IKE ViBtf CM rbllshed T Soctloni, Terj Tuesday and tlday,t Journal Build Ma EMO Craven Str-ec CHiKLXS L STKtlXs, EDITOR AJJD PROPRIETOR. -" Official Paper of Craven Gouty. New Bern and SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Two Montha.. .......... Three Months.. .. .. .. Mx Montha twelve Montha 26 36 10 1.00 ONLY IN ADVANCE. The Journal Cy 6nt on pay-lu-advance bads. Subscriber will re- Mire notice of expiration of their sub swrlptlons and an Immediate response to notice wu tie appreciated by the Journal. Advertising rates furnished upon application at the office, or upon In quiry by maT Entered at the Postofflce, New Bern, N. C, as second-class matter. New Bern, N. C, January 15, 1909. REPEAL OF HOMESTEAD LAW It is quite lrkely that the homesteaa law will come up for repeal, througn some bill, in the present legislature It has before this, and yet it always met with the severest opposition. Tne wish to retain this law is likely due to traditions of its old time efficiency In Ub early days this law was help ful a protection to many men. But today conditions have changed, and most men doing business desire the utmost commercial freedom, and with this freedom, the chance to gain cre dit upon their personal standing, ana this without any possible misconstrue tlon, of their having a law behind which they may take refuge. T0 those wishing to be dishonest, the homestead law la a great retrear. It makes a comfortable refuge after exhausting all credits. To the man with little means and no credit, n works a hardship, for the burden ts upon him to first prove himself Hon est, in order t0 gain a credit, that wilr bring him reputation to get goods up to the exemption limit. Every man doing business ought ro be able to stand upon his own repu tation, and not have a state law that makes outsiders fear'ui of his hon esty. The homestead law works an Injury to the young merchant of to day LOCAL FINANCIAL STANDING TO GETHER. At n0 period in the history of this section, and particularly New Bern, has there been such urgent need for every citizen, every trade and busi ness Interest, every banker, merchant, property owner, to stand together In financial matters. This standing together has several phases. First, perhaps, is the urgent need that every one pay every dollar possible that he or she may owe. Every dollar sent along to pay debts will at this time, relieve more than, any one can conceive of. If an account is too large to pay all, pay part, the money will help the person paid, to relieve hla pressing accounts. Second, keep every dollar at home. Buy of your locai merchant Those who may have money to invest, loan it here. . Keep ev ery dollar circulating here and nota wayfrom home. If any one does not wish to Invest, put it in deposit In one of the local banks, and so while draw ing Interest the money will add to the circulating medium of this city. Third, do not crowd any one owing you. Extreme Vor bearanoe should prevail for the present This does not mean granting undue credit, but where old accounts are due, to forbear legal proceedings. There is no telling what a knocked over brick may do for oth ers In the same row. Many a man has property, but no money, and It helped, rather not too much pressed, , will work out, pay every cent tie owes anj be himself, prosperous.- Ia this situation, the backs of New Bern deserve both congratulation and commendations. The first, for thetr excellent financial showing In all the depression.' And commended 'or their anslderatlon for the business, inter ats and merchants here, many of horn would have suffered severely, ucept for accommodations granted, al so la the matter of pressing drafts, the local bank people have In many a needed case, helped the customer and those ; who were not customers by giving extra days of extension. It must not be forgotten that the bank people, uemseives, have at time been pressed, and yet they have stood a bulwark, to help and protect local Interests, ' . ' I i' Hard times may Sevelon a