IVUIU ZafeUisked 1378 fabllshed to Twd Sections, erery Taesday u Friday, at Journal Build taw 4 Me CreTen Street CHAJtLIS L. 8TIYI5S, editor and proprhtor. Official Paper of DraTta Goaty. . : New Bern and SUBSCRIPTION BATEa two Month.. .... .. ,. :. :.$ K Three Koataa,. V li x Month.. . ,; . M Aralre Montha.. w w i. .. M LOO ONLY IN ADVANCE. Th Journal to only aent on pay-ln-tdvance basis. Subscribers will' re elT notice of expiration of their aub criptloaa and an Immediate response to notice wvl oe appreciated by the Journal. 7- - j .... Adrertlslng rates furnished upon application at the office, or upon in- luirr by mal v-.;;; --. i -i' nte d at the Poatof flee, New Bern, K. C as second-class matter. - New Bern, N. C. June, 34. 1910. ELIMINATION OF THE PER SONAL IN POLITICS. Every voter naturally must have a preference in the matter of can didates for each and all political nominations. The personal in pol itics has defeated and destroyed more would le office holders than . lack of principles in the candi dates seeking the offices. Every seeker for political favois has to recognize what may be termed the personal equation, the friendship or hatred of men who have influ ence in naming delegates at prima ries, who are to attend nominating conventions. Every candidate seeking political favor needs most of all the loyalty of his voters at home, be it precinct, ward, county or district. A solid home delega tion gives the candidate at the convention greater force than parts of delegations from each precinct or ward or county, as the case may be. There is a personal duty to the party by the voter. This is in ef fect more after the nomination than before the convention decides by its majority vote. There is a local duty on the part of the citi zen, before the convention, that is too often ignored because of some personal grudge or resentment. It cannot be well contended but that precincts, wards, counties and states that have their own -men elected to fill the respective polit ical offices as they may ascend in honor, have great advantages over the others. Not that men may act unfairly to sections in their dis : trict, but the home has first call upon the man in public office. The elimination of the personal in the local campaign, makes the election of "our home man" the more pos sible. It is very human to keep warm the chance to get even, and yet how often has failure to forget in the desire to settle some persou al grudge, lost an important office to a county, distiict and State, at a nominating convention. The in dividual has gained his fixed de sire for revenge, but at the loss of local political prestige, and ofteu at a loss that is important in pos sible legislation that may mean national gains for the town or dis trict ' . . ,. . . i r, . ALLEGED ANTI BAILEOAD , ' FEVER. . ' It hardly needs the statement, that every business house, each merchant and citizen, and the public whose interests are based upon development and growth, are sincere friends of railroads. . The recent apparent clash be twecn the government and the railroads, on the proposition of the latter to advance freights has pro voked a great amount of comment, by the press and through para phlets, the railroads being special ly active in this literary move ment. Their side of the 'question . pOHsemes. merit, as it should, and yet there is much that the rail roads do not publish that is the real basis for differences that arise between them and the public. The position of railroads towards the public is not that simply of coin . man carrier, hence a public de.o onntraticn every time pa-wongcr or freight - rates may be advance! The pi.Uic U also the investor that hvy the et'K'k or bonds of the railrou.Vn, and so makes possible Children Cry'f or Fletcher's rA j '4 k Y..NXXVXVXXXVNvXV ' . The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been ' in use for over SO years, has borne the signature of aim lias beea made nnaer bis per- 7V2? sonal supervision since Its Infancy. t-((On&Zi - Allow no nnfttn derail va von ill this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but ' Experiments that trifle with and -endanger the health, of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing' Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its :i;:o is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms . and allays Fevcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind . Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation V,' and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach nud 1 towels, giving healthy and natural Sleep. The Children's Panacea. The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of J The Kind You Have Always Bought For Over 30 Years ' In Use YHt CENTAUR COMPANT, 7? MURRAY STREET, NEW TORN CITY. protests, and it' the true investiga tion be revealed, the hner per centagc of blame u ill In- Comet on the part of the railroads, for the railroad corporation is not. the on ly corporation that, occasionally se riously takes the position That it. is superior to t he pi-ople, therefore the government., so that these con tentions take the forms of 1 ic an ces, and they nave to le curbed in order to make them fullv realize the fact that the created is not higher and stronger than the cre ator. In the olVenshe sense, t here can be no anti radio. id fever. There arc periods when railroad management is noteiiiitalle, s lien the public rebels, but al, the same time there is no destructive scnti ment prevalent that mean rail road eflacenient as some raiboad people miht wish set forth. NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD SEASHORE OUTING SPECIAL Effective Sunday June, 19, 1910. The first Sunday Seashore Outing S)H'cial will be inaugurated Sunday June 19. 1910 between Raleigh and Beaufort ami return. Excursion rates will be in effect, no ba8gage will be checked for thin train. No stops will be made be tween New Bern and M City in either direction. Train will fun on the follow ing schedule: r 15 am Lv. Raleigh Ar. 12 30 a m CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature Notes falling it m; on Sunday, or on s legal holiday, must be paid the dij urevlouk. How's This? We offer One 'iiuiHhv.l DoHnm Reward for any en.se uf ('nt.inli that .-annul be cured hv Hall's Catarrh Cure. P. J. CIIF.N'V.Y & CO., Tole do, O. We, the undersigned, have known P. J. Cheuey for the last 15 yeara. and believe him perfectly lionorulil in all business transactions and nu aneially able to carry out any nbli trillions nindo by his Inn. WALDINO, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale RriicgiU, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, noting directly upon the b&od and - mucous sin faces of the sytclem. Testimonials sent free Price 75c, per bottle. Sold by till Druggist. Take Hall's Family Pills for con stipation. 5 30 " ' Boushall ". 12 00 5 41 " " Knightdale" 1146 pm 5 07 " " EagleROik" 11 36 " 6 02 " " Wendell " 11 30 " 6 12 " " Zebulon " 11 15 " 6 27 ' " Middlesex " 11 00 " 6 38 " " Bailey " 10 46 " 6 43 " " Neverson " 10 38 " 7 1( Wilson " 10 13 " 7 17 " " Evansdsle " 9 58 " 7 29 ' " SUntonsburg 9 49 " 7 17 - " Valstonburg 9 34 " 8 04 ' " Farmville " 9 20 " 8 14 " " Arthur " 9 10 " 8 : " " Greenqllle " 8 61 " 8 51 " " Simpson ' 8 31 " 9 02 " " Grimesland 8 21 " 9 (X) " " Bryan " 8 13 " 9 31 " " Washington 7 48 " 9 50 " " Chocowinity 7 39 " 9 56 " " Fredrick 44 7 33 " 10 10 " " Bragaw " '7 W " 10 25 " " Vanceboro" 7 06 " 10 36 " " Ernul " 6 64 " 10 42 " " Askins " 6 48 " 10 56 " " Bridgeton " 6 38 " 1105 " Ar. New Bern Lt. 6 80 " 11 10 " Lv. " " Ar. 6 25 12 10 pm ' M. City " 6 15 12 15 " " AUantic Hotel 5 10 " 12 25 " " Beaufort Lv. 5 00 pm iSWJMbjro Letter. Swanstoro. June 22. Wa learn that Mr. W. X Maor of Wilmington, has recently purchased the island near here frov Dr. Shaw, of Myiill. Thia may mean a hotel, either there or in Swans- It was Children's Day at thi Method' ist charc last Sunty evening. The recitatioip were all good which showed special care under the training of their teacher Miss Lula HatselL Tlie .recita tion and f ng by liitle