What's Better Than HANDKERCHIEFS urn For XMAS Gifts GEN'i S AND LADIES INITIAL SHEER LINEN 6 fo ALL LETTERS ! AT Hackburn's o 0 0 0 o Sauerkraut Corned Mullets and Mackerel; Atmore's Mince Meat, Florida Oranges; Cranberries; Small Hams and Breakfast Strips, JUST Received. J. L. McDANIEL. Corner Eroad an i Hancock Sta. ROLLER TRAY TRUNKS I JUST IN! A New Stock of Roller Tray Trunks. Suit Cases and Bags JUST THE THING FOR A CHRISTMAS PRESENT Don't fail to see us for anything you want. Our Goods are the best and prices low. J. J. BAXTER. PICTURES FOR CHRISTMAS We have the greatest values ever offered in JNew Bern. Shail be pleased to have you call and see them. IIUS CH1S. ROCKING FRAMES MADE JTo3b.ii 33. Ives ('HONE 257. NEW BERN. Little Girls Get Out Your Doll Rags! "THE SEASON IS ON FOR A CONTEST ! " We are going to give to the little girls that bring us the best dressed dolls by FRIDAY noon DECEMBER 14th, one pair S3 00 Pat Colt Dress Shoes; to the next best dressed, a $2.00 pair. The dolls will be placed in the show windows until Monday even ing December 17th, 4 o'clock, when three ladies will be selected as judges to determine the two lucky little girls. After this has been decided we will immediately fit you (the lucky ones) to your shoes and return your dolls. . US' Boys Watch This Spice, get your "WITS" together, we have something good for you next week. I THE HOME OF : z . Shoe Department I ' f t" T "I ?',, 75c - New Bern, N. C. CHAIRS. NICE TABLES TO ORDER 1 N. ('., 93 MIDDLE ST, GOOD SHOES V? A The Best Guaranty of Merit Is Open Publicity. Every bottle of Dr. Pierce's world lamed medicines leaving the great labo ratory at Kuftalu, N. ., ban printed upon Its wrapper all the Ingredient entering Into us composition. This (act lone places Dr. Pierce's Family Medi cines in a cUws all by Uiemnelue. They cannot be classed -with patent or secret medicines because they are neither. Thin la why so many unprejudiced physicians j)roscrib.jru and recommend thtm to their pst.Tnt. They know what they are composed of, and that the Ingredients are those endorsed by the most eminent medical authorities. The further fact that neither Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, the Kreat stomach tonic, liver invlgorator, heart regulator and blood purifier, nor his Favorite Prescription' for weak, over worked, broken-down, nervous women, contains any alcohol, also entitles them to a place all by themselves. Many years ago. Dr. Pierce discovered that chemically pure glycerine, of proper strength, is a better solvent and preserv ative of the medicinal principles resid ing in our indigenous, or native, medi cinal plants than is alcohol; and, further more, that it possesses valuable medicinal properties of its own, being demulcent, nutritive, antiseptic, and a most efficient antlfernient. Neither of the above medicines con tains alcohol, or any harmful, habit forming drug, as will be seen from a glance at tlio formula printed on each bottle wrapper. They are safe to use and potent to cure. Not only do physicians prescribe the above, non-sec-rot medicines largely, but the most intelligent people employ them people who would not think of using the ordinary patent, or secret medicines. Every Ingredient entering into the com position of Dr. Pierce's medicines has the strongest kind of an endorsement from leading medical writers of the several schools of practice. No other medicines put up for like purposes has any such prafexxUmal endorsement. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure con stipation. Constipation is the cause of many disease. Cure the cause and you cure the disease. One " Pellet" Is a gentle laxative, and two a mild cathartic. Drug gists soil them, and nothing is "just al good." Easy to lake as candy. Mnn mttl II im Pocketa. A tailor who had received an order for a suit of clothes was asked by the customer's wife for mi interview. "I v. iint to usk you as a special fa tor," she said, "not to put any pockets lu my husband's clothes." "Why not?" asked the astonished tailor. "Because they are responsible for his looking so shabby so much of the time," s!ie explained. "He wears his clothe;! for weeks without pressing be cause ho says It is too much trouble to change the things in his pockets to an other suit, lie says that half the men who go around In seedy clothes do so for the same reason. If that Is so, Just leave out the pockets, and they will have uo excuse for shabblness." "That