i.rttHU JClL 1871 i;. U. "Si Section, trsrj '-iJ u: r ril 4i Journal Bulld-- MM CistsD Sir : .fH4fcl,KH L. 4TIfBIS, ' - t:tiTO fo fkohuetob. - Official P.psr ot Nsw Bra and Craven County, r r "J UBBCRIPT10N BATB8. Two Moiiftis.. .. .. .". .. .. M ' ibre Month. ........ . . II i ?x Mtrotar- ... .' M vrlv Moatia,. ... .". .. , only :n advance. L60 The Jours; Bwnt on pay-la-tdvaifce bar's. Subscribers wlH r oetvejiotice rt exylratloa of their aub--ripHorg an W Immediate response to nuUce wl i d epiireciated by the . journal Advertising rates furmahed upoo application at the office, or upon lu ' luir''- ta,mal"- Enter! at the Poetotflce. New Bern, N. C.,r -as second-class matter. New Bern, N. C, November 20, 1908. PROSPEKITY 10K SPECULATIVE 1MTEUEST8. The press dispatches say. that con fidence end hopefulness has permeated the financial and business world. This Is good reading. It should en courage everyone in the smaller ci ties, where this sentiment has not reached. If it continues it must also permeate this southern section, and restore" normal trade conditions, ana bring into circulation many thousands cf dollars that the panic of twelve months ago frightened Into hiding. The "Careful reader of current trade events, cannot but note thatthe con fidence that at present exists is largely speculative. Wall Street is again of fering--big inducements. It is said, "the- public" which means the fools and their " money, is in "the street. Stock Exchange transactions run over a million shares, daily. The figures sal $2,000,000,000 has beea the in crease of stock values since the elec tion. It la a fascinating field, that of Wall Street, where "easy money' seems to ixist and a fortune is to be picked up each day. But to the average merchant to the laborer, to the humble toiler, these Wall. Street stories are like the Ara bian Nights tn leg of childhood. They are a -. fantastic and impossible to reach. The return of prosperity to the humble world means the privilege to haVe work and effort counted. The restoration of values to small estates. The possibility to do business by bor rowing money upon safe collateral, The -receipt of cash for goods sold and - worY done. All this Is very small to rejoice over, from a Wall Street point of financial view. And yet it la an the prosperity that hundreds ot thou sands of men anj women ask for. It Is the return, of natural conditions to the clans of people that work or trade in hundreds or a few thousands of dot lars each year, and who ask the chance to save .something through personal ef fort-each year, and at the same time enjey a comfortable and wholesome living.? It was because of the speculative confidence that prevailed. The build ing up cf fortunes through specula tion. The tariff protected Industries, granted monopolistic favors. The Trusts And 'combines that enjoyed special privilege. It was because oi these , that the panic of 1907 grew, and while the financial Interest suf fered,. yeV the recovery cam much more "dulclciy to ' them, 'while for months and even now legitimate In terests, men who seek to pursue busi ness upon an honest basts, buying ana selling with small pro his, and me chanics and laborers ask toe wage and work, these must go on, Miattag upas, uncertainties, waiting for lb . confidence and hopeful wave to raaafe them, "And restore to then a Bonoal state," that should sever kar bee npaej, aqd would mot have been, U huge tariff wall did mot rata liseit to' cut them off from Uflttmat trade CotfOUIon. TJIE'SriRIT OP THE C05FIDEB- . '.' . . ,' ACT No stronger or higher sign ot the Spirit that bas followed the Souther Cmif.'