i .5 v I- it TV 5 Uly io f ' - I , , J ! 1 Nd.;47 NEW BERN CRAVEN COUNTY. N. C. FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 2U910 -SECOND SECTION. 33rd. YEAR s Hid yir , CRUSHED TWELVE CEI w?7 f w gkb hi , Oil BH1I0II5 Murderers of Payntaster Fowler : ,J Feported to Be Cor- p; V;: nered. ' . , ;v ; I C. ' IIEXT PRIMARY Glflfi MAY BE : KILLED BI EX- ALDERL1EN CITY BO D SEPTEMBER 15 IIEXTBOVEB ED YOUTH 1 Mr. BL- C. Oaskioa Attempt to Board Moving Train And is- ' Thrown Violentlj ta tka'r . "" ' Ground " " ' : Wiiila ettemDtincr to board the WMtl V Jbound, pwsenger .train at Morehead CiJ eUrday afternoon Mr; E..C. - iGaskiw of thia city an i who ie employ'-, . ; ed by4 the Norfolk-Souftern 'Railway J Company as a machinlt in their shop?, " V waa throwa to th grtxjnd, hia head Striking t protruding croMtie, and he ' bow liee at Stewart'a Sanitorium with .' ,a crushed skull aad io aeritical con- - dition. . ' ' ;.-;"'''".. ' Tha force of machinist at the Nor- - fulk Southern shops had a holiday yea : terdsy and. Mr. Geskina decided to pend the day at Morehead dry, en joying the rorf and the fishing. ut ? before the traia waa due to arrive at I ,that place last evening he staited for the 16 rescued. ; -- ':s iJ'--'- the depot For some reason he stopped The Are in the West Point wssd&cov on the way to that place and by the eredoff-tha banks o Wednesday,;; bla- time he ot there the train wa pulling zing fiercely in the holdi The vessel out.' Heat once began to run in order waa hound from Glasgow to Charleston to board it before it had gained ao with wool and oil and the iofltmmable 'much momentum. '"Be succeeded in nature bf her cargo made eveiy mo ' getting dear enough ea he thought to ment aboard a fresh menace Again .jump on the platfoim, but. juat as he placed his hands on the railing which acta as a guard to the steps, his foot flipped and he fell . Jieavily to the ground. .Ma doing this Us head Struck ithe corner ef a cross-tie and the momea (turn of hi body, .'added to its weight, was so great that a gaping hole was knocked inhia skull. '.-Z-i--'?.. f PsBseturers on the train saw the ae- Icident and ihey Signalled tovthe engT rneerio stop -.This was dona and the young nwa waa carried into one of the 'coaches and temporary medical assist t ance was rendered him. Upon reaching this city he was immediately carried to " 'Stewart's fanitorium where an opera ... tion was performed and at a; late boar fiast night he was restmg ss wall a. j miuiu ym vu . Mum cvuwknw 4f ) very critical . ? ' - k-x7 . Mr. Gaikfns mairiel a Vlias Thomas, of Swif t Oeek, aboi t two years ago -.5 ahai - time .have,. : Eait Trent, street Palnfally la lured.. ; Spencer, Sept 6. Luther French. an employe of a bridge force, rebuild-1 a railroad bridge across the Yadkin I riv&i liekr Soencor. was badly injured on ihe w6rts. today by being caught under a Hbkrj iron beam being raised to e ipan of the bridge. One arm was brokSrJ and he was ptherwise brui sed, bat wlU soon recover. fratk lUmi " p4mUco county, SP. a-Wo nave hm bavin some very rainy weather fmi.th last three weeks and the f - rs hat had a bad time saving hay and ' foddr'; " ; Many "of our people atnded the quarterly meeting at Arapahoa last Sklurdsy khd Sunday. ' ' . . - Mr,: ChaV Powell and chlldrSn of - WsAington, ' N. , C. who , nave noen vUlting relatives and frlende here fori , aavaaal week returned borne laat Sat .. urday,- :. ;:' . .. . - Miisea Lsnuie and Emily Brinsoo .ot utt week with friends ia