BstaMls 1919. fub Uhed In Two Section, every Tuet ay and Friday, at Journal Building. M 0 Craven Street "HARLE5 lT STEVEN 5 IDITOI tiro WtOPMMOF. SUBSCRIPTION RATES' Two Month.. Threee Months, 2 ,, Six Months, w Twelve Months, ONLY IN ADVANCE Official Paper of New Bern and Craven County. Advertising rates furnished upon ap plication at the office, or upon inquiry tjy mail. HTThe Jocbnl is only sent on pay-B-advance basis. Subscribe. wUl receive notice of expiration of their jub scriptions and an immediate reBponse to notice W'.' I appreciated by ie JoURHAX Entered at the PosWdce, New Bern H. 0. as second-clans matter. New item, N. C, December 11, 1906. PROHIBITION IN SELLING IF NOT IN DRINKING The action of the board of aldermen at the December meeting, when the order was passed that parties having United States licenses to sell liquor, would not be granted city licenses to do any kind of business in New Bern, is one of the most stringent moves to ward eli ninating the sale of liquor in a prohibition city, that could be made. This does not include drug stores, where liquor is given on prescriptions of phy sicians. But where parties running os tensibly a restaurant, grocery store, or a place where cigars and tobaccos and soft drinks are sold, such places will be debarred of license to do the ostensible business of merchandising of any kind, if they have displayed Ihc government license. Che result of this will be that to take out a government license, will make the party as conspicuous, as though "sa loon" was written over the place. It would mean the arrest of the party so attempting it with every probability of being found guilty, and having to pay the full penalty of the law. The re cent notice in these columns that the Uni;ed States Commissioner had sever al parties up who had government li censes out of sight, in violation of the law, which calls for the public display, caused one of the holders of a license to exclaim that he was "between the devil and the deep sea. " But with the city's action, there is left neither the devil to go to, or the deep sea to drop into. No man could think of trying for a license, for he would not be free long enough to open his front door. With the stric', enforcement of this new city ordinance, there will be prohi bition in New Bern, as tojliquor selling. It does not follow that liquor drinking will cease, but it will make conspic uous those who appear in public under the influence of liquor, and should lead to the capture of violaters of the law, who handta liquor to retail for street consumption. THE LAST OF THE SPECIAL MAIL FLYERS. The discontinuance of the Southern Railway's fast mail train known as "No 97", on January 1st, 1907, which has been a prominent train along the line between New York and New Orleans, for years, is causing expressions of re gret on the part of the press, which peaks for the business interests that are benefitted by this special fast mail service. This is the last of the fast mail trains, that received a bonus for its extra ser vice in carrying the United States mail, and for several years, because of the extra price paid, the opponents of the Southern Railway Company, have fought the appropriation bill in Con gresr. The question of "subsidy", in connection with this mail service, is looked at from the point of view, as suits the critic or friend. That the Southern Railway has been benefitted in dollars and cents, is very doubtful. That it gained in reputation for running so fast a train, is true. ; It was a task of mag nitude. It took the best of men and locomotives. It required a ceaseless vigilance to make the schedule and to secure the bonus. . Now that the Southern people volun tari'y give up the contract, six months before it ends, will make the railway's opponents rejoice in their victory, while those business and trade inter ests, who were concerned, will find that the service was very much to them. The real victory, that is the financial one, will go to the Southern Railway people, for the very demands made up on the company's physical energies, to maintain this fast mail train, when di rected to other employment for the r " i.l, will be foun I to give greater r ' s. The "subsidy" removed as i nn to trains, will quiet the fight . v ' f ! i -.M tr this special fast mail service, only corrup tion. The Southern Railway no doubt profits, so it is left to those who gaini d by a rapid mail service, to be the only sufferers. ' SENTIMENTAL AND PRAC TICAL CHRISTMAStlFTS. "What shall I buy for Christmas gifts," will be thought and asked many million times during this month of De cember. The very rich and very poor have each their hardest task, to suit ably, as becomes the station of each to determine and settle this question of Christmas gifts. To the middle class favored with means that place them be yond want, and not so much money, that there