l.Lif.Li JULL.AL rabll abut I Two Bevtlona, every Taeday and r rtday, at Journal Build-- be-to Craven' Street UIA&LXS L. STETUS, EDITOR AI PROPRIETOR. - - Official Paper ol Oravea Oout. New Bern and SUBSCRIPTION JVo Mouth. . . . . . . fhiee alontha.. .. .. Mx Months.. ...... wlve Month. .. . RATES. . .... ..$ 25 .... .. SS .. .. 80 1.00 . only a Advance. The Journal Is cy bnt onpay-ln-tdvanca barfs. Sutwcrlbera will re mv notice of axplratlon of their sub vwiptlona and an Immediate response notice wvj oe appreciated by the Journal. . - Advertising rale furnished upon application at the. office, or upon ln ; ilr by maJ- -v irate. d at the Poetof flee. New Ben, N. C, ar aecond-ciasa matter. New Bern, N C.VMay 25, 1909. AH AGRICULTURAL SECTION WITH , OUT PROFIT. New Bern and the, section tributary to this city, la agricultural. The mer. cantile trade, wholesale and retail of New. Bern, looks to the farmer for its wade. Poor crops mean poor busi ness, -for there are no manufacturing Interests here to make products to ex change for outside dollars. But while this. section Is agricultural, the farm- re JreaV after year continue to strive iu ruina yrouucis 10 sen in outslae markets,, without first making therr own home supplies. Particularly in the trucking line, is this mistake pro, lag fatal,' tor with the tremendous de velopment of the trucking interest throughout the south, the competition has been too much for this section, even with good crops, and the result has been, truck left to rot in the fields because: it would not pay tor the gatn ring." And truck crops are expensive to raise, and must be marketed as soon as matured, or they will prove loss, But the loss of the truck crop rs not all the loss, tor the truck farmer must hav his home supplies, flour an a meat for nig family. Corn hay ana feed for his stock, and all these muse be. brought to him by railroad witn hundreds' of miles haul. And to the first cost of these needed supplies, must be added the middle man's pro fits, the freight and Insurance. Think of farmers paying three cents per pound tor flour, eighteen cents for pork! And for his stock, $28. per ton for hay and 75 cents to one dollar per bushel for corn! It Is hard to figure any truck season that could bring large enough returns, to offset these needed purchases. And vet tne 'ara, er of this section can raise his own home supplies, ag well aa products tUut are merchantable, for corn, cotton, to bacco, hogs and hay will not only provide for the home wants of ttu farmer, but they are all products thai will .bring cash at any time of the year, and they are not perishable and so muet be forced for sale, regardless of price. v , . Every year hundreds of carloads or products from this section, go forwarc t4 other markets. But alaa, hundreds of carloads of products, more than counter balancing those sent from here re brought to this section, and these coming- products are - agricultural Uat can all be produced here. And 'the farmer must pay the difference, . V irTCH-QUZBSACHO-ZAFFER ' '-The reader must not hastily taks the above heading, as signifying that .tils editorial la to treat on some Old .XesUment worthies. Nor are the a . bore, fauna of Africa, Just dlscoverec by our. ex-President The reader of the Congressional Re ' cord, will find no pussle In the three words, and yet how many readers wJi. know at first sight what they are, ami :..ea give the correct definition. Jus! here ths Journal will, say. that it will '. riot give the definitions, but that Lie above stand for articles nuder div cnUn hi Congress, where our repre- seutmiveg are talking much on tsrio. The Ur3 is h.gry In two ways. It la " beavjr for ordinary dlscunslon, that g. ui'ou an intelligent bsais, sod it U tavy turun consumers who hars u, I : T It t, . ii t!ie every day grtirle ttu. ti.to t'n-lr H'-i.ie eccount. . v. ( - nan iu fr of lailfT ru. 1 f. '. l, known f.ihly well will. I i ' ' ; I u. i! riy m.ik n-. (r t -.1. H Ii y cr - -. r:;zr:.:pzzL 1 1 .;; ; i HIMKO $ 'AS Tlie Kind You Have Always Beught, and hl(h lias been " in use for over CO yean, hkn borne the signature of All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but - fixpertmeuts that trifle with tvnd endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What CWorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It. is Pleasant. " It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo v substance. It3 age is its guarantee, It destroys Worms , and allays Feverlshness. It ire res Dlarrhoaa and Wind flolic." It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation nd Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep She Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. : ,. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Hayp Always Bought In Usa For Over 30 Years. 1M OBNTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY BTRCKT, KffWMm mmammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrwmimmmmm collector stands over him with his threats. At other times, when ' he might take action, he either does not vote or else votes blindly, and pavs no attention to local expenditures, mu- niclpal or county. But the tariff in Its protection covets a multitude of articles. It is surpvia Ing how many interests want a gray, at what Senator Tillman calls "swag". And for this reason tariff is a locar issue, for every community wants n pull at the Federal Swag dispensary And 80 at this time, with tariff revis ion presumably taking place, there ait learned discussions so called, on whe ther Kutch should not be put oa tfie free list, and if Quebracho is not en- titled to more protection, though tne word itself looks strong enough to stand alone. Then Zaffer, gentle lit tle Zaffer, needs a nurse! But one thing is certain that whetn er Kutch, Quebracho and Zaffer, ato put on the free list or not, there '.a UUiuiUj line laiiu m n ... . v ii iu unii) to notice such articles as the above, and so Increase our digust, or admira tion, for those who have gone so far in their researches for things, to pro tect, and when tariff revision Is possi ble, drag into sight the protected arti cles with Jungle names, to confuse the possibilities of helng the consumer. Bew This! We offer One Hundred Dollars re ward for anj case ot Ca'carrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Q. We, the undersigned, have known F. ! J. Cheney & Co., for the last fifteen years, and believe him perfectly non erable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obli gations made by his firm. ; WALDINO. KINNAN tc MARVIN Wholesale. DrcggUts, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cine Is taken Inter nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cent per bottle. Sold by all dro'ggists. Take Hall's Family pills tor cousti nation. - . . ' ' " '. Easlera Carolina Baseball. Special to Jourrral. . ..' ; ' Rocky Mount, May 21: ' , Raleigh 3, Rocky Mount 2. '. Foi burn or scalp apply Chamber Iain's Salve. It will allay the pain al most Instantly and quickly heal th Injured parts. For sale by Davis Pba raacr and ail. druggists. A pipe and book may suffice somr men, Just as a tea and a cat may flee some women, but they don't pre- tend to call it living Florida Times- Dulon. ' ..,' Warm yourself When you get cold. Irlsh. -- JQIll ,ur:c3j IIILLtheCO ano cu::z ths lu f r v;itm - V .4 l. "' and has been made under Ills per- -Sonal supervision since its Infancy' Allow no one to deceive yon In this. Signature of HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT The followings invitations to the graduating exercises of the New Bern high school have been Issued. You are cordially Invited to attend the Graduating Exercises of the . . Class of Nineteen Hundred and Nine New Bern, North' Carolina, Tuesday, June first, at half-past ten o'clock. . PROGRAM t May thirty-first, 4 P. M. Class Day Exercises June first, 10.30 A. M. Graduating Exercises' ANNUAL ADDRESS Dr. Edwin Mims, Trinity College, Dur- ham, N. C. June first, 8.30 P. M. .Reception to the Class of 1909. In Moses Griffin Building . GRADUATING CLASS Mary Uzzell, Mary Nixon, Beulah Uol ton, Albert Marks, Cora Munger, Mer le! Groves, Ethel Wlllett, George How ard, Stein H. Basnight MANAGERS: . - Susie Guion, (Chief); Mary Louis Jones, Mary M. Mitchell, Mary Tamer Louise Bell, Hilda Willis,'. Allle Land. MARSHALS: - Carl P. Bartllng, (Chief). ' James Hughes, Bynum Smith, John II. Jones; Harry Coplon, Edward Ber ry, Charlie Turner. Representative Lowden, of. IHno i who marled a daughter of Pullmst palace car fame, la the richest of tb. millionaire farmera in the House ' CASTORIA For In&ntt Mid Children. Tha I'M Vfin Hawa lhm P-""'M - Bears the Signature oi The bravest thing about a girl Is how afraid she Is not to go on adarfe piazza tilth a 'man, - Kuialirs all IWerdv As an all-round laxative tonic and health-builder no other pills ran com pare with Dr. King's New Ltf) Pills They tone and regulate stomach, liver, ind kidneys, purify the blood, stfeng hen the nerves; cure Comtipattoa, lyspepsls, biliousness, Jauudlce, bestr rbe, chills and malaria. Try them, .5c. at all druggists. - An etgag-d man Is a terrible liar to sur-'make out he doesn't mind being stuck with pine every time h shows her ho mi".h be loves her. A hook on rheumatism, and a trial treatment -of Dr. Snoop's Rheumatic Remedy liquid or tablets being gent free to suSeiers by Dr. Snoop, or Racine, Wla , You that are well, get this book for some discouraged, dis heartened sufferer! Do a simple act of humanity! Tolnt out this way io 'jiiltk and certain relief! 8urprln tome sunVrer, by flrsi gutting from ne the booklet and the test He will pprfdate yoi.r aid. F. 8. Duffy. TMfVfg t n:Kht In Now York rl! n n n iitomLile diiver '.i;nter. your : ' t I" out", fri j w'i!I,i (!, dilv.r r. "'"' '' i t !, i i. i line l.: ! j r , 1 I ! !. SHOP GIEL9 FIGHT H4SHErV J Chicago Antl-FUrt Association Caase - . Fear Arrests. I Chicago, May 20 "Mas. ers" :ire l.! , ; be banished from State street. TiM shop girls have organized the Ami- IMashres Association, and the' Kill , wage war on the street corner "m- ntes." Chief 8hippy has approve! ib- fcxercised ta the handling of milk aa appointment ot a mashers' squaV' for In the preparation ot other article! of State street an the loop district. Nonfood. ; . more will the girls let tha niascni'a filrt line tip at the office or store -lo ir I and ogle them as they pass, making comtnenta on Iheir beauty . .Clubwomen have been a'skt-d b tli-ij maintained for a few minutes will de shop girls to sid them In freeing ibc ' stroy most all the disease producing streets of "mashers," and h e p- v.ii. ed assistance. , Four arrest? of n.ii. ers" have already been niv'p Many weak, run- down women have been restored to health by Foley's Kidney Remedy after the so-called female remedies had failed to help them. Foley's Kidney Remedy stimu lates the kidneys and bladder so they will eliminate the JmpurJUeg from tne blood that depress the nerves, causing nervous exhaustion and oMier alluieiui Miss Carrie Harden Bowling Green Kv writes: 1 suffered much paUf1rom kidney and bladder trcutHfe until I started to use Foley's Kldnay Remedy The first bottle gave me . relief, and after taking the second bottle I was entirely well."1 j pavls' Pharmacy. Big Fir in Norfolk. Norfolk, May 19. Fire starting In the hay loft of S.'JL Pritchard's levery stable! on Union street" this afternoon completely destroyed that structure and the peanut cleaning plant of the Norfolk Virginia Peanut Company, ad joining. Sixty horses in the stable when the blaze was discovered were gotten out, but many costly carriages were burned. Besides its equlpmen-1 of machinery, the peanut cleaning com pany had a large stock on hand. The total loss Is estimated at between $75 000 and $100,000, partly covered by insurance. . t . Biliousness and Constlpatloh For years I was troubled with bll iousncss and constipation, which mad life miserable for me. My appetit failed me. I lost my usual force anr vitality. Pepsin preparations ana cn tbarUcs only made matters worse, do not know where I should have beei today had I not tried Chamberlain Stomach and Liver Tablets. The tar lets relieve the ill feeling at once strengthen the digestive functions, pit rify the stomach, liver and blood, net) ing the system to do' its' work