1. . . ' : - . . ' - '.gte ubrni t i . - I . I i No. 74 NEW BERN CRAVEN COUNTY. N. C, TUESDAY DECEMBER 13. 1910 FIRST SECTION -33rd. YEAR mum BOLIVIA II BIG FIRE AT CAR- AT THE RIVER-HARBORS -. BILL PA55E5 TWO SUPREME II TO DED SCHOOL J 5 I I ELEGTIO Gi 1 CENSUS BUREAU MS COURTAPPOI!ITEES OOilCLiJDES COUNT PARTIES GLINA BEACH Garrison " pn ' Frontieir . ptu prised. Many Reported Boundary Dispute. . Lima, Peru, Dec. d.--Aceofding -to dispatches received here $alitian for ces surprised snd attacked the .Peruvi en garrison Guay abal ja . the . Bolivian frostier. A sharp engagement ensued in which many of the Peruvians were killed or wounded. -.-,' - Peruvian troopa have been rushed to J he scene. There are fears , thai this may lead to a serious rupture between the two countries. f , - . The insurgents, nnder Ferro, have ta ken refuge-in Ecuador. ' There, was a serious boundary dispute between Peru and Bolivia last year, but on October 1909, a protocol,- signed; by representatives of Peru and Jjiolivia, was ratified by the congresses pf both countries This apparently" disposed of the dispute arising from Bolivia's dis inclination to accept the bpucdary award as made by the arbitrator," Pres ident Alcorta, of Argentina." Unity is Strtngtft ' The bricks delivered en the Academy Green; to be used for the walks, were dumped by the teamsters In si disar ranged manner. Noting; , thist Supt : Craven made a brief talk to the pupils, on how much and ho w'qu Icily, things - could ne accomplished b united effort Bi hearers not only "Idmbled," but . kti i a atu t OJtAi-lr f ft tin pupils, who turned out In bumbers, to have the scattered bricks arranged in orderly piles, . . WILLIAMS' KIDNfeY PILLS " Have you neglected your , Kidney sT - Have you overworked your nervous ays . tern and caused trouble with Jour kid neys and bladder? Have you pains in loins, aide, back, groin; snd bladder? Have you a flabby appearance of the face, especially under the eyes? Too-fre quent a desire to pass urine? If so, Wil liama Sidney PUa will cure you-at Druggist, Price 60c Williams' M f g. Co., Props., Cleveland, Q. Commander Pratt, D. fcV if, . Great Beyond Paiacs To ' Washington, Dec. 9 Commander Robert Piatt, U. a N. retired, died at his home here Wednesday, following an attack of cerebral embolsnf, with which he was stricken three weeks ego.' Com mender Piatt waa a native, of North Carolina.' . , He waa born at Southport, K, (3. and was 78 years old. - , Entering the navy service In the vol nhteer navy March 1. 1863, as a lieute nant. Commander Piatt, after one months service performed. eonsDieuoos service. For his skill, coolness and in trepkilty he waa apitciai'y -commended by Admiral Dupont, serving upon the vessel which led the the .admiral's flet Into Charleston harbor, April 1, 1863. Commander Piatt was retired from the nsvy service in 1903, after 40 years of service, half of wh'ch lime was span In sea service. r Funeral aervicti will b held today. and interment wilt be in the Congrea- eionel cemetery here. From One of New Bern Known People. Bes ' Having used Ssvodin fieeiy accord- vt to directions in my family, I eon aUr it the best remedy I have ever tried for brulies, for cold In the TiW, throat anclcheet, for rheumutism, for , aciatica, neuralgia and catarrh. . After - a two year's tef t I recommend Save- dine to all who iuffr from any of tha above complaints MRS. F. C ROBERTS, New Brn, N. C. O i ... Ersdstrect'i Wcskly Trade Report. r.ithmond, Va. pec. 8-1 ' treet's t imorrow will say for Iui:l.u.d and vicinity. k ; Tr ! In nvt lins is t ? a I ory voUime ar.J tr ! ts 1 a t ( , i.i 'e vl f r t i I i J'ry "'! -r 1st r! -r ' ' ' , nfict- a have f jture. rkt- i.i i curd i in eir- 5 ':"fl n- ' 1 ir ' 1 a t'y I "y i -S I 1 f .ef.'iii'y : 'ft t ,v t nl I Ur-t 1 '! Sprint Republicaps -and Democrata File Accounts of Congressional ' Expenses. Washington, Dec. 9 The campaign committees of the : Republican and