y-i or tee Present Pair of We have a Beautiful Line of them in Men s and Women's sizes.! Men's $100 to $2.50 the Pair. Women's $1.00 1 o $2.00 in Regular Lengths; Elbow length Gloves at $3.00 and $3.50 the pair. Several Dozens of them just in yesterday. Our Stora Is Foil ot Useful and Attractive . Holiday J.Q.DUNN & CO. 3 'Phone 212. a i i A suitable and certainly a substantial present for each mem ber of the household will be a well filled pantry of wholesome such as we carry. Buy Ihem of us and a merry, merry Christmas will be yours. S H. C. ARMSTRONG. I JO 'PHONE 174. 3QC SPECIAL SPECIAL CLOAK VALUES, THIS WEEK This will be a busy time in our Cloak line. You must not fail to see our Special Values at $8.00, somejworth as much as $12.50, in Tan and Black. Full fifty inches length, in the naw Loose Back. EXTRA DRESS GOODS VALUES We will offer Extra Values in our Dress Goods Department this week. Be sure to come here first. Price and quality will surely attract you. Our lines at 50c and $1.00 per yard, cannot be equalled. CLOTHING, HATS, and FORMINGS We are showing the greatest line of Suits, Overcoats and Raincoats for men and boys, every shown in town. Everything in the Furnishing, new and up-to-date. New Arrival of Tiea and Hats. See our Special Sale on Boys Clothing. The price is Pos itively low. Best line of Men's Shoes in town at $3.50 and $4.00 All New Shapes. S. COPLON, ft 75 MIDDLE ST. fl , 3 )CU C JAS A. BRYAN, President. J. H. HACKBURN, V-President . G. H. ROBERTS, Cashier. THE NATIONAL BANK OF NEW BERHE ORIGINAL CHARTER DATED NOVEMBER 27ih 1865. Capital Shareholders Liability 100,000 Oo . Surplus & Undivided Profits 104,565 39 Total Dividends since Organization - 352,082 00 FOUR PER CENT. PAID ON TIE DEPOSITS I - The Board of Directors desire especially to oil attention to the Capital and Surplus which should be attractive to those desiring ab solute security for their funds. , This Bank was originally chartered more than forty years ago, and with a capital and accumulated profits of over $200,000.00, cour teously offers its services to the public and invites bath large and small account of individuals, firms, corporations and banks, prom ising every facility consistent with sound and prudent banking. Col lections on New Bern and contiguous territory carefully made and ' remitted for on day of payment at reasonable rates. ,; SAFETY DEPOSIT IIOXES FOR RENT 1 DIRECTORS: JAS. A. BRYAN, J. H. HACKBURN. CHAS. S. BRYAN, E. K. BISHOP, JOHN DUNN, ' G. II. ROBERTS, ' A. D. WARD, J ... j h.i.J ! 1 i - ! . 1 I 'ion With my line of build D v i : - i-i-.l to put down ' nf Granolithic Paving at ' i ; . All wmk g'larin- r. r !. riioiie vs.i. i Acceptable For a Than a Gloves! Goods ! 55-57 Pollock St. 3 YOUR BRAIN 85 MIDDLE STREET VALUES! MONDAY AND ALL $100,000 00 u II f II r Tiu:rr;iTn, BLACKSMITH Si WHtlLBlGOT Buggies, Wagons, Carts and Drays al ways kept in stock. I reset tires without cutting with the latent im prove 1 t'ipe fc'.i U ' it. I ke p a good BU'S If (if r:;rt I.' - 1 i Hlt.ltk '.ft mi a mail Hawking and Spitting, Dropping Into Mis , Threat. Foul Breath, CURED THROUGH THE BLOOD by Botanic Blood Balm (B. & B.) Is your breath foul t Is your voice husky ? Is yodr nose stopped ? Do you sjteeze a great deal ? Do you have fre quent pains in the forehead ? Do you have pains across the eyes ? Are you losing your sense of smell or taste ? Is there a dropping in the throat ! Uoycu have a ringing in the ears t Is there a constant bad taste in the mouth ? Do you have a hacking cough? If so, you have catarrh. - . Catarrh It not n!y rfanatrtu in this way, but it causes ulcerations, death and decay of bones, kills ambition, of ten causes loss of appetite, and reaches tj general debility, idiocity and insani ty. It needs attention at once. Cure it by hiking Botaniii Blood Balm (B. B, B). It is a quick, radical, permanent cure because