7 r I h vy y in No. 68 ,NEW BERN CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C. TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 22, 1910 FIRST SECTION 33rd. YEAH HTM SECRET POLICE OA 1111 Ml FEIBID EURO Emm SAILORS iTAKE LOIIDOli GRAFTERS E PRESS WILL GIVE Capitol on Tiptoe AwaitTugTJis s iArrival-Nothing at All 7 yyV! say: : .'; .' . i GOVERNOR S VAS'lliGlliERATED - LEAVES GUIIAL TEfi AT EVERY SEIZE RIFLES PROCUlLlllIII Declares Proeresa on -the "Biz ? Ditch' is ' Bemarkabte " i Colon, Nov. 18. -President Taft Sailed for Charlesrn a 6 o'clock est evening aboart he i more I cu ' T; n- e, whfchwai- ? -.vny-d t, .rt hi. f ter foor inU1! rini'j,M' on Th I -:th mus. : Befoiu leavi-g,-aaid: " ' ' "Tl is"i th flf h Hm the Isthmus avl I h Pie- ijci t ta ft ' whole line nloike.d h o t-vi rv nVto'f , the tfr proven-?it,' In fo etal 'w.hn. two month i ire s 1 -1 n v d in thnt timeHe proii-t'S n).- h fen mos' taiisfhp'oiy. Lr"d, pt is r"tnrk able, 1 - "Th- fii - i ti i -th Y.-, r m th firrt h - b 1 a rentiyjinr, .! iW p- 1 canal. nnd d o- i- 'i "or x of tn". M't " ' V ? atn nr ro r ifitier''' i" ' t J -i , " 'harg"ot ' le (!. p.'-'. , the whoJ' raMiine in ,eratiii. . - fTliU A Wlt IHV 'MJ HIV main quest ion was the eonfirnm ix i of j the ju.lKmflnt in Conr. as of a Icck "type i canai matiud V a au trL . T .e -x-i tent to which Catm Vm rti th' J 6k t have boeo eocapletod nas removt"1 t-om every Impartiitl obiervwr te slil t st doubt of the wlhdom tnd feasibility of the plan adopted. " : ( : Stolen Plga'Xeqri4d - Wedhesdatf riieht 4- !TM jjrourg men who were und-r the' SnjfHce -f "nf boo!'" pii'i ;" -'d zyttiifai jir ''n-fonii' pers"n'.- pltr i- tt d? tfe jt.,; Ji '"i-tf "n of the-ocal '-a irh- ryf-i'h ;,.nu p-m- f difp'.'l ig of hem ri.j-uvha ic inre "rejuv?natpr!,' wi h th 'prreedH, . ; e, however.aus eot. d that teipikers had been eu d -n iifl-fut mnnnerand suc.''rd"d 'nlni-ing ,thm 'ole v-ihpm with him o i ll yaterdnv '"mornirjp in order that he mi Yt jnake ome -rquir ies, This thy consent H o d 1 hut $ s terday tHey failed to ahow np for the r money and the pigs were turned nvto the police and are being held by them until the owner can be located. - "The Easnight Hdw.CQ. has just received a shipment ; of Floor Oil'especiaHy prepared for store floors .Phone 99, 67 o. Front St. Danger From tights Butts.' It you are a smoker ha eareful where you throw your Hunted clears and cig arettes A few night (fb a ventleman who conducts a business on Midd S St. 'and who, fortunately for.hlnl: sleeps in the seeond ftory of the builHing direov ered that hi room was rapidly filling with smoke. ; He atnnce- Invettirsted and found thst a box which he keeps sawdu't in ajri nses.as cuap'dor in the lower prt of the building had become ignited from s eigsr snd was bl.iirg' merri'y. . Fortunately he discovered thei blase before any dtmRgsh'd been done, j . v. REPORT- OF THE CONDITION - ' , ' OB" THE- . ,r; - ''' . New Bern Ranldng t Tnist Co. AT KIMT BEE5, H ins STATS closi oi buslxess - .ESOCECESi Lfnn and d.a ountt (43 241.43 6.608 91 1,60 -.00 Overdrafts unsecured N C I'ol'ns State B mds All otber stocks, bonds and mortHgi-S ' ' r.anklnj bouse, furniture snd f xtures Demand loans " ' Due from bnks 107,4-18 22 sni linkers Ch itms ' 2.731.M C.uM Coin ZXX) E.lvsr coin Includ- 23,404 00 16,779.00 6,8t33.85 irg all minnr ' cnii cut' !n y h'(i'i 'il liKnk p.( 1 c W J. S 4 r;) H 9,41V 0 121,572. R5 Acrrij- I Intt-rent lirc-ivab'e 7U3 f 25,875 80 etat; OF nc;:tu CAROLINA: cf Cr-itfn. f:i. I, ; n r - : U..