Democratic parties filed their lints of contributions and expenditures for the recant Congressional campaign tnCon gress:.. . , ' The Democratic- list shows . a total expenditure of f 27,771.22 Cs . The Republican committee received and expended $74,373,35, : . Of the total contributions ' to the Democratic committee $13,258,22 rep resented the balance on hand June 25, 1910, and $3,650 was all that came in. in contributions of $100 or over. The contributions of less than $100 amount ed to $10,882 68. The cash on hand aggregated $19.69. .. The R-publicans collected $77,460.93, or three times as much aa the Demo crats. Crimson Clover. Seed Rye, Hyde County Rust Proof Oats, Hay, 3rain and FeedV Agt. for International Stock and Poultry.Kobd Chas.B. Hill. New Bern. N. C. A Timely SuggestlonTor employers. The Chriktmia spirit is a very beauti ful thing, this fellowship with all th world, and makes one a beart aing Peace on ' earth, good will tow irde men." While there are many in Mew Bern who are beginning to enjoy this spirit and are happy in pi inning for th' happiness of others, yet there are a large number of young mm and young women, who, since eireemUances keep ihem in office and o' her places of bus iness from 9 a m to 6 p ra., with one hour for lunch, have no time to do their shopping or put their plana for Christ mavinto execution. Since early shop ping is being urged upon the people, it might not oe amiss to urge those em' pluyera who can do so to give one-half of each Saturday betiire Chst tmis to their officeercethat they may not only take advantage of early shopping, but that the employer may tllbs th i w his appreciati n of the work done by those under him. - This would indeed be show f At- .l 1 A T ' . t . uie nrwimiut. spirit, lor no em' ploy -r can quite understind th hsrl ships, the sacrifices mada by his em ployees in their efforts to d i full duty in the ofB :e, duty afjiome to loved ones. o say -nothing of the duty they owe hmselvrs. " " ' Th?re is not a man or woman employ' d in an office today but whi, will di belter work by being given thia half hiilidaTort'ie'rown personal, benefit. It is hoped that each business mn who reads thee linei may have tie Christ mas snirit needed ti cauae him to put hiraA lflnhis empl lyres' pi ice or s lit'le while Ihit he miy know what granting auch a favor would mean.. Pocket Knives in Individ ual Christmas Boxes M. E Whitehurst & Co. - - ' Banking letourcea oLSUte la $113,- -' V . 794,889. Raleizh, Dee. 9. -Since the announce ment a few days ago of the develo ment of the state and aavlng banking intere ts of North Carolina during the past ten years that made auoh a ere lit able showing, the data for the earns pe riod has become available, and it ia as certained that the total banking resour ces of the state, fiavinga and national. is $113, 794,839. a gsln of 181,814.747 fur the decade. Of theae t til rsfmurees, the national banks have $61,618,328, and the state banks $02,146,651. la cepw its. the total burette has been from 1!8 006. 7&TIO $07.061, 783. a gain tW. 997.023. The eaoiai of the banks in the state has incretsed from $5,75, RK3 to $16,851,841, a net Increase 111,121,451. The number of banks has mcrensfd frm 122 to 423. the Increase having been from 31 to 15 f r nat:on banks, and stite hanks from 91 to S48. You Can't Make A Panprr of Anyone f?patt!, JVaith., Dec, 9-No man has aright to nke a pauper of anybody ' .e t y liit'M frrtii w ith his employ ment. and If tUs In d'ne, the prson so rn.