.1 ' i 1 rBlk fe Mftei!l t . i i No. 37 NEW BERN. CRAVEN-COUNTY. N. C. FRIDAY AUGUST 5, 1910 SECOND SECTION." 33rd. YEAR , U -r i -HI 1 f v . I . II l f v J . T r lit t I J t ' : ' 1 1 f GUHHJUA Pffl : PULP LULL SOLD At The property Yesterday under v Receivership v.. ; . Bale. . . " The receiver of the Carolina paper ' Pulp Mill Company, R A Nunn and T D Warr n Bold the entire property of the . company yesterday; S R Street cting -aa. auctioneer, ' , ' There a ere about BO in attendance at 12 'o'clock and the sale lasted, unit) nearly 6 o'clock There was a certain amount of the personal property of the- company that had been attached for debts and tbis waa first sold, bringir g ' The next proceeding and which took nearly all tbe afternoon, waa the sel ling of .the vast amount of machinery. boilers tanks etc but aa the property was afterwards put up for sale as a whole, all this went for nothing;, and veiy many fine 'bargains"! were only in imagination, as the total bid was low er than '.he aggregate smaller sales. The roal estate consisting of ten aeres ef land, buildings etc, together with ail Content except the part .attached which sold $1180, waa sold for $10,000, the buyer being John S:ewart, presumably for tho New Bern Banking and Trust O mpany which held the. first mortgage of $14,000 The timber lands lying in Craven and Pamlico count its were then sold and were, mainly bii in by A D Ward Trustee, there being one or two other buyers, an1 the lands brought $2525 ' Finally all the properly: was put up as a whole but as there was no iotI bid above $13. 705 .the' aggregate of tbe three salsa, these latter stand if confirmed by the court. ; ' The history of the Carolina Pulp mill has been most disastrous.: It is ; per haps idU ti go into the details of tbe smash, but the outcome is as follows; there ware three : sets of mortgages oi the property amounting to $28,000. The holders of the fir it mortgage" pro tected themselves by buying in the real estate and buildings and equipment for $10 000, tha face of the mortgage, the second mortgage owned by Mr. Wah of Kentucky of $10,000 laW, and the third moitgage of $6,000 wss protected by the local persons holding jt by the buying in ot tbe timber lands for $2&25. The various stockholders ' lost a 1 they put in. About $1C6,00Q in stock wai feubacribed and a good del sm bought by small investor! and this I is peculiarly unfortunate. All the debit . of the concern amounted to $50,0(0and :; an inviting field oMnqiiry exiata aa to : the financial operations. The property - had been offered for sale and Its value i estimated a high as $140,000. It is thought, probable that tbe mill will fioaily be reorganized and made a go ing concern by the Duffy Interests who now are in control. Tv ' PoocProduct. 1 . , "I'm a aelf nmde m'un. I am." , "Well, there la one thing you needn't worry sbotu." ' "Wbai lshtr ; , ( Taking out a patent" ' J fy Ths HMviest MeaL ,v" "When do you take tbe bra lent meal 1 the dsrr asked a batfbelor of a married man. , "When y wife cooks It," caue lbs reply. -, . . ' ' s Ths Rstort Direct. . ' "S4fe lu re.' t ried the artist who hud cohir to . I'lnplnlu about tbe umteiiaui he Imil tt iiiitlit. "I can't , Imnglue any Ibliiu woiw tlmu your palota." . ThHt'a atriiiige.' replied the dealer "Dou't you ever use your Imagination on yc-jr n luting r-Cathollc Jgiandard and i'lnie. . - .i Houeskeepcrt Profit Tkld By Big Fruit It Is said that there has never been as much canning of fruits and vsgsta- bles In all parts of (he state as there Is this season. Nut only are tbe growers putting op large quentiea for borne use and for aale. but Sn exceptions laras number of town people are buying the materiel by the buahel and canning for uae'durina the winter; Much of this increase I due to special effort by the stats depsrtmentof agriculturs through 'a special Cu'lotln on canning and moth odd of canning all kinds of fruit and vejrf tallies. The methods aresosimls and txplicity ititod that housekeepers f. I in linn rnadilv maVbic uta of Ilia opportunity through una .nl)y abundant J- vieUls of both vegetables ami fruit ThebulUlin ie thoroughly lilutrald and has benn sent throulitout tb state broailuaat. Aa it-a iiipply lj on bai.d to be naild out In ratir-n to any re queat that CnmM. Tbe bj'Ut;8 is the work of Asiletsi.t i:.uli nlturaliat Siaw and was prejure.l af;r t'.a moat Complete tenia extenJii J t!,rc. h SV Oral raMins ail (Ira, r nn b-t results Mnin!. In tie l .f ),e L'iii'J r!it- ! ; r'.. !.. I). U-, re It bfg It In.!