(l I..:., k I,' 1 it i f V .! !"rof the : iwrar ! . i i.. : Attempted to Save HU Money In Burning' Building and Lost ::0ma Life. ' ' While attempting to secure a sum of money which be had in a trunk in th second story of bis horns which was destroyed by fire at an early hour yes terdiy mornlog, Will Brock, colored, was overcome by smoke and as ' no one ... " jknew he was in the building his body I ave vi 't d ; wis feariully burne I before the blaze ir turrthfi was extinguished, From the few par- tieulara that could lernvd in regard the tragedy it ams that Brock was t.i first person to discover the fire and "t once gave the aisrm. After he had don this he secored a backet and be can to throw water on the roof. Upon th- arrival of the Are men he evi- 'en lv r mmbered that he had forgot ; ten to get his money and It is supposed rushed back Into the building to secure it. This was the last seen of him until hn charred body was found after the nl s "had been extinguished, The trunk which contained the money was found standing on one end and was but slightly damaged, yj. '"-C vnmson Liovet, eed Kye, H vdfi CountV Rust Proof . , y . Oats, HayOrain and Feed. Agt. for International Stock and Poultry Food. - Chas. B Hiil, New Befh, N.C " v "" lower Prices In This City. The tumble that prices have taken in all parts of the- country, especially-- in northern and western markets, is felt on the local maiket to a certiin extent, j bnt the produce and wholesale dealers in the city do not be'ieve that there will be any treat tumble in prices, though there seems to be a tendency toward lo ver prices in a number of cases. ; This is . eppecially true in regard to thi wheat m rketv The prices of Jloor his dropped during the past two woeks as much as 69 eenU on the barrel, in some brands, Oa other brands the drop has been over 35 cents, but all of the brands and makes are selling in the city give as a reason for this" .the bumper wheat crop in all parts of the world. , ' , " , Y :' J Th;y' Sometimes Cet Caught. ' ' ' ' ' - . The mstter of local license for doing business is some dsy going to be an is sa . Outsiders invade'this city and buy and sell produce for which tool dealers ron pay a license I n do the same thing. But a few days ago a mn with a car load pt apples appeared on .the street, and unable to sell the. full car to one dealer,' precesied to ' jub lot" about the city in 8 and 10 barrel lots. When nearly all the ear load had been sold, not delivered, a tap on tha shoulder, with a ireoiest "for fifty dollars for li eense." upset the outsider, who quietly had his caY shipped to another point.; When in search of a re- , . in .... . ; . 'tir.w. o ' l"0' Hot ChOCOlate. ' . . OF XOBTII CAE0LI5A, AT kov. iom, 1910. THE . LlABILnTESi Capital stock.. f 200,000.00 Undivided profits, less cur- . rsnt expenses and taxes . '. 18,4W 95 Diviilends unpaid Y Notes sod bills redisoounted . 84 00 33,319.65 r;!lt payable . 25.0OJ.00 Time certiUcates of depjslt - 47,80I3(J Dloit subject to check ' 200,327.12 avir rpn-)its 61,5.13.03 Due V bai V and tan' -i'!S sn.cio 74 -537.19 114.18 C' Yn'.rVi fiecks OUt Sail lirg ' ' CertilY'J c,i-iks Trust Ditrtment W08 8M,on2 : 6T.', 875 SO TotiJ , connncT; Atii'st ta. crekm, ' JA3. KKDMONa L. II. CUTl.in:. Jr., j. j. woli ::ndi:m, E. II. MKADOWS, wm. n. llam;.?. I)!rctoM. i 1 tnj Snrii td t. ..rj 17 h i!,.y f N"V, 1 . 1. w. li. i: y : u. F jl.t London 'Orrified" at Jackies' - 'Pranks. Scatter Money . .. in Street. ' ' London, Nov.18-Staid old England has suffered a rude shock. While it has always been accepted as a tradi tion in the service that "nothing is too good for the American seaman,". Lon don is having that fact driven home with a force thst is, to say the least, embarrassing, for the sailors from tbe American battleship Mississippi have been touring the city.'