K' X,' . .... J-y A v " V." ' i - v.Av v. s 0.48. ' r "-X X '-.NEWBSRIJ, CRAVEN COUNTY. N. C, FRIDAY C2PTEMBER 13. 1907 SECOND SECTION. 20th YEAR u i .A x . I J. OuiuiMOF !OCL COLLEGE Rp.'Jy Far Occupancy: The i! lilding WilJ Accomodate . 7 5 Additional Students i: is st 1:1 .. , .. . . - . - ' . - - rr'"" i! n , Creditors Want Thompson Lumber Co. Adjudged Bankrupt. Newspaper Man Gives Up Journalism for Law. Marriage Announcement ' " 01 Two Popular Young Society People. So al. Correspondence. .. - 08boro, Sept. 12. Messrs. 8. M. Ga-tis of Hllsboro s?2 P.. T. Gray of Raleigh, members o the executive committee of the box2. of directors ( the State Normal an 3 Industrial CoU lege were here yesUrday. afternoon 'and last night tor the purpose of In specting the new dormitory building, . in company' with ' President Foust, Architect ook, Contractors Hunt and McKenzlr, they went over the students building and-the new dormitory just . completed for the purpose of passing upon an I. receiving the same. The col- lei ope .s'next week and Btudents wi.i be delishteda s" others are, sur-, ' prised to find these buildings com- pleted on time and ready " for occu pancy. The addition to the dormitory building will accommodate;-75 addl tlonal students, giving this' building a dormitory capacity for 3.75 students exclusive of parlors dining room, of fices, kitchen, etc. The addition great- . ly enhances the appearance., facing south. This now has a frontage of 240 . feet in the center being a magnificent portico 49 feet long, with six beauti ful columns of: the true Ionic style. The cost of this addition is $ 24,000 and It is a splendid piece of work.. The completion of Uie -auditorium of the students building makes It a beauti ful and commodious hair with a seat iug capacity' of nearly 1,000 If the splendid stage Is encluded.. V -4 Thomas S. Rollins,- president - of ' v idustrial News' and Spencer B. Ad " - resident of the Tar Heel, the we ' aper established by Black bii -, ers ago to fight the putler Ai :.' m Collins coalition which orjuu'a-" he Dally News, It looks like . ChalrraE. Adams has at last got the . Republican organization in a . sling, and tie ner Beml-weekly will proceed to invade the realms of the old party weekly, the Union Republican of Sa lem. The tas'oa was effected here to ';! iv th j r sjt.on of Jtidge Adams W ie first vice president, John Xa as resli eni; of the company, L. C ' Do ett, second vice president, John B. .. 'onch, secretary .and treasurer. !- Tl Erectors are Spencer B. A.Uams, L : Wagner, J. D. Dorsett, J. A. Hos- ' kins, J. B. Crouch. . v . ' Mr. Crouch has been editor of the paper from the beginning, was Black burn's private secretary while he was a congressman and this swallowing up of the late congressman's - news paper conferee3 and strong political backera means the practical passing of any opposition to the regime of that Editor Crouch used to term the Butler-Adams federal office holding third te? negro republican organization. V involuntary petition in bank rr : t was filed before Judge Boyd to dr o - the Huntley-Rtockton Hill Co., Hardwood Mfg., Co. nnd O. C. Benbow creditors against the Thompson Lum ber Company, of U:nBboro. . The company is cited to , appear before ' Judge Boyd next Saturday and show cause .why it should not be adjudged bankrupt. The company Las been do ing a general lumberb UBlness in the factory on Guilford avenue formerly used as f ie Spoke and Handle factory. Mr. J. T. Sweatt being manager. Mr. Cliarles A. Hlnes, an excellent nr-i'spapt'r man, and late city, editor . ' oi .ie ImliiBtrlal News, left this morn ing for the university to take the law course. Another popular gentleman lenlng fop-the Bainc purpose was Mr. t, E. McNary, who luis been chlo f office deputy to United States Marshal J. M. Millilvan for a number of years. Mr. ? ' X.iry during the years that he spent la t' o i,i:.r'-!iat'a office was a uniform ly c.i rl us and capable official. IsivK- . r-."!:!!? as follows have bt 1 ii I., .i ': : r. pn,l Jirs. Ceorge Fptul.rt i'.-i.. ' t. ! i"i t tiio pleasure of yi.nv cipii - y m v,,-1 linj,' re- in (1 V?. . J. I . .-m- !, V.- (' y - . I ; !;.!.. r t a- .-(.. I.j.i- ' . -mi !i 1 in,, I ... v, is, I7 i '.! i ' t . i ,-i ' ',, r . f, f , : " Ml , 1 ; , 1 (.