THE WEEKLY JUUOAL EstsbBshee 1878 uwtaed la Two Sections, iwj , Tuesday and Friday, at Journal Build 58-60 Craven Street - . CHAKLES L, BTXTX58, " EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Official Paper of. Craven Count. New , Bern and SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Two Months f IS Three Months . U Six Month.'.. .. .. .. ,. , .. M twelve Month! . 1.00 ONLY IN ADVANCE. The Journal Is caly sent on pay-in-advance barfa. Subscribers will re ceive notice of expiration $H their sub "Wptlor Lni an Immediate response 'o notice wli oe appreciated by the Juirnal Advertising rates furnished upon application at the office, or upon ln iutr by mal tcted at the Poatofflce, New Bern, n". C. as second-cia8B matter. New Bern, N. C. Dec. 16, 1910. THE XEW CHIEF JUSTICE AP POINTMENT. In thi city and quite likely in most cities, the President's ap pointment of Justice White of the Supreme Court bench, to the Chief Justiceship of the same has pro voked discussion among politi cians. Summarized, the general expres sion might be, "a regular Taft apf pointinput." So far as North Carolina republicans express them selves, they see no hope or encour agement for the party prospects while Mr. Taft is iu office. The White appointment, a democrat, adds nothing- to republican hopes. Like many other public actions of the President, it continues to lengthen the democratic grin, and prolong the "haw! haw! of the democratic donkey. The issue "ability and respectibility," are quite tiresome iu republican ears, at least in North Carolina, aud there is a slumbering; disgust for the President, for the way he goes outside of his party to hud meu to till positions, that by all precedents belong to republicans. It is remembered by older per sons now 'resident I leveiand jd wanting a Chief Justice, went to Chicago aad requested Melville W. Fuller to accept this high of fice. And it is also remembered that very few people had ever harc! of Lawyer Fuller, and how the newspapers sent wires to their Chicago correspondents asking "who in blank is Fuller f" Presi dent Clevelaud's action caused dis may among politicians at the time, thus taking from obscurity and making prominent a hitherto uo knowu lawyer, but tnere was no mistake in the act, either judicial ly or politically. And so recollect ing these -things, republicans feel that tho' in uational power, they are but spectators sitting by the wayside, watching the increasing procession of democrats in high office, by the grace of President Taft. What indeed is the Presi dency under such-office giving con ditions I THE SEASON OF HOLIDAYS. The transition of holy day to holiday, is less marked in the spel ling, than in the change of observ ance, the way people devote them selves to the spending of the mod ern holiday. Particularly in this cour try is the Christmas time re cognized as a season for jollities, not confined altogether to Dec. 25, though that special day is a holi day in commercial circles, but among the young and many of the older ones dating at Christmas eve and extending to and including January 1st, good times, parties and frolics, entertainments of all kinds are in order, and the work aday U limited to as few hours as possible. , ', With what joy', perhaps at times hysterica!, does youth hold this canon . Mediaeval times have handed down superstitions, .from ,- which many a modern ghost story 'has evolved,' and given youth thrills that however terrifying' at . the mo-nent, are encored time and ng-.iu. In England the Church of Itome, during its time of religious power, originated many holi dnjS that are - hardly ' known iu thin country, though still ob scrvod in many parts of Great liritaiu. Twelfth Day, Candle mas, Lady Day, Bt Swlthtu's, lemmas Pay, Michaelmas, All . allow maw, how theo U1 be re- Children; .Cry The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been In use for over SO years, has borne the .signature of ,' . and has Jas sona supervision since Its Infancy. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are hut ' Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor. Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic, substance. Its age is its guarantee. 