...:.! i.. .l:,13 v VDXJiialfi . Tli yatbt Lawtlier, belonging to th Joha I itopsr Lumbar Company wn ia port for a. wall yesterday. - , v Mr. J. E. Smith I painting hit r . dence on Hancock street It has bee remodelled lately, and with th new dress paint makes a very hand acme eppearauce. - - . j - The social meeting of the Epwortk League, which waa to have been heia tonight haa been,,, postponed . untu Thankesiylng- night A devotional meeting will be held thla evening a 8 o'clock. v'-A ' It Is reported that a through trafn to Raleigh -will be put on the Norfolk and Southern road. Tha , train will leave New Bern at 5 p. m., and ar rive between the hours of 9 and 10 a. m. - ' The contest for prize piano at F. S. Duffy's, which has been -In .progress for six months closed yesterday and the piano will be awarded to Mr. Thou . Rowe, No. 2 township. ife presented 47 cards each showing' 'purchases to the" amount of $10. ..... Mr. Wright Moore brought to this office yesterday a. freak yam which weighed a little more than . three pounds. It had grown so big that the skin couldn't contain it and there are several wide gaps to Indicate that what was Inside wanted to get out side. Among the improvements arouna town lately, especial mention might be made of those around Taylor'a cir cle, otherwise Frog Pond. Several new buildings have been erected there 'during the past year.and Mr. J. M. Harrison ia just finishing remodeling of his store, which makes practically a new building, and a very nice look ing one too. The R. W. Williamson brick building, almost new. Is being stuccoed, and will be given a gray stone finish, which will make It an imposing looking structure. The attendance at the white gradea school yesterday broke all records tn the enrollment of 706 pupils, 681 were present. As a rule the least basis ot absentees is tn per cent but yesterday- the basis was reduced to three . per 1 cent, a record of which Superinten dent Craven may well feel proud. He credits this remarkable attendance to the good health of the scholars. There has been no malaria or other physi cal trouble to keep them at home. There is another reason which must Wt be overlooked and that Is the in terest In the school work is Intense. The attendance at the colored school wag 474 scholars. THURSDAY. Mr. .A. H. Bunting is making ex tensive additions to his saw mill In Bridgeton. The R. S. V. P. Club will meet at the home of Miss Hattie Marks on Pol .lock street, Friday afternoon at 3.30 n. m. .. More war upon blind tigera is pro bable as it ia rumored that about 20 ..warrants ):e out for these alleged animals. "At the prayer meeting of the First Baptist Church tonight. Rev. J. . Hutson will talk on prayer. Come out and hear him. ' The three-masted schooner Grce Q Bennett is in port from Norfolk with a' cargo of coal for Messrs Hollister Cox, coal merchants. - - - The Vanqjboro Dramatic Club will present "Thompson's Hired Man and Jumbo Jump" on Friday November 20, for the benefit of the- Methodist church.. The barge Emma and Beaale captain Ey, pf Norfolk, finished discharging, a caro of 600 tons guano at the Virginia-Carolina warehouses on Neus river. ;yes.terdajf. ' The high school teams of Washing ton and Edenton will have m football game at Roper on Thanksgiving day. Arrangements have been made In re gards to trains. It is expected that there will bs hot game. .The game wllLhe called at 2 o'clock p, m. . , The alarm of lire from box S3, about midnight last night, proved to bo a false one. - ,. . Mf.