Car . wy- 7 , , teret county. .tir. O F Plpkfi waa In New Bern . bet Monday. . '- ' Misses Lena and Neva Brlnaon who have been visiting relatives at Dunn, bav raturned home and report a very , pleasant trip. . . V Miss KiUa Wallace of Morebead City I hat hn vfiltlng Mle L!a Barring- tflo.t ti l l lace for several days. J place lor several uj. T . r,S Paul. pent IMtWM. wu ber f at Ashwood. , ' 't. 8 A Willis went to Norfolk Sut ' v ti ipnd a few days. Mr. T I Moore of Ayden is vUlllngU.st of my knowledge and ballet re!.lie here this wwk. - - . t ;ss Gannetts Paul of Edwards spent Sat , r '-y With Mis Annis Paul. Vz: f V,' Brinson's little boy has ou ' for the Ukt few days, i ,1 soon be better. V Pipkin, ls vUiting - J.'ra. D R Cutter ! jn, t!.'s week. V . V, V.. V. t,n srl cl.!..I.'fO ; r.'.-'.'ves in '" '': 2 ton. k M I I u ei.t to C. - ' y- ;' r: V'n an-1 i.' Vter ay a:: r.. t a I.', v t tJ ..,11 to Alt' Hands Left the Ship in Boats, But Drifted Apart And The . -. . - -;. .. Captain and 11 Men ,'' ' li'y-i H"ing. - 'i-if New York. Sstt 6th.-Force from their vessel, the irejghte? West Point, tfter s loeingfigbt for a full day with fUmes , Captain James Pinkhgm' And. 11 of hit W"aT ttrisved toveve teB lost t ff tht Grand Dank of Newfouad- ktid. The wireless today broughi word of'the reseu t of 16 who had battled for life in It small boat towed ty rising for hours, They were picked op I by the Ley land liner Denovia, Capt A W Trant, bound lot: Boston. The laat seen ,of the missing men, for whom hope has been abandoned, was when the little craft ia which they put off from the West Point, wee drlv- en away from the life boat that carried amtagaia the seamaa and officers were overcome by eraoke, . if . They stood to their task till all hope of saving the ship was gone. Then the Captain ordered all hands to the life boats. He was the last to quit the ship. abandoned her in latitude 45,' longitude 43. iVy.'ii .s:;.?: ioacc fountjr democratic fonvenOoa, iappo8ed to have run to the edge of Trenton, Sept 5. The County Demo-I cratic Convention met hare today and I confirmed the action of the primaries I of Aug. 27th. There was a large crowd in attendonce, every section of the Co b'imr ' well represented. Among the I ipwke;j .m tlm candidate for Con gress. '- . - - The following is a list of the nomina tions made For-fteHouss- of BepresenUUveal RherlfftettSafgetr Cleriof the Superior Court J B Col lins, rt' " Register of Deed Robert D Dixon. Treiihrer-C P Haniett ' Boad of county commissioners J n BeU L Mi,( Furnej , - , , ,L Brock. RtpOBT dt THE COSDITIOK' .-.'. OF THE5 f - ' wniThrvHTitLE BA5KIKQ A5B :;v; . TRUST COMPAIT - 1 at PeiloeksTllle, la the State el H. C, at The CUse of asiaesa - ,V Sept 1st, 1810. - f - RE 80 CRC KS I Mi discouota 23,493.80 (to.TdrtU secured and un aecarM . - t Furniture and fixtures' .oy All other real eaUte owned Due from Banks and Bankers Gold coin Jnolumn. all ml- f 871.98 1 446.71 1,832.47 i 82.82 - 67.60 833 20 nor c National bank notos aad oth' - 1 (r U. S. aotai 46.00 Building Acct - 1 Total t27,21L48 : ; w LUBIUTIIS , Capltot atock a,006A9 lndlvided profits, less current . avnenaes and taxes paid - 1,284.97 Notes and bills rediscount 1,000.00 Rill, navabla . - ' ' 1 4,000,00 Time certificates ot Deposit "' ' 8,768 66 J Depoaite subject to check V . . . .t ie 1CQ i ioui ,.t ctTW Cir NORTH CAROLINA I ToUl - -. 13T.211.48 S3. - - - JonM . L I CrMgh rtlw of the above lt JMnu4 Ube 00 .oiemnly swear tbat Lw. ,,. statement Is- trus to the H. A. CREAOH, casnier. 