A, No. 73. NEW BERN, CRAVEN COUNTY. N. C. TUESDAY DECEMBER 25, 1906. FIRST SECTION. 29 th YEAR. 1 r ' 7 V - i t V 11 YOU SET BANK BOOK from a Single Dollar, upward, as you desire. Discard for once the useless gifts that last only for the passing moment, and give something that is really worth while, something that will help your boy or girl, or any young friend to acquire a knowl fdgeof the real value of money. .: ' ' Give them a Savings Account in this Bank...-. .:..' jya.ill add FOUR per cent to It every year. ' ' We give special Christmas Card with each Savings Pass f Book, to be used as a gift. ill- ... I m i ....ami wjij-W7'; z CH?istmaS f Suggestion S f Japanese Wicker Ware; highly decorated at 10c to 50 cents each. Laundry Bags 25c each. Pillow Tops and Cards to match, 25c each. . Glove and Handkerchief Box at 35c to $1.50 the set. Postal Card Album 15c each. Kid Gloves in all Shades and Sizes at 75c to $1.00. HANDKERCHIEFS at 3 cents to $ .00 each. , Beautiful hand-made Handkerchiefs only one in a box ai $2.60 to $100 each. ' J. M. MITCHELL & CO. 6 L .POLLOCK STREET, , fliristmas Presents, We have lots of things that would please your friends serviceable top. Some of them are: u Carving Sets, Scissors, Pocket Knives. Razors, Knives and Forks, or.a good Cook - Stove or Range. Call and see us. Gaskill Hardware Comp'ye Middle Street. Phone PICTURES FOR CHRISTMAS We have the greatest values ever offered in New Bern. Snail be pleased to have you call and see them. , ORRIS CHAIRS. ROCKING CHAIRS, NICE TABLES - FRAMES MADE TO ORDER t vJollii 33.- Ives PHONE 857. NEW BERN. N. C, Hard work buying Christmas Presents for most men isn't it ?. Why' not give him something he will appreciate- Suit or Overcoat, for instance ? : ' Either would make an admirable gift noth ing more acceptable. Bring us the size of an old garment, and we'll help you select something suitable.- ; HABERDASHERY If you prefer a House Coat, pair of Gloves Tie, Muffler, or something elegant in the Fur nishing Line, please remember that you are sure to find the smartest and handsomest styles here. We invite Udies looking for a gift for a Man's Christmas to Come Here. LOW PRICES! U FO CHRISTMAS THE PRICE JJPP, EPISCOPAlJaUlBGKW 147. New Bern, N. C. 03 MIDDLE ST. o n (( ! I J M,V rr:i i ?. kt. v.ixw s ihm. ARQUI1D THE ORLD Oil A WIRE Telegraphic Communication With The Uttermost Parts of The Earth. SENSATIONAL TRAGIC. -' FLU AM) POLITICAL Handed to The Journal Renders In Condensed But Accurate Form. Almost Every Part of The Globe Represented In . News Items. Raleigh, Dec 21 Reports of the State Commissioner of Labor show 18 rew cotton mills started in the State this year. Of these 8 are at Gastonia, 2 each at Concord, -Kings Mountain and Lowell, 1 at Fayetteville, Dallas, Lit tleton, Mt Holly, Weldon, Lincolnton, Biscoe, Central Falls, Draper and Mon roe. The total number oi cotton lac tones in the State now is 815. The largest is the Henrietta. Gaston coun ty leads in the number of mills, Ala mance follows and then Mecklenburg. Charlotte leads all other cities and towns in miscellaneous manufactures and Guilford county all the others in the same respect . Raleigh, Dec. 21. The Baptist State Board of Missions and Sunday Schools met here today. Mr. John E. Ray is President, and Rev. H. C Moore is Sec. Over sixty members are present. The hoard assessed the amount of $40,000 to be raised for the cause of missions in this State, and apportioned the amount to the churches. Tracts are to be dis tributed widely. Two evangelists ware chosen and a committee was created t confer with leading negro Baptist preachers regarding questions affecting the two races in order to secure a bet ter understanding of affairs. 