the weekw jo::::.'! IstabUsaed 1873 Published to , Two Sectiona, everj Tuesday and "riday, at Journal Build- B6-60 Craven Street CHABLXS L. 8TIYI5S, . EDITOR AKD PROPRIETOR. - : Official . Papr ot New Ban and Craven County ' . SUBSCRIPTION Two Months.. ., .. . Three Month.. .. .. Hx Months.. .. twelve Monthi.. .. . , ONLY IN ADVANCE. The Journal la caly sent on pay-in-advance baels. Subscribers will re ceive notice of expiration ot their sub iriptions and an immediate response (o notice wvi oe appreciated by the Journal. RATES. .. .. .. t .. .. w .. .. w .. .. LOO Advertising rates furnished npon application at the office, or upon in julr by mal1 ctetid at th Postofflce, New Bern. M. C. as second-ciass matter. New Bern, N. C. Jan. 14. 1910. Vi .lij ALCOHOL MR CENT. Atge(ableRetBra(ioii6rAs slmllating tlie FbGdanUIirtuta ting tlte Stomachs atdBtwck of Promotes DigpstionJCbtfrfu! ness ami RestContalns ueiu OpiumMorphine nci-Miucrd NOT NARCOTIC. flapbeW JbcJma AdJbUtt- Anerfed Remedy forConsiira- Hon. Sour StonHch.DtarrhiK3 Worms JlonvutsioisJ'ewns!i nessuidLossoFSLEEP. AcSinile Sxpttan of NEW YORK. IP J ill For Infants and Children. Th8 Kind You. Have Always Bought ? Bears Signati of Bint Copy of Wrapper. r OTHER PEOPLE'S COTTON The decline in the speculative cotton market futures this week of some six or seven dollars per bale iu the price of this staple, is the expected course. With the reputed Cotton Kings, that is men who hav e gained fortunes on other poople's cotton, predicting much higher prices within sixty days, this big decline has come. The speculator, that is, the man who forces prices in a gambler's way for any product, usually talks for effect, u pon the outsider, whom he wishes to fleece. Hence the tel egrams so freely sent abroad, and eagerl y read, to buy cotton, if fol lowed hvst week would have ruined the ordinary speculator. The pro ducer should have nothing to do with speculation. Every farmer in this day has within easy reach the knowledge of conditions affecting what he may raise. With cotton $40 to $ao a bale higher this year than last, there was every reason for far mere to accept the price and clean up their fields. Brown or they cannot reach the seat of the dis- Hayue or Patten may tell the far- ease. Catarrh is a blood or consti nier not to sell, but no farmer of tutional disease, and in order to cure intelliirnce will follow such ad 'lt 7 talte internal remedies. AT aI In Use For Over Thirty Years era TMK COMMMT. ! OTtV. ; DAS AND DAUGHTERS.' Wlis llicf Getty, the accomplished Ungate! of H. B. Getty ot Chicago and tbelAveuue dee Champs Elysees, basest (tied Parts by formally Join ing thejUuddUim religion. ; lua lewia, ine wen inuwo mi pun llMmUl 0 lw.Ue .fr t" ifn nrtrv Bern Women A.ra Belief at Last It does seem that women have more J New Bern Women Ai Finding The Vogue of Skunk Fur. The excessive vogue of skunk has hjin mrttahla hoom for mint Der- and kseler of Ume Hock llgbt bouse, than a fair share of the aches and pains aons wno .re obliged to consider the at- Nwtoru U. 1, baa been wade an that afflict humanity; they must "keep wearing quail ties as wsU as the first bonorar member of the Newport op," must attend to datiee In spite of cost of their furs. This far is durable Tscbl c ib. the ttrst woman to secure constantly aching backs, or headaches, and stands exposure to weather as few tbJsoouV , diuy spells, bearing-down pains; thsy other skins da Borne of the beet stole tMnUJsqrge W. Chi Ids Drexel Is one . ttooD ow wheD to ltoop mu, and muff sets are made of It. and It of tiie aknowledired Social leaders of . JL ,u j v.j j trims all sorts of gowns snd coats. The mud. - i ri:rz?"".r' i drawing ba. . of u. bouso ob Locust street is frequently " , ' skunk arouna tne oottom or tne tunic, the sienS of elaborsto entertainments "m kWn,y uU- Kidneys cans and DMk uni niMrm ar finished more sunertng wan any oust organ m the body. Keep the kidneys well and during fee seasoa.