; Bute Library A -A 4 , - ' ' i No. 5 NEW BERN, CRAVEN COUNTY, ?N. C. FRIDAY APRIL. 16 1909 4 SECOND SECTION 32nd. YEAR j i i i j i p TfiPCQC GUTS iLUiiL uu - white ivq:.;aiii TWO EMPLOYEES OF A DIGHI THE IT ALIAS CATERER HATE A DIS PUTE WHICH "JiEARLT - EJiDS IN TRAGEDY. . F'T c::::rs;fj::::ojis library of the, State School ior tto fiUni Enclosed, v Republicans do t Not Believe That Brows or Fuller Will Get the Federal Jndwshlu. Extension of Electric ' Car Line. ' Smoke Nulsanee Abatec. 1 - -Special Correspondence. ; (-. Raleigh, April 13. About taldnigM last night Mrs, John . C. Crosswell, white woman from Caldwell County, v Whose husband - li serving a twelve years sentence to the penitentiary for murder in ihe, second degree hada ; very narrow escape from death. ' Foi , three months she had been employed - as housekeeper at the home of Mr. A Dughl, aw 11 known fruit dealer hen and, it is said that Hannah Harris, r. negro woman, for' twenty years a cook In Mr. Dughi's employ cut Mrs..Cros well's throav with' an old rasor. , Had ' the. rajEor been" sharp Mrs Croswell't head would have been almost severed As it is, 'she wll escape- death, It li ; now confidently expected. The Harris woman, who. is In:, the station house : awaiting1 the result of Mrs. Croswell's ; Injuries, den ies ; her guilt and say t she knows nothing about the matter. Mrs. Croswell Is 53 years of age and Is not a strong woman, though a very faithful worker. She came to. Raleigh ' i- In order to be near her husband.; Mr ' Dughi last night when the murder wa.-. attempted was at his store and hit family were in the country six mile:. " from here. He hurried to his horn In n automobile and then' sent tat ; his family,, It seems that the negrc ' woman had been made angry by tht - employment of Mrs. Croswell as hous " keeper. ; ,- i ' The roof of the library at the state school for the blind Is being put on It is of tiles. The building Is .40 feet square And will cost $4,609, the legis lature having made appropriation for ' It ' The building Is 40 jteet 'square Metal bookcases are to be Installec and the building Is absolutely fire proof. Principal John E. Ray of this school is notified by Dr. Elmer Els. wdrth Brown the U. S. Commission, of Education that his school has been chosen by the United States as one of those to make an exhibit, at the expo , sltton. at Quito, Equador, South Amer ica, and that the articles to be chosen - must be at .Washington by the end ot March. ' . , ' . , Governor Kltchln will speak at school at Graham May 7th and at one ' at Snow Hill May 22nd. He will at . tend the meeting of the T. P. A. at , pUhevllle and also the Teachers An temblly' at Morehead . City. He Has declined 60 invitations , to make speech-es. -" .-' The Republicans hereabout seem tc to place very l.Ule stress oa the ru- , jnors that Mr. Frank Fuller ot Durhait or Associate Justice Oeorgs II Brown - of the Supreme Court will get the Fed eral Judgeship. . ' . . t U Is understood that the street ca line will be extended from GleHWooc to Crabtree Creek three miles north of the city and this evening there was a meeting of the people at OberUn, t ', - Urge colored suburb near the State Fair Grounds at which representative! of the strfet car company were pro , it t oconsldrr the mat'tsr of extes , leg the line through that "village snC connected with the Glenwood exttu slon. ', ' , ' Now that, smoke has been ellmlnn Ud from the various factories by tin Ve of eUctrlc power the Chamber or Commerce has taken up the matter ot abating the smoke nuisance at two or three places Id the city where there are heating plants; as for example thft at the Supreme court building . which suppllts the fapltnl. There art very simple contrlvsnces Ui:h con sume snioko and which are In use In a great many cltVs end towns and ought to be here. ' ' h r K v.hl I f.ntff onus nrii ...... v. , till. W T, - '1 Crter.pnd nee. , A; iil IS. The new hoara f i a " '"1 1m nrgej to make uc!i r i i . ' ! s will allow the police to r H ! ;.i!i(l !iiris and look after U.i.,l t ' -the po- l'.ce pass suth ' t .t l.itve no rleht to snt"r " t: ' ' T! . y 1 sv a right U etr f..r i ( i ,r,.; There Is a viy t , .