(1rary, Is to . bo found today, tli (i 11 ilut exhibited hy the Daughters of the Cuufedxracy. It Is spirit thai recoiilxt s the once toe of the south, tilt j.' urs only the kindest regard fr ILi 'm. At the sMine It Is a spirit thst Lr.'-ke no mi'h word as "trsltor" It ! ; !. I to a doiid or living Cobfeder- V 1 ' . St met!ngs, t!. ' i ud the annual cm " J -' ' " 'h'' If i ' W Ail . Vh wouldVi k wilkoul one anolket at as tow a you piease-tnerei just duect intense ktafthata " BeautiniDy iinkhed in nickel nental anywhere. The brass krnt holds 4 ouarU, giv ing keat kt ? hour. It is bgkt id weiQhr easily carried Irom room to toom: ' Every heater warranted. TLav J&Xtfol arnn meets ike neeJol the JglWPsmaeBta kriohl. .- j ,.'... '. steady light ideal 1o read or study by Mad of brass nickel plated, latest im proved central draft burner. ' Every lama warranted. If your dealer does net carry Perfection Oil Heater and Kaya Lam? write our nearest TaNOARD oit. co: U ventloos ot the Daughters of the Con federacy, all address themselves to the wovid as being loyal to those whose names they bear and honor, and not less true and patriotic as Daughters of America. The war and lts.rcoros of battles and dead heroes are held as sacred a ever, ana yet these in no way bars the future outlook to j any Daughter, In her love and rever ence for America and it greatness over all nations. And this devotion, consecration ano patriotism of the Daughters of the Confederacy wins the plaudits ot the Union veterans, themselves. These veterans knew the men they faced for four years, and found them worthy foes, and today brothers of one coun try. It is the experience that causes the veterans from the North to ap preciate the Daughters of the Con federacy, their devotion and' the spirit that animates their gatherings. Wit ness of this was seeD lu this city, last week, In the reception tendered the visiting Union veterans from Massa chusetts by the New Bern Chapter ot the Daughters of the Confederacy. These gray veterans of three score and ten, paid homage to the Daugh ters of the men they faced in this sec tion, and on their side received a re ception that won. every veteran' heart It 1 the spirit ot the Daughter of the Confederacy, that has withdrawn the bitterness of sectional feeling, at the sams time preserving sacredly the tra ditions, the history and achievements of those whoso cause they perpetuate with honor. NEW BEEN AND THE DEEPEB WA. Vtebways PBOJECT. i ' . v 1 - . The meeting of the Atlantle Deeper Waterways Association at Baltimore, this, week, ought to have held the In terest ot New Bern, at least to the extent of their being representative from this city at the meeting Thia Deeper Waterway project along Eastern Carolina mean greater water transportation ' f actlltlea, and this means greatly Increased coast trade, New Bern ha a river leading to this proposed Waterway, and with the de velopment ot the scheme there may bo developed some project that would put NewTtern atlr"oo h twt of cities having water ' transporta tion facilities. With boat lines from tbl city, and with the deeper wate maytho eomm vce i Uia city would knar. Tory uuea. -- J - J II la at anc miUaH"iS t&at held tats' Week In BaUtoeVe, that thU city should have bad representatives. It is only by going atUr thing, bain la th progroaaUo prooeaeion, thai oommunlty trad and prosperity la to a scoured. rollowlng practical demonatratloa of It value In that field, the govern ment will nso cooereta buUdings ra which to store explosive la th Canal Zona. The lncrso In price ot grain