'It destroys Worms and allays Feverlshness. It cures Diarrhoea-and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use Fop Over 30 Years THC CCNTAUN COMPANY, TT MURRAY 8TRCCT, NEW YORK CITY. rfiJjvvmm membered by those who read Eug lish literature or are familiar with Euglish history. There is now and theu the pro test against too many holidays. Is it not to be seen that holidays are largely the outgrowth of a greater civilization, a more intensified liv- j ing! That while labor hours may 1 be set at eight for the day, yet ' those eight are so filled with de- i struction to nerves and muscle, that the holiday is more needed in this twentieth century, than in any previous century. And yet a holiday should be of value, of gain to each person. Diversion is essen tially the prime factor in the holi day. Make this diversion, which mint differ in kind from that per-! formed on work days, of a charac- j ter that adds to human worth, iu j happiness, iu a true re creation : mentally and physically. Whether j Cough Remedy, as it not only cures in J r J J fluenii, but counteracts any tendency eight holidays, or twenty holidays ' of the disease towards pneumnonia. during the year is sufficient, de,boldt)y a" Mggxats. Deads altogether unou what is gained during these hours that offer periods for a changed occu pation, from the routine of daily mental and manual toil. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great nyiny years doctors pro nounced it a local disease and prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronoun ced it incut able. Science has proven cn tarrb to be a constitutional rlif ,n(- Hr J therefore requires constitutional trtnt ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufact ured by F J Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., is the only ccnatilutional cure on the market. It U taken internally in dose from 10 drops to a tea-poonful. It ct directly on tbe blood and mucus surfa ce of the system. They offer one hun dred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. F J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by Dnurgiats, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa tion. Lightning Change. Open the sparkling wave the light canoe A ptoturs makaa that Fancy ne'er for. Sets. And if a grievous contrast you would view Just wait a minute till the thing upsets. Waahlngtos Star. ENDS WINTER'S TROUBLES To many, winter is a season of trou ble, Tbe frost bitten toes and fingers, chapped hands and lips, chilblains, eolo, sores, red and rough skins, prove ths. But such troubles fly before Bucklen's Arnica Salve, A trial convinces. Great est healer of Burns. Boils, Pi Its, Cuts, Sores, Eesema and Sprains. Only 26c at all druggists. tire ef Hls'dsts. Tonne Centaur I'd Ilk to bar your daughter for my running mate, ok) kos. , . . ,. Old Ceutanr n'ml Wbst are your i prospects? Young Centaur Why, yesterday morning, befur the rallblrda got busy, I reeled off a mil In 129 fiat and didn't extend myself either Puck. IIILLTttsCOUGMf- ' -mm e mm s i..... TO . 3' for Fletcher's been made under his per- Signature of A Great Trad 6crt. j As every one knows, tbe process of mnmifarturiiitf the puper of wbtcdf Bunk of Knglnnd notes are mnde If one or the greatest of all trade secret, It Is known only to the governor of the Bunk of Knglimd and to three othjj er persous intiniiitel.y counected wit& the Industry, which Is carried on a( Overton, a quiet little village In Hantw All t ha C the outside world Is allowed to know concerning this precious pit per is that It Is mnde. among other In; pred louts, out of charred busks and Rhenish vines. Quite tis profound a secret is the, miinufucture of both the paper, and the ink used for American banknote,1 Tbe former has the double ,advnbtage of not belli;; a secret preparation, but one thai only "takes" oue particular; kind of Ink. which Is quite unique, the American government paying tbe man. ufnemrer, who alone possesses tbe se cret, the sum of $50,000 ft year for making It. Pearson's Weekly. - i the greatest danger from influenza la of its resulting in pneumonia. This can! be obviated by using Chamberlain's crimson uover, oeea rtye, Hyde County Rust Proof Oats, Hay Grain and Feed Agt. for International Stock and Poultry Food. Chas. B Hiil. New Bern. N. C. j How to Wash Badolothea. To wash heavy bedclothes make a warm suds with food soap and let the comfortables or blankets soak In It for awhile. Then take a new clean ho for a pounder. Pound well and pound again In another suds. Rinse thor oughly and bang on the line without wringing. If a hose Is handy spray plenty of water over them when on tbe line. The cotton comfortables will not mnt when washed In this way. The peculiar properties of Chamber hin's Cough Remedy have been thor oughly tested during; epidemics of in fluenza, and when it was taken in time we have not heird of a single case of pneumonia. Sold by all dealers. How Did He Knowt ' Joe. the fat boy In tbe "Pickwick Papers,' spent most of bis tint In slumber. He was happier that way. Probably there are a good many other peopl In the world a good deal Uks Jos, but most of tbem