n i: XtfelZftlnel 1S7S p t I' "'I rahUahed IB Two Sections, erery Tuesday an Sri day. at Journal Bnlld- (t-M Citron Straet, . CH1XLXS lb STUMS, EDITOR AMD PROPRIETOR. t. , i Official Paper ol Craven Oaatj. New Ban and SUBSCRIPTION RATB& Two afonths.. ., .. V. .. .. ..I U Three Months.. .. .. .. .. . U u Montha.. .. .. .. .. .. .. M rwalTa Months.. .......... 1.00 ONLY II ADVANCBL , The Journal to only aant on pay-In-advance bails. Subscribers wlU re tire aotlca of expiration of their sub anriptions and an lmmadlata reaponaa to notlca m o appreciated by tba Journal . Advertising rataa furnished upon application at tba office, or upon ln iulr by maT . ntetd at tba Postofflce, New Barn, (J. C aa second-eJaaa mattar. New Bern, N. C. Hay. 27, 1910. A LOCAL DISAPPOINTMENT, The announced summer schedule of the Norfolk -Southern Bailroad Company, between this city and Norfolk, is a local disappointment There is practically no change of trains; the train reaches New Bern a little earlier in the afternoon, and the better service is a parlor car, which is all right But what was wanted, locally, was a night train from New Bern and a return night train leaving Norfolk, with Pullman car sleeper on these trains. The Norfolk -Southern has estab lished this night service between Raleigh and Norfolk, in competi tion with the Southern and Sea board Air Line. Is Raleigh such a traveling point as to demand three trains nightly to Norfolk 1 Those who note the travel at New Bern, say that from six to twelve persons daily, would use the Pull man night service to Norfolk from here. Aad it is not just New Bern that this night train to Norfolk is wanted for. There is the section towards Wilmington, Beaufort and Oriental and from -Kins ton this way. All this travel would flow over the Norfolk -Southern road, if it gave the service, and the day train is not a favorite routo during the summer mouths. If the Nor folk Southern will run a passen ger steamer from this city each night to Elizabeth City, and train connection there, returning the same way at night it will have the plaudits of the traveling pub lie, and have plenty of business for the service they thus extend, ALCOHOL 1 PER CENT. AVegelabte Preparation ErAs similatingtteFtoa'amfltoife ting die SiomadB andDowekof Promotes DigcstionOrftto ness and test jContains neittxr Opiuni.Norphine MrMueraL NOT NARCOTIC. AjxtrokiikSiMnirntEA jtaattmi liinipwirar. Aperfect Remedy forConsflfa-i nnn . rMiur auiiiidLii.uuuuK. WormsfonvuisMnsjewrtsft ness and LOSS OF SLttr- Tat Sin Signature of NEW YORK. '3 - '!' SV I Mm I Uliilly For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature U3IIED BHIEATH III WHEELS A IIIIG DLIED Zilphia Watson an Aged Colored 'Confession of Anarchist Charged With. Murder BevealsGi- , Exact Copy of Wrapper. a m m z .m . hjp Use vJ For Over Thirty Years E1 TMK OKNTaua MPMT. MCW TMR OITT. . Woman Horribly Mangled '. Yesterday Afternoon -.' ,; ' White attempting to cross the Norfolk-Southern rail track near the Pine Lumber Company ' aiding ' yesterday afternoon Zilphia Wataon, an ajjed col ored woman , waa stuck by a boxcar which had been shunted into the Biding by engine aumber84 and horribly mang led. ' ' The Woman, who is the mother of Ban Watson, a colored fireman on the Norfolk-Southern road waa- employed by a family near the scene of the acci dent in the capacity of a nurse and at the tima of the catastrophe was going home td her dinner. In attempting to ciosa the track, she did not Bee the ap proaching car which had been turned loose from the engine and was truck by the coiipljng ' bar 'and thrown to the ground with her left leg rquarely across the track in front of the wheels which were only a few feet away. : Before ahe could move from this perilous posi tion the car was upon her and that limb was severed from hor boly. Despite the awful agony which she must have been in - from this and other wounds which 'she received hy being struck; by the car the woman did not lose consciousness until ihe