3f Louisville, Dec. 21. Curtis Pitt was found guilty of the murder of James Cockrell in one of the famous feuds a few years ago. Four years ago he con fessed but since then he has had two trials. He was sentenced to life im prisonment Chicago, Dec. 21. -Frank Ellenbrook shot and dangerously wounded Judge Charles Cutting, of the probate court today. ' . London, Dee. 21. Hon. James Boyce baa been appointed ambassador to the United States to succeed Sir Mortimer Durand. New York Dee 21 A big association was formed today of the officials of all the leading life insurance companies. Paul Morton of the New York Life is at the head. ' , Rome, Dee 21 Pope Pius has sent letters to all Papal representatives abroad declaring the action of the French government an outrage on the rights of religion. Graham, Dec 21-The trials of the two women accomplices of Henry Wal ker, under sentence of death f r at tempted murder of L. Banks Holt was ended today. Annie Turner was sen tenced to life imprisonment The jury disagreed on the case of Fanny McCain the family cook. Annapolis, Dec. 21. A masked mob broke into the county last night and under threats of death forced the war den to turn over the keys to them. They then took Henry Chambers, colored, from the jail for criminal assault on Vrs. Reid and lynched him. . He con f eased his crime to the lynchers and ex pressed no regrets for the deed. Washington, Dec 22. In the matter of the discharge of the negro troops by President Roosevelt for which Senator Foraker demanded an Investigation, stating the President acted without j constitutional right or precedent, the latter makes reply citing a. precedent of the discharge in disgrace of the 16th Ohio regiment In 1862 which was re- ported as mutineers and worthless as '. soldiers. Norfolk, Dec 22 Former President Barro of the Seaboard Air Line has orj ganlzed an iron and steel corporation here with capital stock of (1,600,000. I Chicago, Dec 22 The latest sensa tion in the female husband, Nicolal De Raylan of three women cane whiih de veloped here lusl week ln l'. sh s tliut tbe womnn WGS the tool of V Tan- i I '" " t t' ( t f f.-. i-i Jewish revolutionists . locaUd in this country. She won the confidence of women by . posing as lover, married them, obtained money and what infor mation advisable' and then deserted them. She was the confidential secre tary of the Russian Consul in this city. New York, Dec 22 The yard men of eight big railroads with terminals eith er hereto in Jersey City have made a formal demand of a raise of five cents ' per bur. A strike is imminent - Raleigh, Dec.; 22. The Baptist Mis sion Board closed its session here today electing the former officers:. President, John E. Ray; teeretary,- Rev. H. C. Moore; N. . B. , Broughton, chairman Sunday Schoof Committee, W. R. tfrad shaw of Reidsville. and Rev. Braxton Craig were appointed missionaries. Raleigh, Dec 22 -A case of much in terest in North Carolina is that ot Ped rick vs Railroad in which court decides that it will not enjoin buildingof bridge serosa PamhcJ river at Washington. Legisture authorized the construction of such bridge and Pedrick and others thought to annul this act of that body. The court will not interfere in the mat ter. It is clear'that the State hascon trol of its navlgabl water and that it had given a right' to the railway com pany to cross the river. This court will not interfere wUh the great public im provements which have been given full rights in such rrianner, In the case of Cannady vs Raijroad, court says North Carolina courts will follow law as de cided in other Slates - ' Cosmetics wilj ruin, the complexion There's no beauty practice equal to the effects of Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. It keeps the entire Lody in perfect health. Tea or Tablets, 35 cents. F. S. Duffy. V 1 - First Railroad Accident. The first bad accident to occur on the New Bern-Washington branch of the Raleigh & Pamlico Sound Railway hap pened Friday where the Broaddus & Ives tramway crosses the R. t P. S. track near Cool Spring A locomotive on a log train of the B. & I. tram road col lided with a work train on the other road, the engine was going at a rapid rated and the impact damaged the en gine considerably, tipping it over and throwing some of the cars attached off the track. Fortunately none of the crew of the train were hurt but their escape is considered almost miraculous. The work train was not damaged to any extent. Failure Does Not Prove Incompet ,ency. - . "There is a general conspiracy to lie about business success says Will Payne in " The Mere Incibent of Failure," in January Everybody's. The newspapers, having roasted the rich citizen when'alive, feel bound to say something flattering about him when dead. So in the obituary no tices they make aim out a kind-of seer who pierced the future with unerrinf vision, and laid oat his money accord ingly. They endow him with infallible judgment and great imagination. Other wealthy citizens, nervously aware of