LEGAL NOTICES KOKTGAGE SALE OF SEAL IST1T2 Pv vlrtna nt a nnwr cdtitatnad la' mortgage deed from W. M. Hugglns and wife to N. Tlsdale," recorded In ' the office of the Register- of Deeds ot Carteret county, N". C, Book x No. 1 M. D., Page 140, I will sell at the Court House door In New Bern, N. C, at public auction for -cash, at IS o'clock M., on Monday, 8th - day ot December, i07, the following de sci-Uwl real estate In Careteret county, N. C, on Davis shore: Oae fourlh ace, more or less, beginning at the S. E. corner of the Geo. W. lit.biui.t, land on west side of the high- , .'-AMiiiflf ihfnee with .the Geo. W, Babbitt line. N. 67 W. JLO potawt thence a. vuivw, 'thence J3. 7 E. 10 poles to the highway rhence W. with the highway 1 poles to the . beginning. Being the same land mortgaged to A. D. Ward, sad mortgage being recorded In the Office of the Register of Deeds of Carteret county, C.ln Book No. 4, Page 689, to which ref erence iilay be had tor further de scription. 1 - . N. TISDALH. J " Mortgagee. R. B. NIXON, Attorney. - MORTQAUE SALE. ' Pursuant to ttre. power of gal Con tained in that certain deed .executed by C, D. Mereer and LT. Mercer, his wife, to. Jt. ,JB. Morris, bearing date ot Jarary 2fith, 1906, and recorded in thi , See of Regis ter of Deeds tor C.ven county In Book No. 1 00, Folio 152, 1 will offer for sale and" soil to the highest -bld- : der at the Court House door In New Bern, n! C. on Monday, the 9th day of December, 1907, at the hour of 12 o'clock M., the following described .real estate, as conveyed in said mort gage, to-wlt: ' . ; All that certain tract or parcel of Jflcnd in Craven county. North Caro lina, adjoining the lands of . A. C. ' Lane, R. A. Russell and others, be ginning at the mouth of Wllkerson'B branch and runs north 50, 100 poles to a white oak in the fork of said branch; then south 27 W. .to' the lane leading from the dwelling house ot said A. C. Lane, 88 poles to a tight wood stake, where the cross , fence Joins the lane fence; with said cross -, fence S.'J5 K. to Plat, Swamp; then down the run of said swamp to the mouth ,f Wllkcrson's branch, the be- : giniii'is, conliiiulna- seventy-five- (75) ais; more or less. 'lt ) ; being the same "luml conveyed by sail)-J. EL - Morris to said C D. Mercer, by deed - dated December 5, 1905, and record ed in Book No. 160, Folio 151 of the public records of Craven county," to which reference is hereby" made, ". ,ThIs Cth day of November, 1907.'' ' " : ;. ' J. E. MORRIS, V ' , Mortgagee. R. O'HARA, Attorney. , ADMINISTRATOR'S KOTICE. Having "qualified as administrator of the estate of J'M. Daniels, de ceased,, late of Craven county.'N. C, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate ol said de ceased to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 6th day of November, 1908, or this notice will be pleaded In bar of their recovery.-All persona Indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment November 6th, 1907. t t ' " . .' .:. ,: c. E. ipock, - ' i' "'. ' ' , " Administrator. R. B. NIXON, Attorney. Sale for Partition Nathan George -. ' --v. vs.'-''... -; -..:' Mariah George and others By virtue of an order of the Super ' lor Court In the above entitled cause, ' I will sell for cagh, at 12 M., at the Court House door, New Bern, N. "., Monday December. 9tb, 1907,. all the following described 'property, Tlx: On South side, of Neuse river and west side Of Slocumbs Crek, beginning at the 2nd corner ot Ellen E, Mobolege ' patent dated 1759, a stake In Reed Neck or the - north side of Black -Swamp and by -. the. south side of small branch known by the name ot Ratlesnake Slosh, running "thence north 2nd line of said patent N. 62 E. 40 poles to a stake on the north ' side of Reedy "Neck Branch the third , .corner of said patent then with 3rd ... lire of some 8. 