natui ally. Mrs. Rosa Potts," Birmingham Ala. These tablets are tor . sale Davlg Pharmacy and all druglsts. Ig there a Sultana in Congtantlnop: or is that only the name of a frui crackerT - ; v . Words fait the average woman onl when aha Is about to attend her tow funeral. Chicago News' Llred 1W Year. Wm. Parr England"! oldest man married the third time at 120, worker la the fields until 132 -and lived yearg longer. .People should be your ful at 80, James Wright, of Spurloc Ky., shows how to 'remain young, feel Just like a It-year-old y.' writes, "after taking six bottles oi Electric Bitters. Fpr thirty years kt ney trouble made .life-a burden, bf the first bottle of tbls wonderful met IclQe .convinced me 1 had found tn greatest cure on Berth." They're godsend to weak, sickly, rundown o old people. -: Try them. fOc ai all dr"? gisu. ' . If a woman has to take care ot be? sister's baby oversight because It. mother Is away, she can call it a haus. party. .". J ! " ' ' D It Now la the time to get rid of you rheumatism. You can du so by appi; Ing' ' Chamberlain'!' Liniment Nln case out ot ten are simply ronscuis rheumatism due to; cold or damp, o chronic rheumatism, and yield tb tn 'Igorous apptlcatloa of this liniment Try it You are certain to be delight ed with the quick; relief which It ar fords. Sold by Davlg rhsrmacy-ani1 til druggists. . In a suit for divorce in' Brook lyi a detective testified that he had teei map kiss the co-respondent Ti time in one night' Somf families are so lucky that when tliey are praying for a boy baby be arrive as girl twins. I'JqLzI: Hon f to Uca Carii, Lt your famak troubles, became xt are aura it fcc!p you. i t:. j--if 3 t J? '.it . - rl r ) J X t to !i T"X S1FETI IS DAISY TEST Why a Dairy na a Cannot Afford t Z Keep a Tabrrcalosls Cew. I Several cities and towns In Norttl Carolina have within the past ycwi j taken a decided step In advance by r-j quiring that all dairy herds be tuber-, culin and that as much cleanliness im; This is indeed as it should be, ea- pecially since milk Is consumed raw nd not cooked as most other arMcles of food: for A temperature of J60 J'. bacteria. - ':. '', . ' ' - i' - v' It la scarcely necessary to mention that cattle tuberculosis has been pro' ven dangerous to children, and while investigators are proving the. percau tage in adults, we should be treeing our herds, and at least use, the name precaution against this disease as we would against toot and mouth dlwaatj black leg, anthrax, hog cholera aat several other diseases. None 'of U willingly 'Wish to use . the products or the flesh of any . diseased anlmat even If we known It is harmless, much less when we know It is dangerous; For the sake of argument let us. as-; sume that-the disease Is harmlew to people. Allow me to quote from actu al experience, and by use of the tu berculin test, the effect it had oi herd of cattle In the eastern part or the state; In proof of the follbv. Ing statement I would refer the reader: to a leading butcher of Rocky Mouit and to the United States dairy expert of North Carolina. A herd of eigh Aberdeen Angus cattle all shown fie of tuberculosis' by the test had a dalr; cow added to the herd untested from j local city dairy about two' years' ago In July 1908 the nine animdls wr' tuberculin tested; three gave a poa' tive reaction, the dairy cow includJC Conditions were Such that the diseas ed animals were not separated Iron; the other six animals. All cattle j i: at large, but were fed out of a om mon trough. In February alrcatttt were again tested and all nine gav a positive reaction. ' That is, from Jul 16, 1908 to January 28." 