the times they missed going over by a hair's.breadth and of the large part pure luck played in their success, fall iq with this amaible fiction and give re miniscences of the deceased calculated to bolster up his prophetic character. Hence, very naturally, arises a popular fallacy that the man who fails must be only a second-class business man, since he obviously lacks the first-class busi ness man's ability to foresee the fu ture, Of coarse this is nonsense. Failure, especially in modern business, is a mere incident' and of Itself proves nothing whatever concerning the a bility of the bankrupt Courage, not prescience is what is chiefly needed to succeed. The best and safest business ability concerns itself sexclusively with the thing immediately under its nose," , New Subscribers to the Library . The following subscribers have been added during the week ; - Mrs. T B Keboe. Mrs. Bessie Bell. ' " Mr. David Willis. . Miss Mabel Chadwick. Mr. LrS. Grant Miss Appie Ciho. . Miss Emma Duffy, ' Mrs. N. H. Street Monthly. Miss F. McGowan.' Mrs. Strsusburger. A "Library Card" is one of the ni cest Xmas presents for a Mend. Don't forget it when going over your list There are a', number already taken and the names will be given next week The Libray Committee want to add 100 new names, There are 90 yet to be taken. MAKE YOURS THE NEXT. T s ' ra Hne Nittivt " f at Conit Line j CHRISTMAS TRADE FAIR. Many Reasons tor Light Busi ness. Good as ()ould be Ex pected. Holiday Deco rations. The Christmas trade, while it has not been what some . previous years has "e verv Kood and the mer- cnants are generally satisfied witn the result The reasons for the lack of business are obvious, notably the bad luck with crops. We should stop and consider for a moment and we can see for ourselves how failure touched near ly everything that the farmer had to sell. The early truck crops,' the to bacco, cotton,-eorn and fish have, all been affected by the abnomal weather conditions, and this leaves the farmer in poor financial shape and the farmer is the backbone of the whole industrial and financial system. . As go the farm ing interests bo go all other?; and our dependence on the "man with the bar" is undeniable. There was however, a pretty good contingent of people from rural sec tions in the city yesterday and they did "right smart" of buying. Santa Claus was well patronized and to see the mysterious bundles being carried around the streets and up to the trains seemed to indicate that- Christmas of 1906 is going to be observed prettv gen erally. There has been no attempt to deco rate the stor s extensively this year. Few merchants have hung holly boughs artistically around their stores but there has not been great effort in th'S direction. J. G. Dunn's store is the only one in which a great amount of decorating has been done, and that store is beautiful and artistic. The store is draped with green and red crepe psper and holly is used with great profosion giving it a more than ordina rily attactive appearance. Mr. C. F. Wyatt did the work. Southern Propetry Values. MANUFACTURERS' RECORD BALTIMORE. As a matter of 'record of increasing prosperity in the South the following table of estimated true value of prop erty therein 1900 ard 1904, compiled by the Manufacturers' Recotd from a bulle tin of the national census bureau, in of interest: States. 1900. 1904. Alabama $774,682,478 $965,014,261 Florida 355,742,969 431,409,200 Georgia 936,000,450 1,167,445,671 N. Carolina 681,982,120 842,072,218 S. Carolina 485.678,048 585,853,222 Tennessee 956,672,000 1,104,223,979 Texas 2,322,151. 631 2,836,322,003 Virginia 1,102,309,696 1,287,970,180 The increase in values during the past two years has been quite as great as the increase between 1900 and 1904, and the wealth of the South is now quite $18,000,000,000,' Letters to Santa Claus In accordance with an announcement made by M. E. Wbitehurst & Co, about Dec 1st mail box was placed in front of their store on Pollock street in which children' letters to Santa Claus has been posted. It goes without sayimt that these letters over fifty in num ber have all been f athfully delivered to the old gentleman, who will doubtless take great pleasure in filling the orders therein and granting the juvenile re quests. . Through the courtesy of Santa Claus the Journal has been permitted to copy some of the