' . c ; -. - .-. . . . - rary 1 lb 't 'i - . v - : .V . -NEW BERN CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C. FRIDAY SEPTEMBER, 25, 1908 SECOND SECTION 0 fcc ' - I" ? 31th EAR - r-a i i - - i 1" III I I II II I I f V J I , CO'llfl' GT LET FOIl - ilTiuLE tiio! OF THE LATIf GOYEBH0B WILL. 1AM .GRAHAM WHICH Witt BE GIYES TO THE STATE r :? I . nttstjaaa -.Li..,..) t... J Large PhotOf raphe v of the Crater North "(Carolina Given! U;Um Hit terkal Commission ...Asditor DIx ob's Beport of Pitt Ceanty I'eeps . Four New Masonic Lodges. : , - -' .v'" The North Carolina Historical Com , misson has" closed a contract wth Mr, Frederick W.-. Ruckstuht, a leading sculptor of New York City and one of thr foremost in this country, foi a marble jdust of the governor , Will iam A. Graham, to be placed In one of thefcltchee in the rotunda of the state capltol. Mr. Ruckstuckhl was the organinator and 8ea of the Amei lean Sculptors AtBoclaUon and one of the. designers of the Dewey 'Art a New t York - Cllty. He ' executed some tot" the most , notable figures . In the llbary of congress; he has re cently placed - a splendid Btatue 01 Wade Hampton on the grounds of tte capital of South Carolina and is now executng a statue of John C. Cal houn for that state, to be placed w Statuary Hall at Washington, The Historical Commission Is Inromed that' he has completed the model 01 the bust of Graham and that t is one andf one eighth life size. He sails tor Paris next week and : there the butt will be made. The Commission authorises him to have the bust ex hibited in the Paris Salon eaxt sprng, after wheh It will be. delivered to -the atatoJ Got: Graham easily ranks among the greatest, of North Carollans and was a son of General " Jose jh Gra ham of .Revolutionary fame. He was bora ' In . 1804 . in Lincoln ' county; graduated at the State University In J8J4; studied law under chief Jtmtlc Ruffln, was eight times a"mi?niber ot the legislature; was elected to the United States Senate In 1840; was el ected governor In 1843 and was re elected .- two yeart later., lie ,, was closely Identified with every work looking to the general uplift ot the state, such as the organisation of the traction, the digging ot cannals, the erection ot the Insane and the schoot for deaf mutes and, blind.. President Fllmore appointed him Secretary ol thc Navy and while in that- office he sent , Commodore Perry's expedition to Japan, opening that country to the commerce of the western korld ano Europe, this act . having hada won derful effect on modern history. He was also responsible , for sending a V. 8, war vessel to bring the great Hungarian Louis "Kossuth,' to thib country. Mr. Graham wai la 1853 a Whig nominee for vice president. In 1881 be was a member of the cession convention at . North Carolina '' was afterwards elected a Confeder ate States Senator.-After the . wai again, elected United 8tates Benatoi but Was not allowed to take his seat. He was in 1868 appointed a member tjf the pet body.,, j ih State Auditor Dlxln V returned front Pitt ' county whr, he snada a to much pleased at the tern tier of aia audience aid aayj evcrviirr.t locka goo4 to him Uera and in .that section general!. j Speaking alo.i, the crt-pa Dr. Dixon rays that the tobacco erov la Pl.t to magnlflclti.t and- was an out of the-way before the bad weath ar came. Prices are good. . ... Grand ' Secretary ; Drewry of the Oraad Lodce , of Maaone reports four new lodges, these being at Crap Hill. Wilkes county; Casar In Cleveland county; Roriada In Wllke and farmer. The Matonle Order baa made great growth la the state since the tost meeting of the Grand Lodge., . "". 