. . .. ' ) The Mississippi Is a "lucky? ship. Her boats' crews vwin . races' and her scrappers win prizefights with ah un interrupted success that has become monotonous. . The result is that the ship's safes are UBually well jammed with coin of the realm, and when the liberty party from the big warship went ashore yesterday svery man of them had a roll. They steered a straight course for London. : ''"'Y -V. Bands of them engaged big ''rubber- heck" motor, cars, from the tops of which they viewed the sights of the metropolis and tossed coin to street sweepers and the unemployed whoclas- ter along the thoroughfares. Soon crowds of howling beggars were follow ing the vehicles.' Traffic was blocked along Fleet street and the Strand and the police far a ' time were unable to control the situation. It finally became necessary to demand that the seamen desist, the . police explaining if they kept the thing up actual rioting would result. . . Baffled in this mode, of fun, the sea men began hiring smaller vehicles. Tho more stylish the outfit they could find, the better they seemed to like it The city had never seen anything like it be fore, and the ancient American mode of "spending money like a sailor" has now berri adopted by Londoners-as in dicting the acme of extravagance, The, American sailors sr-j being sc corded every hospitality by the various patriotic societies and an eTfort is be ing made to make return for the cour tesies extended to the British seamen who participated in the visits of Prince Louis of Battenlsirg and Admiral Sey mour to New York. , ,; ; " w N B -Changing ' occupation, will sell cheap, or trsdrf for a good horse and buggy; one gas boat lx28 feet, 10 h p engine, in working order, a good puller and guaranteed sound. 'Also a iZ ton sharpie, suitable for oystering.-. Ad dress W H Mason, Journal office. - Y, New Bern Citizens Also Swindled Yesterday's issue of the Greenville (N. C.) Reflector contained an account of the operations of a clever swindler who visited (hat town some time ago and departed with a goodly roll of her citizen's hard earned lucre. Y - It has recently been learned that a number of New Bern merchants and manufacturers were recently hood- winked'on a slick advertising scheme which was worked by two womeh.lt. the different amounts collected from tbe various" Individuals in this city by these sbsrpers were added together they would doubtless aggregate several hundred dollars and for this they have received not the leestVenumeratioo, Report on Cutter Service. ' . : " ' tJSBS1BBSWSS Washington, Nov. 18 According to the annus! report Issued by Captain Rosa, of the revenue cutter service, 164 vessels were assisted into port or rescued st sea by the service. The car goes of the ships rescued were valued at 11,247,635. ; - North- Carolina Day; ; Raleigh; Nov. 48 For, North Caro lina dsy, December 23, there has been prepared by Mr. D. W. Connor, espec ially for the eUte depirtment of edu cation, a book I-1 'including a program and special readings for tbe observance of this day in the public schools ef the tat. Th special subject is ' North .dunlins Poata and Poetry, with special attention to Theorpholua II. Hill, John Henry Boner snd Chsrles McNeill. There sre sketches of these three snd poems from thoir writings sre rpro i duced. - The state department ot sou 70,C(lllof di.trihute the booklets so I . . ,t . mi I . ..nr. - .1 msi iney win oe in every puuuc acnoai (for use in observing No Ah Carolina dsy. Rheumatism Relieved In Six Hours Dr. n.'Mi n's relief for RheumatUm evi-s pvrit cups In a few hour. V rrniiti kill. t (I'M o t1 Ij li -n: r.n. i ln ; Co. d si- in the ytem l ftive, It removes 1 1! (I, iose q-ii k .! i t'r.