2i i- X No. 77. NEW BERN," CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, TUESDAY JANUARY 8, 1907 FIRST SECTION. 59th YEAR III -SWW J I I II I If I .M J II I Ml i 'v i y BUM YOUR Put your business affairs on a systematic basis during 1907. - Carry a checking account in this hank and pay' all bills by. check If you keep a balance here you can always buy for cash and thus save many discounts. ; v. : -Your bank book and your check book will srow. you just how you stand all the time. , - In this way you can plan your expenses in a more judicious manner and get ahead. . . , ;T - - r - . Every business mdn, every farmer and most individuals can profit by using a checking account here. . JAMES 8. BLADES, President Wm. 8 BLADES, V.-Prtldnl.. CEO. B. PENDLETON, Csshltr. t r Ladies Outing Night Robes Beautifully Trimmed. All Colors and All Sizes . - . 14 to 18 at 85c, $1.00 and $ 1.25. - Ladies' Colored Taffeta Silk Drop Skirts two-tone, green and garnet; brown and black; the regular price of these Skirts, were $8.50, they will be sold at a Reduction. ... If you need one see our line and the price will be arranged satisfactory. '- ' . ' - J. M. MITCHELL & CO; 61 POLLOCK STREET. A COLD WEATHER DRINK Hot Chocolate Is It? A Delicious and Appetizing Beverage. - Take it With Chicken Sandwich : ' The Best Candy Made. A Large and Select Stpck of Tobacco and Cigars." :-. W. D. BARRINGTON, JAS A. BRYAN, President. J. H. HACKBURN, V-President G. H. ROBERTS, Cashier REPORT. OF THE CONDITION' OF ' THE NATIQIIAL BANK OF NEW BERNE AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS, DEC. 81, 1906. RESOURCES: icndDiacounU f W8.C8 03 U. 3. Bond. , 2S.0UOO0 Othar Stork Bond! 85,216 00 Bnkin Hou, Fur. Fix. 16.000 00 Dim Fran Bank 1H.06S 06 Cub in Vault 46.830 81 Total 1766.938 W TUG SAVINGS DEPAnTHGKT In Connection with this Bank ii now open for accounts 0! 10 Interest paid on all Deposits, Compounded Seml-Annually. DIRECTORS: " JAS. A. BRYAN, J. II. HACKBURN. CIIAS. S. BRYAN, E. K. BISHOP, JOHN DUNN, G. II. ROBERTS, A. D. WARD, Vs. V i "v I have secured the services of a practical paper hanger and shall be glad to have him -show carr.plc3 and estimate for your work; BUSINESS I O wJLxU H J V P -, OPP. EPISCOPAL CHURCH. .J . LIABILITIES: CuiUI Stock -Surplus " nd PraKts ' DWidsnda CireaUtkm Dcpoiti . f 100.000 00 lOCUS 04 6,000 00 , 21,700 00 636.626 86 1766,338 89 Undivided Total HANGING! MUD THE in Telegraphic Communication , With The Uttermost Parts of The Earth. sasfio. Ten. flZmOFCLITICIll Handed to The Journal Reader In Condensed But Accurate Form. i Almost Every Part of The v Globe Represented In News Items. Raleigh, Jany 4 Today Gov. . Glenn appointed Thomas Stringfield of Way neaville adjutant general, rank of colo nel succeeding T. H. Bain deceased! Stringfield was assistant adjutant gen eral. . New York, Jany 4 The Interstate Commerce Commission is investigating the affairs of the Southern Pacific and Union Pacific railways to ascertain if '.here has not been some combination contrary to law made by the two cor porations. ' . Kansas City, Mo., Jan 4th. -7 1 he su preme court has affirmed the decision of the lower court in the case of Mrs. Aggie Myers for the murder of her hus band. The woman's paramour Frank Huffman killed Myers in 1904, and the woman helped to do the deed. Both Huffman and Mrs. Myers were senten ced by the lower court to be hung. Washington, Jany 4. The Interstate Commerce Commission is investigating the cause of the, numerous railroad wrecks that have occurred recently. The great number of terrible and fatal accidents of late seem to indicate that the system is defective. . - The coroners inquest on the B. & 0. railroad is still in progress. J Engineer Hildebrand's testimony is awaited with much interest. He is out on a $75,000 bond. Train dispatcher Dent swore that operators often violate rules. St. Petersburg, Jsny 4 The assassi nation of Gen. Yon Launitz has increas ed the activity of the nihilists and they have grown bolder and make no secret of their plans. ' They have issued manifesto proclaiming that Grand Duke Nicholas and Premier Stolypin would be the next to die by their hand. London. Jany 4 A rumor has gained circulation that the Marlboro's ' had been reconciled. Close frieads of the family say that nothing of the kind has occurred. . The duchess of Marlboro was Misi Corisaelo Vanderbilt daughter of W. K. Vanderbilt Washington, Jan. 4. The new Rev enue Cutter "Pamlico," for which Con gressman Thomas secured an appropria tion of $176000 will be launched at Wilmington,. Delaware, Saturday, Jan, 12th. Miss Appie Caho, daughter of Hon. W. T. Caho, of Bayboro, has been chosen as sponsor for the boat on this occasion. Raleigh, Jany 5.