Mfin 1 m No. 94. NEW BERN, CRAVEN COUNTY, N- C.r FRIDAY MARCH 8. 1907.-SECOND SECTION. 29th incrc tomes a iimc In every mans life when tome ready money would help lift his whole future to a higher level. A young man has a chance to go into a good business, if he has a little capital ..: A farmer has a chance to pick up a few more acres at a . bargain, if he has the cash? - . '..''.... . Tae business man can save discounts by having ready money. All these people will prepare themselves for these chances by carrying a savings account in this strong, accommodating, t local bank. Does this mfan YOU T - . JAMES B. BLADES. Prwldsnt. i : Win. B. BUDES. V.-Prssldsnt. GEO. B. PENDLETON, Csthlsr. ' run rr r SOUTHERN LAND 8 IMPROVEMENT CO. OF DOVER, DELAWARE - ; COLONIZING ' LANDS IN EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA OFFICES OVER BRUMS resolved That no body s to blame FOR. LIKING BfAOTlFUL UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY. T PLEASES THE WEARER. AND x THE BEHOLDER.. IT GIVES A GRATIFIED AND COMFORTABLE FEELING To KNOW THAT WE ARB DRB.S5ED WELL ALL THE WAV THROUGH. DUSTER BROWN - ttntim nm Do you Hot now wijh to your .SPRING UNDERWEAR AND HO.SIERY- WHILE OUR LINE.5 ARE COMPLETE? YOU KNOW IF YOU COME NOW YOU CAN CHOOSE FROM A LARGER LINE THAN IF YOU COME LATER; -WE HAVE MST RE CEIVED A LARGE HIPMENXjpF THE EVER-WEAR HOSIERY', 6". PAIR GUARANTEED To WEAR 6 MONTHS, 6 PAIR MEN' S FOR $1.50 AND 6 PAIR LADIES' FOR U.OO. RESPECTFULLY Two Stores J J. U A X T E Dt Two Stores Cabbage Plants -:- Celery Plants and all kinds of garden plants. Can now furnish all kinds of cabbage plants, grown in the open air an J will stand great cold. Grown from seed of the moat t relioble seedsmen. We use the same plants on our thousand acre truck farm. Plants carefully counted and properly packed. Celery ready last of December. Lettuce, Onion and Beet Plants, same time or earlier. Cabbage ready now. Reduced express rates promised, which, less than merchandise rates. Prices: small lots f L60 per thousand, large lots $1.00 or $1.25 per thousand F. 0. B. Meggetts, S. C. "Special Garden Fertil- ' ier" 15.00 per sack of 200 pounds, F. O. B. Meggetts, South Carolina. The United States Agricultural Department has established an experimental Station on our farms, to test all kinds of vegetables, especially Cabbage. The results of these experiments we will be pleased to Yours respectfully, N. H. CCDs DO 0 Clioico Lotj) ' Shafer s ALSO FANCY ELGIN BUTTER 85 cents : JUST RECEIVED C."rV -U V . PHARMACY, Hew Bern, N. C.I See our rmi DISPLAY OF UNDER WEAR. US innii - BANKING FACILITIES are so indispensable to the modern bus iness man that he would not dream of trying to run his business without a bank account The old way of counting out silver and paper currency to pay bills belongs to the dark ages. Mis takes were, made and disputes arose both about payment and amount. Now . he writes a check for the sum, which is indisputable proof, both of the payment and the amount. Ladies are shown special courtesy. Open an account now. CITIZENS BAKK 8F KEIY BERit T., A GREEN. Prw. ' B. H. MEADOWS. V. T. T. A. UZZELl. CMhlr. when effective, will give us 60 per cent give you at any time. BLITCH & CO,, Megjctts, 8. C. 3CC 300 0. HKHIi. SmalPHams, Breakfast Strips c. AR0UI1D THE WORLD Otl ft WIRE SENSATIOm. TRABIG. FECIAL MID POUTIGJU. Telegraphic Communication . With the Uttermost Parts of the Earth. Handed to the Journal Readers in Con densed but Accurate Form. Al most Every Part of the Globe Represented in News Items, New York, Mch 5. -One of the most exciting events of the day In the Thaw trial was wbon Jerome was compelled to submit to the adverse testimony of the insanity expert Wagner. " Jackson, Ky Mch 5. The governor has .commissioned a company of th State militia to guard the court house during the trial of Dan Hargis for mur der,, This is one of the famous feud cases and it is feared that an outbreak may occur between the factions which have gathered to attend the trial. Washington, March 5 The State department has received word that a long and bloody war between the Cen tral American States is almost certain. All the States have joined with Hon duras against Nicaragua. The gun boat Princeton has been sent to protect American interests. Culpepper, Va4 Mch 5. On account of the illness of