TNI ! I I I m till No. 17. NEW BERN, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C, TUESDAY MAY 28. 1907 -FIRST SECTION. 30th YEAR A- ft J A STRONGER BANK : We have taken over the business of the Citizens Bank, and eordiaUy invite the continued patronage of all the former pa trons of that bank. V i V We have increased our Capital Stock' to $200,000.00 and : will now bave asset of about $700,000 which will enable us to care for all business entrusted to us in the best manner. Mr. T. A. Green, formerly President of the Citizens Bank is now Vice-President of this Bank and will be glad to welcome 11 his friends and former customers. , . J AS. B. BLADES, Resident, ' T. A. GREEN, V. President - GEO. B.' PENDLETON, Cashier. miClrAO OF II Mffi7Gi: v. SEHSGOF FIEIEE. . FFVED C',3 FUST. In Addition to : Society Attraction Construction Kow Being Hade With ft c::ce sued henry x -ob reeguer IS THERE HYDROPHOBIA. A Cane died Which Proves Existence . ' " Of Such a Disease. ' Theodore Tllton Is Dead. Won Kotork v The Journal has received a com - ety In Great Scaudal Case. munlcatkra from Mr. J. S. Fisher of Special-to Journal. j Rlverdale ' relative to the article on Paris, ' May K. Theodore Tilton, mad dogs and hydrophobia published American Journalist,, author andpoet, Friday. Mr. Fisher states In corrobo- dled today after an illness of about a ration of the Journal's article that juiy always a big seashore, month. ' savnn vaoia a vrt in or a wad a lArrthlO I A. kv thla a a a arr There Will be Many Annual Meet lngs at Atlantic HoteL Special Correspondence. Morehead City, Atlantic Hotel, May 25. A peep Into the Atlantic hotel at Morehead City would reveal an army of workers, each one doing their part to- get ready for the opening on June 1st. Every place Is being thoroughly cleaned and put In . good order and within another week the doors will be thrown Open to the public, and the 27th season of tnla famous resort will begin.- The office staff are kept busy answering letters for reservations. The prospects have never been better and ,Col. Morton.' Is preparing for a large crowd for. the - entire season, aside from the regular visitors the At lantic will entertain a number ot as sociations. Following upon the heels of the opening ball will .come the board of medical examiners and those who expect to be doctors. Then the Medical Association on the 11th, 12th, 13th with not less than 800 doctors from every part ot the state. During this time the board of examiners of trained nurses will meet on the 12th and 13th..;;:-. . .Y;' After the doctors leave '. the State Dental Association will meet here from the 22nd to 29th ot June. Then SO Workmen Engaged. The work of lmprovlng.the plant of the New Bern Fuel and Lighting Co., is In ' progress and , the Innovations that are being made Insure a far more efficient service than heretofore. The receipt ot five carloads Of machinery and material for construction shows that there Is something unusual going on there. The work is being done by Mr, Woodfall of Philadelphia and it will require about three months to complete It A force ot 80 men are now at wprk and this numbet will be in creased to 60 soon. ? " C- The "new works wlll jnanufacture water gas with, the latent and most approved machinery that can be pro cured. The immense holder which Is now being made Will be 42 feet high. 63 feet 6 inches In diameter and will contain 40,000 cubic feet of gas will be the1 most conspicuous part of ; the plant and clearly Indicates the magni tude of the work. New retorts, gen erators, cleansers, scrubbers etc., will be installed in due time and when all Is done New Bern will have a gas plant equal to any in the" south, and equipped as well as any fn the coun try. The old machinery will be en tirely thrown aside, but the old hold er will be-retained. . week's duration. . ''v Theodore Tllton was born in New York October 3... 1835, and In 1855 began his career as Journalist on the New York Observer and then with various other metropolitan papers on which lie gained a great reputation. He was the plaintiff in the celebrate oase against Rev. Henry Ward Beech er the famous preacher, suing him for $100,000 for alleged intimacy with his wife. The case lasted for six months J and was never adjusted the Jury hav ing disagreed. Tllton's homo has been in Paris since 1883. , . HAS FAITH IS PRICE. z Fined for Extortion. 