- The State Supt of Public Instruction today filed his re port to the Governor. During the two years a great work has been done, 601 additional libraries for rural public schools containing 32,084 volumes valued at $16,030 and about 150 supplementary libraries with 6,400 volumes valued at $2,250 have been established, 886 excel lint new school houses built, by far the greatest number ever, built in two years, over 185 local tax districts tallished, the present school law is the best ever had. At least $200 should be appropriated for teachers institutes and summer schools in each county. The special appropriation of $200,000 should be continued, terms of office of county boards of education should be six years. $10,000 for five district summer schools should be appropriated, $100,000 should be appropriated for aiding high school instruction The legislature is urged to require the attendance in the public of all children between the ages of 8 and 12 at leaat four months during the other year unless attending some school. This compulsory law to be put in execution at the discretion of any bosrd of education anywhere upon a petition of a majority of the qualified WORLD Oil A WIRE voters or of persons over 21 years of age entitled by law to the privilege of public schools or the county boards if t' - y (' "n it, v, ifi-r to pul-mit the qnes- 1 1 a v s ' i i 1' ;i, T! 1 daring schools to be a necessary ex pense and authorizing counties to levy a special tax for their support and improve ment not exceeding ten cents on the (100. It is further recommended that the special additional appropriation of f 10,000 be made fer a permanent plant and proper equipment of the State Colored Normal Scnoola. All these recommendations are unanimously en dorsed by the special committees of the North Carolina Teachers Assembly and the State Association of County Super intendents. - "Greensboro, Jany 5. Since my last letter, the market has made some fur- F ther improvement to .both spots and futures, and closes" today at the best prices seen since the ' government esti mate on December 10th. The move ment of the crop is comparatively speaking, perfectly enormous, but the spinners takings are amazingly large and the statistics continue bullish. It looks like those who have stood to their opinions In predicting a big crop are correct in their views while those who have forecasted a record breaking con sumption are certain to be right From every indication the .coming year will be one of peace and plenty, and I think cotton will, later on, sell at materially higher prices. "Raleigh. Jan 6. The. Apostolic Co., a Roman Catholic organization which has hospitals at Greensboro and Norfolk will build a hospital on land between Pullen Park and the Catholic orphanage Father Price, the resident priest has accomplished this result. The building will have 20 rooms for patients and 2 freewards. v .-i- . ;v-.'.".. Raleigh. Jan 5. Gov. ; Glenn has re ceived a telegram from Senator Sim mons stating that the report was un true that Blackburn had filed any notice of contest-with the clerk of the House. -v i. Washington, Jan. 5. Engineer Hil- brand of the fatal train in the B. & 0. wreck of Dec. 30th, swore before the coroner's jury that be did not see the red light on the train ahead. - fie fur ther states that the engineers are over worked and in no condition and are of ten called out with too little sleep. Bingen, Germany, Jan 6 A new rail way embankment in progress of con struction here collapsed yesterday and covered 40 workmen. Twelve dead bodies have been removed. . v Washinfi'on, Jan. 5. An order has been issued from the war department dispatching all negro troops to the Phillipines, the departure taking place June 5th. This order is made in accor dance with the regular system employ ed by the department and the negro troops are the next to leave. 