1 x f L.wiityliwii lu LUwwwi.nwL The Eastern North Carolina- Indus trial Academy JSlvIug Negroes Splendid Education. . , It la gratifying to not the progress, of the colored race, where It Is prog- ress worth while and ia the Indus trial education , of negroes we find ' 'such progress -based upon principles that are worthy to ' be commended. The Eastern North Carolina Indus trial Academy la an institution of :' which the Journal has spoken of from ' time to time and has praised the good work being done there. : A visit to this school will convince an J one that . the education ; that the negro boy, girl, young man or young woman is valuable to them tn a practical way - and worth more than a literary or ... classical ' education, i The president, Rev. William Sutton, has had the good . fortune to gather an attendance of t about 300 pupils, both-local residents . and many from a ' distance. The building on! Biddle avenue, although, scarcely large enough for the needs , of the school has 'been made to serve Its purposes very well.' ' The work done by the primary scholars Is the first that attracts at tention. ' They have been, taught to draw and the use of colors. ' They 1 show admirable taste in the selection, of colors and when a model Is set be fore them they follow its lines very - well ' Specimen of writing by these '; small children are also of a very ex cellent order. - - . Upstairs in the same building is the assembly room and where the girls and young women, learn to sew. Specimens of their work Is' on exhi bition in the room and shows that in ' either fancy or plain sewing they have - been faithful to their Instruction. They are accomplishing much in this . . domestic art and are making founda- . lions for substantial employment. - The broom factory la an interesting place to visit. . About a dozen boys - re bnslly engaged at the ; different machines the products of which . are ' brooms and I whisks. These articles - find a ready sale and prove to be a , source 'of quite a large revenue. Then ' the boys are put to .work at cultiva : ting small : tracts of land under a competent overseer. Last year they . planted cotton which resulted in two bales. " They raised a quantity of 'beans and peas for the market. In- ' -dustrlal activity is seen in every de partment and, we are informed that the pupils take up their work with zeal and earnestness signifying . that the instructors have won the respect of the students and that they have all ' become Impressed with importance of ; getting a thorough and practical edu .cation. Assisting Rev. Sutton are R. W. Wetnerlngton, Rev. Coward and two women teachers and Joe Sutton, foreman of the broom factory. '; The cfeaol Is n great need of a building - tn which it can put Us machinery and it each the young men more of the me chanical arts. The school shows .promise of greater things and oppor tunities presenting" themselves , de -jnand that The faculties for better in- : duet rial education should be - forth : . coming. - '. , NOTICE TO OUB CUSTOMERS. V?e are "pleased to announce that Foley's Honey and Tar tor coughs, colds and lung troubles Is not affect ed by the National Pure Food and Drug law as It contains no opiates or other harmful drugs, and we recom mend it as a safe remedy for children and adults. - Put yourself In your . neighbor's place and-you would stop abusing him, ; "Several years since my lungs were so badly affected, that I had many hemorrhages," writes A. M. Ake, of Wood, Ind. "I took treatment with, several physicians without any bene fit, I then started to take Foley's Honey and Tar, and my lungs are now' assound as a bullet I recom mend it in advanced stages of lung trouble." Foley's . Honey and Tar tops the cough and heals the lungs, ' and prevents serious results from a cold. Refuse substitutes.' - ' When a woman seeks alimony the man in the case seeks to dodge the Issue. ..- . ' Doing Easiness Again. "When my friends thought I was ;alxut to take leave of this world, on ;arcount of Indigestion, nervouBuess ,anJ general debility," writes A. A. .Chhiholra, Treadwell,- N. Y.. "ir.d when it looked as if there was no Ihnpe left, I was persuaded to try r'trlc Litters, and I rejoice to say ,i',:it tSiey are curing me. I am now it.tU i buuiness again as of old, and s ii a! !U i; 'ailing dally," Beat of all Ixi fc tuedlulnea. Guaranteed by All V' )i n y have observed that a i;tJ i . : 1 !.e Is always on the other r;i" : ii-":! in.: "i i i ; :i i ( :.. -at it i i t 1 1 "u3 mam mi :mjl : marram p V - IOver the Entiro Earths v : HRS.M.M. MARSHALL Jm'Ja U l'4 ' 6, ' ft A AX 'i I WTltes : ' 127 N. Qnlncy St., Topeka, KasTj sNTjW ' C v .1 - Catarrh of Dllestlve Organs and r'-i. ::.a-.:..