- ' U t '; I' f dni.ii..l f t t'.e t t . i j ., . k I I I r 1 k' 1 I I I i t i. :i 5 J ( . ..: y 1 1 t I r I'j ... . gippeii nori III GRASP OF Lf Fugitive Dentist and Girl Com panion,; Hiss Leneve,' Arres . ted on Inner Montrose. " Father Point, Quebec, Aug. 1 Dr. Hawley , Harvey Crippaa and Ethel Clare Leneve, "iia. stenographer, -wbo fled from London after the disappear ance of Belle Elmore, thadoctoi 'a wife, were arrested here today, aboard the Canadian Pacific liner Montrose, at the command of inspector Dew, 6f Scotland Yard. . . yv-.c The identification of the" lour-aooght fugitives, ; on board the fog-ahrouded steamer, by thrlfagHsh detective, who had raced across the Atlantic ahead of the Montrose, marked the culmination of one of the most sensational flghta in recent criminal annals. Accompanied by the Canadian officers, he boarded the vessel at 8:30 o'clock yeaterdny, - and fifteen minutes later both man and girl were locked in their ttate rooms, Crip pen, broken in spirit, but mentally re lieved by relaxed tension, tbe .girl,, garbed in boy's clothes, sobbing hyster ically. They were not long the "Rev. John Robinson add ton," aa booked from Antwerp on July 20lh, : , ' ; After.; a .brief delay, the Montrose continued her ,16 1 miles journey op the river towards yibec, where, the jail awaited the :pair. Crippen ja charged with the' murder of an unknown wo man, believTed ia have been his actress wife. The girl lg hold aa an acceMory fo charge . of llnspHitor Dew, they will be taketi back to England for trial oh the Royal 1 ne steamship Royal George, leaving Quebec 0c Thursday next. : Chaldean Tublets. ' The I'luy inhietH ot x 'lm idea, proh stily .the vr eiirlln! wrlittin nmte finis iiim1 by mini.. wtiv t"dHffereni, r.. the liirtieirt lielna flat and tueas tiring ll liy l'4 lm lie, while the miusII et W4re allKliity 'ranrw and lu aonie cjim not loo rv ttiaa aa riH-U ouit. In the aume nilna Willi Ilia talAetM bay been , found the ftiaMe lenient whk-b 'Wrrw.iweft by tbetf rriMVHC Tb writ log waa dour. H liU the tablets were atlll soft, by a little Iron tracer, not pointed, but trlancular at the end. By sltKhtly iireHnliig tblH end on the aoft moist clay the Inwrlptloua were made The tablets, having lien loaf rlbed on both aldea and accurately ponibered were baked In orena and stybed away In tbe , atate libraries. htew Tork American. - Y A Mletske Somewhere i 'la It true. Mlsa Oertle.?. e astd. "that tbeire' are Just two tb(pga a wo man will jump at a conclusion and a mouse r" - - ? . ! No" ah answered: ttbara-la a third. Mr. Phfllp." . i i $ i After thinking the matter over a few mouenra be tremblingly made her an offer, but sue diau t gamp at it Be was not the right man, I . -t-t -it' : ;-. Dlea'on Board Boat Capt. G. Allan Eubank s, of Hog U and and CapUmonthelauuch'Coirii.ne' died in thia riiy lata Menday after noon wbila on board bla beat. Capt. Eubank a had been feeling un well for acveral days prior to his death but being off on a trip could not get medical aid.- Upon reaching thia city Monday morning he visited a 1 pny slcian and was adviaed to go to the hospital. Thisshe intended doing but it waa necessary for hiin to return to the boat before doing so and while there was taken violently ill and several hours later death ensusd. , He la survived by a young wife and one chll bla father ami one sister. Th remains were taken to the family burying ground at Cowpea - Landing vnteiday morning and there interred. A Great Aasistanee. "Oood iimtuIiw T Kreeted tbe yoani man In the threadbare suit. Tbe mllilonulre turned s round tn bis ptvun cbalr. -1.