8peclat to Journal. Raleigh, May 25, In the Federal court here ex-Representative Mark l Griffin, of Nash county, pleaded guilty to receiving about half the pension he had secured "foflhe widow of a clvlf, war veteran, .he had preyiqusly repaid her the money when informed ot his violation ot law but this did not save him from a fine- today. affair in Rlverdale in which a boy, a horse, a hog, a cow were bitten by a rabid dog and they all died In the hor rible tortues of , hydrophobia. The case will be remembered here. There was no operation o fthe mind or im agination about it; nature took Its course on the victims and when the system of each was thoroughly" pois oned the disease developed. There may be rare cases of hydrophobia but almost any community can furnish at least one which should be a warning that a mad dog's bite Is dangerous and as a humane measure as well as for the protection of human life such an imals should be killed. . Ex ' lambs Got Clone Shearing. Special to Journal. " i Chicago, May '2a Within the past 30 days wheat speculation which has been the wildest on record for sev eral years, Involved $200,000,000. - ffcneral Assmebly at Greensboro Next ' Year. ' ' Greensboro, May 25. Last night Mr. -A.' M. Scales telegraphed the intelli gence here that Greensboro had been selocted as the'next place of meeting ef the annual session ot the Southern ' Presbyterian Assembly. .The body which has been in session in Blrmlng . ham for the past week was extended 1 a cordial Invitation last week to meet here, the four Presbyterian churches here, the mayor of the city and the chamber ot commerce joining in tele graphing a cordial invitation, and Mr. Scales, who has been there all the ' time as delegate from this Synod, did ". the rest - - Normal School Banquet Special Correspondence. Green8boroc May 2C.-r7Tu . annual supper or banquet ofthe State Nor mal College graduating class was given last pight at the Hotel Benbow Instead of at the colloso as formerly. It was a delightful affair, in which SO participated. ' Besides the , clas3r President Foust Mrs. Sue Kirkland, lady principal and Miss Colt, secre tary of the college and of the class were present : President Foust made a charming short talk, and toasts were appropriately responded to by several of the graduates to-be. Corporation Commission and Freight Discrimination.' Raleigh, May 25. The Corporation Commissioners, with the exeception of Mr. Beddlngfield .who went to Lex ington to confer with the tax asses sors returned here today from Greens boro, where as already stated, they were test night by special invitation ot the chamber ot commerce to hear a discussion on the great question of freight discrimination by the railways against North Carolina, and especially Greensboro. A number of other points In numbers. - Which will start off with a big morning german and ball in the evening, also fireworks. - August will be taken care of. The Shrlners will see to that as they hold their second meeting at the Atlantic. The soldiers will also be here for a week's stay. It doesn't make any difference how many come there will be enough to eat for all and plenty of amusements.; The boatmen are busy getting their sharpies and launches ready. . And the fish are growing every day. Just waiting tor the line to be thrown over. The fine sailing and bathing are too well known to need any introduction-. The lovers ot dancing will be glad to know that the Elam orchestra of Greensboro will be on hand again this season and furnish plenty of good music for them. This was consider ed by all who heard them last year as the best orchestra Morehead City ever what fa in store for 'all who come this way tor which threatened to be of serious. next four months, The' Fight Against the Cotton change Will Win Oat In His Special to Journal,: " Washington, May 26. F. L. Living ston, ot Georgia, on ot the best known ot cotton-operator says that fight to force the cottof exchange to nee legitimate methods' In Its classi fication. The United States is mak ing a . thorough investigation ot the matter. RACE RIOT IK MEW YORK. . . r Persecution of Negro Strike Breaker :v The Cause of It. ' Special to Journal. ; New .York, May 25., The t act of children of strikers or of their sympa thizers in throwing stones at a color ed strike breaker resulted, in a race Railroads Officially Informed on Rates Raleigh, May 27. The new law fix ing railway passenger rates at 2 1-4 cents per mile requires the Corpora- Police Court Transactions. In the uolice court yesterday Ex Williams submitted to disorderly con duct and was fined five dollars-and 'costs. Marlon Edwards was taxed the costs for the same charge. The everlasting blind .tiger Question bob bed up for adjudication. It was one of those Demlexlng cases where the sinner is so much in love with the sin that he will not give the ate away. Al bert I pock was loth to tell all that he oroDortlons. Negro companions of the wounded man started after the strikers and had a pitched battle. The police made a rush at the fighters and had difficulty in restoring peace. There were many broken heads, TKE ..ITEEESO - JQO CASE. Alleged Pelsener Will Have Able Law yers ts Defend Him. Lived Sumptuously. Special Correspondence. Raleigh, May 25. There were no new developments today in the case of Dr. Rowland In Jail at Henderson under the charge of poisoning. Every thing will remain as it Is until the two chemists Professors Withers and Syme complete the analysis ot the contents of the stomachs ot little David Rowland and Engineer Strange and this it seems will be done about the end ot next week.'