and food-stuff throughout India, ha be come a very sortou matter on ae ; .; count of the poverty of th nation and the low wage paid to, labor. CI r o c r.i r , r -- 1 i a NX 4 a A BobrOpsns '36 28 46 48 Yoa can quickly best an kerf eoay the draugLrr ad of coU roam M matter V! the wealher corah tons aw ana if you only knew bow muck ml condor! yoa cm km kom a . " ' " i ' ' 'ji-- PERFECTION fia Ceater Bstfd tt Saiskckai wtet' koui.. Turn the wkk as kigk no oanaer ne smoKe pe smca because u the amokeku device, an4 japan na- agency. : . j VOICE OF THE PEOPLE. A Query. We notice that the board of alder men have turned down a request from the committee of the Bike Temple for a reduction ot rates for electricity on ine ground iuui uic mioa ou than the cost ot manufacture. If that is Is the cause, why does not the board increase the rate? Would they think ot conducting their own busi es ataloss in that manner. It is hard ly just to those who do not use elec tricity to furnish the current for those who do use it at a less price than the the cost of manufacture. Honest confession is good for the soul bot iu this case there lsmuch doubt whether or not there is any benefit to the city treasury. A. B. FOOT HALL GAME University of Virginia vs University ot Korth Carolina, Norfolk Thar day, November 26th, 1808 Thankxehlna Day. Round triD tickets on sale at exceed ingly low fares, from the following stations, via Coldsboro, N. C, and A. C, L. Railway. FROM FARES $ 6.10 6.10 6.6tt 7.80 8.2W 8.66 8.76 8.05 8.30 LaQrange Kinston Dover New Bern Newport Morehead City, Beaufort Bayboro 0rleptal Fares for children, five (5) yeas ot age ud under twelve (12) halt ot abort-tart a -..T (Ticket on sale Wednesday, Novem ber 25th, 1808, limited for return pas sage until Saturday, November 28th 1808 . :. . . . - 5 H. C. HUDGINS, ' '. ... Genl Passenger Agt. Norfolk, Va. JURORS FOR NOV. COURT j--. FIB8T WEEIt , Township No. Ij W. C. Fay, D. Whti ford, and M. 0, Bprulll. .Township No. 2. Daniel Oasklns, a L. Fulcher, Q. V. Wiggins, j Township No. S. Freeman Avery, Robert Elliott," A.-O Oualay, W. B. Whit Sam Moore, W. H. West rTownshlpNa . HTO;-Rowa;R . Wllllanu' ; ' - ' " Township No. 8. W. P. Crockett, L. C. Tolson,' W, N. Pugh L. Smith, C V. McOaheei C. L. Stevens, R 6. 6trft.'W. II. Hancock, t. X. Hoaso, J, 8.' Garretl, H. B, Marks. W. it. tjanff, f. H. Weddell, W. P. Melts, B. K. Bishop, U. C Armstrong, Matthew Hal.'D. M. Robert, J. L. Robinson. Township No. . W. I. Arnold, J. AV Ipock, 6. U. Parry. " " '. ' IEC01D WEEIl Township No. 1. C. C. Ipock, A. P. Willis, i. C.' Wetherlngton, W. C. Wtt son, O. W. Joyner, D. W.' Franks,' J. M. Blsnd, Aaro Ipock, Albert Wil lis, r- ' ' Township No. 8. Leroy' Dixon, W. H. Jones, J. V. Tingle, Joseph Ed ward, D. II.' Casklns. ' ' . Towashlp No. 8 L. P. Davis, A. W. Avery. J. M. Heath, - - Township No. 6 W. D. Tsylor,1. B. Hooker, . R. Bowen, L.W.. Tsf lor. ' ' . - - Towoshlp No. 8 Oeo. Henderson, 8. M. Brlnnon, T. P. Row. Don Bas olght," llnnry Buchanan, E. A. Lan-r-aster, J. O. Taylor. M. L. Jatol s -J P. Cuthrell, "Bum Parsons. C. II. J . -bnm, II. C. l.iiuiBtlfn, A. K. Fsr. u. a i 4- i , .it 1 : Townnl.'p No. II, M. V. - . coin cliiorpii, tkfW moU CraH Cetatj) Tewber Trm, lbt. First ITeek. HO-VItll, K0TX1CBZB SSS. .8 Smith v French. " Morton vs Blades. Week vs Arnold. -Ipock vs Boper Lumber Co. How vs A. : N C.R.RCO. . ; TCESOAT, SOTEMBSB MTH 66 Godett vs QaskfU. ' 70 Lupton v Goldlng. 75 Elm City Lumber Co., ra Building L. Co. . - : J 82 Jones v Arnold WEDJilSDAI, HOTEMBIB UIH 84 Miller vs Hadnot t 98 Flanner vs Trent River Lumber Ca t ' . 