Maud Bell Tay lor,' three yiars of age was especially Citptaia" George Littleton and crew caught 51 large drum, 200 bluo fish be sidea quite a number of other kinds last Modday at one haul." :.; ' We are glad to hear that steps are beintr tilten to establish an automobile line' frojm Maysville to Swansboro. We trust this may be done soon,' as it is badly heeded and we believe it would pay'aWidsome profit, as a good many mor people would come here through the summer season. Fiahint with hook and line is fine soori bow. Fresh fish and clams now every dx an our docks, Messrs John Pittmau and Dave Ward have the best corn and cotton crops we have sefln this season. . COUSIN PHIL. GLAD TO RECOMMEND THEM Mr. E. Weakley, Kokomo. Ind. save; "After taking Poleya Kidney Pilb, the severe kackache left me, my kidneys became stranger," the secretions natural and any bladder no Jonger pained me. : am glad to recommend Foley Kidney Kills,!' . Jo a yellow package. JJavw Pharmacy. Great Agricultural College. FASIIIOII'S REALH For the Woman Who Travels. The woman who has straggled with the problems of d ratting lo a sleeping car, where do space la provided to the dressing room for the accommodation nf braahea, combs and other necessary toilet articles, will appreciate this clever Uttla apron, which holds all the iailet needs, each rocked an ugly Into a 1. n the developement of North Caro- lina'a industries, the North Carolina College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts' is taking a foremost part Its students are giving their lives to im proving our farming, our trucking, our dairying and stock-raising. They are rapidly making their way into our fac tories, pur electric power-houses, and our shops. They are helping to build our roads, our bridges, and our railroads. Indeed, they are just the men needed at this stage in the State's growth. We are glad to note that more young men thhn ever before are seeking, through this weil-equipped institution, a place in our industrial progress. We call at tention to the advertisement in this issue.' f It Might Have Dn. Tbe waiter brought the orflor. . "Walter.", roared th Iiuiu.it client whafs ihUr . "It's bean soup sir," anawrred thf waiter. "So It took," sgritHl the en.!. jar per1 Wwktv. A woman wlio has to attract atten tion by Improprieties never heads ttt .-ontMtoa. J Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is told on a guarantee that if you ara notsatia- Ad after using two-thirds of a bottle according to directions, your money will r refunded, it is up to you to try, SoW by all dealers. CHEAP ROUND TRIP TICKETS VIA- SOUTHERN RAILWAY - TO ' BOSTON, MASS. . Woman Account National Educational As sociation, Boston, Mass, July, 2nd-8th, 1910, the Southern Ry., announce the sale of exceedingly low round trip tick i'tn. 1 ickcU fof this occasioo will be on sale June 26, to July 2, inclusive, with final rrturn limit July 14, with 4rivuVge of having limit extonded until S t 15, by personally depositing tick i-t with Special Agt, and paying fee of '! I'.vx on 1 I 1 i i t II ion of all h t i T j . ) i. . ; r t Every woman may not b haml tome, but every woman should! $1X). Rates from some of the princi- acp wun care trie good points ;pai pmu win te a toiiows. - FROM 4 ; Rah igh, N. C, $28 06 GoUUboro, N. C, 26 65 . Durham, N. C, 26 00 Chapel HiU, N.C, 26 00 Burlington; N. C., , 26 00 RaU-s alo In proportion from all other points. For further Information re (yinling'rates srhedulcs Pullman rrer valiuns etc., call on your nmr nt s'' ' or akilrcni Ui umljTuijrr.wl. w. il'parmxl, - T reveling r'nKfr Aut, lUWgh, N. C. uitu.to ha given her. No woman seed have sallow skin, dull eye. blotchy complexion, who pays proper attention to her health. vVhereconstipation.livrrdoranfre menta. blood impurities and othct jrregularitiea exist, good complex, ion, bright eyea and prij,litl rriovemrnts cannot exinl Internal Wmngnnant rcvrtl themlv wi yt Ulr on lh ,ur(ir. 1 1. l..i hf, Urii nut , mttmaA lh ryrt, tnllow lin, for itant lir4 flin nmiil lht Iit -nrrmi Itfrf,. I Vhnibrlaiii ft Uicnmli ftnc t ir I ol.Wla iy th ticrmf hrip 1 .