. Ot course, the chemists engaged in this work are very reticent since they are experts and in such ases not only do the work but are usually witnesses on the stand. The general public has no idea ot the delicacy of the work. It takes great skill to detect some poison and then too the question ot life or death is involved, since the charge of pois oning is that ot murder in the first de gree since In such cases malice 1b to be supposed. Dr. Rowland's very handsome offices here, in a prominent building are closed. His living rooms are in the same building and all are elegantly furnished. It was remarked today by persons who had been in his offices that some months ago a dealer in medical ap pliances, apparatus, etc., was here and said he thought Dr. Rowland had the best equipped offices in North Caro lina and that several thousand dollars had been expended upon them in this way. He has a number of relatives in Hendersoneounty and one of his attorneys remarked that a near kins man owned the finest horse there. : Rowland has five attorneys and these also appear tor his wife, since the two casesare Joined though as yet the warrant has not been Issued charging hlmwlth being the principal in the poisoning of Engineer Strange, though his wife has been named as accessory before the fact Ten thou sand rumors have been current here since last Sunday about the case and about the relations of Rowland and the woman. .It is to be doubted if there was ever more talk here about any criminal ease with one exception. The Brotherhood of Locomotive En gineers has to push the case no longer as It is now in the hands of solicitors of two districts, those of Raleigh and Henderson. Engineers, however, brought about the arrest of Rowland's wife and it was they who amployed the detective to look after them In Norfolk, Able Sermon Before Graduating Class , Of State Normal and Industrial College. Special Correspondence. Greensboro, May 27. Rev. James D. Paxton, pastor of the First Presby-I terlan church of Lynchburg, who I preached the annual commencement I sermon to the graduating class ot thely, parents, obey your children. VI. State Normal and Industrial college I Thou Shalt not kilt but dont try too yesterday morning, made a fine im-nar( to be kind. VIL Be pure if yo presslon on a splendid audience. At-1 anij jf Toa cannot no natter. though the auditorium ot the students I vni. Thou shalt not steal-anythinav v.. building, built only two years ago, I insignificant - IX. Thou shalt not lie was designed with a view ot accom-1 unnecessarily, except in business. modatlng comfortably all who . were I law. politics, newspaper work r-o- expected to attend these commence-1 ciety pastime. X Don't stop to covet ment occasions, it was seen yesterday I take. that like all buildings and movements I j0 these the representative - from in Greensboro, the Immense increase J jiars would probably add a XL Thou. in population was not been fully real-1 8halt not be found out BLUE IN OEEDJIND TRUTH. Han Cured of Fits but Left With a Blue Cast of Skin. Special Correspondence. ttainisrh. Mftv 25. One very often Hon commission to inform the railway jtnew aDOut where he got his whiskey hear), the pnra8e Bucn ami BUCh a on or neiore June ist, mat me rate i and was disposed to tuna tnat as effective July 1st, this notice was given today. The railways were also notified of the new freight rate law by which they are required to deduct on Joint shipments 25 per cent, on the didn't have any. His case was con tinued until Monday in order to obtain more evidence. John Homer, of Jones county, a man on. the shady side of 60 .was be- person looked "blue," but one ot the curiosities on the street here today who attracted no end ot attention as a man who was really blue. In his case it was no figure ot speech. He is he question ' of f8Ec::ei:cl ing notes of what we are doing, and how we axe acting, as individuals, as nations, and Christians, be very tar wrong, when he wrote tor his people, , on his return our Tea-Commandments some thing like this: I. Thou shalt i have none other God but self. II Wor ship the other deitetes only at certain fixedtimea and nothing but self in the interim. III. Mention God only in profanity. IV. Remember the Sab bath day to do" as yon please. By no means go to church but once a day, and let not your servant go. ized. And so yesterday, this new