20 E. 57 14-100 poles - then to a slake then S. '63 W. and parallel to the second line oi said pa tent 140 poles to the first line of the ' patent then, with first line N. 22 W. to the .beginning. Refer to . Book 81, . Page 229 Register of Deeds office of Craven County for forth description. R. B. NIXON, " . . Comm AUCllUlSiriilUra KUUuJ Having qtiallfled as administrator ef theBlate of John M. Thorp deceas ed, lute of Craven county, N. C . this TIDIED TTRvTIT : PE-RV-NA n 1 1. N RELIEVING L HOSPITALS ALL OVER THE C05TISEST FIND PE-EP-NA TALUABLE IX TREATING ALL CATARRHAL DISEASES CATARRH of the respiratory organs Is a common ailment in Canada for at least two-thirds of the yeW ' This condition is no doubt caused by the long,; severe winters experienced In this part of the continent Therefore, when Pernna was discov ered by Canadian people to be a reliable remedy for .these catarrhal dlseees,tt at once became a popular medicine, not only among Individuals and in tsmilles, but In the great hospitals, where It was tided , a preventative and relief In hundreds of cases. A v ";': f These institutions do not hesitate to give their endorsement of the remedy which barf1 been so helpful in the treat ment of thoir poor and sick. , ; 'Among those institutions js that of the Slstors of Good Shepherd, who gave the:tollowingehdor8cmentt :-.- . TbtPerun Company, ' I " Coiumbum, Ohio, Hiring used Peruaa tor the put tew mouths, for our Mick mud poor, we are happy to aay that It has given u$ great aatlsf action. ' ,,. The Slaters of the Good Shepherd, August 20, 1903. . , ,r - - . ;' Montreal. , After a continued nse of the remedy this institution has found no reason to change Its good opinion of the remedy and expresses lta satisfaction In VhaJol lowmgtermai ' j .. ; s to notify all persons having claims .gainst the estate ot said deceased to "shiwVUicm to the undersigned on or lefore the 5th day of November 1908,4. - r this notice will be pleaded In bar t their, tecovary. - AH persons Indebt ;d to said estate will please make lm- j oediate payment " J November 6th 1907. - " i W. L. BARNES .xv " Administrator." TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND, i in accordance with" a deed ot trust, executed November 6, 1905, and re orded in the offloe"of the Register ot feeds ot Craven county, N. C, in Book io. 166. on Page 472, by. Frank "J.. 'rench and Mary A., hi swlte, to E. C. :oomer and W. B. Ferguson, the land described In said Instrument will lie wld for cash, at public outcry, to' the highest bidder, at the Court House In Jew Bei n, N. C on Saturday,' Decem er lUh. at 12 o'clock m. The land o be jjold Is described as tollows; Jltuatfd In Craven county, N. C, be jinnlng at McCoy's 3rd corner, a dump shown by L. H. French, and uns N. 77 degrees W. 82 1-2 poles to a Mack gum standing n the side of a ltch, Hughes and Wallace's corner! hence S. 71 Agrees W. with J. E. dorris's line, formerly Arnold's land, 151 poles to a pine stump on Plank 'ending RoaJ,. said stump was shown y F. C. Mosley, Wm. Mosley, and L. 'I.-French, and runs thence S. 89 1-2 iTrl 2-5 poles to Kinsey's Ditch; then with his ditch. S. 43 1-2 W 50 poles to Kinsey's corner; also 3rd corner of Sprlgg's 640 acra patentj thence with MOsley's line S- 78 degrees Er-320 poles toja pine in McCoy's Branch, Palmer and Mosley 's corner; thence with McCOy's Branch to two perslb- mon trees . in said branch, Blades corner; thence with F. C. MoBely's line to the beginning, containing 142 acres, mora or less. Also described s the ' same lsnd conveyed to F.J, French by FT H. Von ' Ebersteih, guartlTan, September 18, 1903, and re- eorded in said records In Book 147, on Page 392 Noreniber 8, 1907. E. C. BOOMER, Trustee. -II. Q. WHITEHUnST, Attorney. ' n'a .'. . ; 3 very c!.:.i cccur rr !-; '. 1 1 r.-f t:v3 t:cn ro til your I::, h n " j cf v., who I rf .x:r A r PROfllNENT HOSPITALS IS EFFICIENT ALL CATARRHAL DISEASES. J 3I3TEW3 Or TH GOOD SMBPHtRD. MONTWCAU , Montreal, Nov. 1,1903. 1 We found Peranm m relict tit terenl . - " i ... ... . . wmy n is a gooa tonic maa we are very thankful. : Sister of the flood Shepherd, r ' When catarrh once fastens itself upon the system It becomes an obstinate dis ease to. eradicate. v - ; A systemic remedy one that reaches every Internal organ of the body is an absolute necessity, - , , ; Pernna Is just such a remedy. It searches out the cause of the disease, healing and strengthening the mucous membranes, and thus giving Nature an opportunity to perform her part of the restorative process. (-'..