Ubnr. ' f - - . - 1 - - , ,! , J iilllH! 7 - ( No.&fl :AM'hl pifa-M NEW BERN, CRAVEN COUNTV;N.'C.;-FRIDAY DECe'mBER iMSECONR jSEGTION, 29th YEAR - i 1 (1 IfiiiioiFfHslsl L. g , - ar - .... . ... II . from a Single Dollar, upward, as yea desire. Discard for once the useless gifts that Jasrt only for "the passing moment and give something that is really worth while, something that: will - help your boy or girl, or any young-friend to-acquire a knowl edge of tho real value of money. r! Tl .. ... ' , , Give them a Saving! Account In Oris Bank. . . ".Z- -- .' , We will add FOURpar cent to ife.Ycry year: " - We give m special Christmas Book, to be used aa a gift ..jnajfr I BIG ROUNDUP.' : 3Hnd Tigers Galore Appear Before The Mayor and Are Bound Over to, Conrt. ' ' The WggBst "drag net haul" that has ' jet been madeatoce the prohibition law went into effect aa wade yesterday. The arrest was rt due to the direct fact of illegal transactions in -the liquor traffic but to the act that the persons . interested have in their possession United States license which settle their account with the federal government. : This license is regarded as prima facie evidence that they sell liquor contrary to the prohibition law of the city. Fol - lowing is tho list of persons against , whom win ante were issued: Kaker Brvan, Thomas J. Toler, N. G. Lee, D. W. Dowdy, L. J. Taylor, Isaac Simmonp, J. W. Hamilton, Man cheater Parker, John W. Slade, Maude Lewi. Bertha Lewis, all of - whom waived examinatiod and were admitted show that the taxable real and personal to bail in the aum of $200 pending trial property of Guilford for 1906 should be in tho next terra of criminal court The B'ven at $16,332,426 instead of $14,785, eaaea of N. Tisdale, Tom C. Howard 1 ttuT moving. Guilford up to the jWw and. Jfo Stilling were continued jnjthird rank'jimohg tho counties of the order to secure important witnesses and for the convenience of counsel. , ' Elisabeth Rouse was fined five dol lars and costs for assault and disotder ly conduct. Charles Bryan was fined five dollars for disorderly conduct. Better Observance of the Sabbath . .. (fpecial Correapondence.) rGwenaboro, Dec. 20 th. The State to be - .city m the 15th and 16th of January promises to be attended by a large .number of people, from various sections 4tt North Carolina and will be the first . convention of the kind ever held in the ' : -.State. ,' The movement for the convention -was inaugurated by the Greensboro Ministerial Association at their Decern- . iber meeting, after listening to a strong Address by Rev W H McMastcrs, of Wairsville. Pa., Who is visiting almost all of the BUtea of the union in the in terest of the better observance of the Sabbath. The sessions will be held in West Market Street Methodist church. Some of the features of the program "will be "Thi Christian Sabbath,", by Dr. J. C. Kilgo, president of Trinityj . College. "The Civil Sabbath," by ex Governor Charlea B. Aycock, of Golds boro, "A State Sabbath Association- - its newt and its work," by Dr. R. F. Campbell, of Asheville; "The Revela. tlon of Moral and National Causes," by Dr. Henry Louis Smith, President of Davidson College; "Enforcement of Law, by Governor R. B. Glenn. A conference on Sabbath obseivance as promotive of the individual life, the - borne life and national prosperity will be participated in by Rev. M. C. Lilly, of Winston: Rev. J. H. Presley, Rev. Wm. Duncan and Dr. W. L. Potest, of Wake Forest Other speakers will be Dr. H. W. Battle, Dr. G. H. Detwiler, Rev. G. T. Rowe, Rev. L. F.'. Johnson , and Dr. G. B. Strickler, of Union The ological Seminary at Richmond Died With Diphtheria : ' Arapahoe,.D4 15, Mollie! the youngest (liiiicjIItfMra . "Sarah Brinson, died vry f ' ?!y and ncxptel!y to all nliout nevn 'dock "Saturday night; she had been ill for ometime with diphtheria, but was thought to ba improving until I few "minutes before' ber'.aihr iSl wis bout thirUen years of age andiwas a fcright and happy girl; ' She1 Heaes the ihearts of her mother, two sisters and Ihree brothers broken. May Go4 bless them, fit and prepare them to miet her 3n that city where partthg is nomore, vhere infinite day excludes thi night nd pleasure banishes pain. Th body will be- Uken -U-ihe family 'burying .ground' Monday aftertioon forj inter ment We extend to'the bereavll fam ily our heart-flt sympathy. , ( I A"FELNDMj'i,','r27th n J',!!; Yuu are'rm k:'.:'y invil-J to at .'