'TOICE OF THE PEOPLE y Hew Leag WiU M Last! . Mr. Editor:' - - - Whna the guardian officers of community become to discredited that a lot ot black-leg aegro spies must be hired to help them discharge their duties. Its Urn, It they have any manhood at all or reeentment lft to qt;'t. and If any white officer are foun ' sorry and trifling that It to neoci- ary to have the atttatanc of negro Met picked up from th, slums of Norfulk, they onght to be dtscharg 4. This system la Nw Bern to an Insult to every Jnaijce and Sheriff Officers inthe city. f Gov. Gleaa Artle -is laaipaiga. Special to Journal. ... Raleigh, N. C, 8ept )i(Urr. G!n is notified by the Democratl Nat- knia! Committee that be la to epeh In K w York, Maryland and seversi othrr stt-s from Octriber It to th P CEL?Eu:il v? C3 (Charlotte Parkins Oilman, In "8110 .J . cess Itofailne.) The mala body - of th material handled to also " masculine man a rlnlhM ralhar than woimV anil tna Byriaa towel. Md napkin, of th manluhablted business region, - War men's clothes need washing also, and . are washed, bat present , difficulties J to business developement . Tey ar noi 0017.(00 mi ws 100 proiuwij dMOrtB4 ,tt-j handling, lint they not only, too (rail and too profuseiy lack the maw desideratum a stana wdliatlon. A shirt Is a, shirt, an4 may be so handled. In thousands; bat-a-thl-walat is naythlng tronv a gossamer eil effect to a dock Jum per.; '..V ,f jj-r: . J t Still, sinca women wear them and women wash them, there It no rear son why women should, not organise the business; do clean, . sate,- line work, ; give steady employment and good training, and make thereby an honest- - lirelyhold. What a. praise worthy ' ambition deliberately to seize upon, exalt, and estadliah a nev eBsary industry; making life, easier and simpler tor thousands of patrons and setting higher standards for the chosen trade. ' ' ' t fl-.:--' Then there are the food trade. Every city teems with opportunities for these. Outsid0 are purreyors ot meat and fish. Inside, all degrees 01 storing and handling, to the j last stage of stable service. This Is one of the greatest everlasting businesses of human ' life to feed people the natural function ot woman., Th a she has always done. She has in truth done little else. She has skill special talent, at least as much as man. . . ' . .-.( Every grade of employment If op en here, wide open and crying to be filled. Ot plain domestic cooks we have not enough. Of simple, com fortable boarding-houses we have not enough.; Of cheap, good eatin.- houses we have not enough. Of da inty, restful little tea-room and lunch-rooms we have not enough. And as to the upper rank the ma nagement ot great , hotels princely fortunes are to ba made in thla work. Then there is home-making pro per, apart from the eating this the much-praised specialty of womsn. . . ' - 1 1 ' 1 ' A' Bl Yaa Winkle, v. B. O. Jones. In Success Magazine. Rip Van 1 Winkle returned from his loug sleep looking fresh aa . a daisy end made his way to the Til lage barber shop, not onlw because he needed a haircut and shave,, but also because he-wished to catch np with the news. , , Let's see," said he to the barbei after he yas safely tucked' In the chair,"' "Pre been asleep tyenty years, haven t If f , "Yep," replied the tonsoral artist. Have I missed muchf" . "Nope we been standing pat" , "Has Congress done anthlng yet?" Not a thing." , ,-r.'