f! l.ur.Ll t EstetZsht 1S7S rubUahed to Two Sections, every Tuesday ul Friday, at Journal Bulld m ss-M Craven OtraoC . CHASUCS U BT1T1KS, ; EDITOR AND PEOPRHTOR. -" n i Official hfwol Kn Bm ul Crave SUBSCRIPTION RATES. . Two Months.. ., .. .. .. ,. ..I H Tareeoatha.. .. lu Months.. .......... . M ONLT IN ADVANCH. : - Tbe Journal la tady sent onpey-tn-tdvaaee bull. 8ubcrlbere wlU f un node of expiration of their eub nripttans and an immediate response to nottpe m oe appreciated by tbe Journal ' Advertising rataa tarnlahed upon appUoaOoa at the office, or upon tn rairr by mot - nteied at tbe Poatofnce, New Bern, S. Cm aa second-claas matter. New Bern, N. C Aug. 9. 1910. HOT WEATHEE LANGUAGE AND ADVICE. The authorities state that an ex pleti-ve is "a word not necessary to the sense, but inserted to fill a va cancy." It is at this season of the year that expletives are most free ly used. In every day language an eMavM "a casa word." Of oo arte than It no explanation that is aatlafyiag why hot weather lan guage, this, applies to the male gen der, should be so largely expletive. It it. so for possibly the same rea son that nature carries out the weather in its fullness, by making everything on the high tempera tare order, so that ninety five de grees being productive of the per spiring man, who finds expression in words to fill up a vacancy but which are not necessary to sense, and it might be added, in no way reduces the temperature. "While expletives their feeble aid do join, And ten low words oft creep in one dull line." it only goes to show how weak hu man nature becomes when subjec ted to extreme weather conditions. Equal to, if not quite as degenera ting as the hot weather expletive, are the senseless and inane re marks, half questions. No doubt "is it hot enough for you" with the temperature at 100 degrees in the shade was the cause of the first hot weather "cuss word," tha expletive that could alone fill the vacancy naeded in reply to the Above street query. Advice as to the regulation of individual habits, in the manner of clothing, and what drinks one shall imbibe. How to avoid flies and mosquitoes. To enjoy night air without catch ing the malaria. To lay up wood and coal for tho cold winter that is to come these and much other advice not exactly senseless, but certainly as ansuited and as un necessary as the expletives of the overheated man. But why crowd vacancy in hot weather with ex pletive or advice! It must surely be cooler, with vacancy unoccu pied. GOOD 8TBEET3 BY BAIL . BO ADS. It was with no thought of par tiality that the Journal first made the Atlantic Coast Line the sub ject for editorial, reference in the matter of Good Streets. The Nor folk Southern calls for like atten tion, for this railroad enjoys many privilege, and yet ha the worst stmt along both sides of its track from Queen to South Front Btreet, of any in this city except ' Queen ... 8treet The many times that this 950,000. . Truly a strange citizen street has been promised to be put 'ship, that is so indifferent that 2G7 in order, can hardly be estimated. There have been so called "repairs" made but it is the same bard to tr- vel thoroughfare. The "repairs" , improvement, and there be a per have always been temporary, and fectly quiet and limp acqniesenco i.. .r, .Ki... v n.f;uf. uawaa rwu s?uv w m uv vawm vj vi . the Improvement, If it could be so canea. . . There is every reason for the Korfolk-Boulhera at once paving Hancock from Queen to South fairs, why should not there bein Front street One reason Is that dividual expression by every votor this street Is used fully two thirds t the polls! Is the September by troRic which directly concerns third election going to show the tlie 1 orfol k EnulLern Kailroad t. om; any s inicrr- ia iae pas- f r r r an l fr-!..'