arrived at the sanitarium where she was carried immediately after the accident, and where the mangled limb was amputat ed. ' ''''. ' At a late hour last night the woman was still alive and the attendants there aay she has a good chance of recover Bar Dup in County Endorses W. R. Allen The Bar of Duplin joined hands with the citizens here on Tuesday of Court and with H. D, Williams, Esq , in the chair resolutions endorsing Judge W. R Allen for Supreme Court Justice were unanimously adopted. Several in the audience made loyal apehcees in behalf of Judge Allen.' The following are the resolutions adopted by the mass meet- ting: Whereas, we have heard with pleas ure that the distinguished son of Duplin Hon W, R. Allen, Judge of the Super ior Court of the Sixth Judicial District is mentioned as successor to Hon. H. G Conner, late an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, whose unexpired term of office is to be filled at the ap proaching election; and. Whereas, we know his eminent quali fications to fill such position, having ANNOUNCEMENTS To the Democratic Voters of Craven County. I hereby announce that I shall again be a candidate for sheriff before the next Democratic primary, to beheld for Craven county. I thank you for your confidence and support in the past, and if re-elected I promise to discharge the duties of the office fairly and impartial ly, with due consideration always for the best interests of the whole people. J W BIDDLE. March 28, 1910. WHAT EVERYBODY WANTS Everybody desires good health which is impossible unless the kidneys are sound aad and healthy. Foley's Kidney Remedy should be taken at the first in dication of any irregularity, and a seri ous illness may be averted. Foley's Kid ney Kenedy will restore your kidneys and bladder to their normal state and activity.. Davis Pharmacy. CANDIDATE FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Craven coun- known him from his infancy; therefore, ty, subject to the democratic primary, be it. I and if nominated I guarantee to every Resolved, by the citizens of Duplin 'person having any business with the County, in mass mesting assembled at office the utmost respect, politeness and Kenansville, on the 22nd day of Feb- courtesy. ruary, 1910, that we heartly endorse the aid Han. W. R. Allen for the office of Associate Justice ol the Supreme Court of North Carolina. From the Eastern Caroline New (Kenansville), February f3 1910. tarrh. ITINERANT NEGRO NUISANCE. It is the exceptional household in this city, that is not disturbed at this time of the year, early in the morning, from shortly after daylight until the sun is several hours high, by one or more itiner ant negro girls, crying out some vegetable or fruit Even more than shrill cry under the bed room win J dow, sleepers are often aroused by the knock at the door, or the bell ringing. There are other nuisances besides this early household dis turbing by these itinerants. In the first place the fruit they offer for sale is gathered wild in a slovenly manner, is ofteu stolen from gar dens, and the measure sold Is false, bo that while the housekeeper may think It easy and a bargain to buy from these shabby peddlers, it wilt be found that the false measure makes the price paid a high one. , Thre is also the danger that all premises must chance, that is hav ing anything that is loose, stolen by these early morning visitors. From the trade and business side there is alio the nuU&nce. They pay no license, and so the farmers and merchants have their compe tition to meet for besides no license, thev nav nothlnar for their frnifc or vegetable, beside selling by it1 Every woman may not ba Hani legal measure. This injures legiti- Z"X VIVJ,?0 jj 1.1 . - keep with car tb food points mate trade. This kind of street nature hat giver, her. No woman peddling is not allowed by the au- need have sallow skin, dull eye. thorities ia most cities. Its illegal blotchy complexion, who payi feature are recogniied, and when P,'!?per ent'n to