--.'H;'"- ' -One of the many hospitals which have found Pernna of value in treating old and obstinate cases of catarrh is the Hospital St. John, who write, as follows : f "We art happy to teH you that your Perum has given us satisfaction. Three patients have tried it, one 68 years old, Renoui Dupuis, afflicted with catarrh, is much relieved, more than be has been for a number of years. ' "A young girl, IS years old,' had an obstinate cough, which halt a bottle ot Peruaa caused to disappear. ; "As to myself, two bottles have con vinced me that Pernna is magnificent as atonic ---'-; :-: .'.';-;'" s. ..-i "Before the treatment I could not walk for a quarter of an Lour without CABBAGE PLANTS FOR SALE 200, 000 early Jersey Wakefield. $1.50 per 'M V. 0. B." Oriental. E. J. White. KILLths COUCH AND CURB THE LUNCS Ffll tfOUCHS PBICB sn jk i m. LDS r- Trial Bottls Fms AKO ALL THROAT AN0LUN6 TROUBLES, OUABANTEED SATISFACZOBTt OB, MONEY REFUNDED. - removal:! 1 have removed my Shops from the old stanl, near Hancock street, to two doors west of Middle, on South Front street, where I will be pleased to serve my customers. : 1 A' 1 , Buggies, Spring wagons, Carts an drays, kept m rto;k , also Cart wnee lorsale. Repair wo rk done with neat ness and dispatch. ; IVTREIITyiTCr, BLACKSMITH & WBIELRIGHT FRIEND , TO FRIEND. The personal recommendations of peo ple who have been cured of coughs and colds by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy have done more than all else to make it a staple article of trade and commerce over a large part of the rivaled world. c:; If- 3 U vvc: t . SAY experiencing much fatigue. Now I can walk a mile easily. ; . ... j "Through these three cases we deslr to make known to the publlo the ef floiency of your remedy." "" Hospital St. John, of St. Johns, ' ' Province of Quebec. A later letter received from the same institution reads as follows "Three weeks ago 1 wrote to tell you ' how satisfactory ' we found Peruna. We recommend It highly for colds, coughs, catarrh and neuralgia. 1 have used it myself as a tonio with the best results, taken as directed, half a teaspoonful every half hour." Mrs. Etta Booker, Dundurn, Bask, N. W. T., Canada, writes i " "I suffered with pelvic catarrh until I wrote to I)r. Hartman, and after tak ing treatment as he advised, I can ssy I am now cured- of this most trying affliction, for which I am truly thank-, ful. I think Peruna the best medicine for catarrh. I never felt better in my life than t do at present." -' ' , - Peruna not only promptly relieves coughs and colds in their first stages, but is equally prompt and efficient ior catarrhal diseases in the chronic stage. Of course, It is only reasonable to suppose that a great deal less mediolne will be necessary to cure a slight attaok of catarrh than would be required 1o relieve the ailment after it had boon air lowed to become chronic.. "V A departure Ja one of oar Up-to-Now Bigs Is a courtesy that many peo ple are now enjoying. .The vehicles that we offer yoa are the Latest pro duced that rolls en wheels. WeTat main " ' year humble servants, O. S. Wate ra & Sods Qraen Flab Herd We now offer a fine; lot of young pigs for sale. Darus, . Dora Lee 6th registered No. 62,903; .Lady ' Rose, daughter of Dora, bred to Baron En terprise, register No. 96,432, a son ot Baron Premier 3rd; No. 75,021, g rand champion of St Louis Exposition. Points: Big, Long, Wide, Deep and Thick Set, with an Extra Finish and Quality. These are the best bred Berk shires ever raised east ot Raleigh. Address, W. H. Bray, Bov 489, New Bern, N. C. ' ' -;' COOK STOVES i HEATERS- Brtch Losdlng, Single and D6ubl( barrel Shot Csi, with or . without hsmmtrs. Full Uns ot smmssltleo for Sportsmen. - 1 . Sash, Doori, Blinds, General : Hardware, . '. Best make of paint. ' i.0.OLLriDi: i - UKDKP HOTEL. GASTON l New Bern, N,C. i cv: ry r..zzL ! c: n v.y .3 i . 1 i: i::.Eit35iLEc:'M I:.