hp iiirrii ti -.; "soils d V Two Sectional everj Tuesday aa, irrtday, at Journal Bulld-- Craven 8tret 4 CHlMJta L. 8TETEK!s EDITOR ArTD PROPRIETOR. Official Paper ot New Bern and Craren Gouty. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Two Month I SB Three Month. 35 Mx Month.. , 60 PelTe Month 1.00 ONLY IN ADVANCE. The Journal L? wnt on pay-in-advance bpr'. Suhicribers will re- eivc nnti'-e ? exp;r3'ii'" :-t h:r :.V 'riptioi.i - : cr s"aeiL .ct r.;n:' (o notice w.i oe anprentted b e ts:w ..- ' ' Advertising rates furnlsned upon lupttcatioa at (he office, or upon in misr y ma1' BMd a the Poacofflce, New Ben. M. C aa spcond-claes matter. New Bern, N. C, January 19, 1909. BOYS ARE WORTH SAYING The mayor's court had a sad exht l.t, tV.a week, when several young white boyg were brought In, charged with insulting a lady on the Academy .-"reeu. These boyg are making their Brat appearance, in a serious role. Perhaps some of these boys have gone to the graded school, and disobeying Its rules, have been turned away. All f these boys quite likely have pa rents, but do these parents know of .he daily and nightly doings of their boys? It is a sad sight to see boys, young boys who ought to be at school, any way at some employment, brought be fore a court, and fined. Too often thig is held as a joke, but It ig far worse, for familiarity with being ar rested and held in court, breeds and and develops the criminal. The crim inal means an ever present threat and menace to society. No citizen wants to see young boys taken up charged with any offense. Arrest means a diubsement of the mo ral character, and it tends to the creation of a criminal. These boys are not likely t0 be, naturally, crimr nally inclined. Idleness la the pro moter of the criminal, and society must be protected against this crim inal. The cure of the evil is before tne aanger nas gone too far, in this case taking the idle boyg in hand by the county authorities and by the law's force becoming guardians 'of their moral welfare by directing their ways along lines of healthy and useful oc cupation. There is a parental demand to watching and caring for these boys It la unfortunate that this authority Is cot exercised. But if it is not, then iho county should exercise its power rad compel these boyg to work, by provMlns them the work. A county work house could be established and ,hei boyj be taught some trade, and vhik learning they could be doing ,-.;alr or some kind of work that the touiitr needs. These boys are worth saving 'or taensaelvea, even If the more selfish At aire, the protection of aoefety be the ejeei toht. fn placing Idle boya, where they will be kept from mls eafof and then crime, and be made use sul and good cltlxeng when thiy grow P. THE F0A8T OF OTHER DAYS In one of the melodrama of years i-.o, tbd action of the play being laid In California, one of the characters in his every speech, ends with, "glor ious climate, California!" It is not far to remember the days when New Bern not merely boasted but bad the best Fair in North Caro lina. Its annual exhibit were shown in February, because this section could boast a climate at that season when our waters our fields, our for ests, and our air, all yielded most graciously and bountifully, and gav to New Bern the opportunity to show outsiders what a goodly land was this, of the Neuee and Trent rlr . I . It was not a rain boast, this Fair sad Its exhibits. Visitors from s thou sand miles came, to enjoy and Join In the praise of this section. It dl auUe and Its products. ' - ! . j Today the same fine climate pre tail.. Nature Is lavish t this East ern Carolina section, and yet oor peo pie do not Join In making nature add to Its gift of climate, soil and other advantagees. Juat an aooepuuoe, with hardly s thought of thanks, much lea the endeavor (o make more, because so much Is given. -." ' ' It Is the word for one' town, for one's community that goes s good wtyg. The boast comes pretty sear being a boast, for It belns. to create (he sentiment