.kiln 1871 l-abllahed to Two Sections. eTerj Tuesday an "riday, at Journal Bulld- M-w Cnni Stmt CHAZLXS L. STSTOS, . EDITOR AXD PROPRIETOR. SUBSCRIPTION V RATES. Two bfontha.; .. .. .. .. ..$ U Tiree Months. . .. ...... W "Jt ajntla.uJ .. .. W twelve Mentha.. .. . .. ".. .. LOO , - -ONLY IN ADVANCE. Official .."Paper of New Barn and 1 "Adfertlsing application at rates tarnished poa the offlce, or upon io- 1: jijjr sent on pay-ln- ,ulrr tr mat The Journal advanee barls. 8ubcrlbera will re- eelve notice of ariptlona and ty BOtlceWaJ looi-naL expiration of their aub M immediate raaponaa oe appreciated by tha Entered at the Postofflce, New Barn, S. , aa aeeond-class matter. . Near pern, N. C.Sept 11, 190S. 1MB FITMENT OF THE PATE. 'J;. V XENTS. " The, solution o( part.ot the payment for1 the city's concrete pavements, ap. peara lacking. That Is the portion aet down aa payable by property own era. according to the pavement fron tage .on.. .their lottv The city's bond iaaue provided tor, possibly, two-thirds of the pavements and curbing. This would leave one-third that property owner would have to pay for. In pro portionate, part, aa the pavements were, laid in front of their property. The city- has sent property owners notice of what their property is charg ed with. . The collection of this money - la wholly, unsuccessful, and yet the city la liable for the payment of the pavements and curbing work, which are Bow being paid for as laid and accepted. The time is not distant wheat the proceeds of the bond sale will become exhausted, and the city 7 aiust pay for the work. There is noth ' log to indicate that property owners are going to make payments, certainly not--In . sufficient amount to provide pay meats for the one-third, or what ever maybe charged, as the property .waers part It Is not that property owners desire to repudiate the pave Banta. But there are local conditions which, can only be appreciated by taoaV living in New Bern. First it Biay be said, that many property own ershad no idea that the pavements involved individual property liability. Many have pavements before their lots who neVer voted for the pave taanta, or wanted them. Coming down to those who accepted the bond Issue . In ail ta bearings, they may be placed - tn three casses, those who will pay. Those' who can, but will not, upon the ' plea that the pavement does not meet tta contract, "and those who are wM- v UVbut actually cannot raise, by any sneaae, the call of tha city for their proportionate share. Tola last class t ma be said to be from 75 toSO per cent f ail the property owners, who are pre amed Jo. be liable, and the fact that they cannot meet tha obligation, car taJ&ly not in time when the pavements - '' moat, bepald for, makes the problem, how are the pavements to be paid fr. one eejllng (or speedy solution, j . i Co fa aa the Journal aaa see there , la tot one solution, and this Is one tha will relieve the entire situation, reve equitable to every citizen, be a . trardeaj jipoa, no one, and aara the ' attx from Ulng la financial stress wheif-' payments are called for la final ' ' aettlement for the payments.. This Is tor the city to issue bonds for 120,009 . ,ar $30,000 which will no doubt be sui tehal t pay tor the completion of "the pavements. These bonds can be like la interest and time for payment as waa the 160,000 lesue for this same twerk. As already said such a bond Is ;aua would save the city'a credit and s-'e ths city from an endless eonteiy ''xiai. .If there be a , forcible attempt t;Torce. payment upon Individual proi.rtr. owners, for their share of tie pavctnenta . j TT-MT A ACTCAl SXASOSS FOB FAILXO BILLS! j ' It ciit fur no artuoient, that coa- ' ? s co be such that a man or Is ernvu to meet a bill pre- t 1. A vtrr'ng number of aofot l i t!n.uBuSauees' may, arise, and c. . . t be tit, no iu(tr ' ' " 'ti4or honst t-e r l. 1' re Is rtatoa a-.l i t c.'f-n, tut too of:-'n i. i i J r n far rluottl ' 1 1 i , ' j. ! i It meant suetejuaee, that Is foed. clothing, shelter for the' preservation of lite and health, haa had to go on. Some one haa had to pay for . the necessities needful. The grocer, the clothing merchant, the landlord waa back of each ' separate 'commodity. Each had to be paid. Back of the re tailer,' was the wholesaler.' The pro ducer had received his pay. '.f-i ' But bank failures, crop