mutual'" reeling, u mgniy eiercisea wm oo. bring thla community on t solid busl- ( ness ground and so relieve those who may now be struggling -with every honest purpose, but who are helpless. unless there may be temporary for bearance. In pressing claims against them. PROHIBITION. A MORAL A'D FI vivrin itsi miTinv our Sunday School is moving alonj, The places la North Carolina that nicely with Mr. B. E. Willis superln before January first, this year, haff tendenj,, lioonao mnnv from saloons, or Droflts I Our public schools are progressing from dispensaries sales are now look ing about to see where the revenue is t come from, for schoolpurposes j since that formerly received from 11 jquor selling is cut out Looking backward, it will be found that as each town and city went dry, the first interest that was affected from loss of lliuor revenue, was the educational. The wet people in every Instance before election gave warning of this, and tried to use it as an ar gument for voting for the wet ticket. And sure enough, when the liquor license or dispensary money went, tho schools came up before the town or county, for a deficit, to be made good It is a long hark back, but it was a mistake to have ever employed the revenues jaod profit from liquor sales for educational purposes. It was such an easy revenue to get, then the Immoral traffic was made to redeem itself in part, for the evil paid for the education of the youth. It was not only a moral obligation that every voter of North Carolina assumed, when local and State prohi bition went into effect, but also a fin ancial one, for the moral demanded the elimination of liquor selling, which meant the end of money returns in taxes, and yet no one voting for prohibition was released 'from the necessary tax that is called for educational purposes, although the schools drew a large revenue from the license and privileged liquor traf fic. The education of the youth is de manded of the people for the protec tion of society, and H is not just a question of how the revenue is to be raised for every kind of educational purposes, bht that it must be raised. The harm was, that the liquor traffic became such a convenient form through which to secure money for schools, that this tax was not felt. That such a revenue was wrong has been declared at the polls, and so with the moral condition voted for, must be assumed the financial obli gation to make good all needed funds for schoels and the education of North Carolina children that were lost when prohibition came. Every honest and sincere prohibitionists sees this and will live up to bis or her obligation In the matter. How's This) We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for ay case f Catarrh thai cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO. Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known f. J. Cheney for the past 15 year and beli we him perfectly honorable In all business transactions, and flnan dally able to carry out any obligation made by his firm. WALDINO. KINNAN & MARVIN, , Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarry Cure Is taken In blood and mucous surfaces of the sys tem. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists It Is announced from Augusta that Secretary Wilson will stay In the Cab inet For permanency, the Washing ton Monument, has very little on Mr. Wilson. Washington Post. Dr. Carroll Fox ot San Franclsoa has discovered a flea found on the bo dies of rata Infected with the bubonic plague that Is without eyes and a high Jumper. Women as stenographers have been greatly Increased In number in New York City during the last year, and there are now about 11,200 of them. Stop That Cold To (hark er! eolih or OHdh with "Pravantirt" kiu nir delm tor PiMuaxml. To Mop cold with PravNiUct l lahtr than loMU ran uit b rblirml to enr tt arwrwrt. Tq b n, pr fiiUs will tun avail a dwplr cold, but (kkn aarlr ml tha (nana waca tbaf bnak. or Ixidofl thaaa aarlronult. TtuU't (uralf battat That ! why tbar ara caliwl mantlet, Pntentinara ltttla nnd Cold Oim Wn Onto. Ina. no phjile, nuthln lickanlnf. 