1HE V. TEKLY IstabUtfcM 1ST8 fiblisQtid U Two Bectiona, avery Tuesday ant! friday, at Journal Bnlld-fi-60 Craven Street CHaKLES l. stetiis, EDITOR X'D PROPRIETOR. Official Paper of New Bern and Craven Count.. : . SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Two Mouthy.. .. .. .. 86 Three Months.. .. .. .. 35 nx Months. ,. t0 fwelve Montha.. .. .. .. .. LOO Jv ONLY 2 ADVANCE. The Journal 13 cz!y sent on pay-In-idvance barfs. Subscribers will re ceivo notice of expiration of their sub--r'ptIocs and an Immediate response fo notice wli oe appreciated by the Journal. ." ' ' ::-"' " Advertising rates furnished upon application at the office, or upon in-y-tT by maJ atei dd at the Postoffiee, New Bern, K. C, as second-ciass matter. New Bern, N. C. Sept. 3, 1909. THE CALL OF THE OYSTER The article taken from the Nor folk 'Landmark, published in yes terday's Journal, on the prospects of the oyster season, which opens September first In Virginia, is rather a surprising statement. The Laudmark's congratulations has for their basis, the failure this year, of the "set" in the oyster beds of Ehode Island and Con necticut, these beds being heavy competitors with those of Mary land and Virginia. But the fail ure of the "set" this season would have nothing to do with the oyster supply for this winter, as it takes three years for the "set" to be come marketable, and during the past two years the reports of the "sets" were most favorable, there- .ALCOBOL 3 PER CRNT AVcgclalRtparatiDnrorAs- . simiiaring tbeFoodanilRrSiita (uguieucnc&sa&auowclsii LwwatlilL i - " :;3 H ill1' .til I - ,. . CIRCUSES. Promotes Digestion3ieerTuF ncss and ltjContalnsncittur OpiunuMurphme nor Mineral NOTNAItCOTIC. ' flmpla Sua "' JtxJum jbatSad lulaikwdHai MrmSeti- . . CImM Suqor' : Hmayrtm tlanr. .. AjjerfectReiurty forConsripa- non i sour ainruaui,uiu iiww Worms jCoiwulswnyrevensa ness andLoss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Sinaiurr of NEW YORK. Tor Infants and Children. " OMNVMBMMMB MssssssstMsss--atssssss-is--'-V The Kind You Mm t Always Bears : Signature the : Aa: AW ''Mm hf Use Tbt Old and the New and the Grest t D.-awing Card. Before the on ring day and going back a few centuries the clrcua Wat represented In the person of a tnouute bank, a thlo vlaaged, clean abavea man who hitched hie trapece to the sturdy limb of a Tillage oak and did feats to the 1U lEV SHOHT STORIES Prudence of a French .Diplomat Ao amusing little adventure hap pened the other day to I be new French prime minister. M. Briand. lie paid concealed atnaaenient . " offlp,a' m ,0 Un" ,own ,B ,b of a people who respected Uod aome wbat. but , the devil and hla black magio a great deal more. : A' long and high Jnief thl from mountebank to modern hippodrome, from a man who lived under bin bat to a tented city which house aa many aa 25,000 people In one day and regu larly furnlabea food, abelter and trans portation fo- U200 more, to say noth ing of a hospital, a poatofflce and a where one can parcnaae southeast of France which la famous for lta clocks and watches. The mln later opened the local exhibition, and after the speeches the local mayor pre sented him with a magnificent chro nometer made In the town. " ' ', "If your excellency will allow." he said, "we will keep the watch for a few days and regulate It." . v ' .M. Briand, who. though Socialist has a sense- of hnmor, corned from the mmmlnarr almost anything from a postage atamp south of Franc himself and knows to a suit of overalls.' v' I ttwt promisee there are not always The big show today la aa highly ape-' kept -Be knew, too. that a colleague allied and deviously organised as is had the-same watch given to hloa last For Over Thirty Exact Copy of Wrapper. TMt eiimus eowur, an res vit. fore if tlie "set" is a failure this year, there is no effect to be felt from it forhree years, to help the Norfolk market, If the failure was for this sea son, as the Landmark says, there would be no benefits for the North Carolina oyster trade, and it would mean higher prices for the oyster consumers of this State. The trade would not be benefited, because there can be no oysters gathered on the public grounds until No vember, and if there waj 8 good