-1 think you ki tbe advantage of me. yuunc oiao, no seia auoaouj.. Wbr. don't you remember Be. eirt I am broke. Two yeera ago you told me If I ever went broke to ooie around and e yon." J he tnllllooalre btmnied a benevolent amile. ft 1 did. tut ana: ao I did. Uere la the vnreloi all ready for yoo. The youna- tnau took tbe bulky en- loi. aod bis aplrtts roe Ilk tbe UHrrury on a July day. Ab. a llitlaltan(-e. I suppoeer. "No; a arcst aatiUtauca. It ta a valu- able Utile pa rophM I wrote during my stare time eutlilfd liow to uc uroce sud Happy. "-C'hk-go News. ParaiM (hawla. Tlie "ahdl"' vt fcerumo -wbeure our word "aliawl""-U mad of Konta' nnlr. Like the furix-l. be t utterni ar learoi-d tiy toeit. an ft i eveu nin-r. t'hlltro lm L It la ellniniwl Unit hem lbaiiav aotiU of atul KTk I lit It mia 0. yr. The ft newt "' rr Coiie I niierii. s rt. li ctor n. i I. t u ; ( l.nl.r lor I lie " ei niir ol I lie I 1 lure. atUo wont It aa u le ot hiii..r t-u lis .Vtir 1 i-,.r a rtt ISO nil 111 i SW National ! Biscuit Company- To Make thia City a : ; : It seem funny doesn't it? By rea son of the very fad that Uaeetfe Bis cuit baa been adopted into practically every hom ia the eitf , it now becotnee neceasaif to- establish H (a a teeel aosaa of its own. ' That ia lust the) reason the National Biscuit Company ia establish ing an agancy in thia city.- lha de mand for Unoeda Biscuit and its kind red products of tbe baker's art baa in creased to such ' an ' extent that it Is no longer feasable to supply it ia the usual way by diieet shipment to the local dealers, Instead, an agency, will be, establiahed in this city .at Na 13 Middle street under the. manage ment of Mr. Chaa. Sartung it. '' -- There Ua logical reason for the pop ularity of . Uneeda -Biscuit, lu intro duction really marked a feed epoch. . Until withla -a few years ta pwreh- aeer f crackers or biscuit bad aa-cHatce but to bay from an open box or barrel ft they chanced to be cUaa when they left the barrel, they were more or lew broken by the time they had been car ried home in a paper bag They were stale or more so, depending on whether the barrel bad been open one day or many. - jV,- j'i.Y ;.;'' Such waa the condition of affaire which the " National Biscuit . Company determined to overcome, in tbe pro duction of Uneeda' Biscuit made of tbe beat material the world affords, by methods of. baking that have been brought to an exact science. Uneeda Biscuit ia today the superlative of tbe soda cracker, and the staff of life in a million tiom.ee. Quickly following Uneeda Biscuit came' other delicloua products of the baker's art, perfected in the - same bakeries, -and protected ia the same packages. Among these are theOy- sterettee, Baronet Biscuit Graham Ct ackers, Social Tea Biscuit, Zu Zo Git get Snaps and others. All nave. their crisp deliciousneee and purity aa sured to the consumer ' by the trade mark of the National Biscuit Company on each end of the package. Tbe new agency will be a convenience and- advantage to deal and consumer slike and under the able management of Mr, Hortung will become a feature of the commercial landscape, -r Death Of Mrs Slrmondi Oa-U oaday vAogaat-flset sad awcy Jrem earth eae erf these eereet' pirite, waeaa daily .Ufa 4ee constant benediction to all 4heee fortunate- en- ughto come 4a eoataet crtta -taem, Miae Cluia" to all who knew her. Mrs Chiatopber Slrmoad, to the world passed into eternal rest August first, and the funeral services and interment of the tired body took place the day following, August Mcoad. ' 'Miae Chrio" waa the sister of Miss Sarah Davis of Bcaafott, who mourns bar loan aa a severe one, yet ia not without the divine help, ail human sympathy in her haverement The thoue anda who know Miae 8arah ,wlll fee) for bar In her deep sorrow at d console her as beet they may with tL.ir tend era of sympathy. . :, ' . .. - ' Motke. . i Our annual 8. S. picnic will be at Lee'a Chapel Jones Co. Auguat 8, 1910, SijeaklaK and refrsshmente rn the grounds. ; . "' i Come friends and bring your dinner baaketa, ' ' ' i 4 t ' Bcatth of taereopla Waahington, Aug. S -At last the United States government la taking a forward step ia looking after the health ot the people. It is ia line with the same breadth ef