letters which appear be low: 1 ' My Dear Santa Claus P I ease bring me some story books, and I want some soldiers. Please bring me a blue sweater and a pair of pants too, those are all the particular things; I want candy, peanuts, apples and firecrackers. I don't want anything else. From your loving friend. Little Adelade" wants a crib, table and bureau, a doll, a piano machine and a cook stove." Another asks Santa to send her sis ter a horse and buggy. George E wants a great big ex press wagon, a big billy goat and a rig horn and promises to be a good boy and mindClaudie, - Little James - . through an aman uensis says: Plea&e bring me a hook and ladder, one of them football things sn' one of dem carts er dat little boat at Mis Whitus what when you turn one of dem sings it runs all of itself. Mary E. F. would like a sweater for herself and all of her brothers and sis ters. Mildred F would like "Dear Scanty" to bring her a doll and a carriage and ring and brackle and bare of slaise and some rasens. ' Miss Laura K M asks for a slide horn, poney, cort bicycle, watch and ' some fruit except bananas. She in forms dear Mr. Santa Claus that she has got a little sister since he was there last Christmas, and wishes that he would bring her a little doll that she can suck her toes and a rattle. - Minnie G tells Santa Claus that if he will bring her a doll, a go-cart, a table and dishes, she will be satisfied, "because" Bhe says, "I knowyou have so mnny children to K've to." I;.. , , t e-vl hnt-fy cl.il ben! "G.id THE A. 8 II. C. LEASE UPHELD Supreme Court Gives a Christ inas Present To Lessees of A. & X. C. Railroad; OTHER OPINIONS , RENDERED DY COURT. Judge AVnlker Delivered the Opinion Which Was Very Lengthy. AH Members of the Court Conenr. Special to Journa': Raleigh, Dec 22 Supreme court filed the following opinions today: Hill vs A. & N. C. Railroad, from Craven, affirmed. Pedrick vs Railroad, Beaufort, affirm ed. Keel vs Construction Co., Wayne, af firmed. Sutton vs Davis, Uniqn, modified but decision against defendant. Holland vs Railroad, Moore, no er ror. Cannedy vs Railroad, Guilford, re versed. Hickory vs Railroad, Catawba, form er decree modified. Buckworth vs Mull, Burke, revers ed, . Bank vs Holingsworth, Buncombe, no error. Hairston vs Leather Co., Buncombe, no error. Ledford vs. Emerson, Cherokee, n error in each appeal. State vs Hester, Rutherford, motion to reinstate appeal continued until next term. The moat important opinion was in the case of Hill vs Atlantic & North Carolina railway written by Justice Walker is of great length. Hill and the Commissioners of Craven sued to annul lease of Atlantic & North Carolina rail way to Howland Improvement Co now the Norfolk & Southern Co. The prin cipal point wss whether lease waa ultra vires or beyond power of the lessor to make. Court says case is exceedingly important but former decisions of this court grestly lessen difficulty of decid ing it If it was an open question it would be a very serious problem. This charter and that of the North Carolina Railway are precisely similar, parts of them being copies of each other and same thing applies to the lease power to "farm" which is given in charter fully authorizes making of lease court found in North Carolina railway case which was a very well considered one. After Richmond and Danville railroad had taken over North Carolina railway under lease, it changed gauge, though charter forbade the change, courts held road which had lease had all rights and privileges covered by the lat ter. Thus court decisively answered questions of ultra vires over thirty years years ago. Doctrine precedent governs court It was known for some time before lease was made thatft would be made. Judge Long in court below while differing from view held by court in North Carolina railway lease case yet held lease to be valid. Judge Wal ker says the Supreme court concurs fully with him in thia opinion. She worried and she fretted, And grew as homely as could be, But now she is a famous beauty, Which came by taking Rocky Moun tain Tea.' F S Duffy. Christ Church Christmas Services At Christ Episcopal Church, Christ mas morning there will be services at the usual hour, the following is the musical program of the services. Processional Hymn, 66. Venite, Mendelssohn. Gloria Patri, H. P. Danks. Te Deum, Barret . Jubilate, Holdin. : Hymn 57. Kyrie, G. J. Elvey. Gloria Tibi,?Anon. Hymn 55, Tucker. Offertory 1 Anthem, "Sing Ye Hea vens." Alfred R. Gaul. Sanetus, J. Cam'dge. , Communion Hymn, 49. Gloria in Excclsis. Nunc Dimitis, Beethoven . ! Recessional Hymn B4, tune 59. Extra ri 3 K-":a Finest lot of pouUi-ysrJU) '! ; i ever imlol in Ko-v I n tC;.