1909 si months), the disease (tuberculosis) had spread from three animals to i'i entire herd of nine animals. " :- Twodays later all nine were slaugr tered, most of them In good beef con ditlon, yet five of them were ad badl diseased that we had to bury them The dairy cow brought from the Idea: town dairy was very much the wor case. Her lungs and liver are no preserved and will ' be, illustrated, n necessary in proof of the above state ment.,": ',;'.4-; . Yet the owner of the dairy herd fron which this cow came could not se -bis way clear to have his herd tested He said It will Just put me out o business It people find it out, M tu test need not be advertised. . In closing I would ask the'readet ;ne question: Is it economy .to ex pose healthy cattle to tubercular car, le? If not, why should people expose hemselves to the same dangert . : W. J. HARTMAN, , . i . . i. Dept. of Agriculture CHIIdren Cry ,: , FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA .A negro in. New York was dlacov erd by a. pnllceman kicking blaT sor. down stairs. " "He wanted to commit suicide,", explained the father, "and I'm Just trying to teach him better, The son wagj arrested. - : VToat Slight a Goed Frleal- -"It ever I need a cough medicine again I know 'what to get," declarer Mrs. A. L. Alley of Seals, Me., "foi after using ten bottles of Dr. Klng't New Discovery, and seeing Its excel lent results In my own family and oftiers, I am convinced tt Is the best medicine made. Of Coughs, Colds ana lung- trouble." Every one who trlei it feels just that way. Relief bi felt at once and Its quick cures surprise t rou. For bronchitis, asthma, hemorr hage, Croup, Legiippe, Sore Throat, pain In the chest or lungs Its suprsme 6oc an 1.00. .Trial bottle free. Ouai anteed by all druggists. Mrs. Elizabeth Booth Tarkington. mother of Newton Booth Tarkington die author' died at Indianapolis, lad yesterday of heart disease. , It your stomach, heart or klJnejc are weak, try at least, a tew donoi only of Dr. 8 hoop's Restorative. . In Ave or Wo days only; the result will ' surprise you. A few cents will cover the cost AnQ here Is why help rnnu a so quickly. Dr. Shoop doeiin't dnu the stomach, nor stimulate 1he hun t or kidneys. - Dr. Shoop's RfsturaMve goes directly to the n nnk and falling nerves. Each organ, tan lis o u cun- trolllng nerve. ' When ttipne nrrve fall, the .depending organs mutit of necpddlty falter. This plain, yt vital (ruth, clfiirly tells why Dr. fHioop- KesUiratlve Is so universally micfn. ful. Its K-ircr It lfH.Ung dl K 'hh verywhere to glvg It unlvormil pin-rt-rence. A tent will surely tell, fell 3 Mi'ffy All t.) I 'i'e t!i y will do ) M I ,' II H ! I' r i' t STRWC-COURTEOUS-FnOCr-SriV THE J 'y WM. DUNN C.D.BHADHAM . T. A. UZZELL PPEST. VICE PR E Our New Business We find it hard to aocount for some of .the new business ' that comes to us from day to dsy. Weaometlmee inquire and learn, that this or that patron haa spoken to a friend about the facilities which this bank ;affords. We greatly appreciate . these kind courtesies and take ooo&a'n to thank' those who have expressed their approval andeommendation of our ser vice. We accept deposits subject to check In any amount and pay four per cent on savings aeoounts. ; r A PAID ON 0 Chnr fi 1 nave upeiieu a uimccijt (Ulrich's old store) where I my many trientis ' GOODS ALL NEW and O J. R. y 46 MIDDLE 3TREET. pCjCII";,.,M-.''I.Jy C Headquarters Fbr .v : i Building Material, Roofing Very Best, grades, v ' Heath and Milligan Paint, Lewis "White Lead,' 'Pure Linseed Oil.-' Glass cut and fitted on short not'ee. ' ' v . ' ' .'.! '-i. -...; v , ,i , , , ,. , 4, . v J- i.' - . ! i, L- . ' .,'n-V (.'. ;. "t ; . y" ' 7 -' " ' 1 ,),?- "" V' i-' - ,?.,' , ?' .' ; ' G ask ill Hardware Coy Middle Street ' Phone MEADOWS' MEAL IS made from WHOLE GRAIN of GOOD WHITE CORN QUALITY GUARANTEED .sk your GROCER for MEADOWS' MEAL , , ' BUILDING : SASH, - ', ; DOOKS, . 'BUN PS, .. V ' 2 BRICK,; . LIME , CEMENT V; V PLASTER, J " ; : LATHES. ; ROOFING, . "SHINGLE V;': '.: ' - rAli 1 C5, U1U . . -VAHiliStl, . Kew Bern ;M$ Supply Q, I bone 103 . , $5,000 A' u 73RST0CKED 55,000 worth of Fir ! will be sold Cheap for C early and avoid th? ru !i. Sale f- '; : i S ' CASMIErX SAVINGS A fii-nrpripc-" .0 at nu. to miuuic ouccr r will be glad to see arid serve - CAREFULLY SELECTED Pigott o ; - V HEW BEEN, H. C. y 147 New Bern N. C- MATERIAL It Llavi'li rtt ft " i.c.,si,.-r $5,000 , II : -' "'0'i .r La, tune. Comj ir. 30 Pays .iV ) ':; S' imnvnvi D) 1 0;l D) -1 nTH P

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