. "V. iiniLY liisehy is one of woman's worst afflictions. It always leaves you weaker,, and is sure to shorten your life and makt your beauty fade To stop pain take Wine of Cardui and '' it will help to relieve your misery, regulate your func tions, make you well, beautiful and strong. It is a rex liable remedy for dragging down pains, backache, headr ache, nervousness, irritability, sleeplessness,, dizziness, fainting spells, and similar troubles. A safe-and efficient' medicine for all women's pains and sickness. ' Mrs. J. L; Broadheadof Clanton, Ala. writes; "I have used Cardui for my disease, which was one peculiar to women, and it has completely cured me." AT ALL DRUG STORES, IN $1.00 BOTTLES WRITE US A UTTER feKTlblnr fully ll your tynptom and we will tend you Free Advice In plain mled envelope. Ledies' Advisory Dept The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Tenn. J10 r KEEP WARM THESE 0 COLD NIGHTS ! We have just gotten in a complete line of Ladies ."Flannellette Night Robes, beautifully trimmed. In having these garments made up we remembered the stout people. Have plenty of extra large sizes 17-18. Price 85c, $1.00 and H $1.25. - We also have a line of Outing Skirts at 50c, to 65c each. .Knit Skirts both in Cotton and Wool at 50c to $1.25 each. J. M. MITCHELL & CO. 61 POLLOCK STREET. OPP. EPISCOPAL CHURCH. J aiCJT Pocket Knives teed. We have ar excellent line to select from. Every knife guar an- FULL LINE HARDWARE AND BUILDING MATERIAL ' Our Razors also, are the very best and fully warranted. Gaskill Hardware Comp'y. Middle Street Fhone 147. New Bern, N." C. II YOUR IS 11 CAKES TO BE A SUCCESS ? If so, buy your Citron, Currents, Raisins, Lemon and Orange Peels, Spices, etc. from us. ,:. t S H. C. ARMSTRONG. io "PHONE 174. 86 MIDDLE STREET ci SOUTHERN MUSIC HOUSE li RANCH STORE, NEW BERN, N. a . DEALERS IN- box 286. Edison Phonographs and Records And Other Talking Machines, which we sell on easy Stock of Accordeons, Banjos, Guitars, Violins, Strings and Other Novelties. Also the Latest Sheet Music. . Caber Bold Died Records JUST RECEIVED. Come and hear them FREE Concert every afternoon. FOR SALE One Upright Piano Organ, mahotr- . any case, adai Cable Parlor I you 80 per cent Also the Finest Lot of Fancy Pictures and Gold Fish for Christmas Presents. Come and se ua. SHORT PASSING EVENTS. - " t The city wants to take off from fire duty service on the Atlantic hose wagon the horse now being used for that work. The horse balks repeatedly before he can be started from the engine house, and will shy as he dashes along the streets. The. animal is dangerous in such service, and does not meet the de mands.! ; The Goldsboro correspondent of the News and Observer speaks kindly of a formern New Bern lady thus: "Mrs. Basil Manly, who is cordially esteemed in this city, where she has made many wfj-m friends during hersojourn among us, left today at noon for Norfolk, Va. , where she will make her future home, her brother, Mr. Matt Manly, with whom she resides, treasure of the Norfolk & Southern, moved his office to that place. Mr. W. J. McSorley has accepted the agency for the Goldsboro Steam Laun dry. , The water works shut down at two o'clock this morning to make necessary repairs including the cleaning of the stand pipe. Owing to this the Journal was obliged to go to press much earlier last night and consequently was unable to get the late news. John Markob Taylor, was taxed costs and damages in the police court because he drove recklessly and collided with Deputy Sheriff White. He was given the alternative of paying up or spend ing 20 days in jail. Lukins. Dec. 6. Your correspondent from Lukins has been quiet for some time, but while he has baen sleeping our village has been awake. Several new buildings have gone up within the past four months. Tne saw mill here has been enlarged and new machinery put in. A railroad extending in the direction of Heaufort for six or seven miles has a force of hands steadily at work on the extension; the road is used at present for hauling logs only. Our people here have the gasolene boat fever, a man without a boat looks like he feels lonesome, three new ones are now being built and will be launched in a few days. About a week ago a tramp came here from New. Bern pretending to want work, and after loafing around here a few days, until he took in the situation of things generally, and on Saturday night after the mill men had been paid off he succceed in robbing some of them of their cash and broke into the store of Mr. Arthur Thatcher and relieved him of all the cash in the safe and left, he was seen on his way to New Bern with considerable money, supposed to bo not less than one Hundred and