31ca lor Uia cnihiran ana Ihorootlilr afa too. II ou tmi f hillf . II you asaara. II yon acM all ovar. think ol rrevaMlct. PromptiiaM nay alio lay a ball your Miial itrkma. And don't lanM your child. II tlrato k'TMlahnaat, aKhtorriay. Hama pmh, ably llfia PrnvAntlr vthkImii .iiiHm. a,.iri t la bniM lor tha porkaa. alao In bom ol 4t rranouaa. luaiat on your dmat late imac to ft: eventics F. S. DUFFY. BAIRB'g CRZ1X m ,ng ome flue weather B0W for farm wori Bonle 0 0Ur farmers hare begun to make preparations for another crop; we hope that we wut nave a better season this year than we had last ' -Rev. J. A. Saunders filled his regu lar appointment here last Sunday. Hf preached some fine sermons, the aud ience was small on account of had weather. He left to. New Bern Sun day night. ; I nicely, Mr. C. E. Brinson Is our teach. er. We have an average of about. thirty five pupils in attendance now. . Mr. B. E. Willis is building a house near here; we hope he is not Intend ing to keep bachelor. Mr. S. A. Willis is also preparing to build, it looks like the wedding bells must ring seme time soon. Miss Maud Pipkin of this place Is teaching school at Ashwood; we wish her much success with her school. Misses Mamie Bell and Annie Brin son o( Reelsboro attended church here Sunday. Miss Verdie Jennette of Wire Grass has been visiting friends here this week. Mr. Frank Brinson of Reelsboro was here Sunday. Some of the young people went out boat riding Sunday afternoon and reported a fine time. Lawyer John Barker of New Bern was here Sunday. Gasolene launch "Ruth Watson" made her regular trip to New Bern today. Cole. In the River Lek, Holland, and Its connection canal to Amsterdam, the traffic amounts to over 00,000 vessels of all kinds per annr.m The tender leaves of a harmless lung healing mountainous shrub, give to Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy its marvelous curative properties. Tight, tickling,, or distressing coughs, quickly yield to the healing, soothing action of this splendid prescription Dr. Shoop's Cough Remedy. And It is so safe and good for children as well. Containing no opium, chloroform, or other harm ful drugs, mothers should in safety always demand Dr. Shoop's. If other remedies are offered, tell them No! Be your own 'judge. Sold by F. S, Duffy. Telephones permanently secured te the chairs have been introduced Into some of the leading barber shops, ana have been found to be a welcome iuno vatlon. There is a 3 Quinine, nothing what ever harsh or sickening in Preven'tlcs. These litlle Candy Cold Cure Tablets act as by magic- A few hours and your threatening Cold is broken. Can dylike in tasts. Preyentica please thr children and they break the feverish ness, always. And least of all Is t&e economy. A large box 48 Preventlca 25 cents. Ask your druggists. He knows. Sold by F. S. Duffy. Chicago is not a marrying commun Ity. It is a heaven for bachelors that was learned when tbe marriage license bureau published its statistics for the county' fiscal year, ended No vember 30. These statistics show that there were 5678 fewer persons married in 1908 than were married In 1907. Makes the Liver Lively. Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup gives permanent relief In cases of habitual constipation as It stimulates the liver and restores the natural action of tne bowels without Irritating these organs like pills or ordinary cathartics. Does not nauseate or gripe and Is mild and pleasant to take. Rrmember the nam Orino and refuse substitutes. Davis Pharmacy. A woman who has been divorced t times has come to Chicago for the put pose of preaching against matrimony. She must have had poor luck with her alimony. Chicago Record-Herald. Fresldeat Helps Orphans. Hundreds of orphans have been help ed by the President cf the Industrial and Orphan's Home at Macon, Gs. who writse. "We have used Electric Bitters In this Institution for nine years. It has proved a most excellent medicine