8ubacrlbed and swora to before this 7 Ji day of Sept 1910. C. H. BRYAN. been JJatary PubUc We Term expires Jan. 2Sth. 1912. Correct Attsat: k H. A. CHXDWICI, , -Q. R. IIUG1C3, J. H. BELL, Directors. ber in ar biro lira. TM EnJ. i.t r.l-lf.h, the wife cf Ceorje icn. V.''l ' v ro I r- I t t 9 h dt hr 'i i . , r f t r Vsnceiioro ki a t ii f ' Hudson. N, Y. Sept, 6 With , sev-i era) posee working on : the case, the murderers of Dentin Fowler, assistant treasurer of the Atlas Building Mater. iai Company, and - hie., negrn driver George Raofdale, are expected to be in cUSloirta W-'thhoTU.,''Chief Lane haewhat he; beheves is positive evidence of the identity of some of the party and be said this morning that he expected to arrest all of the highway men, ' : : V; -v V : Threats against the murderers 'are being made, and If they ere captured there ia a puesibility that an Attempt at lynching will be made. Because of this Chief Lane baa not -arrested ; two. men whom he now- has under. surveil taeev''-!V'i;: v i . The bag. of money, which had not been ppened, and the masks, caps, shot gun and rifle found by the police in fhe abandoned camp -of the hold-up men are in the office of the chief of police here. A number of the brickyard employe have, looked at the guns, i maak. and laps, but: failed to - rec-' ognisa them. The police are now certain that two of the robbers joined with .the brick yard men who ran to the scene of the snooting oo Saturday. This pair ; had the bag of money weighing ! 76 pounds, and are Supposed to . have, hidden it in the thicket; before slipping int the ranks of the quietly-formed posse, " The remaining three or four bandits tbe Hudson river, then to have turned back and are now thought to he in hid- ing somewhere between this city and Massachusetts Una, Old Horse Sale I will sell on Oct 6 at the corner of Middle and South Front streets at 10 o'clock a, m.' a ' number of unclaimed Packages i nowj-emaining uUbe hands of B. RafBET, i". - Auctioneer. - 4- Cupid Closes HoteL Trepaleau, Wis., 6. The Hotel mter: lending- hostelry of this, place, announces its indefinite suspension of business and assigns as the reason that .11 the sir Is who can be hired get mar ried almost immediately, leaving the proprietor without assistance. :: , No other village vf similar sise has n manv unmarried men, and it is said the hwtaot a girl employe has acq iiretl the art of cooking- and housekeeping at the Utter Houss she to "snspped up bv one of the deaene ot waiting bache lore. PILES i PILES! PILES I nrniiarft.' Indian Pile Ointment Will ,nr Bllnl Bleeding and Itching Piles. It absorU ths tumors, allays Itching at once, acts as a poultice, gives instant iur Williams' Indian Pile Ointment 1 . Mn., rn Pi-nd Itching of the -!.,..- n.rf. So'a bv druralaU, mail! LOEOOOlwv, .ndiLOO. Williams' M't'g. Uo,. n s v ea v a i j propa, tleveland, O. , REPORT OF OKI Msple Cypress - Vanceboro " Truittt . '''. ' Brldgeton ' Taylor's Store ' , Lee's Farm , Thurman -First Ward . " " Second Waid TLtrd Ward . a Fourth Ward . Berne Treclnct 84 86 178 $6 60 19 - 70 me, 22 29 16 84, 236 29 19 26 134 106 12 TUdale - F. ( sitter, 24 24 69 68 21 C3 (U 8 Fort Barnwell . Dover D ie Crw k ' I t 1 '1 ' 75 67 74 40 2 Democratic Executive Committee :, Met Yesterday a Noon at '- m Court Housa .' r " ' Yesterday at noon the Craven County Democratic Executive Committee met at the court house in this city to eanvaa t-the votes of the primerjr which