-n t() St t!l8 t ' 1 ROYAL ARGAIIUI1 HI! tUI THE OLD ESTABLISHED FBATER "jiAL INSURANCE ORDER TRIN. V ACTING ITS OFFICIAL ' - ' BUSINES y Mttjll BFflCEBS HERF Only Routine Jpshiesg Transact eoV .Banquet at the Hotel Osston. Vlsl- tors Will Have a Bid's Down Nensc ! River If the Weather Permits To dey. Election ef Officers Today. . The cjty Is entertaining a distin guished company of members of thi Grand Council oi the Royal Arcanum one of the oldest and best of the. rra (ernal Insurance orders. The presence o fthese gentlemen Is due to the en ergy and hospitality of Mr. S. M. Bnn son, Past Grand Regent of the order "who has been very active in looking after the comfort and welfare" of the brethren. ' Presiding over the deliberations o: the order Is Grand Regent, H. E. Bon Its of Wilmington. Mr. Bonitz is leading c!Uzen of Wilminton, an ar chltect of -much ability and a grad uate-of the Agricultural and Mechani cal Arts College. v ; V The business transacted' by thi Grand Council yesterday consisted en, tirely of reports of committees and o? fleers. There was no .discussion ii which the public would take any in. terest, .All reports showed that thi order was growing nicely and all wer greatly encouraged. The next Coun cil will meet at Rockingham. . The election of officers will be heir ;hls morning and Mr. L.H.Chappell of Columbus.Ga., Supreme Represen tatlve will be the Installing officer After the business' session. It the wea ther permits the members will bi given a ride down, the river on boarf the hooarboat Comfort. Tbey wll leave at 11 o'cloc'and return at flv o'clock this evening. ; i The visitors were tendered a ban juet at the hotel Gaston last night Hon. S. M. Brinson was the toastmas ter. It was a delightful affair and th toasts responded to were resplenden with humor and good nature. Abou 100 men sat down to the banquet Fo: lowing is the Menu: Grape-Frult, Appetlstant Nelson Bay's en Qullle Celery Salted Nuts Oliver Broiled Shad, -Malt re 'd Hotel Saratoga Chips Croquette de Chicken, a la Gaston ' , Green Peas , ' Lettuce and Tomatoes - Mayonnaise j J. Tuttl-Frulttl Ice Cream ,' . Cake ; ' ' : '., Fromage BUcuit - Demt-Tassav - ';'""'' NEW COTTON MILL i . Ground Broken for a $350,000 Plant at Zebnlon.' The New High School Roady for Dedication. Special Correspondence. 1 , Raleigh, April 14.Today jroutir was brpken for the $250,000 cot.m nlll at Zebulon In this county, on th Norfolk and Southern railway. It will ipln five yarns. Mr. Archbald Mel drum of Zebulon is said to h ith largest stockholder sad Is building th titll. He recently inlshed; a cotton oil mill there which has been sold It; a company and which last Wednesday turned out the first product.' : Betvocn Zebulon and Wakefield Is the 10,00f high school "building which Is almost ready to be dedicated. " The dedica tion Is to be made quite an event an-' Invitations are to be extended to Govei nor Kltchln, x-Oovernor ; Aycock focke Craig, and Ashley Horns t pak on' the occasion. , A . speclst train will run front Raleigh nd be- rides these gentlemen the state of Vers will aUto be specially Invited to mk ak. The distance between Zebu- ion and Wakefield la only about a mile nn ftvenua ' connecting the two points. BOAT FOR NATAL RESERTES CoTerumeBt Will flniply Steamer Al frtda for Naral Reserves Prae tke. Bids for New Cloek la , Twe Weeks JKperlal to Journal. , ' Washington, D- C, April 14irCon resmnan Thomns of New Bern has been advised that the Navy ix-parr ment will furnlih a vchS(. for the use of the North Carolina Naval r.nwi The application of connmin.l.'r f ' nl..U .v. nrnnr for