- inns, rrolnrlrhiutorff Of MOS COW, afty studying four years at the health is easily maintained. Read of Berlls fiiytechnical Institute, passed a remedy for kidneys on'y that he'ps the lefrlcal engineer's examination an4 eUres the kidneys and is endorsed In all Itk branches, receiving in each 0 Mopi, you know. one the mark excellent . Mrs. N. Vincent. 103 Craven St. Mr Iftkhard Watson - uuaer as BarT, N n Mt: "Dom's Kid- HARDWARE Building Ma ierial Paints, Ois: AK1 L :-- Varnishes American Field Fence, S!rT m. h ney Pills cured me of backache several STbe ntd. of wndmor'under public testimonial in their favor. Sine. urhirb mn work In the laundries uen 1 nsvenau no occasion use uiem in Greettr New fork. - lor any other kidney remedy as the ro- : Mrs. VTt W, Armstrong of Rocbeeter lief I obtained has been lasting; I pro- has bees' re-elected for a third term j cured Dou's Kidney Pills at Bradham's is. pres(ut of the board of managers Pharmacy." of the-,irefonnatory for -women bt For D. aealri. prfoe Ml Albion, W? T. This Is a mixeo bosro. . jw,,,- Bulfalo and the! secretary and treasurer sre men. Mrs. Armstrong Is on the com mission in charge of establishing the tate farm for women. cent country near by, would appear enough, and are enough, but these must be put to practical service, by development. TLere is money in this promotion for the promo ters, and also for this city. Make the way possible, and promoters will make both water and land at tractive for winter visitors and of value for those at home, aud the complaint of "nothing to do or see" will not be heard. Catarrh Cannot be Cured. with (LOCAL APPLICATIONS, vie, for this advice is given for Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- the speculator's benefit, to make ftnd aot8 Sna' on the b,ood 'I a . tt .it r i i. the mucous sunaocs. xiau g vuiarru ure is not a quaes meaicwe. it was prescribed by one of the best phy- thc farmer the cat's paw in gamble upon the exchanges. This year's cotton market, in its Certainly Short General Humphrey, former quarter master general of the army, was dis cussing a certain army officer who hsd long been In the volunteer Berries. 'What kind of a chap Is be?" asked a friend. "Oil, .nice enough," replied the gen eral. "But has he any sense?" "Souse!" Btiorted the general. "He liasn't sense enough to turn around in a revolving chair!" Saturday Evening Post. Real Crocodile Tsars. That crocodiles can cry Lindsay Johnson, an ophthalmic surgeon in Lon don, proved by squeezing onion Juice into eyes. They shed copious tears, but not outwardly from the eyes. The tears ran down Into the throat and mouth: so, after all, the stigma attached to the crocodile's tears is not without foundation, for the animal rrles not from emotion, but to lubri cate Its food. Christmas Bslls. King- out, oli, bells, your messac. plse Upon the city's every street! Tell onn and ull to take their se Today there'll be enough to etl Church and Clergy. The oldest Methodist Episcopal church iu Main Is at Monmouth. The church was organised by Jesse Lee In 1794. There are not many women preach ers In Great Britain, but Miss Harriet Otter Biker Is In charge of a congre gational hall In a small village In 8ns ex. and! Miss L. C R. Smith is the elected oastor of a congregation in Cardiff. The Rev. Sedgwick W. Bldwell of EaBt Mlddlebury, Vt, who finished his active pastorate at the age of ninety after stxfy-slx yesrs In the ministry, celebrated bis oue hundredth birth- New Tork, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. , ' Easily Nemed. The Japs innke an Intoxicating liq nor of bamboo." "What do tbey call Itr I suppose bambooxe." Kansas City j Times, OHIIctrn Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR A One Idea of Economy. "What do sou menu when you tell people they ought to economizer i nwsnr Mid Dustln Stax. "that day reeett'tiy by preaching In the Meth- ount t0 0 ,iow jn patronising odiat church. I most business enterprises in order that The Rev. John F. Harvard, who cele- ... m.T have more money to spend brated his ninetieth birtnuay recenuy. with mme."