... i r 1 1 BMJBil MUJ. No 83 NEW: BERN, CRAVED COUNTY. N. C. FRIDAY FEBRUARY. 4 1910 -SECOND SECTION 32nd. YEAR i n " "irt4,li.-nl-rilrlW1-:rriftnrT- IIILAHD WATER JlLOECIll II HE i; ilover's mm ARiQ IHFESTED WEDS I ARRESTED Oil A SERIOUS CHARGE mi u WAY Hff IIH TH t S SAVED t ' L.:.:' Visits New Bern, Morehead City and Beaufort Greeted b CH tens at Each Place Th Congressional party to inspect -, th Inland Waterway rout, which all ad to arrive at N Barn gaturday ' night, arrived her Sunday mowing snd were in this city an hour, tofor .taking tn train ror Morenead city, when fb party; with a numbs of citlxehs from Mew Bern, waa Increased -by ;dtieena v from Morehead, thntlr party taking two motor boate for Beaufort, where after dinner at the Inlet Inn, the. boate were again taken for an inspection of the harbor at Cape' Lookout, the stop being made at the light house at 8htk- ' olford banks, where the proposed har bor at Tape Lookout could bf seen in tbe distance, while a closer esti mate was made f the : location by government chartii, while government j-engineer, Capt.. Brown, of Wilming ton, and tr. Harry Patterson, of Beau fort, gave the information. Tnere was a stiff gale blowing from th southwest and no one in the party desired further exploring than the light house.. All that wajj wanted to be known waa mad clear to the Congressional visitor. Tne party took the train Sunday at 5 p.m. snd want through to Goldsboro, ' going to Wilmington. Monday morning for a look at the Cape-Tear river. If the water permitted the party expected to go from Wilminrton to FayettevUre Taaada) on the U. S. Engineer's boat, Mercar, so as to see more closely the upper Cape Fear ri ver. , . Why It Took So Long. - The suburban customer spook , (he bill In tbe plumber's fsce. "I'll nevet psy UP he yelled. "The Idea of tht little Job In my kitchen taking your man ten hours! It's an outrage! ' . "Now. pleuwe don't put all tbe blame on the 'man." the plumber said con dllatorlly. . "He would have, got tlirongli In one-tenth of the time if - yon bad chosen a more advantageous "day." V, . .,-.', . 7." "What was wrong with the day I elected If" the customer from tbe sub- nrbe fnmrd.. , . "Several I hlngs." -replied tbe plama er quietly. "In tbe first place. It was not four cook's dny off she was.pres ' ent ami did all she could to make the man feel at home; secondly,., your wife sot'loty held a musk-ale In the parlor, nutl my man. who la passion ately fond of music,' could not help bearing; the ntralbs of harmony: last ly, there was a football game playe.1 In the empty lot next door to yout place, and my man, who used to play "at Yale, netursllyglanced at the gain from time to time. With all these it tracilous to fiiscluate him, oaS you ceil- sure, the nniii for lingering a llttlet"' Tbe demeauor of tbe suburban ens - tomer changed. "No, I cannot,'"" he coufesaed honestly. "Receipt your bill and give this to the man I bare been - wrougluu so unjustly." And be fluus down on the plumber's desk. a goldec eagle. CbU ago New. Community. " In the hereafter the man encounter ed a single group of animals two or three bearers, an otter and some seals all shivering, though the climate, to say the least of It.' waa mild. "W were skinned for your wife's furs." they . explained civilly upon Ob serving hs perplexity. .-r He started and broke Into a loud laugh. . . - . ' ? "So was I." quoth. he, and joined them, and thenceforth they wandered a together. Puck. .- Not the Cnjeyeble KUiJ. ' ' i A Washington official who .Is noted for his skill, at whist one evening met a young women who evinced great cu riosity ss to tbe number of prises be bad taken at tournaments. . "And do you really enjoy , w hist r she Anally asked. ; . The expert seemed surprised by ths ouenr. "Not at an. young IndyA.bs reepouded. "I plsy a dUtlutiiy svtfe tine game, you know." Sunday Mag aslne. v-' Taking Ne Chenees. "I'll bare your new car at your house promplty bo "time," skid the su tomoitile eaireman.' i "But aupnoee something happens nd It breaks down." said tbe skeptical barer. - -- ."UU, nothing Ilka that will "bsppeo! I've hired a team of horses to .draw the machine to your bouse." Tonkers Statesman. - ' l "OosoHptlve. , . It was at the opera. ' Tbey were iook- of the ladles presebt "' ' -t ( "l ant the dreetee remind yog (l Corout Uardenf sbe ssked. He luk bis bead. v ' "No, not of Corent aarden," be V plied. "1 eliould aay rathar of. the gardtn of Cueu."" Tork Tlnx. All Trains "OnTIma All The , Tim" " c, - I The passenger trains of the ,N. 18. Ry., eif ili'l with modern ruailves of the latest di-tign, er operal- J . rt Ually On time to a degree vneqa.Mkd upon any other line. BODIES TAKEfJ : frd:.i ci::e .:,;:;:.: , T.