the !uimr ana i" n(.HU-.s. cannot be, granted but l-l will be loaned If suitable. The MJs for the new clock on th. ' hn!',.!!ng will Be Saveriiw-. i" . . , - t .' t and four d:s II L iHJlBEi:K!) THOUGHT TO :., : BE AFTER THE SEABOARD High Officials ef His : Lines Inspect -.Facilities of Tampa as ; - f '" A.TermtoaL .,. J - ' ; Tampa, Fla.. April 13. On E. H. Har riman's yacht the Sultana, which ar rived here r last night from Havana and New Orleans, was a party of hipco officials of the Harrlman line, who ar making a thorough inspection of Tarn pa as a terminal, and Its harbor faclli ties. The visit Is regarded as having sonnecUon with reports that Harrlmah contemplates acQuiring the Seaboard Air Line. '".y;' .;.,:;, .. In the party are Julius Kruttschnif. director of maintenance and operation 61 the Union and Southern - Pacin s, wrauei m, t erwn, director of the M :cah Central,5 William Hood,; of Stu ?ranclsco, chief engineer of all tin ;iarrlrrian lines, and CJ. .W. Junen. nanager of the Southern Pacini; St jqiv iblp line. They declined to affirm b' leny the rumor that Mr. Harriniat will acquire the Seaboard ana use the nllllon dollar docks Just comi.letet! iere foP a port of entry for thj 3 jiitti jrn Pacific Steamship Company ' General manager Jungen said hr .hought Tampa was the most jostk-ni jiort of entry for the line, and that" h", inderstood Harrlman was engairod ti- negotiating for a line from Nptlvt on the Mixlcari-Arlzona border th.ouB; Uexlco, Guatemala, Silvador, Hondu as, Nicaragua ahd Costa Rica to thf :lty. bf Panama to connect wit a tlu Panama railroad. On the nort a coji lection would t.ev n ade with thu e' enslon of the Southern Pacific. .'; 'With this line iiiccesafully nei;otia. ed and with t ie Southern rmsifl. iteamshlps touching at Tampa and th 3eaboard Air Llna under the contro' f Harlman, the great financier woulr' have an excellent ! .rtlet from all so- Ions ot the country for the Centra) imericah and Oubm trade. A VERITABLE FAIBYLAKD ' ' ? - uommlttees' Preparations for Seen! i.ETent 'at Charlotte Jo's y, $0, (Ahoat i ': " Completed. An Immense R- " viewing Stand to be Erec. , A' tad lor the 20lh of May - ' ' Celebration ; Special to Journal. Charlotte, April 13. All commftteei -f the twentieth of May celebration vhlch is to be hel in this r:ty, nex. flonth commemorating the signing o. he Mecklenburg Declaration of Inde lendence, are rapidly completing thei, irogranies for the big event Jhi teveral parade committees, in cludin he floral, the colonial an others, ar. naklng preparations tor the rnos pectacnlar affair in the history o! he city The Daughters of the Amer an Revolution, the Children of th Confederacy, the Colonial Dames am -Cher historic organizations will per lcipate In the procession. .The Chair nan of the fioral parade committee I, nxtous that all members of these or .anlzatlons who do not live in Char otts shall be present on "Taft Day' nd take parfc In the parade. . Definite plans have .been 'made t rect an immense reviewing stand oi he Mescklenburg county court hous. rounds from which President Taf nd bis party, Including Mrs. Taft an, Irs. Stonewall Jackson, wll Irevlex he parade. . ').'. . Supreme Conrt , Opinions. . Ipecisl to Journal, ?':". Raleigh, April 14. The Supreru aurt tiled the following opinions to day: . . . . . ..- .' Brown vs Meyers. Hertford, no er or. ' Campbell vs Cronly, New.Hanovei (firmed In both appeals.'. Jones vs Railway from Scotland eversed. 1 , . Lassltor vs railway, from Chatham error. Davis vs Frailer, Granville, rever ted. ' " ' ' ' Thorp will case from aranvile, er ror. . 