one of the defendant of the Strother murder trial, the case has been postponed. The illness is not regarded as serious. Chicago, March 5 After a desperate fight three men were landed in the po lice station here on suspicion 6F being implicated in the robbery of the U. S. Sub-Treasury. They were taken by surprise and bad been watched for sev eral days. Ft yetteville, March 6. Chief of Police J. A. Chason, who was shot Sat urday night by the blind tiger negro, Tom Walker, died this morning, mak ing lhe,.second man to die from the negro's bullet " , London, Eng. Mch. 6-A Conan Doyle, the celebrated novelist is critically ill with pneumonia. Madison, Wis., March 5. Governor Davidson appointed Isaac Stevenson, of Marinette, U. S. Senator to take the place of Spooner resigned. 8t Petersburg. March 5 The Douma or the Russian Parliament convened to day, scenes of excitement have begun among the people already. The police had difficulty in maintaining order in the street around the building, N irfolk, Va., Mch 6-T. A. Harris, aged 73, merchant and formerly a lead ing Methodist at Washington, N. C, becomes a jew in order to marry Mrs. J.S. Mahrhafdy, age 27, a rich widow of Washington. Her husband formerly employed Harris. They will marry at Washington tomorrow and go to Ports mouth, Va., to live. . Culpepper, Va., Mch 6 The murder case of the Strother brothers was given into the jury hands for consider ation. The speeches were lengthy but very strong and eloquent to a high de gree, The "unwritten law was tne only plea. It is probable that the jury will acquit London, March 6 Consuelo, Duchess of Marlboro, divorced wife of the Duke of Marlboro is rapidly making prepar ations to leave for New York to make that city her permanent home. St Petersburg, March, 6 It is quite likely that the Czar and Douma will not be at peace with each other and that the latter will be adjourned. Rioting is expected. ' -; ' - : ' New York, Mch 0 The mother of Harry K. Thaw was on the witness stand in behalf of her son and broke down and wept during the cross exami nation. ' Culpepper, Mch 7 Today at noon one of the most famous murder trials ever hold in this State was closed by the jury giving James and Phillip Stro there, the brothers who killed their cousin, William By water, their free dom. The case had aroused the deep- r 1 1 f-- t s'.l over the country on ac waa that of the "unwritten law" and the evidence of Bywaters heinous con duct was so plain thai it was easy for the jury to render such a jiigdment The case was given into the hands of the at 956 and they reached the de cision of acquittal at noon. Washington, Mch. 7 Archie Roose velt, the President's son. who has been suffering an attack of diphtheria Is re ported to have become seriously ill. His condition was regarded as very favorable until today but at present the friends have fears that he will not recover. , Washington, MarA 7. Ex-Senator Spooner, of Wisconsin was made the subject for an investigation before the Senate Committee on the charge that he had drawn a salary of $50,000, as General Counsel for the Hill system of railroads. Spooner denied all charges. San Francisco, March 7. The Senate of the California legislature framed a new bill giving Japanese students the right to study in the schools. The law provides that each Japanese student shall have attained the age of 10 years. Washington, March 7th. The,. State and War departments have determined to evacuate Cuba by Jan. 1st 1908. Cu ba will be given home rule. It is ex pected they will form a new govern ment by that time. ' I Raleigh, March 7th The invitation by the special House committee of the alleged libel of the Home and Senate Committees of Conference on the rail way rate bill by ex editor R,,W. Simp son and city editor H. E. C. Bryant, of the Charlotte Observer began late this afternoon md will be resumed tomor row at tho Attorney' General's office. - All the six members of the conference committee were sworn and said that the charges that the Aberdeen & Ashe boro railway was put in the 2J ct class to gratify the wishes of Josephus Dan iels against President Henry Page's advice was untrue. One of their paid representatives. A ; ' Pell told hfin FageTas" coming here and that the charge was true. Mr. Simpson was the most interest- ing witness. He read a signed state ment to the