-Wsjblngton star. has bees vicar of Little Maplestesd. England, for ftfty-flve years. His In come frsm the living is 54 s year, and he Uvea in a cottage for which be oays ft i year rent Tat. ,11 Duiiy's I : Mf, auier if m 'i a i m. sn... . jm III r ; i uures croup, tm . oe r $ III I I M I sV Alrkm Kanr smI fi nnfhAst 1 1 1 V J y the least dancer. Aoti- C r 5 1 1 1 V-n ATT septic Healing Diuretic, III - I C acts on entire mucaus. Jill " j C surface. Relieves sore -'nap tr. 5t liunyi xaxk omx aowM tbivmeb wy sxmnt with it. The muff Is made of shirred satin and fur in alternate bands, and the. turban is of the same fur. The It is a dangerous thing to take a cough medicine cantaioing opiates that ing it Foley's HoneJ and Tar loosens Bown Is of dark green cloth braided at .ta b. mnirh aiui .irwii th the bottom of the skirt and In the The newspaper is a gigantic mirror iDoisonous germs, thus preventing pnea- pointed waist effect and the sleeves bt whleV the whole world sees retleot I monia and consumption. ( Refuse sub-1 with self colored soutache. The waist i.. iA- ..-i . . u. .mhtMn sUtutes ond take only the genuine Fo ht 0f plaited chiffon over Persian sUk. .: """t Hniui inrt Tir II hi nNm IVt. n ...... i. .K. . . .. . ij - j ' i i r or wuue or uuie uuu iuiih m.- Hia uurnn. iim -u age. UavtB rnarmsey. t .n Bit1 .mnn the skins as sable or mink. Sable may be the royal weasel of tbst name or it may be one of the glossy soft skunksklns that imitate It closely in color. For gray or mauve nothing looks so well as chinchilla. J , ' sicians in this country for years and , e : , ki- evMA'U inKe u. i..v uuguu W uuc b a Mpljar pn)80ription It i9 com. cotton farmer two things, for his of com. future benefit. First, not to sell bined j, w)od puriflerg) any cotton beiore It IS planted, 1 ntinc direetlT on the mucous sur- Folev't Kidney Remedy wilt euro any case of kidney t bladder trouble that is not beyond the reach of medicine. It invifirorates the entire system and strengthens the kidneys to thsy elim inate the impurities from the b'oor'. Backache, rheumatism, kidney ana bladder troubles are all cored by this great mefiicln. Davia Pharmacy. and second, to sell what he has raised without following specula tors' advice. faees. Th,e perfect combination of the two ingredients is what produces such wonderful results in curing ca tarrh. Send for testimonials free. P. J. CHENEY ft CO.rops, Toledo, 0 Sold by druggists, pries 75c. Take Hall's family pills for con stipation. "WHAT TOURISTS DEMAND. It is not that the hotel business in this city iu number of travelers is pour, for it shows an increase, but what mav be termed the win ! .u. . Th.y All Bilked, leriouitbi iraue iu mm cuy, is A firmer had purchased a Que noto practically nothing, when it ought mobile, of which he was very proud to be large and important from a and be never tired telling every oue ... . . what s powerful machine he bad. One commercial viewpoint iAJ however, the luevltn1 - happened Aud the reasons why this city and be found himself struuded several should have hundred of winter ml" from borne. Try as be would, he ... . I could not make the thing go. vimi-ors cxery scanvu, rc uuw uu A nelghbor Opening along and see- uccount ot climate or location. mg Uls glum face thought to cheer him TtMt, ova iiwlilln fhA ud. so ho Bsked. "How many borse- w i climate, for while there are days with' the temperature below freex power Is your machine?" The farmer spat disgustedly. -For ty," he said, "and every one of 'em's balked."