.: i "Jerome done anything f " "Nope." '7Z "Panama Cnnnal bulltr I Nope."' S ' H 't.:i;i "Bryan been elected V . ' "Nope." , . ; . i "Carnegie poor f ; v J ."HOP." ..,,..i....s,,;ii. "Well, say," said Rip, rising up in the chair, "never mind shaving the other y side' ot my tact. I'm going back sleep psdaa." jf" J BEGIKS HIS PASTORATE Rev. Dr. SsatmereU Preached. Fine Sermoa t a Delighted Cengre i'. v ; .gatlea. inj i--' Rev. J. N. H. Summertll D. D. preached his first sermon as paator of th Preebytarlaa Church Sunday. Thecongrrgatloa was large and gave Or. Summertll a hearty welcome and they were delighted with his sermon Th text was th Apostle Paul's query: Lord. what, will thou have me to dot The thought ot hi sermon was on the different phase of Cbrlat lag work Maying stress on personal work. Th discourse wsa thought ful, eloquent and praticaL f M1BB1AGE H0TICE. Friends In th, country of th con tract let parties have received the following Invitation. Mr. and Mrt, W. A. Ewell J request the pleasure of your pre- ' senc at the marriage ceremony ; i ' of their daughter Eva to - v Mr. Jobs F. Edwsrd ba Tuesday afternoon, . September twenty-ninth, nineteen hundred and sight, at sis o'clock, at their resldenc near Yaaoeboro, N. C A remarkabl "straw" vote, favor Ing the candidacy of Mr. Tift, la furnished by the Peeta family , of Mluhayaks, lad. William Potts, of that plare, hit three brothers, nine sons and seventeen nephews (thirty mm), will all vott the !publlctn imrty's tie Jr . It It b!leved that tl.'s t-s t' t t f r t' e a u tuber .cf ' i I 1 . m ! trials Progress , Slow ..and ; .Probability of Another day ef SensaUon and Surprises. y- . .The trial, of the blind tiger cases began yesterday morning at the court house. The first case to come up was that of Plnkney Fender, colored who the witness,, one of the colored detectives, stated that a half pint of whiskey was purchased by him foi 35 i cents. ' There J was some time apeptfln discussion of the label on the bottle. Justice' Bar rlogton found probable cause for binding him over to court but reserved his decision as to tha.bohd.' ?j'J.'-i-si V The next case was Gus Rountree In which three separate charges were tried. He yas bound over to Super ior Court under bond to be announc ed later.. .. , Tom White tried on . tyo charges was also hound over. All these cases were prosecuted by Mr. D. K. Hen derson and defended by R. W. Wlll- jamson. ' The case of Lon Bell was a little more stubbornly fought . Attorneys R. B. Nixon and S. W. Hancock ap peared for the defendant and several witnesses to their endeavor to prove Bell's lnnocense of the charge. ' - One of the white detectives was put on the stand and attorney Nixon ask ed him several emborasslng ques tions as to his former life. This case as the others was hound ovei, and all other trials were continued until to-day. ! ' Removal of Oyster Factory. Special to Journal. " ". Beaufort, N. C, Sept. 22. The gas boat Vandeleur left here to-day en- route to Swansboro, where she moves the oyster plant ot the Beaufort Lit tle Neck Clam Co. to Topsail Inlet some 40 or 60 miles south ot Swans boro. We hope the crew a good trip and the finest ot weather. JOINT DISCUSSION 1: Issues of the Campaign to be Subject ' of Debate Between Candidates j for Congress. A' debate upon the General Issues of the Campaign between the oppos ing Candidates for Congress has been arranged. ' following letter contains the challenge. New Bern, N C. Sept' 22nd,1908. Hon. W. L. Hill, Chairman Democra tic Congressional Committee, Wai aaw, N. C. Dear Sir: Your letter of the 19th, instant, containing a challenge from Mr. C. R. Thomas, Democratic candidate to a Joint discussion of the issues of the campaign with our candidate, Mr E. Walter Hill, was received a few minutes ago. .i r " v- In reply I would respectfully state that' It will be a great pleasure for Mr. Hill and Mr. Butler to meet and participate, in a Joint, discussion of fthe issues.wlth Mr. Thomas your can dldate for Congress, and Mr. W1U- lams, your, Presidential elector, be fore, the voters of the Third Congres sional District, and would respectful ly suggest that T0U Mr Thomas, an, Mf. Williams meet Mr. Hill Mr. But- j and myself at Goldsboro. on Thursday, Sept 24th, that the necee- aary arrangements for saM discus sion may be made and published. Ut Very respectfully,. ;!