''' t .' ; , - . . ' . . - ,'. - - - in - - , . No.78 E FIRE VISITS CITY Nine Dwellings Consumed by Th Flames. Loss Will Aggregate - - i,000. Early yeeterday morning fire wasdis covered in a house on White street be longing to Kiss -Mary L Bryan and occu pied by a colored family. The alarm ' was immediately turned in from box 86 - and both fire companies were soon on theacene. . ' The occupants of the bouse were all . . asleep when the fire wat discovered, and it was only by the prompt fore- - thought of some of their neighbors, who tore down the front door that the occupants escaped with tbeir lives. Although the firemen did everything in their power to prevent the . fire from gaining headway, they were hindered In their efforts by distance from a hy drant, and the dwelling just in the rear the property belonging to the late Whitly, colored, soon ignited. -" A second alarm was sent in and the " engine called out to assist the firemen ' in their efforts, but before its arrival the flames had got beyond their control, ' and theirefforts toward saving the ad "' joining buildings proved to no avail.';' The firemen worked heroically for several hours, before the flames were ex tinguished nine buildings, valued at , about 4,000, with practically no insur 1 ance on either the dwellings or furnish ings that bad been burned to the ground. Together with the wailing of those ' who, m a few moments had lost all their ; earthly possessions, many of whom were clad only in tbeir night clothes, and the clanging of bells the scene was - one not to be soon forgotten. One o'd eilored woman, presumedly about 60 years old wae brought out of one of the - buildings isi an half suffocated condi tion, and upon reviving attempted to rush back into the burning building to save her valuables, but waa fortunately restrained from doing so. ) ' Taken as a whole, the fire was one of the worst that has occurred in this city in some time, and but. for the prompt and efficient work of the fire companies, .. the loss would have doubtless been much greater.. x- ' " CHOICE Hyde County Rust Proof Feed, Oats and Seed Rye at Chas.B. Hill's, New Bern, N. C. Local Banks rrotperous J 1 The three 'ocal banks held their yearly stockholder meeting on last Tu- cday and all reported prosperous conditions and a good year. The National. Bank re-elected its old officers and declared a semi-annual dividend of 5 per cent on ' ita csnital stock of $100,000. The New Bern Banking snd Trust Co. re-elected all of its old officers except that Mr. T H. Warren was. elected a director in , place of the late J. B. Holland. - A semi-annual divident of 8 per cent was paid on its capital stock of $200,000", Ths Peoples Bank, re elected its sam officers and declared a semi-annual div " idend of S per cent on its capital stock of 860,000. .. ... : : NEW BERN MARKETS. V Hay, : . v , , 22 60 .Eggs, - ' 27 ' Cnu, ' - 89 , Wheat bran, . ' 1 60 ; ... Meal, H Bye, J ' 126 Chickens-old, 40 -. - Chickens young per pr, 68 Pork, . :,. Bef, ' ' 1 Rust proof oats, - " 0 ' " White Spring oats, 68 .BO p n n , fa cost Era ' it Ce::,3t hi fast, IT MUST CROW NORTH ALONG TUE SURE ROUTE OF THE NEW STREET RAILWAY. Every faiisinesi maa in town wants a beautiful Saburbian Home We are offering the IDEAL lots for this LSriS excellent distance from the business part of town. They are byed off along spacious sheets 60 ft. wide, in Iots50xl50 ft. and larger. Ihese lots Will dou S ! year o mm m soon a the Street Car line is finished. Heal Estate is an IDEAL investment for your money. Our Twin Auctioneers, saying the same thing m the same town at ?he same ?ime business-hke way selling at the rate of a lot a minute. You will -purchase thea