-ubarban Life. Ill Health is More Expen&lve than Any Cure. Thig country is now filled with peo pie who migrate across the continent in all directions, seeking that which gold cannot buy. Nine-tenths of them are suffering from throat and lung trouble or chronic catarrh re sulting from neglected colds, . aud spending fortunes vainlytrying to re gain lost health. Could every suf ferer but undo the past and ears that first neglected eold, all this sor row, pain, anxiety, and expense eould have been avoided. Chamberlain's Conch Remedy is famous for its cure of colds and can always be do pended upon. Use it and the most serious diseases may be avoided. For sale bv Davis' Pharmacy and all druggists. " -,- .v i ii ii- r For Rent Coming to Terms. Possible Boarder-Ab. that was a ripping dinner, and If that was a fair sample df your meals I should like to corns to terms. Scotch ,Farmer Before we gsng sny further, wss that a fair sample o yer appetite V-Presbyteriao Standard, . . i - " ' A Knookout Blew. Toons Clarence Mm boner uToole ' With a Sec ot gunpowder did fuel. StralsM p rron toe alley -Vouns (X Toole did aalley- Te return wten the weetber sjets eeole. .. u -Chloaso iwa. Eel ana Catfish. Both the eel and the catflsh are gen erally supposed to be scaleless, which is far from the truth, aa both bear scales, although these are so minute that they can be seen only with a mi croscope. In the esse ot the eel scien tists are enabled to tell Its age by the site ot the scales with wblcb U Is covered. . ' Plymouth Breakwater. " The breakwater at Plymouth, Eng land, contains 3.800,000 tons of stone, or ss much as the great pyramid, of Cheops. lives' At Death's Deer The door ot death seemed ready to New Things In the Shops. ' Gold braid Is the latest coiffure orns ment. . . " Mercury wings sre a favorite turban trimming. Ribbon is a -favorite trimming on dressy gowns. Short mousquetalre. sleeves of thin lace are a favorite in evening gowns. A pretty fancy Is a gold ribbon bell covered with stsr sbsped spangles. - Buttons on coats are usually covered with the material and have no rims. ' Among the favorite coats for sbll- HENRY'S Prescriptions Accurately and Quickly filled from -. aD physicians."'.' ? Also a full line of Choice Toilet articles.- -v; : Pharmacy IPHOXE 173 ; High Olvee. Ostend-And. pa. is there si ways wa ter in tod stock market? . " ' . Ps-rke. my son. Ostsnd-Bat how do you know, pa? Pa-Ob. because there Is always some one taking a plunge there. New Tork Pross. a rut a M sr . I open lor wurray vf. AyerB, oi 'raoaii dren M tb08e & broadcloth trim- ffiff"jtt?ssszz t b!rk Tbey Hition."hawTltes."mvBkinwssslmost fsy and pretty. .Uo! eves sunken: tone-ue coated: em The latest thing In neckwear Is s aeiated from losintr 40 pounds, growing dog collar of leather which takes the weaker dsilv. Virulent liver trouble nlaee f the black velvet band that pulling mo down to death in spite of I vu worn so long with the collsrlesa doctors, men uiat maicniess meoicine-1 anwn. Electric Bitters cured me. I regained the 40 nounds lost and now sm wsll snd strong, ror au siomacn, uver ana kidney trouble they're supremo. 60e at I all vroggiats. CASTOR I A for IafaaU aad Children. , Til Ktei Yea Kan Atop Esaght Bears the Bignatvcof Ing, there are few days when snow or slush make out door life aisa greeable for walking or driving, For boating or hunting. It is this out doer life that the winter viai tor wants and together with favor able weather, both he and she ask ' for something to do, for some op portuuity to le amused, and for it will pay money. - : - It is this very lack of entertain ment, that is the reason why New .Bern has ro big winter tourist busineft. Those who will recall the days of the New Bern Fair, the beat In its day ever presented to the public in North Carolina, will recall how this city was thronged 1 114 Wf!Tnn with viMitors. It was not Just do- llUJiUiit, Hlilldll ring Fair eek, but weeke bcrore Every woman may not l hand- and week: afterwards. The Jour- tome, but every woman should i nat heard of this want of local taep with car tho good points . Tit... n .Un aturs) has r her. No woman ii od hava sallow skin, dull eye, some parlies would have come lotchy eompcio0t p.vs hero for a month of longer, bat p,,, Btterrtion to her health, complained that theie was "no tVheraronstipatun,livcrdrrang. All the Difteretioe. The Editor-1 u lour last I ten of Jokes I her la one oa the subject of freetlug In 6Vs)b In a st. um beated flat. IM run rnM thnl fonui? The Jki -r lou'l .a? The DIH- I II' ' lean Celonies aa Klnodama, Queen Elisabeth waa commonly spo ken of as queen of Virginia. , Virginia HsasMsIa Fsllewe s Cold : I and Carolina were kingdoms under the but new folio wa the use of Foley's Btuans. siassacuuseus waa recognia- Henev and Tar. which stoos the eongh, IM u I -sister mnguom- oj vroui- heals tba hugs, and expels tho cold I weirs parliament from your system. Davis rnarmacy, Stiu at it Here Ilea a chauffeur who oa earth a.igni commoaious upper iwm, ""l if ha aot his deeerta. I vow. U aHantoH tar ithar raaidenca or afllce Somewhara be Rtnet be eeorchlnc sow. .:. . .1.. ' -Detroit FYee press. purposes, or iui s.cvujuiuavMi-vi w. two, . C T. Hancock. Though black slippers are often sill the economical woman feels shs ought 1 to Indulge In for the bouse, they msy I be brightened op by a gsy bow of ribbon or a colored ribbon lacing. .The I rfbboos should match tho gown, and the effect la very pretty. , Foolish Finance "Will you lend me ten?" - "Not until you pay me back-tha fln yon owe me. J . . "WU1 you tbenr , , "Tres." h', WeU. take the five I owe yoq out ot the ten you are going to lend me ' ' ' ' ' - slP How One Doctor Successfully Treats Pneumonlft "In treating Pneumonia," says Dr. W. J. Smith, of Ssnders, Ala., "the only remedy Iusa for the lunge is Chamberlain's Cough Remedy.. While of course, I would treat other symp toms with different medicines, I have used this remedy many times in my medical practices and have yst failed to find a case where it bas aot eon' (rolled the trouble. I have used A myself, ss has also my wife, fo. coughs snd colds repeatedly, and I most willing' and eheerfuly recom mend it' as superior to any other cough remedy to my knowedge." Foi sals bv Davis' Pharmacy and all drnggista ; "..' CANDIDATE. FOR COUNTY TREASURER Success comes by words Ca ? do it and Failures by words Han't rln if. We have the Bnav I I. Sft 4U. I .AaJat. . I AT ins T0Q TOD MrH HUaUIC W IVUV BUfJ 1 . .. . "T.r .. and it m. have the other Ave. CT that Can do it and we have SaSgSw5$ .,.i.iMr . the cough, but heals and strengthens V the Plsoo. want 1 top Buggy fOf 50.09 W . the lunge w thst no serious results -T0ur business college for young ta- ..ififtnrt ' neea DC xearea. J am nwine ioj ai- to be sll rloht Do VOU give v v"" v " - ; -New mown hay Is a delightful per. "aM U w ptcke, DsvU I the girls a good, practical business Bave them tOO, and Can givejOtt .vrlmw hSTSv t 'tksi ouesuon i the best values of anyone any ; Wouldn't De. lino odor? 1 want people to think I own a motorcar, not a horse."-XJfc " -1 We All Remember, Theuah wi emery (lea eome Me debts Ot bate, tt never enMHhere ' . Some kindly debts, for who forsjeU Uls klodneaeea to others ' wCatb-jMo Standard aaA Times. Sensible Answer, "Papa, when are the black Dotes ased ea as organf "Only funerals, say boy."-nsr- ard lnuoon. ... . N VirVi rira Thaaear. . tt was a Quarter ot a century before year."-Bpokanc Bpokesmsn-Rcvlcw, the signing of the American Declara tion of Independence that the orst the ater was opened In New Iork. oaiy say that oo per cent of our grad- oyhere. We defy competition and uaies uii rr j uieir vujiuvjvi. wot - thing to Jo in New Bern." There ii no wpecial call for any organization for tha formation- of- fuu for pible visitors, for local' ly, there i.i an all around the-year xventa. blood impurities and other rreguiArities exist, goou cotnpie on, bright eyes end sprightly movements cannot exist InternaJ loranaetnents rcvaj IhamMlree eoanes w later oa the surface. Headache-, ar sag aiouRrl tl4 tyct, sallow elua, a eoa Jai k of boinethinir tO Sec Or UO, for t.nt t'rrd l.