-?"','. Robert Hancock,, Chairman Republican Executive Com mitte trd.Congreaalonal Dlttrlct . fientirsl Vaaarer. Fiterald. takes .; Tw Baltimore ,an' Ohio Men" t s j r. ea Trip erer Board Norfolk Landmark, Sept, 20 Hat ing completed a tour of inspection of thelNorfolk ft, t Southern railroad as th 'guest of General Manager Thom as fltsgerald. Chief Engineer D. D. Carpthers snd General rreigni ana Trsffic Manager1 T. C. Wright of the Baltimore and. Ohio railroad, return ed ift Norfolk yesterday. . Tbe visitors expressed themselves as delighted with the trip. Neither would discuss th report that the trip was made in th Interest ot New Torg capitalists who are Interested In th Norfolk and ' Southern. ' and who are considering the proposition whether they shall invest further for the ecorganltatlon or prmlt the re ceivers to Issue bonds to th extent of $1,000,000 . to carry OUt proposed Improvements along the line. Messrs Carothers and Wright merely statea they had mad the trip as Mr. Flts P raids guests and fesd enjoftd them solves Immensety. '. They were fsvorably Impressed with the country traversed by the Norfolk snd Southern. ' Messrs. Car others and Wright left last evening fur Baltimore snd Df er Park, Md. f Hushed be each lawless tongue. N & S: RAILWAY Ait CRUSADE AGAINST it THE FISEST EXHIBIT , AT THIS STATE FAIR ESPECIALLY AP. PLES WILL BE FIJIEST EYEB MADE. ' FARMERS IGNORE AGREEMENT Light Business In Post Office. Semo 5 i crats place no Credit. In Bepub. ' blican Claims Freight Bate Hear : ing. More Teachers Needed. Edi ( tor j Daniels Returns to Chicago. Active In Democratic Headqtarterg Special Correspondence. Raleigh, Sept., 23 The crusade aga inst bogs here continue and ft, great many persons have been fined by the police justice for failure to pay tax. This Is the first year that anything has been done In this line. A police offi cer .killed 4 dogs. Another patient, from another point In the 'state ar rived to-day at the State Labatory ot Hygien, to be treated. The number treated or now 'under treatment there Is almost 25, and ovei a dozen places In the state have been lr are represented. As the State fair there will be a no table hhow of. apples and other pro ducts by Haywood county and special apple shown by the Virginia and North Carolina fruit growers. tMore attention Is being 'paid to apples, in this' state this year than ever before and the campaigns if State. Horticul turist Hutt and State Entomologist Sherman In the mountain region are proving of great benefit. It ' Is said on the cottin market here a number of farmerj are now selling, but really ought not to do bo but ehould hold cotton. Two men, very well able to hold sold yesterda 37 bales. It is remarked that just as long as they contlnue to sell at these tow prices. As a matter of fact, the. comment 1b made that most of the cotton growers try to raise" foi much cotton. Every day some farmers come in here sell cotton at 8 3-4 cts. and buy meat at 11 1-2 to 12 cts a pound and corn at $1.05 to $1.10 pei bushel. The business In the post office here has until the first of this month been lighter than usual during the spring and summer but now business is pick ing up very materially. Tbe Gyroscope A Thrilling Feat The whirling gyroscope is a new advent Into circus acts and is a fea ture- carried only by Cole Brothers' World-Toured Shows, which will ex hibit in New Bern Tuesday Octobei 6th. If you can Imagine six swinging trapezes suspended at a dizzy height from One of the large center poles. you have a faint Idea of the gyros cope when not gyrating by mechan ism that cause them to