effect that he would notvi olate the confidence under which he ob tained the information, and that sec ondly, his counsel advised him not to an swer any questions as it in effect char ges that the publication is libelous and thus if sustained might subject him to criminal prosecution or disclose the source of his information. Simpson's statement was applauded. He resolute ly declined to answer a score of ques tions. Bryant said his article waa not an attack on the integrity of the com mittee but was intended to hit editor Daniels. Locke Craig is council for the com mittee, James H. Pou and F. H. Bus bee appearing for Simpson, and Bryant of Durham, for Bryant Recovering From Injuries Mr. G. W. Williams, the young man who was terribly scalded while at work inside of a boiler at the Roper mill a few weeks ago has recovered from his injuries to the extent that he is able to be on the streets. He is lame still but will eventually recover the full use of hia limb and the flesh wounds are heal ing nicely. He had a narrow escape from a horrible death and is very thank ful to be restored to health again. The Red Salmon is cleaned and pack ed entirely by machine, and not touched by the human hand. After trying it you will use no other. At all Grocers. Premium Lilt Issued, The premium list of the North Caro lina Horticultural Society which la to hold its semi-annual meeting or "fair" here May 21; and 22, has been published and wiU soon be in the hands of all per sons who are interested. As the name suggests the Fair will be solely in the interest of vegetables, fruits and flow ers. Some attention will probably be given to trees but no premiums are of fered for them. ' ' ; A program will be presented during the session and the following topics will be presented: ' Tuesday Evening. Lettuce, drop or damp, 4 . Dr. Stevens. Marketing Truck crops, , ' Professor Hutt Insect Pests, ' Professor Sherman. Wednesday Evening: Culture of House Plants, Professor Hutt REJECTED REPORT OF EE inn And Passed Bill Allowing Scotland Neck io Vote on Dispensary Question S VOTE FOR TRAINING SCHOOL The Winborue-Eveniiiar Times Con troversy Revived, Kdjtor Re. ' signs. Kinstan Carolina Railroad Incorporated, Proceeds of Vance boro Dispensary Divided. Special to Journal, Raleigh. Mch 5. In the Senate the Scotland Neck liquor bill, allowing an election on the question of saloons or prohibition passed in spite of an almost unanimously favorable committee re port The debate on this bill in both branches has been very hot The Senate considered the revenue bin and, made no changes of moment The bill will be almost precisely the present law. In House a bill passed unanimously providing for a training school for teachers at some point in the east to be agreed upon later and for the estab lishment of from one to four high schools in each county located nnder the direction of the State educational department There was prolonged debate on the bill to give Wilmington compulsory pilotage, which came wp with an un favorable report after having passed the Senate. The House passed the bill by a very large majority. There was a newspaper sensation here today, the retirement of R W Simpson, Jr., as editor of the Evening Times, the outcome of the trouble with representative Winbome and other members of the legislature conference committee on the railway rate bill. It was thought this was settled yester day. An article in the shape of a profound apology was submitted by Winborne for the committee today to be printed as an editorial. The editor declined to do this, but the manage ment insisted, whereupon he said in a signed article by way of protest that it was not hia utterance, declines to apol ogize and publishes this statement as his resignation effective today. Bills were introduced in the House to require solicitors to secure certified lists of all persona licensed by the "Uni ted States to deal in liquor To regulate the writing of prescrip tions for liquor by physicians. To require insurance companies to in vest their full legal reserve on North Carolina policies in State, county or city bonds. To regulate the pay of departmental clerka. Bills passed final reading. Incorporating the Southern Baptist Assembly. - Incordorating HollyvUle, Pamlico Co. To extend the limits of Castallia. To provide for maintaining bridges and roads