THE Ml JOURNAL BrtafcluW 1878 ' Pub ished in Two 8ectlr.u, every Toee- Jay and Friday, si Journal Hollaing, &- ftO Craven Street- " . "HARL.PS L .srt'VKN rorro np roop'T"r , 8UB8CKIITIOW KATEP- Two Months, . .... .'. . 1 . .... . . . .W .tw Thref Months,....,,.....-.- M Blv Wnnlha 00 Tmlm Months. M-W ONLY IN ADVANCF, . Official Paper of New Bern and Craven County. ' ' Advertising rate furnished upon ap plication at the office, or upon inquiry . ay mail. .. tyTlw jotmnu is only went on pay -dvanee basis. Subscribe. will receive notice of expiration of their iub criptlona anil an imnwdiate response to nnlirn w,l iJi AtlDroOiaieu ir j JoUKN&t Entered at the Postv'rice, New Bern rJ. l an sncond-nlMS muter. ' New riern, N. C, December 18, 1906. THREE FOLD POSITION OF LIGHT CONSUMERS, .The New Bern electric light consum or occupies a three-fold position That is. he is a consumer, a paver of the light he uses, and a partner in the com pany of which he gets the electric light service. Of the first two, the electric consumer is at present most interested. As a partner, he expects no dividend, but hopes that the service will pay out even. As consumers of electric light service in this city, there ae few who will ad mit that they are getting a service that was in a general way guaranteed them, when they voted for municipal owner ship. Complaints for no service upon some nights, develop a variety of ex cuses. Probablv the fireman at the electric light works, is most credited as being the cause of no lights and defi cient light voltage, when the lights are burning. The consumer is charged for the service, and perhaps pays the bill. That is the presumption. To those who may complain of the light service, the argument has been used, that the price of the service is too low. If it is, can the consumer be blamed? There is hardly a consumer who would complain if a higher charge was fixed for the service provided that it could be shown beyond question, that the service at the present cost was given upon a practical and economical! basis, and was con ducted along business lines, and could not be maintained. So far as the Journal has had to do with the electric light service, and it has suffered severe ly from the service at times, there has never been given an excuse that would be valid, or conclusive that the service was not to blame itself, for light fail ures. It ia not a far guess to what con sumers would do, if the lights were not their property, as tax payers, but in stead were the property of private citi zens. In the capacity of being owners of the electric light system, consumers have not as yet fully acquainted them selves. If the business was a private one, such as a firm, there would be a stricter demand that the inmost and outermost affairs of the company be known. What percentage of tax pay ers know how the accounts of this pub lic utility stand? How many tax pay er visit the works and know how these are conducted? Getting down still far ther, how many tax payers know who are on the water and light comnv'ssion, and who are in the employ of this com mission? Is it too much to say that the payer who does not keep informed on local municipal affairs and the conduct of the same, is a poor citizen? Certain ly a partner in any mercantile house who did not know how the affairs of his firm were being conducted, would not be much of a business man, and would not receive any pity, if bis firm made a failure. AN AUDITORIUM AND LOCAL EDUCATION The observance of Mclver Day in the Graded Schools of this city was kept from being made the occasion it might have bean, because of the lack of an auditorium, in which could gather all ; the pupils of the schools and others who would have been interested in attending such exercises '.'' , The educational advancement in New Hern during the last few years, is most gratifying. The educational sentiment inthis city, shows a strength that means still farther advancement There is a liberal disposition towards educa tional support, in better equipment of l.u'.Mings and apparatus. ' The pay of tt-ru hers has been advanced. All this v, as needed, and still more is call' I fi r in the personal I ! '.' of parents with the inside ' ' i of the school rooms, where "-a are receiving daily in s tractions, to fit them for lives of use fulness. To promote this attendance of parents at the graded schools, there must be some interest aroused, something that will cause parents to visit the schools sev eral times, at least, during the school year. To visit the school room as it is now, is often a matter i of embarrass ment. If the schools had some gather, ing , when educational exercises could be seen, parents would readily be in duced to attend. But at present there is no place where such exercises can be properly held. r An auditorium is the educational need today oi the graded