waa held lq this county last Saturday. '; After the returns from the different f-ecints hed-heee added up It waa found that Mr. R A "Nunn had heen elected for the Huse of Representatives by a majority ot 725 votes ovee his opponent Mr. B B Wooten.t Mr, W M Watson was nominated Clerk of Superior Court by a majority ot 514 votes over his ep ponent M. J . B Harvey,,, fflr. B. B, Hurst was elected County -Treasurer by a majority of 369' .votes. Mr S. H. Fowler waa te-elected Register of TlAAila hv & mninnto lf liWit MAtao . In the vote for the Sheriff Mr. R B Lane for dredging out Craven street dock, had 746 votes, Mr. .J. ry'Biddle 830 ity attorney llclrer, presented mat votes and Mr. A E Wads worth 410, J'ter of suit of Alsop and Pierce against After the totals had been read and city and asked for instructions in. wsy approved the committee-entered into a of legal help. The order was for tbe discussion as to when the. primary for Attorney to fight it alone, as the city's the election, of sheriff should beheld, representative. Resignation of C L Har Several wanted it held on.Thursday lo.dison as policeman was accepted. i A'- wane a numter desirea it to be Held on Saturday 17th. A vote was taken and sen fur the date on Thursday was chosen which the next primary was to be held The following list, of fomtnissioners were elected ;-C D Bradham, 1366; E Z R Davis 1266;' N- M Lancaster 1508; J D Williams 1380. end H White; 914. Dr.' R : DuVal Jonos J was eleotvd Coroner by a vote ; of 1325,'na opposi tion. tr71-! A-V-i;-.i"'(A'.v . - Mr, J E McCoy was elected Constable for th3 district. 'r Who is Antl Sing Democrat? Editor Journal. A very curious article appeared in to day's issue of tbe Sun signed "Anti Ring Democrat". ! We7 enquired end tried to find out who the author wss, but his identity was concealed and re fused to bedibclosed; buf while signed "Anti-Kinar ' the article hsn the 'ring' de-is nethieg but a partwao poiniwuei "Anti-Pinn," tha avtitt hurl thtt 'rinit' war whooD for Mr. Lane. We do not think any intelligent man wiU take it seriously after reading and digesting it. i.fmtntn. The article seta forth tht the ring tried to defeat ' Wttson and Emu'," but itv'on't say who the ring is, It looks to me like "the ring" was the people because Watson was domi nated and Ernul waa defeated for the nomination. : " ' .';. :l v If this unknown ring wss all power ful how could Mr. Watson be nominat ed if "the ring" tried to defeat Watson and Ernul. This ia josta little politi l 'dooe thrown out for Watson's frinnda and Ernul's friends to swallow f n(V tinmi-throueh the press. , You eonsjlt Mr. Watson and Mr. Ernul if you want to knew the truth. 1 nave not consulted them but i anow u.v are both for J W Biddle for Shertn like every other unbiased voter is who Aint want s Brood man taken out of of fice without cause, jusnot pure politi cal purposes, and just for the purpose of putting another man in lor mercen arv of aelfish niotivea. -i . The man la tbe mom looks llks blRnball when be'a full DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY 13 68 2 - 8 6 '85 39 29 63 25 95 161 66 198 102 222 6 69 60 127 173 Z39 84 10 19 10 8 a 26 96 74 28 31 i 11 83 61 '84 6 9 6 7 13 4 81 62 28 21 16 6T 16 63 80 42 14 12 2 42 8 23 - 7 97 65 221 134 ; 116 60 232 22 146 30 118 10 87 -7 75 124 66 86 25 62 70 63 2. t 42 260 153 113 17 90 67 S3 130 104 88 15 109 171 6 45 119 8 : 5 3 5 60 .