'Ml imkUtUi 1878 i manuabad 19 TWO Section, VI7 Tuesday and rTlday, at Journal Bulld- R8-60 Craven StrC ; . 1 CHARLES L. STITOTV EDITOR AKD PROPRIETOR, j Official Papsr of New Bars and .Graven County- -4 rV;iv , ; SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Oro Months. . .. rhrss Months. . Month relv Month. . ..8 St .. 0 .. LOO ONLY N ADVANCE. Tbr Joaraa. sent on pay-ln-dvance barfs. Subscribers will re peivo aotlct of expiration of thalr sub- nrtptlona and an tmmedlats rwspona o notics wu ,oe appreciated by the Journal' "t ' -; :- '.- Advertising rates furnished upon application at the office, or upon In iulr by maT ' tcieitfd at the Pctofflce, New Bern, n" C. as-secoud-ciass matter. flew Rero N. C, Dec, 23, 1910. THE ELIZABETH ). CITY CONVENTION. The convention called to meet at Elizabeth City, on Dec 28th, in the interests of the oyster business of this state, to prove of value should be largely attended. The mere holding of a convention means nothing, has no substance for good in it, unless there be an attendance of those who will con sider and work for the true inter ests of what the convention is cal led to remedy. The real oyster situation in North Carolina is known and ap predated by few. The consumer is interested to the extent of get ting the quantity and quality at the price that looks fair. If the oyster can be produced in North Carolina waters or elsewhere, is of little concern to the consumer. But to those engaged in the oyster business, to the state that should secure a revenue from oysters gathered from its waters, the mat ter of the oyster, its protection, that it may propagate itself to ad vantage, and that the oyster taken from the water may also be protect ed before taken to market, if these results can be brought about there will an oyster business in North Carolina worthy the' name, which there js npt today in this state. The oyster neglect in North Carolina is seeuln the demoralized trade in oysters. The consumer asks for good oysters, and seldom questions where they come from. There may be many people in in terior sections of this state that eat oysters throughout the season and do not know, that not a single oyster they eat comes from North Carolina waters. These same peo ple will boast of the North Caro lina oyster, and when down on the oyster souuds will gaze at the places where oyster beds are point ed out, and blissfully imagine that their winter oysters .come from such places. How many persons really know that ninety (90) per cent or tne 'oysters consumed in North Carojiaa comes from out side points? t The oyster interests demand practical attention. The Elizabeth City convention should accomplish great good, for the oyster situation in thN state is in a precarious con dition, and calls for honest and in telligeot attention and action in order to clear awar the Dresent evils that surround the oyster situ ation. - -v THE GOLDEN BULB AND CHBISTMASl ' At no season of the vear does the Golden" Eule appeal so strong ly as during the winter . months, and at Christmas time particular ly. Coming from the. Master, "do unto others," tells how human can hearts be touched, higher asplra. tions and nobler impulses be arous ed, and the every day world be came a scene of a. more .true and sincere brotherhood. , The world has vastly chanted during the centuries since the time of Christ on earth. Nations have p- !od, material th!nj1 Lave un dergone g-rt chants. Pocial con di'Jnns bavealtm-d.- Out of It all L s .un naUre remains the same trinz'tho ZX and tht U"acLIor (.f i',t C:at Mil-' ,r are 9r ai la -those ennjr C i la spoke as neur t , i QUILT SZ... Children Cry V ' ' ' V ' ...... v , x . . , . . vWV ..... i t t the Kind You Have Always In use for over 30 years, All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good." are but . Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of . Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. , What is CASTOR I A; Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor OuPare - , gorlc. Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic- , . substance. Its age is ts guarantee. It destroys Worms . and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation t and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years ' "t I. ... J . p; U-tHt CCtmUR COMMIT. TT MU.HY ST1ICCT. NFW TORK CITY. ' the full spirit of the day. Feed the hungry, clothe and warm the illcalad and poorly housed, is the duty at all seasons, whenever hu man beings may be in distress. The spirit of Christmas goes beyond the physical, for while the body may feel the pangs of hunger, cold winds may pierce to the marrow, yet there can be mental troubles, the anguish of mind that tortures, that may be relieved by the kind touch, the compassionate sympa thy of the word from the mouth of a friend. How applicable the Golden Bute in such a case, and who knows how many may be needing this human touch to highten the sorrows of the sea son, when ail the world should be in joyous acclaim of the "Risen Lord." Always is this individual help needed, yet there are times when grief and dispair are in creased, often at' Christmas time, perhaps because of external re joicings that only satisfy the physical, affording no consolation to the heart filled with personal sorrows. There is more Catarrh in this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many year doctors pro nounced it a local disease and prescribed local remeutee, and by constantly tailing to cure with local treatment, pronoun ced it incurable. Science hag proven ca tarrh to be a constitutional disease and therefore rt quires constitutional treatment,- Hall s Catarrh Cure, manufact ured by F J Cheney & Co., Toledo. 0., is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teapoonf u) It cta directly on the blood and mucus surfa ce of the system. They offer one hun dred dollars for any ease it fails-iecure. Send lor circulars and testimonials. F J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 76c. Take Hall's Family Pills forconstips " Notice Notice ta hereby fiven that applies tioa will be made to the general as sembly of North Carolina, session 1911, to amend the charter of the city of New Bern. This Dee. 4th 1910. The old fashioned way of dosing a weak stomach, or stimulating the heart or kidneys is all wrong. Dr. Snoop first pointed eat this error. This is why his prescrip is direct ptioo L)r. Sboop s Kestorstiv directed entirely to Uie cause of these lijU-tbe weak msWe or eontroll- Ut. bboop, to strengtben a weak stom- eh. heart or kidneys, if one goes at it correctly. Each inside organ has its con trolling or inside nerve. When these a err os fail then those organs must sure ly falter. Thee vital truths are lead- InsT druggists everywhere to dimnse and recommend Dr. Shoon d Dr. Shoop's Reatorstive Test it few dsya and seel Improve snent will promptly and surely follow Sold by Bradham Drug Co. - Very Devoted. . "What have you tied that aroond your Anger forf string "My wife's awsy, and this Is to iw wilna me that I" promised to think of her every day.--To)e1o Blade. 11 for Fletcher! .XVXX.'eMAeiVvei Bought, and which has been has borne the signature of ' and has been made under his per ; sonal supervision since Its Infancy. Allow no one to deceive you In this. - Signature of Agreed With Both. ' - - J - Horace Greeley was the author of style In editorial writing which had been often Imitated, but probably, nev er equaled. During his editorship twi newspapers, neither of which waS friendly to Greeley, became engaged in a violent altercation. The argip ment grew warmer until each paper openly called the other a liar. It was the opportunity Greeley had been wait? lng for. He announced in his papal that "be had the honor to agree wlt both of his distinguished contempt raries." k- Children Cry : FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR. A Men care not what new lights mar dawf 'Mongat polar agitators. . Thetr hopes are concentrated oo , - , Tbelr own refrigerators. " - Washington BUT. SAVED FROM A FUL DEATH.: How ah appaulintf calamity in bis faro iiy was prevented is told by A D. Mc Donald, of Fayetteville, N. C, R. F. D, No. 8 "My sister bad consumption. he writes, she was very thin and pale), had no appetite and seemed to grow weaker every dsy. as all remedies failed. till Dr. King's New Discovery was tri ed, and so completely eured her, that she has not been troubled with a cough since. Irs the bent medicine I ever saw orhekrdof." For coughs. colds, grippe, asthma, croupe, hemorrhage ah bronchial troubles, it has no eaual. 