i V LI t t i-tMp'iu I ;i. .o Sv Lloiia, ever) Tue.ii:y nu-i rudny, at Journal Uulld . mm;.) Crcea Strtel ClIAELLS L. 3TETEKN EDITOR A:-D PKOl'RlETOR. Ofocial Taper of New Bern and Craven Coabt.'.. ' .... SUBBCIUPTlON RATEg. ro Mouths.. .... .. .. ;. 25 'fttree Mouths..,.. .. 35 fU Mouth";.'. . .. .. .. ;.' 80 wlve Months., v. ., .. 1.00 , 1 . ONLY. IN ADVANCE.' : , , The Journal C Sut on pay-in-vtvance barfs. Subscribers will re ceive notice ,of. estimation of tbelrsub Tlptioiui and an Immediate r espouse to notice wu be appreciated by tbe Journal. ; .' . Advertising:. urates furnished upou application at' tbe office, or upon lu ' -juli? by maJ y; ':' ;. V v ; , ju'nteiod al the Postofflce, New Bern, K. C as second-cuss 'matter. . New Bern N C April 6 1909 HERE IS ANOTHER AAMVL'RSARY ; With, this Issue, the Journal enters upon '"the thirty second year of its career, as a Weekly publication, and the twenty eighth, as a Daily. - That these years have been full of work,' anxiety,' hardship and meager recompense ' for its editors, needs no detail in the telling. There has been simply the spirit of local pride, that has kept most of the Journal's own ers at the desk, grinding out an exls- tence of poor returns, In a material way.' And yet looking backward, no , citizen of . New Bern will deny that those who ',. conducted the Journal through years of leanness, when the community was in need of a spirit of optimism, " that the Journal was on hand to point the way to better t.imes, and to give encouragement and per- ' suade the down-hearted, to take hold . again. ' .. If the Journal has not met the re quirements as a newspaper, as it has seemed to many, it was not due to the editor's .failure to recognize the fault but rather., the fact, that local condi tions prevented his reaching the point of aftaitunent. Tbe outsider can nexer be the -correct judge to say why an editor fails to meet such and such a condition. In publishing a local news- paper. .However these apparent short ' . .(,-.. comings. It cannot be charged that any editor or proprietor of the Journal has failed in civic pride, or been neg llgetft, to this community and its in terests, or been faithless to bis trust In upholding the moral Institutions that, the people declared for. It. has ben the effort of the Journal, as far . as possible, to measure up to its com munity's, needs, to represent at. home and abroad, New Bern, her best inter. eats, and' to strive for their further ance v ''". ' ' i IS CHARLOTTE TO BE SPECTA- The above query .would b answered by any citizen of Charlotte, "of course If there is any tssne calling for dis play." But In this Instance tbe query la directed to the municipal politics ot that city, which the following In the' Charlotte Observer Is enough tc warrant being styled, spectacular: ( Apropos to this and to the gen erally credited rumor that Mr. Mc Nlnch will enter the field against Mr. T.,W. Hawkins for the mayor alty,, an Interesting and sugges tive fact is recalled that, both, these gentlemen Voted the nation al Republican ticket In the last election as well ai previously and -that it either Is chosen for the hljth office to which they asplro, Cliarlotte, a Democratic strong-, hold, will be administered by a na tlomil Kepiibllcan. This is not stated In any Sense as a reflection upon anybody or anything but as . a sidelight or Indication of exist ing conditions. The fact has been commented on frequently that thr buhlnens people of Charlotteare bv( omtng more and more Indepen dent, in thrlr nifthod of action kihI tboiiKdt, that tbey are throw Iii ft aside Inherited prejudices and now thinking and acting ,and v -,ng as they deui proper and . t t fur thuii(M'lvs and their i ;V TliU may be scrounted f ' 1 n.any ways, the chief of : i' i t! tlio a'lvanee In In- 1 II ! (l-IIl'trT of ; ,1: : 6' n,l M s '.i ., t.i i.!.,r tiMinl- r i i ( ; .. w.,i.;,J ' . ' a I NEW'iPERFECTlON Wiek Blue Flame Oil CooK-Stovc , ensures quick work and a cool kitchen. The "New Perfection" ' has a substantial CABINET TOP for warming plates and keep ing food hot after it is cooked. Also drop shelves on which to set small cooking; utensils every convenience, even to bars " for holding; towels. ;.' ' . -,'; .