issues of bonds. ,n' The State Board of Pharmacy grant- coun nieu u. xouuwum ed license to the following : Miss Mabel day : : Romhill W. A. Brane. Jefferson Bruce, state vs Lewis, from Union, re- L. C. Cannon, J. W. Coppedge, A. Y. reed Deits, C. P. Greyer, V. M. uuney, w. A. Hall, G. W. Hill, Reginald Hamlet, L. M. King, A. W. Martin, Edwin Nowell, G. C. Robinson, B. W. Tart, H. R. Thrower and J. R. Trotter State Super intendent Joyner, assisted by A. M. Scales, Esq. and ur. tsrooics made a five hours canvass of Greens boro yesterday and secured 1,700 for the Mclver monument. The Odell Hardware Co. gave $100, several gave We are now and nope awhile. Rev Charles Lee filled his regular ap pointment at Mary's Chapel Saturday and Sunday last He had a very large attendance. The nublic school at Prescott did not beein last Monday for the teacher Mr F G Tuten is very ill with a nign iever we hope he will soon be out again, We are glad to see Mr Levi Kowe oui j. h nd - number $25. It is ex- again after a long illness. pected that Greensboro will contribute Mrs BesBle Edwards visited friends $2,500 to this fund. Mr. Joyner says ,i ..lotivMi mi Walker Road Saturday that, nthnr towns can raise good sums -Raleigh, Nov. 21, unknown man shot and killed by the I it looks now as if a large part of their Seaboard Air Line detective Mlmms million! are being spent in a fight for about three weeks ago was ordered ex humed today by the solicitor and a pic ture taken to help in the identification. The face was much swollen and black. The body of th. fought vlKOroUs,y in Europe and TlZTu. He is suffering from almost complete paralysis, and his many friends through out the State will be grieved to know of his critical condition. Maior Stedman and Dr. J. E. Grinuv lev returned last night from Richmond where they had taken Major Stedman's daughter, Mrs. Kate Palmer to a hos pital for treatment Mrs. raimer re cently returned from New York where she had a long spell of typhoid fever, and han to be taken to Richmond for further treatment Dr. A. P. McDaniel, a former prom inent citisea and practicing phyaifian in the McLeans ville section died at his res idence In this city last night, aged 85. He moved to Greensboro a year ago, existence and thus good money is kept in circulation. Italy has joined a con certed action of the European powers by taking the duty off from crude pe troleum thus depriving the Rockefeller crowd of the control of that commodity Ponce, Nov. 21. The Presidential I whicn they have had for many years. party reached here thia morning at 9 1 There is a plan, to push a Russian con o'clock on their way home from Panama I cera manipulating illuminating oil. m I Which Will lend lo oust uw nniencan trust It is one of the most wonderful ton ics for developing the figure, making bright eyes, red lips and rosy cheeks, ever offered to the American girt Hoi Hater's Rockr Mountain Tea. Tea or Tablets, 85 cents. F. S. Duffy. Magistrates Must Qualify. rration a little over a .miuhin of the church has been but had not been In practice for many! .... increase to the Sunday- yean. He was a spienaia ciuaen, kU)q hu ben almost aa great served tnrougnoui me war u noiiou The city was profusely decorated honor of the visit The President went to San Juan and returns thia evening to Ponce to take the boat homeward bound. - ' , ; Cherburg, France, Nov. 22 The big ocean liner, Kaiser Wilhelm der Gross, 1 and the royal mail steamship, Orinoco, or United States Senator being present J n , fog- 0ff this coast last nfght But there was assembled at least five n(1 , dozen pp tomm been hundred out of town visitors, represent droned. Panic among the passengers Ing the-leading educators among the offoth boats made the result of the ac- men and women of the state to pay cident much worse. Many people jump tribute to the memory and the work of ed into the sea and were drowned, the departed. The addresses were of a The Kaiser la the worst damaged of very high order, of appreciative the two boats having been struck amid- merit, Dr. E. A. Alderman, Presidont ship. The report of the loss of 12 people J to qualif t'x(llrta December 6th, 1906. He is spending some, time here with of the University or Virginia, a co- is denied oy we omceri or. the Kaiser I a, W.M.WATSON, worker through life. delivering the wbo say there are only 4 dead and 8 in I ' 'V Clerk Superior Court last Mr George Edwards took a business trio to Edward Saturday evening last Mt Rufus Edwarda of Washington is visiting his relatives near this place. There wUl be ainging school at Mary's Chapel Sunday evening next, we hope to have a large attedaance. Mr and Mrs G.C Edwards spent Satur day and Sunday with relatives near