s mi m m Published every mj ia the year e pt Menday. Jovuil fcuUdlnfc, M Craven street. . . PHON WXL DITOR AND PROPRIETOR TJBSCaUFTIOJI aVATMl Sh Ter la advaaoe 14-M Ma rur, not la ulTaee. .. I.M Kenthly hy carrier la the elty dvertUdnf rate uriaaea plication. Entered at the Poatofflca, New Barm K. C a aeoond-claaa matter .- OPIT7IAL PAPER OF NKW BURN ' AND CRAVBN OODNTT. New Bern, N. C. Jan., 3, 1911 OFF WITH THE OLD ON WITH THE NEW! - - v It is the spirit of youth to hur ry, to rush forward, to demand constant changes, speed the part ing year, welcome with acclaim the new year, as tho the ever tobe was to surpass what has been. , The passing of nineteen ten must be one of regret or rejoicing, from personal standpoints, because of such environments that have given joy or sorrow, produced the har vest ,of plenty or left the barren field, with its Munt, ill favored weeds. If nineteen ten has brought prof it and happiness, in their combi nation for real good, both to the individual and those about, then looking backward is pleasant. There were sacrifices made hearti ly, unselfishly. There were bless iugs received and devoutly appre ciated. There was gain to self without taking from others. There was giving to others with gain to self. Farewell, nineteen ten of bles sed memories ! - Unhappy the one who may not look back and be thankful for the vear iust departing, to be laid4 awav. its history made. And to the one who so greedily demands, nineteen eleven, what is the year to be unless there be some profit, some joy, some sacrifice to be made to look forward to, and thereby inspire hope, courage and a better Christian spirit t No one "kills time" it is the loss of individual life that goes with the wasted hour. If the past year has seen the loss of time, thoughtlessly wasted, to welcome the new year should mean no more waste, instead a building up, so that each year passed may have its mark of success, and each new year welcomed to further in crease the success of right living. Theu the years will not be bound aries to laboriously clamber over with pain and effort, but simply milestones marking the line to that happy end that will crorn the righteous life. WHAT IS IT NEW BEEN? A delegate or delegation of citij zene, named and sent to represent a municipality or state, at some convention, some public demon stration, a celebration to inaugu rate some public affair, what is the true significance of thus tending citizens, is it just for a day or two outing, a banquet, a good time in the physical sense, only The above is suggested by the special matter on January sixth when the opening of the Inland Waterway Canal, the South end, is to be duly celebrated at some point on the canal near Beaufort. New Bei-nians have been' among others, invited to participate in tha celebration, which it is under stood the good people of Beaufort, Morehead City, and Oriental are preparing to give. , Aside from the ceremonial and social features of this celebration, is there, should there not be much that is suggestive, a great deal that should serve as initiative to the business and commercial forces of New Bern, to take np action for further deeper waterways that shall . contribute to the commerce of this city J - This new waterway to Bean fort and Morehead City,can be and should be made to be by proper endeavors by the mercantile trade and Chamber of Commerce of New ' Bern, a splendid, active trading highway, with a water transpor t tation service- regular and sure in . it3 schedules. J - i. (V" , t But with this all undertaken, there is yet the deeper waterway for the Neuse river from and below New Bern demanded to bothfaci- litate the trade-that the present ' Inland Waterway CanaT at Ecsu- fort will odor, and to exure the additional trade that a tcr wa t-rtlr'l! wiUdevcVr " Ur!"? to this city. To Hie Jou.iu.Jits ... ....s fiat U-e Inland Waterway is a Children Cry i .x..x.-.w.xxvvxXX.V The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been ' ) In um for over 30 years, has borne the signature of 1 ' and has ryf J BOna supervision since its infancy. ' Allow no t All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but ,. Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of. Infanta and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Parc fforlc. Props and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, 'Morphine -nor other Narcotic , substance. Its age is its guarantee.. Jt destroys Worms , and allays Feverlsbhess. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind ! : ol!c It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation ; and Flatulency It assimilates the Food, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears' the 'WW aaaa The Kurd You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY, T7 MUnBAY STREET. NEW YOBK CITY. commercial life. The firse chapter, it might be said opens on the Mxth of this month. New Bern is involv ed, concerned and is a part of this new waterway history. New chap ters must follow, the story of de velopment, progress, growth con tinue to show increase, and it is all important .that as this water way shall continue to grow, so shall New Bern trade interests fol low its giowth, gain aud profit from year to year, as the commerce shall increase and multiply. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Looking Backward, i "Bobs, I can't live on $2 a week any longer." "Stick tt out for awhile," urged his thrifty employer. "Think of how you wan bras about It when you've made your fortune, my lad." Louisville Courier-Journal. $100 REWARD, $100. Tha readers of tbis paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to care in all Us stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's" Catarrh Cure is the only positive care now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a con stitutional disease, requires aconstituti onal treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the founda tion VI me U(Hemsv, anu giving me pa tient strength by building up the con stitution and assisting nature in doing its work. - Tha proprietors have bo mush faith in its eurativa powers that they offer one hundred dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. V i. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.. Sold by Druggists, 75c Take Hall's family Pills for constipa tion. ' A Moan Trick. That's the meanest man' I ever ran across,'' said the book agent. "What has be doner finally said he didn't care anything about reading, but he enjoyed bearing me talk." ' slly said he didn't care anything FOR THAT DJJLL FEELING AFTER . EATING, -I have used Chamberlain's "Stomach and Liver Tablets for some time, and can testify that they have done me more good than any tablets I have ever need. My trouble was a heavy dull feeling after eating. David. Freeman, Kempt. Nova Scotia; These tablets strengthen the stomach and improve the digest ion. They also regulate tne liver and bowels. They are far super ior to pills but cost TBore. Get a free aamele at all dealers and see what a splended medicine it ia. ., Just as be was about to be arraigned In court la New York it was found that tha indicted banker. Joseph p. Robin, bad taken poison, and the case waa postponed, ' ; V:.; " -.rPiHo.. Wlmt They WU1 Do for You .They will eore your backacho, trerithoo your kidneys, cor. feet urinary Irregularities, build t til f era out tissues, nt c" ' ' . excess urio cid :.-:: rheumatism.. Pre t I'. .'t' Ciseaso and Dla t ..a, til restore health and rUJjse substitutes. DAVIS PHARMACY." dleyb 3 for Fletcher's r been made under nis per- , one to aeceivo you in wns. Signature of The Other Side of It. "Wake up, mil,'' saiO the burglar, slinkhiK Hie men liy (he shoulder. Tlii- instil wakes up jiikI jumps up. "Wlia-wh.'it do yon wa-wnnt?" he asks. "1 went troo dis house las' week an' got .$10 au' n bum gold watch," ex plained the burglar, "an" de papers said dat you said your loss was $100 an' joolry to de amount o' five or six hundred." "Ye-yes." "Well, make good, sport. Me pnrd ner dat was watehin' on de outside made me rough up de difference be tween what I got nn' what you said I got. Now, you got to make good. You can't beat me dat way. "-Judge's Li brary. Threatening feverislmess with children is Quickly and safely calmed by Preven- ties. These little Candy Cold Cure Tablets should always be at hand for oromDtnesH is all-important. Prevent- ics contain no quinine, nothing harsh or sickening. They are indeed, "the stitch in time." "Carried in pocket or purse. Preventics are a genuine safeguard against Colds. 