-u'y t 'Tic- i,,: ly In, ::,m ia pi ! .. i. t 1 1: i-. Turn. Frisco Votes to be The Best Governed City in The, v ( . Union. . ;' . , ' San ftYancisco, Nov.. IS. Following the adoption at the recent election of a series of charter amendments which, for the first time in the history of this corporation-dominated city, put San Francisco in the forefront of .cities fa voring advanced municipal legislation, the vote will be officially canvassed by the board of supervisors prior to the presentation of the amendments to the legislature fqr ratification in January. "Big business" which- opposed most of 'the amendments probably will make its last stand in the legislature,' but there ia-little likelyliood that the legis lature will fail to ratify, as it is not now "controlled by the railroads." - V The big problem of whether San Francisco, once -corrupt, has purged herself entirely of corruption b j the passage of these amendments remains to be seen. The amendments themselves mark arkmg step in. advancing the sci ence of municipal government in the country and several theorietf involved have never been tried in this countr) The most vital amendment of all, which eetabliphes majority role fey simplifying the official ballot, carried overwhelm ingly. "Big business" made a' harjl fight at the polls, but defeated only one amendment against which it fought, and that was the provision for the .es slablishmont of free city employment bureau, which failed by a few hundred votes. . . Y.-Y.. .;' . .; . "Tbe feature of the amendment provi dirtg for initiative, referendum and re call, is that all public utility franchises and all franchise renewals must be sub mitttd to a popular vote.; .This . is be. lieved to insure, as long as the amend ment stands, the impossibility tit a re- newel of the recent graft soandsls through the purchase of franchises froin ciiy iflkials. Y', , ' j ' , 4.. Anotj.er' Important amendment pro vides that any one presenting a petition signed by ten or twenty endorsers may become a candidate for office and have the right to file a statement of princi pies tunning from 100 to 300 word. which will be printe-J by the": tty" in3 mailed with a sample harlot to voters: Another amendment was that provi ding a minimum wage of three, dollars s day for all laborers and an eight hour day. This was fought desperately "on principle" by the so-called "interests, but was readily adopted. . , . Y BE PORT OF THE CONDITIO , : ". OK THE - P0LL0CKSYJLLE BAXKCfQ AND i TRUST COM PAN X - at Pollocksvllle, la tbe Slate ef H. C, . at The Close of Business , ,. Nov. 10th, t1910. ;'Y Y RESOURCES; Loans anJ discounts ' J24.247.J0 Overdrafts secured and un- ..' . secured .. ... '' 117.72 Furniture and fixtures 445.71 All other real estate owned 1,877.47 Due from Banks and Bankers 12,791.80 Gold coin . 112.60 Silver, coin, lucludinjt all mi- nor coin currency ' : 163.98 National, bank notes and otb ' er 11 8. notes 650 00 Total 839,896 83 7 LIABILITIES , Capital stock ,000.W Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxe paid ' 1,366.68 Bills payable . 4,000.00 Time certifleates of Deposit ' 7,261 66 Deposits subject to check Y 22,239 69 Cashier's Checks outstanding 8.00 Total- Y 839,895.83 6TATEi OF NORTH CAROLINA S3 ; . ';. County of Jones, . I, II. A. Creaghl cashier of the above namej bank, do solemnly swear thst the "above statement Is trus to the jieut of my knowledge aud belief. , II. A. CREA01L Cashier, Subscribed aAd sworn to before me, this 18th day of. Nov. 1910. C. II. BRTAN. - NoUry Public Term expires Jan. 28th. 1912. - Correct Attest; . 