in Pamlico. To incorperate the Kinston & Caroli na Railway. ."' To allow Elizabeth -City to issue bonds and levy special school tax. No new bills were introduced in the Senate. Bills passed to divide the proceeds of Vanceboro dispensary. To incorpwata the Wilmington and Duplin Railway. Church Bazaar at Stella. The Ladies of this place will give an entertainment on Thursday night March 14th for the benefit of the Methodist Church here. We will be glad for all who can to come and tnereoy neip - us in in is cause. Stella, N. C March 7th, 1907. Death ot Infant Mary Eleanor, Infant daughter of H. and M. E. Parkin died at the parents home on South Front street, Wednes day night at the age of 2 years and 2 months. The funeral waa held yester day at four o'clock, Rev. R. C. Bea man officiating. If you have not received the Argo Red Salmon Cook Dock, ask your gro GOMMin cer or send l"f.r.l t?l to the A!;. PUBLIC UTILITIES LL Freight Rate Bill Passed With One Amendment Offered by Speaker Justice. INVESTIGATION ORDERED FOR EVENING TIMES. Tlie Fracas in Which Representative Winlionie was Involved wasOptntd fur TMsctssiIou, Xo More Rills to lie Introduced Kte. Special to Journal. " Raleigh, N. C, March the 6th Governor Glenn in his message and the recommeniation of the State Aud itor, the inequality of assessmenet be ing now a cause of great complaint, each county having its own system. The House tabled by a heavy major ity the bill to repeal the present news paper libel law after a warm debate in which a number of editor members par ticipated. In the House last night a resolution was adopted raising a committee to in vestigate the Raleigh Times publica tion of a statement that the Conference committee on the Railway rate bill had fixed the bill to hit president Page. The editor of the paper R W Simpson resigned yesterday, the owner of the paper having published a statement re quired by representative Winborn, of the Conference committee. The paper says editorially today that after this publication the action of the House last night was the strongest of all the re markable occurrences which have marked this legislature. The paper says it carried out its end of the con tract at the cost of the loss of its edi tor and now declares it 'has been un justly treated by the legislature, calls on the people of the state to sit in judgment in the piemises and declares an explanation is due it from the Con ference Committee. The paper says that its agreement to print the apology yesterday was with, Winborne, but it had every assurance that nothing more would be done and that surely Winborn informed the other members of the committee of the result of his conver sation with Senator John C Drewry, owner of the paper. The Senate today considered the anti trust bill submitted to its honorary committee. . An amendment waa offered to include the associated press and all other news associations or public service corpor ations weich sell or agree to sell to any person or single interest the exclusive use of any service. The bill will be disposed of tomorrow. - The House passed the freight rate bill on third reading with an amend ment by Speaker Justice restoring pen altiea but cutting out what's known as nenaltv speculators and so fixing the law that persona who are injured are protected.. : '.''A-V ' : : The Senate passed the Buxton bill creating a State Board of Equalization to assess real estate for taxation in all counties, carrying out the sugges tion. ; ; .-. '"; : : An order was made in the House that no more bills shall be introduced, except by unanimous consent - Bills passed today. To allow Wilson to issue road bonds, and amend its charter. A bill passed the Senate to extend time to begin work on the Southport, Norfolk and Western railway, A bill was introduced yesterday to allow the Aberdeen and Aaheboro rail' way to tear up its tracks between Biscoe and Troy was withdrawn by its introducer. , It Snowed-That'a All t Snow fell yesterday gently as if it I had a great dislike for coming to earth at all. It did not last long for the earth ' swallowed it in its capacioua maw be fore it had a chance to even "rest peace." The snowfall was quite brisk for a time and in Dover, Kinston and other places up the road it is reported fell to a depth of two inches. The mer cury was barely on the freezing point and consequently it was short lived. Every lady should have a copy of th III ANT ITRUSTBI Argo Red Salmon Cook Dock. It t you Cirty-nlne d'..T-rent f I arir z f ' H.iii. 