that must precede ad vancement. ' . New Bern should not drop behind. in this local sel'-respect. that makes the citizen both feel and say his is the "beat town." It will be the boast that will urge the doing of things, for every citizen will feel the need, in having boasted, to see that the boast Is made good, in better local condi tions. TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES. PAST AND PRESENT The presentation of the transporta ton question by Mr. G. N. Ives, show ing the difference in the service today and ten years ago calls for serious study upon the part of the Norfolk & Southern railroad management. When it can be shown that the trucking in terests of New Bern section eannot enter into the work, because of in adequate transportation facilities, tiiere is just one thing to do, to remedy this, and this must be done, or there will be no trucking done in this sec tion, and the Norfolk and Southern will lose the haul that ten years ago wag worth many thousands of dol lars to boat and railroad companies. In removing every boat from ser vice, between New Bern and Eliza beth City, when the Norfolk and South era completed its all rail line from this city to Norfolk, no doubt the man agement did so, believing its railroad eould handle the traffic. It is not to be considered that this company had any desire, by the removal of the steam boats, to Injure New Bern. The boat removal was done because it seemed to lessen the cost. It may have lessened the cost, but as shown by Mr. Ivee, and by the present freight business of the Norfolk and Southern it has crippled the trucking Interests of this section. Ten years ag0 the trucking season was a live one in this city. Men, wo men and children, carts, drays and wagons, Barges, flats, row boats and small river steamers, all were active ly engaged for weeks, and there was a flood of money and checks coming and going through the trade channels of this city. Take it last year. Hard ly a thing doing, except a few carts going to the railroad freight platform no one was gelling any truck. There were no active scenes on dock and rivers. The colored people were not thronging the market, with their pro duce. All this makes a great differ ence. It cannot be that any transpor tation company would seek, wilfully, to kill all this local business, for Its passing away means loss to the rail road people. If the real situation is known the Norfolk and Southern people have fall ed to rightly gauge the business, pas senger and freight, of this section,, and have been staggering along the best they could, and the public and bust negg have suffered. The railroad folks may say, wait until the Albemarle Sound is bridged, then the freight will be handled expeditiously. This Is the future. A season of trucking will be lost. The promise 'or better passen ger facilities remains open. The real situation is that the bust ness today can scarcely be handled between here and Norfolk. This Is a dull period. What will happen If the business Increases? It mean gerloua lose for thig section, a hindrance In its development and check in its trade expansion. Hew's This! We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ard for any case of Catarrh thai cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh ?ure. F. J. CHENEY ft CO. Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known J. Cheney for the past 15 year and bell we him perfectly honorable in all buslnegg transactions, an! finan dally able to carry out any obligation made by his firm. WALDINO, K INN AN ft MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarry Cure Is taken In blood and mucous surfaces of the sys tem. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all druggists io a gin g! mluute a machine which cut up wood to make matches will turn out 40,00 "splints" as they are called. Heart Strength H7t stranfth. or IfmH Wwknsst. iwia wna ll,, ? DO',?n,.w a"4 " a hundred Is. In u. tihZSVLSrz: J - .