..:' 't t y t' y t' t '.. (' .r,var ii-fc-"' : n tr v 1W . Card with eacli-Savinga-Pass .. , ' AN ERROR CORRECTED. The Figures Published in the State Papers Relative to Tax Values ot Counties ' Wrong as to tiuil- , ..-Vfbrd County. . (Special Correspondence. ) Greensboro, Dee. 19 The State cor poration commission's repirt of prop erty values of the various .counties, published in the News and Observer in full' yesterday morning, and sent out broadcast by Raleigh correspondents, does Guilford county an , injustice. In the group of counties which show the largest increase, Guilford is ranked fifth, with a total valuation of 114,785 -504. . An examination in the office of the register of deeds of Guilford coun ty shows that the Corporation commis sion has used the exact figures returned for 11905, while their returns for 1906 on record there, as forwarded to Raleigh State unless the figures given are ws inaccurrate as to other counties as they certainly are as to Guilford. ; If as reported, the total taxable in crease in the State ii $18,000,000, Guil ford claims the credit of one-twelfth of toe whole increase, since hers over 1996 was $1,546,922. The publication of these incorrect figures would not have created so much feeling here, had not an actual libel on the county been pub- a few weeks ago in the report of i tne commissioner oi laoor. ine report .states that Guilford's financial condi tion is "bad,", her school facilities ."poor," educational progress "slow." I The truth as to Guilford's financial condition is that with all her nearly seventeen million dollars ; of taxable property she does not owe a dollar ex cept for a recent bond indebtedness of f 185,000, every dollar of whuh is being expended in bu'lding good roads. Be. sides the eitbenditure f t over $50,000 each year in regular county taxes for public schools, exclusive of the city schools at High Point and Greensboro, there was collected last ear in rural districts which had voluntarily voted for special school taxes the sum bf $14, 000. Besides this Guilford has within its borders the' following high schools snd colleges for young men and wo men exclusive of the city public schools of Greensboro and High Point where over three thousand students from oth er sections of the state are given first class educational facilities each year. "For boys: Oak Jtidge Institute at Oak Ridge, Whilsctt Institute at Whit- sett, Jefferson Academy at McLeans- vil'.e; - - :.'.y For Women: Greensboro Female Col lege, The State Normal and Industrial College at Greensboro; for men and wo men, Guilford College at Guilford. For the colored race there are the following: Bennett College, The State Agricultural and Mechanical College and the Lutheran College, all of Greens' boro.' . " ' ' ": . '. - ' : Publication of the above isparticu larly requested by this correspondent, so that doar old truth can take new courage by realizing that though occa Bionally she seems to' be crushed 'to earth there is always somebody; that can make her s'nnd up' again when she and Guilford county happens to be part- nerst" , ..' ; ; , ; CtfsrSdicI will' rufiitho complexion. There's no beauty practice equal to the effects of Hollister's Rocky t Mountain Tea.. It keeps the entire Lody in perfect health. Tea or Tablets, cents. F, S. Duffy. . ..!.. , . , . . i ' - t Association of Colored Colleges The fifth annual seat" ion of tho Asso ciation" of Colored A . M College schools of secondary npd fhinbi'i r educa tion will bo held in Greensboro Decern- .1 .'' h. Tb hn in'al- j'i'c.inincnt and a'l t t: o nif : i.f t' 8 c S ( f Ul ! I ..I.. 1 V. AR0UI1D THE WORLD ON A WIRE Telegraphic f Communication : With The Uttermost Parts of The Earth: SEMTEL TR! FCMDPOUM Handed., to The ' Journal .Readers In Pondenaed Bot Accurate Borm; Almost Every Part of The j Globe Represented In : News Items, i I Raleigh, Deo 18 The Supreme court today declined to interfere in the. rase of Hodge, the Durham wife murderer who appealed from lower court on er ror. Nothing but the