1 - Philadelphia, Jany 6 An unknown man giving the name of U. E. Williams went into the Fourth Street Nations) bank this morning and demsnded $5,000 of the President, , Richard Ruahton. Upon failure to comply with the re quest Williams threw a bomb at the President which missed him but killed assistant cashier, W. W. Lear, and Williams. Two were fatally injured and the building was set on fire but was quickly extinguished. Raleigh. Jan 6. Grand secretary John C Drewry of the Masonic Grand Lodge announces in his annual report that there have been 16 lodges have been instituted a net gain of 100 in the order and the total membership is 16' 835. Raleigh, Jan 7 The Labor Commis sion's report on textile industries in North Carolina shows 318 cotton, woolen and knitting mills, a gain of 22 in twelve months, these having an authorized capital of $41,278,160, with 2,558,114 spindles, 62,747 looms, 5,237 knitting machines of 115,671 horse power, with 48,624 employes. Philadelphia, Jan' 7 The will of A. J, Cassa t, the late President of the Penn sylvania Ky., was filed in probate today. The value is placed at $5,000,000 all of which is left to the widow and three children.' " " " New York, Jan. 7. Attorney gener al Jackson, is investigating the possi bilities of having Mayor McClellan ar rested on the grounds of hi being a U8urPer nd not ' rightful holder of the yv -' "" ' RI'gh, Jany 7.-The State tax com mission announces the valuation of all ". Ii.. IT - V.k TT property, real and personal in XHortn Carolina for 1906 as $489,703,456, an in- crease of $23,278,738. Ita!e"..h, Jan. 7. Rev. Pr. f'cNee'y )' r ' -in rf'- '.!" ;;' next June. , The college is owned by the Protestant Episcopal Diocese of North and South Carolina. ' Raleigh, Jan. 7. Franklin McNeill was sworn in today by Chief Justice Clark , as Corporation Commissioner, haying been elected in November to succeed himself. The Commission re elected him chairman. LARCENY UNO FORGERY . Young Man Has to Face Serious Charges of . That Nature. (Special Correspondence.) Greensboro, Jany 5. A young man, who gave his name as C. L. Scruggs of Washington, was arrested here yester day morning, charged with forging a check for $300. Before Mayor Murphy yesterday, he was tried and bound over to court, and in default of bond was placed in jail " ; The report that Scruggs was infat uated with one of the English girls was somewhat substantiated yesterday af ternoon when he stated to the court that the check was given to him in the presence of two of the English girls, and that he .wanted them as witnesses. He did not know the names of the girls, he wanted, hence they were not sum moned. Scruggs refused to reveal his identity giving as a reason that he did not wish to bring disgrace upon his peo pie who were highly respectable. Last night it was learned that he had several aliases, and had been in Charlotte. This morning it developed that he was want ed in Charlotte for wholesale stealing of watches, tailor made clothing etc. One of the stolen watches was recovered at a pawnbrokers shop. Adler-Coplon. There was a large assembly ofrelaj tives and friends at the home of Mr. and Mrs S Coplon 31 Hancock street Sunday afternoon to witness the mar riage of Mr. Coplon's daughter, Miss Sarah, to George Adler. The ceremony occured at 5 o'clock and was performed by Rev. Mayerberg of GoldBboro. The hou8ewa beautifully decorated with holly ar.d mistletoe. The bride was handsomely attired in a rich white silkwith an embroidered, silk robe. She carried a shower bouquet of American bride roses. The bride and groom were unattended at the alter. After the ceremony and congratulations the guests partook .of a sumptuous wedding supper, The bridal party were the the recipients of many beautiful, costly and useful presents. Mr. and Mrs Adler left last night for a trip to New York and Philadelphia, returning to Baltimore where they will live. How much of your life is spent try ing to get well It require but a month orlessto put the average man or woman on their feet with Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 35 cents, Tea or Tablets. F. S. Duffy. ' . About Piano Tuning Goldsboro, N. C, Jan. 5, '07 Dear Editor: I expect to arrive in New Bern not later than January 15th with one of the most complete lines of tnaterial and facilities for tuning, voicing, felting and genera rebuilding ever seen out side of the great cities. I am behind in my dates, as business is heavy. Peo ple everywhere seem to appreciate good service. - Yours truly, . GEORGE SNYDER, Owner Snyder's Travelling Piano and Pipe Organ Shop. Notice. All persons having dishes, ' waiter;, silverware, glasses, bottles, salt and pepper boxes, ketchup or vinegar bot tles will please return them to my store or notify me and I will aend for them. ..- JAMES B. DAWSON. 