- wwh in aatM.-' an I K, dn mat i fntU rf thy , f H. nn ..r,t I -.1 (h, ! m. .Im in- I li TUB OONVBHIKHT TBAVSUNO APBOR. convenient pocket Tbe pockets art supplied with flaps and snap buttons, and when not In use tbe apron dresser may be folded up anugly and tucked luto the traveling bag. This apron la made of soft gray English mohair, with red Bilk linings to tbe pockets. but any other Arm lightweight mate rial might be qsed. Children Gry ; j FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA .:' - v.. . : . ; SpeaklDg of desirable relghthors loods of course wa all desire to live on Easy street. WHAT EVERYBODY OUGHT TO S 5 KNOW ; ! Thai Foley Kidney Fills contain iujt the ' ingredients necessary to tone. strengthen and regulate the action of be kidneys and bladder. Davis Phar- ; ITT " : i England's New King. - ' On two occasions has King Ororge T. inafl a cruise round the world. Ural In 187J aud later In 11)01. : Klui George V. I the thirty-fourth king who has occupied the KuKlixb throa since tbe Norman coiigumt. Durbig bis vUlt to Camilla In 1008 King George appealed on behalf of a youos; , Canadian condemned to death, and the sentence was commuted. . ' King George V. la tbe most "widely traveled niouarch lo history. No other roy alts, eminent conquuror or niodorn globe (rotter baa seen a quarter' of tba surfacf of tbe globe covered by King Utmrga) or made acquaintance with half M many different landa and peo- Short Stories. About Bathing 8ults. Tbe aquure Dutch neck la a serious rival to tbe sailor colli as a finish to bathing suits this season. On tbe beach tbe latter Is undoubtedly tbe more Jaunty .looking, but lu tbe water and Indeed after a wetting tbe neat square neck is tbe more desirable. A bathing suit of good mohair (black and bluei made In semlprinceas funb Ion. tbe full, plain "skirt trimmed around tbe bottom wltb a band of white mohair, outlined with black and white fancy braid, would be service able. A . well shaped panel placed down the front and tbe belt to corre spond wltb the skirt trimming would be a desirable fin lab. tbe square neck finished with a broad band of mobnlt trimmed wltb three rows of tbe braid. tbe aleeves puff a. ' m- Popular Trimmings, Tbe most, popular trimmings for plain dnrk silks and shantungs are tba embroideries done In oriental color Ings and patterns, and tbe trimming departments of the large shops bavs furnished tbem abundantly. Of course when such work la put directly on gown Ita effect la enhanced, bat the ready made trimmings are easily mad one with tbe fabrics which tbey trim eltber wltb band stitches or wltb braids. Some of the handsomest of tbese trlmmlnga are done on coarse linen In alike of cashmere colorings. Touches of aucb trlmmlnga on tba col lar, cuffs, fa pals, etc, do much to raise a costume from the ordinary to tba smart. . V - No Chance fr a Miracle. . ' One day Dr. Norman . McLeod. wbo waa a large and healthy man. and one of bis burly elders went to pay a vUlt to a certain Mrs. Mat Lareo of tbe con gregatlon wbo lived 16 tbe Scotch bills Bbe waa a frugal woman, but deter mined that they abould bare tbe best In tbe booee. Bo she piled tbe table wltb Jellies and Jam and preserves and shortbread. -and tbey partook no . Tba" salary of tbe lieutenant general vt the United States army Is $11,000. I spsrlncly. There are now 1.B00 societies and ; After tbe meal the elder said to ber, groups for tbe propagation of Expe- f "Mrs, UacLaren, were you at tbe kirk rauto apuaiea in an pans or me worm. on Bonaay r : aiopaf are at III unknown lu Spain. I : Oh. aye." abe said. 1 waa.' Tbe diant and strong winds make It 1 "And what did you think of tbe treat nacecaarr to wssb floors dally, but It Bent Of tbe miracle T The sermon la donelby servants o the old wsy. I had been on the loavea and Babes. . On fne battleship Mississippi tba l thought It was good," said Mrs. men nrkit and nubilnh a little monthly i VacLareo, magattae ehrouk-llng news of naval "And what la your Idea oo tba anb- affalra od llfp aboard ship. Tbe title chosen for the perludkal Is the Ulasla alppl Babble. - , i .. ?The Astronomers. " . ' .. Astronomy Isn't aucb a a exact ad euce after alL-IUItlinnre ftuu. , Wa Wore that tbe axt mourners go back t the bunion of try lug to find out whether atars U Inhublted.