for stomach, liver and kldne) troubles. We regard It aa one of the best family medicines on earth." It lb vlgorates tbe T'tal orans, purifies the blood, aids digestion, creates appe tite. T0 strengthen and build vp thin pale, weak children or run-down peo ple it haj no Best for femal i i,. Mir Bo t 11 druggist Turntpa and radishes cams original ly from Central Europe. The beet root and the beet, which have been greatly Improved by -cultivation, era considered as the same species by bo tanldts. The beet, only tbe stalk of which I eaten, grows wild In the Med iterranean Persia and Babylonia. , Doors that swing of themselves are the latest. At tbe hotel Astor tha at tendant who stands at the main en trance merely haa to press a bulb ana tbe door, which Is operated by elec trnclty, revolves. This plan has the advantages of keeping the speed nnl- 19513. ROTES Rnulal PnrrMivinilAnM. ' Ernul. Jan. 13. Elder R. F. Daugh- erty. flllej his regular appointment at Macedonia Sunday. - . ' -" . j . We are" having some verypleasan weather now, the bright. warm days remind us of spring time. We are glad to say that Mr. J.W. I Barrington Is able to be out again, he has been suffering for more than two j weeks, with a severe hack trouble. I Quite a number of our farmers are engaged in killing hogs this week, ' Mr. J. V., Gaskins was the gnest of Mrs. J. W. Barrington Sunday. ' Our literary society is progressing nicely, through the efforts of oiir, ac complished school teacher, Miss Mat tie Stevenson. . Miss Hattie Gaskins of Kit Swamp attended church at Macedonia Sunday acompanled bV Mr. Herbert Price. -. Miss Mollie Caton was the guest ot Misses Amanda and Mahala Barring ton Saturday afternoon. Messrs. W. C. Hartley, Moses Ernu?, and F. A. Hartley of Asklns attended church at Macedonia Sunday. Mr. Moses I pock ot this place has purchased a new horse. Mrs. C. J. Heath spent Sunday after noon with he,, parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Caton. Mr. John Morris and wife of near Vancebor attended church at Mace donia Sunday. Mrs. Dan Taylor of Washington, and Mrs. Mary Everitt of Jessna Is spend ing a few days with their sister, Mrs. H. A. Ipock, near here. Miss Ruby McLa,whoru was the guest of Miss Eulah Willis Sunday. Mr. W. H. Caton made a business trip to Vanceboro Monday. Miss Grace Franks was the guest ol Miss Ella Ipock Sunday. We are glad to note the improvea condition of Mrs. A. A. Caton, who has been on the sick list for quite t while. For the past few weeks, quite a Hum ber of families from other sections ha moved into our community. Much Interest is being taken in out Sunday School at present. If your stomach, heart of kidneys are weak, try at least a few doses only of Dr. Shoop's Restorative, in five or ten days only, the result will surprise you. A few cents will cover the cost. And here is why help cornea o quickly. Dr. Snoop doesn't drug the Stomach, nor stimulate the Heart or Kidneys. Dr. Shoop's Restorative goes directly to the weak and failing nerves. Each organ has its own con trolling nerve. When these nerves fail, the depending organs must of necessity falter. This plain, yet vital truth, clearly tells why Dr. Shoop's Restorative is so universally success-) ful. Its success is leading druggists everywhere to give it universal prefer ence. A test will surely tell. Sold by F. S. Duffy. The tax rate in New York this yeav will be about $177 on each $100. Baltimore News. Coughs,C6lds, CROUP, VhoopingCoui Tab rtattdr caa ahwjn t aVpeadei aaea aad b aieauat Is tike. It ceauiat ae oslssi er ether aarmfsl dra tad auqr Wgtvei atceafl- nie a eiky as ts is tduh. ia 2S etats, Uri she M ctata. Rev. Charles Wagner, whose "Sim ple Life" had auch a phenomenal sale a few ye ara ago, will publish another book In the spring. It Is called "The Home of the Soul" and It treata o vsrtour aspects' of spiritual Ufa and oe velopment . . ' . Brava Fire Laddies often receive severe burns, pntttng out Ores, then use Bucklen's Arnica Salve and forget them. It soon drives out pain. For burns, scalds, wound cuts, and bruises Its earth's greatest bealer. Quickly cures akin eruptions, old old sores, bolls, ulcers, felons, and best. Pile curt made. Relief Instant 25c at all drug stores. I ' The Turkish day begins exactly at sunset, and at that time tbe Turk sets his clocks and watches on the hour of It ' ." ; . KILLthi COUCH aNO CURS Trig LUFIC3 Cr. lin-fs .WITH rri af,,!i ' melt It lU Inn A Si .