-wans inn fie. k Ml m " """-vumf. man aTOTrnii.s. ta. Without Uwl Um gun mtm craUm n cMrir (ipitiru hr m a bwiIIHiml Dr tog kwt aittnw fir. Sboo KabnUn-Uh " nl wmUi "CT mm, It bulk- A'., f. !""'?. " Hon mu. H ftio. bans M will Dr. Shoop'o Restorative r, 5. KUTf-i. mmammm uimsai ' Legal Notices NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE , cm LOT By virtue of power conferred In that certain order made by W. M. Watson, Clerk of the Superior Court, of Craven County, in a special pro ceeding entitle S. B. Nelson, admin istrator ot Charles Nelson, deceased, against Aaron Nelson, and others, the ers, the undersigned will on the se ond monday in January, 1909 being the 11th day of aaid month, at 12 o'clock court hous edoor In Craven county, sell to the highest bidder for cash the following desoribed lot of land in the city ot New Bern, N. C, one lot ot land lying and being in Relzensteinyille in the city of New Bern N. C, at the southernmost corner of the intersection of Reizenstein alley and Carmer street, lying 100 feet on Reizenstein alley and 50 feet on Carmer street, being the same lot of land in the city of New Bern, North Carolina conveyed to Charles Nelson, deceased, by deed, from W. B. Blades and wife, and re corded in boek number 1S9, page 369, office of the register ot deeds of Cra ven county, to which referenee is made for a full and complete descrip tion. S. B. NELSON, Administrator of Charles Nelson, de ceased. December 10th 1908. R. W. WILLIAMSON, Attorney. NOTICE OF SUMMONS BT PUBLICA TION NORTH CAROLINA, Craven county, In the Superior Court, Before W. M. Watson, John A. Boom, administrator of Ricn ard Games, deceased, vs Annie Walker, Richard Bryan, Nancy Hargett, and Georgia Games, heirs at law. The defendants above named will take notice that an action entitled aa above has been commenced In the Superior court of Craven county, be fore the clerk, to sell the land de scribed in the petition filed in this action t0 make assets to pay off the debts of the estate of Richard Games deceased, above named, and the de fendants wHl further take notice they are required to appear before W. M. Watson, Clerk, of the Superior court, of the aforesaid county, In the coun ty court house in New Bern, N. C, o the 18th day of January, 1909 (being the 3rd, Monday of said month) ana answer or demur to the complaint oi said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demandeo in the said complaint. Thig 14th day of December, 1908. W. M. WATSON, NORTH CAROLINA, Craven County, In the Superior Court betore Clerk J. R. Bennett, and wife, Mlttle Bennett, vs Shade Jones. Laura Jones, and Asa Jones, (minors.) By virtue of an order of the Su perior court made In the above entitled action, now pending In said court, T will sel at the court house door In New Bern, N. C, to the highest bidder tor cash on Monday the 15th day of Feb ruary, 1909, all the following described real estate, to-wlt. A certain tract of land on north side of Neuse river and south side Little Swift Creek, be ginnning at a holly, Dunn's corner, on the creek swamp and runs the re verse of Dunn's line 845 K. 140 poles to a corner of Dunn's line, then 550 W. 3 poles ts Robinson's line, then the reverse of said line 550 W. 23 poles, then W. 45 W. 202 poles to a sweet gum on the run of the creek swamp, then up to the beginning, containing 32 acres, more or less. Also one other track on north side of Neuse river and east side of Little Swift Creek, begin ning at a sweet gum on the run of the creek swamp runs 8. 