lot. AT YOUR OWN PRICE. An excelient buss band will furnish music. One ortieT attcndi"g 8ale JiU have a clnn" at this free of chli'ge- Terms lt cash talance in thrcc installment8- Payable 6-12 ind 18 mon;hs-s per cent dlscount for all cash or deferred payments with satisfactory security arrangements can be mide for $10.00 per month installments. -. . . ' . , . NEW COUNTY CO mission Proceedings ' Jaouary , Meeting. Beporta County Officials Ju-; . , ' on Drawn. The Board met at 11 o'clock a. m. January 8rd, 1910, Commissioners present:- Chairman V E. Foy, A.E. Wadsworth, G. V. Richardson, J. S McGowan, and County Attorney E. M. Green. :!:'-y::, ;.j:Y.t ;-v -' VZ : The Board proceeds to draw a Jury for the next term of Superior Court; criminal term commencing on the fourth th Monday before the first March, it being February 7th, 1910; Civil Term commencing on the third Monnay be fore the first Monday in Marcfv jj; be- ing FehruarS 1M. 1910, . The following Jurors were draw to serve Criminal Term, to-wit f ' NO ONE TOWNSHIP Regular W. J, Lewii, George Lilly, W. O. Pollard, D. L. Morris, Telisman-.a C. Barrow, B. CPet- erson, R. x. Jfoweili a UMeaie. NO. TWO TOWNSHIP ReeularF. A. Fulcher, T. B. Puri- foy. Talisman-. A. K. Purifoy. F. B. Gas kins S. Boyd, w. ' - : . NO. THREE TOWNSHIP Regular E. M. Garner, R. A Rich ardson, C. S. Sutton, W. O. White. Talisman E. A. Heath. ; fv, NO. . EIGHT TOWNSHIP Regular R. A . Brewer, W. E. Brick, John W. Berritage, J. T. Speucer. B, B. Hurst. A P. Harrell, Talisman .L C. Rigdon, Enoch Wads worth, H. M. Groves, Geo. N.- Ennett, S. D. Meesie, C. L. Stevens, T, H. Sutton, Ed. Clark, C. B. Smith, . NO. NINE TOWNSHIP Tegular J. A. Ringold, Guthrie Divis. --..- . ; Talisman W. E. Ipock. .'The following Jurors were drawn to serve Civil Term of Court, to-wit:- no. one'township Regular-M. C. D. W jthinjto-i, J. M. Smith, R.E. Lughinghousa, F. A. Gaskin, J. L Forrest, J M. Morris. Talisman J. D. Harrington, J'. W. Huff, J. R. Dudley. - - NO. TWO TOWNSHIP Rsgular M. Gk- Wiley, W. Mac D. Thomas A. P. Fulcher, B. E. Lewis, ,. Talisman ' R. H. Robinson, E. L. Jones. - ' NO. THREE TO WNSHIP . Regular J as, Brown, H. L. White,' Talisman W. A. Phil.ips Geo. K. West, J. F. Heath. - " Np. FIVE TOWNSHIP Regular-G. W. Guthrie , Talisman-Henry. Elliott. '- . NO. SIX TOWNSHIP Talisman A. D. Rooks. ; , NO. SEVEN TOWNSHIP Regu!ar-J. A. EwelL Talisman-J. W. Conner. NO. EIGHT TOWNSHIP Regular J. J. Lasslter, R, N. Aycock Julian H. Smith,. Taliaman-G. D. Wood, C. T. Pumt- hreyr John SuUr, Jr. D P. Street, A. W. Wetherington, M. M. Marks. . NO. NINE TQWNSHIP - Regular J. S R'ggs, - W. T. Wetherington ' Alex Manly, colered, of No 8 Town ship, appeared before the Board and asked to be excused of Poll Tax, on account of dijability. On motion of the Board he was ei- cused. . Noah T. Fulcher, of No. 2 Township, appeared before the Board and made request, that J. T. Danlela and wife, of . ... . . No. 2 Township, be admitted to the County .Home, on account of old age, proverty and tfniction. ' Ordered that his request be granted. Judge H. Rt Bryan, of No. 8 Town ship, . appeared before the Board and nn BERN, CRAVEN COUNTY. asked permission to place a Stock Law Gate across the Put lie Road, at or near Brice'a Creek ner steel bridge. The matter . was referred to Com missioner McGowan, with power to act. In the matter of the valuation of the John L. Roper Lnmber Company's Saw Mill property: upon recommen iation of the Assessors, the valuation was made a follows:- The New Mill and Congdon be valued at $0,000.00 - The new mill at $2)0 000.00. and the old Congdon 20,000 00 'Merritt Whitley Undertaker, appear ed before the Board and asked that the following allowances be mode him. for hurvinir nauners.to- wit;- For all persons under (16) years of age, $4 00. .''