pardon of the Governor will save him. from the gal lows. t-'V-':'VK' r;T ; j ;;'r Raleigh, Dec. 18 The Supreme court filed a very important opinion in j the case of George Hall, convicted qpon his town confession of being one of the mob which broke, into the jail at Salisbury and lynched three negroes. Hall's at torney after conviction raised the ques tion of jurisdiction, claiming the court which tried him was not legal because Gov. Glenn was out of the State .when he ordered it in special term and as signed the judge to hold it ' The Supreme court, Judge Walker delivering the opinion, holds that Hall was properly found guilty and the lower court had the power to so find.' It holds that the plea of Hall to the juris diction cannot raise the question as to the execution of the court but only to its right to hear and determine causes upon the assumption that it was ..regu larly and lawfully constituted and or ganized. Hall's plea is therefore over ruled as the record proper shows no defect in jurisdiction. Norfolk, Va., Dec. 18 L. Sevier was today elected Vice president of the Sea board Air Line. : ! Washington, Dec. 18 President Roosevelt's message on the Japineie school question in California was read in connection with Secretary Metcalf's report The President says that there is discrimination in Sin Francisco as Japanese are "admitted to the State University. He says he hopes that the suit to test the constitutionality of the law will not be instituted. He intimates that civil and federal power will be in voked if necessary to protect the Japa nese from violence. : ; Mrs. Du Bois, wife of ' the Senator from Idaho, says that the Mormons in Utah and Idaho insult the Americana at every opportunity and that Mormon- ism is growing more boid. Its practices are the worse kind of slavery. " Raleigh, Dec 18. Ben Williams, the negro who is to hanged here Thursday is in great fear of death, and now talks about it constantly, f Up to a day or two ago he seemed to have had an idea that he would escape the gallows, but now he has abandoned all hope what ever,- . Washington, D. C, Dee 18 President Roosevelt has taken cognizance" of the need of fuel in the northwest and will suggest to Congress that will make im mediate laws to enforce the railroads to expedite the movements of fuel and grain. . Ha has been in conference: with Senator Hansbrough of North Dakota and deems the case worthy of Investi gation. '. : . . . . New York " Dec 18.-Voting began today for the new officers of th Mu tual Life and New York Life Insurance Companies. Many votes were by proxy. The full contingent of stockholders are present either principal or by proxy. ' Pnrla. Dm. 19 Madame Anna Goul formerly Countess Castellane ha. won all the suits brought1 against her to . compel her to pay her recent husband debts. i - i Washington, Dec. 19th. President Roosevelt sent a communication to Con irrets today defending, his action dia- 1 charging negro troops at Brownsville, Texas. He declares it was just in every 1 way. The soldiers had been raiders and had white nun been charged with the sumo offense ho would have done the same tiling, thfre'ws s' 'y no 1 1 . j-i. ::,. He d--f"Mi;i-fS t' c: . ry history, stating that their purpose waa murderous and' that Be ordered the discharge from the. strict sense-of :duty aa Commander-in-Chief of the :Army. The 20th report of the Intel-state Commerce Comitumioq has been j sub mitted to Congress. It says that ship pers cannot hope for relief under the present Nws. The scarcity of cars pre sents a- most;' intolerable condition. Commissioner .White, acting without authority to deal-effectively-wits tbef situation is investigating matters iny an attempt to discover a remedy wnicn railroads can apply voluntarily or be fore ed to.apply.; Thenew rate law U declfn ed to be the most important" legislation of the year.. " . . '" ' - Senator E'.kins (West Virginia) intro duced resolution seeking to establish means to provide market" ". ... forrelief of mjmey . . t An appeal has been received from China, asking for; aid in .the famine stricken portion of that country.;. Four provinces of the empire contain 15,000,- O00 people who are suffering from the famine. I- Raleigh,'. Dec 19 The