it rids the system of the poison perms that cause catarrh. Blood Balm ( B. B. B. ) puriil-s the blood, does away with every symptom, giving strength to the entire mucus membrane, and B, B. B- sends a rich, tingling flood of warm, rich, pure blood direct to the paralyzed nerves, giving warmth and strength just where It ts needed, and in this way making a perfect, lasting cure of catarrh in all iu forms. , DEAFNESS, If you are gntdjally gracing deaf or are already deaf or hard of hearing, try Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B) Most forms of deafness or partial deafness are caused by catarrh, and in curing catarrh by B. B. B thousands have had their hearing restored. Botanic Blood Balm fB. B. B) is pleasant and safe to tike. Thoroughly tested tor 8) years. Composed ot pure Botanic Ingredients. Strengthens weak stomachs, cures Dyspepsia. Sample sent tree by writing Hlood Balm (A , Atlanta, Ga Sold by druggists $1 per large bottle or sent by express. .Vfruii) :f II in Serve. "Oj. but y;'.i line only' known me for a I'o.v she s:iil. "How can you !" s;nv ywr feeling for mo?" 'i!i..fs -Mi- iv.Ko.i I'm asklii!; you ta be r.;.v viu-." iv.il'.o.l t!ie mail wlu wj vtY .liv: '! -!l 1 nrhelorhood. "I'm afrai.l lli-.it ii' I wait any longer some thing may li;i;ieu to make me lose my nerve." t'liii-iiKo lUvordIerakl. Tuu .:oii to Live? Long "My poor rlill;!!" mourned a Now iSui.laii I mat Ik?. "Sue was too good to live loag. 1 always felt I'd uever he able to raise tier." "Ifjw eld was your daughter when she ilie;!';" iji( lii eil a sympathizing vil lae visit it-. "Bare'v forty." New York Life. Soim Mt- :i Halfback. Sweet Kinder 'I lit; star boarder hM not paid a cent, in ttie last three moullis. Comedian Bonnier Il'm! He ought to Join a football team. Sweet Singer A football team? Couiediiin Bjanler Sure! Ian't be 8 quarterback? rhicngo News. A Kind Ward. "The trouble with that talkative per son Is that lie frequently contradicts himself." "After listening to some of tlie thing.-, lie say.;." replied Miss Cayenne. "It seems rath'.-:- creditable that lie should." WasUiuytmi Star. rtlltl'Bl D.iUKrra. "Howell-lt l'i liard for a woman to niulerstami oulitlcs. - Powell-I s'multl say so! My asked me today if a candidate who was scrtitdie;! r.t an election ever hud blood poisoning. Judge. , If I were Santa Claua I would know exactly what to give every boy and girl. I would give them. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. It'a the greatest medi cine in the world; a never-ceasing won der. 35 cents. F S Duffy. Land for Sale. Situated on north side of Neuse river mile from Washington, R. R. and 4 miles from New Bern. Known as Foy's Mill land, containing 100 acres more or lees, cleared land is well drained by ca nal on each side which is kept up by owners above it For further infoima tion apply to. MRS H. J. SIMP30N Riverdale. N. C. Rewardj The town of Dover offers a reward of Two hundred dollars for the arrest and conviction, of any person or persons, guilty of setting fire to and burning any building in the town of Dover, Nv C. . ROBERTS Distributors for Craven, Car teret, Ondow. Jorsr,, Pam lico, r-:-.;r:rt. An 1 ICi. HlC'O bPOAil Mil.- if.t TEN PERCENT G!'i 13E! On Salaries Is Christmas Gift To National Bank Officers. The oftisers of the National Bank of New Berne, this Christmas, are feeling double pleasure in the occasion, the first in duties well performed, and the second, tn the recognition that these services have received by the board of uank directors. These directors went beyoDd words of praise and voted a Christmas gift to each officer of the Bank, in the shape of a ten percent salary dividend, that is each officer ia to receive in cash ten percent of what his year's salary was during 1906. The act of the directors was an excellent one. and greatly appreciated by the reci pients of the bank. "SHORT PASSING EVENTS. ee inside page for additional local news. Htnry's Pharmacy will be open to day.'