-H. K. Wollcott of Wilmington accompanied by gas engineer, K. C. Hudson, completed their inspection of the gas property of lbs New Bern Llrhtlnr & Fuel Co. mad nnrfar Ota order of His honor Jadgo O. H. Alias of the Superior court yesterday. The property Is advertised to be -sold at the door of the court bouse at 11 at, Monday'November 23d. . . Messrs. Davis and Cab of James town, New York have opened a fruit and vegetable store at aamber Is . Broad street They will do mainly a wholesale business handling stock in chi loud quantities. . Only small pan of their stock haa arrived so far and that consists of apples end Irish potatoes, a carload or two which ar rived Monday. The stock shown is the fluent offered here this season and tna nriiors of the firm say that they an In a ptmaiou to sell at th vsry low-.' est possible prices. , . j ''W3 'bae been received hers ot (h bur ii I'm; of a store and house at Mar rltt, Pamlico county. The buildings, lit longing to 'Mr. J. E. Jones, for merly a'uierctlant of that place, but cow of Oriental, and was occupied by a family of colored people. The firs -i if! rov.nd by some of the nlgn l.'.in ii it I,y aljinit nilJiilght, who fern to tie It .'i:8 tnd swing nothing 0 ' .( i'l .Ma, they broke open th r a 1 f J theta ail asleep or NoMtii h. Stronger Than His A strong m la ttroaj all over. Na ma be ttroaf who ie sufferiBg brook weak stomach with iti eoaiequeat iadijestioa, or frrm some other disease . ei too momo and its asiociared Organs, which im pairs dig tioo and autruicn. For when the itomio u weak or diseased there is a, toss ot the nutrition oafhtd ia feed, wkieh to tha source of ail phyiical troagta. Whoa. ataa "doesn't feci just riiht," wa ha doeu't sleea well, has as oaooihiortable lealiaM ia the atoaiooh altar oatiag. to oat, ho to toting the aatritioa needed to mako atreagth. . Saw m mam akaald Dr. Plarea'a Galdam Mladic t ttlaaawarr. It aaraa dlaaatta of too atomtaek amd atkae . mrgaaa ml dttaailam mm mmtrttlam. it amrlekea too bloat, "' Imrlgarataa too Urar, atraajtkama tka kldaaya, aaariaaaa - tma mt-iaa, am4 aa GIVES HEALTH XHD BTREJtGTH TO TmawMoim moor. Yoa oaa't afford to aooept a itcrtt nostrum as a substitute ld this ooo ajaiHt BMdiaiao o known composition, not ovea though the orgeat dealer stay thereby aaake a little bigger profit. logredieota printed oa wrapper. unconscious. After some little trouble they were removed from the burning budding but only Just in time to eavt their Uvea. There was some little excitement around the Atlantic Coast Line ware house yesterday; soon after the freight -train came In and a bad accident was narrowly averted, lust by a chanct A line of cars were standing on the track by the warehouse, being loaded with cotton when a shifting engine happened to bump against some cars standing higher up the track. The grade is downward and the Impetus given the cars sent them hurling down upon those being loaded in leaps ana bounds and the whole train went rushing along to the river. The fore, most oar Jumped the tracks and pass ed over the end of the track striking the barge Emma and Bessie which was lying along, the wharf, a most tre mendous blow causing It to tremble from stern to stern, terrifying a lot oi negroe stevedores aboard, who saw the runaway train apparently rushing down upon them. The barge was slightly stove and the car waa badly wrecked bur luckily it did not go over board and the cotton escaped without