- c::.:?ititi::i The Systess Jfet Perfected to The Ex- teat te Make It Formidable -' BlvaL . At a moating ot the stockh.i ders uf the Western Telegraph Company, Lim tted, held In Iiondon on October 20, Slf. John Wolfe Barry, K. C. of the most prominent engineers in Great. Britain, who. presided over the meeting, said In his address: , . ' "After the recent statements In the newspapers about the pr jm'.ied .early opening for, commercial business of wireless system" of telegraphy be tween Ireland and Canada, perhaps. expect me to offer a few words on the subject One ought not, we. are told, to prophesy until one knows, and I am by no means anxious to obtrude my opinions. . On the other hand, how- ever, I have been asked for my views as your chairman by several respect ed Shareholders, and I fee! It my duty not to refuse to say what I think on subject which touches our iuterets, though I should have preferred to a dopt the safer and more congenial pol icy of silence and the awaiting )f the verdict of the logic events. But as have been Invited to express my opinion, I feel bound to say at once that,' as far as I can judge, I do not look upon any Bystem of wireless tel egraphy as a serious competitor with our cables. Some years ago. I said the same thing and nothing has since occurred to alter my views, nor do think that those of the experts whom we. then consulted have become differ ent " At that time the length .over which wireless messages : were sent was perhaps, 300 or. 400 miles, but I then said I did not put any bounds In that respect to the development of science, and that any . imperfections Of wireless telegraphy, however,' re main, in the want of certainty ot transmission, the want of secrecy, and in the' confusion which must occur when messages are not covered by a direct conductor, such a sa telegraph cable of land-line, from point to point, but are thrown 'with -great violence up ' into the other, Into which they radiate in -an directions, to be dis entangled and Interpreted at the other side of the globe. I am well aware that by tuning or syntonising-the re ceiving . instruments to the ; wave length of the sending ' instruments, some of these difficulties of publicity and confusion can be met and to a limited extent this is the case. Se crecy, however. Is only attainable so long as third parties abstain from tun ing their Instruments to interpret the messages a process which I am told, on the highest authority, presents no difficulty. ; It is also evident that con fusion of sumqltaneous messages In the ether can be lessened by tuning, but there again we remember that the number ot graduations of tuning Is limited to an extent which seems to me to be quite Incompatible with the requirements of a large telegra phic business. ' I believe that some 25,000 paying words pass to and from this country by cables during a busy hour, and we know that New York expects to receive and answer Stock exchange teltgrams witi London in four or five minutes. ; After making all allowances for possible tuning. I cannot but think that the contusion, in the ether will be worse confounded, if any considerable number of wire less messages are attempted. With re gard to certainty of transmission, 1 believe that many disturbances of the ether by natural cause must always be encountered, and that the longer, the distance attempted the more for midable will be the difficulties from atmospheric or magnetic causes. Then again, I understand that a wireless sending station of high power cannot j as Is the case with telegraphy be con tinuous cables and wires, be at the same time's receiving station; or, in other words, messages cannot be sent and received simultaneously; and, it this be so, I foresee the greatest dif ficulties in dealing with one of the! matters which cause constant trouble with any system of telegraphy name ly, the elimination and correction of errors and the constantt demand to repetition ot doubtful signals. For these and other reasons! do not look upon, a wireless system as a serious competitor with cables. I am as much an admirer ot the wonderful results obtained by wireless telegraph v as J any one, and appreciate moejt highly the effortts of those who have shown the way in this very Interesting de velopment ot science, but I remain ot my original opinion as to lta practl cal effort on cable enterprise so far at least as I can form a judgment un der the abnormal conditions ot so crecy which have from the first en shrouded the operations of those who have the conduct ot the wireless sys tera. Wireless telegraphy will assuN edly be of great value to the world lit ccrtaln localities and for certain purl posep. but I think that innstead ot bet ing harmful' to cabls enterprise, it may, o nthe contrary, be an ssstut- ance. Indeed, we are now enraged, under our concession from the 1'oitu. - fk government. In au 1. y '!'