$3 6 84 26 16 ii 73 J 34 39 7 8 15 15 6 16 24 U 13 88 105 87 72 21 14 .64 87 43 6 14 8 15 32 40 C 67 r 34 69 ,46 23 2 14 22 19 H 24 6 4'.3 46 69 C5 15 5 Canvas Bond Vote. City Attorney, J Ordered to Proceed - Against " I Railroads On Contracts :'The regular monthly meeting of the hoard of aldermen waa held last night The vote on the street bond election was dsnvassed, and declared carried for bonds by a majority of 96. W T Dunn asked that acqueduct on King street be pened. The advertising for bends was ordered, bids to be opened at the next aieeting of the board, with the custo ms rj check to accompany -each bid. Al derman Ellis .moved that 'the Sixth ward Are company hire its own, driver, ind that the 4th ward company be re fogniced as part of t'le city fire depart ment. Both carried. ' . : - . ry 1 Contractor Finch appeared and said repaira of tbe street pavement would he U J J J 1 Merman Ellis made a motion, that was Carried, that the city attorney proceed at Once against the A C L and the N-S Kailroads to make them comply with their contract with the city in the mat ter of keeping up the streets. On mo tiofl it was ordered that no election be nude at present to fill police vacancy. Jv v Fair For Eastern Carolina " There is no reason discoverable why the annual fair which is being, project ed ia New Bern should not become what the Journal urges its promoters to plan tbe place where all of the many products of eastern North Caro lina may be seen to best advantage. Charlotte Observer, Morse In A Dungeon. -' " - - . - - stors was maae V apen-a-tw-j -wge- ro a dumreon on bread ana water oeca h .Wted the warden and refused to speak civilly about money in bis pos session. He also lost ail iimeu. anrJl hehavior and was put in the uni- fnrm of refractory prisoners. The prison official refused to discuss the ur incident But it is unaerstoed that they deny the dungeon story. Trtaity'i Opening ' Dnrhsm. N. C. Sept. 8 Trinity rviiar. ntniMl this morning with tha i.rt enrollment in tbe history of tha college. Students are gathered from .ii m tha atateandotner raw mw .w. Few welcomed the' students with an address this morning. First Bale at GrceavUle The first bale of cotton of this year's in Pitt county was brought .hi to- j.. t Ed.Lautt-hingbouse, colored, who lives near Parket'e ehapeL The bale K-.i nonnda and he was offered 14 cents for It-Greenville Reflector, 1 85 11- 4 82 8 264 226 134 224. 2-33 38 23 100 65 72 62 83 19 63 26 13 1 69 14 25 71 6$ 12 19 69 t 4 87 6 18 17 22 18 8 1 12. S 17 4 62 96 19 44 89 40 . 61 1 , 1 44 18 26 88 46 45 24 8 69 60 95 238 143 170 239 88 78 112 49 122 80 264 128 91 80 107 103 18 18 24 18 16 21 2 121 111 20 96 96 82' 22 87 6 120 83 123 23 107 A 27 10 14 84 15 72 122 12 26 T 22 87 115 ' 85 62 104 79 82 47 445 8 6 94 93 ,? 6 El 81 68 2 The Wounded Mayor of New York Will Accept tha Demo- v J i . cratic Nomination ! J : New York, Sept 6. Friends of may or Gaynor, who have visited him at his borne at St Jemes, where be is recov ering from the effects of an aeeassia's bullet, said that If nominated , aa tbe Democratic .candidate for governerhe will accept He will nut become an ac tive candidate for the nomination, they say, aad would prefer to serve his term as mayor, but if "drafted'' he will cept4 Relieving he should,, do all ; hi ean to reunite sad solidify the party in this State. s?y -ifi'-' it '; ' The sentiment for Gajnor's nomina tion by the Democratic state conven tion, which meets at Rochester on Sep 29, ie almost unanimous up-state, his friends say. Tbey argue that ibis jpast pledgee that he would serve out bis term as mayor witi have to be disre garded. ,,.'