-.". cefqt:::3 ciiEG- LeUon Who was Short $100,000 Is Cap tured In the City. , Special to Journal. rf ; New Orleans, La., Sept 12. Charles Letton, the chief tax collector of' the city who on yesterday was found to be short in his accounts to the extent of $100,000 w as arrested in tola city to day. No arrangmeqt has yet .: been made for his hearing yet as important witnesses have not been located. -""Letton'a thieving dates back four years and the man, baa been bold In, his pilfering, yet shrewd. He .'ha' been in, this office for 19 years and there is no record that he ever gave bond. He was a man Well known to all citizens and held- In high esteem. Dont expect to derive health and strength by rushing straight .. from business or a sedentary life in town to a holiday cycle tour, mountaineering or hard training at any form of ath iotics. r , Teddy to Hunt Bears in Louisiana Cpecial to Journal. , ? i Washington, Sept 12. President Roosevelt may make a short hunting trip to Louisiana before settling down to his winter work.-1 Gov. Blanchard is one of several residents of the state who have sent an urgent Invitation to the President holding forth the ad vantage of the great quantity of game. What Will Panama Canal Cost When , - Finished. Special to Journal. '. Washington, Sept 12. The report of'expenses for the construction of the Panama canal to Dec. 1, 1906 has been made public. In round numbers the cost-was $84,000,000. Love.' . Now that "love" is being dissected by psychologists, editors and rumlna tors in general It is of passing inter est to read and analyze some of the great romances that Dan Cupid is staging before our very eyes actual experiences of notable 'sweethearts iyid lovers that go to fill our daily newspapers with leading articles. The sjBfiut Section of next Sunday's World wt be brimmed over with suoh love, storlea as "Where's , My Silver Slipperr "111 Never Give Her Up," When I am Lady Elliot" Ac, ftc a collection of present-day romances that run the gamut of love in all its varied phases. For a whole week's reading get next Sunday's World. V Dutch Strikers Gone Back to Work. Special to Journal. Antwerp , Sept. 12.The striking longshoremen have quit thestrfka and applied for work at their old jobs. Some have been reinstated. Still Have It In For Xarle. Special to Journal. - Monroe, N. Y., Sept 12. P. P. Barle, the artist Who deserted his wife for his so-called ""soul's affinity" was again taken to task by neighbors and citizens and was given a bad beating. "Chinese Rebels Slaughtered. Special to Journal. ' Pekln, China, Sept 12. In a battle between the regular Chinese army and & detachment of rebels in the Huron province the latter were terribly de feated, only a few living out of the 200 who fought the soldiers. 'r , ber'of the law firm of Bradshaw and Sherrod, is a "university boy" and -lnce coming to this city a couple of years ago from Hamilton, Martin xuinty, has made tnany friends and built up a large law practice. Friends and acquaintances of Mr. Sample S. Brown and Mrs. HelenC. Brown were much interested in the rumor yesterday that the well known couple had been re-marrled. It was Impossible to gain definite informa tion from members of the family here, In the absence of this partios'involved. A search at the office of the register licenee had been Issued for the mar riage of the couple. This made it plain that the marriage must have taken place in Virginia if at all. Danville wan the logical point for the event ami sure enough the Danville Bee of joHtenlay Rftoinoon contained a full account of it. The following facts are taken from the "Bee: "The marriage took place at 9 a. m., yesterday' at the fiotol Burton, Kev. Dr. W. R. f.alni, pantor of the I'lrnt Presbyterian oliurch of Danville j -i ?u n,h';; the ceremony, Imme.llati y ti " ' . r wl,' Jiiiii-:;li-n i " '' po , Urn. Fi Ii'h h have thought all ii!,i)g that 1' m com would be reunlti -1 nnd the ifnvs t' .,t HUC ll In t'.,. f n't V ill la t.'.i ' J 1 : 1 lii many nn.'x't i . t it Gi! LlROFOl.- Pleasant Social Affair Giren ; by Greensboro'iT Awake .Business Organisation A'ZUt ElECTG Five Perasabalatlng VSmi Tena Cap tured. Jail Overcrowded, Pre- . : eantloBS-Takea Agalait Esr cape. "Police, Chief' Be. tarns With I.reKlrk Jferderer.'