25c, Sold by Bradham Drug Co. Humanity In War. The first man, so far as history can speak on the subject, to do anything to mitigate the hardness of the usages of war was Marcus Aurelius, the uoblest of the Kouiau emperors. 6f this illus trious uinu le Qulucey writes, "Mar cus Aurelius first' resolutely main tained that certain Indestructible rights belonged to every soldier simply as a man, which rights capture by the sword or any other accident of war eould do nothing to shake or dimin ish." Modern humanitarianisra in war dates from about the beginning of the eighteenth century. ESCAPED WITH HIS LIFE. "Twenty -one years ago I faced an awful death." writes, H. B. Martin Port Harrelson. S. C. -"Doctors said I had consumption and thedreadful cough I had looked like it. sure enough. I tried everything, I could hear of, for my cough, and was under the treatment of tbe best doctor in Ueorgetown, B. U for a year, but could get no relief. A friend advised me to try Dr. King's New Discovery, I did co, and was com pletely cured. I feel that lowe my life to this great throat and lung cure. Its positively guaranteed for coughs, colds T:i tfflo of jria,. T, uo M. a am vvvviu a --v a v aa umigvnt "'- A Journalist's "Copy." The late Mr. Levy of the "London Telegraph once asked O. A. Sala If be had any objection to his copy being edited in tbe office. "Mr. Levy ,'V he replied, "I am like a butcher. . . I seir you so much meat To me It is a mat ter of profound indifference whether you serve It fried, boiled or roasted." "Recollections of Mrs. T. P. O'Con nor" .. : . ,. ,-: , . i The peculiar properties of Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy have been thor oughly tested during epidemics of in fluenza, and when it was taken in time we have not heard of a single cade of pneumonia. Sold by all dealers. ' Isles of the 8ea. v There ore few ImIph of the sea tbnt are not known. : Even In the south Pa cific there Is not, It is stated, an Iso lated islet on which the cocoanut palm can-grow which Is not marked on tbe chart and visited periodically by rep resentatlves of some trader, nor a rock on which sea birds are accustomed to congregate and nest whose stores'oT gnano Jiflve not been tested and In many' cases cleared, nor a bank with in, diving distance on which the pearl shell oyster has Its home which has not been discovered and stripped of its treasures. Exchange. .-; . . :, FOLEY'S KIDNEY REMEDY-AN AP -;' - PRECIATION. 1V . L. McConnell. Catherine St, Elmira, N. Y., wrifes: "I rim to-express my appreciation of the great good I derived from Foley's Kidney Remedy, which I used for a bad case of kidney trouble. Five bottlos did the work most effect ively and proved to me without doubt It is the moat reliable kiilney medicinal have ever t-ken." F S UulTy. PININ&-0N SEA U3CH!iV' Queer ; Way In Whleh the OluttM Starfith-Devours It Fray. Fights to the death are common be tween sea urchins and starfish. The starfish when ready for battle raises one of us arms toward the sea"ruTchln. the urchin shoots out all his bristling spines, or needles, and, In addition to hia always 'visible arms, brings out an arm that . Is never seen unless It 1 needed for "active -use. This usually Invisible weapon n -a sort' of nipper, edged with teeth. During one tight between- a sea urchin and a starfish the starfish, 'with a sudden --. movement, broke off the pincers of the urchin. ' The pincers remained Imbedded in the flesh of the starfish. Finding bis chief weapon gone,' the "urchin drove all his needles Into the back of the starfish, not all together,' but one' after another, with all the method of calcu lated action. As the needles entered the back of the starfish the starfish broke them, one by one. .The urchin, rendered powerless by the loss of bis needles, made a few mechanical move ments In self defense and then lay mo; tionless and 'powerless on the water. After a few minutes' hesitation and a close scrutiny of his subject the Star fish approached the urchin and pre pared to devour him. But as the urchin was six times larger, than bis haiouth he turned out his stomach In the manner noted by naturalists as a common maneuver of certain animals and, having rejected his stomach lin ing. Inserted the urchin's carcass, spines and all. During the time Con sumed by blm In the struggle of di gestion be was closely observed. Hav