large auditorium was not only crowd ed, but over a hundred people had to stand In the vestibule or along the wall aisles of the chamber, and many were turned away. , ' After, reading the 18th chapter ot Matthew for a scripture lesson, Dr. Paxton chose the first verse for his text: 'Who shall be the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?" The one single word. "Pre-eminence,"' he told the au dience and the class, embraced his whole subject If heaven's ideas were like ours, the question could be easi ly answered, but the trouble was, Heaven's Ideas were not ours and hu manity today was busier in making mistakes on the question of who was Compare these eommandmants with the conduct ot so many in this day, i and see if this consistency, Is the right consistency. Fit your conduct to God law, and you'l have the right canals-. tancy, a little child's. Fourth, purity: the attitude of the soul. Children may have incomplete ideals, good pr high, but a little child never has a low one. If your Ideal is free from- all that soils, all that mars, you have enough to go through the would with character, which is geld but let not your ideal' be mean, low or sordid lest you become impure. He who keeps his Ideal before his steps can accomplish wonders by the grace of God. It is the slinging to what is noble, pure good, the eye ever or could be greatest)-thaiTat any one I heavenward that enables one to at- thing else. Some's idea ot pre-emi nence and many's whole lives were1 devoted to gettting rich. Heaven's Idea was "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than tor a rich man to enter into that King dom," Some sought power to be tain the heavenly standard of great ness. "Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God." Fifth, faith: the attitude of life. Look how the little child has faith in mother, father, nurse, guardian. Ab solute, abandoned ( happy faith. This larger roads and 15 per cent on the fore the court and he was very much smaller ones from the rate each road would charge separately. aggrieved to think that the mayor should want to know where he got his ilquor and he just would not divulge the placo where he obtained it R8 a shame," he said, " to Jnu'se Loving on Trial. Nelson, Va., May 27. The trial ot Judge Loving for the murder of young I expect a. poor countryman like me to Esles began today. An enormous I tell where I got the liquor when yon crowd Is, in attendance and the prls- have paid men who should ferret out oner appears cool and indifferent His I this thing. I am not the man to tell lawyers will ask for removal to an-1 where whiskey is sold here, and while other county. His daughter is present I t do not say that the sale of it in pro- unit hnr tpKllmnnv will be in behalf of I klKltlnn mnntrv la wrone but I will . I ... I Cl 1 I InMiumAnjIanM lhe state. - I not tell you where I got the. whlsaey i"""1"" even If I have to go to Jail." He kept Additions to Circulating Library. I repeating his determination' and get- THE ONE ROAD MONOPOLY IDEA. Has Been Tolerated Long Enough. In termrbaa Electric System to be Started; : . Special Correspondence. . Greensboro, May 25. Ex-Mayor Z. V. Taylor, the real father ot the Greensboro Electric Company with its miles of street 'car rails, its number less factories run by its power, and a witness at the Federal court here nights made from its plant has just and is from Johnson county. Eighteen I returned from New - York where he years ago he was a victim ot fits and hM been pagt weekB making a country doctor gave nun nitrate m silver. It cured him ot the fits, but it left him the only .blue man in the United States. No such coloring of the human face or body was ever be fore seen and his appearance is ghast ly In the extreme. : He does not seem to mind It particularly. ' king's, conquerors, etc. Heaven's idea I world was made for faith. Other was "He that , would be greatest I worlds may be made for something among you let him be a servant I else but every department ot our Others thought pre-eminence camel world, science, study, revelation, na- from success in' the field ot letters, I ture, tell you that We cannot possi- statesmanship, science, philosophy, I bly understand, nor can we succeed etc., but Heaven's dictum here wasiD spiritual life without the ever pros "Father I thank Thee that Thou haslent chlld-murmer, or lisp: "He lend hid these things from the wise, andeth me, no harm can come." WiU. revealed them unto babes and suck-1 this, your lives will be but an ascend- Ungs." ' ' ling pathway on to greatness. In heav- When the disciples were asking I en's sense. Without this faith in God their Lord the question "Who should I as the creator and constant preserver A Show Of Prosperity. the finishing touches to the sale of the system to the