4 State vs Cox, from Randolph, er ror, . ' Sing vs Sing, from Davidson er for. , . i Lowder vs Heathcock, from Etate ifnrmed. Spaugh vs Hartleman, Davidson, ne rial. Hill vs Bean, from Randolph afflrm Booth vs Lumber fo., Durham, pe ;uriam affirmed, there being no cas on Mpeal. Dd no error apparent or the record. I WaxMsigtun Federal Conrt r!iil to Journal, .,:.;,.!. Afiil 14. Ju'lre Boyd, poe . t!,it '- u cf the Federal cour , !, s sj t j I- at W-!.lngtoi tH.l Vl. 10 THE E miss hesd;ben continues her INTERESTING PAPERS ON , FOREIFN TRATELS JBEAIT1FUL ARCHITECTURE Tky'; World Renowned Canals. Tbe ; interesting Loggias. The (Jlanls Sfalrcase, A Scene of Overpower. 1b Urandenr. .Milan and its Cathe ,arui. Hcsutitul iiuke 1'onio. The Good Dinner at Hotel Corona. The' Dogis Palace Is oiior to' visi tors at ten o clock bin, some little time before that hour we were on haw startins in the small squaw Ifciaing fiora St. Marks to the Granet afl.il. A few moments rtelav hnn-pvp..- n fflilf fascinating place was only thr jqtyiion for anothor look arouna aha thVusuar.fun of studying the crowas in-Italy.; In this Piazzetta thore are two interesting columns which rise near' the canal; 'the; column of St. Theodoce, once the Patron Saint ot Veijrtce and that of the winged Lion Between these columns public execu- oijfi formerly took place. In the dlft- a'Ce and across the Jiazza our atten- iorijwas attracted to an interesting ilopk tower. On this tower are twt 'ironze figures called Moors whict illte the hours upon the bell. IB quite impossible to tell of th. beaiity and fascination of the Doges Palace. One has to see It either in he sparkling sunlight of an Italian lay or better otill in the hauntin? harm of an Italian moonlight to np- reciate its dignity and beauty. Thlf uilJlug Is more clearly impressed ih in my memory. I believe than flnv )ther Ulat we saw. during -the sum- ner. I can see it distinctly as it rise: from the lazy Japping waves of th 9S4;aaV, .wjtjfcts" many , colornr marble, and Its. hundreds of column' most exiuisitely ornamen'ted. The or namentation at the tops of many or these columns fire as delicate as lac work and as distinct as carved Ivory The three exposed angles Of the Palac- Ihe fourth abuts on St. Marks) an lecorated with the most elabpr.it sculpture. Above the three arch-an :els, below,, three figure subjects In ended to represent Justice, Obedienc, remperance, appropriate morals to- the residence ot . a chief magistral The sea front consists of four tkv The lowest tier Is exposed Of c: ireade with short columns, tljla cov red arcade screened from the sm and rain and was the chief meeUn place of the Venetian nobility In t ays of the Republic The second tie j :on slats of an open loggia, gnardc y a richly ' ornamented balustrade lera the ladies stood to -view gren .late ceremonies. On a - moonligh ght half reclining on the cushione- lest of a gondola, with the clistar. iound Of soft. Italian airs coming t ross the waters ... and the muffle teudy stroke of the gondoliers oa ane almost expects to see the shai' wy form of Borne countess arr'tyf n all the richness of the Orient sto nit In this loggia. ' From this .light an dairy loggia an .ttractlve arende the third and fourt; lers of this palace tlso almost so! nd. of a rich reddish -bronze colo rhls effect of heavier masonry at tl, op rather thani at the bottom onl erves to enhance by contract th teauty and olrnesa of the lower storic ,, The center or this arcade facing tf ea "JuSt abov the .second Her ot lo la Is occupied by on Immense wlr low wl'.h a fine balcony of mnrblc- )n the very top stands a staue rrj t sentlng Justice with the sword an cnles, below this In three Inches S lark, St. Pnul and St.; Peter., the hsrlty In the circle above the, win ow, Faith and Hope benlde her. Noa y are tlio four Cardinal Virtues, am i. Goorge and St. Theodore. Entering through the poita of th' onrt Immediately in front la th :tsnls Staircase which was the eu ro noo by which the nobility atipronri the palaoe. The Giants Btalrras s so named from the immense' statins Mars and Neptune standing at thi op. At, the top of those steps 111. Ooges ; were crowned and here al( Vlarlno