ing writhed in agony for some days, he began to show a change of appear ance. The distention of bis middle de creased, and bis movements lost their spasmodic character. Later be was seen to move with more activity. One morning, warmed up for action by the power of the sun's beat, he moved bis stomach rapidly from side to side and from top to bottom and rejected the spines, fins, bone plates. Jaws every thing that bad not disappeared during the process of digestion. The elimina tion accomplished and bis appetite sat isfied, the starfish replaced bis stom ach in -Its normal position and resumed the even tenor of his life. Harper's Weekly. Children dry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Conductors and trainmen on GO rail roads running north, south and west of Chicago were granted a 10 percent in crease, in wages. KILL MORE THAN WILD BEASTS. The number of people killed yearly by wild beasts don't approach tbe vast number killed by disease germs. No life is safe from their attacks. They're in air, water, dust, even food. But grand protection is afforded by Electric Bitters, which'destroy and expel these deadly disease germs from the system. That's why chills, fever and ague, all malarial and many blood diseases yield promptly to this wonderful b'ood purifi er. Try them, and enjoy the glorious health and new strength, they II give you. Money back if not satisfied. Only 50c at all Druggists. Maur ice Tabuteau broke the world' record for distance in an aeroplane at at Buc, France, covering 862,66 miles in a continuous flight of even hours and forty-five minutes. In sickness if a certain bidden nerve goes wrong, then the organ that tbis nerve controls will also aurely fail - It may be a stomach nerve, or it may have given strength and support to tbe heart or kidneys. It was Ur. snoop that Drat pointed to this vital truth. Dr. snoop a Restorative was not made to dose the stomach nor to temporarily stimulate the heart or kidneys. That oid-fathion ed method is all wrong. Dr. Snoop's Restorative goes directly to these fail ing inside nerves. The remarkable sue cess of this prescription demonstrates the wisdom of treating the actual cause of these failing organs. And it it in deed eaRy to prove. A simple five or ten days test will surely tell. Try it once, and seel Sold by Bradham Drug uo, .... . .'.... , Good Plaee For It Willie Here's a sign I got from the postomee. . ' , Mrs. SUmson-Why, WUlie, what do you niean? If a the sign "For Tran- Btents." Yon Just take it right back. "I thought yon might like to hang It up in your kitchen." Life. ' A RELIABLE COUGH MEDICINE. Is a valuable family friend. Foley 'a Honey and Taf fulfills this condition ex actly. Mrs. Ch arias Kline, N. 8th Eastern, Pa.,' states; "Several memb ers of my family have been eared of bad coughs and colds by the use of Foley's Honey and Tar and I am never without a bottle in the house. It soothes and relieves the irritation in the throat and loosens up the cold. I have always found it a reliable cough eure." F S Duffy. . , . Crimson Clover, Seed Rye, Hyde County Rust Proof Oats, Hay Grain and Feed Agt for International Stock and Poultry Food. ; Chas. B Hill, New Bern, N. C u ! The Indignant Caater. ' f "'Ere, missus; give over plnchln' them bananas. 'Ave a go at tbe coker- nuts Instead." London Sketch. , . i. ll r Legal Notices SALE AT PUBLIC AUCTION. North Carolina ...'. ' GMvoa County In tho Superior Court - - ' ' Beforo tho Clerk la tho atatter of Ralph K. Davmpvg-uatdiao of Alberta Powell. Miaar. ; -i ' ' By virtue of aa order iwoed la the above enti tled aotloa ar the Clerk of tho Superior Court of fravea eooaty aad andoned by Hoa. H. W. Whedbeo. Jodaw of the Superior Court of too 8d Judicial DktricV ilriB Mil at the oourt houie door la NaWBora, hi. O,, at puhne auction for oath to tho hlcbeat bidder the following de aaribtd rualeetete;- ': J - - f AU that certain' track of hud with Improve ment tberaoa la the city of New Bera.N.Caon the Berth aide of Caat Cedar St. It being number ed acoordlns to postal enumeration of the city. No. h tha house and promiae are bow occupied by Mr. Johnson, the blind man. Wing about 29 ft fronting oa Cedar street. , V 1 J1 This sale will take place at said court house door oa Wednesday tha Ant day of February 1911 at U o'clock M and Is made