schools of this city. Not only at the end of the school year, when the closing exercises and graduating exercises are held, but upon Mclver Day just passed, and upon occasions that couia De arrangen, u j there was an auditorium, would there be gatherings of parents, pupils a: ment. It is not hard to predict that such gatherings would result most ben eficially. They would help the parents as much as the pupils. It would pro voke a stronger and healthier literary sentiment in this community. It would work for a higher moral tone. Let the work for an auditorium for the graded schools ba started at once. THE GROWTH THAT COUNTS. "Thaak God a man can grow! He is not bound With earthward gaze to creep along the erround: Though his beginnings be but poor and low. Tnank God man can grow ! The fires upon his alters may burn dim, ine wren ne ugmea may in uaraness fall, And nothing to rekindle it avail, Buthieh beyond his dull horizon's rim. Aecturus and the Pleiads beckon him!" Nothing is more terrible than for youth to begin life with the wrong con ceptionof the true meaning of life. The splendid feeling of physical strength, the joy of breath, of the zest thai comes with health, makes the future seem one where happiness depended solely upon the physical. The physical is one that ought not to be denied, but en couraged, for with Btrength comes the greater faculty to enjoy the mental and spiritual. But man is so prone to develop along lines which make his growth imperfect. The physical is trained to the neglect of the mental. Or the mental given all opportunity, and so the physical and spiritual are dwarfed. The check of one over the other,- the slighting of one is man's fault. "He is not bound with earthward gaze to creep along the ground," for the Supreme Being has given him the powers, that trained, shall make man greatest of living things, in the physical and material world, and possible of development that makes the highest spiritual world his to occupy. It is the thought that must go with man "ana so all growth that is not to wards God is growing to decay", that will check the tendency that seeks to find in self, the fulfillment of all per sonal destiny, and so failing, will find that no growth has been attained. It is this onward and upward endeavor that is worthy of the best that is in man. The thought of development, that means individuality that is not only for self. It is not growth, where mere ly self is the gainer. It is not possible that man wrapped up in self, will be able to mount to higher things. It is personal selfishness, that holds down, and checks manhood and womanhood in its development. It makes man the creeper, for it is the touch of earth that is strongest upon him, and hinders and kills the desire and ambition, to seek the upward course, for the endeavor is lacking, the impulse that was spiritual has been starved to incapability, and so lost even its strength to struggle, much less to be able to move upward. To Curt A Cold Is Ons Diy. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets Druggists refund money if it fails to cure &. W. urove s signature ia on each box. 25c Bradstreets Trade Report' Richmond Dec; 14. Bradstreet's to morrow will say for Richmond and vi cinity; Grocers in sll branches are espe cially busy and in some instances job bers are over-taxed filling their orders. There is considerable activity in the local produce market, the supply is mo derate, the demand good prices are firm, The weather is unfavorable for hand ing loose tobacco; the offerings on the local market are Small, but where the quality is good prices are satisfactory. Local retail trade in all branches con tinues to improve with the approach of the holidays, especially in groceries And supplies. Collections generally are not good. . , William's Carbolic Salvo Wits Amies sat , : Wltoh Hizel. The best Salve in ths world for Cuts, ftrumes, Sores, Ulcers. Salt Rheum. letter, inniiped Hands, and all skin eruptions. It is guaranteed to (rive 9utinfiiction, or money refunded. Price WILLIAM M FG. CO., Prop's Cleveland. O. Sold by D. A. X'arget! To Beautify four Complexion ttmuifcM . MAD I NO LA k TKE UNEQUALED BEAUTIFIER. haulr advertised Mid told aa BsUdobv) NAMNQLA b guaranteed and money Kfundcd U & faib to remove freckles, pimple, tan, salkwncss, liver-spots, collar Uscoloratioas. black heads disfiguring erup tions, ettu, tu twenty days. Leaves the skin clear, soft, healthy, and restores the beauty oi youth. Endorsed by thousands. Price SO cents and Jl.CO at all leading irug stores, or by mail. Prepared by National Toile! Co.. Paris. Tenn. Sold in New Bern by Bradham's Pharmacy and other Leading Druggist The Play of Caste. The Peruchi-Gypzeno Co. gave the English play of "Caste or Mismated" last night. It was lot an exactly pleasing drama but it was ably presen ted by the company