60a. 1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed I f I 1 1 rimim-tinta i The Main "Did the specialists remove anythln wnen tney opera tea on auiijonir : "Oh, yes; about half of his Income! Baltimore American. Felt Good, Anyhow. "She wears such great, big, ugly And such an awkward atylel" "Ah, yes and yours are number twee But see her nappy emller Clrreland Leader, YOU MUST READ THIS IF YOU WANT THE BENEFIT. , J. W. Greer' G-eenwood, La. suffer d with a severe ease of lumbago, 'The D .ins were so intense I sras fore ed to hypodermic injections for relief. These attacks started with a pain is the small of my back which gradually became fairly paralyzing. My atten tion was attracted to Foley's Kidaet Remedy snd I am glad to asyafter using this woncWfol medicine I am no longer ootnereu in any w-tv oy my old earmy lumoago.- usvis rnarmacy. . , Unfair. The Tailor Married or singlet - The Customer Married. "Why The Tailor Then let me recommend my patent safety deposit pocket i It rontalna a Bunt Innntnui lttttA trivanoa th.f tmmU .w..i. nw- . .. BOUM;CnJC,so Kwfc , A SIMPLE SAFEGUARD FOR , MOTHERS. , Mrs. D. Gilkeson, 826 Ingles Ave.. T.iungstown, Ohio, gained wisdom by Pnence. "My Uale girl had a se- vere com ari eouvnra almost conuno ously. My sister recommended Fogy's Honoy and Tar. Tne first dose I gave her relieved the Inflammation In br throat and after us ng only nne botUe her throat and longs were entirely free from inflammation. Since thea I ai wava keep a bottle of Foley's Uony and Tar in the house. Accept so suu stitutes. Davis f barmaey. Crimson Cover, Seed Ry Hyde County Rust Pre; Oats, Hay, Grain and Fc Agt, for International Ct: and Poultry Food. Chiz. Hill. New Bern, N.C. HE. FOY'S CLEAR SIATELIIIET Oil CO. FINANCES . ; . : ; New Brr, N. C, ;s ( December 17, 1910. ; Ma. Editor- Although ! dislike go truck a news paper controversy, I guees I shall have to, under the circumstances, make some reply to Mr. Ernest M. Green's letter which be wrote to the New Bern Sua a few days ago a it is calculated to mis lead some who might not clearly under stand the situation. Mr. & H. Fowler, Register of Deeds, brought the county's financial statement to me before; pub lishing the same. Upon this statement he had a list of vouchers Usued from Dee. 1, 1909, to the first Monday in Dec. 910 inclusive, showing the. name of the party to Whom each voucher was is sued, what it was for, together with the -amount of the same. , This em braced a complete list of every item and correctly stated. He also had in a con solidated form the amount of vouchers issued for each of the various depart ments of the county and the receipts and disbursements of the sheriff's ac count He also had an item of unpaid vouchers of five ' thousand seven hun dred and fifty dollars. I asked him if bis -method of obtaining this item was absolutely correct (ss I remembered a few years ago when the Register ot Deeds made a similar statement, he put down an item of outstanding vouchers of around twenty-nine thousand dollars. when in fact 1 was informed that some twenty thousand dollars worth of those vouchers were at that time paid and in the hands of the Treasurer, and an- celled on the 1 reasurers book) I said to bim unless you know that the five thou sand seven hundred and fifty dollars is correct it ought not to lie published I agreed that a statement of the coun ty 'a financial condition ought to give all information so that any one could read and understand, but u ifortunatoly the system and method of county book keeping is' a very crude affiir and should be reformed. It turns ou upon examination that the figures which Mr Fowler had of $5750,00 were not cor rect and I still think they ought not to have been published for information un less they were correct. , I do not know that the figures used by Mr. Green are correct saying that the outstanding and unpaid Vouchers amount to seven thou sand three hundred and fifty-two do'- lars snd fifty-nine cents. In fact I have read his tetter. I have examined the claim hook and according to the figures which I took from that book I find the unpaid vouchers seven thousand seven hundred and eighty-seven cents, going back three years to November 19 SX, all vouchers three years old or mora are barred by the stature of limitation, In the unpaid vouchers there are four thousand two hubdrednd sixty-two dollars and fifty-eight cents which were issued on Dec. 6th, the dsy the bid board went out snd are signed by the new board for current bills, etc., that were presented and allowed by the board of county commissioners on the first Monday in December. , This of course was for items which were due on or before that date and if onpaid vouch ers ars to be calculated, they too should be and are included in my fig ares.' The greater part of the balance of the unpaid vodchers are No. 8 town ship road orders, which perhaps