- ' V ., i . " Made in three sizes. Can be had cither with ; JJL- ii-, a; or without Cabinet write our nearest agency; C ' ; ' f and very handsome Gives a powerful light and burns for hours with one filling.' Portable, sale, convenient just what every horn needs. K -If not with your dealer, write our neatest agency. . STANDARD OH. COMPANY ' tions existing, .with such possibilities, is one to provoke consternation among those who would claim the natural right of democracy naming all the candidates in state municipal prima ries and elections . But think of two candidates, nation al Republican, as possible Mayoralty aspirants for Charlotte! Is spectacu lar a big enough word, any way? J AS UNLIMITED INDUSTRIAL Fl'- TIRE. No one can place a just estimate upon the industrial possibilities ttuit await development in the North Car olina section, that may be snid to lay between the Iiuckhorn Falls near Ral eigh, and the Yadkin Falls, for wltii the Immense electrical power being secured at, these two points, power, the all important question for industrial promotion and development, is solv ed. Raleigh, with 60,000 volts,' for her own use and to be partially distri buted to Fayetteville and Sanford. Salisbury, as a distributing station, for 8S.000 volts, from the Yadkiu Falls, the future outlook In its greatness, is hard to fully grasp in what may bedevelop ed in Industrial lines. From both of these cities, there will no doubt be radiating lines, and as the electric juice flows so must there be created trade and commerce, and the limit., can only be as man's capa city is able, to take advantage of what nature Is providing so bountifully. North Carolina has boasted of Its nature advantages, and now with pow er to assist, there Is a future of devel opment, that at present can have no signs of ceasing for several genera tions. The all Important question, just now is, will North Carolinians t the chief beneficiaries of these possi bilities, or will outsiders come in and secure the chief benefits? - Read the pain formula on the box of Pink Pain Tablets. Then ask your doctor If there Is a better one. Pain means congestion, blood pres- sure somewhere. Dr. Shoop' Pick Pain Tahiti check head pains, wo manly pains, pain anywhere. Trj one,' and see! 20 for C5 cens. Sold by F. S. Duffy. . . 1 Mme. Calve denied yesterday In New' York the report that she will retlre-4-om. the5 opPrsfle and concert stags. ' (JPEBlAlffi mWMi t 1 i ' 1 u Bon'l EZ2al ilie IEeI:2ii ' All the necessary family cook ing may be done as well on a Nev Perfection Wkk Blue Flame Oil Cook-Stove as on ; the best coal or wood ran jr. By using the "New Perlee- ' tWOil Stove, the annoyance of an overheated and stuffy kitchen is entirely avoided, rren in midsummer. The scientific -construction of the ' ' . i :::- '::-', 'v' Top. If not at your dealers, City Democratic Executive Commit tee Meeting , At a regular called meeting of the City Democratic Executive Commit tee, the following business was trans acted: It was moved and carried that, the Primary election for the nomlna, tions ot Mayor, Quiet of Police, tax collector, city clerk, and two (2) al dermen from each of the six (6 wards shall be held on Wednesday, the 14th ot April, 1909, and that the polls be opened at 6 a. m., and be closed at 7 p. m., at the following places: FIRST WARD CITY HALL Managers R. R. Hill, Fernie Oas klll, James Hill. SECOJiD WARD COURT HOUSE Managers E. J. Clark, Fred Scott, W. T. Baxter: . THIRD WARD SCOTT'S STABLES Managers C. W. Bell, M. N. Hook er, Capt. G. Wallace. FOURTH WARD HARGET'S SHOP POLLOCK STREET t Managers J. E. Gasklll, Wm. Paris Ed. McLacklln. FIFTH WAJtD-McClRTHT'S , 1 Managers E. L. Smith, C. T. Han cock, H. D. Smith. I SIXTH WARD AT REEL HOUSE GEORGE. STREET! Managers A. J. Qaaklns. v It was on motion carried that the rules ot the last city primary be a dopted for this. ) ' H was moved snd carried that the candidates for the several offices