and demonstrated their real strength perhaps as well as any play in their repertoire. The com edy parts were very good and met the approval of the gallery. The comedy Little Miss Nobody will be given at the matinee 2:30 p. m. The Queen of Cripple Creek will be the farewell bill. A Guaranteed Curs For Plies Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protruding, Piles. Druggists are authorized to re fund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure, in 6 to 14 days. 50c. The Methodist Bazaar The ladies of the Methodist church held a very successful bazaar and Christmas festival in the basement of the church last mint. The booths were handsome'y arranged and supplied with a large quantity of pretty things which were sold easily. A fine bill of fare i furnished for supper which was liberally patronized. Elks Christmas Tree In accordance with their established custom, the Elks will have a Christmas tree for tne benefit of the white chil dren of the city, The people who have witnessed these glad occasions can tes tify that they are of lasting benefit as well as temporary delight. It has been the object of the Order to give such presents to the children as will be use ful and this year they will as usual dej vote their attention to the more sub stantial articles for apparel and use. not forgetting, however, to be liberal with candies and fruits. Arrangements are being made for the biggest and best tree the Elks have ever had. Notice to Our Customers. We are pleased to announce that Fo ley's Honey and Tar for coughs, colds and lung troubles is not affected by the National Pure Food and Drug law as it contains no opiates yc other harmful drugs, and we recommend it as a safe remedy for children and adults. Davis' Pharmacy. i Mexico is reported to be on the point of concluding a big railroad merger. About Digestion. It is not the quantity of food taken but the amount digested and assitrila- ted that gives strength snd vitality to the system. Chamber'ain's Stomach and Liver Tablets invigorate the stom ach and liver and enable them to per form their functions. The result is a relish for your food, increased strength and weight, greater endurance and a clear bead. Price, 25 cents. Samples free. For sale by Davis Pharmacy and F S Duffy. : Clifford Hooe, the negro coachman who perjured himself in the Hartje case, went to the penitentiary for six years,' ;' OASTOniA, Bears the Bigiatan of . Kino ih naw mware wopi TL. Bfi.j u. si ii ft a. Show me a man without a spot, and I'll show you a maid without a fault Old Saying. . StatbofOhio, City of Toledo, I Lucas County. f 83. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, County snd State afore said, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of catarrh that cannot be eured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of Decem ber, A. D. 1886. (Seal,) A. W. GLEASON, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acta directly on the blood and mu cous surfaces of the syttem. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all druggists, 75c Take Hall's Family Tills for consti-patinn. q statistics. A Array of Figures lor Two Years, From Julyl, 1904 to July 1, 1006, By Attorney General (iliiier. (Special Correspondence.) Raleigh, Dec 14. Attorney General Gilmer has completed his report of criminal statistics for' the two years ending July 1, last. Each year is made up separately : These reports are based on returns made by clerks of courts. During the year ended July 1, 1905, there were 9,684 criminal actions dis posed of, of which women were defend ants in 726, of the defendants 4,427 be ing white, 4,616 colored and 15 Indians. The number of convictions was 6,456, acquittals 1,083. For the year ending last July the number of criminal actions disposed of was 10,117, the defendants in 573 cases being women, ' the number of whites being 4,940, negroes 4,599 and Indians 58, the number of convictions being 6,716 and acquittals 1,215. The following is the summary of the various offences with which the defen dants were charged, the first figures given showing the numbers of persons so charged for 1905, the last figures those for 1906: Assault and battery 302 and 348; abandonment 57 and 61; affray 352 and 390; arson 14 and 7; assault 869 and 346; assault with felonious intent 24 and 35! attempt to poison Sand 1; assault with deadly weapon 1250 and 1256; abduction 8 ank 14; bigamy 14 and 13; burglary, first degree, 5 and 6; second degree 35 and 11; burning other than arson 15 and 22; carrying concealed weapons 1101 and 1049; conspiracy 6 and 12; cruelty to animals 59 and 75; disturbing meeting 115 and 179; escape 30 aud 30; embez zlement 58 and 40; adultry 265 and 294; failure to list taxes 663 and 601; false pretense 105 and 82; forcible trespass, 171 and 190; forgery 42 and 31; gamb ling 350 and 315; housebreaking 