Fallero one of them who be rayed his trnst was beheaded. Around ;he colonnade which one euters from the top of this magnificent stair case are busts ot eminent Venetians. In spite of all the richness of th exterior of this splendid symbol of Venetian glory one is amazed at tne ilcmlor of It Interior. If jou loot ui.W your fcil tin' id-.m.h; j Mit strikes you with its vjru-iy lor and form, if you look ano. 1 or arotin.l you the c-Uln u-i, (Cis,t: mi.;,l on r". Two.) VENICE II! DOGE 5 PALAG LAKE BOTTOM SOIL V mm The Mattamuskeet Lake Bottom Soles - tJfically Examined and Fennd to be Admirable for, Agrlcultar al Porpeses. . 1 Special Correspondence. ' Raleigh, April 14. A jeport has been made on the quality of the soil at the bottom of Ike Mattamuakeet, the state's largest fake which is in Hyde county, showing It to be vlu.r ble for agricultural purposes and very deep. Only one offer has been mi.'.-.o for the purchaso of the lake th'a be ing liy J. E. WIlMttHon, who represents a syndicate so.e.v) of whose menllt i-rc northern m':, tb.'s offarbel-u f jo 000. h, lias een ecommended that un less a more liberal offer Is made mo l card of educatlo-i, in other words tht tlate, drain Ahi 'uke and have itii lr'l put in eu ..nation. No dec'siou liars heen reached : ,id there ar tor. Intimations tlia', a 'hrgor offer for tin proiierty may be xiide. This belnc by j same people or nj others. KILITARY fiPPOlNrWEHTS Krairs for Springfield. Special Terms Superior Courts. Special to Journal. Raleigh, April IB. Governor K't- hhin makes the following military ap pointments: Commissary General William L. McGhee, rank Colonel. Assistants, Thomas Orrall, rank Lt Colonel; Robert S. Reinhart, J. V Utile, Roger Gant and C. A. Hunt rank Mnjor. I'lS'iieer Corps, Thomas B Whltted rank Major' . V Inspector Generals Department. J C. Mitchie, rank Major. Today Krag rifles turned in by tlx National Guard were sent to 'the Sprlngfledr arsenal. . The cadets a the Agricultural and Mechanical Co lege, turned in their Springfield ri les, snd receive Krags. Governor Kltchln orders special terms of court for Tyrrell, beglnninr April 27th, Dare May 4, Judge Peeblei volunteering to hold both courts with out extra pay. This action remediei Meets due to oversights' of the lati legislature, in fixing dates for. courti conflicftlng with other courts. ylrfinth7890$eS 7890$ 7890J.. 1 H1MMITTED HIMSELF TO , THE PEMTESTIAB1 Deputy Sheriff of Richmond Conn:. S-eU a Notable Example for Men Convicted of Crimes. Special to Journal. ' Raleigh, April 15. Henry Edward leputy sheriff of Richmond count. )rought himself to the peallentlarj ind presenting committment paper.- Mgan a I4 months sentence for man l:iughtor, having been convicted tnn nornlng. He was sent witn a warran o arrest a desperate white man founi" rim' at home, the man started to leave Edwards ordered him to halt, h refused to obey, Edwards fired, wound d him and he died. He had a, pistol. Edwards tolj the Judge today afte- cntence had been Imposed, It was ui ust but he had made lt a rule ot h:. !fe to obey the law, therefore wlnhe , commitment papers made out an- ould KO, himself to the penitentiary t Is not believed he will be allowed o remain there long. , MUNICIPAL PRIMARY r. J. McCarthy Elected Mayer by Z-X:-Majority. The primary elections passed of uletly , yesterday. The 1 rain whic: 11 In filltul showers all day did no f em to dampen the ardor of the re finers ot either aids In the campalgt For several days the forecast h teen plainly In favor of Mr. Mifttrlh; lltt-record as alderman was put f)th ront und his many friends workec arly and late In bis behalf. Mr. Dn ls's friends also worked hard In itorest, but their efforts were 'on ailing. .. ' ' ,' The office of the Chief of Polico wi e'liilre another election. Mr. liar ett's vote carried him almost tl th Innlns point but with four compoti ors the race was like running