.L Hancock . I r i i . I . t , . f i'.i t f t rvt ry .. . . ... una ci vu.iue 1 1 . I ( f 7 ALCOHOL J fEBttlir slmilatlne teFtod arilllrrtto taSiooadis aid Bowk ol Promotes DigesttonflvetM nets and RestXoiUalns nritlv Oil! Ophnu.Morphine nortiaixal.j NOT NARCOTIC. WptiW- ftmr. AneiftdReiwdv frtrCcmsRns- Hon , Sour Stomach-Dimriiufa WorrasfonvulsioHS.mvrisii BgaaandLoss OF Sleep. lacSimik Signature of NEW YORK. BxM 0d of Wrappe should pave this street. Another reason, that largely hinges upon the first, is that as Hancock street is almost entirely the Norfolk- Ci 1.1 i.i .za a I ii.. Doumerna, me reawaww ai.g wie;T street snouia nave just protection ; against me oust in ury i it a. a J jV . weather and the mud holes ia wet weather. Those who travel by vehicle u this street are entitled to good roads protection, the protection i that only can be found by substan-; tially paving this street, making it equal to the $100,000 worth of paved streets in New Bern. With j Queen and Hancock streets paved, by the Atlantic Coast Line, and; the Norfolk-Southern respectively, ' two most important thoroughfares will be added to New Bern's good streets. It is for the municipal j authorities to see to this work; being undertaken. DO TAX PAYEES WANT $50,000 BOND ISSUE? i ! The above may appear a strange question, when within a few days a signed petition has deeu present ed the board of aldermen of New Bern, and at once the petition was granted, the date of election being set for September 3rd. next. A few days after the October election in 1009, by which $50,000 in bonds for street improvements were secured, the Journal called attention to the vote in that elec tion, which Indicated a local in difference that was not a healthy sign, for when a municipality issues and places itself liable for $50,000 it is of sufficient importance for every tax-payer to be directly in terested in, for each is in propor tion liable for the indebtedness ere ated. Beferrlng to this last elec tion, October, 1909, it will be found that a total of 327 votes were cast, 267 favoring, ,0 against out of a city registration of 737 voters. Here are 410 votes not heard from, 410 presumably good citizens, a majority tax payers, yet not having enough personal or public interest to go on record as being for or against a transaction that involved them, over one half the registered voters, in a debt of voters can declare against 470 voters, order an election, vote bonds as they wish, make public nnn.vntinv iniifrUM.nf ifi,... w " 07 ""luviv ue v i ' 1 i would permit the same condition u ucir person m uuiness, witn tbeir partners, however they might trust thein! And in municipal af same inaiucrence, the proportion m r. . 1 . - . . . . iu.niijj wj id voie, as ine.s nccoad election did from tb flrstt THH..... n . .. Ul, meins no itiarKcuni the bond.1). Oliildron Cry i w . li iraaa 0Ee&s ULK..L.T3 ; t o n i a iHS . 1 ill 111 For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought i tfeaxs tne 7w , Signature of mrl. hwtmm am. NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD Schedule Effective July 17th, 1910 ; j Arriving and Departing Krom New Bern N. C. 1 Ar. 9.00 a. m. Daily From Oriental 9.10 a.m. " " Beaufort. 9.15 a.m. " ' Goldsboro. 12.15 p. m. Daily except Sunday from Raleigh. jjV 3.30 p. m. Daily except Sunday from Oriental. 4.35 p. m. Daily from Norfolk. 