fifty dollars. The police in New Bera were notified to look out for him, but he is free yet. From what we can see and hear some of the New Bern blind tigers have agents here, but there is a rumor afloat that they will soon have competition in the shape of a moonshine still some where in the pocoain about the head of South river. We have heard that a fellow from New Bern will be interest ed. Those who deal in it are expecting to see a 'all in booze Boon. The fishermen here continue to do a a good business and seem to be making money. Plenty of game in the river now, sportsmen can have a good time shoot ing geese and ducks. J. T. H. Long Ttnnmee Fight. For twenty years W L Rawls, of Bells, Tenn., fought nasal catarrh. He writes: "The swelling and soreness in side'my nose was fearful, til) 1 began applying Bucklen's Arnica aalve to the sore surface: th's caused the soreness and swelling to disappear, never to re turn." Best salve in existence, 26c at all druggists. .' " BELL ABSORBS THE INTERSTATE! SERIOUSLY HURT BY TRAIN. Practical Illustration ot the Tiger and the Missionary. (Special Correspondence.) Raleigh, December 7 It had been announced by an official of one of the companies that the Bell and Interstate Telephone systems would be merged December lstpunder the name Capital City Company, but nothing has so far been done and there is not a sign of a ripple on, the water. The Merchants Association has declared against the Interstate and it is going to take up the matter and see what causes the de-1 lay in consolidation. A Guirtnteed Curs For Pilot Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protruding, Piles. Druggists are authorized to re-, fund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure in 6 to 14 days. 60c. Towers are measured by their shad ows, and great men by their calumnia tors. From the Chinese. Whin to go Homo. From the Bluffton. Ind., Banner: "When tired out, go h'ime. When you want consolation, go home. When you want fun, go home. When you want to show others that you have reformed, go home and let your family get ac quainted with the fact. When you want to show yourself at your best go home and do the act there. When you feel like being extra liberal go home and practice on your wife and children first. When you want to shine with ex tra brilliancy go home and light up the whole household " To which we would add, when you have a bad cold go home and take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and a quick cure is certain. For sale by Davis Pharmacy and F S Duffy. Greensboro Officer "Victim of Accident Which May Result Fatally. (Special Correspondence.) Greensboro, Dec 7 At Waiker avenue crossing early this morning, a work train, ran over Mr. W. C Weaver, of ficerof the city inflicting, is feared fatal injuries. Three ribs broken, his head was badly cut, and there is a slight fracture of the skull. Drs. Grimsley and Micheaux, railway surgeons, were soon in attendance, and Mr. Weaver was taken to his home nearby, where he regained consciousness in an hour. If there are no internal injuries, there is a chance for his life. He is 65 years of age, an old Confederate veteran, an excellent man and the accident is great ly deplored by his many friends. This family seems fated for railroad acci dents. Two years ago. his brother, Capt. Bob W saver, was nearly Mlled by a train at Summit Avenue crossing, and soon afterwards, his son, Joe Weaver, was run over by a shifting engine near the passenger depot, losing a foot, and 'or which at the last term of court he secured a verdict for 1,- 500 damages against the railroad company. Mr. Grosvenor presented a compro mise providing for ship subsidies for South American and Phillippine Islands lines only. Great vaunters, little doers. -the French. -From If you like Coffee but dare not drink it try Dr. Snoop's Health Coffee. It is true that real coffee does disturb the stomach, faart and kidneys. But Dr. Snoop's Health Coffee has not a "grain of true coffee in it Being made from parched grains, malt, etc., it forma wholesome, food-like drink, yet having the true flavor of Old Java and Mocha Coffee. "Made in a minute." Call at our store for a free sample. Sold by J, L. McDaniel.