-ciine maaa tKat the Imt Cud their entr- ''" '; '.'T .,'" XTT I Tt 1 1 '1 V 1. rl,rifn . wWRUUI WM those who inut tain m-nt lit home. There are t!io".c who liiiiht b Indiiced to come hue and riorimte enUrUinuieut f i i irai it. Jules oi ii.ien- fi t!l 4mk. k i . Iu ... 11 tt fM ,.(UWII.I. H. rtt ,wntl. 1 K f I l li I I " 1 1 , r. ' .1 ll., Irf.., ti..ti- 1 . n kp r 1. 4hm to r-S... I.. i Te the Demoeratie Voters of Craven County. t . ..,ii.. . m... t -(..ii I be a candidate for re-electlou for t r(,ur,,. office of Tromurer of Craven County, subject to the action of the Democratic r-n 1 primary when held; I promise If re-1 taa-w s elected to be found at my office In t Craven county court house, willing' to serve you as faithfully In the future as I have in the past ' Ohlldresn Ory CAOTORIA Maw ta Aveld M swing Rut,. SorkiD. danissr son rcaulta frun Ihr rotunda practice of drlrlug In tin track n le by preceding vehicle efperiiii; atth tr o"''s os narmS Urea, Kiis would scarcely. If trer. sp pesr, on "a well eonstrncted road II . '1 rs ttf'r trsrs even I v 1 - It wuuld lC oo ii, f tin ii n"'-r bnw deeo th Falling teavee. The falUng of a leaf la caused by the formation ot a thin layer of vegetable tissue st the point where the leaf stem loins the branch of the tree. After a leaf ceases to msko stsrch and sugar tor the tree this tissue begins to grow and actually cuts the leaf off. After a leaf bas fallen the scar left la the end of each twig becomes entirely healed Foley's H"22tiey anxl Tair driven, only tired t! rot tt "tst.1 I c Tr s c VUl curt a cough or cold no tnstter how severe and prevent r .iieo a 'jt I pneumonia ana consumption. burare Vsrj thelt v uuramcet This Is to certify that si) drvr:!ta are authorised tore, f J your money If Foley's : an! Tar fails to cure ; . r crr;h or colJ. Conts'.ct i ii ,'itrs. Thcgenulna Is in a j . f r--'.rr. t If """ LHtle "Itchers. Urs. Benhaml wish you would be careful about what you say before our boy. - Henhsm What's the matter oowT Mrs. Benham Ever aloce he beard yon ssy tbst the minister used canned prayers he bas referred to him aa the "can opener." New Iork Press. . Wanted It Convenient ' la what style will yon have your beard trimmed r ssked the polite bar ber of a woodsman who bad just re turned from a lumber camp. "Begorra, 0111 bo aft ber aovja It cut In th shtoyle besbt adapted to th' aUa' av soup," replied Mite. Judgt's library. , ' The He tart Cheerful. Tour methods," said the Indignant Official, "were simply highway rob bery." "Again yos. wrong me." answered the sugar importer. "Tbey were low wtlga robbery "-Detroit I'ree Proas. why we have all prices. . - J s uui 9 u uiy . r s--iviTPns-R-sr:q':.-t New Bern - N. C. ' Flint -Yccfs-Sccas; (I Fc;S:iI:r Crcj . a a is oris of thsmot ear ful anJ eon. ttct soed eUl:?unc UaueiL' It f'rrm PtscI'i-rI tifurme.imt s' t I..S I . . t A . J lUOttt Pt01itau IkWuS to plsat fur - Its rirt:t C::r:r t!3l.: it3 C i H t .9 ui:l S Corner S'.d trsfflr otrr the full !t,b of the i U On of th prtm':l!o of S Cisredanl if-- . ---"n-t With tt.'lM dtlvere, theli The Hlght Term. "1 wonder that dentists call eftVe dental parlors." "Why Shouldn't theyf s "A Binrt appropriate term would U drawing roi)ni."-riiltlitnr 1omi' tea A V" "s ' -'itr-'it 1 Ii lis' t ! - 1 1 1 I Lit aii a eft . , ' SI.J tt-f f ! tt . I sn Woo i s ! J - i ti 1 1 I f . f t ... 1 to I .1 I it " -S f.T Sou.'-'-ra f'r' il . 1 onriui.t V.'.;;s lrlt T! t - r - - I , t ", V . . - - f r C. ' - - I p0 . A t"i Is Berer as eost nt3 he s Ci.:,r hU ti" . i t h r und v.ilt of m: f re. a i. I 1. "s' ' U t i. . . . i .1. . ... i .