pic:'"!? Wwwtil Rev J H Brown, Rector of Christ Kpiscopal church in this eity, baa ae . Bntjtri a rn to Ptnsaccla. Fla., and will 1mt here aom time during the month of July to take up tn wore in l.ia new field. ', - .-; The "Button" boee wagon which waa damaged Monday night by ' being i hrowri againat a poet is undergoing re uairaatG. a Waters & Sona repair .hop. One of the wheela waa very badly smashed and the body bruised. The flnrt manifestations of the elab orate preparationa that are to De maae fnr tha ViromAn'a Tournament and Bi centennial were Been yeaterday, where large pole, from wmcn wui oe sus pended a string of colored electric ighta at the corner of rouock ana Mid dle streets. Dan Moore, the colored driver of the Button" hose wagon, who sustained i ainful injuries Monday night by being thrown from the wagon near the corner of Pollock and Middle streets, is still n rhe hosDital and will doubtless be con fined there for a few days until his wounds heal Moore seems to be un- uckv in driving a wagon this last ac cident beta his third within the past few weeks. In the police court yesterday after naon Robert Dawson, colored, was fined $10 and the cost of the trial for being drunk and disorderly. Ed Sykes. also colored, was relieved of five dol lars for being disorderly. W R Knox, a visitor, who came to the city and im biber too much "red eye" was dismiss ed upon the payment of the cost Jas. Howe colored, was taxed with the cost for being disorderly. THURSDAY. The remains of late W. C. Brewer, who died in this city Tuesday after a short illness, were taken to Vanceboro yesterday morning and there interred n the family burying ground, Mr. Baul L. Vinson yesterday sold to Mr Monroe Hcwell, through Mr. W G Boyd, Real Estate Agent, his valuable tract of 10,54 acres, situated within a few miles of New Bern, and lying be tween Brices Creek and the N & S R R A Message from Pamlico county yes terday stated that the temperature in that section had dropped several de grees from that of the previous day. This shows that New Bern and vicinity was not the only place that the cold wave struck. FRIDAY. The two-masted schooner "Maria" of this port and the steam tug 'Winthrop' of Norfolk are on the ways at Meadows ship yard and are being thoroughly overhauled and repainted. The local merchants are showing their progressiveness by having new awnings placed in front of their stores. During the past few days a number of these improvements have been made. Brad hams Phormacy is the latest addition to the ranks. The work is being done by Mr. Geo. T. Bowden, local manager for a large awning manufacturer. In the Police Court yesterday after noon John Roberts, a young colored boy was found guilty of being disorderly conduct but owing to his entreme youth was released upon the payment of the cost ol the case. Sandy Jackson, an other colored denizen waa given 24 hours to prove that he did not aid and abet the Roberta boy in being disorderly. Tom Taylor, also colored, waa relieved of $2.35 for cruelly to one of the city 'a horses. Estelle Halley, colored, con tributed $1.20 to the city coffers for re fusing to dean her premises. LIST fOUS PROPERTY Give in your poll for 1910. Notice is hereby given that the list taker for the EIGHTH TOWNSHIP will sit at the court house in New Bem during the month of June. Hours, 8 a m to 1:30 p m and Z to 6 p m at which place and r in which month all property owners and tax payers in said Township are required to return to the list taker for taxation, for the year 1910. all the real estate. shall own on the first day of June, or ahall be required to give in then.- All male pet sona between the ages of 21 and 50 years are to list their polls, whether naturalized citizens or not. ' Return of property and giving in of poll required, under the pains and penalties imposed by law. J. A. PATTERSON, List Taker Eighth Township. Inineie ohoelt. No crayon or lilurkhonrfe are used lu Chi new m-UimU. Tb pupils (ear a to write from copies set by their teach, ers sod wblfh Ihey at first trace with a brush and India Ink through thin paper made of bamboo fiber. , A- Do You Feel This Way? y Do yoe leel ell tired out ? Do yarn eoasetiaaea s think yoa juet eee't work ewey at yoar prole. ' '" or t re ie say loafer ? Do yoa have a boot ape. tite, end lay awake el aiflite unable to sleep? Are voar aerve, ell Suae, end Tovr etomecfa loo ll.i . hitioe to fcirje ahead la the worM kit yoa. ' If so, yoa aiiht ee well put a stop to four aiieery. Yoa tea do It if yoa will. Lr. Fierce's Coldca Medical Dieeovery will .' .1 i j nsks yoa a d.i!