-y Victims of Cherry Mine Disaster Being Brought Out of Mine Cherry. HL, Feb l.-Getthe bodies of the dead miner oat si quick a pos sible," was tne rqo made today by W. ,W, Taylor, . manager of the St. Paul Mining Co. M th Stat mine inspector, under who direction th St. Paul min wjl, be opened to morrow. ' Th shaf te.&y been' closed for twosaoatb to. another th JOamea that bare been smouldering in the sec and '.'This doe hot fnew; aaded m Taylor, "that any chance of needlessly sacrificing other lives will be taken. There are Mo bodies in the subter ranean galleries. About 88 are in lb third level, floating on a 2,000.000-gal-lon lake, whll about 1M are on the second level. These later ma v be cut off from tbe main shaft by a smoulder ing Ore, . it th fire Is present, si we suspect, a new. gallery willr be cut around th fire and tbe burning section will be walled in. :i ;;Kv.f vwV- ' ; "lit the meantime, the water5 Will be pumped from tbe bottom of tbemlne so that the bodies down thsramaybe brought to the eurfaee,'; ; Owing to the failure .of Helmetmen Williams aad Webb, of tbe University of Illinois, to reach Cherry to-day, the cap will not be 'pried from th mine abaft nnlil to-morrow. These men, with oxygen helmets, wilt enter this shaft as soon as It is opened. On their reports will depend subsequent action Alt tbe bodies In the min probably will be in fair condition, according to Dr. H. M. Orr, of tbe Chicago, Mil wauke & 8t Paul Railway. H be lieves that th 130 bodies in th second level will be partly momifled. - -All Is quiet in Cherry today, although there is suppressed nerving of bereaved relatives to the coming oi deal of taking th long deferred laat look atvthe dear. Several women mostly Scotch and E ig ILsh, sail today they would pot renew thsir grief by seeing tbe corpses of their husbands and son, but would prefer that the identification be made by mine offlsers. v , . CHOICE HyJe County: Rast Proof Feed, Oats and Seed Rye at Cha.B. Hill's, New Bern, ft c. : ., 7; Not Tiiding To Buttnets . - ' . . A country doctor was recently called upon to visit a patient some way from his office. Driving to wher th sick man lived, h tied bia horse to a tree n front of the bouse and smarted to walk aeross th ground. It hpp.ened that work was In "progress on a new well, of whl:h the doctor knew nthirg U"til he found himself sinking into th earth. H fell Jqs. far enough to be un able to get out of th bol unsssts ted, end lustily yelled-for help. When he waa finally pulled up. ths hired man remarked to him , 'I say, dc, you had no business down tber." . . "No, I Won't think I bad," r-plied th doctor. . "Don't . you knew," contiroed the hired man, "you oubt t leave the well alone and take ear of the slcV V Fsbruary Llpplncott'a . . decent Inventions. To a Phlledelpblan tins been grunted a patent on a machine to pass tobarcr leaves In bundles under X rsys to kill the smell Intacta Which Infest them. . , A patent has been granted on in electric rat trap which resembles a rather Oat belt. When a rat climbs up on It to reach the bait It eompletes S fatal ctrcult ; A piano stool ibet wlH acromwodatl but one nerson under ordinary rtrcuuV stsores,, but , which contains lesvei-. : to check . ' '472,254 26 , Which vsu be spread lo bold two tt Tun; certificates v plsy duets, hss been Invetrtel by a. pfdtt . T,W.5J Chlcsgoan. ' ; 'I , . By Inventing a balrntn th prong ct, nMt - " -which norroslly ar close together, but wUtandliur 860.50 480,903.27 wuivu onj am aruu( iiiro iv marri, rennsyivsnis woman nas designed a device more Secure tbao plus of tit usual form. . 