103 Middle street, phnne 209. Annual Sermori to Elks. At Christ Christ Sunday night, the annual sermon to New Bern Lodge of Elks, waa delivered by the Rtev. L G. H. Williams, who is .chaplain of the lodge. There waa a quite a fair at tendance of Elks, who sat in a body, occupying the front pews in the main body of the church. The text waa from the Epistle of James Chapter I Verse 27. The ser mon was a fine one, the advica to the Elks beinc practical and sound. These annual sermons to the local lodge are each year becoming more feature, and one that is recognized by most members as an aid to promote irreater moral and civic worth, in ad dition to the fraternal side of the or ganization. Does Coffee disagree with you? Probably it doesl Then try Dr. Ehoop's Health Coflee. "Health Coffee" is a clever combination of parched cereals and nuts. Not a grain of real Coffee, remember, in Dr. Shoop's Health Coffee, yet its flavor and tasta matches closely old Java and Mocha Coffee. If your stomach, heart, or Kidneys can't stand Coffee drinking, try Health Ci.HVe. It is wholi-BOl"", nouii: l,ir;, i If''' -. It's ;;'(. evi-n f f V ' " ' !. I ' 1 1 v J. l. : . r - CUT ALDERMEN KEEK Petition for Dispensary Grant ed. Petition Denied- Oilier ! Proceedings r New Bern, N. C , Jan. 1, W. Regular meeting of the board of a' dermen, roll call ordered not a quorum present, recess until Wednesday night, T r January a. New Bern, N. Jar. 2, '07. Board met in regular recess session, Mayor Patterson presiding. Aldermen present: Bangert, How, Munger, Dawson, Lane, McSorley, Wood, Brinson, McCarthy, and Simp kins. Minutes adopted. Petition bearing 293 names was before the board asking that they order an election to determine whether the city of New Bern, N. C. shall have a dis pensary. Upon motion the petition wss referr ed to the following committee appoint ed by the Mayor, to examine Jthe peti tion to ascertain if said petition had sufficient names of qualified voters as law requires to call an election. Committee appointed: Aldermen Lane Howe, Bangert, Munger and Dawson, ard to report at recesf'T-eeting to be held Jany 3, 1907. v Upon motion ordered that fire com mittee proceed to purchase the hoi se selected by the Atlantic Fire Company price not to exceed $250 00 and said committee also impowered to sell gray Atlantic fire horse for $250 00. . Upon motion chairman of cemetery committee was impowered to purchase lot near Greenwood Cemetery at a cost of $50 00 paid out of cemetery fund. Petition from Chief of New Bern Fire Department, J. B. Dawson for f ervices as chief of said department for the last year was upon motion referred to Fire Department and Finance Commit tees.. To the Hon. Mayor and Board of Citv Council : We, the undersigned committee re spectfully ask you to allow the Chief of Fire Department of New Bern a salary for his services, as is required by the fire-waste law of 1905. LEON L. LAND, EURNEY A. GASKILL, DIGHT M. STYRON, -JAMES B. DAWSON, Committee. I eferred to Fire and Finance Com mittee. ' . Regular and audited bills allowed by unanimous vote. , Bills of $5 00 for each policeman for special service allowed, all voting yea, except Alderman Lane, voting no. Board took recess to meet January 3, 1907. Januarys, 1907: , Board met in recess session, Mayor Patterson presiding. Aldermen present, Bangert, Howe, Munger, Dawsotw Lane, McSorley, Wood, Brinson, McCarthy and Simp kins. . ' The matter of calling an election was taken up and the committee made the following report: : -' committee's report We, your committee, appointed to investigate a petition of the voters to the Hon. Mayor and Board of Council requesting the calling of an election for dispensary, beg to make the following report: We have thoroughly investigated aaid petition and compared same with the registration and find there is 253 quali fied votes on said petition; we also find 724 qnalified voters upon the registra tion books of the city of New Bern, which necessitate 242 legal voters un der the statutes to call an election, there beinz 253 or eleven more than neces sary. S H LANE, . ' . EH HOWE, . AH BANGERT, C W MUNGER, I , J B DAWSON, - - . Committee, To the Board of Aldermen of the city . of New Bern t ' We, your committee on Licenses and Ordinances, to whom was referred the petition in reference to the shed ordi nance on Middle street below South Front street beg leave to report: That we have considered the matter and are of the opinion that there is just as much need for the aaid ordinance below South Front atreet as above; that the fire danger is greater there than above. , ' That the appearance of the atreet will be more, deteriorated by leaving the sheds on that part of the street than to have left them all the way up. That it woul.l be a great injustice to those who have now complied with the' ordinance to change the same. . 