do not get tht chance for sleep tbst u bad. This scrap of conversation, recently over beard, would seem to Indicate that, al though this Is s nervous age, tbe de sire for sleep Is not wholly dead. 1 doo't feel well." remarked Smltb as be took off bis coat la tbe oOce, preparatory to sitting down at bis desk. -rbetronble with m Is that I haven't slept ss I snoukL ' 1 doat fast well no lee I've slept" "That's tbe same way with ma," re marked bis partner, "la feet. 1 thtok I feel best of sll when I'm sound asleep." Tooth's' Companion. . GET THE GENUINE ALWAV8. A substitute is a dangerous makee shift especially in meHicin.The genuine Foley's Honey and Tar cures cough ani eokia quickly and u in a yellow package. Accept DO substitutes. Uavm Pharmacy. , Stsvee Tale. The Imtlnit suy thai If a beaver sent out from th parents' lodge falls to find a mate be I set to repair the flam. If be falls a second time be Is baiilabcd. Ao Arab Writer baa tbe same story fie' tells us tbiit tbn who buy besrar skins) ran otlii)(ulh between tb skin of uniMters and slave. Tbe lot tor have the bHlr of the head robbed off !-aue they bar to- pound -th wood for their master food and do rt WlUi Ujcu- auuils. FLAGS FOR DECORATION. New to Make Banner and Streamer . ' Far Christmas Festival. There -"la e-eneraily te"temaaS'ilt' L3firtstmas time for banners and flags- for decorative purpose, as they can be very tf actively introduced among th bolly, mistletoe and evergreens In the aJl; ball room and dining room, wbjl for school treat, parish teas, etc, - they are quit ; Indispensable, These eaa be Inexpensively made at komiaa no great skill Is required. Bunting will stand rough wear and la cheap, but other materials may be employed, such a alpaca, cloth, serge, allk, woolen rep and cotton velvet In a. ball either silk or' alpaca would be anltable In a ballroom silk, In a din ing room velvet or silk or, for a school feast, cloth or woolen rep. , Tbe letters can be embroidered upon the Dag, hut applique design are more j effective ..and need very much less work. If embroidered the ordinary ! crewel stitch should not be .used, as the effect la too flat and not sufficient ly bold. Tbe basket and straight stitch es and tbe French knot .are much the best for either mottoes or devices, and all kinds of thread may be used, ac cording to tbe quality of the ground-' work. Gold and silver thread, tapes try SbJ) other wools may be utilized. Hiving decided upon the size of the flag, cut the material to fit, lay it upon a large table and arrange tbe In scription, pinning each letter or erna ment into position and carefully meas uring the spaces to Insure regularity. In cutting out. letters enormous shse is not. altogether necessary for legi bility, fluch more depends upon sim plicity of form and In the grouping Of the letters of each word closely to gether and allowing a reasonable dis tance between the words themselves. -' When the motto or Inscription is ar ranged tack it firmly in place and note the effect before sewing It; then close ly buttonhole tbe letters all around tbe ' edge, fixing them to the material. Should the device be required on both Bides make the material double, sew ing the letters on each side separately before Joining the two pieces together. Tbe flag may be oblong or triangular, or the oblong may have the lower edge vandyked and flulshed with braid, silk fringe or cord. If fringe, then a silk tassel at each corner Is a nice finish, and thin, as well as the cord by which It Is suspended, should match in color. To prevent the banner being too limp a cord should be ruu through the hem around the edge to slightly stiffen it. and It Is then fastened to the pole by strong cords fixed to the crossbar. On the top of the banner a number of small curtaiu rings must be neatly sewed, or, perhaps better still,, loops of cord, and these are slipped over the crossbar, or in the case of a flag they are put upon the side and then slipped upon the pole itself. The pole is gen erally painted or stained, and the head la ot turned wood, frequently gilded. When monograms, Crests and coats of arms are to be worked a gold cloth cut out and worked upon a material of a rich subdued coloring is particularly handsome, or those who are clever with n paint brush can paint the de vice in oils. How to Make Tamarind Water. The pulp of the tamarind, that ec centric looking pod. which Js to be found In New York markets, has a pe culiar "tang" and Is used in a chilled beverage called "tamarind . water." Remove the seeds and pulp from the pods, stripping off every particle of hard, woody fiber that may cling to It To a cupful of shelled tamarinds add a pint of boiling