.,- Dont forget the masquerade at the rink tomorrow night The usual Christmas festivities be gan last night with blowing of horns, shooting pistols and employing all kinds of new distracting noisei. It was a merry crowd and there was no dis order, An officer arrested a drunken negro on the mail train last night who was extermely ugly ard rtbv-l'ious. The man was full of dispensary liquor and want ed to fight. Mr. William H. Oliver goes to Fay- etteville to spend Christmas with his daughters, Mrs. Huske and Mrs. Cons table and his grand children. Mr., Oli ver say she anticipates a day of unalloy ed pleasure. The Atlantic; hose wagon horse mads his usual balk before starting to the fire, yesterday afternoon. The ani mal should not be given service in the fire department. There is always some accident due when the horse is used. Rev. W. A; Ayers has returned from Raleigh where he .went to attend the State Board of Sunday Schools and Mission. An appropriation of $ ,900 was made for the Atlantic Associations apportionment of its missions. He will conduct the meeting today. Mr., Weden who for several months has been -connected with the J. G. White Co., in the construction of the Raleigh & Pamlico Sound railway has had a call to go to Porto Rtco to super intend the construction of an electric road under the contract of tho J. G. White Co. Stockholders Meeting. New Bern, N. C, Dec. 22, 1906. The regular annual meeting of the Stockholders of New Bern Banking and Trust Company of New Bern, N. C, for the election of Directors and the transaction of such other business as may be brought before it, will be held at the Banking House ot the Company, No. 65 Pollock Street, New Bern, N. C. on Tuesday, January 8th 1907, between the hours of 10 A. M. and 12 M. iJEO. B. PENDLETON, Cashier. fSctra fine dressed chickens and tur keys at the Oaks Market for Xmaa. The Elks Christmas Tree. Time-Noon-Tuesday December 2!th Place- Court-House. The children who have little Christ' mas at home may be assured of a rat tling good time at the court house Tuesday where the Elks will have big tree filled with good things to eat and the more tangible things to use. The Elks, have prepared for all comers and it will be a enjoyable treat. Let all the children go. Many Have Dyspepsia And Don't Know It. D TYXEU'S YS PEPSI A BECEUT Cures sty back It It tails to eurt Dyippla to njr form, gm. belching, bitter tut, bad breath, diur pells. Mar tonne h.heort flatter, Mrvo u B pack or hua aaf on th yea, vomity fealioc, pain in atomach. afcla or back and all a bar ajrmptoma of Indiceation or Djrapapaia. Tynar'a Dyapapala Remedy transtnana vaak atomacha, atopa colic and headache, in flva minute. Haale canker aoraa. Cum Catarrhal Dyapemia with Hawking. Spitting, Coatrhinc. alao kidney and Liver Trou ble, all of which ariae fron a weak atomic h. Ty ner'a Dyapepaia Remedy aompoaad of pure in gradients; no poisonous drugs used. Bate cure and the beat remedy for diseases arising from stomach troubka. Druggists, or sent by Expreea for 6Uc Circular and Medical Advice Free by TVNEtt DYSPEPSIA REMEDY CO., Augusta, Ga. v Local Crain Market Corn, per bushel 70 Oats, " 60 R. P. Oats 60 Meal, " 70 Hominy " 70 Corn bran, per 100 lbs ....... .75 Wheat bran, " , 1.60 "Ved, 100 Itis ....L40 Cotton seed meal, 100 lbs 1.60 Cotton seed hulls, 100 lbs....'. 66 Hay, $1.30 per cwt 25.00 WHOI.F3ALE PRICES CURRENT. Fs-fS.perdnzen .' 26 Poik, pr II) 8 I.ivei. 1 6 I -f, " 61 6 l,..i h, rrwn, p"r rt. - 7 cry "... 10 r " ut-)!' c., - . : !. ! i s A Trite Saying. It Is a trite saying that no man Ii Stronger than hli stomach. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery nrengtliens the stomach puts it ia shape to uiuka pure, rich blood helps the liver antt kidneys to expel the poisons Iroin tin1 body and thus cures both liver and kid ney troubles. If you take this natural blood purifier and tonic, you will acsist your system In manufacturing each day a pint of rich, red blood, thai Is Invigo rating to the brain and nerves. Tu weak, nervous, run-down, debilitated condition which so many pebple suffer from. Is usually the effect of poisons tn the blood; it is often Indicated by pimples or bolls appearing oo the hkIii, the face becomes tlilii ami tho feelings "blue.' Dr. Pierce's "Discovery cum all blood humors as well a being a tonic that nukes ooe vlgoron. strong and forceful. It is the oniv medicine put up for sale through druKgiubt for like purposes that contains neither alcohol nor harmful habit-furming drugs, and the only one, every Ingredient of which has the profes sional endorsement of the leading medical writers of this country. Some of these endorsements are published in a little book of extracts from standard medical works and will be sent to any address free, on receipt of request therefor by letter or postal card, addressed to Dr. E. V. I'lerce, Buffalo, N. Y. It tells just what Dr. Pierce's medicines are made of. The "Words of Praise for the several Ingredients of which Dr. Pierce's medi cines are composed, by leaders in all the several schools of medical practice, and recommending them fur the cure of the diseases for which the "Golden Medical Discovery" Is advised, should have far more weight with the sick and afflicted than any amount of the so-called "testi monials " so conspicuously flaunted before the public by those who are afraid to let tiie Ingredients of which their medicines are composed be known. Bear in mind that the "Golden Medical Discovery has rHK badge of honkstt on every bottle wrapper, iu a full list of its ingredients. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure con stipation. Invigorate the liver and regu late stomach and bowels. . Dr. Pierce's great thousand-page Illn' trated Common Sense Medical Advise! will be sent free, paper-bound, for 21 one cent stamps, or cloth-bound for 31 stamps. Address Dr. Piorce as above. - . THEY COMh AND GO. Miss Hannah Attmore of Stonewall is the guest of Miss Nettie Fowler. Miss Louise Barrington, a student of Littleton Female, College is spending the holidays at home. Mr. L. b. Ennett of Cedar Point was a visitor in the city yesterday. Col. P M. Pearsall is sojourning at Seven Springs. Mr. Geo. B. Pendleton has gone to Elizabeth City to spend Christmas with friends. Miss Virginia Moore is visiting friends in Norfolk. Mr. W. M. Carstens-went to Saa nah, Ga., yesterday, to visit relativej. Miss Lizzie Allen, of Edenton who was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Moore went to Goldsboro yesjterday to visit her brother, Judge Allen. Mrs. Luther, Taylor of Greensboro is the guest of Mrs. L. J. Taylor. Mr. J. R. Bowden and sister, Miss Lillian, who is a student at O. C I. Col lege at Orangeburg. S. C, arrived yes terday, to spend the holidays with their parents. Mr, John Aberly, a student in college at Allentown, Pa., is spending the holi days with his parents on National Ave nue. Miss Lula Adams and her neice, Miss Martha Adami went to Durham yester day. ' Dr. L. L. Dameron went to Clinton yesterday to spend the holidays with relatives. f f- .. Mr. K. B, Stewart of Newport and Mr. J. W. Hardesty of Harlowe were in the city on business yesterday. , . Mr. W, R. Hay of Wilmington, is the guest of relatives in the city. r Mr. 1. C. Smith of Jacksonville is in the city the guest of relatives Mr. C. E. Land of Raleigh is in the city, the guest of his parents. Misses Leah and Mary Jone3 arrived from Greensboro, last night to spend the holidays at their home. Mr. Shepard Bryan of Atlanta is the gueitt of his parents, Judge and Mr. H. R. Bryan. . ."