policy which baa: ac complished so murk la the paat ia look ing after the health of hogs. Tan aa- coursgemedt cornea fram the, fact that the health eonservatioa report preper ed a year ago by Irwin Fisher baa been reprinted by eongteee and is now avail able for free distribution. Aay clttsea msy write to Senator Robt L, Owen, Washington, D. C. and receive free of charge a copy of "National Vitality; Ita U'aste end Conservation " This is a good sisad volume of much Interest and great Importance, f - r l I . We take pleasure ta presenting the namt of thu!lolnr geatlentea be fore t'.s DenKxvatic County C-aventloa ft County (.'omn.ilnner. It will ba no'.Kf I tt.at two are from New llern, tut we I :::e it 'a fur the teat Inter et cft,'", ,'yt'ave two eoniniia- a. !,; 1 1 l . t. i ij: ir, c , n. . t rar.jrert . N. 11. I. V,'i CAVLN county VOT T'.S. eeee .!ark8t ri2 -v Ycrk Cottca eeeeoe . ' . J Special to JournaL New York, Aug. 1. Notwithstand ing reports of raw in Oklahoma' aid aortharn Texaa cotton advance! and waa strong throughout the day, f Spot quotations five points lower, no sales. LATHAM ALEXANDER & CO Special to Journal , ' ' New.Yoric, August 2. -The Cavern- sseat report was about aaexpecfiA to day and prices reacted moderately on profit taking. The undertone wafirm on good buying. Spot quotations 10 higher. No aales. : , . ' LATHAM, ALEXANDER & CO. Special to Journal. t New York, Aug. 3. Cotton was very Strong today, on reports of hot dry weather in Texaa and Oklahoma.!' Spot sales $,000 bales at fifteen points ad vance. I y. LATHAM, ALEXANDER & CGr - ,. Aaotncr Town Beard From" New Bern baa every reason to feel proud over the success of her Bicen tennial celebration last week. AU who visited the city were charmed wit$ what they saw. Greenville Refllector.n . Two Railroad Promotions! Two promotions in the railroad world that will be read of witlv interest; are tbose ot Mr. W, W, Croxton and .-Col. H. C. Hudgins, of the Norfolk-South- Mr. Croxton. who haaieen the assis tant general passenger sont, has been promoted to the position of general passenger agent, while Colonel Hud gins, who haa heretofore been the gen eral freight and passenger agent, be comes the general freight agent of the Norfolk -Southern. . These are two popular railroad ( fa cials, whose activity in the service has been such aa td make them of groat value, and worthy of any promotions. ; "v.'V'' -..,...- r ..'Visi-v-1 Poiaan In Young Rattlaanakos. ' Oboervathins on - live rutl-iinimfces how 'that tbe polsou gin itds bex-otue functlonMlly . active as soon as the snakes beKln to shift for themselves. which must be very soon after birth ExpertiiientH on tlio yotmx ones hIx days after lilrtb proved the presence of venom In suinll oiiHntllles. Experi ments mndc three tnmit ha after birth showed that vonsldentlilt- renoni Is accreted, as a pigeon' Intiociiliited ai tkhTtlsncillrd lnimr hount with the ajrniPiainc f chronic polMoulng. Too .Csreful. Aa old maa was brought np before a country Judge.' ,:''" v k -"Jethro," said fbe judge, "you are accused of steailug vjeoernl jnlinson cbk'kaua. Have Joit soy wltneMtiest" "No. sab." old jetbro answered haugbttly. , "I bub not. sab. I don't steal chickens befo' witnesses, san Ulnnea polls JournaL Ixpreaa Their Appreciation. -. - ! Mm Doubtfeea one Of the most successful and interesting features of the Bi-Cen tcnnial celebration waa the Historical exhibit which waa located in the Griffin Auditorium. Now that the exhibit has been removed and all of the interesting relics that were used have been return ed to their owners, the ladies who had the exhibit in charge wish to express their thanks to those who so kindly loaned many of the antiquities (or the exhibit. ; ,. ' t S18XM.S JFJJISTKSS New . Bern Teople Should Know How to Bead aod Heed Them ! .. Sick kidneys give many signals, of distress. Tbe secretions are dark, contain a aedimeat, ' : Paasagee ate frequent, scanty, pain ful. ' Backache ie constant day and night Headacbea and dixty spellaarofre) quant- ?, The weakened kklneys -need quick help. . Don't; deUjt Use a ipecial kiinsy remedy. , Doan's Kidney Pills cure sick kidney backache and urinary disorders. New Bern evidence proves this statement. C B. Harper, It tfetealf street. New Barn, N. C. says: "I ased Doan's Kid say nils, obtalDSd from Bradhsm's Pharmacy ani they promptly romorad tbe pain In my back. I have no bes ItaUoa In rocommemlliig thorn to any one itifTeHnf from kidney trouble.1 For nil L; all dnalsra. l"rica (0 ynia.. roaU-r tlilbura Co., flutfalo, f:aw Tork, ,.! ss-nLs for tbe Called F.'