heaLh. these strollers start out their prog. ron. jverr.p-e ress reoelves a check that puta jrrejraLrille exist, oo4 con-! them olT the streets. This city is ion, LiiJ.t eyes nj s-t ;!. ' large enough to put the ban on movemrr's cannot ex'ul.t.,u-rr.:iJ M it: .,: Urifm., . rml thm.!M boom, Catarrh Cannot be Cured. with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reaoh tha seat of the dis ease. Catarrh is a blood or consti tutional disease, and in order to enre it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure ia taken inter nally, and acta directly on the blood and mnoous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cnre is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of tha best phy sicians in this country for years and is a regular prescription. It is com posed of the best tonics known, com bined with tha best blood purifiers, acting directly on tha mucous sur faces. Tha perfect combination of the two ingredients ia what produces such wonderful results in earing ea- . Bend for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY ft COropa, . ' Toledo, 0 Sold by druggists, price 75c Taka Hall's family pilla for. eon stipation, " Tea Winning, he OMiad n to plr brtdf with hr. ia aisht mr aafttr ir. But I eould not rMlat Mr U. v 1 liked bar winnlna tray. . . . Mr aw far only bad t laft Whan I had eaaaad to play, And quickly did 1 Chang my Blind -About bar wlnninc way. Baltlmora Amtriffi. Respectfully, E. WADSWORTH. CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY TREASURER. To the Democratic Voters of Craven County: I hereby most respectfully announce my candidacy for the office of Treasurer of Craven County subject to tha will of the Democratic primary whenever said primary is held. - If nominated and elected I pledge myself to conduct the office to the satisfaction of tha people to the best of my ability. . Most Respectfully, . B. a Hurst ANNOUNCEMENT To the Democratic Voters of Craven County. I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Sheriff of Craven county, subject to the Democratic primary. nominated and elected I pledge myself to discharge the duties of said office the Lest of my knowledge and ability and aa near aa possible to the aatisf ac tion of the public . Very respectfully, . . RICHARD a LANE. A Handscze Tfcnn CANDIDATE FOR COUNTY TREASURER Unt lire i fx Fr turn or arnlj trr !y CI. amber- 1IV j:jfe it n . .ti v. 1 1 w , ,t a y i im r ai- mit ii lant'y an J q ; y brl jur d f arm. 1 r . a I y .l c .! ti.e in- 1 i ra. kir t lmmtlm ha, dart I ' t a I iini ar nv g I.. ' ,i artf t ... tr..- ir I To tha Democratic Voter off Craven County. " I respectfully announce that I shall be a candidate for re-election for the office of Treasurer ef Craven County, subject to the action of the Democratic primary when held; I promise if elected to be found at my office ia the Craven county court house, willing to serve you aa faithfully In the future as I have in the past ' " Respectfully, ; Freeman S. ErnuL .'. I gantio Plot .'' ' '- -LISBON, May 24.-Through the con fession today of an anarchist named Ramirea, one. of the conspirators in the assassination in February, 1908, of Ling Carlos and crown Prince Luia, of Port ugal, the identity of 1,146 other, con spirators in this crime has been reveal ed, Ramirea says the leaders in this pUt are still in communication with each other, their ultimate ! aim, being the assinalion of King Manuel who was under special guard during his at tendance at the funeral of the lata King Edward. Today's confession shows that the plot was even more widespread than the police suspected and that 16 promi nent politicians, several of whom are still active in government affairs, were involved-. : , The authorities expect to implicate at least 4,000 persons, . and are now engaged in obtaining evidence for the extradition from New York, London, Paris and Rio Janeiro of the leaders of the regicide band. Ramirea was arrested shortly after the assassination of . Carlos and Luiz, but