- :v':V;- Mr. Bruce Edgerton returned from his studies at Davidson, ' last night to spend the holidays at his home. ; Mrs. E. F. Lewis and son of Raleigh, are the guests of Capt Thos. G. Dixon. Miss Mary Louise Gautier has return ed from Raleigh, where she has been attending" ichool to upend the holidays. Dr. Z V. Parker and bride who were married in Macon, Ga., alfew days ago arrived last night , Dr. Hand is spending the holidays at his home in Duplin County. Messrs W. J. William and Frank Bateman went to Elenton last n'ght to visit their homes. : ; ; Mr. F. B. Robards is vi-titing at his home in Henderson. Miss Kathryn. Griffin arrived last night from High Point where she is teaching music in the public school. Mips Bingham Meredith who has a position in Charlotte, is spending the holidays at her home. Mr and Mrs William Hendren and children, of Winston are guests of hi mother Mrs M. L Hendren. Mr. and Mrs E. S. Street, Jr., 'of Mawn, Ga., are guests of relatives and friends. Miss Emma Duffy wont to Kinstin yesterday to attend a house party. Mrs. Lide Wevks and Miss Lula Pel letier, of Ne York, were in the city ' yesterday enrovite to their home in Stella. Mr, and Mrs. Fred Hunter, of Dur ham are guests of Mrs. Kate P.ichard- son, they were accomimnied by Misses Kathcrine and Eliz-ibeth luchardson, who have bt t-n vi-.itii g in Durham. , Mrs. K R. Jones, Sr., returned last it'j-ht from a vii.it with friends in (',; (Vlil.ljoro. . .,.1, Write for our booklet, "Growing three bales of cotton an acre, and how it is done." .We will send it free to any address on the asking. CRAVEN CHEMICAL COMPANY. NEW BERN, NO.- . STEWART SANATORIUM A New and Thoroughly Modern Hospital. Well equipped for the treatment of all diseases. Experienced and Careful Scientific Surgery. Open each day to MRS. MA.BEL COVINGTON, Superintendent HOW ABOUT THAT BOX OF CIGARS FOR XHAS GIR? I hava j nt received a lineot the Choicest Cigare of b)lh Foreign ond Domestic Manufacture that can not be eq lalled for Price or Qualitv. . BOXES CONTAIN FROM 12 to 100. You don't know what Good Candy is untiPyou have tasted FOgS' Delicious Chocolates and Bon Bona. ' - It will be to your advantage to try my fountain drinks Hot Choc olate and Ohicken Sandwiches. --- - , ' , W. D. BARRINGTON, CORNER BROAD and MIDDLE STREETS ' ' It e CHRISTMAS PRESENTS While out buying Presents, don't forget , to come to .our Stores. We are showing - this week the prettiest lias of Cnristmas Presents we ever carried. Below is a partial list of nice things for presents: Ladies' Umbrellas, Fur Collars, r Initial Linen Handkerchief), Silk and Lisle Suspenders. Silk Mufflers, Suit Cases, White Vests, Crochet Slippers, Kid Gloves, Men's Bed Room Slippers, - J. J. BAXTER. el - 5 iquai w any o- raior, cut ting quality and ease of operation; Fountain pens $1 to $2.50 a- h, your nonoy back if not satibfied; Menier't Candies, freth and of best quility 60c lb; full line of toilet articles; Alfred Wright and St Ion Talmer's extracts and toilet waters; Infant Sets $1 and $1.50 each. Call and see these and other articles. F. S. DUFFY'S rilPJJACY " Hesd arid "Shoulders Above" the ordinary quality f, you will find our cotton and ' tobacco fertilizers. Their quality never"de- ' generates.. They never dis appoint II Timely use of them means an abundant crop:' , Nurses. Best Hedical AUend.m'n. visitors from 3 to 6 p. m. Men's Umbrellas, Initial Silk Handkerchiefs, Silk Waist Patterns, Neckties, ' - Men's and Boys Sweaters, Roller tray Trunks, . Post Card Albums, Collar and Cuff Boxes, Childs Fur Set, tc. ' etc. , V"vr aM tvkT.J-.s a.. , rji'i- ri . fi iiu: ij Fine cigars in boxes of 25; ; Biiar Root Pipes 25c to $3; i Veerschaum Pipes $1 25 to j 18 each; the "Auto" pipe J 50c; puraee; card cases ;pass books; travelling and medi " cine cases; silver plated ink j stands; shaving mugs; mil II itary brushes; , calendars; V safety razor outfits $1.25 a I $1.60, guaranteed to be . ' C-te-- nrPT n' p UEGIIU ! xl 7 . V r?