!'"..'." J " On motion of the Board, it was agreed that the abuTe be Adopted tex burying paupers for the yea( .Wl.O'i'-v-i:!??0-" Jt aby appointed EefianUi A. S. Johnson, of Bridgeton, appear ed before the Board, and asked that some aid oe given Mrs Arthur Ipock, who is in a destitute condition, and sick with pneumonia, The matter as referred to Dr. Rhem, with request that relief be given. ' It is also ordered that a voucher for $3.00 per mouth be issued to Mrs Ar- thur Ipock. At 1.80 o'clock p. m., the Board takes a recess. At 3 o'clock p. m., the Board con- venos. Commissioners present:- Chairman C E Foy,' A E Wadsworth, G V Rich ardson, J B Harvey, J S McGowan nd County Attorney E M Green. Oa motion of J B Harvey, the follow ing amount be pa:d to the Attorneys in full satisfaction of the fees, in the matter of collection of back taxes, of the estate of Mian Ann Djnnell dee'd, to wit:- Mr A DWard166 66 J. To C L Aber nethy, $1C6.66:, to E. M. Green, $166 66-1. - On roll call. Commissioners H irvey McGowan and Foy voted '"jive", and Commissioners Richardson nnil Wads worth voted "no" the motion was de clared carrie-i. MrRA Nunn, appeared before the Board, advocating the adoption of the Ci)tt Family Indexing System, of the County Re.ords. The mUter was dismissed, and the Baard decided tojtake it under con sideration with the view of acting upon it at some future date. . At 6 o'clock p. m., the Board takes a recess. ' - ; At 11 o'clock a Bouid convenes. C irr.miBs'oners m., January 4th, the present:- Chairman C E Foy, A E Wadsworth, G V Rich ardfon, J B Harvey, and County at torney E M Green. Whereas, it is provided section 72, chapter 4," in the laws of 1901, being a public school law, whereupon a peti tion of one-fourth of the freeholders within a proposed special school dis trict and endorsed by the Board of Elucation of the County, an election vhould be hsld in said district to as certain the will of the people as to the wtablishment of the said special dis trict. And whereat, a petition signed by one-fourth of the free-holders in a cer tain district in ' No. 3 Township, Cive Precint Craven County, to hold sirh an election with said election is fully des cribed as fellows:- Beginning at the junction of the Bid dle road an-i Djver roai,. thence with the Djver road eastwardly to the C F Taylor line, (now the west line of H T White) Uience in a northwardly direct tion with the said H T White's west line to the dividing line, branch, between the Ian 1s ef N F Wetherington and T J Bryant thence with the various courses of the said brunch to Oorc Creek ; thence up the Creek to E Z R it . . I .1) ! iL. Davis line, thence following the north era of EZR Davit land (inclusive of the land of the said EZR Davi ) to the Creek, thence with the Creek to the dividing line of the third and ninth Town ships; thence with the said dividing Th3 Fiver Kill not Permit 0 N. C, TUESDAY JAfJUARY, 18" 1910 -FIRST SECTION - - ' - ' -WT--rJtlrT r . w -"v -. T T- line to the Jones County iinej 'fhenea with the Jones County line to the line of M D Lane, formerly tit Dr Bryaa land) thence with the outer boundaries of the Dr Bryan land to Hises'tram road, thtnee with the said tram-ma to -the railroad, thence down tker rail road to the Biddle croes road,7 thenar with the said Biddle road, io the begin J ning; the same having been endorsed bv the Board of Education: it Is herebv ordered that election t ba ha 'ii ' In aaidH district on Wednesday, February 16th., 1910. for the purpose of ascertaining .1 l M 1 3 . . .1 me win or me people oi aia-racap0.d It is further o-dered that a notice of 1 thirty days be sriven at the Court 'house' door and three other publie" plMesinj ! W district, for naid $atitiat.?'