North' Carolina Commissioners to the Jamestown expo sition here awarded the. contract for the North ' Carolina building to jj. E. Elljptt of Hickory at $18,800. Commis sioner tQeneral Pogue says contract will be thoroughly and promptly carried out and the. building .will be ready by f April 26th, when the exposition opens. New York, Dec 19 Bishop Henry McCabe, of the .Methodist Episcopal - Church died from an attack of apoplexy last night. ' ; . : . ... . . . ! ' Greensboro, Dec 19 At meeting of stockholders of North State Fire Insur ance Company here tonight, it was de cided to double the capital of $100,000 and the additional $100,000 was sub scribed in fifteen minutes. Raleigh, Dec 19 Governor and Mrs. Glenn want to Washington today, lie has businesi winh Secretary of State Root- . . Ju- '. The Corporation Commission made an order following its conference with the Seaboard Air Line and the Raleigh & Charleston railways fixng the amount to be paid by each road toward a union depot at Lumberton. The Seaboard Air Line is directed to pay four-fifths the expense. ' ' New York, Dec 19 The result of the election of officers of the New York Life and Mutual Life willanot be known in two weeks. Raleigh, Dec 20-Thia afternoon Ben Williams, who murdered another negro a year ago on the street here, was hanged in the presence of about 75 peo ple in a little enclosure in rear of the jail. A number of people climbed on telephone and telegraph poles and got on house roofs to view the ghastly sight Williams was entirely cool and collec- ed.' , With him on the gallows was Rev. J. E. King, pastor of the colored Episcopal church and Charles W. Har ris, his attorney, the latter, at the re quest of Williams making a farewell statement for him. saying Williams had a) 1 been fairly tried, and he- was being dealt with justly and according to law and ful y deserved his fate, adding that he had no ill-will towards anyone. Williams neck was broken by the drop. His body was turned over f o an under taker to be sent to the University Medi cal College at Chapel Hill.' , " Washington, : Dec 20 Hon. J. B. Foraker said In the Senate today' that the President had no constitutional right to dismiss the. negro troops of Texas and that his action waa taken on misconceived testimony,"; ; , The census bureau reports 11,099, 0CQ bales ginned up to December 13, against 9,297,818 at corresponding time : last year. ' ; - - ; . '" The credit currency bill ws ;today subm'tted to 'the' house" by Chairman Fowler of the Finance Committee. The bill provides for bank book credits. . Raleigh. Dec. 20th. In. reporting to Governor Glenn the result of the exam1 - . Ination of the offices of. Treasurer, Aud itor and Insurance Commissioner ; the legislative committee says It nnda a i .... .. KrowiK custom among a number of s( judge, to fail to give .receipt, to the Auditor for salaries. It finds a great increase in amount of work in the de partments; in some forces the clerks a underpaid and in soma others not large enough to do work.' ' New York,". Dec. 20i -Gov, Iiiggms has commuted the sentence bf Albert Patrick, the murderer of millionaire Price to life imprisonment. '. Patrii was fouryoars in the d.-alh c 11 of Sinjj ' Z'.vs I' !"''" awaitii2 his execution v ' ' H 1 11 it' 1 1' t'. 'i. IS I), of A. R; Plan to Have Com plete : Line of North Caro; lina Literature. SPECIAL COORT FOB : . ' NEGRO'S ACCOMPLICES. Change of Uniform for Convicts Guilty Only of Misdemeanor. A Vuliia ble Canine Detective, Lots " "1 of Game Reported in Cen tral Part of State. " (Special Correspondence.) Greensboro, Dec 18 At a meet" ing of the Guilford Battie Ground Chap ter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, in ihe Carnegie Library as. sembly Hall yesterday afternoon Mrs. Lindsay Patterson, of WinBton Chairman of tha Jamestown Historical Commit, tee, and one of the most public, spirited women in North Carolina, was present by special' Invitation, and made an address on the importance of gathering up all the old relics of the Rev olutionary war of whatever kind and have them on exhibit in the historical building at' .the Jamestown exposition next year. She -said the principal object in having North Carolina well represented in