-..'Sj pathy - Ex prestloB. Special Correspondence. Greeensboro, N. September 10. The distressing news yesterday of the burning of the splendid Cleve land Springs hotel at Shelby, abd of the Observer office at Charlotte, with loss of lite in both cases created much interest as well as sympathy here. Mrs. Cora Smith, the guest of the hotel who was burned was well known and highly regarded here, be ing related to several living here. The two colored servants who were also burned are known by several.. . It is understood that the 75 room hotel was struck by lightning early this morning, the loss being $20,000. Many telegrams offering assistance to ' the Observer, If needed were sent from newspaper men and publishing houses here, upon hearing of the calamity. ' The . Greensboro Retail Merchants Association, have employed Mr. Chas. R. Brockman to live his whole time to the work as secretary of the Asso ciation. Mr. Brockman- has recently completed a course at Poughkeepsle Business College, and Is admirably equipped for v the duties. He leaves tomorrow for Richmond to make a spclal study of the. rating system In force there with a view of establish ing a similar-.one .here... Jhe Mer chants Association here is moving a- long with system and organization, and is doing much towards helping to get reUef from freight rate dis crimination against North Carolina tows.'-'' ' ' The Chamber of Commerce gave a box party last night,' at the Al G. Fields Minstrel Show to the following representatives of the Interstate Chemical Company who are locating their branch manufacturing and dis- North Carola eat alsnn,dsawmmmm trlbutlng house at Greensboro tor Xorth Carolina, East and South Car olina and Southern Virginia. Messrs P. D. Christian, President, Baltimore, 3. J. Bedger, General manager, Bal timore, J. A. Wheatley, Sales Manager Northern States, Baltimore , . C. Caldwell, General Sales Manager, Southern States, Atlanta, Ga., E. D. Hendon, Baltimore, F. Purnell, G ro ver, N. C, M. M Jack, Division Mana ger, J. E. Johnson, Hampton, Va., J. 3. Richardson Burham, J. R. Carson, Greensboro, R. W. Rhodes, South Carolina. ; " . At its regular session this morning besides transacting routine business, he Guilford County Board of Educa tion appropriated $300 towards the erection of a $4,000 school building at Springfield, High Point township, (600 for' additional room at Hilltop school . in Jamestown township, and $400 for an additional room for Plney 0 rove school house. Other appropri ations were made for the Improve ment of several other buildings. On September 25th,. there will be a big educational rally at Glenwood, one of Greensboro's latest beautiful suburb an towns to celebrate the completion of a handsome school building and the opening of school there. The police this morning captured five negroes and locked them up, a' waiting trial before the mayor on a charge of running perambulating blind tigers. The jail has so mony prisoners a- waiting trial at next week's term of criminal court, a guard was last night placed arouud the prison to prevent poMibls escapes. There are sixty prisoners, some of tbera charged with murder. Chief of police Neo'lcy returns d yesterday from CohihJiim, ( ' ! , brli'? ti'i wl-h 1' n Lee IH.k, . o la sr ' ire f r t:.e nnir' r f "I "' ' 't J ' ,r V I" t 1 1. ) ' 1 fert'i f iiO It ft C(,"', . ly t: f f i " 1 1 f t i .:). i'.;. i i t l i t c r it ii ' 1 ! . ' ' ! f-.iiiiE Dj . i : 15 IC ;,,:ELI New Law Appears to be Favor able to Peoi!3 Suffering Matrimonial 'lisflts - eu:;d ti:eo hes ' i:i ..:::.: court Craves Cesaty's iriotaut "of ' Them Seems to be Fall. Inspection of ' Food -Staff Completed. Promo tloi of Seaboard Air Line Of- I ficlaL Desire for Police Census. Guaranty Co. , - - 4 Escape Taxation. , .". . Special Correspondence. - ? Raleigh, Sept.41. The statement was made by a court officer here to day that there were . more . divorce! suits In this county under tbenew law than formerly. He remarked that the lawyers made the evidence to fit the case. The United Stales government has had a man at work ' here,, some days, looking over, tha lists' of mar riages and divorces, in this, county. A number of marriages, "average about 600 a year and the average number of. divorces about 35. The man who wants a divorce is posted, that is, told exact ly what to do and divorces are grant ed in fully three, fourths of the cases tried. Such Is the statement made by the official la question. ' . 