supply ot oysters, which, mere is not likely to be, two months start in the business by our Virginia oyster people would prove a seri ous handicap to the North Caro lina oyster trade, Oar esteemed Landmark must also reckon with the weather, in its estimates, for Norfolk's success M competition with its Northern markets, for an open winter, means oysters easily gathered in northern waters, besides a greater falling off in the demand. So far as North Carolina is concerned. : its call for the oyster goes to Vir ginia and Maryland, for the reason St I, no 1 ply, through senseles3 legislation. placing what should be a great and rich industry, in the hands of politicians, until the conditions are as they are, there is no certain home supply, and the open season , is placed at a date that is without warrant, for there really should ' te no arbitrary opening date, the state of the oyster would govern that, for it would not be market able at a profit until the water had cooled to make it fit to eat,' there fore it would . not be gathered, whether it was . October or Nov i i i riuucr. . orin lurouna must con ' tinue to call for oysters from out side waters, until it reaches the practical, and looks upon the oys ter, and the fish, also, within its . home waters as products demand , lug wise and careful attention, as products of commercial value an not as a field from which to pay oil political indebtedness, ' PENALTIES OF F1NANC AL (JREATXESS. The dignity that surrounds the inulti millionaire, is not the name that Mil-rounds royalty, that also j-"--s with vast possessions. And in the mat t-T if (l.inriTV the ninlti iii..Iln.n.tin Miares more perils than e !-) t'.iy. "i i m in wants i r 1 1 fi 1 ncil! IU J i (. I that can be avoided. Hut the mil lionaire, particularly such men as Rockefeller, ITarriman, Ryan, "Captains of Industries," rather despoilers of industries, enjoy r o freedom. Their public actions, their vast dealings, and the stories of how their money has been gain ed, make them objects for the crank, the anarchist, and evil dis posed, to injure in property or life, as the spirit may move them. The peacefulness, rest and security of the home fireside, is unknown to the very rich. Oreat estates are guarded by men and dogs, with all inds of appliances to give the alarm -of any person's approach. Within the precincts of the guard ed estate, the ' employes are not held above suspicion. " And when abroad, the rich man's movements are guarded. There is secrecy iu going to and from home, and evad ing public sight when abroad. There is open hostility all about, or seemingly so, and no going about to enjoy personal freedom, with all suspicious at rest. And meu will -continue to despoil and j wreck others, as desperate as the free booters of old, but today pro tected by the law, aud having gaiucd millions upon millions, lose their individual freedom, and must pay for protection, --to pre serve what they have secared, and to keep their lives, that they may not be suddenly ended. The can die is not worth the game, but the same game is going to be played, nevertheless, to the end of time. The Day Hs Selected. When Mr. Gladstone was alive he was once discussing with some friends at Hawardeu castle the grentest'aay Iu the world's history. Each member of the irroun was asked to say .; on which day he, in the past or the fu ture, would prefer to-live, It being supposed that he should have his pres ent knowledge, and afterward return to his present existence. Mr.' Glad stone chose a day lu Oreece when Athens was at Its highest glory, , claused our area test business institution. Its maintenance coats a thousand dollars an hour. . Tea, It's long jump from the mountebank; but. after alt, things havent changed ao much in some ways.' 1. -'"' : man who waa fanning a trick pony and dog show last year added a "thriller to hla program In the -way of a dangerous flying trapeie act To the delight of hla pockets, but the In tense disgust of hla trainer's soul, the door receipts almost doubled. He bad two men. at the door, one night who asked the outgoing crowds which part of the abow they liked hflst-the trick animals or the acrobats. They answer ed aa one, "The