-; "...if V ;:' V :f''' -i: -He has so far reformed the city gov ernment that he could turn over the work to acting mayor Mitchell.' who is young and ambitious and - would follow in the lines laid down by mayor Gaynor. The latter could, if elected governor co-operate with Mitchell as Mayor, Democratic politicians who are not inclined to be sentimental, however, predict that if Gaynor ia the Demo cratic nominee for governor William R, Hearst would run independently against him, which would give the Republican candidate a distinct advantage. : Negro's Skull Broken : i : - Wori comes from Slocumbs Creek of an encounter between a white man and a negro, there Friday tbat will perhaps have a fatal ending. The. parties' were Quincy Watson, white, and Nash' Mat tocks, colored. "'."" . ;' ."'-t-.-v 1 V,'? ; There had been soma trouble between the men the day before,, end at noon Friday they mt at the commissary of the mill at which they were employed and renewed the quart el The: negro ust-a ogiy language and Watson sets'na W4ta4t. The UII..JWgrjuu the negro is not expected to live Wat son immediately after striking, tha blow fl. d and has not been heard Of since, j BEPOBT OF THE C0ITDITI05 1 :''. i' OF THB . ' '-" BiyX OF. YAKCEBOBO :': It Yancebore. la tbe State el s. at the cloae of business, Sept. 1st, 1910. , i B SOURCES Loans and discounts Overdrafts unsecured $16,127 83 687.96 Furniture and Fixtures 434.86 Demand loans 2,729.30 Silver coin, Including all mi "220.81 nor coin currencju.- National bank notes and other , U.S. 460.001 Total. $19,649 LIABILITIES Capital stock ............... u Undivided profits, lesaj eur- rent expenses and taxes j ipaid 807.12 Bills payable ,4,000.00 Time certificates of deposit 5.0ZZ Deposits subject to check Due to Banks and Bankers - ' 8.986 a aoo tl9 649 LINA Total titb! np NORTH CAROLINA k. ;, County ot Craven., j L John A. Robertson, cashier of the above -named bank, do solemnly swesr that the above statement ta true to best of my knowledge and ballet JOHN A ROBERTSON, Cashier. CORRECT Attest i . . - , J.W. STEWART. G. B. PENDLETON, , -W. C. WHITE, ; . Directors. Subscribed and swora to before ma, thU7th flay of Sept. 1910. - N. M. LAN CAS ILK, . -. - ? NouaJ PubUc Veterans Having "i Time. i-Klorfolk la today with Confederate vetefana from understood that plans for a syt tbe Old North State. The old v8te hi-1 organisaUon of every district an 1 51 141 (gan arriving yesterday by train ! .ni this morning brtucht lathe 49 lot of anv proportiona expcUl miw -- m riv. Thwe will.-. of eourae, be who will come In tonight and tomorrow ' morning who could not arrange mat'.vrs the exe 8 to accompany the "old boys btc:iv of preenure of twine or c U-rv, ! but the gTeat body or t' are already on Use groui,i f i it mated W.'-J three tV-'r.,H.I an cf Norlh CarvUna are inf. tor. at.t'. e r '.'-"n. 87 ' 2 German Womau Shot by Boarder V ' Who'Mistook Uer For a : Burglar. .' . New York, Sept. 7tb. Mistaken for a burglar Mrs. Louise Gels. 86 years of ' age,' was shot and instantly killed early today in the ball leadiog to her Harlem apartmeate. Tbe shooting was dona by Karl Weifslog,- nineteen years old, a . boaderr Paul Gels, husband of tbe dead woman, and their 16 yt-ar old daughter ' were graced by bullets fired by the ex cited boadw, who fainted when he was inforined of the tragie result of bis er ror.' y'-i::".; P"--j-: Weifslog had boarded at ths boassfor a