61 and 62; house burning 2 and 1; incest 7 and 7; illegal registration 31 and none; larceny 1023 and 1004; larceny in re ceiving 235 and 276; libel 13 and H; manslaughter 26 und 23; murder, first degree; 38 aud 54; second degree 59 aud 51; malpractice in office 6andl; per jury 31 and 42; practicing medicine without license 26 and 26; rape 18 and 15; robbery 32 and 23; retailing whiskey without license 1044 and 1222; selling liquor to minors 17 and 5, and selling it on Sunday 11 and 7; slander 25 and 26; seduction 16 and 30; riot 13 and 7. Outwits Ths Surgeon. A complication of female troubles with catarrh of the stomach and bow els, had reduced Mrs. Thos.S. Austin, of Leavenworth, Ind., to such a deplor able condition, that her'doctor advised, an operation; but her husband fearing fatal results, postponed this to try Elec trie Bitters; and to the amazement of all who knew her, this medicine com pletely cured her. Guaranteed cure for torpid liver, kidney disease, biliousness. jaundice, chills and fever, general de bility, nervousness and blood poisoning. Best tonic made. Price 60c at all Drug stores. Tr it A man is not known 'till he cometh to honor. From the Dutch. en a n r t- Tt -r a Been the m Ha" lwa ""t f Men may live fools, but fools they cannot die. Young. If "taken at the Sneeze Stage" Pre vent ics a toothsome candy Tablet will surely and quickly check an ap proaching cold or Lagrippe. When you first catch cold or feel it coming on take Dr. Snoop's Pre ven tics, snd the prompt effect will certainly surprise and please you. Preventics, surely sup ply the proverbial "ounce of preven tion." Sold in 5 cent and 25 cent boxes uj F. S. Duffy. . It is a sign of a good man if he grow better by commendation. From the German, ;, ...... . -, " WILLIAMS' KIDNEY PILLS. ; . ' Have you. neglected your Kidneys? Have you overworked your nervous sys tem and caused trouble with your Kid neys and Bladder? Have you pains in the loins, side, back, groins and blad der? Have you a flabby appearance of the fiice, especially under the eyes? Too frequent desire to pass urinef If so William's Kidney Pills will cure you. Sample Free. By mail 60 cebts. Sold by Druggists. WILLIAMS MFG. CO., Props., Cleveland. O. Sold by D. A. Harget When the sun shines on thee, thou needest not ears for ths moon. From the Italian. ' . L Now Cars lor Epilepsy. J B Waterman, of Watertown, p., Rural free delivery, writes: "My daughter, afflicted for years with epi lepsy, was eured by Dr. King's New Life Pills. Shs has not had an attack for over two years." Best body clean sers and life giving tonic pills on earth, 25cat all druggists. Small things make base men proud- Shakespeare. H0LLI3TF!VS I..... k il. .t A B'l! UMlinin (of B P -. ' Brings Golden H,h m i kwiwO :r. A -"'iMcfrC'.''M- t 1 '!. T.tvw 1.... I -m1 llr.i.UM. . ( -" i t KEITKEB D WO' KOa STAY. Ben Williams, the Colored Murderer, Must Hang as Ordered by the Court. Special Correspondence, Raleigh, Dee. 14 Governor Glenn to day declined to interfere in the matter of Ben Williams, the negro convicted of mnrder in Raleigh and sentenced to bo hanged here December 20 h. His at torney mad a plea for commu'ation to life imprisonment,, and thia failing ask ed that the execution be postponed, but the governor says that after reading the evidence and also the letter from Judge Council, who tried the case, that he cannot grant any commutation or postponement and that the man must be executed. v Back to New Ben ! While there is no weather sign of winter here, in snow, ice and chilling blasts, winter has come, nevertheless, and by the token, that "J. LL Kearny. Esq., who sets, down Perth Amboy, Mew Jersey, as his residence, ia in the city, came yesterday. Cant. Kearnv is the veteran, alongshore sport, kills everything from snipe to ducks, and does his hunting, after taking note of thermometer and barometer. But he is a good fellow and his many friends are giving him the glad hand. The Journal extends its welcome to the gentleman from Jersey. ' ' Cove. . Dec 14th There are many people changing lo calities. , The cold weather and Christmas peo ple change places. . C J S Robyison will move to Dover today he will take a johwith the Cedar mill. Mr A W Avery will take Mr Robinsons place in Cove, Riverdale. Dec. 13 The weather has been delightful since the rain Monday night. Mrs J T Ives spent the day in New Bern last Friday. Mr B B Mallison is home from Spring Hope. . .s. Mrs B W Ives was in New Hern Wednesday. Mrs Lula Trader of Cherry Point was here yesterdayjvisiting. Mr A D Fisher and daughter were in New Bern Wednesday. Mrs B B Mallison returned from from Pine Grove to her home at this place-last Friday. Mr J S Fisher and son Bpent the day in New Bern yesterday. . Mr and Mrs C Simpson spent the day in New Bern Monday. Miss Maggie Tucker who ia teaching at this place is expecting to return to her home at New Bern tomorrow A. M. where she will spend Saturday and Sunday. School Girl. PILES! PILES! PILES! Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will cure Blind, Bleeding, Ulcerated and kching Piles. It absorbs the tu mors, allays the itching st once, acts ss a poultice, gives instant relief. Dr. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment is pre pared for Piles and Itching of the pri vate parts. Every box is guaranteed. Sold by druggists, by mail, for 60c and 1.00 Sold bv D. A Harget. Falsehood is often rocked by truth, but she soon outgrows her cradle snd discards her nurse. Cotton. If you like Coff ie but dare not 'drink it try Dr. Snoop's Health Coffee. It is true that ral coffee does disturb the stomach, heart and kidneys. But' Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee has not a grain of true coffee in it. Being made from parched grains, malt, etc., it forms a wholesome, food-like drink, yet having the true flavor of Did Java and Mocha Coffee.. "Made in a minute." Call at our store for a free sample. Sold by J. L. McDaniel The love of power is an insfinct of the human heart Tacitus. Catarrh of the nose and throat should lead you to at least ask us for a free trial box of Dr. Shoop's Catarrh Cure. Nothing so surely proves merit as a real, actual test and Dr. Shoop, to prove this, earnestly desires that we let you make that test. This creamy, Snow White healing balm, soothes the throat and nostrils, and quickly purifies a foul or feverish breath. ' Call and in vestigate. F. S. Duffy. The Reichstag, having voted to reject the supplemental appropriation for Ger man Southwest Africa, it was dissolved and a new election ordered. For any of the ordinary diseases of the skin Chamberlain's Salvs is excel lent. It not only allays the itching and smarting but effects a cure. For sale by Davis Pharmacy and F S Duffy. The colored people of Richmond have held two meetings, in which they have denounced President Roosevelt's "dis charged without honor" order in regard to the three companies of regulars in connection with the Brownville riot. KacKay's f.'ac-u-dint euros all headaches, etc, does not de )r:8 the heart, 10, 25 and 60 cents a Lc;! !e at di . , irints, 6c dom st foun t ' i. AFFLICTED WITH CATARRH- -. I IFF 11 An RFnnnp A minncriv Pe-ru-na, Used As a Complets 3r w 4 W K ill V W x s v f l fx MRS. The Relief Experienced By Mrs, Carr Through the Use of Pe-ru-na. After Having Tried the Best Pro fessional Treatment In Vain, Is a Matter of No Small Wonder Among Her Many Friends. Mrs. P. Carr, Vinoland, Ont., Can., writes: . "For several years I was afflicted with catarrh, which made lite a burden. "The coughing and hacking which accompanied thedlsoue was terrible. ' "Tiio complaint finally extended to the stomach and 1 was In a wretched condition. "I tried different remedies and the best professional treatment all In vain. "Finally, as a last resort, I tried Peruna upon the recommendation of my sister In Hamilton. . "I could soo steady improvement and after using four bottles of that precious Siedicine I was fueling woll sgaln, my Ask Your Druggist for Free DorCt fcJl niht lon(3 neureJiiX or Alwavs . RfcKPTiker tbo Full Nam t axatrvo fcromo Quinine jC P2t& CiroCoMtaOneDay.CtytaaDaya wPVU Liiinveivt kills the pain quiets the no r ves nd induces sleep v , At eJl deeJers. Price 25c 50c 6100 .Di? Ewl S.SIoeLtv, Bos!orv, .Always Rcmcinber the Fi&i tfara I axative Bromo ( wimna fisBsESSI Cures a Cdd in Ono : : A NEW ONE! "our line OF BOYDEN Bench Made Shoes is Now Complete and ready for your inspection in all leathers and st cost. Some new ones among them. What nicer than a pair of Bed Room Slippers for a Christ mat present. We have them in all colors and styles. ..... . . You will find our Shoe Furnish inp;s Department most complete. Remember wo are still hsving THE HOME OF i I) Last Resort. Affords Relief. ' F. CARR. old trouble being completely a thing of the past. : "To-day 1 would not take one thousand dollars for what (his grand medicine has done for me." Many women owe their lives to Peruna. A great many more owe their health to Peruna. A multitude of women throughout Canada are using Peruna as a preventa tive and a relief from catarrhal coughs and colds. We have la our flies a great number of letters from grateful women who have been benefited by Peruna, with permission to use these letters in publla print. Catarrh would not be such a curse to the human race if people thoroughly understood Its nature. - Catarrh h a dlseaae which never Inu prove, of. It s own accord, but become) deeper aemted the longer It la neglected. It thou Id be treated at once to pre vent It from making Inroad upon Uat organa, . Peruna Almanac for 1907. 21 Suffer from toothache rheumatism - Day, Crij bTtva ca tea o your shoes polished FREE. GOOD SHOES