this building is that the, false ideas about the early life of the state might be cor rected. If after the exp sition the peo pie generally continue to misrepresent the history of North Carolina it would ba-the state's own fault, for an excell ent oppotunity is now presented to show to the world the true facts in regard to that period. There was no reason why North Carolina could not have the past exhibit. When it is remembered that the Jamestown exposition is to be pure- a historical one; and the only oen of the kind ever held, and that hundreds - of the. world's foremost historians will be there, it will be seen, at once that it is highly important that our exhibit equal or surpass any of the oaher states so that the Old North State may be given due credit ' Mrs Patterson stated that she hih been assured before undertaking the utmost care would be exercised in the handling of the articles and sh9 felt rea sonably sure that all things entrusted to the Exposition would be returned iu goob condition. Maj. J. Morehead, pres ident or the Guilford Battle Ground Company has tendered the loan of his valuable collection at the exposition The ladies present became enthusiastic at once and twelve of them tendered the loan of some valuable and treasur ed pieces of furniture, handiwork, sil verware, paper books portraits, C08' tumes; and other things of the days. colonial Judge Fred Moore and Solicitor Brooks left yesterday for Graham to hold a special term of Alamance Su perior court called by Governor Glenn to try two negro women, alleged ac complices with the negro man under sentence of death for the burglary of the home and the shooting of L. Banks Holt on the night of November 7th. It is rumored that on account of the sen ous illness of Mr. Jlolt, an important witness for the prosecution, the case may have to be continued. Last week, in sentencing a young man from High Point to the roads, Judge Moore said it was very strange to him, that the legislature or the coun ty commissioners did not provide a con vict uniforms for misdemeanor cases, distinct from Ihe bated felon stripes of the criminal. Thismorningata' meet ing bf the lawyers of the city to" fix a calendar for January court, Mr, G. S. Bradshaw, ' introduced a resolution which was unanimously adopted, re questing the legislature to prohibit the use of felon uniforms for persons . sen tenced to the roads for misdemeanors. This ought to make ex-Representative John D. Waddell of Forsyth feel good, for he vainly, but earnestly sought the enactment of such a law at two differ ent sessions of the General Assembly. Game Warden, John Weatherly's dog Jack last night "smelled" a trunk at the Southern passenger station, checked for Washington,, at Wi'keaboro. , The lock was broken and 300 fat partridges each in a separate paper bag,' were con fiscated. Friday night another .trunk, checked from Mocksville to Baltimore was confiscated and 150 birds found. Prices at auction sale have dropped.'! The first of the season birds sold in half dozen lots ac do cents, inese two iota only ietcneo sixty cenw. . . Ex sheriff James F. Jordan, who is a sportsman right, as well aa a first-class officer and business man, declared that" in an experience of 29 years, he has never seen so much game as he finds this season. ' He is interested in tame preserves in this and other .codnties of ' the Piedmont section and also In Cum- berland and Chatham counties east He I says that owing to the extremsly wet I snmmor he is satisfied many young Iq'uil were drowned, yet there is the fi- If t cr-p to t' 't be has ever kt.own. He does not hesitate to attribute the increase to the operations of the Aud ubon law and- the protection offered birds and gamaby the lease system of preserves, and the vigjlance of Officers in presenting their, wholesale ihiptnent out of the stat A . : '. s ; , On Friday sheriff Jordan, accompa nied by his brother-in-law, Mr. Dr C. jWaddill, Jr. "manager of tlie Battery Park hotel, . of--AheviHe, ;went after , birds. ' hey found 21cfviesi and bagged 1 72. On Saturday they- went in another direction, found 26 covies and bagged 67.' Mr. Jordan says they - could have killed thrice ' the -number, but added that no true sportsnran