'J. . Practically all yesterday session of the supreme court -was devoted to argument to the case in Craven coun ty in which three men were convicted in the . lower court of selling intoxi cants in violation of the law, that be ing a dry town, in name at all events. Before It was dry there were 13 sa- loons and of course each of these had a United States license. Now there are no saloons and yet last year 18 United States licenses were Issued and every one ot these was renewed this year. The question is being .asked whether at New Bernlprohihltiou pro hibits. This sort of "i ' " Vbat the Estate is trying so ha break up. Possession of a Unite states whis- key license is prima faces evidence that the holder is a seller. - ' " It was to be noted that these people are always very careful to put up the $25 for the United States license. In the case of the New Bern men refer-t red to, it Is said by officials here that they have gone right on Belling Intoxi cants since their conviction, they hav-; ing given bond tor their appearance. They -were convicted In the superior' court and were given two year's sen tence. ' On their part they contented that the trial was not fair and that public . sentiment was worked - - up against - them, but the state says that this is a bluff. j In the superior court today 3rd dis trict appeals were argued and among the attorneys was Dr. Hughes of Nor folk, who appeared in the case of Branch vs. the Old Dominion Steam ship Company. - , ; The Inspection of food stuffs by the experts of the State Agricultural De partment has been finished. The law requires that after October 1st there Is to be a heavy penalty for having in possession any adulterated goods . of this kind, for man or beast There Is some adulterated stuff on hand by dealers, but it will all be gotten off by the date named. It Is' said that none is being shipped. In now( the Inspec tions being very sharp indeed. ' The rumor was current here today that Mr. Shea of the Seaboard Air Line with his offices In Hamlet as division superintendent, is to be pro moted and made general superintend ent of the entire system and that Mr. Nix will go to the Tidewater Railway. There is some demand for a police census of this city. All sorts ot gues ses are made as to the population of Greater Raleigh but nobody knows. ( An Investigation is being made of the methods of some of the guaranty companies, which it Is claimed es caped taxation. A stockholder, sub scribing say $10,000 stock, does not put up the money but takes stock In some other company and puts that up. This stock being taxed, it Is claimed only for the company In whone name It stand. It was remarked that thla sort of thing might, be cminued lu ll '" : .'a.!y and half dozen enterprises t s V;,q t sine stock, if cue could not l!.' si t'.e "whole outrt, event the orl- !: ;J one exeape taxation. r : i ( i U Vt his la Pen. 1 tO J !) Ii.il. v V. ':, ' .;. 5 1.- (;:, vr nun- (' 1 '. t r, vbo I i ' ; a , I . r PAII1T TAKES THE PLACE OFIVIIISKEY Dr A II Moment Pastor ot Pres byterian Church 111 With , Typhoid Fever II TH CASE OF - - . .. SPECIAL INTEREST Superintendent Harper Busy Making Arrangements lor Opening School , Rural nigh School at Cary " Has 250 Students. An- r , v nnal Meeting of . ... Chamber of -Commerce. : Special Correspondence. . . Raleigh, N. C, September 10. Gov ernor Glenn expresses ,. unbounded pleasure at his visit to Northampton county, from which he returned last evening.. Speaking about it he said: "It was one, 0f the ..biggest trips I have ever had. A royal one in fact. I found' the people there prosperous and happy, and not a drop of whiskey Is ' legally sold In the county. , The people have turned their whiskey In to paint, and bright new houses are seen everywhere. . ; Insurance Commissioner Toung to day turned Into the treasury his Au gust collection, $41,301.73, Rev. Dr. A. H. Moment, the pastor of the First Presbyterian church, here, is sick,, his " disease being ty phoid fever. His many friends here, and he has them among all denomina tions are much concerned about him. He is one of the ablest preachers in the State, and is a most accomplished scholar, who has travelled a great deal over the world, v.. !-;'. To (he surprise of the other com missioners, Chairman McNiell, ot the Corporation , Commission and Secre tary . Brown came in this morning from Washington, bringing news that the Southern Railway rate hearing there before special Justice Montgom ery, would end. today.,' 'Hefsaid.that announcement would be made of the next place where the hearing would be held. - . ';'' . .. -v Nest week In the Supreme court there, will be argument in the case from Franklin county which Involves the right of a county under the consti tution to levy a special tax in order to bring the terms of . the ; public schools' up to, four months in each year. Just twenty years ago, In the Barksdale case the , State , Supreme court decided; that taxes could not be levied in excess of 66 2-3 cents on the $100 and $2 on the polls. That decision gave a black . eye to . taxes for school purposes. But things have broadened since that