to make assetta to complete the minor's education. - R, E. DAVENPOT. Guardian for Alberta Powell Dee.. 1110, EXECUTRIX NOTICE, Having duly qualified as executrix of the will of R. L, Thornton, deceased, al Persons having elahna against the aetata of the deceased arajiere hy notified to present tho same to the undersigned is New Bern N C. duly authenticated for payment oa or before tbe 24th day of Doc, 1911, or this no tice will be plead in bar of recovery. All persons who are indebted to (aid estate arc required to make immediate payment thereof. . , MARGARET A. THORNTON. Executrix. ThlaDoe.22. UUX H. a WHITEHURST. Attorney. SALE X)F STEAMBOAT. Pursuant to aa orderenada by hia Honor Geo. W. Ward, Judge, at the November term. 1910 of Craree Superior Court, in aa action entitled N. W. Jones ra Vaneebon Steamboat Company, A. J, Gatlin, J. B. Harvey, lie Ray Dinkins and B. R. Warren, we. tha nnderslsned Commission- are win offer for sale and will sell to the highest bidder for cash, at tha Meadows wharf. Foot of East Front street in the city of New Barn, on 14th. day of January. 1911, at 12 o'clock m. the steamboat known as tha "Carolina," This the 26th dai of December. 1910. A. D. WARD. WILLIAM DUNN. Jr. . Commissioners. VALUABLE LAND SALE. On Monday January 16. 1911, I wiU sell for cash at the couit house door at New Bern North Carolina, at the hour of 12 o'clock M, my farm near Tuscarora, consisting of S25 acres more or i. of which about 76 acres are cleared and the balance wood land. There ia a six room residence on said land to gether with stables, barns and two tenant. There ia a well of excellent water and also fruit trees and grape-vine. The land is well adopted to stock raising and has a fine stock range. This It, day of Doeeraber.1910. J. R. BINGGOLD. D. L. WARD, Attorney. EXECUTRIX NOTICE. The under. ia-ned having duly Qualified as exec" utrix of Enoch Wadsworth deceased, notifies all persons to whom ha was indebted or . have claims against hia estate to present the same to the un dersigned executrix for payment on or before the tilt day of Dee. 1911 duly authenticated or this notice wi 1 be plead in bar of their recovery. All persona indebted to tha deceased are required to make immediate payment to the undersigned. SARAH E, WADSWORTH, Dec. 20th 1910. Executrix STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OP STATE. CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. To all to whom these areasati may come greet- - mg: ; Whereas H appears to my satisfaction, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for tbe voluntary diaeohitkm thereof by the unanimous aonaaat of all tha stockholders, deposited in my office, that tha Pollocka-vllle Lumber Comoany, corporation of thh) State, whose principal office is situated in the town of PoUocksrille. county of Jones, State of North Carolina (E. B. Elliott be ing tha agent therein and la eharge thereof, up on whoa protess aaay be asr.ed) has complied with tha requirements of Chapter 21, rerisal of 1906. entitled "Corporationa." preliminary to tbe Isaoiag of thai eertiftcate of diaeoletion: .' Now, therefore. L J. BRYAN GRIMES, Secreta ry of State of tha State of North Carolina, do Vieeiy certify that the said corporation did. ,on the 28d day of November 1910, flie in my of- . flea a duly executed and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation executed by all tha stockholders thereof, which said eonasnt and tha leeord of the proceedings, aforesaid are now oa file la my said office as ' provided by law. - Ia testimony whereof, I hare hereto set my luurfiad'aOaMd my official seal, at Raleigh, thie tSd day of November, A. D. 1910. -. , J. BRYAN CRIMES, ' Secretary of State. MORTGAGE ALE. By Th-tae ef the sale contained in that certain morteraa-e deed made and executed hy T. 8. Jack' eoa to T F Aahford and C H Hall trading as New Bern Fruit Company, ea the Kith, day ef Feb. raary, 1909, which said mortgage deed ia record ed la the effiee of the Reilster of Deads ofCn rsa eouaty. la book 1M page M6. LLQ Daniels, to whom the Hid mortgage baa bees assigned. January Kb. 1910, will sell for cash to the high est bidder to satisfy tha aeortgage Indebtneoa at ftc hoar 12 e'elook M. en the loth day ef Janu ary ltlLat the court heuea door ia New Bera Craven county, N. C. that certain