would' shoot many times at the same covey, and he made it a rule never to do so. - ' HavelbekV: " ; Dec l9th Miss Vivian Dudley was the guest Oi Mrs A D Rooks Wednesday. .Me M A JfiNfipeatSatda andSun day in New Bara wT&'bia. sister!' ' ; Mr Clyde ' Jackson 'spent Saturday. and Sunday at Hadowe with his mother Mrs Maty Jackson, ''vL"!j; ff';;;-l ;,';'' ) Miss Georgia Jind Mr: ' Clyde' Godwin has been very sick but we are glad; to say they are improving. Miss Mamie Ballard is very sieck. " Miss Irene Godwin has been very sick bnt is improving very rapidly. ! Mr J H Hunter the agent of this place is sick". Doctors' think he has the appendicitis but heseoms to be getting along very well. - . - ! Miss E-ttell Godwin was a visitor of Miss Hazel .Anna Roks Sunday night and Monday. - - j ( Mies Sallie'Ru8'sel was a visitor of Miss Lena Penrinks of Newport Satur day and Sunday. Miss Lizzie White and Mrs Helen Hbn cock were visitors of Mrs Rooks Sun day. . - : . - Mr GeoNicoll wife and children spent Tuesday night with Mrs Lizzie White. Messrs Clyde Godwin, Georgia Tur- nage and Miss Georgia Godwin were the gueBt of Beula Rooks Sunday, i Mrs Lula Jackson spent Tuesday with her mother Mrs Minnie Bryan. Mr John Krinkley spent Sunday with Mr Hubert Wynne cf Chero Point. ! - Mr Earl Rooks was the guest of Miss es Georgia Rena and LiUie Estell God win Sunday night; ; '" t k We are having a great deal ' of 'sick ness around here expect it will be a very sickly time here" this winter. I She worried and she fretted, ' ; - And grew as homely as could be, Bilttiow she is a famous beauty rT j JVhk caineTiy takipgjlocky" Moun tain Tea, F S Duffy.' .1 EXONERATED POLICEMAN. Officer SkeenclDid Not Ex ceed His Duty in Sioot i n g Negro - Pri S' ; oiier. . . ..- : Special Correspondence.. Greensboro, Dec 20 Last night the board of aldermen in special session in vestigated the shooting by Policeman Skeene sometime ago of a negro pris oner, and decided that while the snoot ing was unfortunate, it waa not in vio lation of the law, and the officer did not. exceed his rights in . the premises. . A few weeks ago, while bringing to the lock-up George Wilson, who had been disorderly and was under the influence of whiskey at the time, the negro gave him some trouble, taking the officer's billet and striking the officer. , The ne gro man ran and Policeman Skeene shot at the fleeing man) felling him. The negro was carried to the hospital and it ws thought- at first that he could not live, but while still there and paralyzed, it is now that he will recover, The negroes of the city were incensed at the shooting, and circulated greatly exaggerated and'; incorrect reports about it. A negro minister , went to work and secured money with which to prosecute the officer. Several lawyers volunteered their services In Mr. Skeene's behalf but he decided that one attorney could be sufficient Col. Barringer appeared for him. An effort was 'made last week to have the officer indicted before the Grand Jury, but it is said that Solicitor Brooks, after ex amining the witnesses, said it would be useless to send a bill. ' The investiga tion, was heard upon request of police man Skeene, ' ; . 1 " Extra fine native and western beef at Oaks Market ; .., .;..':.'; ' " .. - 1 1 ne majestic nanya uemonsiraiiou , - Mawie ranff- whch has no u- wtiot and few M a cook itove is' on exhibition at the Whitty hard- ware store The range is not new in th,cttju there are manjBfwho have one in their kitchens and are greatly pleas- ed with It ,lt Ii built upon the most approved and scientific fclan of stoves and while the manufacturers do not j work for the proscction of t' a I claim that it Is the cheapest they show , laws- - The article ia v,r'.:tn how and why it is the least txpent ivo. J l'Wt, and la fall of !;m i i Many people went, the store toateit and d.am&ic enw 1,-t i. and several ratifies were pure! v l A' - warm lunch wi'S served to the vUi-l I'ii.t) I t ' U' tors. ' k';.iit( ' BY II Suffered -Tremendous Itching Over , Whole Body-Scratched tJntil . Bled -Worse at Nighty With1 Soreness and Excruciating Painij ' ; r A . ..Western Lads ; ; WONDERFUL CURE BY CUTICURA REMEDIES "Last year at this time I suffered with a tremendous itching