-;. j ; Ordered further, that for the purpose J of homing said election, Mr J..3 P-bis and S E Ewell and Tim McCoys erej hereby appointed Poll-holders: said of ficers appointed are hereby 'empowered and authorized to conduct said election in the manner prescribed by law,. At the close of wid election eaH officers here appointed shall certify upon oath, after having counted the votes east in in said election and report t this Boari I whereas, by section 72, chapter 4' laws or 1301, being Fublie schootlawt I that upon the petition of one-fourth ef the freeholders within a pmposedj Special School District, sad endorsed 'by the school Board of Education-of Craven County, an election should fcwl held in said district, to ascertain) the' will of the people, for the establish-" mp-it nf BHiit Snerinl District. , v Ana wnereas, a pennon sigoea oyone;' fourth of the tree-holders in the cei , i - .... . a tiin district-in No. l Township,, Craven, county, to noio sucn an eiecuon, wmcn said district is fully described -. fol lows:- . .... . . . . l Beginning: with the Pitt andCravea County 'lines at Neuse' river," running J . . m with the line of Pitt County to Swift Creek, down Swift Creek with the Pitt County line to Jack Gwaltaey fish bole, thence with the lower line Norman Clark to Stokes and Lilly line, then with Stokes and Lilly line to J: W. Kirkma .'s line, thence with ;J. W Kirkman's and William's line to K. L. Dixon's line, and with K. L. and G. S, Dixnn'a lower line to the Nelson "Road, down said road to LaFayett Klrkmao's lower line, and with LaFayett Kirk- man's lower line to the Dawson lower lino, and with the Dawson tower line to II H. Summerill's line and with Sum- merill'8 lower line to the River, and' up Nensu river, to the beginning; the same having been endorsed by 'the said Board of Education. ' - - - ' . It is hereby ordered that an election be held in said district, on Wednesday February 16th. 1910, at Gardner' atore M tple Cypress Precint, polls, to be open ed from 9 o'clock a . m. until ( o'clock p. m. on sail day, for the purposes of ascertaining the will of the people of said dis ric'. . - .-'..-,. It ii further ordered that a notice of of thirty days be given at the Court house door and three other publie places in said district of said election. t Ordered further, that for the purpose of holding said election, Mr4. J sa. U Smith is hereby appointed Registrar and G S. Dixon and E. W. Causey - are hereby appointed Poll-bolder said of - Seers are hereby empowered add aut-1 horized to conduct said election m the manner prescribed by said law to bold said eTectiou as well sa may be.. At the close of said election, the said officers appointed, shall certify upon oath, after having counted the votes cast in said election, and report th result of said election to this Board at its first re- ! gular meeting after said election. The folio wiug reports were examined 4 r and received ar.d ordered be spread upon the minutes to wit:- REPORTOP J W BIDDLE, SHERIFF Ti the board of eomrclse loners of Cra- ven county, North Carolina,' for the month of December, 1909, Report filed r It Cannot So lV;:tt Tt3 January, 8rd. 1910. 1909. ' Dec. 1st, To balance on hand $ 1,115 00 V 30th, To state and county . Uses eoUected, 5 631 48 . " Schedule B ft C Uxes collected,. M ,".1 To Register of Dseds. " .' .- . . marriage License. , ' December 6th: 41 TJ W.M.Watson, C. 220 00 19.00 1140 9.00 . 8.ti Jdry pec 6 " .'