-rrn i . A nk I, .11 . , ..... ki imnp ngni in your eioneca, ana ) J T"u' appetite w.ll come beck. It will purify your blood. J II tlirre u eoy tentivney in vmir familv toward ronaiinmiioa. I it Will t-p that ernnpuun naa aimini ir!n rrnih, bn)m-l..ui, or blredml I i r u. in a. I -a. ol I 1 I i . , -lire n't t- .r lr r"f .f r t 1 , I a'" ra R ill yhg cause of Bheumatlsm la an excess of uric acid in the blood. The vatle Impurity gets Into the circulation by absorption, usually became of eon gtipation, weak kidneys, and ether systemic irregularities. Then the blood be eomea weak and sour and irritating urate particles are formed In this vital fluid. When in this impure condition the blood can not furnish the necessary amount of nourishment to the different muscles, tendons, nerves and ligaments of the body, instead it constantly ateepa them in the briny acrid matter, and the gritty, urate particles collect in the Joints, which causes the pains, aches and soreness of Rheumatism. Liniments, plasters, etc. may relieve the acute pain of a attack of Rheumatism, but such, treatment does not reach the blood an therefore can have no permanent good effect There is but one Way to cure Rheumatism and that is to purify the blood of the acid poison. 8. 8. S. goes into the circulation and attacks the disease at tta head. It removes the cause for the reason that It is the greatest of all blood purifiers. It filters out every trace of the sour, in flammatory matter, cools the acid-heated circulation, adds richness and nourish ment to the blood and permanently curea BMuinatism. 8. S. 8. does not patch up, it curea permanently. 8. 8. 8. is especially valuable as a remedy for Rheuma tism because it does not contain a particle of harmful mineral in any form. It la purely vegetable, a fine tonic as well as blood purifier. . Book on Rheumatism sent free to all who write. - THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, ATLANTA, OA. First Peaches The first peaches of the season were shown to a Journal representative yes terday morning. The peaches were of a rich luscious variety and were grown in this city. The owner of the tree stated that usually they ripened about the tenth of May but this year were a few days later. This shows that New Bern has an excellent climate for even the peaches grown in Georgia and which are usually seen on the market long be fore any home-growen product makes its appearance have not yet been seer. SIRES AND SONS. When Robert Taft. son of the presl dent, finishes bis academic education at Yale on June 22 be will euter the Harvard Law school. General Sickles Is lu bis eighty-fifth year. He lives in New York lu oue of the old fashioned residences of what Is known as the Washington square quarter. Midshipman Herbert O. Roesch of the United States Naval academy is now the bolder of the greatest number of Individual honors won In national rifle matches lu Daniel E. Finn, the new leader of the First assembly district, New York city, Tammany Hall has guined the youngest leader iu its rauks, and Mr. Finu goes into the Wigwam with the distinction of being the first Tam many leader to succeed bis father. Dennis Kane, almost ninety-five years old, a Confederate veteran and inmate of the Soldiers' home at Iieau volr. Miss., recently returned to the home after an absence of five months, during which time he walked to Port land. Ore., aud back, a distance of nearly 4,000 miles. Captain C. C. Healey, head of the mounted division of the Chicago po lice department, has started on an offi cial mission to the old world such as seldom falls to the lot of a police offi cer. His orders are to study street traffic and transportation methods in the principal cities of Europe and to make a report of the systems em ployed. ARNOLD'S Zi. BALSAM Summer Complaints by F. S DUFFY, New Bern. Beef Still High Duspite the fact that the price of heef still romaina up above the sky-line the local butchers inform us that they are rushed with orders. This state of facts shows that the public either has a roll of the long green in reserve or that having become so accustomed to having