--t l.n a I i A FEAST FOR SEAMEN. The Exhibit of Ships and Sail ing Apparatus at James .town Exposition will be Complete. (By James Boyle) . Norfolk, Va Dec 22 The first ships that came to these American shores oa which the English language waejspoken by every passenger, - and the Crew as well, were the Godspeed, the Susan Constant and the Discovery. These ships bore to this country the first col ony of homeseekers from England, and this colony was the nucleus of the vast populat on which now Knhabits North America and whose ' influence : as a world power is just now felt in every quarter of the lobe. , What this influ ence will ultimate attain to in the coun sels of empire is one of the live ques tions in the chancelleries. These colonists landed permanently on our shores on the 13th of May 1607,' and selected a place to which they gave the name of Jamestown in what ia now the state of Virginia. The ter.centennary of this landing will be appropriately' observed during six months of the year 1907, beginning ' April 26th, and ending November 30th. The course which these good ships traversed from the entrance of the Vir ginia capes on throughHampton Roada to their final anchoring ground off Jamestown will be forever a sacred -waterway to the American people, and during the continuance of the Exposi tion the course of that passage will be the scene of activity and interest with out a parallel in the history of martime display. Not only are our own government, ' but all the powers of the world which boast of a navy will send a flotilla of war craft, those huge monsters whose armour ribs presents an impenetrable wall to the strongest gun, and it is peculiarly fitting that, under the aegis of peace, an international love-feast of that species of craft should be held on these waters. On tho waters of Hamp ton Roads and on that section lying be tween the Jamestown Exposition grounds and Old Point the first battle between ironclad took place the Honi tot Merrimac conflict of April 89 1862. ;.K Forty four years after that' engage ment took place the world sees the perfection of Constructive Art and Science in that craft and the lesson will be instructive when the primitive type is placed besides the fully devel oped seafighter. The interrening evolutionary models will also afford an appreciable complement to the object lesson. . But the interest of mariners is not limited to war craft Every model of craft that sails the seas over ' whiether of steam or canvass means of impu'sion enters into the category of the seaman's world and his pride will be gratified by a display of the imposing merchantman, the stately yacht the trim yawl as well as those already mentioned, Seamen the wide, world over, those brave sons of Neptune who bid defiance to Davy Jones on every voyage, will find a world of interest at the James town Exposition and as they can survey the scene from theffestive ground of the War Path their life will be filled with pleasant memories. Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of V the Bank of Oriental. The annual meeting of the stockhold ers of the Bank of Oriental for the elec tion of its directors and the transaction of such business as may come before them, will be held at the Banking House on the 3rd Tuesday of January, being the 15th of January, 1907. The polls will open at 12 o'clock. J. W. MILLER. Cashier. Dec 21, 1906. Snyder is Coming. . Washington, D. C Dec 14 This paper is in receipt of a notice fro-n "Snyder's traveling piano and pipe organ shop," which has visited this city twice before, that early in Jan uary Mr. Snyder will be here again for a few. days, with a complete line of material to fill all orders, from simple tuning to general rebnilding. His skill has ah eady been amply demonstrated in New Bern. No charge for examina tions and estimates. Calls may be left at office of this paper to be turned over to Mr. Snyder when he arrives, as his time here will be limited. Just Received A Fresh Cuppl Gold ME ' 8 to 10 pound svera ;", i in 3, Bel Hi p ft i ira-t. i