In the md with hobbles snd toe weight. Tb' lection ot one alderman in tho cone vard will requlr) another votf, Mr lardlson falling short one vote - Mr. Weddell was elected ' In all respects the election was con ducted In a fair and just manner. There wers no nhpleiuant pereons ties' nor was mud In evidence In th figurative sense. All went Weli to the cry end. The comfort a woman can fln, li row 11 f stout Is Its because of whs' a bui y usturt h bss. LAST MEETING OF ROYAL HAIIi DEPARTING MEMBERS OF THE GBAND C0U5CIL EXPRESS HIGH PRAISE OF SEW BERN'S HOSPITAL . ITT. GUESTS GIVEN RIVER TRIP t - ' .- List of Grand Officers for the Euac. lug Tear. Hon. S. M. Brinson Elec. tefl Riprcsentatlve to Supreme Corn ell In St. Louis. Teasts Drank ai Banquet Wednesday Night Tha; Want to Come Back Again Th'e Grand Council of the Royal Ar canum was ended yesterday morninj The following officers were chosen fo the ensuing year: Grand Regent H. E. Bonitz, of Wi: mington. . Grand Vice-Regent P. W. Hancoc:; Oxford. Past Grand Regent S. M. Brinson ' New Bern. ' Grand Orator T. M. Norwood, o) Raleigh. Grand Secretary Dr. J. Howell Wa- Waynesville. ..' j Grand Treasurer E. L. Harris, Ral eigh. Grand Chaplain Rev. Jno. E. Wool Wilson. ; , Grand Guide, W. P. Wooten, Wil son. Grand Warden W. S. Floyd, Reids ville. " Grand Sentry John Maclin, Ashe ville. . ; Granj Trustees P. M. Brlggs, Dui ham; T W. Slocumb, Goldsboro, A. J Eans, Stateevllle. Representatives to Supreme CouncP which meets at St. Louis: H. C. Doc: ery and S. M. Brinson. After the council adjourned the en tire party went on a trip down Neus Iver In the house boat. Comfort to use.of which was generously donate by Mr. William B. Blades 'who Sccom panted them. 1 1 ' The party which numbered about T- left New Bern at 12 o'clock were serv ed with lnnch on board which Wa greatly enjoyed. They returned at f clock, and left on the evening trait for .'their homes very enthusiastic it their praises of New Bern. - Following are the names of men wh have attained large reputation in tb tate who were in attendance at tb Council: ' Prof. E. McC Goodwin of Morganto head of the school for the deaf an lurab; D. P. Hutchinson, a cotton mli' operator of Charlotte. Hi C. Dockery, ot Rockingham, for merly United States Marshal and E. ) Harris, a prominent lawyer of Ralele.: Tlie toasts responded to at the bar iuet Wednesday night were: The Supreme Council ; Deputy Sr oreme Regent,. Chappell, of Georgia Royal Arcanum Retrospect H. C Doclcery, Rocklftgham. . . Royal Arcanum Outlook, Dr. J. How 11 Way of Waynesville. The Year's Record in North Car Una; H. E. Bonitz, Wilmington , Royal Arcanum Fellowship, Rev. . , Wool. . ' -' . . Short speeches were made by P. V 3riggs, of Durham, F. W. Hancock, c Ixford, H. B. Craven, of New Ben nd others. ,'Tbe next Grand Coun-r-. ill meet at Rockingham. rousiG mmm INTROUBLl deli Large Bill ef Goods ea Fals Pretense. Ceaiesses GallL Jpclal to Journal: , . , Raleigh. April 14. Postofflce Inspei ior;Mltchtll arrested at Hamlet toda) K. U.' Rlvenbark, aged 21 years, fo tome years living here who has ordei ed soma $10,000 worth ot goods fron various parts ot the country, shippe 0 Raleigh and other points. ' Ue Is In jail at Lurnberton and ha ;oMfessed. He gav a propiluenl ban ir-here as the head ot his Orm an got mall addressed to a fictitious per ou whose name he gave as a refe once. , Rlvenbark reported to Bradstreet ag'ncy, he had real estate worth flv thousand dollars In Norfolk. Two en loads of stuff for him are now hirr and automobiles and other articles are nt other stations. His arrest follower l-'omplaints oy Ausniic v.ohi unr pie. lie has bwn In the Giihoiird Ah Line service M bsrr.'VR'' tn '. nr anr was arrested on I be bairr.n? enr IcirrlpHoti fnr.l hfd r b' i-- hO 6',i but know cf V 1 " '1 TEAC HERS NUAL ASSEMBLY 0KEAX GATHERING OF FED AGO. GIES TO BE HELD. AT MORE HEAD CITY. FIXE