a nice Juicy stead for breakfast that the cannot resist the temptation to indulge their appetites. -. In Advance. "lie seems to.be a man of decided vie we." 1 "So he Is, but most of bis views are decided by his wife." Birmingham Age-Herald. ' ' ' A Name te Conjure With. -- "Kiss me quick!", the maiden cried. ' I The man aald. "I'll do that." : "KlM me quick," the maid replied, "la the name of my mw bat." . ". -Ufa. The Fellow In Leva. . Proe Do you think be waa sincere when be said he loved yon? : Dolly I'm ears of it He looked toe foolish to be making: believe. Llppln totfa. ' Living and Learning. Here's food for thought. O buyer Not found at any store: All thins are selling higher But learuloi; that Is tare. Chicago Tribune, i Money talks, but what the "copper says nay aoC be wt two reus. Individual. It will art yeur lazy liver .1 . - J i . . 1 . ... dreed deatroyef ewey. tvrn elter cor. jjiij a i(holl la the lurra oi et tl.e lun.a, it will bring ehnut a rvintuy prr, ,rnd hV L '. . V. 1 irrre. 11 f a tfilo; , i.h to write bin. lii i 1 it vri.ie r'.;Tirf a:. 1 varird jrir!i. r"""t-t'' I i i ci' iUr ii.iu la k tu inferior eiiHatl. re - tu, if J to be "iimt aa .wd." Dr. r ..im, lhir every ir(r.iienl printed r n ai nit eli"hi.l. i'j plain pn balul T ; nl AaociniHin, T.ii' 'io, N. Y. CURES RHEUMATISM Our Colored Subscribers Slt'CESSi ri, CLOSING i The eight Months session of the Eastern North Carolina . Industrial Accademy ended its tern this week with a very interesting as well as creditable commencement. y Rv. Wm. Sutton D. D. president, and founder of this institution deserves great credit for the sacrifice, and the work being done along the intellectual, and industrial lines. The president has been greatly sup ported by Prof. W. A. Wynn of Al bany G. Miss Miry J Sutton, and Miss Lillian L. Fisher of Nw Bern. Tlvi industrial work on exhibition was very attractive an well as commendable REV. J. H. M03LEY Fruit Jars. Say lim ! what are we go ing to do about saving our fruit this year? Well Dearie no need to worry Basnight Hdw Co , have them this sea son and their price is reason able, so just phone 99 or go down and see. them, they have pints, quarts and half gallons. - Commencement Littleton College Program Tuesday May twenty-fourth, 6:30 p. m, Senior Class Day Wednesday May twenty-fifth 11:30 a. ra. Baccalaureate' Sermon Rev. R. II. Broom Thursday May twenti-Sixth, 10:30 a. m. Graduating Exercises 11:30 a. m. Literary Address W. S. Potest, ILL. D' 8;00 p. m. Annual Concert Progress and Labor. A safe nit'fhiKl of firing shots la mines by electricity has been devised. A ten story bulliliDg was built Is New York city receutly in forty-seven workluft days. , - In the last leu years as much rice has Ikh-u produced lu the United Htittes as was produced from 1850 to 1900. , ' A device for siituallng to military balloons at-nlgbt has been fixed on the lower of the railway station at Spnnduu. , it consists of a large horl sontal wooden ring provided with thir ty-elght electric lucandescent lamps. The Umpire. Be kind to the umpire. Remember that be has to decide against sotne body. Chicago Record-Herald.. President Taft thinks he baa a bard Job, but he ought to umpire the nest world's sorles games. Atlanta Jour uul. .. The baseball nmplre la delight to many people, owing to the manner in which be decides a controversy with out occupying months lu bearing ? lence. VYaahlugtou Star. . A Feminine Walk I wla-h I had mora hair, 1 do. I knew that marrel wave I'd roe. I've bought six rats, ten pufla, a braid. For full a down curia I've paid. And yet I've always had too tew. ' Bhopflrle wear tons of Varied hue; The yellow Chinaman owns a cue; JCach atom shows wlaa of every ahada. 