1 Sporting Notes. Byracnse Ic racing light harness ClubS Will Bolt. Th Boston Americans ar ftr new grounds fur 1011 Cornell bss wen eastern vros eouo-1 try runs ten time hi eleven years. Alfred Borubb has won ninety flv out of 101 race sloe coming to tbl country nearly three yean sjo. , J ante A. Murphy of New Tots bss boegbt bis old lore. Btsr Pointer. liM4, eud the Brat two minute psceri Is certain of a good boms es long ss he llvee. nn rti h. I tTAi. has covered more than 70.0UO lullee since gulug luto tbej ililMtU.u bunlness. hat has beeat suouuocod ss hi final appearance lu public tw,k t lace last 1 banksflTUig day at Los Angeles, wbsr be scored oter Ulaor Utir la 2.1i'4 ' Reports of Committees. Resigna- Hon EnglneeV M ater Worka.v Franchise Granted lutr- urban Railway., ' The board of aMermea met Tuesday night m regular monthly fessio, ten present with Mayor. Atdsrjnan' Simp sou asked permission fut jth Talson Mannfaetorlng Co.. to lay'' f tramway trout its plant on Bast Frotit trat.4o A- C U for uuttt thjtA t. Vya asW for Br hydratrMril protection or tnai seenoit nortn, or tne tobace wareboos on Oeorg street. Referred. The committee appointed to consider the matter of granting fran chis to New Bent and Trenton Interur ban Railway, reported unanimously in favor, and on roll, call nine aklerroen Toted favorably, one not Voting. Aid erman Ellis tendered report of theex pert on fire alarm system of New Bern, and recommendations mad. . Referred for further action. Ordered additional pipe to be put on Near street sewer to extend it to channel;- Reported that number of incandesceot llhta in store were left burning day .time and Sun days.: Penalty for those nit having meters, doubl rates. H. P. Willie tendered his resignation as engineer of water works wnich was acTepted, and Wo. E. : Smitn elected his 'successor.. On motion csried, bells were ordered for policemen." On motion aiderniaii Elli. no bills to be allowed unless read before the board In session.., REPORT OF THE C0XOITI0N National Bank .of New Berne At New Bern, In the State of N. C At tbe Close f Basiaess Jaa. St, I01O. RESOURCES ' Lis.ni and Discounts '- 44, 280-M Overdrafts, secured and un- sored - 8,822.11 IT, 8. Bot.da to secure circus latioa .......... Uomh Securities: etc v Banking house, furniture, : and fixtures .. . . Other Real Estate Owned ' Due from National Banks, (not reserve agents) 85,820.00 12,lM.W 17,714.37 28,479 85 Due from Stat and Private Banks and Banker, Trust Companies, and Sayings Banks 9,148 44 Due from approved reserve a rents " , ' v-JIM&l Checks and other ashitoms 67.73 Notes of other v Narloaal , Bnka ' --8.768.00 Fractional paper eurrency, nickels, and eenta Lawful money reserves tn bank, vlx: Specie r 9.645.00 . IegaMender ro's 16,000 00 855.74 25,545 00 Redemption fund with U. 8. Treasurer (5 percent at circulation) ToUl 1744.802.64 LUBIUTIES 1 Capital stock paid la......$lM,M.M Surplus fuiid . . .' MjmM tTndlvldsd proflU, less ex penses and txe paid - 25.S33.I9 Nstlonsl Bsnk 'notes out-. standing "WWlfromthe Uu to other National Bansa iu.bwj w Due to. Stat and Privat " j Bank awl Banker . , 10,504.93 mui,Unj. n : okim Individual de- posit 'subject , unit payaDM, including lent fleets of Depoelt for mon ey borrowed , ( Reserved for Uses - 10,000.00 2,878.23 Total 174 1,802 f 4 STATU OK NORTH CAROLINA: 83. tTVillMf W sf sP I. O. H. Reberta, caahl.r of the a - bove Berne bank, do solemnly swear that tbs abov a ta lament Is true to the bast of my knowledge arid be lief. , a H. ROBERTS. Cesblsr. - Subscribed and sworn to before me, tbl 3rd day of Feb., 1910 ' ' THOMAS J. MITCHELL, Notary Publlo. CORRECT Attest : ' JAMF3 A.' BRYAN, E. B. HACK BURN, E. K. Bir.IIOP, . JNO. DV.NN. Directors Edward Cesser, ' Fifteen, Could , Not Bear, Being BHtj-anged From Girl Hia Own Age: ' New York, , Feb. 8,-Becans his fifteen-y ear-o hi sweat heart talked to him Sunday afternoon In sn nntweett beart-like msnner. E.lwsrd Gesaer, a clerk, also fifteen, of No. 7t0 Boboken afreet. North Bergen, hi. J., is dying at thf North' Hudson Hospital, that plsce With a bullet bole through