-.:.r,ntc it I. .,!,! to (Uirmg S through f. co'irts. Tt.;.i bro;il d-'ciiiion as lai I ' n I y t! e ; re-tie court of tlie ilme v '..y in tt i'f Chailet It. ,l tin nUl" Cr-k('r and i jr a rtvnr cf T 1 i- r i'r court, l if t' y ra- r r i - The Ilotel, Pavilion, Bith Houses ' And Eeslences " ' Burned. Wilmington, Dec. 9 Fire of suppos ed ineindiary origin at Carolina Beach, summer resort, 15 miles below this city, late Wednesday night, destroyed the hotel and pavilion,' tha property of Ciptaio John WUarper, promoter f the bench,, arid bath hwe.i, and two Z story residences owned by H A Kure, of this city. The entire loss is estima te! af. $15,0uO with practically no insur ance. - "-"V' Itis almost certain that the Arewas of jncendiary origin as there were.no people staying at, the beach and no oc casion existed fee any fires in any of the buildings. :' .: ;'; The b'o jt is quite a severe one to Car olina Beach, as the season just closed was a very successful one and Captain Harper had about closed negotiations with northern capitalists for a lease of the properties for next summer. He will rebuild immediately and On ah even more elaborate scale man neiore. Against Taft's Plan. -v vKew , Orleans, Dec. 9 President faft'a" recommendation in bis. annual message to Congrees relative to the uaranteeing of through cotton bills of lading hai stirred a furore among the cotton interests of the South, who as- ert that the President's sogested plan would result in a heavy tax upon thia industry. Commercial bodies gen erally throughout the South will prob ably protest to Congress against the idoption of any such plan as that out lined in the President's message. , Notice y'::ri 'if:'; . """ ' ' ' ' Notice Is hereby given that applica tion will be made to the if eneral as tembly of North Carolina, session 1911, to amend the charter of the. city ol New Bern. This Dec 4th 1910. ; - , -r-rr Bemarkabley DrjT and Cold. While there is no complaint to be found with the weather this Fall, it is remarkable in two particulars, dryness and col iness,' Before November, sev eral days earlier in October, the tern perature, waa at freezing ; and below that point. During November, day a when the temperature was at freezing or lower, were frequent.- And the un- usual drynesi.only .49 of an inch rainfall luring all of November, is about the record, t . :. , -' " . ' Thus; far In December the minimum temperature have bee i as follows on Jatea given.' - "Dee. 1 2 degrees." ; 2-20 . . . V - ' "' ;. 4-25 . "V ."v. . - V 6-29 " 6-39 :'. 7-28 " , , , " 8-25' . - Thia ia ood winter weather, and with the absence of wetnrsi is very enjoyable with clear skies and bright sunahine. " -' . Foley Kidney Pilla are tonic in action, quick lerrsulta, and restore the natur I action or tne Sidneys ana manner. They correct irregularities. Davis Pharmacy, Preparing for Closing Ixercisea, Only a few weeks remain before the various public school in this tection of the slate will eloae for the Christmas holidays. In the meantime the pupils are busily engaged Iq malting prepara tions for the usual exercises which are held at the close of the school! In this cliy the pupils of the white graded schoil will present an amateu theatri cal performance of the "Merchant of Venice" at the closing ekercises. New York Actresa Writes for t Tube of Savodine! To the Savodine Company: Corner Broad and Fleet strata, New Bern, N. C. Dear ra: Enclosed please find 23c In etamps for one tube of yoiir 'Savo- tUIIIfl, AiOB UK. yirvT-H myn iiuiu .... J : H Ti : . k... -..1.. ,1,1 colds, etc.. but I have lieen unable to find it tT Hits city, ir you nsve sn ee- . -t.i:-i l... l ; .1 1 ...,1 ma ili.i sddrets and obli?. MIS3 ELINOR FOSTER. , 3;;0 WeHt DSth St., N.w York, N. Y. How to Toil run i- Cltai 1H1 M i W.ll arcane Ppr. from v il i ." r ii u bioiiii.it i aid I'"!' Lot ( I .t ll i. rm ti I . It W I i ! 