water. Ptir the mixture thoroughly until It is thick Add a cupful of sugar and squeeze as much, of the mixture through a strain er as possible. Set it near Ice to cool, then add crushed tee and enough ice water to thin It a little. It should be very cold when served. Tamarind wa ter, it 1 said, was ouce as popular as lemonade. It 1 still used occasional!) for patients suffering from alight fe vers and la recommended for billoun trouble. . It la also administered to bildren Instead of castor oil, as it is So much more attractive in flavor. Tnis fruit Is in season the year around, but it is best In tbe months of stay and June, CASTORIA For Infants and Children, Iti KM Yea Kara Alvajs Bought Bears the Signatareof t Mean. ' first Fair On-Dow dreadful It Is te tare a skeleton la tbe family I 8w- end Fair On I know, dear. - Bav yo ever tried ird ' Avoid popularity: It bas msny snares aad me real beoeflt-Poon. Mint person Had thmslve sffeek i wiui a srsiteni eougn so attack of innnenza. as this eoutri. ean p oraptiv to'eured bv th dm of Chamberlain'' Cough Remedy, it ahauld hot be allow ed to run on until it becomes trouble some. Sou by sll dealers. -Can turnJih .Porch Columns, Colon- atyle, toad of red-heart cypres; Mouldlsgs, Brskta,' Plyatha, Bash; Doors, Windows, fliaJr Work, UastlM, .....-j!::,a3WLL3 1 C DIAMOND BRAMO, L i la id , t , i - i . V .' ! L cn I , A r 1 1 - c I U ii vl I u I i, I SIRES AND SONS. President Taft'a mall amounts to about -1,000 letters a day and 4,000 Lljrsppersa botJksT- - - v This year's. KobeK price for medicine goes to Drjklbrecht Kossel, professor i of physiology at tbe, University of Heidelberg. ' ; . ' . - Pr. Boblnson, tbe new director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New. Tork, is a Bostonlan by birth. . lie was formerly director of the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston. The Rev. Zed H. Copp, probation of ficer of the District of Columbia, be lieves heaven has golden" streets and palaces built of precious atones. He has preached a sermon to prove that this belief la correct ' - Chancellor Roscoe C;sDay of Syracuse- university i never follows the typewritten copies of bis public speeches which be has supplied iu ad vance to the newspapers. , He says he worms up "to Ids subject after be be gins to address a crowd.'. Erich ; Korngold, an Austrian boy composer, only thirteen years old, bad bis musical pantomime, "Der Sf-hnee-mnn," brought aut In -Vienna -at the Royal Opera House recently with great success, and it bas now been taken cn by theaters in Breslau, Leipzig and Prague. M. Edmond Blanc is looked upon as the real ruler of Monaco. He pays 1350,000 a year for the gambling con cession be holds and thus provides the greater part of the revenue of tbe principality. In one respect M. Jtlanc Is a disappointed man. He cannot gain admission to the -French Jockey club. . ,; i-r Town Topics. - Between burglaries and , violent as saults, Indianapolis la getting to be a better town than ever to stay at borne In o' nights. Indianapolis News. If New York must celebrate Its three hundredth birthday next year, why not a geographical congress to teach It something about the extent nnd loca tion of the rest of the world? St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Boston police are commanded to er rest one spltter today, two tomorrow, three the next day, and so ou until all the people are in Jail or expectoration has stopped. Hooray for Boston! Philadelphia Inquirer. Tongue- Eorirlfj. Until the rein of Queen Anne nn English army officer was liable to have bis tongue bored through with a hot k-on for blasphemy. Too Much For the Goats. Because sweetbrler became too abun dant in Tasmania goats were Intro duced to head it off, as It were, by eating It, but tbe brier came out ahead 6y killing tbe goats. BANKS ON SURE THING NOW. "I'll never be without. Dr. Kinar'r New Life Pills again," writes A Schin geck, 647 E'm St., Buffalo, N. Y. 'They cured me of chronic constipation when all others failed. ' Unequaled for Bili ousness, Jaundice ' Indigestion, Head ache, Chills. Malaria and Debility. 