108 Hardy vs Pollock. 156 Pollock vs Hardy FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2JTH 93 Jones vs Life InsuranceCompany. I tdi Slmmnn. V. DfilUnw, jfcs Co. ; !ll0 Morgan v. Lumber 112 Davis vs Norfolk and Southern Ry Co. ill2 Whitford vs Norfolk and South- en Ry Co. MOJiB.iT, KOTEMBEB MTH. 113 Clodtelder vs King Lumber Co. 118 Duffy vs N. ft. a Ry Co. 120 Bellamah vs Rahtd TUESDAY DECEMBEB S1ST Gooding vs Moore. Cole vs Standard L. Co. WEDNESDAY, DEC. S. 125 Parker Buggy Co., vs 8. A. L. H R. Co. 190 Vlanlrintr A Triiut Pn va Wu 11 71 fill JunU 130 Warren vs White It Co. THURSDAY, DEC 4TH. 131 Credle vs Norfolk & southern By Co. 183 Baugb & Sons, vs Miller.. FRIDAY, DEC 4TH 138 Henderson vs Spencer. 139 Brown vs Havens, 141 Nixon vs Carmen. . 142 Barkfr Pottery Co., vs Baaden. 165 Reddy vs Ktfer. 187 Gil vs Miller. MOTION DOCKET. M Elliott vs N. & S. Ry. Jones Vs N. & S. Ry. Thomas vs N. & S. Ry. Fannin vs N & S. Ry. Oeo. Berry, vs N. & S. Ry. Daugherty v N. ft S. Ry. Johnson v N.'ft S. Ry. 116 Ipock vs N. & S. Ry. 157 Wood v! N- s- Rv 152 Fulcher vs N. & B. Ry. Foy . vs Gray. Baantgct v 8a Jobbing Ca Holt V Nelson. . Baxter vs S. Jobbing Co. 49 Holt Kelson. 66 Carter v Godett 68 Dudley v .Lumber Ca 73 Nelson va Holt. 86 McCulleB v S. A. L. R. R. Com pany. ' ' 8T Birroe vs Barrow. 100 Scott va WeddelL 111 . Lighting A Fuel Co. vs Armstrong 138 Gaskil vs Turner 177 Jbne v San Francisco R. R. Com f pany. 160 Cox va Lighting Fuel Co. 174 Dudley v Lumber Ca 128 Uztell v Ussell, divorce. 186 Fane v Fane, dlrorca. 98 Oats v Oats, divorce. jThe submarine bed ot th French River Adour ha been followed by Prof. Edward Hull, F. R. 8.. fifty mile out at sea, and that of the Con go be baa traced 100 miles into the ocean. : 4 , There wor 2129,818 malea of vot ing age In the United Stat at th last census.' Only 13,989,274 of them voted Id the census year. - . ' I'eali Kidneys I Wmk lUom tmntf Mint to U hV) tnM. tttTaklMn, VU Uw.Emuv s4 Btonwk. Ou Uwit Mm aM la th r SMIL bin tn th MtM UuU aaailr.il ana a Saul atnk'liai thaaa. IX. k-i b - .4b BMlK-ia aalaeaUy mnumnA a r. m fuatrauiu iwnaa. latmtlHt '-Viaraal . mm WMkt .luw.n4etnwe a rknet nana k Waak. N SVe nrta n aart an4 atmie. ftwattkaan. letatlMt ewatrawiiie of aWna. Tit M arH. or I al SflahttataiW flat duaiaa. try Lv.Saoav aaaanrauvaa B TabW IMHiO-jui M 4 to l b4 1 ' rS f 1 f- r-1 r- LUiiLJuyiiuu . f. s. t::n. LI I L! ti'3 G O I! aJ , WITH kiU L .... i PubQo Ownership" SJCsisa . ; Fteetino Vision. V:;. - sVttleK ' Municipal " Traction' gystems - Offer No Appeal cr Argument te the " Amerkan Workman Starvation , . Wage and Overcrowded Tiiwnunte -Are Among the Eil'- Which Make Peeaible the So CiJUd.'JRUii.f of the Rat. . r It la a somewhat puzzling problem Why certalu person lu tU bureau of manafaxturvs at Waahluftnu eui le- -lighted to pick out from the icuniiur reports so many of the umrltkal ud opttmistlc statements furbished up by ' special pleading In regard to the oper- ! ation ot street railway In Europe by punUc offlctala. . Report No. 87(1 of . Sepfc 11 last contatnett no less than .. three reports from England ou street railway operation, besides a general ! artk-le on the mauagvineiit St public i ...,t,x, . - -t .1... n.,,.m. U(Ullln.W UWUKUJ, u iu uuiuivtui. ed reader 1i mlcbt nnuear from the reading of these reports that fhoy showed a certain degree or success on the part Of tHO muni IpOl OUKWIS. 