tract or parcel of land faring and being la Craven county state aforesaid, m Ne 1 township and denned as fol- fowa.to-wMs Adjoining the hwda of T. 8. Jack son, L M Mania. D O White and others, begia sing at L at Morris1 soothaaet corner and running aorth with her Haa to W A CWve's land. Thence V1U W A Cleree to O T White's and Win. White's Hoe. ' them with their line to E F White! Una. Thenea with F White's Una to MaeJ Ren. then with esal raa to T 8 Jackson's line, then with said T I Jackson's Una to the be ef Lit Morris' containing two Thle7th.dayof December 1910. - ... L. 0. DANIELS, ' ; . Assignee of Martjrage. ; - EXECUTRIX NOTICE. The andereigned having duly qualifled aa exe catrix of Jamea H, I pock deeeeaed, notifies all pereone to whom be waa Indebted or have elalme aaratnat hie estate to present the same to the uederelamed executrix for payment on or before the lTth. day ef Deo. 1911 duly authentl oatMl or tUs notice will be plead In her of their recovery. All pereone indebted to the deceased are required to make hnmediaet payment to the dit.' rioed, - BETTIE T. IPOCK. r, if vx Fiitiix. 1 ISsrn. N. C. R. F. P. i o. 2 ERMllTFALtSi Tfps That Await EnglishSpeak ing Tourists in Portugal. THERE ARE NO TOES THERE. But, Than, One Has Twenty Fingers ' to Make Up the Lota, Fingers of the Hand and JFing'ars of tha Foot Oddi ties of the Verb "to Walk.". . " The ; Englishman or " American . In Portugal, who thinks Jn bis own lan guage and tries to 'sneak in the lan guage of the conutrv he is visiting la a great enille producer. , : For Instance, you ,never marry any body In Portugal unless strange para doxyou happen to be a priest You marry "with" your beloved. Maria, and the priest '.Slurries you both.- In the same way you never dream about any body, but always "With" them. ; : When the landlady at your boarding bouse Is ladling ont your soup you call out" "Arrive." Xou are telling her to arrive at the stopping point In other words, that you don't Want more than she has put out When-you see a child that you want to fondle nt tbe other side of the room you say to her, "Arrive here." Auh the child prompt ly "arrives." . . " : . , '. ' " In England when we spent of walk ing we refer-to a certain use of the legs. But: the Portuguese verb "to walk" has many more 'significations. In Portugal not only do the people walk, but also the carts aud cars walk, the trains walk, a balloon walks, and a boat wains, stranger sun, , me hands of a clock walk round tbe face! A clock, by the way, never goes; It "works." . . -" Unless you are very Intimate or very rude you never say to your fair part ner at dinner, "Will you have some bread?" etc. Yon inquire, "Will your excellency .have some bread?" or,; "Wilt tlielaily have some bread?" the "lady" meaning not some other lady, but your fair partner herself. , In splto of winter you are never cold In Portugal unless yon are a corpse. You are "with" cold. - In the same way you are occasionally "with" heat "with" headache, "with" hunger or "with" thirst When you hHve occa sion to discuss the" weather yon say, "It 'makes' cold." '"It 'makes' fog." etc. Oil your way home from an en tertainment you tell your companion that It "makes" dark. If speaktiiK, of her husband a wife says be Is a "tame" man.; She merely means that be Is a man of peace anil Justice. " . - Tho word "house" means more than with us. Your buttons share your own privilege of living In a house. . The buttonholes are called "houses of the buttons." The squares on a chess board nre also "houses.". You dou't say, "I'm going to shave." Yon say. "i;m going to 'do' the beard. .Neither do you say on the way to the bar ber's, "1'pi going to get my hair cut," but you say, "I'm going to cut my hair." When you nre In Portugal- yon have twenty fingers, but no toes. . If you want to make a distinction' you say "lingers of the hand" or "fingers of the foot" ' Instead of telling 'the servant to set the. table you tell ber to "put" It When you go to the theater you "assist" "You don't mean by that that you "come on" nor even that you do a little scene shifting. You mean that you are there Itesidents In flats wlio meditate tak Inga holiday In Portugal will be re lleved to hear that no one plays the piano, there They merely "touch" It Neither do they ring bells. They "touch" them nlnct But they "play- stones, meaning that- they throw them, and a ship at sea "plays" when It pitches and tosses. Be careful bow you tell your land lady that yon Intend to dine out or she may think, with a shrug of the shoulders, ,'tbat you Intend dining outslde"" e. In the garden. Jo an swer 4o the kind luqulrles of your friends don't say that you are well; say that you nre "good." Be careful In your- use of words. Some words similar In form are widely different Id meaning, as on American missionary once "discovered to bis cost when preaching In Brasll, once a Portuguese colony. His subject was "Tbe Prodi gal Son." and be gravely Informed his hearers that when the young man re turned borne his father killed for him the fatted beetle! But be had merely made a mistake In one solitary vowel. A, "sleeping" bridge means a bridge that Is Immovable (not a drawbridge). Stagnant water also "sleeps." So do trucks or trains that wait anywhere during the night When tbey laugh In Portugal they "untie themselves to laugh," and when they cry .they "un make themselves In tears." : A persist ently unfortunate man says, "I am so unlucky , that If L felj on my back 1 should break, my nose I" London An swers, ; Hopeful Namaa. ; Two bright . looking colored boys about seven years of age laughingly accosted a lawyer on the street The man stopped and asked the boys tbelr names. - " ."'- "Johnslng," was the reply. -"We'se twins." :.-.''-;:';. '. - "Well, what are your first names?" Insisted the amused questioner. " . "Mali name," answered one, "Is Soda, and bis name," pointing to the other, "la Saleratus... Maw done lose all de others, and she give ns names she find successful In raisin'." Newark 8tar, ( Greatness la Its own torment Theo dore Parker. , ENDS WINTER'S TROUBLES To many, winter is a season of trou ble. The frost bitten toes and fingers, chapped hands and lips, chilblains, cold, sores, red and rouh skins, prove this. But such troubles lly before Burklen's Arnica Salve. A trial convinces. Great est healer of Burns. Boils, Biles, Cuts, Sore, Eczema and Sprains, Only 2IiC at all druKiiUi. Arch HoxHcy ina Wri'lit biplane m:i 1 a rnf Ar'rir:in record for en da; $ lit I.oa A V. . One Magazine ( ' AND ' - One Newspaper are indispensable to every person of Intelligence.' . ' - The "one magazine" is CUR RENT LITERATURE; because it alone sweeps the whole field of human thought and action in both hemispheres. . -. '. It contains a monthly review of the world's news; quotations f rota and comments on the press of the world; numerous graphic cartoons, and other illustrations; ' photo graphs and biographic sketches of theconepicuous personalities of the month; the most recent advances in science and discovery the note-: worthy events in religion, literal ture and art, critical reviews of the best fiction, - dramatic and, musical works; a page of the best humor and a condensation of the leading plays of the month. - . " It gathers impartially from ev ery field of human thought and activity those facts - which are best wordh knowing and gives the reader a clear, well defined and illuminating view of what the whole world is doing CURRENT LITERATURE ; for one year 13.00 THE DAILY JOOBIML for one year ' - $4.00 " HARDWARE AND ". t Building Ma terial Paints, Oils AND , " Varnishes J American : Field Fence 1 lew Ken, I 0. HENRY'S Prescriptions from - all physicians, Quickly and Ac curately filled. r.. Also a full line of Choice Toilet articles. ' - Pharmacy PHONE 173 Now is the time to have your buggy repaired and ' painted for Xmas, when everything ought to be shining. The place to have it fixed up 40 order is 29 Craven St, where the experienced workmen of 14 to 20 years are capable of doing it right. If you are con templating having any work done see ua we can save you money. Work done on short notice' and satisfaction guaranteed. - Don't forget the place, "' '-- ' ' Ti inn 29 Craven St New Bern, N. C Successor-to Williama A Scales Jiist Recoiled ' Fresh lot of Apples Ct'-i-fornia Grapes, C;"".;::".;, Burmuda Onions, Sad On ions, White ricklln: Or.icr.3 Cabbage andIrLbFc',:tc;3. easMSieaaaaeieBaeaaaaeaaaaaaleeiaeaaaaeaeaeweeejaaaii I I II leMiima a JACOBS tz CO, II'".-... A - ROTH 4.50 1 . Xmas Notice 1 iirPVrtTrr.

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