is a burden in knowing how to get rid of it, there is every possibil ity of the Christmas season being a joy and blessing. To the very rich Christmas giving is a function. A social obligation, as much as the returning of a call. There is no sentiment about it. There is no heart's joy in it. The gift, its value, is gauged to meet the social obligation. It set tles the obligation, as would the social call relieve the person making it. It squares things. To the very poor, there is the strug gle, in each family. Parent and child, recognizing the season in the cold air, the snow and ice, the store windows crowded with goods for sale. There is in the heart of each the desire to give to p'ease the other. How, is the ques tion, for the problem in its solution lies in the limited means, which at winter t'me, appears so much smaller, in the demnnds for the daily necessities that mean sufficient shelter, food and cloth ing to both preserve and make life pos sible, i To the great middle class, the strug gle is between the gifts that are prac tical, that is which the receiver may seem to need, and the gift which in a sentimental sense, would a peal more directly to the heart. The boy may need a pair of shoes, but a bright knife would seem more like Christmas. The little girl would glory in the gift of a doll, while a warm cloak would be laid aside, as something common place, not like a Christm?s gift. Christmas peculiarly appeals to the heart. The physical may shiver in the icy blasts, while the heart glows with the receiving of some mere trifle, but one which touches the affections. It is 'are, this knowledge of personal adapta bility, which can combine in the gift both the sentiment of Christmas, so as to reach the heart of the receiver, and the practical, that the gift may out last the hour, and in the end prove of daily value and service. But rather than fail, to be unable to combine, let the gift be for the heart, to make Christmas a day of joy, and so warm each recipient, and bring to each heart the full and best meaning of the day. In this will there be the double joy of giving and receiving. The blessing that goes with giving that which helps and encourages, and that which makes life better and brighter for the gome one else, who receives the Christmas gift. To Curs A Cold In On Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets Druggists refund money if it fails to cure fc. W. Grove s signature is on each box. 25c. The "Devil's" Turkey Won and Lost. The old saying "the devil for luck," holds true with the Journal's "devil," who a few nights ago, in what used to be called "chucking dice," but is now termed more elegantly "drawing," in a single throw won a whole live turkey, over numerous competitors. Shoulder ing his prize, the boy winner carried his turkey to the Journal's warehouse, to be left for the night, as it was too late to take the bird home. Securing the Christmas bird by the legs, the winner left for home and told every one of his prize and howhe got a tur key for ten cents. But it was different in the morning. Hard luck as well as good luck com to the "devil" The warehouse door was opened, but no turkey in sight Who was the culprit ! "The devil" at once fastened the crime upon the "Local," to whom he hid confided the story of the prize. The "Local" was also noted for his appetite, and a sin gle turkey was only a meal for him. "Local" indignantly denied the charge. Search was made, and in a far, dark corner of the warehouse was found the turkey dead. The combined chagrin of going for ten cents, being won by "the devil" and tied up in a newspaper warehouse had broken the bird's heart A Tsxaa Woadar. There's a Hill atBowie, Tex.,, that's iwice as big M last year. This wonder is W L Hill, who from a weight of 90 pounds has grown to over 180. He says: "I suffered with a terrible cough, and doctors gave me up to die of Consump tion, I was reduced to 90 pounds, when I began taking Dr. King's New Dis covery for consumption. Coughs and Colds. Now, after taking 12 bottles, I have more than doubled in weight and am completely cured." Only sure cough and cold cure. Guaranteed by all drufrjiuts, EOc and fl.00. Trial bot tle free to Beautify ow m?Iexioii IN TK1 DAH.', I . in MAD IN OLA JL 3 TKE UNEQUALED BEAUTIFIER. Formerly advertised and cold aa Satlnola j NADINOLA. ' NADINOLA. k guaranteed and money refunded if it fai's to remove frecklo, pimples, tan, saHWncss, lUer-spots, collar discoloratkicis, block heads disfiguring erup tions, etc, iu twenty days. Leaves tha skin clear, soft, heal'.hy, and restores the beauty of youth. Endorvd by thousands. ' Price 50 ce.its md Ji.":"1 -,t all Wading drug stores, or ly mail. Prepared bv National TeilOo.. r-srt. Tenn. Sold in New Bern by Bradham's Pharmacy and other Leading Druggist Wire Grass December 4th, The huntsmen of this section are making use of the hunting season