shall pay to the chairman of the ; committee tea (10) days before the date of the election, on or before the 3rd day ot April, when the Hots shall be closed. Candidates for Mayor each $10.00 Candidates for Chief of Police each $10.00. ' ' , Candidates tor tax collector, each $10.00. Candidates for City Clerk, each $10.00 Candidates for Aldermen, each $1.00 A resolution wat carried that any person who voted the Stat or coun ty Republican ticket, at the last gen eral election, shall not be permitted to vote In this Democratic primary, and the managers of th several wards are so instructed "not ,lo allow them to vote. It waa ' moved aira carried that In each wsu-d all candl- dates for aldermen of thai a ard he placed on one ticket (where more than two are running and the chair man of this committee shall four (4) days before election publish a full and true copy of sU th candidates who have paid for the several of fices, and explain the manne ot rot- tug for the aldermen. ' Oa motion tbe ootnmttteet took a recess, subject to the call of the chairman. .-... t ' tho3. f. McCarthy, ' Chslrmaa. i. J. BAXTER. ' Secretary. 1 A Maltese cat weighing 3& pounds has been sdded to the brottt (New York) too. : I'D Rather Die, Doctor than have my feet cut oI'uU Ml L. ininKham, of Princevllle, Dl., 'ut 'you ll die from gsngine (whlrh fed I eaten swsy eight toes) If you &jf !snld all doctors. Instead ba uaml j Bucklen s Amies siUt will ,w1yJ!? cured. Its cures of Eriinoa, Fever Sores, Bolls, Burns, snd PIEwi as tound the world. 2 renC at sTI drag stores. An esrnunt young prenrhT 1n s r "' country vlllsg cor. -lad 11 Tcup I f T.jr'hen!ve psyer Aai' '' M ' pray f ,t t:.-,n n 1 j sr ) ':.- lu Vt vi.':.:,'.! 1 - .1 yt '.' ' - r t . . . ! , Kesolatleas ( Bean te J. M. Spes. , SCHOOL TAX CAMPAWX i .-'''' eer. . ! -At a regular meeting of the board .Arthe Work Sow (Join? ou. Elss ot directors of the Ch&niber of Com ' " tors t ge t Atlanta, merce of New Bern. North Carolina, Special Correspondency. ... . held Friday evening, April 2nd, l'J":. the following resolutions were adont- ed.- , ' . ' - ' Whereas, the Almighty la bU lnfl- nit wisdom has seen fit to take from our aildst, Mr. J. M. Spencer, our es- teemed townsman, who was n active member ' 0118 Chamber,, and always stood for . Industrial development, cby Improvement, civic righteousness, ar-d devoted his 0681 energies toward the mang ot good roads in Crave i c-re- ty. Miul whereas, by bis death, the city of New Bern and Craven county lta lost one ot its best citizens, a Christ- lan gentleman, an up-to-date farmer, promoter of Industries, 4 friend ot the poor, and a kind and loving bns- band, therefjis 'e it v Iifolved: frs! ThRt.tbls Ciiamixr 1 Commerce lpiuf nts the 'J3 :if esteemed townsman and fellow mem b .. J. M Spev -e . and doea Ucreliy ex tend our heartfelt sympathy to his fumlly and friends, . v Second, th '. a copy of th? -3 reaolu- l ;! s be sp.';id vi-on the njinutes. or tb Chamber . Cm merce. and a cts y sent the widow of Brother Spencer, and a copy, sent to each of the city papers for publication. ' D. E, HENDERSON, ' B. B. HURST, ; L. H. CUTLER, Jr. Committee. Mr. F. G. Fritz, Oneonta, N. Y., writes: "My little girl was greatly benefitted by, taking Foley's Orino Laxative, and I think It Is the best remedy for constipation and liver trou ble." Foley's Orino Laxative is best for women and children, as it is mild pleasant and effective, and is a splen did spring medicine, as it cleanses the system and clears the complexion Davis Pharmacy. Tjiree ouant.'ties of cherries are sent from Europe to this country simply preserved in brine, to escape the high duty on fruits preserved in sugar. They are then made Into "Maraschino" cherries. Rheumatic poisons are quickly and surely driven out of the bloood with Dr. Shoop's Rheumatic Remedy-li quid or tablet form. Dr. Shoops booklet on Rheumatism plainly and interestingly tells Just how this Is done. Tell some sufferer of this book or better still, write Dr. Shoop, Ra cine, ".Wis, for the book and free test samples. Send no money. Just Join