lamage. FRIDAY. The civil term of the Soperior court for Craven county meets n New Bern next Monday. Persons interested will find the Thanksgiving schedule of tares to Not folk on acount of the football game on page three. The Craven Hunt Cub will have a fox hunt tomorrow (Saturday) morn ing from the convict camp. Members will leave New Bern at -4.45. Mr. J. C. McGowan, and Mr. R. A. Brewer have purchased the outfit ot the former Oaks market and will open ip today for business at the old stand Depoty Sheriff E. J. White, took a crazy woman, named Hattie Cannon to tbe insane asylum at Goldsboro yesterday. They patient was brought from the neighborhood ot Vanceboru. The social and study circle of the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society ol the Centenary Methodist Church will met this afternoon at 4 o'clock fn the church parlors. Frank Hicks was on trial before Jus tlce S. R. Street yesterday for assault with deadly weapon. The defendant was dismissed, and the prosecuting witness Nancy Paton, taxed with the costs. Swett potatoes ar getting to be over plentiful and tha price is get ting to be correspondingly low. The merchants ar offering selected rea yams now, at fifty cents the bushel, which Is considered unusually cheap. The bodies that have been lying In the private cemetry on the Attmore estate on Broad street above Burn street ar being removed this week to th Cedar Grove Cemetery. 'This cemetery was In use many years ana ther were but tew Interments. The property will be Improved and dwell ings erected t hereon. LIqens were Issued yesterday for the marriage of George Berry, an old negro, seventy-five years of age, and 91 ir a Bhlngleton.a matron of forty flv. Oeorg Is an old pensioner oi the union army, unable t work much for a living, says that h thinks h can take ear of himself and wire oo Unci Sam's allowance; " Its Inquiries completed, th Russian governmest has decided to orded su airship from M. Lsbaudy, th French constructor. . Croup Tonsilitis end ikthraa A quick aad powerful remedy Is needed to break up an atUck of croup. Sloan's Liniment ha cured many cases of croup. It acts uwUntJv whea applied both laatd and ouuld of th throat It breaks up th phlegm, re duces th kamration, and relieves th difficulty of breathing. fives q rkk rt",.f la a3 caaes of asthma, bronchitis, sor throat, tonillltla, and fault in tie tintl. m, as, so., a !. P.". r-tl S. Clrsft, Cotton, Mass. ih-JJ 111 - . liTMlTs Unlaid, aervous, kritahle and HNNUOEE16 Daughters of Confederacy. Pledge for Next Year. Election ef ON i fleers. ! The Daughters of the Confederacy held their, annual meeting in the O. D. C. Hall, yesterday afternoon. The meeting opened with the usual exer cises. An 'interesting report of thi state convention was read by the hapter delegate, Miss Eulalia Willis, in which she told ot the Jthree ob jects to whose support the chaptei s pledged this year. The Wyatt mon ument fund, the Shotwell portrait and the George Davis memorial. Miss Wil lis also called attention to the en dorsement by the state convention ot the Stonewall Jackson training school association, and urged each Daughter to become a member of that associa- iou. She stated too,, that the ire Dort of our children's auxiliary was the best read at the convention. Following Miss Willis' report the tnnual report from th various of ficers of the chapter, were ieaj and accepted. These reports showed that 3ixteen meetings had been held dur 'ng the year, and that some work had been accomplished. The election of offcers resulted in the following. President Mrs. C. L. Stevens. 