gyrate in one direction at a speed that cause spectators td , almost , cease : breath ing, for on each trapeze is a daring young lady, who performs all ot the Intricate acts usually performed on the ordinary trapeze, . when motion la confined to th, backward and for ward !' movements. At times so speedy ar . tbe gyrations of the gyroscope,; trapezes and ladles seern to be almost on an even outward level from the arms from whl$ their .frail swings are , suspended. The' performance is entirely new and one 'as thrlUInc as it is fascinating With1 any other show this act would be strong feature, but with tbe Colo Brothers' it Is but on, of many feature acta ' It was secured by one ot the show's. agents while touring Europe and wss being for the first time, In that couuntry when the Am erican show representative outbid a score of foreign agents and secured It at a figure . that preluded ' all throught of It being retained in the country wher It originated. " The six young ladle who execute this daring act are sisters who bar been before the public of Europe as aerial artists, but never before on th, thrill Ing whirling gyroacop. . - MARRIAGE" AJiS6LJiCEE?iT. Friends of the contracting couple have received the following Invitation ' Mrs. Leon W. Oreensbaum ' request th honor of your preaenos , .at ths marriage of bar daughter. ' t Leonora " ! , : 1 . . .. v ,. Mr. Samuel Rodgers Street Jr. on the morning of Thursday, ths tight " of Octobsr nineteen hundred and ..: 1 sight at half after sight ' o'clock - ' oce hundred and eleven Pollock 8treet New Bern, North Carolina. Asia and Africa bar about 1,000. 000 ChrMlan and $12,000,000 eon christians. , DOGS CONTINUES It ON IGCOUNI OF THE TIGER I A Fierce Fistic Encoanter In Lawyer HcndcrsoBg Office Between Him' : - self and Treat Daniels. , A fight between Messrs. D. E. Hender son and Treat Daniels occurred about I noon yesterday which was the direct result of the trial of Joe TIsdale for runnlng a blind tiger. The trouble r- rose over a question put by attorne Henderson for the state to Furnej Justice asking him if be was'nt accus ed of running a floating blind tiger. The question w astaken up to his asso ciate Mr. Treat Daniels, who refuted the accusation and called upon Mr. Henderson, for an apology. , Messrs. Daniels and Justice went to Mr. Hen derson's office and demanded that he make a retraction, Mr. Henderson said that there was nothing to retract and 'the two men pressed upon him the necessity of making amends or settling tbe matter by fighting. They bad en deavored to get the lawyer down stairs but be refused to go and after some waiting Mr. Daniels demanded that he write as he (Daniels- directed; Hen derson refused to do this Slating thai he would not be forced to write any thing he would, however, write a note making right the subject In contro versy which is as follows: Sept. 24th, 1908. Mr. F. Justice, New Bern, N. C. Dear Sir: In regard to the Impression which you say is spread over the city, that 1 accaused you of running a floating blind tiger, beg to say, that It Is false. Yours Very Truly, D. E. Henderson. Still insisting that tue note was in- aufflcltnt Daniels renewed his efforts to get Henderson down and then Dan iels hit Henderson knocking him down Henderson grabbed a small knife to defend himself and cut Daniels onthe arm and body. He was not seriously wounded. Then John R. Barker who was in the office hit Daniels on the head with a chair and he was taken oft by men who were attracted by the fra cus Mr. Henderson received two bad bruises on the head but was not severe ly Injured. Both men were arrested by officer Griffin and the trial will be held to-day at 11 o'clock, probably before the Mayor. SOCIETY WEDD13G IN RALEIGH. Special to