with Dr. Shoop and give some suf ferer a pleasant surprise. ( F, S. Duf- Rat exterminators had to be engga ed the other day by the Leeds (Eng land)) Public Library. The Chief Li brarian was openly defied by a large rat, and the lady assistants were la s constant state of terror. ' 1 All nation are endeavoring, to check the ravages ot consumption, the "white plague" that claims so many victims each year. Foley's Honey and Tar "cures coughs and' colds perfect ly and you are In no danger ot con sumption. A. A. Herrln, Flnchv Ark. writes: "I know that Foley's Honey and Tar has cured consumption in the early stages.. Do not ' risk your health by taking some unknown pre paration when Foley's Honey and Tar Is safe and certain In results. Ask tor Foley's Honey and Tar and Insist upon', having ft Davis Pharmacy1. . ' ... ' ' ' . ; -- . Italy's King Will Meet Rooserelt Rome, April 1. The battleship Re Umberto has been ordered to make ready to embark by King Victor Em manuel and thlg fact has given rise to the report that tbe king Is going to meet ex-President Roosevelt and take 'him to Messina aboard the war ship. No defilnlte information on tbt movement of tbe Italian battleship can be had, Not even American Am bassador drlscom has any Information on the reported trip of the king. Nothing m the way of a Cough Is snoylng as a tickling, teasing, wheer lng, broecbiaJ Cough. The qulrkesi relief comes perhaps from a pre scription known to Druggists to f ry where as Dr. Shoops Cough Ren. edy. And besides, It is so thorough ly harmless that mothers give It with perfect safety even to the youngest babes.' . The tender leaves of a slro pie mountain shrub, give to Dr. Shoops's Cough Remedy fl "remark able curative effect. A few days' test will tell. Sold by F. a 1 Duffy. Hisuls Tsj-Ior Drbatiof tj.nb. ' Tbe Hannls Taylor Debating Out of the New Bern High School held ,l' first meeting last night. The subject for debate wis Resolved that the bono, system should be used In high school and colleges. The speakers on the affirmative were William Clark, Ken oath Nlxon.'on the negative. Janus Hughes, Lacy EJs"rton. The decision was rendered In favor of the affirma tive and Mr. Nixon was declared tJe best debater. Lieut. General Ulted S'ates A t V.'liUt It first tl.ii s' tx Nelson A. Mil rn:y rettre.i, en'.', -! ye ;-!in!,iy for t' t' liitr of I'j '. Raleigh, April 2. The school tax campaign Is on, and speakers are go-' lng out from the office ot the Stte j Superintendent, other help being also ' given him. .- R. D. W. Connor goes to ML Holly, State Auditor Dixon, tp Old. Trinity: Prof. Carlyle to Hertford county, Prof Walker to Wllkesborp; Mr. Rarwlck to Caldwell and Person; and there will be other speakers on the field. A number of the educators will go to Atlanta to tbe conference ot High J School Inspectors; tbe , .association of State Superintendents and the confer- ence tor education; among those at- tending from this state being, J-' Y. Joyner, County Superintendent Judd ot J Wake, Mrs.'t!. D. M elver, J. I. Foust, Prof. Walker and others. Passed Examination: Successfully 'James Donahue, New Brltian Conn, writes; -"I tried several k'idney reme dies and was treated by our best phy sicians for diabetea, but did not Im prove until I took Foley's Kidney Rem edy. After the second bottle I show ed improvement, and five bottles cur ed me completely. I have since pass ed a rigid examination for. life In surance." Foley's Kidney Cure cures backache and all forms of kidney and bladder troubles. Davis Pharmacy. New Bern City Schools Honor Roll for Fifth Month Ending March 19. r. , '. GRADES - - ' 7 B; Docla Bellangia, Ruth Watson. 6 A; Blanche Gasklll, Kathleen Lucas Ida Gordner, 6 B; Hattle Hunter, Nlta M, Wether- Ington. Vide Fulcher, Dorthy Rea. 5 A; Florence Fulford, Lula Disosway. Laura Simpklns. '. ' 4 A: Ruf us Armstrongs Albertina Jones, Thomas Lee Taylor. 4 B; Edna Whitehead, Emma Kehoe, Harry Passman. . 3 A; May Mauhburn, Mildred White head.'''-;;'" " 3 C; Guy Odem, Roy Kellum. 