1 t. I.;.. in It v I 1 ( Items of Interest Takiuir Place ,t During Past f . i A number of errors occurred m last months first grade honor roll by mistake The correct foil h given helowS Bessie Willis, Catherine-, Bell. . Mary Steele BrinsQii, Sue Brown, Nita Bell, ChrJa- tine Rotra,Anna FieldaV BoberS Mat hews, Dorothy Hill, Nettie Hill, iJessia Moore, Ruth Turnage, Matilda Harrell, Katie Louise Duke, Sybil Dean Wilson, Maud Whitehead, : Dorothy Morgan Lenona Gaskill, Sarah Spencer; Sarah Shriner, Lillian Davis, Harriot Green Dill, Willoughby Ferebee. Jack Hollis- ter Jr , William Dudley; John Hanae, Larry Moore Jr , Blanchard Fulford, William Guioa Jr.,' : Lfcwrentfe " Stitb, Leo Watoon, James Rhodes, ; Fred Shipp, Joe Newajme, Lycurgus Cutler Jr. Braxton Pagh . v $:t!H L Rev. A D Bette held our bpening exercises on Tbursdr moraingf Mr. J Betts never forgets to come to tee us at school when he visits New Bern. Bricks are now being placed on the grounds for our . much' needed' walks front the building to the street and from building to building, V School will closQ for the Xmaa holi days on Wednesday Dec, 2Ut,nt 2 p m and will re open on Monday Jan 2nd; v .' -i. ' The music pupils will V.- give a public recital on Friday night December 16 h In a recent spelling teats held j in the 2B and 2C grades" twenty five words were given. ' 26 out of 44 pupils in the 28 grade made 100; and 20 out of 41 in the 2C made 100, ' V , 'i ! ' Theveating . plant formerly used in ihe Griffin building has been taken to the colored school and placed in the basement there. II wiU soon be ready for use and will replace the stoves in use at present, v-,.-; ', : :;; ''j i Spelling tests were given in all the grades on Friday., .Theae will be cor rected and grades then sent home to the parents.' Summaries will also be male of the results hi each grade and from these comparison will be made of the.worlt being.done in aaeb cvaoe . ThirPrimary Grade are drawing boats this week. Mrs. Reid Injpsctor for the Webb & Ware drawing system has ask ed that this work be done for her in pection. No help - is given the pupils out they are asked to draw their idea A a boat. , Arrangements have been made with Dr. Ferrell by which every pupil in school, who cares to do so, ' may be ex amined for hook worn. At soon as some Jetaila ean be made, the, work will be done. There is no expense connected at all as the State Department through Dr. Ferrell offers to make the exami nation Frf e of charge. , Leather Bound Poets-f CRnstmas Edition. M. E Whitehurst & Co. , WaUlnga-Tinjls Nuptial. Mr. Robert L. S tailings and Llllie Tingle were united in. the Miss holy bonds of matrimony at the Bridge Ion M. E. Church last Wednesday evening, Mr. Stallings ia a well known young business man of this; city while the bride ia one of : Bridetoo's moat at tractive young lidiee. -1 . ( The Journal joins their - many friends in wishing then a happy and prosperous married life. . - " . i ' ' . Mark Twain and fha Preacher. Upon one occasion be was Introduced to a well known preacher, whose church he ha I attended ths previous Sunda). The preacher ventured to Inquire how he had enjoyed the 'discourse,,, when Mark Twain replied that he wwaldhave liked it better if it had been original The cleric looked at him in amaxement and Inquired his meaning, remarking that he prided himself that every ser mon he preached waa original Mark Twain fixed him with a steely eye. 'Then how comes jt, air," be de manded, sternly, "that I have la my poaieaaion at home S book that Contains every word you utUiredr" The preach er looked more bewildered at thia ques tion thsn ever, and enpfossed a desire to see this volume, and Twainprointed to Dot it to him the same evening. The preacher was great'y enterUined to le- nary pocket u ctiocary. . ion n f $ 1 fM S 1LJ. I 'l'tue t..V e I m d.irt n. v c ' 'y 1 '' " -y iv t!.i in . i ' t rr y ' I .. t. ' ' y ' i ti.-e 1 4 I ' your td i '...ii, ' f r ' a I. ? ..VP vy c I Oongresa "Makes Appropriations j, ' Amounting to ; - . 