.'Dec 27 Back taxeircollect- l..:- - - r 10 07 $6 91& 95 Dae.'4'th, By ltS. Stoat. ::: 1 Treu. Schooia i fth. t F. S. Ernul, " V i Treas. roads Na 8 " 20th, By F. S. Ernul, $500 00 1 000 00 .. Treas. Schools " 20th, By r. S. Ernul, Treas. Interest " 81 By F. S. Ernul, Trass. Schools " 81st By E. S. Ernul, - treas. Roads Ne.8 " 8lrt ByB. R. Lacy, jj State Treasurer ''i 81st By Comm. on $5 80098 at 5 percent ;i Balence in hand 1 000 00 800 00 1 000 00 500 00 1 000 00 290 05 825 90 : Sworn to and this Jan.8. 1910.- subscribed before me . A. E. Wadsworth, J. P. Respectfijlly submitted, J. W. BIDDLE, Sheriff. iV'I . TO the board of commissioners of Cra- ven county, North Carolina, for the month of December, 1909. ENEBAL FUND p balance on band 3838 23 i i'l INTEREST ACCOUNT y bat overpaid 137 94 fe ' PENCE NO. 1. balance on hand- - 60 72 ' , . FENCE NO. By balance overpaid !' FENCE NO. By balance overpaid 3. 95 53 800 ROADS NO. 8 To balance oa hand '. FENCE NO. 396 80 8. By balance overpaid' ' -. .. K0AD8 NO. 7 To balance on hand 56 90 224 68 " Respectfully submi tted, '- ' P. S. ERNUL. Treasurer. Swore to and subscribed before me this the 1st day of Jan. 1910. J. W. Biddli, J. P. REPORT OF 8. H FOWLER, REGISTER OF c '". DEEDS. To the board of commissioners of Cra ven Cjl, N C for the month of Decem ber, 1909, report filed Jan. 3, 1910. . North Carolina, Craven eounty: , To the board, of commissioners of Craves county. N. C , as per revenue Act of 1889, section 42, I respectfully submit the following report of public i juods, which have.bejen received by me dnring the period commencing ute. 1st. Si 909 and ending Dei 81, 1909. to-wit: I have issued 84 marriage licenses for which I reoeived the turn of ($102) and have disbursed as follows: . To the Sheriff for state taxes: $34 00 To the Treas. for eounty taxes : 84 00 Fees for issuing license, 84 00 I hold receipts signed by the sheriff and eounty treasurer for the same. . . Respectfully submitted, 8 H FOWLER, Register of Deeds. REPORT OF W II WATSON, CLERK 8U ' PERIOR COURT. Ta the beard of Commissioners of Cra- I! I l.U J u w fc:r C3t Pent It ven county, N. C., for the month of December, 1909, report filed Dec. 27, 1909. STENOGRAPHER FEES. Uzzell vs Uzzell, $ 3 00 Chapman vs Insurance, 5 00 Hartley vs Stapleford, 5 00 LeRoy vs Stailey vs R. R 5 00 $13 00 Less commissions 20 per cent. 3 GO $14 40 FINES AND FORFEITURES. State vs Jackson Green, $5 00 State Ex Rel Sol. vs To ler (sale of mule) $50 00 Cost and charges $13 35 Paid Toler as per judgment court, $18 32 $31 67 18 33 Less commission five per cent. Dec. 27 1909 F. S. Ernul for school fund, Dec. 27, 1909 paid F. S. Ernul for jury fund, 23 33 1 18 $22 15 14 40 $ 36 55 .JURY TAX. Uzzell vs Uzzell $3 00 Carlton & Fulton vs B as night, 3 00 Rowe vs Rjwe, !t 00 Chapman vs Insurance, 3 00 Hartley vs S:apieford, 3 00 State vs Jackson Green. 2 00 LeRoy Stanley vs Railroad 3 00 $ 20 00 Liss 5 per cent com. 1 00 $19 00 Paid Sheriff J. W. Djc. 27, 1909. Biddle, $19 00 W M WATSON. C. S. C. REPORT OF SUPT, OF HEALTH. To the board of commissioners of Cra ven county, N C, for the month of December, 1909, report filed January 3d, 1910. There has beun reported to me two cases of small pox, four cases of scar let fever, three cases of diphtheria. The last small pox patient at Dover has been released. The house ordered built there is com pleted. Respectfully suhmitted, J. P. RHEM, M. D. The refill ir bills ware examined ap proved an.l alloved. At 8 o'clock p m., the boar-l ta'ts recess, subject to the call of the C ia:r man. S. H. FOWLER, Clerk of tho Hoard of Commissioners. NOTICHM PAYERS. The tax payers of Bridgeton, N. C, are hereby notified that their taxes for 19 j9 are now due and payable, and u--less taxes are paid at once I shall lv compelled to levy.u-ion property ad add the cants of same to the taxi due Pleae settle and save trouble and ex pense. W. R. HOPEWELL. Tax Collector Hri Igeton. DIE0. Ella H., daughter of F. C. and Myr tle E. Stewart Aged 3 months and 5 days. Funeral at residence at 10 a. m. by Rev C. L. Greaves, interment in Cedar Grove Cemetery. Nyal's Cherry Cough Syrur. Nothihg else Will SO readily re- lieve a tight, dry, hacking COUgh. Try a bottle for that cough be fore it leads to seriuus illness. Price 25 and 50c. On sale at Davis Pharmacy. Cannot Grow South, The &. 