.atea. -Lhar tlie aame Doas's aa4 eeeeeeeeeeee-eee-e lake no o;r. sums riot DESPITE TROOPS Smash. Cars and Assault Kon-1 Union Men in Col- I umbusv v J Columbus, 0 Aug. 2. Assaults on street cars and non-union crews were resumed today, in spite of the 8,000 armed soldiers of the Ohio National Guards who are on duty to aid civil au-1 thonties in preserving the peace. I A Leonard avenue car was attacked at a switch near the end of the line. I The motorman . and conductor were I taaen on ine car, tne current turned on I full and the car, running Wild, ' dashed I west on Leonard avenue. At St. Clair I avenue it collided with another car, but I no serious damage waa done. . . Major General (Senator) Charles Dick I assumed command Sunday, Brigadier I General William V. McMaken taking An invitation was immediately ex command of the First brigade and Gen- tended to the veterans of Virginia to eral John C. Speaks the Second brigade, hold their re-union in this city at the these three officers will be held respon-1 same dates on which the North Caro sible for their respective districts. ' I linians will be here and it ia expected Tbe arrival of the Fourth and Eighth I regiments and Troop B from Marietta I Sunday afternoon brought the number of soldiers on duty in Columbus up to I 3,000. The Institute For the colored teachers of Jones County will be held in Trenton, N, C, beginning August 8th. 1910, All teachers of public schools for the colored race are required to attend con- tinously during the session of said in stitute. K, F. FOSCUE. Supt. Schools for Jonea County I July 26, I Pollock8Vllle Items. I Pollockaville, Aug. 2d.-The annus 1 Sundby school picnic at Oak Grove laet Thursday waa one of tbe beBt it hts been our pleasure to attend. The fes tivitiee of the day were opened with prayer by the pastor, Rev. P. Gretn- ing, who delivered a very' appropriate lecture to the. children. Miss Lur lie Whitty presided t the organ moat ad mirably, after which Mr. A. J. Hargett the Superintendent announced that Jir ner would be spread on a table erected in tne grove lor tbe purpose, and my such a dinner, enough to have fed one thousand people, probably there a aa five hundred on the ground, and lemon ade free ty the barrel. There was a ball game In the afternoon, the weather was very hot but everybody seemed to . . .u..,,. - I a t ft a a i ? . . t . Annual ounuay scnooi picnic at iee a I vnapei ua r riuay aug. oin, we puouc is cordially Invited to come with well filled baaketa. v Mr. Wade Foy, of Richmond, ia on a visit to bis patents. - Mr. Elmer Foy has purchased an au tomobile. -V ' ' ' TECOMCIA. five CaUona Waatcd J. E. Cnmeron, Deputy Collector of Revenue, attended by Police Officers I pock and Parker, made a pleasant lit tie excursion to Vanceboro yesterday and by way of amuaement visited a lit tle neck of woods half a mile from town where strange to relate they saw 2 gallona of rum and eeveral gal ons ol beer. Also there waa a atill and other apparatus that U required to manufact are these liquid refreshments. . 1 be tbree excursionists were so sur prised at this exhibition of wrong do ing that they immediately proceeded to cut Into small pieces the apparatus and to water tbe ground with tl e gsl Ions aforesaid. Tbe only disappoint. meat ock the' trip was the fact that there waa no one there to receive them and so no arrests were made. The par ties bad taken to the tall timber and it ia thought that they are still going aome Be cause it Kaowl Better. The way to epell the name of that progressive old town tnat recently, tn handsome ehape. celebrated its bi-ccn tennial la Nsw . Barn, Raleigh News and Observer. Ie that eoT Why . doesn't the New Bern Journal apell It that way then T Norfolk Landmark. ' v rinda Tarantula la Bunch of Bans use. While engaged In picking several bananaa trim a bunch which h had hanging in front of store on Middle street Mr. H. E. Royal waa startled by seeing a large spider known as a taran tula spring from umlernesth one of the bananaa. The spider was captured and placed In a Urge paper sack from which place be was later transferred to a large bottle filled with alcohol and la now on diaplay at Mr. Royal s store where it csn be seen any tima during Utility. Tbe ma a la the viooa loola l:ie iiiraoin VETERANS ACCEPT Will Hold Annual Be Union in Norfolk During Early Part : of September. Norfolk, Va., Aug. 1 Through the combined efforts of the Board 6f Trade and the Joint Convention Committee arrangements have been completed that will insure the Grand Camp Confederate Veterans of North Carolina, holding their annual re-union in this city during the early part of next month. . Announcement to this effect made yesterday afternoon following a meeting of the committee in the Board of Trade rooms, when Major J. W, Hamilton, commander of the Webb ICamp of the Old North State was pie sent and accepted the invitation in the name of the veterans of that state. that an acceptance will be .received within the course of the next few days. Immediately upon the receipt of an an- swer to the latter invitation the com- mittee will arrange plans for the recep tion of the visitors. While no definite date was set for the Ire-union, Major Hamilton tentatively agreed to September. 6th to' the 10th providing this date is acceptable to the Virginia veterans. Poisoned By Eating Ice Cream At a church function in Hookerton Fridiv ntoht. a laro-e number were mada .iolentlv ill bv eatina- ice cream. said to have been Drenared from milk. part of which waa sour. There was no ,eB8 than thirty four stricken and the physicians of Hookerton were kept D0y Fridy trsine to prt serious results to tbose that bad par taken of tha cream. Though a number era made deathly sick none have died and all will recover Kinston Free PreSS. ' t; ' . ' . i i i ii ' I i i' . Notice tv: . - To the aupervisore and-read over seers of No. One Township, you are required to meet at Vanceboro, N. C, on the first Saturday in August to make an annnal report of the condition of the public roadspjour township, and to attend to any other business that may come before said meeting. You are re quired under penalty of law, to meet at said time and place, meeting at 9 o'clock By order of the chairman, G. 0. Oaa Chairman. Arapahoa Note. ' '.; ' aaaaaaaaaaw ' " Pamlico County, Aug. 1st. -We arc having fine weather on crops and they are looking fine. Surely this ought to keep our merchanta and farmers in good spirit Quite a number-of our people attend ed the Bi-Centennial at New Bern last week,. and came back praising tbe great celebration. Mr, Lee 8adkr, nf Hobokea, who ie a student of Virginia Christian College, opened school here this morning. We wish him much success. . Mr. J. W. Rawn and family have re turned from their trip to Washington, New Bern, Morshead City and Seven Springs. Miss Lizzie Carawan, of Lowlands, is visiting Mrs. J. A. . Raw la, of this place. Many people from Beaufort, Merritt, sleaaic, Vanceboro, Grants bo ro and other plaeee attended tbe union meet ing at thia place Saturday and Sunday Messrs. N. B. Lee and B. F. Bennett have opened another cool drink shop at their plaoe. ,',;, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ipock and family of Goldsboro, have been vMtlng rela tives end friends la Arapahoe for the past few days. They went to New Bern thia morning. Miss Clara Sutton, of Vanceboro, I visiting her sitter, lira. Cora Brinsoo, of this place. "Hieh Grade" Colonia Glassware. M. E-Whitehurs ad CambinatiMa. Rsmbn-I Iihvv a pvlr ot claanes si lion I hut Uiake loe aee dimble. ttuld ain- tea; I've seen ynu nnlug thorn Une In a I mug end tee oilier ta s wblUy tnmliler -Cblingu Trtbuue. TKs Partioulae mm. A Mind st'H ltiy fi -ai-i.-.t ber a? lanced Inter ,e- a conflikntlil friend Informed Iht t' t Use jmirf tana squluted.