- mm 'tmcanwjjiuiwcni. SALIS One upngni nano urgan, manotr- . m. rZ3 e, adapted for church or Sunday school; on -Jj&'X V 'r 'arlor Organ, at factory prices. , Will save l To a grateful man give more than he asks. From the Spanish. Reeky Ltataln Tea Ksggefs . Bring eolde Hultk u4 Rmm Vim A fn rtonattnAtinn. IndteMttOIL T.!yT und Kidney trouble!. Pimple. Eoaem, Impure Mood, Hod Hreatn. siurenn uoweie, md Baokache. Iu Rooky Mountain Teaintab let form. eenu box. Genuine made br UrtuiiMin nulla PrMfPAHT. U&dton. Wle tiOLDEN NUGGETS FOR AUrwPE0PU 132 IttDDIjE'.'STEEET NEXT TO KAFER'S BAKERY. ,V He that grasps at too much holds nothing fast From the German. MacKay't Mac-u-dine ' cures all headaches, etc, does not da- press the heart 10, 125 and 60 cent, a bottle at druggists, -6c doses itfomv tains. : r -i t 3 f -3 1 t C5 Av:: : o ArV4il CZ3 ever C.:i r : n 1121. f ' ' "iT .r- ' W Grove's f ' X T rrt, IJvr 1 , 21 - -e Now Cnro for Epilepsy. J B Waterman, of Watertown, O., Rural free delivery,, writes: "My daughter, afflicted for years with epi lepsy, was cured by Dr.' King's New Life Pills. She has not had an attack for over two years. " Best body clean sers and life giving tonic pills on earth, 25c at all druggists. The House defeated the Pilotage bill 164 to 110 Western Republicans vot ing with Southern Democrats on the ground of State's rights. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea pu rifies the blood, strengthens the nerves, regulates the bowels, aids the.kidneys, cures stomach troubles, builds up the nervous force and repairs the ill ef fects of over eating. Tea or Tablets, 35 cents. F S Duffy. Both the Foraker and Penrose reso lutions, calling for information regard ing the negro troops, were adopted by the Senate. CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough. Bears the fttgnauraof It is said that the consistory in Rome was held secretly because an attempt upon the life of the Pope was feared Outwit Th Surgeon. A complication of female troubles with catarrh of the stomach and bow els, had reduced Mrs. Thos.S. Austin, of Leavenworth, Ind., to such a deplor able condition, that her' doctor advised, an operation; buf her husband fearing fatal results, postponed this to try Elec trie Bitters; and to the amazement of all who knew her, this medicine com' pletely cured her. Guaranteed cure for torpid liver, kidney disease, biliousness. jaundice, chills and fever, general de bility, nervousness and blood poisoning. Best tonic made. Price 60c at all Drug stores. Trj it The Japanese cabinet in Its next bud get will include provision for a big in crease in the army. A Home Made Happy by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. About two months ago our baby girl hak measles which settled on her lungs and at last resulted in a severe attack of bronchitis. We had two doctors but no relief was obtained. Everybody thought she would die. I went to eight different stores to find a certain remedy which had been recommended to me and failed to get it, when one of the store keepers insisted that I try Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. I did so and our baby is alive and well today. Geo W. Spence, Holly Springs. N. C. For sale by Davis Pharmacy and F S Duffy. The United States Senatorial Amend ment Convention will be made a perma nent organization to advocate the elec tion of Senators by popular vote. OABTOniA. 7 me vm you Have Always Bought ineuiM ioi The Pittsburg Chamber of Commerce adopted a resolution condemning the ac tion of Secretary Shaw on the postoffice site. About Digeatlon. It is not the quantity of food taken but the amount digested and assirrila- ted that gives strength and vitality to the system. Chamber'ain's Stomach and Liver Tablets invigorate the stom ach and liver and enable them to per form their functions. The result is a relish for your food, increased strength and weight, greater endurance and a clear head. Price, 25 cents. Samples free. For sale by Davis Pharmacy and F S Duffy. Orthodox Jews in New York are op posing Christmas exercises in the pub lic schools' PILES 1 PILES 1 PILES! Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will cure Blind. Bleedine. Ulcerated and Itching Piles. It absorbs the tu mors, allays the itching at once, acts as a poultice, gives instant relief. Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment is pre pared for files and Itching of the pri vate parts. Every box is guaranteed. Sold by druggists, by mail, for 50c and l.uu sold dv u. a nargec Good still delighteth to forgive. Burns. How Diphtheria I Contracted. One often hears the expression, "My child caught a severe cold which develop ed into diphtheria," when the truth was that the cold had simply left the little one particularly susceptible to the wandering diphtheria germ When Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is given it quickly cures the cold and lessens the danger of diphtheria or any other germ disease being contracted. For sale by Davis Pharmacy and F. S. "Duffy. A majority of the delegates to the convention of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers is opposed to the metric system. L PEOPLE. Reprint News-Herald: "There is