his : j yearly -tw years ago Oeswer wenfrw a J oungeters' party In Jersey City and there he met pretty Elizabeth CorneHuk of Jin, 1064 Summit venue,that place: Sdward chose her ia his partner in the dance end she had inore letters t f' post office" for him than for anybody etae. A.fter" that the courtship progressed rapidly. , v . x ; ;, . , . . . Sunday afternoon Edward called on Elizabeth, and, as was their wont, they -went walking. : During th stroll Eliza beth decided ahe wanted to call on a chum and said it would be nice for, Ei ward to call with ber.' But Edward had come a long' ways to : visit EIjrs beth and have ber all to himself for one whole afternoon end he was not willing to share her satiety with anybody,.! They quarrelled and parted. i Edward went home and' all night he brooded ever his trouble. Yesterday infternoan be took a revolver and went to tbe corner of Hoboken street and Grand avenue, four .block from his bom, to shoot himself. Ther was no body around and heshotlnthe air twice to attract attention. Otto Lauber heard i he shots and ran toinveetigat. , V . Just as be.cis.me in view he saw young;. Gesser put the muszje of tbe pistol ro his left breasC and fire tbe third Urn. Geeaer fell . and Lauber carried him to a store.- whence aca'l was sent for the North Hulson - Hospi al ambu lance Surgeou iound the bullet had passe 1 all the way through the body just below the heart and had lodged be neath the akin in the back. Tuey say Edward cannot reeovr,i - He told the surgeons bis sweetheart should not be held acountable for his act ash bad started ths quarrel. . ki-:'-jr:: -... -- -;r-,-. . . LCST-Lsdies brown fur muff in west ern part of the city on Braod street. Liberal reward for Its return to Journal office. No Suitalile Berth Opeu For JNavy OlHeer and Must Take up ' Old Work. . Washington, Feb. 2. The Navy De partment has ordered Commander Rob ert E. Peary back to duty. H will ar rive in Washington tomorrow and prob ably be aasigned to a post in his corps before th end of th week. ; Whll no official announcement of the fact bal been made, it la learned that thenavy department, after 'exhausting every expedient to find a doty for Com mander Peary, which would be in keep ing with hi dignity .a discoverer of th North Pole, hss abandoned th at tempt. - -. Ther are a few unimportant offices, and th department ha decided to al low, a far as It may. Cor mandev Pea ry th privilege of making a selection During ths time It has been casting about fr a p!ae in th corps of civil engineers to which to assign Command er Peary, th department has ouised thahop that Congress might com to th relief of th sltuatidn'by, making tn sxpiorer a rear aumiraianu tenaer Ing him a voto of thanks. 'r ? 1 But a Congress, apparently, does not Intend taking any action of this sort, th department finds Itself la th posi tion of being without an xeus er pre text of continuing Commander Peary's leave from duty, v - ' . It he wired him to com to Wash ington to prepare to enter aetiv rv Ice, and a reply ha been received, sta ting that be will report at the depart ment tomorrow, r ' There Is a peculiar patho In th ait- 1 whlch "'V.' f absenc spent In.briKgmg to his country the glory and distinction to ward which eenturle of effort have been directed from every Quarter of the globe, when success hi tea attained, to go without an exprmlon of grati tude from bia country and to'egala ea ter its seivies in a pat-rm U- dignity f which I at la kwpir gwtih tbe nreetke of his former schlovomenla. - . Sr.' h, Pocri. . tr.J V'.lv. tt . f j v J ctca j cur c:-:rs. PERRY MUST RE- TURfl TO WORK Ivhtt -Waters of The Seine Still Ueoedijig- 300,000 Are Out .i: , of Work- Parts, Feb. 2-With two hundred housand homeless In Paris and subur ban towns snd three hundred thousand without employment,' with hundreds tilt imperilled by fl-xd and acute dig ress on every hand, the city is today preparing to fight possible pestilence knd rebuild. The Seine is still receed- Mng but only half an inch an hour. . In such suburbs as Alfortville and (ien- eviere many families are imperilled, loata are plying, -bringing marooned amilie from roofs and upper floors to ind. Many have been without food leveral days. Some are - delirious and nany seriously ill from exposure and xhaustion. - The ' grave danger was urlber demonstrated today by the col lapse of Rue St. Laz-tre and Rue Ciu- nartan sidewalks into the subways, lany streets are closed to the pub ic. 