Mr. Lin Merritt has recent'y killed a deer, two bears and several coons. Mr. John Lane of Williamston, N. C. was here last week visiting his sons Messrs J. W. and Chas. Lane. Mr Morris Pridgeon of Bladen Co' was a caller in our berg a few days ago. Mr Kobert Lee of Morehead City spent Thanksgiving J with Mr D C Lewis. Miss Janie Lewis of Beaufort atten ded the entertainment at the academy Friday evening. Mrs James Barnhill and children of Williamston werethe'guests of relatives and friends here last week. Miss Ida I pock, of visiting her sister Mrs Mcintosh this week. Misses Pearl Langdale and Marjory Spivey of Beaufort were the guests of Miss Bertha Langdale Saturday and Surday. Mrs J W Dickinson took passage on theVandeliur with her sons to New bern this week. Rev J RJinnett began teaching the public school at North River Monday. Mr John Hill has moved his family to Marhallberg where he is at work as a sawyer- Mr J F Sabiston was in New Bern Friday on business. Mr Curtis Campen was here from Morehead City to spend Thanksgiving with his parents. Mr D C Lewis left Sunday for Ral eigh whore he will take a course in Draughn's Business College. Mr Lewis is a promising young man and his many friends wish him a successful career. Mr James Whitley was in New Bern and Oriental las t week on business Capt J M Dickinson and brother moved Mr Dallas Saddler, s family at Blades this week. Mr and Mrs Sad dler have resided here for a short time but have made many friends who re gret to hear of their leaving. R T Dudley's son Henry is very ill with an ulcerated throat which was thought at first to be diptheria. Miss Nellie Dickinson who is attend ing the Baptist Institution at More head was at home Toanksgiving. Dr C N Mason passed through our berg Monday from Beaufort enroute for his home at Harlowe. Miss Cora Delamar of Beaufort is teaching public school at Core Creek this session. Mr C M Dickinson is with his son FrancisDickinson at Oriental this week on bnsiness. ' t ZO E OASToniA. Sut tU f Haw Mways Bought lli Kind Vcti Haw Always I Signature of - The Thaw trial is not expected to come up before March or April. Statb op Ohio, City of Toledo, ( Lucas County. ( ss. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, County and State afore said, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of Decem ber, A. D. 1886. (Seal,) A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists, 75c ' Take Hall's Family Pills for const! pation. . Successful guilt is the bane of society, Syrus. ,! i " , William's Carbolle Salve With Arnica ana Wliok Haul. The beat Salve In the world for Cuts, Rruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Chnnped Hands, and all skin eruption. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction, or money refunded. Price .; by (Irw'Htn. VviLLlA ,o M'FO. CO., Prop's, CI v m l. O. &.!J ly I). A. l!::r;r,.t. ' s,'' APPEAL FOB PUBLIC SCHOOL Dr. Kilgo of Trinity Makes a Stirring Speech at Con . ' ference. The principal address at the confer ence Wed-iosday was delivered by Pres ident Kilgo, of Trinity College. Liberal Education was his theme and his remarks created lasting impres sion for the many practical suggestions that it contained. He advocated the abandonment of private denominational educational enterprises in order that general public education might receive more attention. Reports from districts showed that there were financial deficiencies in many cases, but there were encourag ing reports of revivals and additions to the churches. The stringency mention ed in many of the reports was princi pally due to poor crop conditions in some localities and not from any disin terestedness in the cause of the church. The Bern district was one with a slight deficiency, but stated that all missionary assessments had been paid in full. Has Stood ths Tnl 25 Yairs. The old, original GROVE'S Tasteless Chill Tonic. You know what you are taking. It is iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No Cure, No pay. w. 0. w. At a regular meeting of the Camp of W. O. Vf . in their Forest Wednes day evening the 5th inst, considerable interest was manifested in the growth and personnel of the Camp and the members were well pleased at the pro grf ss made in the last twelve months. The following were elected to serve as officials for the next year, 1907: C. C.