1? wUat they v acmpiUbed. The lightest analysis, however, puts all , tbes cases ot muuidiwl operation in the list of financial or economic fall area, and there. ought to be some one In the department of state or the bu reau, of ! manufactures-who would ei ther take cut Jus partisan color In these documents or iusist that the cou snls should reveal the truth. Even with the best lhrht put ou then reports It Is naively admitted that the Belfast system had broken down because of the unfortunate lim itations imposed by the act ot parlia ment In which the city was empower ed to purchase and operate the system that it should be self support lug iud that no money should be taken for tramway " purposes from auy - other fund.1 The receipts did not meat ex penses, and it - became1 net eesary to raise fares all along the line. The com panies lirHuddersudd and Manchester made a somewhat better rhowiiit; UiMili the face of the figures,, but examina tion showed that their uuam ial sue- '.ea was due to rates of wages which would not be tolerated In this country, lu Hudderafleld It" la stated that "the ISO regular employees retelre a week ly wage of $2,239." This would work out at 8520 per week per employee. Thia would amount to $270.40 per capita per year and would require an expenditure of 8116,823. In the United State a far back as the census report ot 1802 1&338 motormeu in cities of 600,000and over received total wu;;e.3 ot $10,809,450. . This works out at SG42 per man, or nbut 240 per cent of the average wages paid all employees lu Huddersfleld. If the scientlflc souirf of dividing the average number of. employees by the amount paid Is called In question, we have tho-assur ante of the census report that th median rate for all motormcn In the United States .was f 2 to 82.04 per day The significant fact, from a fiuan rial point of view. Is that If wages I: Huddersfleld had been raised to tu average wase of Urge cities lu thU country the surplus ot $208,208 above operating: coat would have been morr than half wiped out and the demands for Interest redemption of debt and depreciation account coutd not have beea met Eren as It wua, with, wages ground down to the starvation mint mttni' there van a surplus aftei charge nd allowance of 831.700. which, ;wlth fine Irony, la applied uu dec. to .Euglisb system "to toe relief ot. the general rates." Evidently thr motormen " who are receiving thc- prlncely wages of T3 cent per day are doing-their share toward the 'relief of the general 'rates,"' but may get c part f th money bock if tbey become fiarg oat the city - ...-" . : If the- advocate of municipal opera tJoa take refuge behind the claim that condition are different In England from those tn this country, the claim may bo freely admitted. But In mak ing such a -elalin be abandon his case. Th sol object In presenting alluring pictures ofJowjtaneaaud apimrcut aur- plos earnings ou the English Hues 1 to onvtnt th American public that aim dar results could be obtalued here. If Ik comparison, contains no such ug gestlon, the It ha no practic al bea Ing.oo the. effort to secure muuklpal operation In this couutry and la of th asm academic Idterest as au essay oi-caravan- routes In Mesopotamia In the tlmo of -Belshafsar.: it Is quit true that rocditloas In England differ rod I cajly from those u this country am' thut many of the feature of English muuk'iiiel operation would not bo M ertd for on' moment by the Amert can public: Tit fare gsnded acconl bag to dlstane mak short ride cheep bdt long one dear. They tend to roD goit.lne')oeratlon In I ha trneinent districts, while our systoui i a aul Wa faro, tend to derclotunent of ent arhaa property and the diatrtbuttm ot th working mosses where they rati ioA air And sunlight. I Evn w h a ittattec .a Oakew fu tawnha flnddorstWid taastM ays W peotents VtsnlfsUlnd so kieuenat-r cWp4n ah4 tear th entiuy to tU the claim as resolutely aa It la terost -Mtisrally demanda. Monlc-lpol operation la fsr from having proved a abroad, and If It bad attained abroad tbl would be far from proving th possibility of It success lu th United State. To obulu a nomt aal surplus by keeping wage of oper ative down to T5 rent per day will hardly appeal to any part of the Amer ica public Commercial and 8lnan aSsI Chronicle. .. TIlS OkaaoUf On. ftroo How ran 70a Ull wbrlbar xipU sr mrHrd r aotj Hotel Krptrlt b onlwrs two trbuls jxr Koos. thrf snr ik; It ka orders on Sorttuo lor t-4 Tcnniylvanta Insds In lbs slats In- -'ktj wl:!i Vermont, Jta'.ne, Vlr'i " ,nl ::J, t...w Yotk, C!:f-.rn!a, At- 1 st.j jvif- j 1 :.;t '- r r r 1. I r L '. She Kind Yia Ilave Always t , . In nse for over HO rears, . ana nas pejenxnaaewnuer ius pw ifZ-f-T sonal Bupervlslon since its infancy, , GirtcAj&i ' AWnxrnn nnn tndnrpilr voain this. ' All Oonntearfeita, Imitations Experiments that trine Wltn ana endanger me neaiin ox . . Infanta) and Children Expeorlence against 'Experimenta', v " Wtiat Is CAST ORlA - Castoria la a harmless gubstltute for CaBtor Oil, Pare ' gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. ' It is Pleasant. It ; contains neither Opium, Morphine xtor other Nareotlo -" sabstanee. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms ? and allays Feverishness. It cures DIarrhosa" and Wind . Colle. It relieves Teething TrounieSaCurea vonsvniw. and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho -Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep." . The Children's ranacea The Mother's Friend. ' cemuine CASTORiA Bears the The Kind You Haye Always Bouglit In Use For th( ecNTawa mbmnv, n ' Q? strong IrClA iw COURTEOUS VZ jCy PlOQlESSIVE .-' NO ONE CAN AFFORD to take the responsibility of kftping securities and valuables at home. A secret liuling place which you may regard as heing ; fd by the pilferer. A Safe and burglar proof vault sum of $4.00 per annum. WM. C.D.B RAD MAM VICC PRIST. ill ' Th People I J know a good thiiu when they lapid growth of my liauc 6iuc- resuming dusiucsh i naer tne Strictly C'sh plttii L.;tr Trices for the Heat Groceries ls what vou tut aud what 1 tropoto give you. Our iutmstsare .Mutual, J make a little, 301 save a great deal by buying your GroteiitK at J. L. llcUanui's Strictly Cash fctore, P. 0. Arinourj Star Bi-and Hams are unsurpassed by any. ll'c. per lb. to Jay at McDauiel's ' wmmwmmfmwmwmwmmmmmomiimmmmnmmmmii J. L. Mc Daniel 83 Broad St, : V- ; J. A. f - Ik IV 1 Largest and finest Stock of Horses and Mules ever offered for sale in New Bern. A Car Load of each just in! Also complete line of Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Rcbcs, Whips, Cart Wheels, etc - - timw-tv- J. A. , JONES Proprietor BROAD ST. NEW BERN, N. C C:2ATII.q LlILLISAil FAINT When you paint your hcn:e ycu v:r.tapa!nt that will stand the test cf tl.r.e, I!r::'i zr. I !.::i"g2a.wKI da that and Jts covcrcg tz;zc.ij h great. Let us send you a ' N f - . cc!or card. QAZVAhh HARDWARB CO .-. .i.?-sV,SV.' ! ' 14- J MM . D) Bouglit, and which lias beeiv ' nas , oorne me Bignature or - .. , . , and Jnst-as-good" are bat Signature of Over 30 Years. aiumuv .t.cit, in Tea orr. aBwpnjaaTianna ial perfectly safe is readily discover Deposit Box in our f re can be rented for the small DUNN - T.A.UZZEtU; of New Bern fl see it, as is evideuced by - the . r". . New Kern X. O. fl JONES . W, FEfD, SALE ASD j-. IKWE ;. STAB LES b c - f -T Jf-r- r . ; : -5, a.