1st Vice-President Mrs. Walter Duffy. 2nd Vice-President Mrs. R. B. Nix on. 3rd Vice-President Mrs. S. W. Han lock. Recording Secretary Miss Katie Street. Corresponding Stcretary Mrs. W. P. M. Bryan. Treasurer Miss Annie Foy. Leader Children's Auxiliary Mrs. Hughes lloltai'i.l. Asst. Leader Children's Auxiliary- Mrs. R. A. Dimon. Historian Mrs. George Hender son. Registrar Mis. Carrie Arendall. Pianist Miss Clare Morris. Committee on Credentials Mrs. E. K. Bryan, Mrs. A. B. Powell, Mrs. K. R. Jones, Mrs. M. D. W. Stevenson,, hMrs. E. H. Claypoole. FATHER AND BROTHER . OF MOEREO MAN Spend Several Honrs In Raleigh Examining Scenes of the Tragedy. Special to Journal. , Raleigh, Nov. 19. Today th father andbrother of rhe murdered man, E W. Smith, sppnt several hours her with tha coroner Separk and Chlet of Police Mulllns, and at the State stone quarry, where Smith's body waa found. They expressed themselves as confident he was murdered. His bro ther, W. F. Smith, of Cincinnati, Is the general sales manager of the Whits oak Coal Company, tor which the murdered man also traveled. In the party was J. W. Prince, ot West Vir ginia, Smith's cousin. Smith's body which was embalmed here, . is buried at Richmond, and no analysis of the contents of ths stomach has yet been made, but his father and brother salo It should be made if necessary. Tbs increase In prices of grain and food-stuffs throughout India, has. be come a very serious matter on aa- ,; count ot tbe poverty ot th nation and th low wages paid for labor. V I J ' f J I 111 . tit " 8.S8 8SJ , Nons. . ,1 KwTfrkotUi Kon&Wlia' '-;'- r6 ; .o8 .14 ' t.oi Jan. . ' 8S4 8.J8 894 May i 8.85. i88 8.85 Spots Sale November 17th. Dec Jan. May' July Aug, Oct . .2S .0 ' .4 " 1.87 ; $.i 8.63 1.07 85 S.88 8.88 1.71 8.60 - S.S5 8.84 '22- .0f - 8 5 .0fl 17S 8.5 Spots Sales November 18th. Dec. 9.34 9.16 05 ,8.98 8.91 8.24 9.08 8.96 8.82 8.86 Jn, May Jan. 8.07 8.95 8.8.9. 8S8j 9.U 9.0o: 8.9 ; 8.91 ; 940 None July Spots ' Sales , Liverpool Market November 16th. Nov. Dec . 473 482 Dec Jan. 471 472 1-2 Jan. Feb. 470 470 1-? Feb. March 471 470 March April 471 470 1-2 April May 471 471 May-June 472 471 June July 472 472 July Aug. 471 472 Aug. Sept., 463 471 Sept Oct. 460 465 ' Oct. Nov, ' 455 456 1-2 Receipts - ' . ll.OOu Sales ' 8,00u Futures irYCgtlktr. Market steady. ' November 17th. Nov. 489 484 1-2 Nov. Dec. 471 474 1-2 Dec Jan. 469 473 Jan. Feb. 469 472 1-2 Feb. March 469 472 l- March April 470 470 April May 470 470 1-a May June 471 474 June July 471 474 1-2 July Aug. 469 473 Aug. Sept. 463 467 Sept. Oct. ' 458 462 Oct. Nov, ' 454 437 1-2 Receipts. 20.00U Sales 10,000 Spots and exports, 640 American 7,000 Spots s;; 602 Futures Quiet; falrbusioess doing, i - November 18th. Nov. Dec. - 475 474 1-2 Dec Jan. 474 473 Jan. Feb. 473 472 1-2 Feb. March 474 473 March April. 474 473 April May 474 473 1-2 May June 475' 474 June July . 475 474 July Aug. 474 472 1-2 Aug. Sept ' ' 469 466 1-2 Sept. Oct. . , 464 ' 461 1-2 Oct. Nov. 458 456 1-2 Receipts 11,000 American . , 11,000 Sales , , - 12,00 Spots and Exports 600 American . 10,000 Spots,' gpod demand middling (07 November 18th. Qasveiton 26,874 New Orjeans " 20,837 Mobile . - Wi Savannah . , " ' 7,62 Charleston. ' 417 Wilmington '! 1,660 Norfolk - 49 Total . ' , 63,215 H Be- Market November 16th. Prlcs , , . 7t0 S-4 Sales "r 40 November 17th. Prices ! 