escaped to Brazil, where he "waa re cently arrested again. ' - , . He waa brought back to Lisbon a few days ago. Foley Kidney Pills contain in concen trated form ingredients of established therapeutic value lor the relief and cure all kidney and bladder- ailments! Davis Pharmacy. A bard Proposition. Anxious Katber-l wish I knew what to do with my son." ' Easiness Frleud-What Is be llket Anxious Father-Well, they say he's rery like me. (Silence.) Boston Fler- sld. - V . Over Four Inches Rain Beginning Tuesday night, another severe thunder lightning and rain storm visited this vicinity. The rainfall waa heavy, the fall being 4.20 inches up to p m. Wednesday. This with the rain of May 8th. which vas 5 35 inches adds to the month's total, which so far is 10 86 inches. Out of 25 days thU month there has been a rainfall on 13 of the 25. Old Relic on Display -mi . - Mr. F S Duffy has on display at .his drug store a piece of brick that if it were endowed with the gift of speech could doubtless relate some very inter esting history of the city of New Bern. The brick was recently excavated at the cite of the old Tryon Palace, which was located on George strett, and Is supposed to have been brought over to tms country from England. Foley Kianey Pills are antiseptic, tonic and restorativa and a prompt cor' rectivn of all urinary irrepuluritie. Refuse substitutes. Davis Pharmacy! ...... Judgmantl Sometimes In selling- mutton, too. As "Reaular Haader" sadly notes, " Tba btitchar talis. If tha tula la true. To aaparala tba aheep from tba aoata. f; , . Chicago Tribunal ' 8oriptural Refltetion. : - The 'man with the fading fringe of balr In sort of a festoon from ear te ear serosa the back of bis head stood In a store aud watched a woman pur chasing braids, switches and ao forth. Turn lag sadly away, be mused: ' "Uuto her that bath shall be given but from blm that hath not ahull be taken Sven that which he tint n." Ufa. . ' , ' ' ' TIIH LAKK DRUM-MONO CANAL AND W-ATEB-- COMPANY. . Dismal Swamp " Canal , An Inland Routo, protected from storm..- ,., :.'.; , Nine feet of water minimum depth always. " Quick transit for traffic. .'.' Pltimpt towing. ,'. , . For tolls and-towing rates apply at office in Seaboard Bank Building, and St Deep Creek LockVa. IL K. KINO, J. A. MITTEN Pts. Secy. J. B. BAXTER, Hupt. , . TKa One Thing Wanting. Jn tba aprlna tba kaaa nor'aaatar Inn on Ma Ud eararr. In I ha Bprlns tha voaalartan fada hla foud ailramHf dear. In lha aprlac houaaripanlns dova not Add murh to our haf.plnaaa la tha aiulna thuaa awful palntara KU-I up a oonfuundd ivh. In lha .rln lha poais always . four out Ullolla lra la tha iprlna tha puhlla curaaa Kvaryihtnf lha puata pratM. In tha .rli. lh-t avar kipana Taar by yaar tha uaual Ihlns. N But Invariably trxra ulli( Bprlnjl ta Tnucha llinmrh la Ufa. H CITY tFIIiU" ! :i. v to 1 U t t '.I r t t if it -r t - b- I " , Th City of New l!rn d.'nir l,i,U t fjmih a pair of draft tinrxrs f.ir r.'j u, net than It tt tain !i a Sk'B six to ei-tit y-a:. f!ira-i in'i-t ! l.r-ke, fund, (antlu1 and gl wi.rti and warrsntai an. A 'i ,'fcsa t.ids ti Cliai-man F.ltr-! 0niin.:ti, nim to lie d hvirM cn or Ufurt V. yj Z Mt. 1'JIO. A Falsa Start. The referee held up his hand. " "' Them last two rouuds don't count,' be hoarsely announced. Th' flgbt will have to start all tver again." ... v A low growl ran through the vast audience. v -'''. V . What's th trouble, Reddyl" shriek ed a fiery faced man In the tenth row. The referee squared hla Jaw, "Th' trouble Is," be explained, "that th' moviu' picture man has struck a bod spot In bis film an' th' pictures 1 uo good. Are you ready up there, per feasor? All right Bbake bands, boys." And the battle made a fresh atari- Cleveland risln Dealer... . CASTOR I A , lot Infants and Children. Tlia Kind You Hai3 Atop Bought Bears the BIgnature of ThcPeG)pl 4 cs NEW BERN. N.C. anlc O. PAID ON SAVINGS" STRONG COURTEOUS PROGRESSIVE In 1920 How much money will you have laid aside in 19201 The follow , ing table