-rii a I-eVr. K'ever quit abfo f lime n-nr'a fnxi la tbe ffe. it llitlo r..ie !!- of.-o Minnf! a r. 1! lire li.to a r t . i. girL"OFi;i;;etee IDS' SUICIDE Bessie Bowles Euds Life By ; Drowning in South ' " Anna River . Richmond, Aug. S alias Bessie Bow-, lea, nineteen years-old daughter of Mr, and Mra. Allan Bowles, of Dosweli Hanover county, but Friday afternoon committed suicide by drowning. No reason ia assigned for her act. The body waa recovered from the South An na river Saturday morning by a search ing party, which haa been looking for tha girl for nearly twenty-four hours. On account ,0? the ill health of her mother, the - young woman waa com-; pel led to do moat of tbe home work, f prepare meals, make the beds and keep the home tidy. ' She was, first missed triday, when dinner waa not. served, f However, her absence gave little concern until later in the afternoon, when it was abeo'ute ly certa'n that aha had mysteriously disappeared.' The aid of neighbors waa sought sad aaearch began.; , .The body waa discovered in tbe South Anna the following day. A coroner's jury brought in a verdict of self-drowning. . , .-'; ;.-.-r-T - ,-. Surpriee Marriage Friends herq will be much Interested to learn of tbe surprise marriage at New Bern of Mist lie Adele Rountree, tke attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs ,. D. Rountree, of this city, 'and Dr. C. L PriJgep of Raleigh. While the wed ding transpired several days ago it wss not generally learned of by friends un til yesterday afternoon. The bride waa visiting her aunt, Mrs. William Roun tree.- Her engagement to Dr. Pridgen waa announced some time ago, but it waa first planned to have the wedding later ia the year. The bride accompani ed by her father and mother were visit ing relatives an New Bern some days ago. The bride and groom then decided . to be married at that place and the ceremony was performed. r , Br, Prtdgea easT has bride will make their home at Raleigh, where tha groom ia practicing his profession. The bride is a young lady of many accomplish- ments. During the past acholaalic term . ahe was a student at Meredith College, Raleigh, from which iottitution ahe was graduated with honors. Frienda in Wilmington will wish Or. and Mrs. Pridgen a long and happy wadding life. Wilmington Dispatch, , Mot a Candidate To the Editor of Tbe Nsw Bern Journal;- ' ,"- Will you please allow me space In your valuable paper to express the posi- ' tton I occupy, ia regard to being a county commiaaiooar? ' - . I have noticed in recent issues of your paper, indorsements foe county commisaiooers, and my name apteara among the list, I do not know who the gentlemen are who signed the indorse ment aa Craven, county vote; s. I now want to aay to them that I heartily appreciate and thank them for t iir confidence end good will Bat I am not a candidate aad have no desire whatever to be a commiaaioner. Therefore, gentlemen, I r quest that you withdraw my name and put another in itn place ' The papers are full ot announcements which have bean written by differant eandidatee. Therefore I feel sure you will find no trouble in finding one. I am a Democrat and ever expect to be. But not a candidate for office. ' i ' Yours very respectfully. - H. C WOOD, ' Rivardale, ., . .7. ... " N, C Tlana BelaJ laid Wx Big rrme:e' ' ' - Convent oa. Ralalgh, Aug. 4. Tbe SUte Farm- era' ConvenUoa held annually at tha A 4 M College hare will open Aug 80th, continuing U Siptembr 1, with indica tions that tbe program will be one of the mist profitable yet proviied. There ill be three expert eoecitllsts from tha United States department at Wahlng too. Then thore will be the collegi men of the faculty and the heads of tha dlvinioo la the utc d-jiartmant of sg- irlculture all tnk'.i g part from day t day. TI'S promitient farmers In a'l i parts of the Ttata srs Uing invit d to adilross the convention on one end an- ctber j Va of srs a con a , rofiir.s f. Sil . ti.: it- '. I ! t- rlruiture. The farm 1 Is farti'.'.vj wi'h ' f.,i, sr. 1 arrm ' f t a 1 ti : t t r a iiU '. x t 1 i a I i a'! : I- . . ; i i ... k;;ora are f r c, anre. r V