. I;,-;';.'.:..: '..tit r r Y.J itt ' 1 i l a ; ( ! i r iT V:i- I t t li t i a it v. llfficulties under which a wireless -sys-em must labor. . . 1 - - Catarrh Cannot ttt Cared. ' Jwith LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they pannot teach the seat of the dtiease. Catari'i la a blood or constitutional pibtAfie. and In order to cure it ou must iaae internal remedies. Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, and acts directly on the blcod and mucous surfaces. Hall'r Catarrh Cure Is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country for years and Is a .regular preset lptibn. It 1 composed of the best tonics known, combined with, the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces.: The j perfect combination ot the two Jigredlenta Is what produces such wonderful results In curing Catarrh. Send for testi monials, i j. t v F. J. CHENEY CO.. . . . -Proprietors, Toledo, O. Sold by, Druggists, price 75c, : Tke Hall's Family Pills for coastl- pattofc I ';V"' "f The Ice President of the Tobacco Trust testified lately that It cost a million dollars to effect Its European consolidation. That amount lii a tri fle compared to what the trusts cost the people- through the tariff protec tion the Republican party persists in standing pat upon. r Will Interest Many, ; Every person should know that good health Is Impossible ft the kidneys are deranged. Foley's Kidney Cure will cure kidney ' and bladder disease in every form,- and -will build np and strengtnen tnese organs so tney will perform their functions properly. No danger of Brlght's disease or diabetes if Foley's Kidney Cure Is taken In time. Davis Pharmacy. O Basra th .BTORXA. 1M Kind m Haw Always BoufK Blgutus Before U. S. Commissioner C. B. HOI U. S. vs. Root Mann, alias Robt Watson, for embezzlement and forgery The evidence in effect was; that Rob ert Watson did receive' a letter ad dressed to one Miles Collins that con tained a post office money order, for $3.00. That the said Robert Mann, alias Robert JVatson, did attempt to get the- said money order cashed at a grocery store, but on being refused took it to the postoflice. There he stated that Milea Collins had sent him to gei k casnea. ue was torn oy air. Hancock of the postoffice that he mustil get Collin's ' signature. He left and five or ten minutea returned with said. Collin's signature, claiming that Col Uns waa sick in bed. By the evidence Collins was not in the city' and the signature was forged by the solicita tion of Mann alias Watson by his sis ter. His conflicting stories with the officers, evidence convinced the court that he shouldTbe held for the grand jury In the sum of $300.00. CASTOR I A for Infanta and ChUdrea. , TisttJ Yea K::a::;iE: BearathO SmsYcaroof Harvard leads all American colleges in point ot number ot students. When the Stomach, Heart or Kid ney nerves get weak, then these or gans always fall. Don't drug the, stomach, nor stimulate the heart or kidneys. That la simply a makeshift Oet a prescription known to drug' gists everywhere as Dr. Snoop's Re-' storatlve. The Restorative.. Ia pre- pared expressly for these weak in side nerves,.. Strengthen these nerves, build them up with Dr. Shoop's Re storativetablets or Hauld and se how quickly help will come. Free sample sent on request by Dr Shoop; Racine, Wis. Your health la surcTX worth this simple test F. S. Duffy. They are doing their best to stop the panlo In Brooklyn, with a bank; president In a cell and the cashier out on ball. ' t ' Asthma Sufferers Should Know This, Foley's Honey and Tar has cured many cases of asthma that were con-i sidered hopeless. Mrs. Adolph Bues ing, 701 West Third St, Davenport, Iowa, writes: "A severe cold eon-t traded twelve years ago was neglec ted until It finally grew into asthma: The best medical skill available could not give me more than temporary re lief. Foley's Honey1 and Tar was re commended and one fifty cent bottle entirely cured me ot asthma which had been growing on me for twelve I years. It I had