(A ,U1 lLLLJ t,ki a... a tl. U UA 11 kt )Hil Oil UOiii. i-i iuNtLJ. 0 - otrBxa OUTER LZTTZR." Hnrlftl rorrMnondAnM . . Olivers, Jan. 1J. Mr. Willie H. Du- ". Valt ta very sick now, Dr. Hughes ot Pollocksvllle Is In attendance of hira.V ; Dr. H. R. Parker and wife, of La Grange have been spending a few'' day with relatives here. ', . - Most of our boys went over Treav river Sunday. Boys all . our pretty girls don't live over the river. - , : t Mr. G. O. Ward went to White Oak last week. s- J : ; t There was a nice party at Mr. WaL ter Howard's Saturday night' Some of the best dancers were,' Miss Pearr Howard of Olivers and Miss Virginia Taylor of Pollocksvllle. Ts7a sasaiw tr Irvtoa fpAm lilt is v ens 3 sws a J ,v ww v viae, j midst M?. Manly Hlgglns who has re- I moved to the Bryan place at Little I Hell. - :'-. .'.::-""'..:;'-' Mr. J. D. Heath went to New Bern Wednesday. Mr. Ed Waters Is all smiles, the Stork brought two babies to his house last week, a boy and a girl. Mr. Geo. R. Heath spent Tuesday In Trenton attending to business. Mr. Ed. Kellum, our road over seer is dokng some ditching near here and we eertalnly think It is needed. Mr. G. O. Ward and mother, Mrs. C. I. Ward, also Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Smith, Jr., went to look at the new hrtrtara nvr Trent rive, todav. ' Our scool ts progressing finely un der the excellent management of Miss Ethel McDaniel. . Mrs. Mary Banks went to New Bern last week. ' Mr. B. R. Henderson went to Tren ton Saturday. We would like very much to" see a bridge across the Perry Mill pond as every little rain makes it swim ming since the tram roads have ditch ed their water in there. Mr, Joe DuVal has been sick but we are glad to hear he Is improving some. . Notice to Oar Customers We are pleased to announce thai Foleys Honey and Tar for coughs, colds and lung troubles Is not affected by the National Pure Food and Drug law as it contains no opuate or other harmful drugs, and we recommend it as a safe remedy tor children and a dults. Davis Pharmacy. CASTOR I A For InfaaU and .Children. Tbe Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Concrete Burial Yaalts. The manufacture of concrete burial vaults Is becoming quite a large In dustry In various Western States.says Cement Age. New York. At Joplln, Mo., there has been organized a com pany which operates a large plant In the manufacture of concrete burial vaults a full body of steei reinforce ment is set up within a solid mold at an exact center of the cement which strengthens the vault at every point. Steel thus protected Is everlasting It cannot rust and collapse with time, as such vaults must which are made en tirely steel. The vault Is made also iutely waterproof by the addition ot a waterproof compound, which Is initial ly mixed with the cement. The vaults remain In the holds from three to live days until, thoroughlyy set, after which they are allowed to season a bout thirty days. A trip to the ceme tery shows the vault lowered In the grave followed by the lowering of the casket and the putting on of the lid of the vault, which snugly fits upon the vault. A mixture of pure cement and waterproofing Is then poured Into the space between the vault and the ltd, making the vault and lid practi cally one solid piece. At Lawrence, Kansas, there Is another company en gaged In the same line of work. This concern has been conducting some In teresting tests of their cement vaults, In one instance the vault was tamer, sed In a tank of water to demonstrate that It could stand any amount ox pressure. The vault, which la made entirely