'he authorities will lake immediate ' harge of disinfecting the city. Pend ig the re-opening of many closed fac ories the authorities will give all ap licants a chance to earn wages by i leaning up the city. A reign of crime and pillage instiprat i d by thieves and Apaches is sweeping hd flood section of Paris and suburbs pday. Two robbers were drowne 1 oie yriehad and 'one escaped in a revolver luel with police in a boat at Alford- !ille today. A thief arrested at Ivery ried to sink the police boat. The pol.ee ied a rope around his neck threw him evecboard and dragged him through (he.water? for half an hour He is ex pected to die. - There hove been at- mpts to lynch looters in the city, bat ies' with revolvers between boat loads if police and looters are occuring on all aides; A section of Rue Rivoii caved in today. BESOlUflONSJF RESPECT - Whereas, It ha6 pleased Alm:ghty God to remove from our midst our much be'oved and highly esteemed friend and brother, M. D Witt Stevenson, an em inent lawyer Christian, . gentleman and faithful member of our order, the Knights of Harmony. Therefor be it ; Resolved 1, That we will cherish the memory of our brother, and -will strive to emulate his noble example. 2. That we extend to hia bereaved family our deepet sympathy and point Ihera for comfort to One who doeth all things well. 1 3. Thst a copy of these resolutions sent to the bereaved family, to the tewepspers of the city for publication snd one appear upon the minutes of our Order, J. W. BIDDLE, J.J, TOLSON, J. M. HINES, Com. Things Theatrical. . Vera Mlcheleim l to nppeur In "The Pilitlng Princess." Fivdci'lck Lewis .Is to rejoin thi Sotliern-MurloWe eouips uy.' Nnure O'Xi'll bns made a big per sonul sur"ew in "The Lily." Prank Itoniel U playing an IndeS nllc eniraeemeiit at lhily'a In New York In "The Belle of Brlttnny." . Dick I.tw. to' prove his versatility, undertook lately to ploy a different run meter In each of the four nets of "A Uttle Brut ber of the Rich" In New York. Uls Murr Moore, the lending Indy of Fir Clin r leu Wyndhsm. who is sc- riinMin.vluK blm on hU Ainerk-sn tour,. Ij also a ai-tner with Id in In his Lou du Ihenter. . ' 4 TImj pln"e of Oeurp AMIhs In "Sep tlinuM" Inw Imen tnki'ii by Clun Bogel,' who ws tlie star's ttnaVnitiidy. Mr. l!o'-e pluved the rote of the French oldler 1u tlie ntwy. .. MarrUa I" SootlanJ. . Boys over fourteen snd girls ovei twelve ar legally entitled to get mar ried without the conseift of their par cuts or guardtaua In Scotland. - . - The Dode. Th d Vj was a bird bigger than a turkey ud too heavy to fly. Its wings being only rudlmentsry. It wss very common In Mauritius when the Island was discovered, but Itj fleeb wss so good to eat end It was so incapable of self protection that wit bin forty years 1( bexsme extinct Danoina, T "" , Daocliig was originally a mod of expressing religious feeling ud wss often used la tulllUry dUpleys, tbounb the Romaas, like orleutala, usually bad their dancing dune for them by hired slsvee. PIUS! flUSI PILES!'--. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will ' Bt"a'fg ena ncning rues, lltaheorbe thetumora, allaya llchlng at once, acta a a poultlr. gives instant relief. Wllllsms' Indian Pile Ointment is prrad for Piles nd Itching of the ,)c an-l tLOa Williams' M'f'g, Co., proj., uviand, o. Rescued Her From Burning Build ing After Others Had Fled. New York, Feb.