PRO GRAM PREPARED RECOVER STOLEN PROPERTY Visit to the Historic A lams ace Battla Ground. Cotton Being Held. Pas tor Called to Baptist Church, Flv Sites for Municipal Building. Or. phanage Girls Entertain Old " Yete raBg at Soldiers Home. Review er Financial Outlook. : ' Special Correspondence. Raleigh, April 15. Today the Dia gram of the great annual meeting of the North Carolina Teachers' Assem bly at Morehead City; was iasued by Secretary R, D. Connor, who says thai the; attendance ie going to be laraep than ever, before arid. that inquiries are coming from teachers In all parca of the state in great numbers. , He jays the program is excellent and thai the three days session will be full' or jood things; among the speakers ne- ng Governor Kitchin, State Superin- tendejit Bggles'ton of Virginia, Mrs. Allen H. Richards of the Masac&u- setts Institute of Technology and also the president of the Woman's Econo mlc Asociation of the United States; I. Foust, D. H. Hill and many ota ers. T. R. Fouat of Guilford Is th president of the Assembly. The state historical commission and ' the members of the newly created Ala, mance Battle ground commission met yesterday at Burlington. Secretary of state Grimes and William J. Peele ot tho Historical Commission who hav not previously visited tie battle ground went there, the place being rJne miles from Burlington. ' The ' monument marks the spot, this having been erec ted a good many jears ago by private subscription largely through the ef forts of the late Governor Holt, the , roperty now belonging to the Ala- nance Battle ground company whlca -'. jwns half an acre of land. Messrs. Grimes and Peele also visited the scea of the Cavalry fight between Pyle's v. 100 Tory Cavalry and the force com- ,' nanded by Lee and Graham, In which- .HO iUMCD 1UDL U1CU, Klltn) HMV great number wounded. The com- nissloa elected Mr. Earl Holt presi- lent and he will name the executive ;ommittee which will select the other iffloers. v ' Railway police today recovered a lot ot property In the tenderloin dJs- rlct, which had been stolen by white railway employee, Carr, at the John- 10a Street station here', four tranks belonging to the woman of a carnival oinpauy having been opened and rou ied. The thief struck a night train ind got away, presumably to Norfolk. A good dekl of cotton Is yet helu n this section and higher .prices are vringlng It la 200 bales having been yesterday sold In the local market- Rev. Mr. Cook of Southern Pines has een called ,0 the pastorate of the Fayettevtlla Street . Baptist churcD here. - . ' ' So far five sites have, been offered or tne municipal Duuamg ana its - attached auditorium; all being gooa ones. ' "'. ' " Thfi Raleisrh Drlvina Club, recently organized, has arranged to have its Si-st trotting races at tne. btate mair Grounds on the 21st Inst Only mem bers will drive. The girls at the Methodist Orphan Re here some ninety in number paid i visit to the Soldiers Home yesterday tternoon and sang fo, the veteran o the great delight of the later. Your correspondent had an Inter lew with State Treasurer Lacy re tarding the financial ouUook of tbe 3tate. He said that be baa not p. a for any permanent Improvements thts rear so far and cannot do so until tae 12&0.0O0 of bonds authorlted by the oKlslature coul,) be Issued are floatea uly. 1st. Half of this sura was ex- endd last year on improvements at he hospitals for the Insane. Treas rrr Lacy sAys Ibat no other state Makes appropriations so close to Its -icome as North Carolina. Most or he states keep well ahead. M!mrl. 'or example, killing a standtrg I N nee of a million dollars. It tins ' a he custom here for many yenrt t mil as close to the wind i l hut to approprtui to tlx 1: 't iri heymtd It. a Ti -i ,m . r 1 ' -einrUcd. he twil bl since be has "-n f years. U" rut 1im:.!- 1 ;. ' '

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