time and now It is contended that such a tax is not only necessary but must be levied to keep pace with public improvements In an educational, as well as in a material way. The State is therefore confident that it will win in this new endeavor. The State itself has tried to aid in every way In keeping the schools openjto the four months pe riod, but as a matter of fact that duty properly .devolves upon the counties. The constitution, is remandatory. Nothing can be clearer,, '.' '. . '.: The new city superintendent of schools, Francis M. Harper, is very hard at work making all the arrange ments for the opening of the, eight white schools and five colored public schools, on the twenty-third instant There ar In the white schools 36 teachers and 2,300 pupils and In the colored schools 27 teachers and 1,340 pupils. One new school will open on the date named tor the first time and until January- the High School De partment will be conducted in cen tennial public school. When Jaunary conies the $25,000 High School build inj will be opened. . " State Superintendent Joyner says that he is notified that the Wake coun ty High School at Cary, has opened, this being the first one established In the State under the new law. It has 250 students. It Is equipped with dormitories, school rooms, has ample grounds, there are libraries and two literary societies, the enthusiasm In regard to this school in all that sec tion of the county Is notable and en couraging. This evening the annvial meeting of the Ralelch Chamber ot Commerce nnd IndiiHlry was held for the- elec tion of o dicers. The year's work whs reviewed and the excellent remit s hown along a number of lines; p i as the winning of fr,it.r 1 -.' ' ' the extent ion of t),n i u- t I to in u ly (!,,!' Co o1 1 i ; foi i. :!' 'l ( f a 1 f I 'i r i qei::iFlLi:e!.:::.es; ln.wLEu.LE ..... ESI i Of Keepers Disorderly Houses at State CapltaL Must Prove Good Character. ' ' t Special to Journal.' Raleigh, Sept 12. The police raid ed the tenderloin district here and made wholesale arrests of keepers of disorderly houses, under the new law which makes all such liable to arrest, puts upon them the whole burden of proving their places to be of good character. One woman was fined $100 paid it, and was Immediately released. All are to be tried next Wednesday. This follows the driving out by a cltt iens' committee of all such women as are on the street . Orientals StUI Ugly. . -Special to Journal. J .' : Seattle, Wash., Sept II. The Jap anese and Chinese strikers of - Van couver, are making more trouble for their employers and their actions are closely watched for fear they will do great harm to the city. ". Prescott Items. j , ' Sept 11. We are having it dry now, the crops are suffering for rain.' Elder Jesse Bennett filled his regu lar appointment at White Hill, Satu-r day and Sunday last Mr. M. C. Prescott left for Washing ton on business Sept 11. ' ' Miss Cassis Aldridge of South Creek visited friends and relatives at Small Sunday last Elder St Clair, the blind preacher Is expected to preach at White Hill Wednesday next Mr. Thomas and A. F. ' Edwards visited Mr. Jesse Cayton Saturday night last ' ' Mr. W. B. Sawyer and son went to New Bern on business Monday last Miss Lorena Rowe visited friends and relatives of Cove Point Sunday last. '..": :- ' '-.'-- The public school at Small closes Friday next There Is expected to be an address from Hon. John H. Small and a jolly good time. i.'',..'Vi-;Aktai Sept 12. The weather continues unusually warm for the time of year. Fodder pulling Is the main work go ing on now. ..i- : ' Miss Claudia Gasklns had a severe attack of dyptherla last week, but is better now. v Among the sick are Mr. Hardy Gas klns, who is having chills. Miss Violet I pock Is also sick. Mr. Rufus Gasklns has fever. Mr. Claude Anderson ot New Bern is visiting his sister, here. The protracted meeting will begin at Kltt Swamp church next Saturday. Rev. Mr. Pipkin will conduct the meet ing until Rev. Henry Jones' arrival Monday night Every body cordially Invited to attend. . , , -'..-.,, , The Sunday school at Antloch la preparing for a picnic some time soon. We have a good Sunday school at Kltt's Swamp. We want all that can to come out and help us with onr School. :,:' - .