22,000,000 Wash!ngton, Dec. 12 In record time and spending money at the , rate of $7, 000,000 an haur the bouje of represen tatives Saturday, in about three hours, passed the rivers and harbors bill, mak ing appropriations amountiog to $21, 894,861 for river and harbor work dur ing the fiscal year ending June 80, 1912. No vote was taken, the bill being pas sed by unanimous consent, and with the exception of a slight typographical error in the printed bill, . not a word wss chaoged from the form in which it was presented to the houae by the river and harbors committee. Several amendments were offered by members to get more money for im provements of rivers in their localities, but in each ease the explanations of Committee Chairman Alexander were 1 sufficient to keep the amendments from I passing. In addition to the amount carried in I the bill, the sundry civjl bill wlH include probable than ever that Associate Jua $7J68,077 for river and harbor improve- tice Hughes will be made Chief Justice. ment in 1912, bringing the total up to I $29,262,838. -Hew to Get Winter Egga. At this time of year good poultry- men are preparing for the winter, and the supply of eggs marketed In the cold 'weather largely depends on the preparations tbntftare made now for several reasons: , , ' , First, because the cock and hens are now molting and require extra care in tne way of feed, water and grit. Boil corn and oats together and feed once a day. Wheat and corn are good foods, not cooked, for the bal ance of the day. . . ' At thia time of year good, cold drink' lng water, kept In vessels Is all right, but when the weather la cold heat the water. It will help to retain the body heat of the hens. Keep sand at all times In your poul try yard. It la the cheapest and best of grit. .v .. v. - Bee that the broken panes of glass are, replaced and the tracks all closed before the winter etonns begin. : Fresh nests should he made at least once a month. The hens do not like to leave their offerings In soiled neate and often refuse to lay where lice are lp the neata. Whitewash the. henhouse and roosts twice a year and scatter dry lime over It balance of time or sprinkle with coal olL If cleanliness la closely watched there will be less danger f sick fowls. Hew to Clean Woodwork. The woodwork around my kitchen sink became very dirty, and I wanted It cleaned and rsvarnlsbed. -Tbls easy method of getting the dirt and old var nish off at the same time was told me and proved to be a boon. The Instruc tions were 'to. make a soft soap from common yellow laundry soap and when It was nearly cool to stir In tme table- spoonful of concentrated lya and one- half cupful of coal olL When the mix ture was- like a heavy paste It was ready to be spread over the woodwork with a paint brush. I followed these listructlons, letting the soap remain a day and a half, and when I washed It off with plenty of hot water was pleased to find the dirt and old var nish come with It, leaving the clean wood exposed. When It waa dry I var nished It, and I had a sweet, cleaa kitchen again with very little labor. Mra. C. C.'Andrewa. , . j Hew to Make a Christmas Ball. Take two wooden hoops and, after placing one Inside the other so they are at rlaht anaiea. make a network of wire around them so aa to form a hol low balL Stick into thia couutloas bunches of holly and atnd It with ber i-lee frosted with snow powder. Faaten ribbons to It from which to suspend the presents. Hsng the ball from the cell lng by a piece of ribbon, which can be run through a hook so the bajl can be raised out of the wsy until It la time to distribute the presenta. The Christ maa ball la a pretty aud Inexpensive substitute for the Christinas tree. STATE fiF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF STATE. CERTIFICATE. OF DISSOLUTION. To ill towlMm thw pnMH Mar an WlMnMUppntom llrtlol far Sulf uUMnfooe mri of the ftmmUnt for tho Toiunurr eUnluI'M thanot by tho noaliaom owwit of oil tho atockfcoMon, opolto4 lam offlro. that tho PollorBaTlUo Lumbar Comoonr, a oorporatloa of thte 8 tola, waooo ariaclpal cStoo aituatad la tha tow of PoUorkxrillo. esaotf of Joaa.8ioMof Narih Coraliaa (E. B. EltkHt bar Inc Iht ant thania and In abort, tharoof. ap oa whoa BrocMO tnT bo aard) hao aonpltod vltK tha nqulrmrato of Chapter tl, rariaal of antul.4 "Conxwatlona." prallniaorr la tho taiuir.s of thia tartinrolo of diaiu' um: Nmr. tt.ar.