- 3. A romsnce that began fourteen years ago, when they were children, culminated last night in the wedding of Irving Friedman of No. 100 Canal street and Mis Sarah Rosen berg of No. 62 Market' street. Twice in that period Friedman had rescued her from death. One of the guests at the wedding was the bridegroom's fa ther. They had not seen each other for twenty je trs until yesterday. ,. rv-w, The bride is twenty -one years old and her . husband is about twenty-four. Fourteen years ' ago Friedman lived in Ludlow street, and the boy an j girt at tended the same school. . One morning Irving waitol for his little chum, and when she itfd not ap pear he went into the bouse to inquire The girl's mother told him that Sarah had diphtheria and probably would be ill a long time, lie was so absentminl ed in school that his teacher reprimand ed him the next day he played "hook ey." About 2 o'clock in the afternoon the fire apparatus went by and turned into his street. He followed and found the fire was in the Rosenberg home. : ' ' Most of the tenants had fled to the street, but little Sarah waa not with them- The boy darted past the firemen into the smoke filled builiing and up the stairs. He found the girl all b'it overcome with smoko. Taking her in his arms, he carried his little playmate to the street, where be fell exhausted. He was shockingly burned and his face still bears the scars. The Rosenbergs moved to another part of the city and the children were separated. One morning a year ago last summer young Friedman was going in bathing at Rockaway Beach, when be heard a scream. Out beyond the life lines was a girl struggling frantically. She had been seized with cramp. Young Friedman jumped into the surf and after a struggle rescued ber. It was not until he had- escorted the young woman to her home, that Fried man learned he had again saved the life of his boyhood sweetheart. Sarah Rosenberg did not recognize him.ejther, but Mrs. Rosenberg did and she over whelmed him with gratitude. . .a Young Friedman and Miss Rosenberg were married by Robbi Rabinowitt In the synagogue at No 22 Forsyth s reet Later there was a reception in Clinton Hall. . Of Course. Elate So Madge . married tbnt old millionaire. I suppose there was a good deal of throwing at tbe weddtni;. Ethel Oil. yes; rice, old shoes and Insinuations. Boston Transcript. s The Homely Truth. The man with will an' work to do Is not tha man who eats thar An' growlr an' srowla 'bout "pullin throuah-" He rise an' be Rata thar! Atlanta Constitution. 8sm Sort of Goods. "Am I reiilly and truly yonr first and only love?" queried tbe desr girl. ; "No." snswered tbe truthful drug clerk, "but you are sometblug just as good." Pittsburg Dispatch. Whore . ., . .; All th younf men at present View dtroctolrea with alarm.' i 1 It elrls aro one all from top to tee. Whore ahull he put bla arm? - Yale Record. Celestial 8tudis. . "I telj you In that railway collision when I was hurled off my sest saw stars.' "0 course. The cars wre tele scoped." New Tork Journal. Nyai'8 Cherry Cough Syrup. Nothing else will so readily re lieve a tight, dry, hacking cough. Try a bottle for that cough be fore it leads to seriuus . illness. Price 25 and 50c. On sale ,at Davis Pharmacy. ' . ' Not the Worst. . ""! must confess that I don't sleep well while traveling by train," said Mr. Chugglus. "t hod a terrible dream lost night." "I understand they bsd some tron blo on the mad." "Yes. I dreamed my motorcsr ran over, an embank ineut, smashed th engine and tore the transmission out by the roots. Von can't Imagine bow relieved I felt when I swoke snd found It was ouly a railway colllaloa." Wasblugton Btar. . The Naughty Little Motoe, -' 'Twaa a very llttla hot -it; - Had a pretly III tin toy Twae a iiiti yrilow motor with a shiny arsrlet wheel. When tha motor wouldn't (o I Little Kubbla mutterod. "Oh. Whan I aak you you had ouxnt to yes, . . yuu'd ouf ht-to-mobll!" ' ' But the balky tit tt Imp Wouldn't run and wouldn't limp. And It paid no tnat attention to the lit tle lv't appeal. And the l.rt.lL rtinl: "Alack." Aa thuuipwd It bit tha bui-a, "Ilu'rt a tutuiriity Utile auiy-ya, e . .. naughty -imtu'" Norfolk Man. Embezzles Montr From Letters. Caught i ttt Act. V " Norfolk, V., Feb. 1st."--Luther B. Flickinger, for more than ten years a trusted clerk In th Norfolk aostofflce, will before United States Commission er P. S. Stephenson at 4 p. m. tomor row have a hearing upon th charge of extracting and embezz ing 24 frtm a de coy letter sent through the mails by . poetoffice inspectors, who, watching through th opening of a secret cham ber on a magazine corridor at the post office building Saturday saw Flickinger, ; tbey allege, open th letter and remove therefrom four marked one dollar bills which they claim to have removed from his person immediately afterward. 