is a new point of view," said the tailor. "I will see about It." But when the suit came home it had the usual number of pockets. New York Kim Skiff Found.; One small skiff near Munzer & Ben nett's log pond can be had by applying to W. H. Walker at Mumrer & Ren- nett's mill and paying all charges. Dec. 10, 1906. Dr. H. 0. Hyatt formerly of Kinstan now located in Wilmington is well known to the people of this section. He will be in New Bern December 24th at hotel Hazelton for the purpose of treat ing diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. McSORLEY'S Toy Store IS HEADQUARTERS FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS of Every Description. Toys, Rooks, Games in Endless Variety THE PRICES WILL SATISFY G J. McSORLEY KRIS KRINGLE WILL SOON BE HERE I In Making Up Your Christmas Order for CONFECTIONERIES jj FRUITS Don't Fail to Remember I 103 Middle St. 'Phone 209. DECEMBER EDISON GOLD BED RECO K D S ! In Stock and For Sale Today. I have in stock Every Amori - can Selection made by National Phonograph Company; also COLEi'E STOCK ECE& Horns, &c, Nothing nicer for Christmas Present for your self or friend. Tm. T. MILL SPOUTING GOODS'. IS wm nm OBJECT. The Womens Club is Agita ting the Reformatory or In dustrial School for Youth ful Criminals. Thoso who keep up with State news, know that for some time an effort has been made to interest the women of North Carolina in the building of a re formatory, or industrial school for the young criminals of the State. The ex isting conditions now incarcerate boys in the penitentiary, where they are constantly associated with hardened, vicioua men, rendering it well nigb im possible to restore them to a sense of moral obligations, or save them from a life of crime. With such an institution of correction and industrial training, in which these waifs have an opportunity to become skilled workmen in various occupations which promotes the good of the com munity, these unfortunates will in many instances become good citizens and prove a good investment for the State. Certainly . nothing more deserving could engage the activities of the wo men, and the womens' clubs., Instead of frittering away money on non-essential, a concentrated effort in that direc tion would be of incalculable benefit. It should not be confined however to any organization, creed or sex, but ev ery man and woman in North Carolina should lend a held a helping hand. A petition to the General Assembly recommending that steps be taken for the erection of such an institution will be circulated in this city, and the signa ture of every man and woman is ear nestly requested. For any of the ordinary diseases of the skin Chamberlain's Salve is excel lent. It not only allays the itching and smarting but effects a cure. For sale by Davis Pharmacy and F S Duffy. New Law Partnership. New Bern, N. C, Dec. 10, 1906. We beg to announce that the under signed have this day formed a partner ship for the practice of law succeeding the firm of Guion & Dunn, Mr. Guion having been elected Judge retires from the practice January 1st 1907, at which time Mr. Larry I Moore, formerly of Greenvill wille move to New Bern and with Mr. Dunn will take up the prac tice nnder the firm name of Moore & Dunn, in the office formerly occupied by Guion & Dunn. LARRY I. MOORE, WM. DUNN, JR. Extra Fine NativeBeef atjCoast Line Market. What Adam ate, not what he drank, Was he from Eden's garden driven, 0, what a difference there now would be, If he had taken Rocky Mountain Tea, FS Duffy. Fine Veal at the Coast Line Meat Market this morning. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Post-Office at New Bern, Craven County, N. C , Dec. 10 1906: MEN'S LIST. B A W Bryant. C--Mr Charley Coxa Robert S Calla way. D- -Jessie Dixon. G W D Gardner, Asa Graham. H-E D Hill, J B Harris. J - Frank Jones, John Joseph. M-Charlie McKay, W W Moore, R S Marl in. P-J R Perry. R-GA Reynolds. S Mr Smitle Skoot, Capt. J C Simp son. , T--George Trinka. vV R E Whitehurst, A Watson. WOMEN'S LIST. B Mrs Georgy Boyd. E MissJannie Edwards. H Miss Mary Humphrey. M Mrs Annie Martin. N Miss Dora Newman. O Miss Mat Oyther. S Mrs Susan Smith, Miss Loath Spencer, Mrs W, N Stellemvey W-Mrs Claudia Wilkerson, Mrs Florence Willis. . The regulations now require that (1) cent shall be collected on the delivery of each advertised letter. & W. HANCOCK, 1 . p; m. Local Grain Market. Corn, per bushel.,... 