-: Bowels. MRS. MARY M. MARSHAL! Tip ton, Mo.f writes; - ' ; "I suffered three years with catarrh of the digestive organs and bowels.' 1 was unable to find relief, until as a last resort I was induced to try Peruna. 'l began the use of Peruna when I was confined to the bed and can say that I experienced benefit from the first dose. ,' "I have taken five bottles in all and believe that I am cured of my trouble. , "I am enjoying as good health as an .old laxly of my age could expect. My age 19 77. " "I recommend your medicines to suf ferers whenever I meet them, and some of my friends are using them with great success. . .:',i$y'-.:''?-'''''f-'. ' "I will always feel grateful to yon for your grand, medicine and kind ad vice and trust that many others may be as greatly benefited as I havo been." -v Pe ru na For Bowel Trouble. J Mrs. L. a. Tinker, So'i Second street, Macon, Qan writes: ' " ;" . ., Two years ago my grandson suffered With hemorrhages of the bowels and he was treated by. different doctors, but without euro. t r r' '"" 'We quit all other treatment, and be gan the nsa of Peruna, and after the use of three bottles he seemed to be quite well. Ho is able now to walk six ml!e to ichoolevery day. - "Peruna has certainly worked won' ders for him, and I shall not hesitate to recommend it," 1 , ;, , , . BASEBALL THIS SUB. New Bern AHiIuitv Atisuciullou Form, oil. fniuniltteea ftanu-tl. Reports - ' f ' " yV- of PrOf'Tl Sf. ' ' Tlio culled meeting of tlioss Inter ested In basoball as hold ut. the city hall lust nlt.Ht,' L.; G. H. Williams, presiding and jt. C. Iiunissiltu, secre tary. A local ..organization was per fected 'under tlia, "ii.iuie' o (ho New Bern Athletic association.'. President L. Cf. H. Will lam;' vic president, E. W. Rosenthal; treasurer; T. B, Ivehoe secretary," rl.C." I.iiufSden.:- i . Reports of. subscriptions and cou rributioii3 were made by the commit.' tee In 'charge, mv1 qn mot !nn it was ordered that the lt'fiu for the grouuds be made at once, a proposition being drawn up and preaentfvl trf tho asso ciation, mid treasurer wat .authorized- to make collections at once ofmoney and material 'subscribed. .""AVU'liam El lis, was elected mtuiasar of tlie base ball team, with full power toengage players, and mai:iit:e tlio conduct of the team. F, M. Hahn niiulo import of the meeting -boltlut Kinstun ' Thursday night -There were rrpieutallvei from Rocky Mount, Wllwon, lnrporo, by proxy, Wauhingtou, New Hern and Kinston. A league was formed, called Eastern Carolina League.;. W. 11. Cole man, of Kinnton, president. ; The cir cuit will be of the above six towns, first games June 10th, and season to close August 10th, with privilege of extending. . Rules and regulations, to govern the league . were discussed. The report was accepted and Commit tee discharged. . ' : On motion the following locdl -committers were"iiMnte(l- 0n consti tution and by-laws: T. C. Daniels, C. L. Stevens, H. C. Lnmsden. On grounds: Wk' Ellis, Cr C. Jordan, William Dunn, Sr. J. L. Mansfield. On motion recess Aiis taken subject to call of president-.. William's f nrbolic Salve With Arnica and IVflcli lliwel. , . , The bent Salve In the world for Cuts, IiriilHos, Sorea. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Chapped Hands, and all skin eruptionfr. H Is guaranteed to filve satliiijctlon, or money rcfund edj Prlee 2.r.c by dniKlts. -WILLIAMS MBi. CO., Prop's, Cleveland, 0. Sold by I). 'A. Iiurct. It is wiser to run nvvny when there la no remedy than to Bliiy and (llo In Ibe ilcbl ftmll ilily. O. mSffP - " J M VMxl'lc fr catarrhal mtfectiont. I fu a sufferer with $- 7111 " tomb,e and on for a number of years and each WYvvl ' 1 ' '111 ttmh dd6- tt ffliy.- -' IH ilr "ymllT I legaa taking Peruna tor a cold and was I il V I Mil Klad tO note thai It w rlHrilno. na . m Alii 'A -"l towel falthfuUy and the result was a f - 1'4 ' s y 'Ptetecrwlnaveryfewmonths." - I j N, MISS ANNACARSTEN M Miss Anna Carsten, Clayton, fll., writes : "" ' "Your medicine, Pernna, did me so much good. I believe I should have been dead by this time if I had not used it. , "I am feeling so well now and have no trouble with my atomacb. X have not taken any medicine for four or five months, ' . . . "If I am ever troubled with anything of the kind again, I shall take noth ing bnt Pernna. I can cheerfully recommend it to my friends." A Severe Cough. - f Mrs. Emma Martin, Odessa, Mo., writes: . . ' "I