46 E. 202 poles to James Toler's line, then 8. B0 W. 60 poles, then N. 46 W. 180 poles to a Ma ple on the run of the creek swamp Uien ing 2 acres, mors or less same land conveyed by James A. Toler and Sid ney, bis wife, and Elmira K. Rows and Sllvlna Rowe to Aaaalati Jones. This sale Is made for partition of said land. Time of sal 12 o'clock M. B. B. NIXON, Commissioner. Ul - L 1-1 1 i lUl.i -.1 1 MU MORTGAGE" SALE ' NORTH CAROLINA, Craven County, Pursuant to the powers granted me in a certain mortgage deed executed by Joe Campbell and wife on the 20th day ot July, 1908, recorded In the office of Register ot Deeds o' Craven Co. in book 16S, page 133,1 will sell at the court house door In Craren county on Monday February 1st, 190 at 12 o'clook M., for cash to the high est bidder, the tract of land describee in said mortgage, containing fifteen (15) acres, more or lest, and situated near Core Clty,. North . Carolina. ..... This 22nd day of December, 1908. O. L WETHERINOTON, Mortgagee. D. E. HENDERSON, Attorney. X0T1CE OF BALI NORTH CAROLINA, Craren County. In Superior court Before W. M Watson. Clerk. Jaa. Franklin Moore, irs - ' Sam! Moor, at al In pursuance of an order of sal. made In the above action now pending In Superior Court, of Craven County. N. C, I wll sell at the Court House door In New Bern. N. C Saturday. Jany. 18, 1909, at 12 o'clock, M, to the highest bidder for cash, at public auction, all the following described real estate: 20 acres mora or less of land In Craren County, N. C, adjoin ing lands of Chas. Stubba. Win. Fll- llnggarmj and Wm. R. Morriss, et als. No. 1 Township, same purchased by deed recorded in the Register ot Deeds office of Craren County, la Book 71, page 299,. This land is welt Umbered. ' ' JAS. FRANKLIN MOORE, Admr Estate Wm. McQ. Moore R. B. NIXON, attorney. - J WM XOp COUBf .f JAI, iVake a ZaJeyaMe lyeijag f erla ' - ' ' '-arge -Aadleses, ' j I. The Mock Court trial. ,; preaemV t d at the -opera, house I'ast'&ight. was jWeatly enjoyed by a large audience.': hat thoroughly entered Into, the tuTa the thing, and accepted the local hits th. applause and laughter. , Those taking part were so well ( known, that there was akeener "appro-, Township No. S A. A. Wethering-- tion ot the scene, than if preaented by ton, Joe Whltty, F. W. White," T. J. ( atrangers. Judge Ward ably filled the Rouse, H. R. West, R. M. Whits, J, W.: enter figure and W. M. Watson was Griffin. .' 1 perfectly at home as clerk, while Col. - Township No. S A. P. Whitehead, : Newton, attorney for the plaintiff, the Township No. 8 A. E. Pittman, J. jwidod Perking, Miga" Emmav Duffy, B. French, G. F. Pearce, . H. Mead made a splendid fight, winning his own," T. D. Arnold, J. B. Bpaini T. B. case, but losing the money reward. Kehoe, S. B. Parker, H. Torter, J. E. ': Mr. Matt Allen did well "for his clleat Bennett, J. R. Hill, I. S. Lynch, F. T. Mr. Mark Stevenson; the defendant. Turner, J. E. Armstrong; J. B. Al- , , who made a favorable impression up- ridge, i Jon all except the judge and jury. . Township No 9 B. McCosley.' C. Misses Annie Foy and Carrie Aren dall,, and Messrs. J. B. Dawson, Clar- enoe Crapoh and Dr. R.ji.-V. Jones added greatly to the biiecess of the presentation, Alex Greenabaum, made a court crl?r, heard of all. The Jury presented a list of citizens known to all, and submitted to being tpld o their incompetency, etc. The graded scnooi orcnestra played a numDer or selections that were greatly enjoyed. FOR RENT! The farm known as the David Gas king placce, located north side Neuse lvfr eight miles from Vanceboro, Suitable for corn, cotton, tobacco, oeas, potatoes, and any crop grown in this section. F0r further information apply to W. E. GASKINS, 42 Griffith street. Of the ten or more described species of fossil elephants, F. A.. Lucag finds, the tallest to have been the imperial, mammoth (elephas iraperator) of Kansas and Nebraska, which reached 13 to 13 1-2 'eet in height. Though much more heavily built, the mastodon rarely 9 1-2 feet tall. Of the two living species, the African elephant sometimes grows to 12 feet, but the usual height of the Indian elephant is from 7 to 10 feet. OTICK OF SALE OF CORN, FODDER HAY, ETC. I will ell for cash to the hlgliest bidder at Hope Farm, about six mil from the city of New Bern, on th Neuse Hoard at 2 o'clock Saturday p, m.. January 16th, 1909, the following described personal property, to-wtt. About 30 barrels of corn in shuck, 30 bales of nice hay, 3 stacks fodder, one hank of potatoes and ihree buihels o" field peas. D. E. HENDERSON, Attorne) - At