Journal. Raleigh, Sept., 24. State bank ex aminer Fablus J. Haywood, Jr., Is to be married to Miss Elizabeth J. Burton October 7th, at Eden Street M. E. Church. Both are of Raletgh. Mr. Haywood 'm the oldest son ot Dr. F. J. Ha wood and Miss Burton is a dau ghter of the late Robert O. Burton Esq. ' Both families being very, pro minent and widely known. . A .NOTED BASD OF MUSIC When Brothers' Show comes to New Brnm Tuesday 0 .. .ni -,uh U iw rwio.. Tl, V L.i f Lu n, howed conclusively that the sole ob H. Tlnney's famous band of forty mus. d Republican :Party elans. This band needs no lntroduc-1 JBtc "nu ?' " v " ' tlorato music lovers for It has been heard In concert in every city ot pro minence In this country and Europe. Prof.jTinney ih not only a musical Uirwiur Ul . I noser of dlstintlon and his natrlal comiHsltolnns have been pronounced by many to be far in the lead of many of Sousa's efforts. I In; selecting the members for his musical organization Prof.j Tlnney picked men who were undtoiable experts on the Instrument assigned to t&ch one, and there is not one member ot this band who Is not a sollst on the Instrument which he plays! Experience of years in cater ing to th muttlc-lovinj; people of the world has taught Prof. Tlnney the selections of musle most desired and the programe b furnishes Is strictly uu-i-unio . 'virtues and operatic airs are Includ- td, popular airs sre noi lorgouen. So reat hns been the deslre to heai this hand In concert of an hour's dura- tlon which will be given in the huge menagerie tent to the commencing of each; performance. Every on, is aw- ar of the fact, that ther Is nothing so disgustingly tiresome as miserable musical selections poorly renaerea si a olrcu performance, out wis neeo not ;be looked for at the great Cole Tlrothers' Shows. The truth Is the efficiency of this band of soloists adds to the enjoyment ot th patrons. i ' A. P.N. Frte Tsltloa la City High School. vm iiilnn tnr fnur months in the New Bern Graded Bchooi baa heen pro vlded for white children of the county, iivinr Antaida of th. cltv. who msy wish to enroll in th high school de Dsrtment " The county, assisted by th Stat will pay . ths tuition for that period of such as deslr and ar qualified to pursue High School studies. Pmf II R rrvan. Buuerlntendent of New Bern Graded School will sup- ,.!. Mnv klilUlAnkl ItiffirmatJuB In r 1 gard to thl offer. . - J . S. M. BlUNliON, I CouutySupt SPEAKS FDR OEMOCIUClf Larry L Store, Esq. at Washington, X. Br j sa Kitchen Clab Organ. . i -.ikHKt ' toed, 2it-.o ! Washington Mesaenger 24. - ? v Quite an enthusiastic gatkerlne .of our cltizenB was held 4 in Brown's opera nouse ust nigni ior tne pur- pose or organizing a Bryan-iutetiin ,club. "d hearing the -gospel of Democracy expounded by that able leader and most worthy Democrat, Hon,: Larry I. Moore, of New Bern, N. C, ' ' ' '"' The Washington Concert Band was on hand and the delightful music ren dered .by this organization served to greatly intensify , the: enthusiasm that was 'manifested on all sides. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Rodman, who declared its object to be the organization of a Bryan-Kitchlu Club according to the outline furnished by State Chairman Eller. " Mr.' Rodman then Bet forth at some length, and In a very im pressive manner the necessity, for such an organization, together with the vast amount of good that was to be accomplished by th0 unltej efforts of Demo rats throughout the State and county. " - " The vote was then put to the house as to whethes they .would hear, the speaker of the evening first, or make the organization of the club the Ini tial feature of the program. It was decided by a unanimous vote to pro ceed with the organization before hearing the speaker, and