2 A; Jessie White, Catherine Boyd, Elizabeth Ashford, Thelma Howell Reata Labakl, Elizabeth Harrell, Anna Lumsden, Wllhelmlna Rein. ,2 B; Esther Davis, Annie Passman May Hudson, Grace Jamison, Mary Chadwlck, Phillip Willis, Margaret Grubbs, Ernestine Bell. - Adv. 1st; Bertha Fulford, Margaret Thornton. Grace Balance, Ivy W11W lams, Llllle May Wlndley, Primrose West, May Smith, Dan Odum, Rich ard Spencer, Bryan Duffy, Fetter West, Charlfe Hall Asbtord, Elgie . Carrawyy. . , V .' ': 1st; Mary Lewis Leora Arth'ur, Will iam McSorley, Cecil McGlnh, Jack son Windsor, James Luoas..' ' Monthly Report White. , Fifth Month Number of former pupils enrolled this . month, males 336; females 407; total 743. : Number ot. new pupl) enrolled thir month, - males 13 ; females 7 ; tote 20'' - ', ' . '" , Number of - pupils received on roll males 349; females 414; total 763. Number of pupils remaining at date ot this report, males 274; females 347; total 621. v,; ,;;-;; .'..v . Total of those on roll each day, male? 5481; females 6708; total 12180. ; , Total of those present eachday,male 5176; females 6328; tal. 11504. r Total of those absent each day, malet 294; females 893; total 686, :J. Average dally attendance, moles 260. 11; females 315.09; total 575.20. Per cent of attendance Mumber of tardles Number of days taught during this month ' '. . ' .948: 20 Highest Per Cent of Attendance. GRADE 10th '. - ' .9949 6 A; ; , - . ' .9925 7 A; : '-'.: ' -v . .9824 Colore! School-Fifth .Month Mumber of former pupllsen rolled this 'month males 317; females 393;, total 710. - r ": Number of new pupils, enrolled this tuonth, males 10; female 8; total is. ; . , Number ot pupils received on roll. males 327; -females 401; to'tal 728. Number ot pupils remaining at da,te of this report, males 203; females, 265, total 4681 ' V . Total of those on roll each day, males 4417; females 5863; total 10280. Total of thoee present each day, males 3621, females 4653;totsl 8274. - Total of those absent each day, males 796; females 1210; total 26. Average dally attendance, mules 181- 05; females 232.65; total 413 70. Per cent of attendance t Number of tardlos .8 1 Number of dys taiu'.'t, during the mouth I J ALcoiiou j rta ttn "j ANcgclal rVfpara:'ur,u As-' similaiing ifieFoodantirito ILig liic Siouoiis amUiuwds i .Ivf Promotes Di$esttonfJefi ni'ss and Restlontains rtciiiw Opiumiorpliine porMiacral. NOT NARCOTIC. 'W2 "V lie, ; . lit Cutuuklim j jerfect RemHv rorCtmsfips tion , Sour Stmach.Dlarrhi mm YVorrustonvmsH)HS,revcrisu ness andLOSSOFMJjR racSiniile Sijnatnrrof. 00 wi'i mm NEW YOHK. mm CTKXTt1 W r .. -- I t.tluknAdA'l l:"?-'V-o uvrarAeeu umm - --- Exact Copy of Wrapper. STRONG -COURTEOUS - PROGRESSIVE MEW BERN N.C. WM. DUNN C.D.BRADHAM , T. A.UZZELL : PREST. VICE PRCST. CASHIEW OUR GROWTH The constant increasing number of our depositors evinces the fact that this uistiution is chosen as a depository because of its unsurpassed soundness and the stability afforded by ample capital and undivided profits; because of its conservative management, the safeguards surrounding the investment of its funds, and the large reserve carried at all times.1; Q; v i ' A PAID ON T. Basu& ! 1 AG ICS T NEW BERN., BUILDING MATERIAL SASH, '" DOORS, V BLINDS, BRICK, ' .. LIME- ' CEMENT, , PLASTER, !- : LATHES, ROOFING,'.-SHINGLES, ; PAINTS;' OIL. ; VARNISH, : . ; J--- , iHew Dem B Supply Co. .riiotie 163 FOR SALE BY DURRVS & GRAY O ri'RINA FEED CEST FEED TO?. F"" : :M Ii utt in .......... . Cfiilw.liyraUu (Starch ami F I at I'iljie CI1 l'h..n lft an 1 I , , . : UKKlMlNrr.:- - . Co., !!..; ' r Ncvvl.,,." r,:rlrf U . jf Th3 Kind Ycj Lva Always Bcjhl s;:-.' ;,un Ael Signatiiro a f THI alMtMIII eOHMNV, HtW . 3, SAVINCS 4 AT 1 I -.- ' .. K slsl s . - m. . II . . m ( ininy leprs j 1 1 1 1 I 1 IVU 111 f - -l PALMER GASOLENE ENGINES , 2 and 4 cycle; U 2 and 4 cylinders. Mate and break, and jump Spark J. BAXTER I ' 17 Craven Street . . . . ' , ; .S, ..... i r (i nt .... 1.0 j i r ci nt . . . H.9 ii r cht . v.!.!ch sli all liavf . i i ;.l ' II. ;'. ctt, Xcw I' td Cr ry rut!.cru V.i v i Co., 1 i y .!!.i : i. c 1

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