acrobats!" Danger-danger to other human Uvea and limbs tbat'a the drawing card, after all. excepting only the chil dren who are too young to be gory mluded and who And most delight In the clowns. We grownups like the "thrillers"-the more deadly the better. William Allen Johnston In Harper's Weekly. ' V : 'tS. : Ct-illdron Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA A fuel testing plant is being estab lished by the Canadian government ftr investigating the natural fuel -supplies of the dominion. As peat occurs in im mense quantities in both Ontario an Quebec, ah attempt ia to be made ti discover a method of using it success fully in ga producers. . year, that ' It baa been kept to bel regulated and that It bad not "yet reached Parts. ' So M. Briand, prime minister of France, shook M. la llalre Not tike Him. - , , The Vlcar-l'm surprised at1- yon. MIkks. Why, look at roe. - I can go into the town wlthont coming back In toxicated. MlKCT-Yesh, tsur. Hut Ol be so popular. London Telegraph; Might Have Helped! "we were traveling all day f the I stop the drain on tba vita'ity, A Common Error, Many people delude themselves bj saying ;Mt will wear away, when they notice symptoms of, Sidney and bladder trouble. This ia a mistake Take FoleV. Kidney Remedy, c and 1 teeth of the gale. Tity you didn't have a dentist," ' "What for?" ' . " t "To draw the teeth!" ? - f That's Different, , "limp's a case where fear turned dark hair yellow." i , "IVar turned the hulr vellow! IV h "Fear of being out of styler-Ex A woman ceases to wear her hear on her sleeve about the time' the begin to hang ber back hair on a hook - f 1 cures' backada, ; rheumatism, kidney and bladder trouble, and ' ' makes every tract o fpain, weakness, and urinary trouble disappear. Why sui fer longer and risk having Bright'f disease or diabetes. For sale by ; Davis Pharmacy and all Druggists. How's This? .: We offer One Hundred The 8 year old ton of . Nathan Roth of 1009 North Marshall street, Philada phia, amokea . big black cigars, "bib the pipe" like a man ard poffa cigar ettta. Ht hat not been tick a day though addicted to the habit for mor. than a year. ' ; Dollars Vhi Road to Success. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Cf Interest to Many.' For indigestion and nnd all sto mach troubles take Foley's , Oruio Laxative. , It gent'y stimulates the liver, regulotes tho bowlos, and posi tively cures hnbituaK: conntipation and biliousness. Clears the complex ion of pimples and blutclien, and U( especially recommended for women and children, an it i mild, p'easant and effective. ' For gale by -., Davis Pharmacy and all Dniprff'wts. Reward for any case of Catarrh that f hat many obstructions, but nont tr cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh I desperate as poor health. ; Suoeees Cure. F. J. CHENEY k CO.ToU- today demands health, but Elettric uo u- .- , ' I Bitter, ia the greatest health baild We, the undersigned, have Known I er the world has ever known. ' It F. J. Cheney for the last 15 yeart, eompels perfect action of. stomach, and believe him perfectly. hon6rnblej liver, lddneya, bowels, purifies and in all business transactions awl on-1 enriches ' the blood, and tones an ancia ly able to carry out any obh- mvigoratts the whole system. Vig gallons made by hig Irm. , . joroua body and keen brain , follow : WALDINU, KINNAN & NABVIN, their use. Ton can't afford I. aligkt , Wholesnle Rruggi-sts. Toledo, O, Eleetrie Bittert if weak, nw-dowa Hull's Catarrh Cure is taken in- or riekly. Only 50e. Guaraateed by ternnilv. aintr direct v unn tlia I .n n.,,. .. . i blood and mucous surfaces of the Bytftem., Testimonials sent f ree. I Prof eaaor CarWton of Nortbfietd, Vi Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all 1 reports an odd fungus growth which b Dnicrgitits. . I observed in hit yard. Tht lungut.aboui Take Hall's Familv PiUt for to- lnch tometw, pushed through Hijmtion. There ia not a port , in Europe, and few, if any, in the world, whre the matter of tides is a matter of no conse- H - Chamberlsin's . CofiC, Chobd & Diarrhea Rar.cd AJinoet every family has need el a reliable remedy of -colic v . anhea t kxd tuite during the year Tliit remef! ! recomiindel by dealers who have tcM it lot many year and knnw it value. h lias ,rf rived jfiousnd d tcttimimuili fiom pstrlij peoji. ll liai ern preuil)ed by f.liy ti, Willi tlie mot u!i irtiry it I ' r tif V.e l-frre u 1 lave l,rrn f t lit :n ' !i:'Rk!lU''l. ( ' a fju iri'-r. Cn I t - ii !i (, n ; ii' i .j .'