5.35 p. m. " " Goldsboro. 6.25 p. m. Sunday Excursion from Beaufort. -1 7.25 p. m. Daily from Beaufort. 9. K a. m. Daily For Goldsboro. 9.26a, m.. " " Norfolk. 9.25 a. m. " " Beaufort 9.50 a. m. " except Sunday for Oriental 1.35 p. m. Daily except Sunday for Raleigh. 5. 35 p. m. Daily For Beaufort , 7.30 p. m. " " Goldsboro. 7.35 p. m. " " Oriental. H. C. HUDGINS, G. P. A W. W. CROXTON, A. G P. A Slatrt of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County, as. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that L - J. Cheney Co., doing business in tbe city of Toledo, County and SlaU aforesaid, and that said firm wil pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every east of catarrh that cannot be cured bj the ntse of Hall's Catarrh Cure. ' FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscrib ed in my presence this 6th day of December, A D. 1886. ' i (Seal) A W. GLEASON. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, nnd acts direeaV on the blood ou mucous surfaces ef the system. Svnd for testimonials free.' F. J. CHENEY & Cajoledo, 0. Sold by all Druppista, 75. : -X Take Hall's Family Pills for eon stipntiou. ' - Preveeatlort. JudgeWhy did yon aaaantt this manT . ' Prisoner Wbst would ye do, year hooor. u yon kept a grocery ahoy aad a man cams In and asked II bo eouid take a moving picture of your ckeeaet KxebanKe. AJtnonih money Is tho root ot aB stU, the moat moceesful mat a be tboao who plant It A Handscnia Vcr.n t-vcTy woman may not hm Kano- fnm nMw - a keep with cars the rood polnLtl inmre nas given her. no woman ed have sallow sLin, dull eye, LI-.-L- i . . uiui.oy complexion, wbo p proper attention to her he. Whereconatipalion,i;verdrt ment. Llood impurIcs anJ c irregularities exut, goo 1 cor- ion, bright eyes n 1 r-1 tnovementaeannn ' ' ' ,ierngam!nt( mrn the lve ' . - uAn on th urfc, i.' 7Ti "n,,w -"- mB l t I I nd digt,r orU.n, ,r., it-' fftrrtV lion. ft CriAmljr m .-' evwst t i i iernasM it to lheM , IJX9 h$ Use 1 IN r - jJ ror uver Thirty Years mm ' Kaysvillt, N. C. . Aug. 4. Tbe writer la glad to report the cotton crop is improved consider ably for p3t few days. Mrs. J. T. Stanford is confined to her bed with fever. Her friends wish her a apeedy recovery. Mrs. A. F. Mattocks and children, are viaithif relatives near Bethel We regret to hear of the serious III- neaa of Mrs.. Barber, of Stella. Her many friends wish her a apeedy recov ery. .; r .V Mrs. M. H. Tucker is visiting rela tives in Greene County. ' Mrs. W. M. Eubank and children, are visiting relatives in Pitt County. Mr. Ed. Mathews, of Washington waa in our city yesterday. . : . ; Misa Mymie Parker and MisaKelline, of Kins ton, are visiting relatives and friends here. tor. S. lL Gerock ia on the sick list We hope to see him out again soon. : Most everybody from here attended the big time at New Bern last week. All report a good time. -. ' . . , . Mr. Gaskill, representing the Hyman Supply Co., of New -Bern, spent last night in our city. " .. : We are glad to report that Mrs. N. E. Eubank, who haa been sick for sev eral days ia improving. - The writer is informed that Mr. Rob ert Warlick and Misa Marye Weeks will teach our school next session. We wish them much success. ' "' Miss Mamie Jarman, of Richlands, is visiting friends in our city. Mrs. W. M. Eubank's handsome resi dence is nearing completion. ' ' Mr. T, E. Prichard spent laat week in New Bern and returned home this morning after spending a few days in Pollocksville. Served aa coffee, the new coffee sub stite known to grocers everywhere aa Dr. ShooD Health