-W. P. Jones, Adv. Lieut. T. P. Ashford. Banker A. J. Gaskins. Clerk -W. N. Pugh. Watchman D. L. Gaskins. Sentry J. C. Barker. ) C. J. McCarthy Managers: and F. M. Rnwrt-n The Camp decided to have a novel Woodman parade on Tuesday the 1st day of January 1907. It is proposed to make this the "biggest" day of the year, iherefore we cordially invite everybody to line up in the streets where they can see the parade. Will Intaresl Many. Every person should know that good health is impossible if the kidneys are deranged. Foley's Kidney Cure will cure kidney and bladder disease in ev ery form, and will build up and strength en these organs bo they will perform their functions properly. No danger of Bright's disease or diabetes if Foley's Kidney Cure is taken in time. Davis Pharmacy. The Japanese and Paris press laud those parts of President Roosevelt's message which deal with the Japanese on the Pacific coast. OA8TOMIA. Bean the t 1 " The Kind You Haw Always BougW Governor Perdee, of California, and governor Mead have come out in oppo sition to President Roosevelt's declara tions on the Japanese question. WILLIAMS' KIDNEY PILLS. Have you neglected your Kidneys? Have you overworked your nervous sys tem and caused trouble with your Kid neys and Bladder? Have you pains in the loins, side, back, groins and blad der? Have you a flabby appearance of the face, especially under the eyes? Too frequent desire to pass urine? If so William's Kidney Pills will cure you. bampie free. Uy mail 6U cents. Sold by Druggists. ' WILLIAMS f MFG. CO., Props., Cleveland. O. Sold by D. A. Harget Mrs. Leslie Carter, the actress, sued her former chum, Miss Norma Munro, for $41,799. - It "taken at the Sneeze 'Stage" Pre- ventics a toothsome candy Tablet will surely and quickly check an ap proaching cold or Lagrippe. When you first catch cold or. feel it coming on take Dr. Snoop's Preventics, and the prompt effect will certainly surprise and please you. Preventics, surely sup ply the proverbial "ounce of preven tion." Sold in 6 cent and 25 cent boxes by F. S Duffy. Nearly a thousand delegates are at tending the National Rivera and Har bors Congress In aession in Washing ton. " . Catarrh of the nose and throat should lead you to at least ask us for a free trial box of Dr. Snoop's Catarrh Cure. Nothing so surely proves merit as a real, actual test and Dr. Shoop, to prove this, earnestly desires that we let you make that test. This creamy, Snow White healing balm, soothes the throat and nostrils, and quickly purifies foul or feverish breath. Call and in vestigate. F. S. Duffy. President Alfaro, of Ecuador, has appointed a new cabinet Notlct t Our Cuitomar. We are pleased to announce that Fo ley's Honey and Tar for coughs, colds and lung troubles is not affected by the National Pure Food and Drug law as it contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and we recommend it as a safe remedy for children and adults. Davis' I'hr.rtr.iry. STREET CARS IN COLLISION. Dr. George T. Winston, a Pas- senger on One Car,Xo One Hurt (fpecial Correspondence.) Raleigh, Dec 7 There was a street car collision this morning at what use to be the State Arsenal, tt the southwest corner nf the Capital Square at a very sharp curve. One molot mm failed to wait on . FuvetU-viile street, but must h jvo bad an idea tha two cars could pass on the same track. Several people were shaken by the col lision, including Dr. George T. Winston, one motorman was bruised somewhat, the front glass of one car was smashed and fenders were wrecked. OBITUARY: Lilly Myrtle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Pipkin, and wife of George M. Robinson, died at he home at 110 Hancock street yesterday morning, at the age ' 8 years and 9 months. The funeral services will be held at the home this afternoon at four o'clock and will be conducted by Rev. J. G. Garth. The bereaved family wishes to extend their heartfelt thanks to the neighbors and friends for their kindness in this hour and lorrow. Pollocksville Items. Dec 6. T he weather is very fine and one class of business seems to be getting on fine. I H Bairus has bought the old home place of the late Susan Koonceand will move there another year, so we hear. Come ever Ike we want you with us, you are a fine fellow. We hear H A Creah will come to Pol locksville another yea. We are glad to know our little town is still improv ing and good people are coming. . We have a new railroad company and we hope to have plenty transportation after awhile. This road will be built by the John L. Roper Lumber Co. We hear tho turkeys singing their Xmas songs and we know it must not be long off, still we are not ready for it, as no one bas made any money this year to get them a turkey. B. B. Fresh Meat ! (Special Correspondence.) Raleigh, Dec. 7 The Federal Court here has now become the largest in the State. In the past few days 20 Moon' shiners and 17 retailers of whiskey have been convicted and three of these go to the penitentiary at Atlanta. All of these are now in the county jail. The older prisoners in this place have the habit of yelling at the top of their voices "Fresh Meat," as soon as new prisoners are brought in and they keep this up for an hour or two. It makes most of the new arrivals very angry and the amount of swearing -done is something awful. Bradstreet's Trade Report. Richmond, Va., Dec. 7 Bradstreet's tomorrow will say for Richmond and vicinity: Wholesale' dealers