the present the United States seems to be first in war, first In peace, and first in sending aid to the auffer '.ng everywhere. FARM FOR SALE I 190 acre, 40 in cultivation, natural ly adapted to early truck of any kind. Fine stock range; good water, splen did fishing facilities, lots of game horses, hogs cattle, general farming outfit. Will sell cheap, on easy term ddress, A. K. MASON, Merrlmon, N. C. A canal 170 miles long and costing $120,000,000, connecting Lyons and Aries. France, U iironoseil. It Is also suggested to buMd r. ?lu,0W 000 branch n Marseilles. ANNUAL MEETING Of the Stockholders of the Bank el Oriental. The annual meeting ef the stock holders of the Bank of Oriental for the slection fit its director and transac tion of such other business as may come before them will be held at their hanking house onthe 3rd Tuesday, of January, belog the 19th day of Jan uary 1909. The polls will be open at 12 o'clock and close at - p. m. , J. W. MILLER, Cashier. 19-d. It Is said that John D. Rockefeller has purchased a house at Hot Springa, Va., near the golf course, on which he frequently plays. " - SHALL NORTH CARO- : LINA REPRESENTED Slate RepreseaUtiTei te Alaskaa Ex- edition Confer With Governor ' Special to Journal :. -. ' Raleigh, Jaa. 16.-Jaro.es B. Blades, P. H. Hayes, F. R. Hewitt and others who sometime ago were appointed to represent North Carolina at the Yukon Alaskan Exposition called on Gover nor Kit chin today and discussed the question' whether North - Carolina should be represented. .Members of the bar Dractlclne- tn the federal court are called U meet Monday to take action regarding the death of Judge" Purnell. - . ' - More thai 1,000 tons of bidet and skins are exported annually from 81 beria. . j . j i . i ii KILL. COUCH MocunsTHz lu::c3 Cr. Ii: WITH e , r f v "iLL J tru a.... . '")IM t f -1!" IT""' bUATI oa 1.0..- j jlboki o maiAST com J The following Jury werer drawn to ' terra: February term of Criminal court, namely February lat : . Township Wp. ' 1& B. Nelson, ".ll . , G Ipock, Jesse' Forrest, Robert Wllcoa V T. L. White, B. Peterson, L Whit- . ford. - - ;v Township No. S-J. A. Everlngton, A. U Holton, J. aLrow. W. D. Price. H. Wetherington, v ;j , The following Jury were drawn to serve February term of Civil court, namely February 8th. I Township No. 1 Weeks Ipock, W. H ( Caton, Richard Ward, S. M. Ipock, B. F. Fulcher, . - . j Township No. 2 John Toler. J. E. j Dunn, H. M. Bunting, A.' S.. Everlng- ' . ton, M. A. Hartly H. B. Stlliey. . ! Township No. 3 J. Li Robinson, W E. Heath,. 1" v ' Township No. 8 B. F, Moore, .J. L. McDaniel, W. C. Wlllett, T. J. Mit chell, J. C. Thomas, Jr., W. B. Par ker, G. W. Dudley, H. H. Dowdy, L. H. Cannon S. H. Eaton, J. II. Miller, C. L. Spch'cer. F. M. Scott, J. P. C. j Davis, S. B. Taylor, J. K. Land, E. B. ' Cox, H. A. Brown, T, J. Turner, J. K. Willis, Eki-T:' Hollowell. " i Township No. 9 H. L. White, F. J. French. i Don't Get a Divorce, A western Judge granted a divorce on account ot ill temper and bad breath Dr. King's New Life PilU would have prevented It They cure constipation, causing bad breath and liver trouble the ill-temper, dispel colds, banish headaches, conquer chills 25c at all drug stores. Observations in India Indicate that Just as agricultural ld, after many repetitions of the same -crops, he comes exhausted for that particular species, so in forests lands, after long periods, -the' seedlings may fell owing to changes in the soil and new varie ties may take' their place: - Forests of blue pine" in that country have been observed to fall, the deotar-tree tend ing to take the place of the pine. In oaae 'crests of pine and oak have been found, each Invading and tending to take up the ground occupied by the i 0thcr. " Elsewhere in India spruce and silver 'fir have been found advancing Into a failing oak forest, and- mulberry extending upon land formerly occu pied by "sblsham" trees. Asthama Sufferers Should Knew This Foley's Honey and Tar has curea many cases of