Van-Brunt Allen Inter ests. Mr. Taylor has been the legal miinsel and local manager ot the company here ever since Its organisa tion, and will retain his Interests in the new syndicate. . For the purpose of carrying out extensive plans which the new corporation have on toot the first move will be an application to the city aldermen to grant an exten- be greatest, etc., Simon Peter, being a warrior, a fighter, no doubt secretly hoped or egotistically thought as -we of today act, that he would name his genius for earthly progress and ac-1 dom ot heaven.' compllshment while John, possibly expected that statesmanship, diplo macy, would be given prestige, and Its, each of the other ten, hoped tor some answer indicating pre-eminence ot some one of their most typical attri butes in life's wort Christ then and there gave us Heaven's idea of great ness, pre-eminence. He took a little child and set in the midst ot them and simply said "Whosoever becometh as this little child he shall be greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven." Illustrating pre-eminence then by childhood let us examine what child hood stands for. First simplicity: the attitude of the mind. Children are always asking questions and pa rent, teacher or older person they have love for answer, and you have In Christ the Redeemer, all but grope, struggle, battle, stumble and fall. "Whosoever becometh as a little child, shall be greatest In the klng- C. T. Youag's Drag Store. Pkeae Ne. noticed how easily they are satisfied. ,erBed. Supreme Court Opinions. Special to Journal. ' Raleigh, May 27. Supreme court this afternoon filed . the following opinions today, .wnfokr cover all cases on docket except three cases in which advlsary action la taken: City of Durham vs. Eno Cotton Mills, from Durham, modified. SUte vs. Hicks, Cleveland, no error. Bowers vs. East Tennessee A West ern North Carolina railway, Mitchell, affirmed. . Watson, Administrator vs. City Life and Annuity Company, Bnrke, re- The following new books have been I ting more excited as he considered the Insult of being asked the question. He was told that he must tell or go to Jail and when the proposition came closer to him he softened a little bit and told how he put the quarter down received by the New Bern Circulating Library Mystics, Running Water, Purple Parasol, Day of the Dog, The Flyers, In the state were making the same Katherine, Lion and the Mouse, Wind complaints of discrimination and con- au False Coin and True, Cruise of I an(j got the whiskey bottle but seeing sWerable correspondence is In prog- the Shining Light, The Lady of the no man- At last he volunteered to go rees by the corporation commission Decoration, .Aunt Jane of Kentucky, to the place with an officer It he could on this subject Some of the discrlra- ' BrUBnwooa g0y, Sampson Rock of remember where it was. Officers Inatlon were very gross and unjust-,. I wall- Street The Princess, Whisper- I Bryan and Howard went with him but New York Cotton Market New York, May 25. May.. .'. .. .. .. .. ,. July.. .. .. ..... .. .. September. , . . November. . ,', . . . . ...... December . . : ing Smith. The Railway Children. The J wnen they had gone with him some ! Joyous Miracle, The Fairy Ring, Dave I utt distance he got mixed, claimed Portee o fthe South 8eas, The Friend- J to forget where he went and so the 11.00 Iv Stars. Camu-Flrea Jn the Canadian I walk amounted to nothing. He re- 11.04 Rockies, My Lady Pocahontas,' Inno- 11.11 cents Abroad,, Life on the Mlssslsslp- 11.31 pi, Moore's History of North Caro- 11.40 Una. turned to the city hall and was fined five dollars and costs. His case, how ever is held in abeyance and he may probably be required to give his in formation to the court IE OH OiiOIIlT CO. OF DOVER, DELAWARE cor.3 o i:i e.stee:i km on ' Out of the Old, late the Kew. Within a few days the Raleigh News and Observer will move Into the mag nificent new building which has Just been completed and will then give a house-warming and celebrate the be ginning of Its 43rd year. The paper hHS risen to an enviable place in North Carolina JmirnaliBm and the le gions of friends to whom the News and OliBPiver Is law and gospel unite in coiiitrnttiltttlng the cJitor for hta pro: j rri:y nml the ..i-ff!iiwUwa ho I ( ' ?! i i ' ' -; V d l " a Raleigh, May 25. Register of Deeds I ton of the original franchise, so that Joseph J. Bernard of . this county I u may run for years, wnen mis w makes, a most remarkable report on I granted the company, which is prac- the number ot crop liens registered in I tlcally the corporation which owns Wake. To this date' this year there I the railroad from Thomasvllle to are only 220, against 700 of the same oiendonM and it now building a line kind last year and over 1,000 the year I in High Point and from