will show you the result if you deposit a portion of your wages regularly with this bank at 4 per cent interest, compounded twice a year:- DEPOSITED . -AMOUNT , ' EACH MONTH - , . ' . - $ 3.00 - ' - -' : ' - 10.00 -' K 25.00 - 442.00 ' 11 1,473.00 '"3,310.00 - BEGIN WITH YOUR NEXT PAY-DAY WM.DUNN -. PREST. C.D.BRADHAM - VICE PREST.. t- xa.uzzell;:' CASHIER- ' TO THE PUBLIC ; l The New Bern STORES are the equal of any in this : State and should be patronized by . you in preference to ! others. ' l " ; By recent comparison the godds offered by our mer chants were of as good quality and just as cheap' as sim ! pies from an established Northernhousev ' ' If you dont find what you need, show your civic pride and let your merchant order it for you, for by so doing you will encourage our merchants to keep the best of everything at the cheapest possible prices. ..." Thousands of dollars are being sent away annually to enrichen other communities. Lets . keep this money at home and prosper. i ' CHAMBER OF COMMERCE B ' ' Education.- - : A little knowlodri of tha wars of man. A lltila raadlns at tbalr daeda and fatea. A Uttla. auaaaliia at tbalr tbouabta and then 'A quick forgattlnf- ot thatr aamaa and dataa ' . That's history. : - " ,' A Uttla delvlnt In tha tomaa thty pannad, A Utile conning-of tha vara thaf wrtt, A teeblu craaplnt of thatr alma and trand, - A sliadow amm'ry of tbalr nilrtb and Wtt That's lllaratura. . . r A Uttla dabbllna with a salt or two, ' A Uttla mtiMint with a sticky -Mas, A raw aiparlmanta ball . bluodarad ,'- tbrouah, ' A tarlllaht ttlna of a aTptn( auaaa That's acMnoa. ' " Hampton's Maaaalaa X. X. X. DAIRY FEED I KIM) WE THE Quarantee on Bags: Protein ., . Fat ' Fiber ' Carbohydrates ' 15 per cent 2.23 per cent ' 10 per cent ' ' 50 per cent j- B. Ww KILGORE, SELL ' Results of Analysit: .: Protein - 22.25 per cent Fat 6.85 per cent Fiber , 8.29 per cent " Carbohydrates 54.52 per cent State Chemist' r - .. BURRUS & CO. 13 MIDDLE ST. PHONE 184 Never heiitata about giving Cliamber lain 'a Cough Remedy to children. It contains no opium or other narcotics and esn be given with implicit eonfi denca. As a quh Ic cure for coughs and eoida lo wnrrh ehibtret are suaeeptibla, it ia uosarpaaard. Sold byll dealers. The Impartant Quastlan. TaUier.n said tbw nUieteait-yearoM boy, "1 bar couie to ask you to for give me." "What's tbe ma I tar. tny sooT 1 bsva nmrrWd a girt woo U three fears older than I am." "My by, oiy boy Do you know you lave broken tny b'irtr "Ob, I knew that without having to tome bera to Hud It out Hut ars you going t suiirt mr-Chicago ltiv ord lictald. " A Witty Biahop. Tlie lata ttlnhnp Kim-." Mid a Phil di'lhls plir'lclaa, "tni- vlniu-d im for soma trlfllua allinent." ' "Io yoa. I said to him In thr finirw) of niy eiainlu-lliiu. 'tnlk It "'No. ilr.' lit SDwervl. 'I talk i ot t.i-r pwip'a's. Arrn't you swire 1 1. .1 I am a llrlor "-Clocliiiigil l:i H'llrrr, , Hand Made work is our specialty and we do not offer jou any thing that we do not make. Our WHITE HICKORY work ts selling fast, you better see us . before you ; buy we can save you mon ey. Yours truly, ' G. S. THIERS 5 SONS a .11 ii 1 Portsmouth Corned Mullets A nice lot just received Also fresh lot Print Butter, 38c. per IK T YOURS FOR CASH ONLY, ; - J. L. r.IcDanicI 73 P.road 8t. Phono 81 New Bern, N, C. I'ultr n4 what j-1 t' s k.t r.: y l!e ta'J, "Put out y r t -s ITaltr-Atil U-onJ '.. .: j. C'TrwfirV 5 1 u L.i'n mi ti -tle How to Buy Siyi; h, l!!-!i Quality Clothes at Moilcrste.rricrs The quoatioa h hwn solved we've solved it. We spftit months of careful study so that yon tan come here nd mnkc your selections in a very few minutes with ahaoltito aaauranre of Retting the bout and most for your money. Clothe enilusive In d'.ifti, (Correct in tyle, Hipht in quulity and molerat In price. A nioi.g hunclrels of ni'Mlel we can f t every man's form tt J in u I ext.. ml my fn. n.li and to you Mr. Render a rordiitl weleoine t) n-y t-r? anil in-pert our line of clot hes. " r