4 " H. A. CIUDWICK, ' 1 - Q. R. HCQllEa, J. n EELU - k v Director Had Dynamite la Ills Pocket. Pi'fiulJ, Uis., Kov. 17th.-Mrin Hud ton, S farmnr living near herscom plaCT.tly I'lared a s'irk of dynsniUe In tiia pockft yPBlfnlny ith a view to tViiir It to em)!nyi's In his f.nM As siuniblcJ. Thst he wss n.t I Yn to piiTi-n ),, n lii ('., i.. iii. lie $!,.!. 1 ia rfitiKi'l-rfl ti.rvvl..!H. I!e lS a ' Y t cl..!.ci 1 1 1- s't f..,m l's I ' i. Many Arrests of Mexican Revo lutionists Expected Uprising n ' "Was Set for Nov, 20, :. City of Mexico, Not. 19-The secret police of the Mexican Government yesterday' seized -60,000 rifles and a large quality of ammunition, which had been collected and concealed by the eaders of .. the secret revolutionary movement , , The seliores were made in this city snd at Pueblo, El Oro. Tef ic and Pa- hues, this is expected' that many ar rests Will be made among the revolu tkmsts snd thst some prominent Mexi cans will be included among the pris oners. '":Y A,;.;-,,-;. :. ;'i v.:-. The uprising was set for Nov. 20. The movement teems wide-spread. There intense, though suppressed, excite ment throughout Mexico. The inaugural ball has been called off. : Y Trouble seems to be more imminent at Pochnan and El-Olo than elsewhere, and the people of these places are busy getting their women and children ont of the sons of danger. " MASJUID. Last evening at the Baptist parson age, in this eity, by Rev. C L. Greaves, Mr. Church D. Holton and Miss Erne Martin, both of Arapahoe. , ,y' 'j". Y" ' 'r' !,,. ThSBksglvlng. Only a few days now remain before Thanksgiving Day, the day oil which every one should give thanks to their Caeator for the bounteous blessings be stowed upon them throughout the pre ceding months of the year will be with us, . The majority of as will doubtless sit down to a good dinner on that day snd joy and mirth will prevail But stop just for a moment and think of those whom the vicissitudes of life have left stranded en tbe shoals of poverty. snd who will not, in some eases, be able to have more than a cold crust of bread. Let a little streak of generosity creep into your heart and ail them in mak ln this day the day when thanks giving should be In all hearts one cf the happiest, of their lives.,. ' " Trappers take notice. The Basnight Hardware Co., has ust received a full line o Victor and Jump steel traps, rom rat ' to otter sizes. Phone 99, 67 S. Front St. --' (' Bana-IU'a. The following marriage an noon cs- ment has been issued:-' , Mrs. Elizabeth B. Ellis ' requests the honor of your presence ; at the marriage of her daughter i Elizabeth Cavine ' -. ' ' to ; . Dr. William Luther Hand on the afternoon of Tuesday the twenty ninth of November at 8;30 o'clock ' . ' Ninety-nine East Front Street New Bern North Carolina No eards sent in the eity. Immediately after tbe ceremony a public reception will be 'held from 4 to 5 to which all J Hinds sre Invited. Mother Goose Fair. the ladies of Christ Church Parish Guild will have a mother goose fair and bataar combined on Wednesday Nov, 30th. There will be several attractive feature every body should come and bring the ehiUren. There will be dainty handmade articles costing from 10 ct to 41.60. Here is a chance to get your Christmas presents inexpensively, there will, be lots of little things for sale. Fancy work, apron baby eapstrings baby cape, darning bag bureau scarfs baby bibs snd doll Mary Bray, quite contrary will have a flower booth where all eaa buy small pottod plants and fern There will be a eandy booth and refreshments of all kins, supper con sisting of chicken salad, beaten biscuit coffe oysters. Ices and cake will be served from 4 o'clock la the afternoon