of cement, Is constructed in l.n n.pl. Ynarao,! n At t In Mi mv. I er on the top of the vault and then sealing It the vault fits down over a cement slab. When the vault la low ered over the casket, It la, of course Slled with air, The vault Itself Is molded Or made In one air-tight piece open only at the bottom which fits down over a cement slsb. A perfectly tight space from which thelr cannot descend or escape ia formed. The wa ter, when rising to a level with the bottom of (he vault, will be checked by air, which , Isnow firmly encased by the vault on aides and top and the water on the bottom, and water can never rise In tbe vault A piece of glasa la fitted Into the lop of the cas ket, so that spectators caa look down mto tha vault and aee that everyhlng Is as dry ae It was when tt was pur- in.' -: , , . 1 Spralaed inkle. As S rule a man will feel well sat isfied If be can bobble around on crutches In two or three weeks after spraining his ankle, and It is often two or three months before be can fully recover. This la aa anneecseasy losa of time aa by applying Chamberlain's Liniment as directed, s cure may as a rule be eeffected In lees than one week's time, and la many cases within three days." 8old by Davis Pharmacy and T. 8. Duffy. , Vise Kind Y Have Always in use for . over 30 years, y AH Counterfeits, Imitations and Justus-good are but y : experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of , -. Infants and Children Experience against Experiment, , What is CASTORIA J Worift is a harmless substitute fot Castor On, Pare " 1 goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. - It f ' r. . , . ... , . a T.1 a4 aw VamaHa ; . - conuains. lieifctttjr vpiuiuf iiiuriuiuq iujt ubu aim. v ' substance.' Its age is its guarantee." It destroys Worms J v. and allays Feverishness. It cvees Diarrhoea and Wind - Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation' a- and Flatulency. - It assimilates the Food, regulates the . , fitonuvch and Bowels giving. healthy and natural sleep.' '". v 3!he Children's PanaceaThe 3ffothers Friend. , j GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYO Bears the .sr The M You Have Always Bought in Use For Over 30 Years. ' tmc ctNT.ua ooHMNf. tt uaT aTnccT, nnrvoaa am. STRONG COURTEOUS PROGRESSIVE NEW YEAR BANKING PLANS If you contemplate opening a new account or changing your hanking relations, at the we shall be pleased to ing the facilities that this bank affords, assuring to you those courtesies and considerat ions which , your necouut deserves. WM. 111 SC-D BRADHAM VICC PRC ST. J. A. Largest and Finest Stock of Horses and Mulei ever offered for sale in New Bern. . A Car load of ecch jut in! . Also a complete line of Buggies, Wagons, Harness, Robe3, Whips, art Wheels, etc J. A. JONES Proprietor . BR0AD4 ST. NEW BERN, N C. lAAAAAaiaaAaaaaAaaaaaaaaAajtAiSaaAAaAaAaaa aaaaaaa THE NEW OAKS MARKET- Beginning Jan. 4th. we wil offer for your consideration thn following.:- v c . . V.lvvfr, . 1 Schaefer's Hams ' ' ' , JSo. per 111 f " " : ! Bchaefcr'S B Btrips j 1Jc . - Klnghans Sliced 1) Strip i ." : - v. 23e, per lk t " Blioedllam " ' 22c per lb. 'Clover Bloom Butter - " 37c per lhi - Eggs ; ; Armour's, Eure Lard ; ' ALL KINDS of MEATS, GAME and POULTRY . . . - . Respectfully Yours lor Cash : BREWER tf McOOWAN TWTTTT TTW WW V V TTTiiVI tf WINTER IS HERB AND YOU PROBABLY NEED A GOOD HE ATER We keep them, also Cook Stoves, Ranges, Oil Stoves, Oil Cook Stoves, also Agate Kitchen ware. - ' : ' -PRICES ARE RIGHT G ASK ILL HARD WA !?E CO lEI.Mle Mrtfl I'bose II. i Bk Bb.bXkJk Bought, and which has been ; has borne the signature of ,v ,' find has been made under his per- - Sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you In this. : Signature of ' N.C- beginning of Uic new yt ar. confer with you concern - DUNN T.AUZZELL CACHIIR JONES .-.IIKIVFPD, f5 , STABLES " ' v 1" , 27c. per doz. . , 14 l-2c. lb. -1 TTV T V V V VV VV vTv V VT VVTT TT TTTf . Ke IVre, C EE3 :

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