failures, de pressed trade conditions are urged aa excuses for non-payment of bills, by many who are only in a degree af fected, not directly. The cleric on salary, the laborer on wages, through their pay be reduced cannot well put up the plea for non-payment of bills they may contract tor the necessities of lite. The business man who makes expenses has no good excuse to ask postponement of the payment of his accounts. Hard times are made worse through the refusal to pay bills, by those who really can, but who seek to live better than conditions warrant, and finding themselves hard pressed tor money, put of the untrue excuse that bank, crop or some other failure haa taken their money. Every dollar that can be paid on bills due, every dollar that ' can be paid for goods, paid for labor, lnsteaad of aaklng cre dit in one, and postponement in the other, meaans a help to trade condi tlons, and will bring good times, if enough people can follow the same course. It Is not the honest reasons for slow or non-payment of bills, that cause bad local conditions, but the Uniform and untrue excuses made for asking for credit, and then not meet ing thee bills when presented. PRACTICAL AMD INTERESTING SIDES OF DRAINAGE CONTEN TION. The State Drainage Convention which is holding Its sessions la this city this week. Is not a gathering for only a selected number of delegates to attend, and profit by attending, but it is a convention that the general public, and this Includes ladles, can not afford to miss, for Its every ses sion with the speeches, and develop ment of the speeches, is ot practical Interest and full of Instructive enjoy, ment The question of the reclamation of this State's wet lands, concerns both the owners of such acred, and also the people ot the entire State, tor aa these lands shall be made habitable In condition tor cultivation, and their vicinity cleared of the disorders that arise to afflict the physical which are certain to come from wet lands, it means that new people will come Jo the State, and the taxable values will f be Increased, thereby benefitting the entire commonwealth. , 1 ll euch conventions as the one now In session in this city,, would be at tended by outsider, besides the dele gates, there would be disseminated a more general knowledge among the people, and through this knowledge a more Intelligent concert ot action could take place, In securing the means,, whether- by the State, or y national aeslstanca.that would lead to the sooner reclamation of the wet lands, and so enrich the people. It Is not enough that tha newspaper shall publish full , accounts of these conventions, the sessions should be attended and the procedlnga listened to, and a great' deal both learned and enjoyed, for there la Instructive entertainment In every hour spent at the sessions. ' z . ': : Deafness Caaaet be Cared. ' j by local appllcatlona. as they cannot reach the diseased portion ot tha ear. There la only ona way to cure deaf- seas, and that Is by constitutional remedies. Daafneae la teased by aa Inflamed condition, of the mucoua Ha ng of the Eustachian tuba. Whea this kube la inflamed yon. have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing, and whea it la entirely closed. Deafness Is tha result, and unless the Inflammation can be taken oat and this tuba re stored to Its normal cos dittos, hearins" will be destroyed forever; alae case out at tea are , caused by Cater. which is nothing but an Inflamed con dition of the mucous surfaeea. We will give One Hundred Dollars for aay case ot Deafneas (caused by atarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.- Send for circulars free. t. J. CHENNET A CO, '' Toledo, Ohio. fMd. by all drucclsts, TSe Take lisll's Family Pills for eonsU- patlon. : . ..: t;; . . It I s :l tut J. L. Li vermore. the youjg s;ecu!tor la ctjn, la New York, ll c ,.;r!r t O.0 .J Ui, s of Iotj cof.oa. T:. 