70 Oats, " GO R. b. Oats CO Meal, ' : " 70 Hominy " 70 rVirn bran, per 100 Tbs. 75 Wheat bran, . " -1.50 r'eed, 100 lbs........ 1.40 Cotton seed meal, 100 ITi 1.60 Cotton seed hulls, 100 His.... 6G Hay, $1.30 per cwt 26.00 WHOLESALE! trices' current. Eggs, per dozen.... 26 Pork, per It,........r. 8 Live Hogs i. 6 Beef, " ..6& 6 Hides, green, per lb. 7 " dry 10 Beeswax, ' " 20 to 22 Corn, per bushel , 64 Peanuts M Potatoes, Yams 95 bttmmaa.. ...70 OADoniA. IWsth . t.iYii Bj;", HI Bone or Back Ftini, Swollen Joists CURED THROUGH THE BLOOD By Botanic B) There is hope for the most hopeless case of Rheumatism if the sufferer will only take Botanic Blood Balm (15. B. B.) It invigorates the blood, making it pure and rich, and destroying the active poison in the blood, which causes the awful symptoms of Rheumatism. Leading Symptoms Bone paifis, sciatica or shooting pains up and down the leg; aching back or shoulder blades, swollen joint or swollen muscles; difficulty - in moving around so you have to use crutch ett; blood thin or skin pale; skinatch es and burns; shifting pains; bad breath; sciatica, lumbago, gout, etc. -Botanic Blood Balm (8. B. B.) will remove every symptom, giving quick relief from the first dose, and B, B. B. sends a rich tingling flood of warm, rich, pure blood direct to the paralyzed nerves, bones and joints, giving warmth and strength just where . it is needed, and in this way making a perfect, lasting cure of Rheumatism in all its forms. B. B. P.. has made thousands of cures after medicines or doctors have failed to help or cure. Weak, Inactive Kidneys One of the causes of Rheumatism is due to inac tive kidneys nd bladder. B. B. B. strengthens weak kidneys and bladder, draining off all diseased matter and all uric, acid, so the urine flows freely and naturally. Botanic Blood Balm (8. B. B.) is pleasant and safe to take. Thoroughly tested for 30 years. Composed of Pure Botanic Ingredients. Strengthens Weak Stomach, cures Dyspepsia. Pri' e $1 per large bottle, at drug stores or by express prepaid. Sample free by writ ing Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Tribute to Judge Bryan. Norlh Carolina, Caldwell iounty, In Superior Court, November Term, 1906. At a meeting of the Bar of the 13th Judicial District, held in the court house at Lenoir on December Cth', at the expiration of the November Term of Superior Court, the following action was had, touching the official life of Honorable Henry R. Bryan, Judge of the Third Judicial District of North Carolina, and the following resolutions were adopted, to wit: Whereas, The Honorable Henry R. Bryan has been a Judge in the State of North Carolina for sixteen consecutive years, and has held courtsjin every county in the State; And Whereas, this is his last term, and ends his office as Judge for the pres ent, it is thought proper, as a mark of appreciation of the services of this up right and faithful judge, that some ex pression of opinion by the members of the Bar at this term, should be had: It is therefore Resolved, that it is with regret that we lose the services of this most elegant gentleman, this faith ful, upright 2nd able Jurist. Resolved, That in the official lii'e of Judge Bryan, no stain is to be found upan the judicial ermine. That he is not only a learned and upright judge, but the uniform courtesy, while in the dis charge of the functions of his high of fice, extended to the members of the Bar, to the Court, and litigants, has made him a most acceptable judicial of ficer. Resolved, That his firmness and cour age in the discharge of th? duties devol ving upon him as judare, the patience to to hear, tho discriminating intelligence to discern and adj ulge, havj given him an ixilted position among the great jur isls who have honored and adorned the Judiciary of North Carolina, Resolved, Tnat during the period that The Honorable H-mry R. Bryan may be permitted to remain in private life, he will have the highest regard of the Bar of The 13ih Judicial District, because of his dooui.mi and opinions; which have always been characterized by a high sense of justice and fairnoss to all lit igants, irrespective of their station in life. Resolved, That upon retireing from the Bench, his brethren of the Bar ex tend tohim their affecetionate regard, and gladly welcome him again to their ranks, wihing him the succel he so well deserves, and many years of long and happy life. Resslved, That the Clerk of this Court copy the proceeding of this meet ing upon the minute