r 1 TNo. 83 .NEW BERN CRAVEN-COUNTYKN. C, FRIDAY J ANpARY, .13." .1911 -SECOND SECTION 33rd. YEAR or , . 1 f ' AN EPIDEMIC l OF SMALLPOX i A.t Durham, More Than one- Hun "dred Cases in The Citj. .:. v - ' ." No Deaths, " ' Durham, JanJO. Smallpox epidemic in two counties, Durham and Granville ' threatwn to interrupt cornmunicatiori - betweeri the two and quarantine " not 1 eM have been sent out. ' " f One hundred and fifty, cases in the city bf Durham,' and more than that number in Granville hive caused the medical authorities, to resopf' to com "pulaoiy vaccination,; It is being resis ted by many people. The entrance ; into the schoole of the'city haa been mode dependent upon auceessfurvaccinaiion. There are many white cases. ."; '; A ease recently discovered in t he f it y : market caused quarantine of the, mar ket man. Hi had declined to bo vacci , Dated an i bolh the father an I the s sAn contracted the disease. There have np to datebeen no deaths. . ; ; ; ;: - , : Thtstate board of health, backed by - individual couuti,will aalc the general assembly for abolition , of the quaran tine laws thus making vaccination c'iin: ptihnry everywhere. ' ' ' The mildness f the attack has -mili tated against an easy handling of the situation. Many hae Contracted tfae diseise, passed through it in all stages fend been eured by nature before discov ering that they have it. '- Rheumatism Relieved in Six Hours . Dr. Detchon's relief for Rheumatism 1 usually relieves severest cases fn a few : hourn. , Ita action upon tht- cystpm i ' remarkaLle and efffective, It removes 'at once the cause and the disease quick ly disappears. First dose greatly bene fits. 75c and $1 00. Sold by Brudham Drug Co. .' . ' Captain Gossett Writes Letter. I lew Bern, CJan. 10 1011,. . The Silvation' Armycon'o of , Ne Bern, hold meetings ' nightly ; at their hall on Pollock street. We' would be deliehted to i ee all of our old friends' and any pew ones at these meeting. We believe they are of pitch an interest as to make them thoroughly enjoyable as well aa profitable f rid and young alikeC Come and see. us ani biinK a friend with you if you anj if you cati not coie to the meetinss. peih jps you would like for us to call upon vyou at your residence, we would be glud to c'o to if you wou'd like us to., We can and would be pleased to give you some in formation regarding our- work' in this and other citiea. W are"d ini? pur beat l(i New Barn to" raiso the fallen and spread the story of Jesus and II u love." We have, thank Cud, met with much success, but there "is si ill a great deal before us yet to'accomplish. . . ? Would you not like tw help u t 7 W? would, appreciate any assistance . you can five, either financially or other wise. Quarters at 67 J ' liroad street, phone No. 446. . , " ' Capt. and Mrs. G03SET ?, ' i .. : Offlccrs in Charge. FOR SALE. Three BhareslJew, Bern Bankirg & Trust Company 'a stock, your best of fer, r Apply to P. O. Box 152. v Schools Close on Account of Measeles. t At a meeting of the board of trustees of the Goldsboro Graded schools Satur day afternoon, after learning that 520 pupils out or 1010 were out ot scnopii on account of measele in the eommi: nity. it was decided that the achools of the whitechildren be suspended for two weeks in oder that the situation might become relieved and -that prae , tically the ;children-might be ablet return to school. It wa also orderej that these two weeks be made up at the end of the term, Goldsboro Arguo, rarm Seeds. ' 'We are" headejuartera ' fot the best in all Farm aeeckv ; Crasiand Clover Seeds . Seed Corn, Cotton Seed, ; 7 -."