. The on'y Roman Catholic priest who ever waa in Congress waa Father Ga briel Richard, who sat from a Michigan district and impressed his colleagues with bis characref and ability. He has been recalled recently by the centenary the hard eon ere ta next to tht house in ; - - H stogie night, and for a time grew at i- ' A'la.i . a . -a . a "is rai oi aooui urso-quarisrs oi an inch an hour. , . A Hurry. Up Call. Quick 1 . Ur. Druggist- Quick I box of Bueklen'a Arnita ; Sal Here's a, quarter for the love' of the aetUnc up of the first printing hsea, hurry! t Baby'a burned him preat in the Midd J West. Father Rich ard issued in 13f 9, from a press set up in Detroit, the "Eual du Michigan. Testifies After Four Years., Carlisle Center, N..T., O. U, Bur- 'mns writes: "About four years ago I wrota you that I had been entirely fiired of kidney trouble by , taking two bottles of Foley's Kidney Re medy. It entirely stopped the brick diiht neiliuient and pnin, And all of elf, terribly Johnnie tut; hit foot Ta can't walk, from pilet Billie has boQn and my eorna ache., She gut it and toon tured all tht family Us the greatest! healer' on earth. Sold by all Druggist. - t BBliMD IHOOE RIM WABMXif ana - BT THt warmly by the baud, told him that be was a bit of a clock maker hlmaelf aud. would enjoy pulling the watch In or der and wonld tbiuk while be did ao of (be kindliest of the town which bad presented It to hi in. . M. Briand has discovered that the watch Is sn ex elleui tlmekeeiier. Parts Letter to Washington Star. A Type Often Met - ' George UouUl was talklug In the Ulou of the Kaiser Wllhelm 11. of the queer i-bumcters met ou shipboard TUvre was never a ship yef. said Jlr. Uould, tbat did not have one per- ton aboard who boasted eternally of ibe number of timet he bad i-rosaed ibe ."Atlantic Now It 1 tblrty-uine limes, now It Is nlurty-nlx llmem Kv ry . ship carrlet invariably this one passenger who seems to nave devoted bis whole life to making a record for Atlantic crossings. " "1 once heard a Detroit girt poke little fun at a pasaeuger of this typv Be said to ber: - '"Do you know, this it my arty wentb cruSHlngr :. - ls It r she said Indifferently. Mfs my uluety-elgbth.' i -"UeallyY' the man explained. ." "Oh. yea." indeed.' she answered. yawning. 'It's an old story wltb me crossing the Atlantic now. Why. ac tually, I always recogiilza more tba half the waves we tueet' v ot - T. . Presence of Mind. Mayor Btoy of AtluutK City was praising the remarkable efficiency of bit corps of life guards. - - ' ' These men have presence of miad,' oe said, "the right kind of presence of mind, not the wroug kind everybody haa that. - l used to know, Mayor Stoy cou- llnued, "au aged duck hunter that we called Old ITesence of Mlud. "We called bint Old . Preseoct Ulod because be onat went ducking In a sneak box wltb a friend. The bay roughened up, and tba friend fell over board. . But aa be waa aluklng in tb Icy water be managed to clutch wit hla chilled hand the edge of the fraU little toeak box. ' Tbe old duck hunter used to con clude this thrilling tale with the Words: -' '.;-"- - ," ' y- ( ' "'And. gents, If 1 hadn't bad the presence of mind to unship at oar and whack him over tbt flugert I'd bare beeu drowned, at be was.' " Dolphin and Flying Fish. A Ship wan lying at aucbur at Boca Grande, toys the I'uuta Uorda Herald, lately when Ibe crew observed dot plilH chsHlnt; a flying flith, both coming directly towiird the ship. On ueariug the symptom nf ki.Infy liouble dis-l ,D" Tr""H lh CWr 'D lr suu pnHstea Ter i at uow just simn t h fnriimuf Aa It AUl sii t ilnlnhln flgnin pleaded to stule that I have WJ,Ilt uud)lf bf ,U,M ,n(Ii C0llllug op never had any retum nf Ihost sym- on the other aKle, upraoa- from the toms, and I am evidently cured tolWn,''r and nHht the flying flub on Ur nrA" Flev'. KA. K..A. "J" J""' " wascurvlnjc grace will do th efdme for ton. For aals iy jiavm rnarmney and ail Usrg J. M. Ferris of Fpiiw-ficM. ()l,!o, W in a crili a' corilitmn from hiccoiij-lis, fully down In Its rt'iv-rrt to the water. The Country Ceusin. 