docket of the Court; and that a copy be furnished to the Lenoir Papers,- and those of IU home city of New Bern; also to The Raleigh New and Observer, with the request that they publish the same; and1 that the original be given to Judge Bryan. ' R. Z. LINNEY, Chairman, , EDMUND JONES, W. C. NEWLAND, LAWRENCE WAKEFIELD, . Committee R. Z. LINNEY, Chairman, OTIS P. MOON, Secretary. Dismissed for Drunkenness Special Correspondence. Raleigh, Dec. 10 United States Mar shal Claud Dockery used the wire to day In prorpt dismissal Of his deputy at New Bern, McRae Dinkins, on ac count of drunkenness while performing duty. j You need a tonic that will put the Blosa Balm (B. B sap of lire into your system ana loriny ! you from all diseases. Hollistor'i Rocky Mountain Tea Is reconizd ai the prrntest strenRthiwr known. Tea or T..' '. ' , r, "'-'' i. F S Puffy. SHORT PASSING EVENTS. A private telegram received last night states that the invitation of the New Bern church to the Methodist con ference to hold its session here next year Lad been accepted. Those who wish to sign . the petition to the legislature for the establishment of a Reformatory or Industrial School will And a paper for that purpose at the Journal office. Tho regular monthly meeting of the Bright Jewtls Society will be held this afternoon at Centenary church. A full attendance is requested, as prepara tions are to bo made for the Christmas entertainment. Mrs. Nannie - Curtis, of Sherman, Texas, the "Silver Tongued Orator", will deliver three lectures' at the . Cen tenary Methodist Church on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights. Mrs. Curtis i an eloquent and powerful speaker and has high recosnmendations from many places all over the coun try. Mr. A. J. Edmondson of Paltonsbury Mo. the minister who is to preach for the church of Christ' Disciples this year is delayed on tho road and will not be here in time to preach today as was expected but will be here Monday or Tuesday There will be commun'on services at 11 o'clock, Sunday School at 3 p. m. A cordial welcome to all. There was some good and some bad about the Irish Pawnbrokers at the op era heUse last night. As a comedy it was worse than worthless, as a vaude ville there were some very good stunts, particularly Marie Dockham, the girl with the chair, few acta have been performed on the stage that will com pare with it for exhibition of iron jaw strength. 1 he muddy condition of some of the water which came through the faucets yesterday was due to the washing out of the mains, and the cleaning out of the stand pipe. It was over in a short time and was not foul water, although not the kind of water one wou'd wish to drink. The water will be clean and better from now on. The annual church kalendar of Chiia Church will be issued during the com ing week and will be- very handsome and unique. The kalendar is a depart ure 83 it is to be made in New Bern and besides tho regular kalendar, will have a mounted photo of the church and Parish House together with a list of the services of the church and times of meeting of th various church organi zations. It will be a very handsome Christmas souvenir as well as a remin der of church duties. There's a full fledged gambling es tablishment on Middle street Of cuuise ; iLa a small concern, you chuck your 10 or 15 cents and possibly may be fortu nate to win a turkey. It doesn't amount to much but its the principle of the thing. What are you going to do about it? If the hatm was confined in merely winning or losing the turkey which is the stake, there would be no com plaint, but the seeds of corruption are being sown there, . and the harvest means a whole lot of trouble. Capt. James B, Lloyd who for some years was the associate editor of the Tarburo Southener has taken the posi tion ol editor of the Daily Times-Courier at Lincoln, III., and will champion the candidacy of Hon. W. J. Bryan, of whom he is a personal friend and ad mirer. . He served some time as assist ant Sergeant at Arms of the United States Senate and since his retirement from that exalted position he has been a correspondent for the Raleigh Times and Charlotte Observer, He is a brill iant and fluent wrRer and doubtless will score a great success in the fourth estate in the western city. ' The Journal has not mentioned it be fore but do your Christmas shopping early. The long forecasted rain began last night. Rain is ordered for today. During the hour between two and three