Coffee, will trick even a coffee expert. Not a grain ot real coffee n it either. Pure healthful toasted eraina. malt. etc. have been ao cleverhr blended as to artve a wonder fuliv aatwrvmsr conrea taste and navor. And it ia "made in a minute," too No tedious 20 to 30 minutes boiling. H C Armstrong. Outclassed. . Hewitt-Cnn yon believe what b aaysT Jewctt-K be and Aasnlas hat' been contemporaries Ananlna would have felt that It was necessary for bin. to go and get a reputation. New fork Preaa. STAGGERS SKEPTICS U That a clean, nice, fragrant compound bke Bucklen's Arnica Salve will instant ly relieve a bad bun, cut, scald, wound or piles stargera skeptics. Bui treat cares prove ite a wonderful heal- r of the worse sores, ulcers, noils, felons, ecaema, skin eruptions, as alat chapped handa, sprains and corns, Tr) it 25catalldruggiata. i ; Guilty. ' Jnnea (In a knid whlapertThere's tbe fellow I bat Bred on tbe train Detective-Hello, you rascal! . fvi got you dead to right!' Fire on a train will you Prisoner Yea, you ffi; I'm tbo flr manl - ' Pain anywhere stonped te 20 minutes sure with one of Dr. Snoop's Pink Pain labiate, i ne rormuia is on the a cent box. Ask your Doctor or Dnumist about this formula! Stops womanly peine. head ache, pains anywhere. . Write Dr. Snoop, Racine, Wis., for fro trial to prove value, of his Headache, or Pink rain Tablets. : Sold by Bradham Drug tjompaay. . The Rstert Direst. "See here." cried tbe artist who ban com to rompialo about the niaierlafe be bad bought. "I rant imagine auj thing worse than your palnta." "That's strnnge." replied too dealet "Don't you ever use your Imagination oa your palming r-Catholtc standard and Tluiea. . - etntirety Different. "Ife al) very, well before a gtrf married for ber to get a bower In bet hair." remarked the obaerrer of event and things, "but It's ao entirely d I Iter ent matter If, after she's married, etx eta ber hair In flour." . Be sure and take a bottle of Chamber lain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy with you when starting on your trip this summer. It eannot be obtain ed on board the trains or s teaman Changes of water and climate often cause sudden attacks of diarrhoea, and it ia best to be prepared. Sold by ail dealers... , - -, EXtCUTORS NOTICE. . BtetftasewllM Mama ti W. H. Pxtl- k Is aattfr aS tmrnmm Wrto akfaia WKlnM Dm UU mt lb atl a I S sriMBt thmm Im VTmm m ton At th imr t JutrliJr UhMlkttltlbtMaMlikittnMWT. AO MnsatMaiAad t thm mUtm WIS Lmm Mil - ISAAC POWEIX. Enrator. If your Itver Is a!i :' S and out of tons, snd you fi--l d .... t ''nus, enn?i t4id, ttika a d f tli.i "iUiu'i Momarh and Llvr T. ' t ' t I - ifure retiring ami yon -,. .-. I i, i r ,, .t ' I in the moriiii it. Lui id Ly k.I d'.aleie. Mis 8'r' A six druiuiiixr tl , trnln si KrTi: ;1 dims the si rvL I r -time elnnjr wl h s t Is ii nd ry, ii I ii il ii -ni with: "John. ti n tn b f hvrp lowii f,f I nrt i f T 'KI I'-f! tn ' I I "i i t! ' i'm,,,,. , ! from t'l U1 r p ' T t ' 1 1 ' r I 1 t. . s t U t i ; PROCRASTirJATlCrJ. ' Tko Habit ef Putting QH Doing the tariouo Things ef Ufa. - afuck of tbe uobapptneaa and Im providence tn Hfe ia caused by early habits of procrastination bablts con tracted unconsciously perhaps when character is la its formative atase and at tbe very time wbeo most attention should be given to tbe untrained na ture. -It 1s ao easy to fait Into a nappy-to-lucky way of living, ao easy to Jog along unconcernedly, doing tbe tbtngs rhick suit ua beat and perhaps which count for tbe least and leaving undone all tbe acta and unspoken all the words and utietpreased