1 Glenn H. Curtlss. tlarosalng aviation wltb a Mew fork reporter, aald. wit smiling impath-uce: . : "Really, ibcoicb, yonr questions show a remnrkable bjuoraact of the prim plea of flight. If you art going to re port aeronautical things, why don you read up aeronaut k-aT Tour ques tions, at It la. denote an Ignorance equal to the westerner's. Tbla westerner tn a visit to bla rich Pittsburg cousin came down bwakratt every morning with tbt same genial question: v , "How to thlngsr. "One morning the rich cousin, b nerves being a little on edge, scowled a black scow! at this question and ssld: "'Why the dickens do yon always y "How Is tlilnirsr Jetbror "Jettao looked surjirfccd and tart, 'Iiccae-v.' he emwered. 'I vaat U know how things to; ttiat's why.'" -trrz. STRaJC-couR'n ous-r TH NEW DC SIN fi.e. -WM. Z ("r.i "C'O.bRADh M vice prfs r. T. A.U22ELL ' CASHIEB IDE ESSFSTIALS GF:SAFF VZJ While this bank has provided coEaodioss tak ing rooms and every modern facility; extending tb iitmast courtesy and attention to depositors .wheth er their accounts are large or small; yet th essen tials of what it offers to iis depotiitnr; lie in the sb : tolute security which it affords. . Safety is made matter of first consideration, -v ' an-ii..iY1f-' PAID ON SAVINGS' Hffi 7 " ' " r '- j .- - -i A .YDliTH m cid ta art alike suljc-tt to dafectir s'ght. Our speaial eyt'examlaa tions will dettrmme tht beat way of helping tight of toy ag. If yon art well ec la yeart wt eta supply glsjsea that will help tod not strain tht eyee. For tight -trouble In youth wt art sort; to provllt rtlitf. ,' vw EATON -The Optometrist Horner riiKlsry Seliccl ;-' . "' Fonde4 181' ' - OiJsrd, Nerth tanks CUtarical.SclentmaandEnKUshcouises, tmrmrm forOob oaaalva, M IMS, University or the UoTernmeat Assaasslas. afiutus' tnOning develops prompt obedience and manly sBraw--" AeuumT os years urn, wiiu Hpawma waaneis, vsaeaj llae with the principal aud ladles ol Us Uuaily, ssetulna ibe culture ol Soma 11 lo. Cultivates and sduostes, MsderA bulldlncs, perleot sanitation, wholesome tare, no erajwdlne. - Ilent moral, mental, physical and social training. Shady lawn, athletic park, out quarter mile running track, 0 noraa. Ideal climate, helpful environment In the social atmnsphers ol refined Christian people. The town BolMl far over a oentury as an educaUonal centra. -i . Catolofues ready lor distributing BORNES IVRIJTASY SCHOOL CoLJ.C.Uonte.PitecdptJ.Oxlorel.N.C. ' Littleton Female College Out of tbt most tuocessful and beat tqulpptj scbotls .la V)t Boatk with hot atr beat.elettrle llihtt and ether taodtra taaproremtnat 28th annual tssslon will begin 8eptmbef 15.' 1901. a w. j SI MK SSWT EAST CilRDLINil Teachers' Training School; EaUbllshed and mainUined by tht ItaU for tht young tat And women who wish to qualify theroselvst for tht prtfettion ef teaeh mg. Buildings and equipment new and modern, taaliatioa atrfaet -" SESSION OPENS OCTOBER, 5th, 1909. - , . .-.-,. , For prospectpt and information, tddrett EOBEET V. IFEIGrTT Pmident, Greenville, N. C , - . . . sjnvssrjrjfNsisowa a tc. r EataMlilwd la lh'1 Th ' nf ths r hnnl la eWly x-t firtb br hs I.IOTTO ih"r"Jhi''Lr,"t',J1' switlvMr (hrvtiMiKflaeTmnstttitlriMm Thsirhnol waa jiiui.hxl br is tfrmfl't fTum-h net ts mV maty, vfn-t SnlattS Ui-r iri'-. nn ba vivvn thortMiirh tralnmf is becy. toted, ard au- S It a lwn . eoc Ihsobivcth.1 lyu full? eamd ont tt e Krcj It T, 1' ' 1o-dT. with In faralr of ''s l-Tlng ivt of I JJJll. boi.uuil mtdsTOUiuU, wotlhl C.'' n 12 LEAD:r;a trap:ing school ret ciruj ,'n xnx&TA. f1 rrs PKn'i 'IhrsfnT imr, rncr-n tV fMelxord. wn. tl'its. itnw KtV. JAMI-3 CMC. CX. J- , V 1 in I r- tttttttttttt tttftt- Sheet A' 4tttt If "i f :. ' ' i-.f :, J. .7. f-j t:r r:::-urec$. - '. tt ef f'li,;' j Lir TslVs I I jve for wt ' 'Alto, ,f 1!!,: .S'J s tsL Vt a. f.' ONE thou: con:'! ;c : : a:;d sheets : A SONG' 1 1 -:::(- :Vi J 3 a f l, win wnicn HH run r'fi inr i n I n i. 1 I. i p- i -T 1 1 v r i ; i t t frei f ' i f a t ai'.Ye f-- i r r - - !, i, , I cf t rr:j t- I , 1 t '. "HDtOifTD)