taken K at the start I would have been saved years ot suf fering. Davis Pharmacy. All the officers ot the Dry Fort Dis tilling Company were Indicted by the Federal grand jury at Danville. are 1 I ' ; 1 1 l.,.:V'1 ii.X t.. , I y I r. 11: J I a 1 -t 9 .f t t V !::::sio::ite:::E Jfaay Federal Deputies Swors to Make " " SUte Obey Injanetlea. Montgomery, Ala November SO. following the injunction suits ot tba rail lines against the State laws the IJnlted States marshal Is continually wearing in. deputies In order to bo Veadjy for any violation of the court's iorder as well as to serve the papers. I It is glvln out that the court Is determined there shall be the most absolute observance ot its order, which it is -anticipated here, will be disobey ed, the sentiment, being that a test case ia desirable. ! ;Qov. Comer is hunting and cant bo located. '., . , : , The finest eoffeo substitute ever made, has recently been produced by Dr. Shoop of Racine, Wis. You don't have to Jnrif It twenty or thirty min utes, "Made In a ' minute" aaya the doctor. "Health Coffee" Is really the Closest Coffee Imitation ever yet pro duced.' Not a grain of real Coffee ia it either. Health Coffee Imitation la made from pure roasted .cereals or grains with malt, nuts, etc. Really It -would fool' an expert were ho so unknowingly drink it for Coffee. . I. LuMBDaatoLiVCf'!1:i';i..rc-5"r;' K;-''::r' -f "oV. .a'. . .'..'in i, jj . . i' i, . ..v - The output of all the. vineyards of the world is estimated- to be 8,554,000 gallons. ' ; r---- i .: OAtlVOXIZA, Blgastue - of. Centipedes are eaten 1 nsome parts of South America. .- v A Ketre Dame Lady's Appeal To all knowing sufferers of rheuma tism, 'whether' muscular or ot the Joints, sciatesvv lumbagos, backache, pains in the kidneys or neuralgia pains, to v. rite to her for a home treat . ment which baa repeatedly cured all . of these tortures. ' She feels it - her duty to send it to all sufferers FREE. You cure yourself at home as thou sands will testify tio change of cli mate being necessary. This simple discovery banishes uric acid from the . blood, loosens the stiffened joints, pur ifies the blood, and brightens the eyea giving elasticity and tone to the whole system. If the above interests you, for proof address, Mrs. M. Summers, Box R, Notre Dame, Ind. Th Steel Truat aava it will not re- duce prlce8 . Bpite ot business depression, Welt the tariff protects it in charging high prices. .. The theatres of New York City had an almost unprecedented patronage Thanksgiving Day,, both at matinees and eveuing performances. The World states that the total attendance waa J!00,000.r The receipts for both per formances were $150,000; the number turned away 30,000 and the "standees" 5,000. A record never realized in one day before. Men's Dorseh and Boydea $6.00 shoes reduced to $5.00 at Merchant's Shoe Store. c OisflTOnXA. oVnth y'ailUMTM Raw MwawlKJi Blgutus ' r- Over 70 per cent of the. natives of India till the land, hence the popula tion is scattered, and their power of co-operation is greatly lessened. , A. tickling cough, from any cause. is quickly stopped by ; Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. And it Is so thoroughly harmless and safe, that Dr. Shoop tells mothers everywhere, to give It without hesitation even to very young babes. The wholesome green leaves and tender stems of a lung-healing mountainous shrub, furnish, the cura tive properties to Dr. Shoop's Cough Cure. It calms the cough, and heals the sore and sensatlve bronchial mem branes. No opium,' no chloroform, nothing harsh used to Injure or sup press. Simply a resinous plant ex tract that helps to heal aching lungs. The Spaniards call this shrub which the Doctor uses, "The Sacred Herb." Demand Dr. Shoop's. Take no other. F. 8. Duffy. It Is estimated that there are 2,600,- 000 dogs In Great Britain. OAOTOUtA. Bun tits rfm lu " ' k"- A Sound mind In a sound body. Latin, i ' Constipation, lndlgcution, drive a- way appetite, and make you we..'i p 1 sick. Ilolliater's RoV.y i: junt.'j T restores the epyoi'.'a, C.lws " ay C - ease, builds up the ey' -n. S3 ;;, Tea or TaLMs. F. D. I r. EpeCM-r Ci itioa in Coni.ui;': a r t r c f t t i o. s.

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