(,ro. I. J. BRYAN (iRIUKH, Bonta r, of Hlala of lha Hlata of N.-tlh C'aroliiio, 4o h r iy tritt that tha mmu mrimralkOl dWI. . . f ... 9 -4 imr of Nnvamliar llt. ftia la tnf of- a d.ilr aiw-tilMd and au.u4 fmwtt In . a tJ llta d..a!utii at 01 vr(frftl..4t l. all tha t..H..I',Ur,tl,i. .f. ), . I I K .1 of tha - I r..w on fit la a.y a 1 i a ' r Uw. ... f. h.M'.!ai-t 1 i- ... ,1 " I. t I : . , . r. A I' To Bo Named This Week By Presi-, ' dent. Sbulhern Judge ' Likely. , ' Washington, Dee. 10. From the fol lowing list of eight men.' President Taft early next week will announce bis two appointees to the Supreme Court of the United Sratw : a 1 M : Justice "Swayze, of the Supreme Court of New Jersey. J uage. uama, formerly chief justice 1 of the Supreme Court of GrgiaT7 1 U.itolSUi dDi tiic J d e Gordon Russell, of Texas. Circuit Judge William C Hook, of the Eighth-United Stst's Circuit. Diatrk-t Juripe John O Pollock, of the Eighth United Statu Circuit Cbief Juatiie Winalow, of the Su preme Court of Wisconsin. senator ueerge Sutherland of Utabt This wss the authoritative statement made by one who is in close touch with the Piesident. The eight namea are iRAse which have been picked from a list of 400 candidates. It ia said to be more In that case tha President will be like ly to appoint two of tha men mention ed as associate justices. T Judge L mar has the backing of the Southeastern Democrats snd Judge Russell, only recently elevated from a seat in tlie House of Representatives endorsed by the midd'e Southern Demo crats. It is likely that the President will pick a Democrat to fill one of the vacancies on the bench, and one of these two men -it was believed today would probably be the appointee. It is known that Senator Uristow, of Kansas, and other progressives in the Senate would bitterly oppose Pollock and as his home is in Bristol's State, it is not thought likely that be will be chosen. The progressives slso would oppose the confirmation of Sutherland. Notice. The' Woman's Betterment Association of the Belgrade school will give a tie party and '.'circus" at the school house Friday night, Dec. 16th. 1910. Refresh menta will be served. The proceeds rill be used for the benefit of the school- -.: .. Panama Canal rolls, , Mi Waahington, Dec. 12. Plana fr im posing tolls on craft of all kinds pass ing through the Panama canal, may be considered at a meeting of the House Commit je on Interstate Commerce Tuesday. Attbelaat meeting of that body, Chairman Mann following an in formal discussion, waa authorised to confer with President Taft and Secrete ryof War Dickinson on ths subject. the result t bo a bill to bo framed by Mr. Mann embodying the- legislation deemed necessary. Mr. Mann had a conference with the President Saturday. The President has recommended a charge of one dollar a net ton. It is estimated that this will bring in a revenue at first of $7,000,000 a year, while the running expenses of the canal would be $3,000,000 a year. The surplus of $4,000,000 a year would not pay the interest ou the canal investment and Mr. Mann appeared U day to think that a higher rate would have to be charged. He will consult further with the President next week. ffiEl r.EETlXG Of ths Stockholders of the Nations' Bank of New Bern, for the election of Its directors and the transaction of such other business aa may come before hem, will be held at their banking houae, on the tecood - Tuesday of Jan uary, being the 10th. day of January 1911. The polls will be opened at 12 o'clock and close at 1 p. m. G. H. ROBERTS, . Dee. 8th. 1010. Cashier. Thief Caoght; Monty round. Suspected, captured and threatetwl with lynching, Norman Brown, colon d who woiked In the woods with the Gotdtloro Lumber Company, eonfeea'd to robbing Mra. Battie Watsnn'aihan'y of nearly 11,000 Monday n I flit, and ii rectad tha mn. where ha had bid the money. Following Pro;), tl.o mn went fivs mile, from t'.