-Cnl-cago Hurord fli-rald. Wbtin'the comet cornea aguld In 10H3 pwbably I he Verken otiervatory will bare a atqiply of eiptatiatlmis and cor rerttonni and retract loua already , on baiid.-Kiii-Mn CUT Htar. Th6picsBank NEW BERN. N.C. O, PAID ON O SAVINGS STRONG COURTEOUS PROGRESSIVE July 1st Reinvestments The first of July is the time when many people re ceive the semi-annual interest on their investments, and infact when a large number obtain the principal itself on securities' The money thus received should t not remain idle but should immediately be deposited at interest. ' Our Certificates of Deposit bear 4 per . cent and alford unquestioned security. .J , WM.DUNN C.D.DRADHAM -.4. VICE PR EST. , TA.UZZELL CASHIER TO THE PUBLIC , The New Bern STORES are the equal of any in this State and 'should be patronized by . you in preference to others. ' . ' By recent comparison the goods offered by bur mcr chants were of as good quality and just as cheap as s un pies from an established Northerahouse. If you dont find what you need, show jour, civic pride and let your merchant order it for you, for by so doing you will encourage our merchants to keep the best of everything at the cheapest possible prices.; Thousands of dollars are being sent away ? annually to enrichen other communities.: Lets keep this money at home and prosper. . , 'k ' Chamber of Commerce Hand Made work is our specialty and we do not offer you any thing that we do not make. Our ' WHITE HICKORY work is selling fast, you better see us . before you buy we can save you mon ey. Yours truly, C - G. S. WATERS & SONS BURGLARY FRIGHT ; is very unnecessary when a policy in the Maryland Casualty Co., covering residence or store against theft of every description costs so very little. A number , of these policies are held at New Bern. : ' The Maryland Casualty Co., also covers accident health, plate-glass, .boiler, fly wheel and other bran ches of casualty insurance..: A burglary policy pro tects in the owners absence just the same. Try one. W. G. BOYD, Afct SURETY BONDS, REAL ESTATE, Booms 320-321 ElksvHuilding INSURANCE Telephone 400 Alihougtt monir li the rHt of ril, th nnst auv.?.il 'o la Ut i' t fi. Jert. Ura. UscLarenT" asked tbe mln later. "Lceh," aald tbelr bostem suddenly Tb thlnklo' tbst If yoa and tbe elder bad bin la tbe congregation tber wadna bin twelve bankets of frag nients for the dlaclplea to gather upf London Globe. Clinching the Argument. The late Kelt Burgees uaed to clinch with ao knecdote bis claim that athe ists were always Ignorant . "A coumo, swaggering fellow," h would If Kin. "declared In a bartx shop; 'I dun't tcllerf In no hereafter Ye lire aud die, and that'a the end of ye "T'ny. you mut be a Unitarian, fieorpe,' the bartwr aald. "'Itnh, net tin-. tlis rn,Aj. Tni fo f.imt o' mint fr tbaL'" Kua Qltf Rmr. Hit Cam. rniie any tln-re la a sucker born every ii.liiute." "1 d.iu't know anyltilnif slniut Ihut," f - i-eii.t,-. the 'iutii-nt truM li -i -lhM "N-ir 1. I cure, j Im ,g uf V. " .t.,!, rnte t ulilnmtrt ri- m.-. u r-- " i -: it r.i l.iry iih It "-J , l - Physicians Advice the use of a goodhxatlve, to keep the bowels open and prevent the poisons of undigested food Iron getttiiKlnto your Kystcm. The latest product ot scicik l VtLVO Ux.itlvo Liver Syrup, purely vegetable, .tl, reUable and of a pk-asant, arnmatic taste. VtKo aits un ll liver, a writ as on the stomach and bowels, and Isol tl greatw.t rnssllto ellkacy In constipation, indigestion, ' billousnes, alrk heaJsdie, levertshnev;, a lic.latulcnce, etc. Try f 5 H nn 1 1 ru'Tfnfr Li - lAl U i. ..Ut W i a, Fox nivcr i lliil P,f f At 1 J 0On Wa lb. YOUP.3 TOR CASH ONLY, W e II .. 4 1 ('. li r i ij t i 1

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