here. ' Bird Eye. long course of treatment and operation in a Richmond hospital. ' t There were interesting dedicatory services held Sunday in a new Baptist church at Proximity an able and appro priate sermon being preached by Kev. . . i L ITU. IJviniraton Johnson oi ivaieiRii. Rev. W. H. Strickland is pastor of the Proximity church and he and his people have made wonderful progress In their work. The old church building has been moved back and will be used as a Sun day-school troom. In ita place stands the new building costing IL800. Since Mr. Strickland took charge of this con- year ago, the if they are canvassed by some promi nent citizens. Work is actively progressing on the dormitory at the Roman Catholic Or phanage and the walls are several feet above the ground. All the brick from the dormitory burned last December will be used in the new one. It was learned today that contracts for building the North Carolina build Mfg Co. vs Summers, Guilford, new trial. Beard vs Railway, Guilford, affirm ed, 'v.'.... : Harrison vs Telegraph Co., Rowan, hew trial. . Commissioners vs Loan & Trust Co., Forsyth, affirmed. Hayes vs Railway. Mecklenburg, new trial. Miller vs Railway, Mecklenburg, new trial. Shaw vs Mfg Co., Mecklenburg, new trial Beam va Adderholt Lincoln, per cu riam, affirmed. OLD corns OKI J. Ill uuitw ui& w v.- . . -r j ing at the Jamestown Exposition was Urcat Mortality at bOlalOM let Of course the contractor win oe required to give complete bond that the building will be finished in ample time and will be according to plans and specifications. The sum of $30,000 only is available for the Duuding and me general exhibit, this being really a small sura. The Industrial Club of this fcity will maintain ita organization, having de clined the merge into the Chamber of Commerce. The News & Observer will have a officer. ' All Justices of the Peace elected at Large congregations attended services the last General election, Nov.6th,1906, at St Barnabas Episcopal church Sun whether now holding office by appoint- day morning and night, when Rev. H. ment of the legislature ir not are notl- Baldwin Dean, preaahed two able and fled, that they must qualify before the edifying sermons. Mr. Dean was for Clerk of the Superior Court within .30 nearly four years, and until recently days from the date of their election', or when, he resigned on account of ill health their places become vacant The time the pastor here f nd is greatly neioveo. Death ol a Respectable Colored Woman. Pollocksvllle. Nov. 2L-Died at her horn, near this place, last night about 10 o'clock, of -consumption Julis, the wifeofLeary Simmons, a respectable colored farmer. She was forty-nine years old, she had been a long sufferer. I Home. Example of Quick ' ; ,; V'-'V; Death. , ' ' Special Correspondence. J Raleigh, Nov. 21- During the year there have been ne less than 22 deaths at the Soldiers Home here, this being about one-sixth of the number oi in mates. It must be borne in mind that a considerable portion of these who come to the Home do so only when they are sick and in a feeble condition. A honse-warming when it completes ita case in point will illustrate this. A new building, which will be one of the man named Fox, from a county in t most attractive in the city. The paper Piedmont section went to Rocky I.. ibm hn the Raleiirh out hia family in a cotton mill t. unio " I ..... . i . Sentinel was established, the latter pa- came w tne no w..v ... per having become a part of the News to nea ana u. . u... . & Observer. This date appears on the was really almost dying when h. r massive stone over the entrance to the here ana nan w building. .Through large windows press I attention. ea and the dyramos can be seen iu oper I . " ation, in the half-basement At the Odd Fellows Festival. house warming there will be a reception T and a number of short talks by gentle-1 ine .ureKa wo. inu(uu, , " ' ui ....:... tAA VMnmm will hold a f,t '. men connecvoa wim mo uriu yny.. . v - -- .. . , which have been merged into the News serve aupper in the Hahnt snhumir ' I fOUOCK aireew recenuj uu. The Ra'eigh and Southern Railway Is netting aulte a large competetive busi ness from points north and yesterday 1 one train handled nine cars loaded with through freightl fromNew York and ci.. will h hurled 22nd by the colored tie I spenu n 0 vD ---- . . - . WM -' other Dointa. friends on his way borne m AiaDama ourymg . t.8o(r.cllla ot the Norfolk & Heias just been discharged from a member. . ' ' M. Warren, Wednesday r. v. have arranged for a In- i everything good to eat t 1 pared to serve supper t I Other attractions will l t Journal but the chiof f supper.

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