amount to around fifteen hundred dollars. I was satisfied that a number of these road vouchers were out. from the fact that for the past several years the road tax levy has not been sufficient to properly take ears of that expense I have each year brought this matter to the atten tion of the board of magistrates when the road tax was levied, insisting that our road tax should be more than ten cents pn the hundred dollars st their last meeting.' . In Jane 1910, the magis trates made a levy of fiifteen cents on the hundred dollars,' which will yield for operating expenses for the road work during the coming year around bine thousand dollars Instead of six thous snd dollars as was yielded by the ten cent levy.-This . will give the county fund, to take cars of this work much better than H ever has been able to do heretofore. It will also hive something to retire the unpaid road vouchers. ; The interest coupons referred to by Mr. Green. I presume are interest coupons which matured ta November 1910 snd I understand were ia the bank here st the time the financial exhibit was made out, and ordinarily should have been paid and would have been pa din the ord nary way,' wilhout any special sensation. This Ictrroit ms tures at a bank In New York city ard I understand it has beta the custom cf the county treasurer to hsve one of the tin Inhere pay this Item at the New Yo k bank when it nutures, lit the due et;re of mail the coupons sre trsns f. ' i to the New Bern bank fnr col 1 : .,! where llity aie paid here ly the 'f treanirer. The oer aid item t l be reffrs to In the sSeri.Ti Tient Is a mttr whi li I knew no- about until a f?W niirmli-e b re ' 1 Ur'l S'!J ' cV.V! iir 't- -r r I ! 1 i! t .eft h ml n t t .til vti the he txn I ) i : i i! ; i i i t' t r x' t. I see so reason for any epeclal sensa tion about this matter. Regarding the amount of two cents on the hundred dollars collected for the . pension of . the old Confederate soldiers The Sheriff eollests all taxes and pays them to the proper fund. If he ha made any mistake and paid to one fund more than he should, this is a mat ter which he handles and it can be easi ly adjusted I see no reason for any spe cial leasation about this, item Mr. Green puts down us thu amount turned over by the former Treasurer one thou sand three hundred tweety even dol lars and ninety seven rents, the Audit ing Committee find . that the, former Treasurer owed the county one thous and nine hundred seventy seven do'lara and seventy- eight cents and if he has not ptH that amount, I presume the board will collect it in the near future as that is the sum which he owed the county ot the date at the last audit to- wit Dee, th, 191H, According to the report of the Sheriff on December 6th. he had on hand on that date one thous and eight hundred six dollars and fifty sevea cents in cash, . The trustee of tbf sinking fund has on hand f 1072.81 in cash. The dividend of the A. A N. C. R. R. will be paid in January and Julv amounting to $3,8000,00. The Sheriff holds a tax list amounting to perhaps more than sixty, odd thousand dollars, none of which Mr. Green makes ment ion when he refers to the true and ex act bank atatment of the county's fin-" sncial condition.: If the county's . an-, nual statement is to show it exact eor- dition as a bank statement, then it would be proper.. for every item of its affairs to. be taken Into consideration and clearly stated. Assets as well as Ubi lities, Mr, Green further states that the old boaid had ten thousand dollars of tax money ' collected from 'Miss Ann Donnell's estate, wl en in fact this money - was ., .collected - in June 1909 and was accounted tor in the previous year. $10000.00 was the amount pai to the board of commissioners and hand ed to the Sheriff Th Sheriff's com mivHion on this sum a $260.00 and the Treasurer's commission was $250 00 and $500 00 was paid put for attorneys fee?, leaving a net income tothe county from Miss Ann Donnell's estate of nine thousand dollars inteod of ton as stat ed ly Mr. Green. I do not tea thai thee is at y s-ecial sensation in this matter. During the past two years there has been several items that does not usually occur which have been paid from the general fund wi'hout any extra levy. It might tie mentioned in put the construction of tne long bridge through the Neuse river swamp on a concrete foundation which Is in fact an approach to the new steel bridge st Maple Cypress. I think this, bridge is some eighteen hundred to two thous