cannot thank you enough for cur ing me. For two years I doctored my cough Which cost me many dollars, bnt still I seemed to get worse. My cough was so bad I could not sleep,, ' ' "Finally I purchased - a bottle of Peruna. I took it according to direc tions, and In a short while I felt better, and after I had taken a second bottle I felt entirely well. ':' . "After the use of six bottles I feel that I am cured, and therefore recommend this grand medicine to all who suffer with a cough as I did." Bradstreet's Meekly Trade Report Richmond, April 19. Bradstreefs tomorrow - will say for Richmond and vicinity: The variable weather of the past few weeks has had a marked unfavorable eeect upon retail trade and filling in orders have consequently been few. The approaching opening of the James town exposition, the Confederate re union and several other important conventions are expected to attract an unusually large number ot buyers, to this market and- It is, therefore, that sales of jobbers and manufacturers for the fall season will exceed all previous records. A number of Important trans actions in real estate recently conclud ed emphasried the enhancement ' In values and have further stimulated, what was already an active, strong market. - The usual end-season lull prevails In dry goods, hats and similar Hues, but in shoes and clothing liberal orders for fall delivery are being re ceived with a fair proportion'of orders for Immediate shipment. "The pro duce market is fairly active and the comparatively light Tpceipts of early vegetables keeps prices high. ' Indica tions are that further damage has been J d()lie tQ fnU by the 0o,d weather and , , haa hftn delaved. Monev is in active demand and all available fluids And, ready employment.' Collec tions are fair with indication, in soino Hues, of improvement WILLIAMS' KIDXEI PILLS. Have you neglected your Kidneys? Have you overworked your nervous system and caused trouble with your Kidneys and Bladder? Have you pairs In the loins, side, back,, groins and bladder?., Have you a flabby appear ance of the face, especially under the eyes? Too frequent desire to pass urine? - If so Wllllam'a Kidney Pills will cure you. Sample tree. . By mall 00 cents. Sold by Druggists, WILLIAMS MFG. CO., Props.; Cleveland, O. Sold by D. A. Hargot - Many can contempt. bear adversity but few A Woman Tell How to Relieve Kbeo- mallc Pain. I have been a very great sufferer from the dreadful disease, rheuma tism, for a number ot years. I have tried many medicines but never got much relief from any of them until two years ago, when I bought a bot tle of Chamberlain's Pain Palm. found relief before I had Used all of tuie bottle, but kept on applying It and Bonn felt like a different woman. Throm-h my advice many of my i; ii ! !3 ii nvo uit i ii ran leu ou now j V. ' .'.-i f':"y It V.O! i:-.I Mrs : : .ia'i A. c- i:i s. : - v : ., i'.a..r ' ; ' il:: A Household Remedy. Mrs. Celia Eibling.R.R. No. t, Payne, Ohio, writes s . "I have better health now than I have had for years, and am fleshier than 1 have ever been. I am so thankful to yon for what you have done for me. "I cannot praise Pernna enongh. I keep it in the house. Yon have my sin cere thanks for your ad vice. "My husband is taking Pernna, now. He had such a cough be thought he had consumption, bnt he is getting bet ter. . ' : ,; -;: "He has taken it only one week and it has done him good." ' ' . School Gardens. l 'The backbone of a nation's prosper lty is the man yvbo makes something grow. In our country the science of nature study Is only In Its infancy. The school garden that was once . pooh poohed as a foolish fad Is now accept ed by the United States Commissioner of Education and by the leading uni versities of the land as vital to our public-school system as manual train lng.of any sort," writes Herbert D. Ward In the May Woman's Home Com panion, j;', - 'The first school garden in the Uni ted States was started 16 years ago by Henry L. Clapp lu the George Putnam Grammar school In Boston. .Over' 80 years ago Austria and Sweden began the movement. At present no rural school In Sweden Is without one. Rus sia Is far ahead of us. There are over twenty thousand In Austria and thirty thousand in France. The reason why school gardens are fostered by foreign governments Is that wherever they exist there Is a decrease ot misery and poverty and an" increase In the birth rate and in the appreciation of Na ture.", . . " "! '., ; k Gut tisa Cur Ftr Pllti Itching, . Blind, Bleeding, Protruding, Piles. Druggists are authorized to re fund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure in 6 to 14 daya. 60c. ;. , Many blame tho- wife for their own tjirlftless life. . ' y; : v STOMACH AM) LITER TROUBLE CUBED. Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup cures Stomach and liver trouble as it aids digestion, and stimulates the. liver and bowels without Irritating these organs like pills and ordinary ca thartics. It cures indigestion and sick headache and chronic constipa tion.' Orlno Laxative Fruit Syrup does not nauseate or gripe and Is mild and pleasant to take. Refuse substi tutes. Davis Pharmacy. Lies often tread on tho toes of the unshod truth. .'- ' Cured bf RheuoiatlNnu Mr. Wm. Henry ot Chattanooga Tenn., had rheumatism In bis left arm. "The strength seemed to have gone out ot the muscles so that it was uboIoss for work," he says. "I applied Chamberlain's Pain Halm and wrapped the arm in flannel at night, and to my relief I found that the pain gradually left me and the strength returned. In three weeks tlie rheuma tism Lad disappeared and has not sliu-e returned." If troubled w rlieunialinn try a few applications of Pain I'-alin. You are crialn to be pv.i -. 1 v,i'h the re.:-, f v ; ' 'i It at FAITH THAT CANNOT BE SHAKEN. Despite everything that sensational magazines may say, the women of the United States continue to have faith in Pernna. These women know a great deal more about Pernna than the editors who have, for selfish purposes, written against it. These women have tried Pernna in their families. They have taken it themselves. They knew it will help them. .- '- v. ;v.;t.-; ; .' " They have suffered from various ail ments,and Peruna has come to their re-, lief, even when tbe doctors failed t cure them. - J Such women eannot be convinced by1 any editorial spasm that their favorite household remedy is a humbug. ' Pernna goes Tight on in Its conquest over disease.' Its fame ia spreading all over the earth. ' Especially among American women la Peruna a beloved household remedy. It is entirely nseless for anyone to try to dissuade them from the results of their own experience. ' , Pernna is a remedy for the mneons membranes. It therefore has a bene Bicycle Supplies Cleg Steel Mills. I It Is not too much to say that the steel Industry, especially the smaller manufacturing plants, sharply feel the pressure that has come from the In creased demand for the bicycle. All over the country shortages are being reported, especially in small forglngs, pressed steel parts and other small ar ticles which usually may be had . on short notice. Tube works are busier tubing for wheels than they have been for years, and with present facilities, quick relief Is virtually impossible, aa steel mills are not built in a day. Un der the new conditions, usert ot steel forglngs and small parts will have to take the bicycle supply market more seriously than was the case a . few years ago, and get their own orders lu early enough to avoid disappointment Every bicycle, no matter how little it a used,' should be taken a part at least once a year and overhauled. The Searings should be soaked and washed In kerosene, and then replaced in solid lubricant. The bearings must be care fully adjusted and locked to secure easy running without wobbling. Te Cure A Cold la 0ns Dy t Take Laxative Brorao Quinine Tablets Druggists refund money if it fails to cure E. W. Grove' signature ia on each box. 25c -. . A New Booie Core. Special to Journal. : "''! Raleigh, AprlU9. State charters Tel fair Institute at Ashevllle to treat persona addicted to alcoholic liquors and drugs, also to treat nervous dis eases. Capital stock $50,000. Heroic Aet Resalts la Death. Special to Journal. Charlotte April 18. Two young white men named McDade and Car rol son lost their Uvea last night in endeavoring to save two little child ren from a burning dwelling. Mt Dade"s mother was fatally burned. Mrs. Patterson Reelected. Special to Journal. Washington, April 19. Mrs. Lin ley Patterson was reelected vice presi dent for North Carolina of the Daughters of the American Revolu tion. : v ' . - - New York Cotton Market Special to Journal. New York, April 19. ' -Open. May 9.75 July B.75 October 9.99 Close. 