until 11;80. The Manth ef Auiust, ' Few persons know why August has thirty-one flays, July, wbkh takes Us name from Julius Csessr, has thirty out Say sod Augustus, who complet ed ths caleudar, dsclluaj to sob mil to the Indignity of sm1o( his own tuotith braudutl wltb tbe lnreriorlly of Ooe day Ivn. Tbe astronomers bad arrvnUug ly to r-.tiu.T. the luuar cards soil aft er soiiia prp-ilty hit upon Ui es I Jif tit cf shfrliig twi-oty four tu-urs fruiu t'obnmry's glury la orii-r ttst AugiHt nilt'.t fce tha vrorij on a f Mii.g of i- t- t inttT wlta Jaiy. Cra af tjots. Oil cf la:..l.;r .i. ;'.uklr4 St-ut la t'.e l ) ,.-lvi.e WJ.I rrvi.t tvt.il : Washington, D. C. Nov. 18-Tbe capitol is ts are on tiptoe today awaiting the arrival of Col. Roosevelt, who has not come back since be left the White Honse for - Oyster'. Bay, in a blustering snowstorm on March 4th more than a year ago. He will be met at the Union station by representatives Of tho Nat ional Press Club and the National Geographical Society ; at 4:20 o'clock. He will go directly to , the Press club for the reception of which he is to be the goestf of bonbr.f Here the Colonel may have some interesting things to say of himsr-lf, as he is at hone with the Washington newspf-psr men. He will address the Georgrsphical Society tonight on Wild Beast and Wild Man in Africa, - ;Y ":Y' :; The "full house" signs have beenpos ted at both places, Press Club mem bers have been requested to bring no friends, and the 'five thousand tickets for the lecture tonight at Convention Hall have been sold. LOST-On Sat last by Rev; W. S. Key from the Maysville and Swansboro mail team between Maysville and Sabis ton's Store; a Walking Cane buckhoro handle and silver girdle. Will the finder kindly hand tbe cane to Mr. Larry Stanley, mail carrie, or to Messrs Collins & Gil lette, Maysville, and receive a suitable reward. ,. Canal Workmen Want More Pay. fansma, Nov. 19. The first serious check to the work on the Panama Ca nal eame yesterday when more work men joined the 145 boiler makers who resigned yesterday. Five days' notice was given by the men. . .. - The befler-makers are demanding increased pay in lieu of six weeks' leave of absence yearly. ' President Taf t, who is speeding toward Cuba to day. told them that they were getting higher salaries now than their fellow workmen in the United States. Presi dent Taf t promised , to send a supple mental answer when his ship, the Ten- ssee reaches Charleston. The ma chinists are threatening to strike unless they get higher prices after the first, of January. Goldsboro to Have Aviation Meet i . " . v. Goldsboro, N. C,. Novy18 -It was officially announced this afternoon that Goldsboro would have an aviation meet la this eity, flights to he made for four days, opening November 80th. . The machines lo be need will be of monoplane make, tbe same usod by the renowned avaltor, Bleriot, in his famous flight across the English channel The meet will be under the combined mana gement of the Goldsboro Traction Com pany, the Goldsboro military compsoies and Uis uowsnoro Argus, ana win oe neMoa tbe level ground or nemo rare, in East Goldsboro, to which" tha people can be readily transported by the street cars sod by special trains. Negotia tions are being made in regard to hav ing many other attractions here on the above dates, with open air concerts and free shows for the enjoyment of the visitors. . r REPORT OF THE CONDITION " - ';' x OF TUB ' PEOPLES BANK AT HEW BERN, IX THS STATE OF K0BTII CAROLINA, AT TBE CLOSE OF BUSINESS NOV. 10, 1910, RESOURCES l Loans and discounts 297 4(U25 Overdrafts secured and un secured , I 014 (2 NorthXarolinaSUteB'd 600 00 Banking