and feet long and enables in that com munity to cross the river at that po nt at all stages of the water. There Is tl- so the new briige built across Clay Root Swamp, eight hundred feet loog, thw dividing line between Pitt and Cra ven which was built join. ly by the two counties. The new bridge on upper Bachelor ,Crsk 800 feet long. " The new bridge across Bryan Mill Rice, and the new - bridge across Bear Branch. The new stables t the jail yard to gether with certain materials which have been purchased for the new rein forced concrete bridge at Deep Gully, the' appropriation for the New Bern Bl-Centonnlal together .with several other items that I cannot enumerate which would be considered extraordin ary ' items, run up into considerable money. I do not remember, what the liabilities of the county were when the "Old Board" entered upon its duties; they, were considerable. I think the bonded indebtedness was around one hundred' thousand dollars, while the fleeting debt 1 do not recall. This has all bn paid, both bonded and floating debt sad some improvements have been made snd the tax levy has been reduc ed. The county is. la a most exf ellef t financial condition. The new board gcei into office under most favrabW cir cumstances. I am satisfied the county is in the beet -condition that ithtsbrei, within the past forty yers The new board in my opinion is amply capable and well qualified to take care ot Its af fairs and u far as I know th jre Is not the slightest friction . between any member of the old and nw board, and if there baa been any unfair treatmer t among soy of the gentlemen on either board I am not aware of it Certaio'y there Is no neceeiity for It, or la Mr. Green's suggestion of on fair treatmtnt or in his trying to make any senaallua along this line. ' ' C E. FOY, Children Ory CAGTORIA Sinoa wtth tl n Itit. odorous snl l ike lor the r -.ir, dit, remote. 1 M il S-i (he mil V storm ' . .4 Ml (lie coej to he lilm wrtrv Vi.Iuma hews. A erretn4 snkUwill usually dlsaWc the Injur 1 r rs -n for three or f ur !. 1 1 is C -il to Uclt of pri it tren'mer.t. ' "O Chamberlaio'a I.i..i nn- t is t- i cure my he eTV-i.! In t. " or f. -it (' "1 i. a I,..;.; . t c cf t 'e li t ,,4 t 't fe...n.i . S iil ti. twid by S.t L , ..4. J- 1 C i't so me' e. . 1 . , t t I t ! 1 J VCr I - - NEW 4 O. PAID ON - .- o SAVINGS sUpfixess a . often depends, in a large measure, upon Uie degree in which friends ' manifest towards each other their regard, wishes of welfare and ,, good will. The custom of giving bank books as tokens of remem brance at this season is a most delightful one because it evioWes ' that you have given careful thought to the selection of the gift You can open accounts in this bank with $1.00 'or as much more as - you wish to give. Thelaank books will be issued in the names you designate, (enclosed in special holiday envelopes, and mailed with ' . your card so they will reach the persons for whom they are Intend . ed Christmas mornt-.sr. , . " - l , - . . y 4 Per Cent Intel est on Savings. , ' WM DUNN - CD BRADHAM JtA.UZZELL : PfiEST. VICE.PREST. v CASHIER J. A. Livery, Feed, Sale f bps-. . A. e - -,. Largest aud Finefit stock of Horses and Mules ever offered for -sale in New Item. A carload of ench just iu. Also a complete ' line of Buggies, Wagons, Harnes, Robes, Whips,"l!art; Wheels. , J. A. Broad Street, : , PROPRIETOR, . i , , i ft . or property of any kind we are the medium through which it may be done , promptly and cheaply. We have a call for two homes to cost hot over'four thou-, sand each. . If you' want to sell, lets hear about it immediately. Our list of bargains is well worth your time arid consideration ' Satisfaction guaranteed. 1 Wm. G. BOYD, Agent REAL KSTATE, GENERAL INSOfeANCE, SURETY BONDS The BEST o all kinds in all " sizes",, all SCREENED before leaving the; yard and all weights are STRICTLY GUARANTEED. ' : HOLLISTER & COIL '$ PHCNE 34 :: ' - 16 CRAVE?! ST. THE BERN. N.C, - . - - STRONG' ' 'COURTEOUS PROGRESSIVE ' cfi-isos ti:.:e JONES Exchange Stables Hi' ... t JONES iNevy Bern, N. V, 'J even the savage and wild beastshave a longing. .-No 'mutter ow hums " ble, the rose smells sweetest and the fruits taste best when plucked from the branches around the "Home . Sweet Horni."' . . V If you wont to buy or sell ahome, BE3T 1 ' "3" .i t r I The frtt dur-r-r from i of its rrnuitirsr In . ... t. In t l.viKl ,! t y , ( I !', '1 I , it i t i ' " i, I 1 i TTTinTT

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