officers were elected as follows: E. T. Stew art, President; W. K. Jacobson, Sec retary. Upon motion tbe appointments of vice-presidents to serve in the various precincts of the county was left open to a subsequent meeting, as was the appointments subsequent meeting, as was the appointment of the various committees which are called for in the outline furnished by the State Chairman The President then ap pointed Messrs. E. A. Daniel, H. C. Carter and W. C. Rodman a commit tee of three to make the selection and report at a subsequent meeting. The next feature of the program was the introduction of the speaker of the evnlng. For this Important work tho Hon. Stephen C Bragaw hadbeen chosen and as usual it was the right man in the .right Place. In words of burning eloquence, and statements pregnant with classic a lusions he declared the cause of Deinr ocracy to be none other than t.he dei mand of the people for liberty, and freedom from oppression and tyran ny at the hands of the favored tew. He then presented Hon. Larry I. Moore, who,, h declared .-would sug gest a plan by which this yoke of oppression might be thrown off and th neoDie come Into possession " or their own. i r - ? the ranks of manhood be .warned against the tricks 0f the Republicans to secure their allegiance, The Bpeaker then went into a com; Prison of he two administrations as mey nave exisiea m ine unuuu, uu has been to keep a monarch In the White House to the end that he might dominate Congress and keep It un der their control. " His next oolnt was the extrava- .Mlnl.tn. " lu" " .7 ". IZZ " tlon both present and past, charging incidentally that they were using the power of Indirect taxation, together with their control of the national currency to further' private sVhemes and sdvanc individual Interests. Mr, Moore then went' Into a some; hat dotslled discussion of the tar iff question, the substance of which was. that Instead of the money de rived by th tariff going4; Into . the treasury of the United States, and tn this way indirectly beheflttlng the u went Into th pocket bf (he ju-jiVmf manufacturers ' and 1 mntinuoi iMts inereov enncnina iew t the nene of th many. 'x1nnr nnn-Vhls address bv that, in nis' iudgment.' the on)y ,dB'nwr 'that 'threateued the n.mn.r..l..rtv .t m-esent was that lf lndlfference. With this in view, he )gl!ned tn injunction to 'all "loyal rtamocrats to keeoth watch' fires burunf ,04 to see to It that the men who ar about to enter 1 Mr Moore Is a man or charming Deronallty and - pleasing address, . . iim. tlmo' he Is a 1 man of Uound learning, accurate Judgment, and a forceful and magnetic speaker, I For over an hour he held- tho elose attontlon ot his hearers and t the closw ot bis mapnlfloent address h u elven a larse ovation. It is th I hnt nf all wha heard lilm " that be will again favor us wnn nis pre;nc at som future time during the cam- Inalro. ' i Railroad Employees! .1 . Can you flgur how n is your wstcnes I do not keep tlm to the second? We wish to sgsln mi,haws tB, Tact 01 nnr Dr-eniliienc as the bent watch 'adjuster In the City and to call ytmr - .tun linn In the at- of the watehe i we have repaired and compare It Jwlih yours. J. O." I'.nxtr, I- img Jeweler. ' gov, rap SENATOR OVER ! ADDRESS LARGER ASD - ESTHC. w , S1AST1C MEETINGS OK THJS "ISSUES OF THE DEM. .- OCBATICxjCAM.:' .; PAIG5 . 7 '.-!-.- s ( Jtif It raSCilOSLJMOnLTS; geslgnatlon of Dr. Anderson Changa of Conrt! CoL T. 8. Kena JU- S Elected Supreme Court " Clerk y Chief Clerk. Barwlck. Improrea , .' . HeuUh-Surprlse at Refusal f ta...... . ' . puhlicsn Congressional Candidas ' ' t To Joint. Debate. - . 3 fecial Cirrespondence. ' ' "Ralegh, N. C, Sept. 24. Governot it . - , Glenn and Senator, Overman were th ... , . 