asthma that were con sidered hopeless. Mrs. Adolph Bus sing, ?01 West Third St, Davenport, Iowa, writes. "A severe cold contrae ed twelve years ago was neglected an- til it finally grew into asthma. The best medical skill available could not give me more than temporary relief 'oley's Honey and Tar was recommend ed and one fifty cent, bottle entirely cured me of aathma which had been growing on me for twelve years. It I had taken it at the start I would have been saved years of suffering Davis Pharmacy. . A 32,000 bequest made three years ago by a Frenchman u a prise for the first man wh0 should succeed In communicating with another planet. but never claimed, will be given In 1910 by tire Academy of Science to the astronomer who- shall have made the most Important discovery In as tronomical science. ;' ( ' V ' , ." - President Ilelps Orphan. Hundreds of orphans have been bel d. by the President of the Industrie' ind Orphan's Home at Macon, Oa. who writse. "We bar used Electric Bitter In this institution for ' nim year. It ha proved a most excellent medicine for stomach, liver and kldne troubles. We regard It as on of the best family medicines on earth." If In vigo rates the vtal organs, purines th blood, aids digestion, creates appe tite, T0 strengthen snd build vp thin pale, weak children or run-down peo pie It has no euaL Beat for fenial mplalnU. Only 50s at 6 11 dfugjist! Conference Cnlea DepeL Last' Wednesday, tb committee of the Chamber of Commerce, Messrs. L. H. Cutler, Jr., R. A. Nunn, C. L. Ives and C. J. McCarthy, had a conference' her with General manager Flatger- ald of the N. A S. oa tb matter or a -union depot la thl city. The plans for the proposed depot, as offered by tb N. A S. did Pot meet the view of tb .committee, and fur their action was deferred until sou consultation could be bad wjth the Corporation Commission. 1 There Is no Quinine, nothing what- ever harah or slcienrn In Prerentica: These little Can Cur Tablets act a by magic. A few hours and your threatening Cold I broken. Can dylike In tast. Freventlc pitas thr children and they break the feverufh neaa, always. And least ot all Is tne economy. A large box 48 Prerentlr 25 cent. Ask your druggist. lit r t - ---- i 1 1 ALCOttOL 1 PM CENT SlmilaiiMlhpFiwrf-imllhH, ting Uic Sionacbs andftowtJs i' ftomotesDigfsttonflwrfis1 ness and RestjContalns nekta Opiuai-Morphine ppraatnil MOT NARCOTIC. 4 JbcUkSA- mm Sent' A jcrfett Renvty fcrfonsftjia-i Hon , Sour Stowaduuiarrhaa Wormsonvulsmns.revmsfr ness and Loss Of SLEEP. FacS'iiA Signature of ; NEW YORK. Exact Copy ot Wrapper. I L 11 f lVV II l If r assH m m a a STRONG COURTEOUS PROGRESSIVE OUR MANAGEMENT The directors of this bank need no introduction to the citizens -f of New Bern, as they are men ot known integrity and - financial -tendins. - L&A3. S. Hoilister, . W. Eby, J. W. Stewart, C. E. H. Meadows, Jr., C. 1.1. Groves, W. P. Metts, G WM- PHI SltF CCPMLST. vie a a t,v-.-'.- J. A. . mil r. .-, . . Largest and Finest Stock of Horses and Mules "e vet offered for sale in New Bern. A Car Loai of each just in! Also a ctmplete line ofBuggie3,Wagon Harness, Robes, Whips, Cart Wfceels. etc : ; BROAD ST. NEW BERN, N. C. Fire Insurance, '. ' Real Estate lew- Bern Building ! S Loan Association . . , . -. -."" i ElksTemple - -; ;';,. - Telephone 400 ELLWOOD FENCE WIRE Just reciived a car load of this excellent Fence all height?, Prices are Low now. v; - l' - -Paroid Roofing, nothing better or cheaper, r very 'roll guaranteed, r ? I GASKILL HARDWARE CO KMJIe Ptrent - fh H't . UJL Aw .11 For Infanta and ChHre i. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature For Over Thirty Years . TMX OtHTAUN SOMMIMV. Mm HMMm N.C- Hunger, Wm. Dunn, Clyde V. McGehee, W. F. Aberly, D. Bradham, T. A. Uzzell, H. R. W. Taylor, W. J. Swr C Speighl .. i DUNN ST. T.A.UZ2 E Lt i CASHICR JONES YA9 hp, Use mmmtbA. iivfry fffii mm - EXCHA8EE- ;S TABLES ? liCT 111,- , , ' W trra, X (J, know. Sold by T. t. Duffy. -

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