- . i ; and diif the nth up from whera it a I urird by Brown. Fvery rtiot (f it waste covered, l'. ' in a'.l, I - jr tu ur tins V.d.0 had t va th Ii . , y to f.', ; Wa'. it U.o i i..n f-r a f-' . ti i I' I I !. ' . , ! t' - '!" t f .1 ' I : t lit I . ! ' I !..!.!. h I , ' oi " R u Figures, Show Stars And Stripes rioteeto 101,100,000 People. " Washmgton,Dec. 12,-In the United States and all its poesesaiona the tre and atripes protect 101,100,000 ami!. This enormous number is the official es timate of the United States Hnreau of the census announced Satunlny, in con nection with the population statistics for the country as ennmfrat-d in the 13th decennial eenaus If, inchfle i the Philippines, Samoa, Guam, Hawaii, Alaska and the Panama Canal 7. ne. Within the borders of the North Americancontinent, ex -lu-ive Of Alas ka, the United Slates I a a population of 91,972,266 inhabitants. U the last teu yvara the states of the Union had an aggregate increase in population of 15,977,691, Which amounts to 21 per ct. more than the 1900 figures. Since the first Censui waa taken in : 1790,the country has grown 25 times aa large, the population then ' having been 3,929,214, alightly larger than the pres ent population of the state of Texas. The giowth of the country waa great er than has been aotieiphedl.y the ex pert atatmticiana who have been c'oady watching the progress of the country's population. , ; Cottectorahlp Office Sought. - l : ' f I--' I-'-.'' " ' There is an active canvaas now being conducted by Mr. G. L Hardiaon. who . seeks the office of Collector of U. S. Customs at this port. Mr. Hardison is readily endorsed by leading , citizens here, for he is well known and general ly liked, and his endorsers believe him fully capable of filling the position He has bef-a an active republican in all campaigns' ' . Hubby and what did tha Doctor sae fTlfey IJ41 jsald. Put out your ton. ue.- Qubby And UenT wttey. OverwerkaSl United States Stands Second In Annual ' Streadtta;'- . Washington, Dec, 12 The United ' States closes another year in aeeond place among the world's naval powers. The greet navy-building races bet wee i Germany and Great Britain has not yet rought the former country up to the United S'ates in thenumber of battle- ships s$ at, but inahipt projected and in the total number of wr veeaela of all kinda Germany will crowd the Unit ed Rutea to third place. - These facta are shown ia the ne v navy year book, prepared by Pitman Pulaifer, clerk to the Senate commutes on naval affaire. The compilations of Mr. Pulaifer, the United States is ahead of Germany, in battleships completed, both In number ' and displacement, the United Statea leads Germany. Including batteehlpa completed, uoder construe lion and pro vided for the number of each country ia identical,, while the United States ax- eeeda Germany in total battleehip ton nage. - Tha compilation of Mr. Pulaifer show the world powers to rank as fol lows, aa to completed ships; Great Britain, United States, Ger many, France, Japan, Ruaaia, Italy. Ouarantml by Bradham Drug Co. If your stomach is weak and constant ly upset, you muat quickly do one of two things. ' Allow the rest of your, body to be come as' weak as your etomvn ur make your stomach as strong aa your body. ' There ia only ons choice for tlviss who want to live and enj y life, and that la to make the atomach as atrong aa the ' body. . This can ! done by using the pre scription of a Speria!it that In ) ears if practice gave Immediate relief and permanent cure to 85 pr cent of the people who usexl it , ' This preacrh'tlon is knuwn from fumt to coast si f ;l O N A. Mi-O UK etumach IhhUts, moat peo ple rail thorn and tliy are guaranteed by F.ra.ii.aih lrug Civ to euro io ! gt tin (a. iito or rl.r .i.i. ) it i y u . t f'KnlitUn t.f tha stoiuHt h, r ii,. ri. y Lark,- . In f . l. tl, t I H y -1 t. t.-s tl.y ,iv rV,. r f i - If . '! ; f r f .. i. f II r1-