on my back, which grew worse and worse, un til it' spread over 'the whole body, and only my face and hands were free. For four months or so I suffered tha torments of the damned, and I had to Boratch, scratch, scratch, until I bled. At night when I went to bed things got worse, and I. had at times to get up and scratch my body all over, until I was' as sore as could be, and until I suffered excruciating pains. I did not know what it was, and resorted to a number "of' blood purifiers, using at times also Cuticura.Soap. They' told me then that I was suffering from eczema; Then ' I made up my mind that I. would also use Cuticura Oint ment and Cuticura Resolvent. I used tbem aocordingto instructions, and very soon indeed I was greatly relieved. I continued until well, and now 1 am ' readv to recommend the Cuticura Rem edies to any one who suffers as did your obedient servant.- - Mrs. Mary Metzger, Sweetwater, Okla., June 28, 1905." Humors, Eczemas, and Itchings ' ' . ' Cured by Cuticura - The agonizing itching and burning of the skin, as in eczema; the frightful scaling, as in psoriasis; the loss of hair "and crusting of "8Calp,"HS to scaUed head all demand a remedy of almost superhuman virtues ' to successfully cope with them. That Cuticura Soap, Ointment, and Pills are such stands proven beyond all doubt- - SolA IhTonghottt tha world. Cutlcin8Mpt&e01at- v nipnt, Mh:.. KeMlteflt. SOc. (In form at ChocoUto Ousted . Pllli, Uc. pr rial of OOk, mijr b had of all drugffUU. A fingU Mt often cum. Pottor Drag MldCaim.OofB Sal lmiM.. RfMton. Him. mr MaUad riM, " How to Cai Bibj I MUST DIE. Supreme Court Having Decid - ed Against Him He Will .V"- Have to Hang. (Special' Correspondence.)' '. Greensboro, Dec. 20 The Supreme ; court having affirmed the judgment of death against .Frank. Bohannon, con victed ot the murder of Railroad Fore- . man Beachraan last summer, under the . law requiring theTgovernor to forth with issue an order Jfor execution, not later than thirty days-from the date of the decision, it looks as if there will be a hanging in. Greensboro .before, the middle of next month. There was some suggestion this morning of seeking a reprieve "for Bohannon after the govern or .had fixed the date for the execution in ' J anuary unt i) after - the . Supreme court had passed, on the appeal. taken from the sentence of death, pronounced last week on Frazier Jones, convicted of killmg his wife; so that if Jones waa to be hanged too,-both executions could be had simultaneously. A short calcu lation though showed the suggestion impracticable. However desirable it might be "tor avoid the- horror of two separate executions, by combination, it was found that at the earliest Jones' appeal could not be argued in the Su preme court- before the first week in April. .Granting the.. Supreme court affirmed the sentence, it would prob ably be the 15th before it was announc ed, and this would put the execution off until near the first of June. So it appears there will be two separate . hangings here within . less than aix months of the coming year. There never were two better subjects, for the killing in both' cases was inconceivably bold, reckless cruel, and causeless. Extra Fine NativeBeef at.Coast Line Market. ri n. .... .i ai n - inn uanyeri ui uic Revenue service. The officers of the Internal Revenue Service maka' little fuss over their ac complishments. The world scarcely hears of them unless they have had a desperate hand-to-hand fight with mountain desperadoes which has re sulted in the death of several of their number. But day after day and night after night they go about their work, calmly, quietly, in constant danger of death from a shot from some ambush ed moonshiner or blockader, Yet these men are an absolute necessity for the safe-guarding of the country's inter est Rind they deserve much credit for their hard task, scarcely appreciated by the great mass of the people. Mr. David A. Gates, a well known member of the Internal Revenue Ser vice, has an article on "The Paimli'2 of the Moonshiners," in the Janu y Metropolitan Magazine, v.i.uh : you a clearer idea than you have had before of how he and 1 i f ORTURED ITCHING ECZEMA

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