1 Flickinger, it is asserted, will, before the commissioner tomorrow be eonfros ted with declarations on the part of the postoffic inspectors that he confessed to them - to having before extracted from the mail money that h from' time to time appropriated to his. own use. Th defendant, now out, under -$1,000 bail, will be defended by attorney Harry K. Wolcott, of th firm of Jef- fries, Wolcott, Wolcott and Lank ford. The arrest of Flickinger occurred last Saturday afternoon whi! he was at his desk as assistant superintendent of mails with direct supervision over the city and rural carriers. The letter from which the four marked Si; bills ar al leged to have been taken waa addressed to medicine company. - The letter was a "doubtful" one and passed from elerk to clerk until it went to Flickinger. Th inspectors, without their presence being " known to any ene, watched through the peep holes of the secret chamber above where the postofflce elerk and officials were at work. Flickinger waa quietly at hi desk when the inspectors came in, approached him, put their hands on his shoulder, told him to get his hat and coat and f-dlow them. ' The arrest was made by police officer Spratt . in citizen' clothes, the postofflce In peetora desiring-the matter to proceed in thi formT Flickinger wps; carried, to nolle headquarter and ther de tained until Commissioner Stephenson admitted him to bail Flickinger was regarded by the post office officials and his fellow; clerks a highly as any other person in th Nor folk offlc. H ia of pleasing manner and disposition and for this reason his ' advancement to higher position .was al ways agreeable to those whoa duty it Dcame to work under him. from minor clerkship in tha Norfolk office Flickinger had gradually worked hi way up until he was getting $1,800 per annum at the time of his arrest. Flickinger is about 88 ar of sge , and married. Recently h built a horn in the seventh ward, which h and hia family hav sine been occupying. He ' has on child. . i XOTICE. U Vanceboro, N. C. Jaa. 1910, By Order of Fourth Assistant Post ' Master General. Is hereby given to the patrons of tha rural routes leading from Vanceboro, N. C That la view of th extent to which th practice of placing loose coins in boxes by rural patrons has grown, and th delay inth delivery and coflection of mail and th hardship imposed on ' rural carrier incident thereto. You ar Informed that commencing Feb. 15th proximo, rural letter carrier will not b requir ed to collect loos coins from rural mail boxes.' Fatrons thoukj inclose coins in an envelope, '- wrap them securely In a piece or paper, or deposit taem in a eoln holding receptacle, so they can b wily and quickly taken from th box a, aad carrier will b required to lift su:h coins, snd wher accompanied by ' mail for dispatch, attach th requsit stamps. Th public and patrons ar, ' urgently . requested to provid thom selve with stamp supplies hi advance of 1 their needs, and to equip their boxes with suitable coin-boldisg receptacle. As the picking of loos coin from brxee . Ml. .MIlH. iM LAA.IIttM I-V.t - liu, vhij imww . iivt. iwm l 'J.A , and suffering to tha carrier ln.'inir weather, delays th delivery s" d eoi ," lection of mall but frequently results int T actual money toe to the carrier, tor if In collecting coin from boxes. s tbey ' drop them In the snow or on the ei.uud with out recovery they are r quired to replace the amout out of their own I funds. ( . J. F. Edwarda P. M. 4,T!t Kouti Cppo!U" A new mystery etory in the New York Sunday World's detective aeries will be given with The Sunday World of Feb. 13th. Tills story v rate booklet form Snd U . Ths Rumlay World. It I ceiled by Ant Kt' "House of tlie 1 ' ; i. "lv-l ' ''i t . e." " , In a-js- , -e ith ii -re-' .'a ." tum'Av" la S....1 t.i myxt- '-y st day Vi ui'.-L ( t il

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