'c yr, r ; BABY'S FACE TERRIBLE STATE Awful Humor Was Eating Away Face and Ears Body Mass of Sores Three Doctors Tried to Help Little Sufferer But She Grew ; Worse After "Spending Many Dollars On Doctors and Medicine CUTICURA CURES IN TWO .. WEEKS AT COST OF 75c. I feel It my duty to parents of other Poor suffering babies to tell you what Cuticura has done for my little daughter. one uroKv out an over ner Doay witn a humor, and we used everything reoom- menaea, ouc witnout results, l called la three doctors, they all claimed they could help her, but she continued to grow worse. Her body was a mass at sores, end her little faoe was being eaten away. Her ears looked an if . thnr would drop off. Neighbors advised me to get Cuticura Soap and Ointment, and before I had used half of the cake of oap and box of Ointment the sores had all healed, and ray little one's faoe and body were as cluar as a new-born babe's. I would not be without it again if is : cost five dollars, instead of eeventv-flva cents, which is all it cost us to cure our baby, after spending many dollars on doctors and medicines without any feeneat whatever. Mrs. George t. Steese. 701 Coburn SL. Akron. Ohio. . Aug. 80, 1900." ITCHING TORTURES Speedily Cured by Cuticura A warm bath with Cuticura Soap and a single application of Cuticura Ointment, the great Skin Cure, will afford immediate relief. permit rest ana steep, and point to a speedy cureof themost distress ing forms of torturing, humors, eczemas, tetters. MfillAa ItnlifniKi ttn iirlfof innu infant. children, and adults when all other reme dies and even physicians fail. Cwnplet-B External and Internal Treatment for very Humor ot .slants. Children, and Adults con-ita-of Cuticura Soao 2&c. I to rtennin th fikin. tfcura Ointment (50c.) to Heat the Bkln, LOIcura Resolvent 50i.),(orm the form of Chocolate uaira rim, xoc. per vmi oi out io runry tue iiiuoa. Did throughout the world. Potter Drug fc C-heaL Drug Jt CheaL prp.. Bote rrops,, uoston. Mass, 'Ualled Jfcee bow to Treat 8Ua Diseases), TWO BILLS BUNCHED i Order, To Pass Both. School of Technology For Spray. Senators Hand Editor Daniels A ' Lemon- Special to Journal. Raleigh, Mch 7 The Senate passed unanimously after a long and rather warm debate the House bill providing for high schools in each county, with a count) appropriation of $500 annually, and an eastern training school for teachers. The two entirely different measures having been joined in order that each might win. A bill passed establishing a school of Technology at Spray, a noted mill town, with 120 free scholarships and $5,000 snnual appropriation. : v: There was prolonged discussion in the Senate of the anti tru.t bill during which Senators Buxton and Fleming denounced the editor of the Raleigh News and Observer, Buxton saying he would disrupt the Democratic party if it permitted him to continue without protest. Buxton read a petition signed by every tobacco dealer in North Caro lina against the passage of this bill. The bill providing for compulsory education by a majority vote in school districts or townships passed. The immigration bill appropriating for the next 5 years $5,000 annually from the State treasury also passed. The bill requiring telephone compa nies to connect with each other was tabled. The House passed a bill taxing straw berry growers one cent per bushel to pay for an officer to inspect the ber ries and see that cars are provided, al so a bill appropriating 17,800 for the Stonewall Jackson : training school, which is really a reformatory for white Another bill which passed transfers Surry from the Eighth Congressional District to the Fifth in order to make the former safely Democratic and pre vent the grave probability of its going Republican. The bill requiring insurance compa nies to invest here their total reserve on North Carolina policies waa unfavor ably reported. A resolution to adjourn at noon next Monday was withdrawn upon a state ment by Speaker Justice that many im portant bills had not been artoj u; i. funeral r llfC ' The f : dififiinirini?. t f v r r c PcH- r 1' y"-r labor f n your time 1, Va.

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