-' ' 1 t S. B. SCHOLAR. Robbers DIdnt Get Mseh. Special to Journal. Rexford, Mont, Sept 12. Two masked robbers held up pasenger train on the Union Pacific road. They made only small hauL and about a hundred under that fig ure; that more buildings for other purposes have been constructed than ever before in any one year; that the total amount in buildings of all kinds is almost half a mlllon dollars; that all the Industrial plants have Increas ed their plants from $1,000 to nearly $30,000; that the amount of sales has increased remarkably; that in the way of new churches, schools, etc., the improvement has kept pace with that along other lines, and that Ral elgh Intends to maintain Its already high reputation as a school center of North Carolina; architects report notable year's work and so do build ing contractors. The remark haa been made that during the past thirty days by a number of visitors here, that more building was In progres In Raleigh and In its suburbs than they had observed anywhere "cine, man from Norfolk, who is i;l V building business said he was part' larly Impressed by the tact tt-.t great' deal niore iiill;rg on here than In l.U own A great d ,,1 of i pressed here to '. ' I r I . Chivrver lecio.!' ii V s . 1 1 l t t ) h ' ( : r,- r (..' v , ' : a 1 r C ' ' 1 ! i - ' ' i 1 ' ' i i t ; t . !' : Was f r Experience of 1 he Opcsirs Night Shows Thai Some Eet ter Plan Must t e Adapted EjTi'IFI ETCiT: Complaints Bitter en 1 Constant. Ee- port of Committee en Centeanl&l Of 110,000 Yotei to be Raised. Blind Tiger ' Cases Pkatl . fuL Special Correspondence. Greensboro, Sept 11. Unlike many things here, the opera house manage ment Is simply bum. Whether this is due to lack of housing facilities, or is the result of a theat leal trust man agement or both Is & question, but there can be no question ot the out rage of a packed mass of people, ladles men and chili' ren being com pelled to be in a crush for halt hour at least as was the case last night to gain admittance to the opera house through one door, whin there are two doors built for entrance. Another instance oi inadequate fa cilities can be seen a ay day or nlghi " at the Southern Railway ticket office Owing to the ten cents penalty pas sengers have to pay for not having a ticket, those who havo been bitten try to get a ticket With the crowds who buy tickets at the sation here now it is next to impossible for the lone tick et seller, try as hard as he can to get around.. ."' : ,".'' ",.''' This morning one t.-aln had to wait for him to get ticket for the crowd going to Jamestown, tnd another train the one leaving for Raleigh at the same time, carried several passengers who were unable to Let tickets. The railway company considering that this city Is twice as big as it was when the station was built, and the travel three times as much, shou dtry and have an emergency wlndo and an extra ticket seller. The trrnslent purchase of tickets, Is so heavy, the uptown of fice affords but little relief, especially with the hours obsened there. At a meeting yesterday afternoon ot the general commute ) having under consideration the celebration of the . centennial ot Greensboro's Incorpora tion next year, the special committee . on recommendations was read and adopted. These reoom nendatlons sug gest that the celebra Jon be had in May beginning Sunday, May 6th, con tinning until Thursday night That $10,000 be raised by aubscrlption or otherwise to make ti e occasion a proper one. The furt ler making ot a plan was referred to the committee. who will make a subsequent report as to the names of th ) board of man agers, and upon actio t on this report the whole matter will be referred to a mass meeting of cltizsns to adopt or reject or amend the plan of celebra tion and the manner ot the can;; ' i necessary to the cariylng out of V. v great undertaking. Vhe celebraliou' will embrace a grand barbecue, Coral and other parades, a day at Guilford Battle Ground, the Inauguration of ti e celebration to begin stth special re ligious services in all the cb.urcl.ea en Sunday. Yesterday afternoon Officers Ca sey, McCuiston, Jeffreys and I ' tr- rested Decateur WhlMs, Ja s I - fines, Mose Donnell, James y-'.. i i I Pearley Greene, all .olorcd on t ; charge that they bougat wLl ' y f i the blind tigers here, and del'ver 1 V. to any party wishing to mule V i ; -chase. These negroei 1. 11 i pected for some Unu, t" s s yesterday sufficient e' 11 e c not be obtained to mae t' e air A surprise wedding oci i rr 1 terday at th" oroe of P?v. C. ' gin wlien Mr. L. B. fc'tll i Mallace Way nick weie q' rled. There was no ol s t marriage, the par'lc.i ' i s UHlng secrecy to avoid tl. e i of a home we 1 '.Ug. The l, : ': ia a i i (Vin: ter of T'r. f 1 I' . J. .'. t :.'c n 1 1 a t , ' t 1 1 1 a i TTv TnTr' .,! t ) .1