0 tuber oilina truls 41 points J r '-y. C0TI CITT ITEM r Oove City. Sept. I We are having soma very fine weather now. Hope It will continue so. I . Mr. and Mr. J. S. Robinson of New Bern, returned home Saturday night, after spending a few days with rela tives in Cove City. ' " ' Mrs. Wo. Glqver and daughter. Miss Tillie, of Dover, spent Saturday and Sunday with relatives In Cove City. Rev.. Mr. - King of Spring Garden Is holding protracted meting here this week. : Mrs. T. B. Ipock and children ot Goldsboro Is visiting relatives In Cove City. , , UNCLE REMUS. A Traveling Kan's Experience. "I must tell you my experience on an East Bound O, R. A N.R H. train from Pendleton to LeGrande, Ore., writes Sam A. Garber,, a well known traveling man. "I was in the smoking department with some other traveling men when one ot them came back and said, "There is a woman sick unto death in the car.' I at once got up and went out, found her very ill, with cramp colic, her hands and arms were drawn up so you could hot straighten them, and with a death like look on her face. Two or three ladies were working with her and giving her whis key. I went to my suit case and got my bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cho lera, and Diarrhoea Remedy (I never travel without it) ran to the water tank put a double dose of the medicine inthe glass poured some water into it and stirred it with a pencil; then I had quite a time to get the ladles to let me give it to her, but.J succeeded. I could at once see the effect, and I worked with her, rubbing her hands and In twenty minutes I gave her another lose. By this time we were almost in LeGrande, where I was to leave the train. I gave the bottle to the husband to be used In case ano ther dose should be needed, bbut by the time the train ran Into LeGrande she was all right, and I received the thanks of every passenger in the car." For sale by Davis Pharmacy and F. S. Duffy. President Roosevelt on Canal Work (Panama Star and Herald.) The President made pubic a report made to htm on August 6, a special committee appointed to Investigate conditions, especially In regard to la bor and acommodatlons, on the Isth mus of Panama. President Roose velt's letter of appreciation, sent to the commissioners on August 21, Is as follows: "Gentlemen, I have recetveed your admirable report on the cond'.t'ons in Panama. I am greatly Impressed with it and shall submit it to Congress with appropriate recommendations as soon as that body convenes. Mean while I shall send your recommenda tions to Colonel Goethal and ask him to put them into effect, so far aa is possible and as he deems practicable, and to report to me with his recom mendations. . - "I am, naturally, extremely .pleased at the very satisfactory showing that your report makes ot the conditions under Coloel Goethals and his asso ciates. I doubt it there is any piece of work undertaken on behalf of the American people In recent years where the American people have more rea son to be proud than of the work done on the Panama canal. The success haa literally been astounding. Five years ago when ws undertook the task no sane man would have dared hoped for the results which have already been achieved. . The work Itself has been greatly advanced and the rapid ity of the rate of progress haa steadily Increased." South American RepabUes at Odds Washington, Sept I. There Is a cri Ucal situation in Central South Amer ica oa account ot the revolution In Uruguay a montth ago, which resulted In the overthrow of the administra tion of President Ferralra by Vice President Navlero, who thereby be came President Argentina influence was back of tha overthrown presi dent and Brazilian Influence Is back of the new administration. Reports from Minister O'Brien, ac credited to the buffer republics Para guay and Uraguay, Indicate that tha tension between Braall and Argentina la now,, greater than It has been for many years past Argentina's actios In voting fS5,000,000 for strengthening her navy Is taken as an index of her feeling against Brasll, which Is await lag the delivery of three Dreadnoughts now under construction In England, In tha meantime thee Agentlne navy is stronger than that of Brasll. ' Argentina did what she could to pre vent the recognition of the new ad ministration at tha time of the revolu tion, but Minister O'Brien, as deaa of the diplomatic corps, Insisted on act ing for the non-combatants and the members ot the former admlnlctratlon then quartered In the Argentina lega tion. ArgenUna did aot force the le sue at the time, but It Is believed that sh wilt . Kelly Win Fight Pspkes. Chicago, Scot l-IIuro Kelly will be Billy Pspkas' next opponent In the ring. This much was decided this morning. The date is set tor October 14th. Ti e Urgr sit fcrk la Europe is the I r!T, la Vienna, es..rliig e!';!y t . 