House, Furniture snd Fixtures , 12 600 10 Due from banks and bankers 179 426 18 1 836 S3' 220 00 Cash Items, Gold Coin Sllvsr Coin, ta eluding all ml aof cola cur rency 8 126 65 National bank aotss sad other US notes 11 800 00-08 407 (f s 408 85 83 Tal CORRECT Attest: W F AEF.RLY WM. DCN'N, F. H. MTADOWa, Jr. C. I). fYUrilAM,. CLYD2 Lay, I)!roi tuts. PuhK'rn4 Snd sorn to O' fmo In tl,;sl7;hdyof Novl'J-.O (::ai.) n. n. r;,", A! , Uy c 1 i A, .1 ; 1. "Thursday, November 2lth Set " Aside as a Day of Thanks-' ''V''i:gvIng'YY;YA:Y::': Governor W. w. Kitchio has issued the following Thanksgiving Procla mation. : ..;'", : -Y.YY' .'Y v; . Yy i "Diir.ng the past year peace and or der hbve prevailed in our state and we . have had bountiful harvests and great 1 material progress for a 1 of which we should be duly thankful. A slate, no more than sn indu 'duul. should live by bread alone, and weshmilj litcswiie be -thankful for the spread of knowledge and the qaiekening" 6t the pu!)'lc con science which has bien vouchsafed to - Therefore, I Wi m-.n Kitchin of. N tli Ckrolins', in pursuance of custom a- d in accordance with law, do hereby proclaim Thursday, November the 24th 1910, a da of Thanksgiving, to provide special opportunity ' for the people to lay aside their-accastomed, work and ' render thahks to Almightly God for His manifold blessings. Charity to the needy rnd kindness to all, better even than prayer and songs of praise, will - exemp ify our appreciation of the bles-' sings which have come to us. In witness hereot I have hereunto set my hand and caused the great seal of the state to be affixed, this the 19th, day of November, 1910, and in the one hundred and thirty-fifth year of the American independence. K W. W. KITCHIN. Governor, . By the Governor: ., ALEX J. FEILD, Private Secretary. Indigestion V Belief in Five, Minutes and Permi- 'nentCure or Money Back. . WhenBradham Drug Co states that they have a remedy that only costs 60 cents and is guaranteed to cure any man or woman who suffers from food fermentation, or money back, what are the poor stomach sufferers in New Bern ' and vicinity going to do about it? , Food fermentation causas belching. sour stomachy gas eructation, - heart burn and that lump of lead feeling as you probably know. : ' The name of this most remarkable stomach prescription is MI-O-NA. Most people call them MI-O-NA stomach tablets because they know that there is no remedy so good for indigestion or stomach disorders. ' Here is . one opin ion. ; , y, , j Y. ; , . , : ' . :;, ; "I hsve been troubled with indiges- ' lion for more than a year, bought one box Of MI ON A and it cured me. Now I would not be without a box in the house for $6.00. It saves a lot of doctor bills when yon can be cured for 60 ets. Arthur Sederquest, 6 Nichols St., Wakefield, Mass. Y ' ; MI-O-NA stomach tablets cost 60 cU -a box at Bradham Drug Co. and drug gists every wliere and money back if they don't core. Mew Bern Defeats Washington. J . The New Bern foot ball team went over to Washington, yesterdsy, and de feated tbe team at that city, by a score of 10 to 6. The feature play was a run by Seymour Hancock. . LIABILITIES! Capitsl stock paid in f 50 000 00 Undivided profits, lees cur rent expenses and taxes paid 10 498 39 Dividends unpaid 20 00 Notes Snd bills rediscminted 10,400.00 Bills psysble ' , '. 25.00tl.00 Time certifleates of deposit 55 723 48 Deposits subject fc check 251 M 17 Due to Banks and Bankers 23 100 99 Cashier's Checks outstanding 2 578 82312 9'd St Total BTATE $; 3 2:3 (A CAIIOUNV OF NGUTU County of Craven EY I. T. A. Vti-11. cai.l.h t of 11 ai. J lisuk, dn S',1' tit st ,t t t ( f t J' V: : i rut:: I WIT