9.81 ' 9.82 10.04 Philippine City Denlrojed hy Fire, Special to Journal. Manila,. April 19. A terrlffic Are In l!;n ("! of Hollo, Islnnd of Panay, de- t ; i I t' i (' 'Ire -Py nd 2T, ,0-n ,.! Mrs. Christina Clow, 411 E. Platte Ave., Colorado Springs, Col., writes 1 1 "I have taken Peruna off and on for six years and have found it very X beneficial in a great many ways. "I took it for a cough and a cold, , oured me. I took it for a tonic and It rave me strength. I have every t i reason to speak well of your medicine." I ficial effect upon the internal organs of the body that are lined by muoons mem branes. ; v- ' For varlons chronio climatic diseases Pernna is a reliable remedy. ' , The testimonials concerning Pernna are given in the language of the people. We do not change or add to anything they may say concerning it. ".The evidence is overwhelming that Pernna ia a .safe, reliable, invaluable remedy for the household. Headache and Backashe. . ' Mrs. Franalska Oaengel, Dominion 1, Old Bridgeport Mines, C. B., Canada, writes: . "I thank you for the benefit which 1 derived from Peruna. There may be many who are suffering from the same disease thaI had, for which they have not yet been able to And the correct remedy.- -" "For the besfJfeu8b. persons I wish tossy that iSsfTered with headache and backache and had a severe cough. I was in bed several weeks and could no do my work. I tried many reme dies in vain. rtili ... For FiTiPrcJenrifiS t Home For the Stock on the Farm SloaKs Liivinveivt Is & whole medicine chest : Price 25c 50c 6 1.00 Setnd For Free Booklet on Horses. Cattle. Hogs SFbuhry. Address Dr. Earl S. Sloan, Boston, Mass.- Earthquake Shock at Charleston. - Special to Journal. : t i ' Charleston, S. C. April 19. Dis tinct shocks of earthquake were felt here today. No serious damage was done but a general fear Is aroused that a tidal wave may sweep over tho city. The shocks were most severe at Summervllle the centre ot the great earthquake 20 years ago. - Hat Stow! the Test 25 Vtart. , The old, original GROVE'S Tasteless Chill Tonic. You know what you are taking. It is iron and quinine in a tasteless form. No Cure, No pay. New Medical Department Building. Special to Journal. Raleigh, Aplrl 19. The executive committee of the trustees ot the Uni versity ot North; Carolina, in session here today appointed F. H. Busbee, R. H. Lewis and Josephus Daniels, a committee to arrange, tor a building to be used by the medlcw department which Is located at Raleigh, tobe built separately or in connection with Rex hospital as may be thought best. The committee, decided that the size and usefulness of the medical department must be enlarged. ." Secretary Taft sailed Juan, P. R., for home. from San Some Splendid Types American Women From The i -Middle West . J also for catarrh of the head, and it "Then 1 consulted Dr. Harttnan, who advised me to take Pernna and gave me -further instructions, which I carefully -observed. "I felt better after taking the first bot tle. I have taken several bottles now and am feeling so well that I can do all my work. "I will never be without Peruna again, and recommend it to all." - Catarrh of the Stomach. Mrs. Mary Allen, Route 6, Franklin, . Term., writes: - , - "I am glad to be able to tell yon that ; I am well of catarrh of the stomach, and am aincerely thankful to yon, for your advice. "If it had not been for Pernna I would ' never have been well. I had three phy sicians. One of them told my husband thathe could not cure me. "I had been sick about nine months : when a friend asked me to try Peruna to gratify her; ao I commenced taking it. I can eat and walk and work. "Everybody says I look as well as I ever did.. Oh, you don't know how thankful I do feel to yon I I have go several other people to take Peruna X pTaiae It to everybody." - yr wm. i 1 Cotton. Prospects for Year. Raleigh, April 19. In an Interview with Secretary Thomas B. Parker, of the North Carolina Cotton Growers' Association and alBO secretary . ot the North. Carolina Farmers'. 'Alliance, he said there would be . a great crop of cotton planted In North Carolina and that .his advices show It will be great all over the south. As yet no fig ures have been received to show the prospective Increase in acreage here. Bird Coler Boosts Bryan. ' 4 Special to Journal. ... Huron, K D , April 19. Bird Coler, the New York politician made a state ment here today that W. J. Bryan would be the nominee of the Demo cratic party in 1908 and would carry New York. J ' It'a usually the man who has some thing to say who don't aay It. Hope Is the power that can ke'ep a man on his feet In spite of everything. A hill tfrnntlniy ihn rlistit nf m m.uI In criminal cases and creating a court for that purpose was Introduced In the British 'Parliament' ; The capital represented by CitU Britain"! cotton trade Is $2,00,fi" '') . a year, and the profits t:!"0,0' (),o ) a i year. I fc f I r r 'e I y 1 : i 1 ' ,i "TTT7TT TTTYTrTn