3tar Bpeakersat Leesyllle, thla coua- , , ty, toduy, and they had a great an' dience. TTbe "Wake campaign Is cef thinly being ' pushed by ' the Dfhe' crats, this being done to meet the 1 Republican boasts, that ihey? would cnrtalnly carry Wake by, a good flg ure. ; The Governor spoke twica ya ttrday In 'the county;" in the' morn-' 1 H -lug at Wendeir and he had aa an- ing at WeWndell and he had aa an-. x ience of 1,200 In the morning and c 700 at high and a number of ladle ;. ere : present at the morning speak ing. s The Governor said today Yry f anlcly that he had been making poll tical speeches 85 years, for h bgoat , t- : hen be was .20 years old and that i , ally had never had a greater day v than esterday, so Interested aand as) ppreciative were his audience. Both akr field and Wendel are in yery Una xtlons and the people ther ar hoa- table in the extreme,. They , had ,-.. greft brrbecue, a feature of this being ( t ( Vieny ot Darbecuea cmcken. au id . DenKJtratie candidates ver present ' nd everybody 'united "in making th ' r - ay a big" one.' The governor express-v " r d extreme pleasure at everything. --it Theltalelgh band furnished music yaa-. rde y and last night and did so again :, , , ? ' to-dsy,oihg out la a big chariot Not , -In a. lifetime have the Democrats on- ' ducteb stirring a campaign tot Wik.1' ' Dr.' Albert Anderson of Raleigh hT- ' ul; resigned. a 'director ot th Stat ' FIoBrttal; for'the jcolired j.lnuna at Goldsboro, Governor Glenn appoint ' a. A. Darden of Wilson to suceea mm. ' Ths . governor assents to ' an x- ' han?e of court betweeh Judge' Webb end' tong, by which Judg Webb w4U bold those... in th , Sth diatrlct .and k . Judgsj Loug In the Unth.j , (( ,(UOi, tnomaSj 3. n.ecan is again on- . ,11'imiusTy elected clerk' of th 811-' l' Ja pirem court,1 for 8 years, his term ha ing begun' las't Tuesday. " This la his ' (worth election. .The deputy clerk has- j been )n th office twenty year and la Joseph L. Seawell, Esq. ( ' . SomA"suDDrtse"ls exoressed'at the refusal ' of the Republican nominee 1 for' cpngwss and alector to meet th Democratic i&omlnees In bii j district t, 7 particularly ,vb?w of th fact that .. ,.;t &q prominent a Republican aa Hoa. John W. Atwat erof Chatham remark- d to; your correspondent that h felt ' ' sure fbere would be Joint castes. - ) adding that he aid not tnin iner tn Pemocratlcs .or .Republicans aln could draw a crowd. ' Chief Clerk A.' j ' Barwlck of th oi- ' fice tate Superintendent InstruoUo ' was at Hire office to-day for a few thin ' ' uus, ht is-atlli Vry wash. H waa operated upon .for appendicitis,, and; yiai about to leaye her for his home, ,,t ,k wbni suddenly had an, attack ot ma- . . larla which prostrated him. " " ' .By next Mondpy the annual appdr- ' tiobiiient to the rual high schools win (Mt mad by the flat Board of Eduoa ,,,.' thin The schools received from fWt r each tnd $45,000 will be divided among ibeiu.1 There are applications for far mor,' than this sum., Prof. Walker." ' who look fiarticularr after th XTh ' Schools was her to-day, and waa ask- - ed alK ut them. He said that as a mat- ,. . , tor of tact $100,000. wa needed for three' schools, but In view ot the hard lime ft did not seem vary proUM " ' tba( tJie leRlslatur Would ' h sd for mor st Its, coming - aessloa S3 that I he rd might wstt two -r " Ih fore It axked for mor money, l.s , schools hav ben a wonderful suf" dolnng a jgrtat work and r v'y popular evrywber. It there a. re jn. uy .uUUO u - be doubled. I Rr.STUMM0 OUDEB COS i. - The ' Injunction proceoi'r, , 1 L. S. Wood vs. the City of I". j u stmlnlng the grve of V r on r.a n Nri a nra r . Alli S In (.i"nvi, e y Jud l ' I 1 t!. t t! 1 'd'-r 01 li-nm un 1 lb, '"' .. r'r. !(,.. y fr I U.X ' -rr- K t -& it .'it 1 "i D1R FIR TOT