at least one effectual, safe, and reliable Cough Cure Dr. Shoop'a that wo re gard as suitable, even for the youngest child. For years. Dr. Snoop bitterly opposed the use of opiates or narcotics in medicine, offering $10 per drop to any one finding Opium, Chloroform, or any other poisonous or rarcotic, ingre dient in Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. And the chaleng is as yet unanswered. Here is one manufacturing physician, who welcomed with much satisfaction, the new Government Pure Food and Drug Law. The public can now pro tect itself at all times, by insisting on having Dr. Shoop's when a cough remedy is needed." Sold by F. S. Duf fy- . . : , Senator Mirgan attacked the man agement of the Panama railroad. ft iVA..V,V.VAjl Ohe Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which has been. na use for over SO years, has borne the signature of - and has been made under his pec fJjThs- sona supervision since Its infancy ft Allow no one to deceive vou in thif j All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are bo Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experimente What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fcverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind Yon Have Always Bought I n Use For Over 30 Years. tMi enmua eeimiMT, t auaiuT raccT, vs erer. v SALE OF ENTIRE STOCK Having decided to devote my undivided attention to the Sale and Exchange of Horses and Mules in the future, I will sell at PUBLIC AUCTION at my Stables; on Friday, 14th day of December, 1906, my Full and Entire Stock of New Open and Top Buggies, Single and Double Wagons, Cart-wheels, Harness of every description, Robes, Whips, and Sundries too numerous to mention. The above are new purchases and strictly standard articles. Will also dispose of several second-hand Buggies, Surrys. and Transfers, and a quantity of Harness, which have been used, but very slightly in my . Livery basineps. This entire stock will be sold, regardless of the prices it brings my guar antee to you individually that this is "no fake sale.'" Terms of Sale Will be Strictly Cash! SALE TO START PROMPTLY AT 10 O'CLOCK, on Friday, the 14th day of December, 1906. L. G. Daniels J. A. JONES, LIVERY; FEED, SALE AND EXCHANGE STABILES They are Found in Every Part of New Bern. The citizens of New Bern have good reason to be thankful for burdens lift ed from aching backs, which they bore patiently for years. Scores tell about their experience publicly. Here's a case I of it: F. P. Avery, foreman at the A & N GRR shops, residing at No. 80 Graves street, says: ."lean recommend Doan's Kidney Pills which I obtained from Bradham's Pharmacy, My back, when I would get up In the morning felt weak and lame and the use of Doan s Kidney Pills relieved it I have felt much bet ter and stronger since I used them. My back was a weak spot and if I caught cold it settled there and I seeemed to lose all use of it. Since Using Doan's Kidney Pills my back has not troubled mA one bit You can use my name as an endorser of Doan's Kidney Pills and I will recommend them to any one. For sale bv all dealers, Price 60c, Buffalo, New Xork, Bwn OADTOniA.. .. I Fnnter-Mill Co tu munia AiwYs Magi wl RKents for lhe United gteteg r2) Ami 1" i'l""M-0r.Jl II .-7. mn 77 II i ' ' t J Largest and Finest Stock of Horses and Mules ever offered for sale in New Bern. A CAR LOAD of each Just In! Also a complete line of Buggies,. Wagons, Harness, Robes, Whips, Cart Wheels. &c. J. A. J O N E S BROAD ST. PROPRIETOR. . NEW BERN, N. C COALiiWOOPep The very best free burning White Ash, Egg, Stove, Chest nut and Furnace Coal; also the only C, C. B. Pocahon tas steam and Domestic Lump Coal on the market. ALL COAL SCREENED BE FORE LEAVING YARD Weight guaranteed. WOOD The best quality of Oak, Ash, Mixed and Pine, sawed in stove lengths. Prompt delivery and personal atten tion given to all orders. BIxLjIS' s Pharmacy 127 Middle Street Full line of Drugs, Medi cines, Toilet Articles and Soap. Fresh Supply of Flower Seeds. PHYSICIANS PRESCRIP TIONS A SPECIALTY nnn v nn UUU II IIIIUI FOR SALE. I hereby offer for sale on the 15th day of December, 1907, at 11 o'clock, at my home, Shell Landing, three miles north of Jasper, one yoke of No. one steers, one pair of large bay mules, 4 years old, cart and entire rig, one syre and good set of double harness and two une-nurHB wiggles nu imrneMH, uim farm wagon, one cotton ' harrow, one double horse plow, single horse plows, cultivators, corn, fodiler, hay, et W. 11. li U:i-. . Li ' X for chlldreni aafv, ur. A o ua: S . yjJ Remember the name Doan's and Union Point. WwsyVy. tWI take no other. 'Phonb No. 47.

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