all the thoughts and anneed all too' advantages which are really to essential to better under standing of ourselves and the wonder ful life being Uved about ual What a bright world of promise ful. filled this would be tf responsibility could only be made half aa attractive as some of tbo minor diversions wblcb seen to furnish ao much pleasure, to their partakers!' If the bard places eonld be marie eoft the rocky roads smooth and difficult undertakings easy. there would bo smalt need for putting off from day to day the task of 'fulfill ing any taak. whatever.. Aa It la. with the certainty rbat happiness unalloyed not within tbe grasp of man and with the knowledge that sorrow and trouble must come at some time into each of our Uvea, it seems strange that for all our weak human nature wo cannot warn (no lesson mat pro craatlnatioQ teaches and benefit there of, f i- ' V" 'lJT FROM SICKNESS TO ' EXCELLENT HEALTH" : ;i "'i;iV So aays Mrs.- CharlaV Lvon. Peoria. In : "I found in your Foley Kidney Pills a prompt and speedy cure for oaekeehe and kidney trouble which oothered mo for many months. -1 am now enjoying excellent health which t we to roiey n.biney mia'-uav a' Pharmacy. . v.- Solubility et (iotd. Gold la one ot the cruiip ot metal soluble ouly lu that mixture of nitri nbd hydrochloric acids known aa aqu regie. ' II baa been found, bowevoi that tbe presence -of certain orKn. compounds renders gold soluble lu h; : drocbldrtc acid. , Thus a mlsturu thla acid and chloroform la found' I be a solvent. Ethyl, or ordinary u' chohol, methyl alcohol and suiyl al hot are among the other substance which give to hydrochloric acid th power of dissolving gold. The solutl.i takes place slowly in tbe cold acid an - more quickly oa heating. , ; STRUCK A RICH MINE. ; : . 3. W. Bends, of Coal City, Ala., ssy he struck a perfect mine of health in Dr. Kina-'e New Life Pills forthev sure') him of Liver and Kidney Trout te after II years of. suffering. .They ate the bt .pills on earth for Conetipatict, Maina, Headache, tiyspepaia, uebiii- y, 2oc. at an aruggists. . A Way Out. '! "She Insists that ber paternal anew tor came over on the Mayflower". "But I thought they proved to be that there waa no such uame on th Mayflower register?' . t -; "They did., And now she says hi waa a stowaway." Cleveland , Plati Dealer, ' ... ; ' . ... '! . . . '. ,! . CASTOR I A lor Ufants aai Children.: Til II: J Yea K::3 A!i2j J EcusU Bears tho Blgnataropf ni man who kaa no time for hit tVieads will eveataally JIaeover the U has ao friends tor ala tima. - . When tbe digeatibn is all right, the action of the bowels regular,' there" Is a natural craving and relish for food. When this is lacking you may know -that you need a dose of Chamberlain's Stom ach and Liver Tables. They strengthen the digestive organs, improve the appe tite and regulate the bowels. , Sold by au oeaiera. . .... . . Parthenon end Pantheon. ' The I'artbeooo aod Pantheon are far from being ia tbe same rluaa. The first le tbe nneat building In the world, un spproarbed aod probably unapproach able m Its almple yet soperlatlve ei cellenco. The second la, apart from Us dome, by no means wonderful. Erery body going to Rome sees, the Psntbeon. of course, but thousands go to Athens troo tbe ends of tbe eartn for the sole purpoeo of setting tbe Psrttienou.'lU "flneat pnUdi on tbe ouiwt site In tbe world." t-vn as Its rolna It ap l" 'to the Uilttd ef Bias as no otber t,wod ef art (lots, and tbe world would doubtiaea consider It a sacrUtjj to -bare any other rival near tbe tbxoaev Nsw fork Amerk-au. . FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS ' Tonic In quality end aVtlon, quick lo reaulta. Fur backache, heailiiche, dis finaaa, nervousnma urinary irrepolari tiee and theumautn. Lals' i'tiarma- y. . The ot!y f-e onr frtmias are cssdio a wba V. -j tare eomaiUoe; dSsifrea at'.e to j. Tie rra la ?e tron Imjks I'.ke - ': " i t f "i. 