3 V. " . Registrars and Poll-htldwi far Crate : ' - ' Ceaaty, .-, . At a meeting ot the board of elee tious for Craven' county at the office of William Dunn, Jr., on September 7. 1J0S, the following named persons were appointed as registrars and poll holders for tha general election to be held on .November I. and : for. two years thereafter; the first named per son In each group to be registrar and the last two, Judges ot elections. . ' " v . . N0.1 TOWNSHIP. " ; tv -Vnncebere Precinct t N. M. Lancaster, -N. R Ipock, Jesse Stubbs. ' Maple Cypress Precinct t ' E. F. Adams, -J. A. Alderldge, v A. E.. KIrkman. NO. 8 TOWNSHIP, f Trultt Preclacti Levin Gasktns, N. T. Fulcher, W. C. Toler. .Brldgeto Preclactt S. W, Brooks, . 1. H. Lewis, Robert Rowe. NO. S TOWNSHIP. Ft Barnwell Precinct i M. D. Lane, Joe Klnsey, John Biddle. Dover Precinct I C. C Holland, W. B. H. Blanchford, L. B. Humphrey. Core Creek Precinct t E. D. Avery, O. L Wetherlngton, J. W. Kennedy. NO. 6 TOWNSHIP. Taylor's Store Precinct t Claude Taylor, J. R. Bowers, J. A. Morton. NO. 6 TOWNSHIP. Lee's Farm Preclacti T. E. Haywood, V. A. Tolson, Edgar Bryan. NO. 7 TOWNSHIP. Tuurman Precinct t H. C. Wood, T. H. Smith. John S. Fisher. NO. 8 TOWNSHIP. First Ward i R R Hill, Furney Gasklll. M. B. Smith. Second Wards E-jJ. Clark, H. J. Lovlck, J. E. Pope. Third Wardt F. B. Lane, T. J. Mitchell, Walter Fultord. Fourth Wards E. O. McLaughlin, J. E. OaskUl, W. F. Gilbert Bern Precinct E. L. Smith, A, 3. Oasklns, J.'H. Stanley. - Tlidaale Preclacti W. 3. White, N. Tlsdale, W. Tlsdale. ' . ' Gam Row Preclacti W. H. Scott. Sam Robinson. , i - BellaLr Preclacti J. B. French, J. L. House, i C D. Taylor. ' '. NO. TOWNSHIP. Jasper Precinct I John Wetherlngton, t, --1 ! a H. Perry, ' . ,Vfi,aJ" T. Weeks. . ' jL 3 ". L O. DANIELS, , , Chairman. " ' WILLIAM DUNN, Jr. ' Secretary. ' ' QABTOIIXA. ! Bean ths TK M M W fcaflt By the way, has any body thought of Inserting a classified ad la task ef fort to lean what haa become of the Independence party! News Front 111 CeDefa. , ' Raleigh, Sept I. Oovernor R B. Glenn addressed tha Young Men's Christian Association of the A. A M. College in Pullen Hall last night His subject was "Decision", and for more than thirty minutes he held bis au dience spell-bound with his magnifi cent eddreee. -Dr. Hill made a few remarks la behalf of the T. M. C A., Which waa listened to with much interest A large number of new students Joined the T. M. C JL, the number Joining exceeding all past records of rolment of new students. Mr. J. R. Bergetbotd succeeds Mr. C. R Walton as General Secretary, Mr. Bergetbotd cornea here from the A. 4t M. College of Oklahoma, Ha la a very diligent and eoefertie worker and la becoming acquainted with the Students Very fait f r 1 1 REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE J TO BE NOMINATED ! Sam Clever, Who Was Sentenced te Hang for Harder, Cent mated te Life Imprisonment . " Special to Journal: , Raleigh, Sept 8. The Republican Convention, ot this, the fourth Con gressional District, will be held here tomorrow. Mr. G, B. Alford, of Holly springs, this county, will, it Is prac tically conceded get tha nomination for congress.;'1" ... ' Governor Glenn commutes to life Im prisonment the death sentence ot Sam Glover, colored, who killed another negro after a fight near the latters home - The trial judge recommended commutation and Governor is satisfied the crime was not murder in the first degree...' :. r'..;V- . GOVERNOR'S REQUEST FOR AID The Freshet Has Left People In Many Parts at the Stale Destitute and ; Assistance 4s Needed. ; Special to Journal ' . :: , -Raleigh, Sept 8.- Governor Glenn Is sues a proclamation to the people of North Carolina which, he says that owing to the disastrous rains, rivers and other streams have overflowed, and have done untold damage to the people living along them. Entire crops have been washed awliy, . farming lands utterly ruined, many dwellings destroyed and some lives lost;. Un told, suffering is upon these people, on account of this providential visita tatlon. It behooves thee people of the entlrer State to ascerta.u where distress Is, and at once relieve It. Many sections are entirely laid waste, especially in Lenoir and Pender along the Cape Fear river. There is no authority vested by law to relieve this suffering