32nd. YEAR HIE SLAVE BLL PASSED Heavy Fiuo and Imprisonment Provided, Was Little Opposi tion Washington. D. C, Jan. 12. Drastic action linking toward the suppression of the "white slave" in the United States wan taken to-day by the House," A bi I passed under which, if adopt- ed by the Senate, it will he unlawful for any person to provide transports-. -tion from one State to .another for any -person who engated in prostitution or other immoral practices. The -mere purchase of a ticket for a woman where . she would be "embled or assisted" to go from State to State for immrrai purpose -. will render the purchaser liabla- to ten years imprisenment and. a $5 000 fine. Immorial alien women are to be deported whenever they are discovered and their procurers are to be excluded. deported an1 punished. . "It is intended that this measure shall be drastic," declared Represent ative Kennet,. of New York, in charge of the measure, and co-author of it. "This infamous 'white slave' traffic must be broken up and the immigra-' tion committee ' believes the pending measure will survive every constitu tional tes t to which it miy be subj act ed." Askia'a School Items. Our bell was rung by our teacher, Mrs. A. Ii. Alphin on the 3d of Jan. 1910. We are glad so many responded to the roll call with several new names added. ' Friday the 7ih was our first examin ation, we worked hard but are trying to do better this month than we did last. Mrs. Trixie Ipock visited our school last Friday evening, she was cordially welcomed by all. Come again Mrs. Trixie. Mrs. Utifus Fulcher's house came being deitroye 1 by fire last Wednesday night, the family being awakened by 'he smoke Rats supposed to be the cru , Miss Mattie Fulcher, of Elward, is attending school at this place. . Miss Lila Arthur is attending school . at Friendship. Mr. Claries Fulcher, of Edwird, p issed through Askins on Monday en route to New Born. ., v . . Improvements are still going on in Askins, Mr. Seth G ask ins is building quite a cozy house. We are sorry to there is right much sickness in our midst. ' y Mr. and Mrs. Sam Peel and Mrs. Sydney Arthur are on the sick list. Min3 Dora Thomas, of th's place, vis ited Miss Vivian Cayton, of Ernul. Mrs J A. Thomas, of this place, vis-i-d her daughter at New Bern Satur day and Sunday. There seems to be a thief in our neighborhood, some one tried to get it Mr. Tom Balinger's smoke house' one , night last week, be was fired upon and did not succeed. The same night soma one set fire to Hebnr Brown's barn, it and a mule was burned up. ' Mr. D. Ipock made a .business trip to New Bern last Saturday. - v .; . There will be preaching at Askinf church on Saturday night and Sunday the 16th at 11 o'clock a, m. Every one cordially invited. We are out of chalk. Our teacher sent by Mc J. A. Thomas for some, and word came back that there was none to b9 (ounll mtha eity of New Bern. What i be matter with the book stores in New Bern T . "SCHOOL GIRL." In politics the proof of the pudding Is In th distribution of th plums. L3 ,1 River viill riot Permit. A UCTION CO. t . V COLUMBIAN R EAL TV

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