in shoes, harness and 'leather goods are busv: Prices in these lines continue good and collec tions compare favorably, in most cases, with a corresponding . period of last year. Wholesale dry goods and notion dealers have about completed ship ments for the winter trade and are nearing the usual end season dullness. Collections in these lines are fair. The offerings on the loose Jeaf to bacco market are large and the quality generally is poor, but prices show an upward tendency, and where a fair pro duct is offered prices are good. The produce market is devoid of spe cial features. Prices are fair and the demand about equals the supply. Local retail trade begins to show signs of hoi idiy activity,, but in this line collections are poor. Piles get quick relief from Dr. Shoop's Magic Ointment. . Remember it's made alone for Piles and it works with cer tainty and satisfaction. Itching, pain ful, protruding or blind piles disappear like magic by its use. Try it and see 1 F. S. Duffy. v ' Swansboro. : - .- v Dec 7. The sloop Roxy, Capt. C. L. Whorf of Providence, R. I., passed here last week on her way to Miami, Fla. Mr. J. A. nttman returned from a visit up the country last week. ' J. H. Jones took a party out on his launch last Friday afternoon. Capt Guy Jones took a large crowd to the banks on Thanksgiving Day and enjoyed a big oyster roast Mr. H. H. Mattocks has moved into his new dwelling house here. Work still continues on the railroad and we hope to hear the whistlo of the locomotive soon. : The "Stroller," Capt. C. H. Stanford of Patchogue, N. Y passed here last week en route to Miami, Fla, Last Sunday evening at 7 p. m. Mr, Geo. Hatsell and Miss Laura' Carney were happily married at the tesiden of the bride's mo' her, Mrs. Laura Car ney, Mr. D. G. Ward, officiating. The waiters were Frank Moore and Miss Ruth Canady, Ed. Heady and Miss Alice Stanley. The ceremony w"as wit nessed by a large circle of friends. We wish them much happiness, peace and prosperity. Our newly electod county - officers bam inatatA Innt Mnndnv. Our Inwrti. man Mr. J. A. Pittman was elected chairman of ihe Board of County Com missioners. I Messrs. Vuyh, Powell, Davis anc j Ilurnt of Now IVrn, c:!! d on our rr V i! tv . V. CUBAM MINISTER &U. S. Recommends Pc-ru-no. Senor Qucsada, Cuban Minister to the United States. Sonor Quesnda, Cuban Minister to th United States, is an orator born, la an article in The Outlook for July, 18)9, by George Kennan, who heard Qneaad speak at the Esteban Theater, Matanzas, Cuba, he aaid : "I have seen many aud iences under the spoil ot eloquent speech and in tho grip of strong emotional ex citement, but I have rarely witnessed such a scene ss at the close of Qnesada'a eulogy upon the dead patriot, Marti." In a letter to The Peruna Drug MTg.Co written from Washington, D. C, Sonor Quesada saya: : "Peruna I can recommend as a very good medi cine. It is an excellent strengthening tonic, and it is also an efficacious cure for the almost universal complaint of catarrh. "Oonzalo De Quesada. Mr. Will A. Hoffman, Hagerstown, IU., writes: "I gladly give my testimonial with tho thousands of others who have been cured by the use of Peruna. " bad catarrh ot the bead and throat. I took cold easily and wat dizzy-beaded. "I was all rundown and hardly able to work at all when I began using Peruna. But, now, after using it about six months I am well andstvng. " Ask Your Druggist for Free For Emergencies at Home For the Stock oloaovs Is 2a whole medicine chest Price 25c 50c O HOO Sand For Free Booklet on Horses.Ctrte.Hofis & Poultry, Address Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Boston, Mass. NEW GOODS ARRIVED ! Now is the time to buy our Suits and Overcoats. We have re ceived a large quantity, of up to-date Men's, Youths' and Children's Clothing for Holiday Trade. We can fit everybody. ' We also carry a big line of Shoes, Hats, anj Dry Goods. Please call for Headlight Overalls. , - , . STOCK It 59-61 MIDDLE ST. PRETTY GIRLS And EveryboJy else are guessing HOW MANY PILLS IN THE BOTTLE at Duffy's Pharmacy to win the . . . ' - ' Prj I y p of a 5 pound Box of Candy IX I m Cm which is given every Satur day night Tickets given with every drink or cigsr.. FRESn ICE CREAM EVERY DAY II ::cJvo prcr nun:::: 3 .fs. 1 " ' There Is no remedy in the world which has proven so popular for oatarrh as Peruna. It has been used for more than thirty years and cured thousands of cases as proven by our testimonials. 1 f you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use ot Peruna, write at once to Dr, Hartman, giving s full statement of your case and ho will be pleased to give you his valuable ad vice gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. Peruna Almanac fcr 1907. on the Farm III mi iiiiii PHILIP HOWARD AT- WMVWVW i- ' "V . i Liiinveivt nriMPANY uu

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