or appoint a committee to investigate and report where suc cor is most needed. He has reported conditions to the national government and begged for a thorough Investiga tion. He requests each locality where the damage has been severe to at once ascertain who truly needs assistance and report to the Commissioners of each county. To help these people in distress will be true humanity. . Wood's Seeds. Seed Wheat, Oats, Rye and Barley. We are not only the largest deal-Ck era in seed urain in tne boutn, but we sell the best, clean eat and heaviest qualities. Our stocks are secured from the best and largest yielding crops, and our warehouses are fully equipped with the best and most improved machinery for cleaning. If you want superior crops ,, a . :i - - Hant Wood's Seeds. , Prices quoted on request ( : Deaeriptive - Pad Catalogue. ..i i :nrn..in .ill seeds, mailed tree, . T.W.WOOD&SOilS, Seedsmen, . Rlohmond. Va. DIARRHOEA There la no need of anyone suffer log long wixh this disease, for to effect a quick cure h is only oecee aary to take a lew doses of Chamberlain's & Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea la tact, in most caaea one dose la sufficient. It never fails and can be relied upon la tb most severe and dangerous eases. It is equally val uable foe children and is tb mean of saving the Uvea of many children each year. In the world's history no medicine has ever met with greater success. PRICE 25o. LABSE SIZE 60s. V J 1 llUi!' lomaah troohle b In a lymKom of, e4 ao hi tuil a anw Hmu. W Uiink of Dnpeptl Baantmn. and liHliMtlnQ aa Ml dlvwt To thr am rmptonii oolr ot a eartaln hmIU pwa iMnm nothing tin. It waa Uut nut that SnanTM4lTMIr ShonT tha aimtloa of that now wj popular Htnrrwh lmlr Kr. Shonp i HMtnimUva. Uotnf dtnet Ua anarh nrrraa akr broorht that anrraal and lot tn rr. tthnooajtd hit fliuin With. Umt ortalnal ami buhlf VIU.I prlnrlpla. nr Urti Watlne a.imMIlianiU wan .T-r tn ha ha4 tat Munich diaUiM. bliaUn(. blllimantaa. lavd .... f" aauow ianiailo, irw In. aiKinpt tMiu-1i,Ml or Uquid-anJ bm lor iir .il aM It aa aa4 wUJ iu. aaii a4 rhiaf liny Dr. Shoop's Hedtorative f. s. curnr. 'it I .... nniirtk uiuu i vuuur ;3 cj::z th3 lv;:z V.ITH iion ai.coHiu. ting dtf SitiGBdB arA'i i Promotes Dicestto(iatrirj ness and Rnton3s DfsT Opiuutiarptuae nrfcxnL MOT ARC OTIC. jetrouitauBinaa JUStMU M no, m SWyMHjMA Aptr&d Remedy for Owflpi Hon , Sour StonackDiarrlHa Worms jCcrswra Jewrtsl- ncsswdlssoF&uaBR " ' IacSimfcSiinwar - , t "NEW YDPKir: id lit' Guaranteed . wuU-CSp Exact .Copy of Wrspper. -. I 8 W favoid Confusion Executors, adminstrators, guardians and others, may . avoid endless confusion, from (he mingling of private and trust funds, by opening separate accounts at this bank. , r ' . - .. . - Drop in and let us talk further with you about this important matter. v THB PEOPLES BANtC " " ' Wm. Dunn, Prest. C. D.. Bdham, Vice-Prest. ; T. A. Uzzell. Cashier. rf -ml- n wfi" . ff. 4 v ,u wjv ' THE WRIGHT REMEDIES V FOR HORSES AND MULES: , ' are ail the name impliea. Ihese Remedie are the re- suit of years of experience wiUi horse and their ailments, and are used and endorsed by the largest stock owners throughout the eoun try. For the horses' sake keep a supply la your stables. T WriaM OmMm WaaaaaV re MrtyM CaM aMM Faawr Kmrnmy raw SVrtBM OmU mm Btom4 PmtMm, THtWRIWII 0 ilji LINIHEXT i ncsio jjjl Jtm Wriukt TmmH mm r.aaWw y rm jui . - trnm mtHmM Saralaaa Ctmm ' . The MMaat tatiie .Manila, UVcllns panaaaaal euraa. Ioalat npon jHiiaj aa aad acoapt a tuh.utota. ir your la tzd. i:zi c-a tcrccn At tbe Sa. Stack fares, . RiCHMOND, VA - , ... . , ( -. . . . . , - i "it "i j V j , .. . - fltUGSSATJSOUARDSf 5 New fall line of Floor Covertezs, Matdnjs, OJ Qoth, s Lboleums etc . . . . '" YOUR INSPECTION IS you will JOHN ( M(1IIDDLI STIIIIT ' ' Nav Vr' "V'r v' V V' i . w i i.t.J t.k Iimi -.I: ftt r ' t a new el I, ni-, ai'.U 1 1, i, fpo I : t 1 : .' ' ; v t i. : r ) i ('" - ! ' ! T s a fc- -at aJ kS ki V r.-rlT'.fiTits and Children. ID: Kiii Ycii i::va Bears the Af SigLmkire Ay of In Use For Oyer Thirty Years , nit Kmuta mhmuiv. mrm vena cm. " ,4: INVITED. TIIE PRICES h:;d niGirr. . - O - ' E. IVES ; 9, ': 00000004 C ' A Ji a u m r ''i. ". v'. a ... t.. . St.. ll. ' r.n. isv.A ", . 'nt- 1 I: :-.'), l-iilt .f 1. t 1 A ' j f f 1 i ' I j : ' ! , : ! !.,. J,m.,-M j r:v:'v t j ! ( ' i FOO