8als . J ' ' :- -' t'rr November 18th. ' 7to t 7-1 26 Prices 7to I cent ' 12U Sale HEW BEKX PRODUCE 1URXI1 CrreHe4,1(aVeBiber hj B. B. ' ' ' -it. ' - Eggs i .. .." .. .. 13 Potatoes, sweet ........ . . . .40-60 Potatoes, Irish ...... ...... .. 1.75 Peanuts ...... 1...., ,. ....80c Chickens .'. .... 60-75 CerrerW Tmsr 19,, ly B. wrt Bef .. ,..-, .. .. .. ., -.07c Pork ...... .. .. .. .. At CrrtH Heveaifcer It, by Buns B Orsy. Corn .'. .: t.. ...... .12 Mr Corn,, new .. ..' '.. .. ,. $1.00 Oats...... ....'.. .. Br vW;.'.V".' 160 Fed iso Cottcn Bead hull: ,r; ....... .... 6b Cotton seed meal ., ..".,".. 1.50 Timothy utf'-Ji v. 1.00 Hominy ,..:r, 93 l- Meal i. :." ...... ...... 71 l- pye -.. . 1.25 Ts Is germicld. according to a tMiton physlrtan, who rtalm It Is (a 'rt'Hf rank tnamy of th lyibola baccHtoa. .. " " I kev. R. t. Seaman' want to Rkialgn ytrday: - ' ; . '' Mr. W. F. liar'rali ot' Waakkgtou," N - G., was ner lanf nlgtt. " Mr.'Qeore W. Roper' cf Koi'folk was IB th city last night ; Mrs. Monro HoVell of Boonton. N. J., 1 stopping St No. ( New street. ' Mr. M. L. Hollowell. return 4 last night after a several months absence. Mrs. Sassi Rhodes of Rocky Point, is th guest ot Mrs.- Virginia Harri son. ' - " ' ' ' v' : ' ' : , ' Ex-Sheriff, David J. St udrsof On- slow county spent yeaUrday ' In th (city. . l;.. . 84S. Miss Clyde Cox, returned yesterday Nona from a short visit to her home in Qreenvllle. - v,' -: Mt. George Moulton went to More '28 hi vesterdav and will be enaaaea In taking photographic views ot Carat.! Glenn, for the use of the government,, ; '. Mr. Edward Waters of Pantego, N:, C, was the guest of his son, Mr. Q. S. Waters Monday night. He went to Klnston yesterday to attend the con. vention of the Christian Church. The following people went to Kln ston yesterday to attend the conven tion xf the Christian Church: Meed. Ida Ellis,, Florence Pearce, E. W. Dickinson, Miss Evelina . Parsons, Messrs. G. H. Waters and Henry Oaa kins. THTBSDtr. Mr. L. Wallnau went to Beaufort yesterday, Misses Rosa and Anna Pigford are visiting In Wilson. Rev. R. K3. Beam an returned from Raleigh, last night. Miss Etta Nunn returned from a vis it to Wilson and KinBton last night. Mrs. Strassberger and son, ot New York City are guests of Mr. M. Hahh Mr. Willie Harrington of Washing 'on was a visitor ia New Bjrn yester day. Mrs. Ralph Gray returned yesterday Irom a visit with friends at Washing ton, N. C. Messrs. David Lewis Mann and Ell Prescott of Newport were In the cit yesterday. Mrs. P. A. Willis went to Kinston yesterday to attend the convention oi th Christian Church, Rev. C. C. Jones went to Kinston yesterday to attend the convention oi the Christian Church. Messrs Tom Smith and Lawrence Wallnau went to Newport yesterday here they will spend a few days hunt Ing. Messrs. W. B. Blades, W. W. Clark G. A. Nlcoll, and Wm. Dunn Sr., left last night for a few days hunt at the Lakes. Mrs. W. M. King and Mra. W. L Skinner, ot Greenville are th guests of Mr. and Mrs. Larry I. Moor on East Front street . Mr. E. B. Stevens and Miss Jessie M. Stevens of Southport arrived last night and are visiting Mr. an.1 Mrs C. L. Stevens, on New street FRIDAY. Mr. L. Davis of Beaufort was in tha city yesterday. M. Wm. Watson of Newport, was in town yesterday. Mr. James Duff, of Elisabeth City is a visitor In th city. ' Mr. J. E. Jones of Bluefleld, W. Vs., is visiting relatives In the city. Messrs, O. N. snd J- B. Ives return ed from a business trip to Norfolk. Messrs