'Irf, I ... A ThePeoples Banlc NEW 4 lo. PAID ON o HAVING 5 SUCCESS depehda in a- great measure upon the banking connections which a man estabhshea-especially a young man just starting out tn life. If, in paying his obligations, a merchant, business man or planter pays them by check upon a bank with a reputation for conserva tism, it Immediately raises him in the estimation of those with whom he has dealings. - The Peoples Bank of New Bern ia known for the conservatism . of ita management and the sound business judgment of its direc- tors. t': -Y.:r,"-v:v. ?.':;i-'-.:.y'..'T"i-: .v.;,,;'--- ''..;,.. .. -r- Checking accounts are cordially invited, small as well as large, and saving accounts may be opened in any sum down to $1.00 and will draw interest at the rate of 4 per cent, compounded twice a - year. . . . . --V-vV.i Y K;'VvY;" .i:,' .. ' :.- ; ;- -v. - W MDUti N CD B R ADHAM '.U TA.UZZITLL ' PBEST. , VICE. PR EST.- CASHIER SURETY BONDS IN THE AMERICAN SURETY CO., OF NEW YORK. ; ; "COURT and CONTRACT BONDS executed immediately in the ( STRONGEST and RICHEST COMPANY in the WORLD. 1 Assets over ; $7,000,000,00. Enjoys exclusive patronage of Norfolk Southern," Atlantic Coast Line and Southern. Ry Co. . . r-C - Personal suretyship is a responsibility that no man should undertake A bond in this Company is absolute protection and the rates ars .as low .aa the lowest For further information see " - W. G. BOYD, Agt REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE, NEW BERN BUILDING & LOAN ASSN. Rooms 320-821 Elks Building imp W ' " ' ea)assjrMaMeaaaiiir' t,1W J - M Has since 1894 (rtven "Thorouflh Instruction nnder poaitlTely ChrisOan Influences at the lowest possible cost.'' RESULTt It is today with Its faculty of 82, a boardmg patronage of 828,' Its student body of 40 and its plant worth 1140,000 THE LEADING TRAINING) SCHOOL FOR GIRLS IN VIRGINIA - SIM pays all charge, tor the year. Inoludina table board, room .llfihta, steam beat, laundry, medical attention, physical culture, and tuition In all subject except amolo and elocution. For catalogue and application blank address, . , BLACKSTONE FEMALE INSTITUTE, Blackstone, Va. . ? 9 AS. CANNON, Jr.j M A. , . ; - i TUOS. R. REEVES, B. A.JA-odte "D m I Hand Made work is our specialty and we do not offer you any thing that we do not mnke Our WHITE HICKORY work is -selling fast, you better see ' us before you buy we can save you mon- M ey. - Yours truly, G. S. WATERS a SONS BINQHAM TMSimanis rnm. nk.Hiu, s c, hM jbtwt s,i kkintnt Hi num. I.m m ia.u ivm biim Ini r wmu miutikt h. marirunii, lltHOOL Aintrul ui U.H HlftilL a-y tt'm mbmilm ao hmIii. IUMbiNaml 1793 1910 iMmim. a amasia. sipl, tn i. Ladies Tailor filade Suits We are agents for the Amercian Ladies Tailoring Co., of Chicago, and will be glad for you to call in and examine our samples and stylus be fore buying. ; . F. Al. Chad wick, "ST . THE riNLST LOT OF Bogne Scnnil Vaicnne!ons lint luive cor.e to Ne.v Hern tMi scr.on, just re ceived. Everyone rr-'infccJ flr-t chr.s. Y.OUH3 rOrt CASH ONLY, j. L. wci);sHicl i i ; n 1 1. n r . r v. BERN. N.C. ' STRONG COURTEOUS ' - , PROGRESSIVE Teleohone 400 ijaiCeyujLtJw.Kj " . vtV'' i ' .... : . V ' C

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