long lime, having come from the same part of Germany as Geis. Night be fore laat a burglar got into the fiat and gave Mrs; Geis a scare, made more se rious in view of her approching mother- . hoot. She told Weifslog of the affair. and he invited a friend, Jde Hubert, to keep watch with him at the bouse, as he expected the burglar would return. ' They took up their station in an adjoin ing flat and shortly after 4 o'clock this morning they heard some oae cry "burglars,"-',- ;' -; :.:;:-; Geis looking out of his window saw two men on the fire escape. ' Shouting, "here they are!"-be opened the door and called to Wfifslog and Hubert . Instead of opening the door Weifslog, -badly frightened stuck his pistol thro' a-hole from which a lock had been re-; moved and began firing in the direction , of the Geis flat. The first bullet grated Gels' arm and he called to Weifslog to stop shooting, but the latter in his ex citement, did not hear, and the next bullet killed Mr. Geis. Tbe daughter, Louise, who was run-. ning behind her mother, stumbled over the bod) and this saved her life, as the third bullet grazed her back as she went down. Weifslog continued to fire nutil hi pistol was empty. When he obened the door and saw that he had killed his landlady he collapsed The shooting attrscted the police who arrested Weifslog and Hubert, and they were held for the coroner. ' The ' Farmers Onion to Meet 14th. Mr. G C. Hedgepeth, of Naahvuie, N. C, District Orgsnisertii tne farm ers' Union informs us that Mr. J. Z. Green; of Marshville, N, C, Will ad- . drees tha farmers of Craven county in tha court house at this city, at eleven : o'clock a. m , Wednesday, eptemoe rbeUth. , ' ."' ' The public is cordially invited to at- tepd this speakinr, and especially those that'.have tight recently joined the Farmers Union. ' '-The Farmers' union is eight years old and haa a national membership 01 early 4,000,000, covering an area of a states. ' ' Ike North Carolina division of the . Farmers' Union has approximately 35," ' 000 members, covering aa area of 65 or 70 eounties. ; Craven county Is Just eoming in the 741 work, the hss eight locals with a total membership of nearly zoo. am ir men 1 0f brain and brawn ean make a county ortfmiaatioU a success, wsveo, mougo 1 slow m.eomlng In mis greas ann forgentaetkm,' will not lag oeninu very long , - - . , , 1 . . . ir ..... VntaL 6o Wnen sncntnen h 94 Lane, John Biddle, B. . wooien, n I m ar.j.n,,!. n P. Whltford. t-d. Dudlev. Jeeee Atkinson, t. . usugn- 74 try C. H. Weathering ton lead off la a S3 work of this kind "something must ba S3 doing.", . , H it's Hardwaie or Buil ders Supplies that you want, see us before you buy. J- S. tbe . Basnight Hdw. Co. .' Xepabllcaa Committee Meets! Greensboro, N. C. Sept. 6. -Special. -The state republican executive com mittee, composed of one member from each congressional district and five members from the state at large, n t here today and discussed the plan cf campaign, -Chairman John Mortl.t ! j I nresidiniZ. filled The session was exclusive and it ; loads J ty la the state reg lnt was authored. G regnlleBS illtam Gri o:i" to ar- ( vate se reUty of Congresstrmn . many bea', to ana state chasm.- ' .1 ...I .. ..n.urtf Bn trp; We' vimmittee. : t Atb)rne Harry r.i i .llO Wt fi i at li.i ' ,!. f -r is i i Vl il,..,n m a c e cf the . ...ir.it-ft t" ' . 24 70 111 6 24' 38 0 t 1 IE P U U 1' 1 t 1 f r a 1 7.-! 11-7 r -.4 21'. i" -:3i4 h: 1. 7

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