D. E. and H. A. Reel ot Reelsboro were In th city yesterday. Mis Nan Grey Fisher of FayetteviU Is visiting Mrs. H. B. Holland on Broad street ; " - - - j, Mr. and Mrs. 8. Josephthal return ed last night from their European wedding tour. - Misses Allle Harris and Margaret William's of Pollocksvllle ar guests ot Miss Nina Basnlght Mr. James Jones of Pittsburg was her yesterday on bis . way to visit relatives at Cedar Point " Mrs. W. W. Copperag who haa bafiv th guest of Mrs. Rosa B. Smith returned to her horn tn Raleigh yea tarda. ,, , Mr. Clarence Pember, r ajrrlvd with his mother from FayettevUie last evening to visit his ataTand pa rents. Judge and Mrs. H- R. Bryan., NOTICE! After Jasaary' 1st 1909, w wQl 4 m strtcUy ash baslaess. W lol that w can -hs better service t th paMIc U aad safSeWes ia delag as w will b la a pslUoa t make prices a oar entire stork of faary aad staple g reries,that It wlU b f laterest t ver persea U pay SPOT CASH for what ha bays. Osr ksewledge what th peapl want, wat t bsy, where t bay aad wbe I bay, mak as feel esflaat tkt w a 111 be sbl t res. dart a CASH baslaess that wlU be thoreaglily apprerlated. W believe that the people are aiy awaiting tbe epportaalty, le eajay a perlol f Jal Sating, ssrk as a fctrlrtly Cash Store raa ,flrr. 5 stamps will h gives after Jaiisary lut . Bjff ifa"!, L. C 1' that any bank can oh'ef lack of any rea'Jy fexttn.irdinafy InOTHmpnt, simply the assuraocc Of that tbniplcte and conkientioasscr vice which only a tfotlseftatively managed bank can give. This Bank places safety above every other consideration and counts that as the best inducement . far your banking business. Have YOU an account here? .. JAS. B. BLAOKM, F.es Wm. K. C.'DKS. V. Prw. K iEWl laajcW) I 'FOR MEN' VVH3 CARE TO DRESS Every year an army of men Is discovering that they can find thorough satisfaction in the Barry Shoel' This is true for the following reasons : First, because it is always thoroughly up-to-date .' i style. Second, because it is veil made by Union labor, of the finest materials ever put into a shoe. - . Third, because it is designed for the perfect comfort of the foot 5 Surely you can't look for anything more in a shoe than this 1 Come in and( see for yourself. 5. COPLON 55-57 Middle St New Bern N C I THE OAKS MA RKET I No. 75 Broad Street. tl Finest Meats of all ! C Highest cash price paid W for Cattle, -Sheep, Poultry, I Terms are I Brewer & 7 Proprietors ' s . BRYAN & OLIVER FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY. VTE 80LICIT A 8H1HR OF I0CB rATRONAGE, THE FOLLOW-' v ISO COKPAKIE'S ABB REFSESEXT ED BY I'Si Continental of New York, Athu of London, Western of Toronto, 8pringfleldofIa8.t Carolina of Wilmington, Westchcbtcr or X TT North State of Greensboro, Florida Home. Mary L. Bryan, Mary T. Oliver Office Western Union Bldg. , ' , "Chore No. 12 OEATII gfillLLIGAN PAINT When you paint your home you want a paint that will stand the test of time, Heath and Mil'znn will do that and its'covcrir.J: ccpacity to crest. Let us send you a ' ' ' ' . ; " " cclv card. ' GASKWL HARDWARE CO I" " f.tttt rcelJ7 c -! w I'i ra, Ji. C tor J dui . fci3c& Is i total , T. A. GREEN, V. Pres. GEO. B PENDLETON, Cashier t i Ke , .l' SfOVj& JTJLL mm WELL" .Ki':wu4".' PALMER GASOLENE ENGINES . 2 and 4 cycle; 1, 2 and 4 cylinders. i.Iake and break, and jump Spark T. J. BAXTBR ": ' .. "AGENT ' ' " NEW BERN., " ' N C. XVf kinds. Butter and Lard Hides and Game etc. Strictly Cash McGowan ' Phon&No.J23 H