o'clock the up-town fire hell will toll for the f uner d of one of the mem bers of the sixth ward Reel Company. The Presbyterian bazaar will take place in the lecture room of the church this evening. The alignments made by the Metho dist conference had not been fully made public last night The presiding eluer for ths New Bern district will be Rev. M. Bradshaw, the minister of the New Bern church is Rev. Beaman and Rev.' G. T. Adams will preach in Durham. ' Sammy, the four year son of Mr. C S. Hill of Dover, was run down by a transfer near the Norfolk &J Southern depot yesterday and sustained painful but not serious bruises. The Muscles of the arm were strains I. He was taken to tho home of his aunt, Mrs. W P, Marshall, where his mother it visit ing and his injuries attended to, The Revenue Cutter Boutwell arrived in port Sunday morning with the dis abled gasolene yacht Lagonda In ;towt The Peruchl-Gypzeno Company who have an engagement at the New Bern opera house for the cntjre week are quartered on the Lagonda. She had been at Roanoke marshes for nearly a week when found by the BoutwelL On Saturday morning the Cutter Boutwell found the 'schooner M. G. Walstein capsized and abandoned in mid-channel in the Pasquotank river about 20 miles below Elizabeth City. She was .righted, towed to Elizabeth 1 City and turned over to her owners by ' Ultf PUULWKll. AS alio WW lit the tra k of steam and sail vessels bound up and down the river and most ly submerged she was grave danger .1. - r 1 ..... 1 1 A Jm -UA ' to.navigation. Choice-Veal and venison at Oaka Mar Many Nave Dyspepsia And Don't . Know It. 'TYNEK'S YSPEPSI A D REEDY. Cures Money back If R fall to cur Dyapepaia m sny form, gaa, belching, bituir taata, bad breath, diur spells, sour stomach. heart flutter, nervo iiniit, species or hare before th eyes, vomity feelins;, pains -in stomach, side or back and all o bar symptoms of Indigestion or Dyspepsia. Tyner's Dyspepsia Remedy straiurthena weak stamaha. atnna enlui and headache, in live minutes. Heals canker sores, cures (catarrhal Uyxpepsia with Hawknitr Spitting, Coughing, also Kidney and Liver Trou ble, all of which arias from a weak stomach. Ty ner s DvsDeDsia Remedy rnmiwaMl r.f mm in. gradients; no poisonous drugs used. 8afe cure and the beat remedy for diseases arising from stomach tronblia, Drunvista, or sent by Express luruuo. circular ana medical Advice f ree by wrltna1 TYNER DYSPEPSIA REMEDY CO., Augusta, Ga. COTTON MARKETS. Special to Journal: . ;: ' New York, Pecember 8 OPEN 9.99 10.16 10.20 HIGH LOW CLOSE Jany 10 10 10.27 10.31 Mch May1 SPOT MARKET. Bales sold -Price per pound ... 2 !) to 101 J Tr! i Best . fT j drealv -J ' ,& -A ( Hick J f'.VJrIO ROBERTS & HURST Distributors for Craven, Car teret, Onslow. Jones, Pam lico, Beaufort, And King ston Counties. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy The Children's Favorite OUIILS-- Couffhs, Colds, Croup trad Whooping Cough. This rssnsdy Is fstmuw t ie cures over a larue part of the .-tviiiaxl world. It earn alwas be depantled ui. It contains ao ouiuia or nlher liHi-iiiful Uma and-mny ba lvn as cenn.-tout!, bi Uiliy m tu au aidaM Prloe 25 etc. lti'?o Slza, 60 ots. GET THE BEST I Kita Recently Enlarged ' WITH . 25,000 New Words New Gazetteer of th World with mora than 88,000 titles, baaed on the Iajat census return. New Biographical Dictionary containing the names of over 1(1,000 noted persona, date of birth, death, etc , Edited by TV. T. HAKHIfl. Ph.D., LL.T)., United Btutea Commiasiouer ul Kduuattua. 2360 Quarto Page Re Flatia, . MM UlsttraUosa, Bleh BIa4tat. Needed la Every Home Aiao W abater's Collegia te Dictionary IIKFivm. Ilea lllartraUoaa, Regular Edltlon'TiiOxtHtBetioa. tblsdtira. Da Luxe Edition MjtlHilS la. Prinu froa sum plstos, ea blbla pspr. S Iwenttful bindings. FKEK, "DLotkaarrWmUUs." lUaatrsUdpuapUrte, G. a C. MERRIAM CO., Publishers, Springfield, Mae. FOIt SAIE. A valuable farm of 70 acres in Carter et County, 8 miles west of Beaufort, either by land or water, 30 acres clear ed and well adapted to all crops, grown in Eastern North Carolina. There la a comfortable 6 room house on premises. Above land is on New Bern road, neigh rorhood is good Church and school factilities excellent, R F D mail service daily, healthy location and place very desirable In every respect. Apply to, J. R. JINNETT, r,.'...f.rt N.C. - 1 14. Z j 91 1TJI'ILS f'.T. 'PnoNB Z'X ket i

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