25c at all druggists. Ox cart's slow an' sura, air, but thla I'm bound to state: Got to take the auto when the Hshtnla' train Is lata. , Can't afford to wait; . Bualneaa with the atnt. Cot to take the auto when th Hshtnla' train la late. Ain't sot time to tarry. Tbe bird mart work Its wing. Have to take the-auto when glttln' thar the thing. y t , ..J, Never tlm to watt; . , v Strike th wlnnln" salt Got to take the auto when tb Hahtnln' . train la late. Atlanta Constitution.; A sprained ankle will usually dissVr e it mred person for inn e or lor weeks. ' This is dun to lack of prop v treatment When Cliamt erlain's Lini ment is applied a cure may be effected la thre or four days. This linimmt is on ot the best and mast remarkable preparations in ue. Sold by alt Drug gist. . ... Dress Hints. A clothes tree on which to bnng un finished garment is a great coa venlence in a sewing room. Collars of garments may be cleansed by dissolving one part suit in four of alcohol. Apply with a sponge and rub wed ' ... Always shrink a new braid before sewing to a skirt: otherwise the bot tom of tbe skirt will become puckered tbe first tlnio of wearing ui a rbowo of rain. - FOR ECZEMA. LETTER AND SALT . RHEUM. Tb InUna itching 'characteristic of t ae ailmenki is almost instantly al layed by Chamberlain's Silvr. , Many severe caaea bav bq cured' by it. For sale by all dealara. Tales ot Cities. ; Psnsms city .bas a national scbool ot m,uslc and eUnntloo, on of arts snd trade, a national museum and a mu nicipal library. - ' Honolulu Is distinctly Amerlcsn In all but Its semltroplral aspect Tak away The palms and tb flowering tree and It Is almost any towa of Its sis la tb United State. Calais, Me., is probably tb only city la tbe world getting Its water BUply from e foreign country. For several years now tbe city has obtain ed it water from a large spring in tbe suburbs of Kt Btephen, N. B. Th reaervolr I oo th Canadian aid. Neen, - r7ooa take It name from tb I-atlu word Bono, the ninth hour, which among the Itotimirti wo tbe lime ' eating th chief meal of the day. .!i!iongli money U tb root of v!l, t'.a most surirfcurul Biaa to t U,o to li. ?FheH NEW , AO, PAID ON I. A b;Aviwr;" -THE USUAL CHRISTMAS PROBLEM'S,' . ; of selecting gift that are withisone's meansand at theaam. Urn : appropnate is again confronting moat people.'- Welcome as th coming of Chnitmas is,ita approach brings to many; along .with joyful anticipation a perplexity in choosing of present. ' - Yon can .relieve yourself of -this worry if you follow thv custom 'which in recent yeari has become most popular, that of giving bank books which show th t accounts have been opened in the "Bank for rela tives or friends. " W invite you to open accounts with $L(Xf or as' " . u.ueh more as you wish to give, Th books (enclosed ln special holiday envelopes) will be made out in the names you give uS ' Fur tlier uiformitio . will gladly be furnished upon request. ; " 4 Per Cent Interest1 on Savin W M.DUNN - PREST. C.d'bradham VICE P R ST. . I A Daniels - HAS JUST RECEIVED" A CARLOAD, OF MULES S. Front Street, -.even the - I ""(0)1 ) I longing. ; No matter how hum- ooai If you or property of any kind we are the medium through which it may be ;done promptly and cheaply.' We" have a call for two homes to cost not over four thou sand each. If you want to sell, lets hetr about it immediately. Our list of bargains is well worth your time and consideration. Satisfaction 'guaranteed. W. G. BOYD, Agent REAL ESTATE, GENERAL INSURANCE. U SURETY BONDS PRICES CHANGED If you come to New Bem to buy any tiling in our tine and pay 10, 16 or 20 per cent on the dollar more than we charge fur the aame thing,' - , then you must blame yourself for not coming to see, us. We can serve you with a brand new open Buggy st $35.00 and a top Buggy at $46 00 and we know you cannot buy one any where else In this state at this price. We do your work cheaper than any man in town. We have over 200 customers, make yourself 201.. With thanks for past patronage, we "or yours truly, . ' 7 :-"-'.' ,:- s BROAD STREET M. B. WHITE HUPST & CO. ESTABLISHED ISSfi. ; BEGINNING MONDAY OUR ENTIRE LINE OF HAMMERED BRASS AND COPPER WILL - - V .. . BE SOLD AT . - V -.' 20 Per Cent Reduction : M. B. WHITBHVRST & CO. 45 POLIX3CK ST. THE SHOP OP QUALITY ' PHONE Z Jo Farmers of Graven and Adjoining Counties. This year the fafmcrs own. We rejoice with you. . ' A wise farmer seeks the best MARKET for his products. New Bern is paying more for farm products today th ia any town In Eastern North Carolina and the New Bern STORES fire overflowing with well selected and attractive goods that may be bought at very low prices. ' . , . ' ; Now as a business proposition, if Cotton, Seed Cotton and other farm products are soiling high in New Bern and the New Bern Stores are sell in? reliable goods cheaply, will it hot pay the farmer to trade in New. Bern? A CcrdizI i::!:::.3 da Sq::ra C::I t yp. The New Bern 1 t Batik BERN. N. C, ' " ; v STRONG . -courteous TA.UZ2ELL - a. ) . CASHIEI sa vase and wild beasts have - Ilk ' .' i )m I - i -i New: Bern; N. C. fruits taste best when plucked from . the branches around the "Home 'Sweet Home." ". - - w?nt to buy or sell a home, f NEW BERN, N. C.' t .t.