High Point to before. ; I Thomasvllle, and has a, franchise for a line from High Point to Greensboro, ni.h Wards ef Praise. and to Winston-Salem, win ai once rnnminir a Dost-araduato recital I begin completing these projects, mak- . nrn.hora Female College Ing the road so it can be used tor trol- last Tuesday evening by Mr. Claude ly and steam cars. From Glendon the nnim tii. following is copied from purpose is to continue the line a Greensboro paper; through the great timber belt along rrh nmhr on the urogram was the Pee Dee ana connect witu m rendered in a manner that won hearty I Coast Line and Seaboard roads at .nnt..M md encores were not lnfre- either Wadesboro or Rockingham, and qeunt The way Mr. Robeson handled finally reach deep wates. at Charles- the difficult parts and his rapid flng- ton. - - v .rfn mmhlned with his sulendid in- From the tact mat wis new oorp- terpretatlon and technique, secured oration has a plan that is perfectly for him the admiration and appluase 1 feasible, a proposed syBtem m u- of the large number present They trust When you are troubled about these vexed questions, which no man can answer, about the formation of the universe, its guidance, the ori gin ot man, his ultimate destiny, etc, be as a little child to its parent "I do not know, but I have a God who does." That's simplicity, Second, sunshine: the attribute of the heart So characteristic Is a hap py smiling face to a child, that when it. droops, or seems cast down, ,or mopes, we ask involuntarily, "What hurts baby, is it slckf and know that it Is. The idea that to be great one must be sombre, austere, solemn, Is not Heaven's idea of deep and abid ing happiness. Scan the firmament for clouds you'l find them, but the sunshine Is always present it - like children we are sunshiny. "Live in a cave?" "Of course if it makes you cheerful and contented, and makes your friends so, but why desert the pleasant glade somewhere, where the birds sing, the flowers bloom, the trees wave and the sun ever shines upon you allT" Third, consistency! the attitude ot conduct A consistent person or Christian, is one whose conduct and nkna. muJ MlrrAannniV A lltttAr.htld mlrably conceived, and is independent I acts, as it believes. The act may be financially of either of the other roada wrong, but the conduct and Impulse ' Federal Officers on Trial Special to Journal. Raleigh. May 27. The trial ot U. 8, or all of them, it begins to look as If the long prayed tor day when these inland cities bottled up now by Deputy Marshals Owing and Standi crushing one road monopoly, will get ' I mma vaiuf and thm IntarvenlnK coun- whn IS months ago snoi ana siuea a moonghiner named Jernlgan at his distnifirv he belna: about to shoot them. Is set tor hearing here tomor row in the Federal court to which it was removed from the state court The grand Jury ot Duplin oo- y had re-t,!r"-l a true Ull for r, ,i '. r In the C t. some relief and the intervening coun try be developed. The proposed line would put both Greensboro, and High Point in imme diate connection with the Coast Line, the Seaboard and the Norfolk and Westorn railroads, instead ot being as at present absolutely at the inorcy tf one road, Uie u;'..i;rn. and the act agree. T here is no dis sembling hypocrlcy. or artifice Tb world ot today needs most this attri bute ot a little child, for too many of us have a creed which soars like a kite In high altitudes or expreHsInn and loftiness ot Ideality, while our conduct Is groveling In the rra l we church members, ot all d-'tn-t Hons, have good croeda. Ha wo l; up to uwn. Are we r V.'on'l t' n I- -n f ' i I ' : s. t t, t a ; : nr.11 . P..nnnta. ! .. ,1. art Aril. aiunneu. , State vs. King and Cooper, Bun- comb, affirmed. v - . Carolina Coal and lee Co. vs. South ern railway, Buncombe, reversed. ' Johnson vs. Eversole Lumber Co., Swan, no error, Waynesvllle. Wood Manufacturing Co, vs. Bur ton Machine Works, from Haywood, new trial. - Fafr vs. Geddle, Cherokee, no error. J Fray a. Lumber Co. Swain, affirm ed. Thomas vs. Blue Ridge AtlanUe railway. Macon, affirmed. SUte vs. Martin, Rockingham, no error. SUte vs. Martin, from Rockingham, per curiam, no error. W. R. Brown vs. 8. A. L., Ry. Co., rehearing ordered. Pedrick vs. R. ft P. & Railroad Co., rehearing refused. Pittsburg, Johnstown. Edenburg it Eeastern R. R. Co., vs. Hardware Co., rehearing refused. Court decided tftree cases of gen eral Interest in that ot Carolina C 1 and Ice Company, ar,!:it.'t C " a railway, from Euncon.le : r court It holds Cat tse f i railway so far as Western V-n -i C alius railway ts cotxvrntJ, is a t broug'ut a ;'!il nst nil'wny w 1 lit a:; lli'patcter tor f- moviil 'e to t' I ' ') 1 f c t 1 nr's f i f J i t k i it a li t 1 1 TD)TD) TnTOT

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