1 wleh I had mora hair. How fickle Fashion's chanced anew. Mo more the calla for puffs, la Ilea Aruutid your brad In strands are laid Four ewlirlire till a turban's made. I don't mind ewnlnc up ta yoa I Vlab I bed more hair. -Upplrtcott'a. . I Feared Nethlng Than. TIow braveT' exclaims the w!fi after her husband st the bushed boot of 8 a. Oi. has told ber of his desperat resistance of three highwaymen who have attemiited to bold Mm np only a block from borne. "I Old not dream you were so rmiragftoua. How do It hnppen that yoo dared to give them battle when any other man would have yleliM vtenkly or would have mn sway if be bail the chancer . ".My denr." explains tha husband, "1 had JiiKt fltilshed nerving mywilf to uiret you Mint filnln v. bat k'l't nir out o bite, and vtiii'n I am In Hint frnniu of in I ml HI tbfy any thing." Mfa. ' In the Rouqh. A rrian rniK. turn al-v hnlna will, whaal Ami ftil II In I ha KnKlUh a,,ri,a, ftal.l tlii nil. "W rat maa-a 1 hw l.lr.la laia ar i.irr And tin re ;iin'l a J y ava In tl.a lrt.T 4 j. :i rta J r 1 1, i Ifi a iPRISfaS MAKE ' .Mm ESCAPE Two Negtoes Charged With Mui- der Get Away From Deputy ; Sheriff After Arrival At : - t Wilmington ,v Wilmington. May 19-Washington Alexander a negro, about twenty-two years of age, who, with Charles Good man, is charged with having murdered Hugh Gonier, colored, at the lum'er camp of the Norfolk Lumber Company, at Wallace, Sunday morning, made his escape from Deputy Sheriff Bordeaux, of Pender county, immediately after the arrival of the A. & Y. train here last night. . The two alleged murderers made their escape Sundiy, but were ar rested this morning at Parkersburg and were being brought to Wilmington and were to be placed in j iil at Burgaw to morrow. Alexander and Goodman were tied together with a rope, and the Tbi -mer managed to get the knot untied. ' Garner was beaten to death .with a fence rail, 'his face having been batter ed to a pulp. The Norfolk Lumber Co. offered a reward of $25 for the arrest of Alexander.' t Fmil and Vegetables r.iAiCEnia r.iOHEY Oar rHEt BOOK tails hew. ' , Write tor arloaa aa oar Cold Medal Canning Outfits FnmllT to factory aiiea. e-w ana up. ueec tiiac experience and akllkd labor can produce. Moat complete ma chine tor the money. Bead far ptfee-Bat ea Bur di rect and ure money. Vt aVMteet Bsbkiion Can C&, Bapt.39. Wflnisra, JaW. GROWERS AND- SHIPPERS when marketing their produce, i will find it to their advantage to deal with members of the NATIONAL LEAGUE COMMISSION MERCHANTS OF THE U. S.' . ; Fair dealing assured. Members in 28 leading markets. , aaVy 1 Uij aa'tl SPECTi ACLC5 & EYESIAIwL J Th only neartind-far gUates that can W universally worn without discomfort, and without that aurfeatively "old" appear ance. Ltfocala that- look and wear lake plain glasses, but giva you perfect double aervtce. If your gliied on glsases are the right ones we ean take the prescription from them, if not we will test your eyes and get the correct glasses in the inv'sablr far and near. Our optical department ia the beat In the eity. J. d. Baxter. THE OPTOMETRIST - T ENNETTS! rJlEPARED i Agricultural Lime v nnkes every sere count and every i'r.'. I cond. Is rrrr:rr!f r;'; t . ; YV.e r irici ; r !t :' ac '"in :al iv :z .i i , 1 1. 1.. Quaratrtsed 3 lottoUakl Ctaanetlltode I i Haw He Eaual SEND M y "v DEPT FOR Y X 3, 96 FREE' V" LIITal I rW . BulUlo . N. Y. KJ lM IK.'- - lar- t ; j -av i NEW SHORT STORIES Curing a Skeptic" . .A atory is told of Kabbl Wldrewlta, who Is well known on the east side. A receutly arrived skeptic and cynic came to see him once with a "case" Intended to put the reverend gentle man "up a tree." Be called on the rnbbl at bis residence In Henry street and begged to be healed and consoled. ; "I suffer said the skeptic, from two maladies. -1 have a great weak-aess-I cannot tell the truth, and that hurts my soul terribly. , And I have lost the sense of taste In my mouth. Something Is wrong with my tongue." Mr. Wldrewlts studied the man a moment seemed to be. perplexed and said: "Come again tomorrow. It Is a THE PrLIi WAS OF CONSIDIKABLI BtZg. difficult case. I shall bKve to reflect upou it If God wills 1 shall be abll to help you." VVheu the patient returned next day the rabbi brought forth a pill be bad prepared, told the doubly afflicted man to open bis mouth and shoved It In. The., pill was of considerable size. Scarcely bad the patient allowed.it to dissolve somewhat lu his mouth, than he began to spit, with an expression of the greatest disgust, and exclaimed: "What do you meant That's tar and sulphur and kerosene you gave me. Do you want to poUon met Phuir , ' .. - - "Well, what are you making so much noise about?" laughed the rabbi, with great heartiness, "Hasn't God per formed a miracle? You have told the truth. It Is really tar and sulphur aud kerosene.. And you have actually re covered the . sense of taste In yonr mouth." New York Press. . , GweetWilliam. "And where have , you been,,, mj pet?" Thus little Willie's mother to little Willie on his return borne after au unwonted absence of several hours. ''Play in' postman," replied the fam lly hope. . , , -- "Plajiug postman?" repeated Wll lie's mother. "And how does oue play postman, sweet?" , "Why, I Just left a letter at each house iu the road. explained the prod lgy "real letters too." "Real - letters, darling?" 