1 That the reason assigned for allow ing the sheds to be left, so as to pro tect goods on the' sidewalk, merely shows that the petitioners overlook the fact that the sidewalks belong to the public, snd are intended for the conve nient paasBRe of pedestrians, and not as a place for private parties to do bua-idi"-s. . We therefore r- ! 1 f t t i r forced. . . Respectfully submitted C J McSORLEY, AH BANGERT, J B DAWSON, Committee. .: Upon motion, the following was adopted: - Be it resolved, that notice issue to J. H. Hackburn to appear before the next meeting of the board to show cuse why his property shall not be put upon the tax list for the year 1906 and prior thereto; and that siailar notice issue to all other persons reported as delinquent within ten days before said meeting, by the tax lister or other officer of the city.;.",--:' -; -rj.-: V: On motion, the Finance Committee in conjunction with the committee from Law and Order? League was instructed to employ an expert accountant to ex amine the water and light books, the city of New Bern to pay expense of the same. Notice of election, places of voting and pollholders can be found on inside page. Board took recess. J. J. TOLSON. Clerk. Gertie to Lottie: "If your papa had Alladin's lamp and were to wish for something real nice, what would you rather it would be T " Why a whole box of Whitcomb's sweet oranges. Public Meeting . All persons who favor a dispensarr. in the interest of temperance, law and order, the betterment of the condition of the city of New Bern and the in creased efficiency of the public school system of the county, are requested to meet at the court house tonight at 7 SO o'clock. The ladies are especially invited to be present James A. Bryan, Wm W Clark, W B Blades, Thos. Daniels, Enoch Wadsworth, Charles Duffy, Ralph Gray, E K Bryan, J THollister, M L Jacobs, R B Dixon, Henry R Bryan, E H Meadows, v . E B Hackburn, ' WmDunn. " VOICE OF THE PEOPLE For Dispensary. To the Honorable Mayor and Board of . Aldermen af the City of New Bern: . : Your action last week in submitting to the voters of the cit y the question of dispensary r n? dUpenmry and the large attendm-e of tax payers and business men at the meeting of the Law and Order Ltupw. on Wednesday night and the interest shown by them and by yonr board last night, in the material in terest K our city should commend your action t all good citizens and from what I have heard since, I believe that a largo majority of the voters will on the day of election support the petition filed with you as they are convinced that some action should be had to stop thi b'ind tiger business in our city. This unlawful trade has proven to the minds of all good people worse than open saloons. Permit me to suggest to your Honorable Board that on account of the provisions of the law of the Watts and Ward bill controlling the sale and distribution of the proceeds of dispen saries that you petition the General Assembly now in session for a special act giving to your board the disposal and distribution of the proceeds f the New Bern dispensary if estsblished, and if yon will have the provisions of the law so as to give one-third of the profits to the schools, one-third to be deposited for the use of the board in permanent street improvements, and one-third te be used for five years in paying for betterments to our water and light plants, there will be but little oppo sition manifested at the election. CITIZEN. Bnster Brown at Durham The Durham Herald of Sunday, aaid: "The audience that packed the Acade my of Music last night was the largest paid audience that ever gathered in the auditorium. It was literally filled to the doors with those who gathered to witness the production. Yesterday af te. noon at the matinee there waa also a tremendous house, the main portion of the auditorium being filled. This com pany reached here on a special train from Henderson, it being necessary to come on a special in order to get here in tiire for the matinee. The show is I one that pleased and judging from the 1 applause and laughter it fills its min ion here. Those who witnessed the two peformances say that it was all that it claims to be, and that it was we'.l werl'i the price charged. 'UuHter' and "T ,' ae the ma'mb'uiya of the b':0v ft I . C'.J their parts ii a manner tl .'tin thy of b, '('.;, .1 ni.-v i- i. aliou! 1 1 nv a lu-j i ' n- 1, if the r '-! ; ' I fun ! I 1 ' '.iMf 5'-" t i