'Inquired mamma, smiling. "But wherever did you get the real letters from?" ."Out of your wardrobe drawer," re sponded Willie. "Those old ones tied op with pink ribbon." Answers. . ' ' How It Happened. . Tou're heard that ancient story: Tha torlolM ran a race . And grabbed a lot ot glory, A most unusual The maddest hare or hatter -Has evidently guessed The detail ot tha matter ' -. Were partially suppressed. The old yarn ta misleading. Here'a how tha trick was dona: Tha hare was pinched for speeding, - , And so the toftolee woa " Loulevllle Courter-JoumaL Circular 8klrt Approved. The most correct suit skirt ia platted from band to hem. This style la eape clally adapted at an acrompaujrueut to the ruauulsb suit coat. The vrry new est aud smartest models, however, show the circular skirt, though the plnltetr models are atlll popular Roma suits show skirts with tunic adapta tion, but there la an Indk-atloo that the tmilc styles will pgure more sue ceasfully in dreasea. fancy aeparate skirts and the fancier of the two piece suits. Designers are still bent on keep. Ing to atralgbt unbroken lines- In tbs tailored garment. h Printed ttaaklnga. ;. . Fashions for primed things extend even to the pretty stockings of the summer girt. - They are undeniably pretty, and s dainty ss to altogether be In keeping with" white buckskla pnrups. They are made with a white back ground 'and printed with groups of pink blossoms about an Inch Id di ameter. The only other pattern on them Is the drop etltrb. which forms so Invisible bar as IrackgrouDd. for the flowers. They corn la silk and lisle . Footnote to the News, T see." reuiarkrd Mrs, Baeinlt, whs wts reading the evening paper sViuii because her husband's eyes were tired, "that boots snd shoes sr going up.',' "I wonder," said Mr. Beemls thought fully, 'If all shnea will I affected Im you suppose, for Inalaure, that lev shoes will be hlsherr Voutb'a Com panion. Inoeneiatent gather, fie always told hie eon to take A woman e part tnd never k-t a villain praak A iovlnf heart. Tat now he rarrtna an Ilk sla lrauae the aey Ilia eon'e to take a .rl e part In A cl)r .ir nn.hure; fra.a. J k n:ia is tr a -t t I 1 t it ' til I , - - b. V Large Capital is Vital 1 Whether your lawyer or yuur doctor has much or little money is immaterial to you. The quality ot their service does not depend oa Capital. . .. . : But your bankthat is different, for no amount of personal willingness on the pan of your banker, can take the place of the ability to serve that goes only with the possession of large capital. ' , - v With these facts in mind the $200,000.00 Capi tal of this Bank becomes a matter of serious import in choosing Bank. .;; . JA8. B. BLADES. Pres. Wm. R. BIiADES. V. Pre. I .aa-f mmm '- vv . $5,000 " ' Oveistock! Sale Fine House. urnisliing Goods !. NOW- GOING ON " v ' - CHAP FOR CASH OH OH-II ' SALE LASTS 15 DAYS ONLY T. J. Turner Fur. Co. 93 MtDDLlS ST. PIIONK 172 ' NEW" BERN, N. C, 5 Doz. Middy Just in to retail at 49c, these goods are worth more, but we have put them down with other goods. Buy of us and save money. SILKS AT- COST, we are selling our Suit Silks at cost, a big lineto select from Call early or you will miss a good bargain ' WrJ:::BAXTBR. ;. DEPT. STORE v ELKS TElVfPLE ,lt it is a ing for, in fact fJ)7j) tel nevy residence with large stable Vylu Jm and yard, good neighborhood on Also other bargain properties. - Good bargain on , Pollock StExcellent investments. . Act quickly be fore'sold.' - ' ' ',- ' , ' ." W. G. BOYD, Agent . SURETY BONDS, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE Rooms 820-321 Elka Building ; - - Telephone 400 THE f r f J f I L.4 iJi t 1 L-ay kwi L L UC2 I!3 'Villi til zl-MUld T. A. UKRRN'V. P. J - ' GEO B . PENDLETON , Cashier ') j j OF- house bargain you are look Iy'e got it. For sale cheap, at actual cost, desirably loca- 1 j4 1. Blouses Eastfjrpnt SM I'ts truly a bargain, BEST f' f S i .4 fc-.J ,A

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