-Cow Pea.s, Sola Beans, ' : t SaritimsKanir torn, 1 r,..llct Seed, Peanats, etc. a Vood's Crop inu e d Special' monthly gives timely infermation as to seeds to plant each,' month in t"e year, also prices of Season alls Seed Write for copy. mnu.'d free on request. S VOCS'S HIGH-GRADE BLACK IIANDERS , THROW Bit Demand For 4,000 Ignored , " tempt to Wreck Rtore. , A Panic. -At : Chica?o,Jan, 10. Within two hours after the expiration of the time (effCt Paul Figaro t i depoait $4,000 in the mail box at Cnicrtgp avenue and I-arra- heetret-t to satisfy the demands of Black Handera a brmh"w8 exploded in the basement of his dry- goods s'ore, partly wrecking the store and building and throwing th4 - residents of the Nort'nSide Iia'ian-into a state of panic. , It waii the second bomb aimed by the members of the Black Hand at Figaro. Five months ago he refused to accede to demands made on him and 24 hours after the last warning was given a bomb was set off in the same sp t where the last explosion- caused such diftmge. " ; ' ' ;-. ' . ,' . . ''lam thought by some people" to ba rich, "hut I am a poor mat' and, did not have the money. Five months ago the same men ojade a demand for $3,000 and said they would blow up my place and kill my family if I refused. . I did no', have the. money then and I haven't the money now." -' ; Fire at Patterson House Last Night. .;, l 7,.. ' ' - 1 ' 'V Fi-e was "discovered ift.the Patterson' hpuse, , East Front strei-t last night about 5?:C0 o'clock, and for awhile threatened serious damage. The blaze was in Ihfl rcof of the rear or annex. T wo streams were run up to the roof and the fl imes siton axnquished. The damage could not be closely estimated last night but us a dozen rooms' were wet down the loss will probably be a thousand dollars or more, Battleship Intercepted. Washington, Jan. 10 The fl;et'of battleships attacking the United States in a mimic war has been intercepted by the defending scout cruisers. Rear Ad miral Slauntm, in command of the 8cou1, notified the Navy Department by wirclcrs today of his success.- A New York Actresa Writes for a Tube of Savodine. " . To the Sivojino Company: ; Corner Broad and Fleet streets, ' - New Bern, N. C. Deir r?irs: Enclosed please find 25c in stamps for ane.tube of your "Savo dine." This has proven splendid for colds, etc., but I have been unable to fii)d it in this city. If you have an es tablishment here kindly send me. the Khlrefsand oblige. ' " -; ' X MISS ELINOR FOSTER, v" 3.10 Wear68th St. . . New Yort, N. Y. vMiss Foster ha apean d in this city at various timea with the Hal Mordauhi Stock Company and it will be remem bered that she has a voice of exception al sweetness. - '. Wants Two Cent Fare. . ' ...... . - . " Raleigh, Jan. 11 Eart, of Ilcnder son, in the IJouae yesterday introduced bil's to make pasatnger fate , in the Stute two ci nti pertnile, and that the conductois should bo competed t ) "pull mileage, A bill by Connor, of Wila in, provides for uniform bills of lading in tiHsstate. oDerts, oi uuocomoe, oi frr?d a bill to prevent the detention of n in houses of proatitution by or oth(.rwi3e Spainhour, of Burke, fntrodured a bill for four judicial cir- uits and judges I) rotate within theae cjreuils, , . ,. ' ' ' v Assignments of Supreme Court Circuits - ..' Made. Wahineton, Jan. 10 Chief Justice White today announced the reassign ment ot members o me supreme court of the United States to the various cir cuits. . .r 'r':'.l : "r" - ' To f is assignment Chief Justice White takes the fourth circuit, includ ing Maryland, West ; Virginia,, North Carolina and 'South Carolina, Vuatica Harlan, the sixth circuit, including Ohi Michigan, Kentucky and Tennessee Justice McKenna. the ninth circuit, consisting of the Pacific coast State Justice Holmes, the first circuit, includ' ing Mainn, New Hampshire, Massachu setts and Rhode Iland; Justice Day, the ceventh circuit, including Indiapa Illinois and WUconsin, ' Justice Lurto", (he third circuit, including New Jersey, Pennsylvania ' and Delaware; Ju&ttre Hughes the second circuit. Including, Vermont,. Connecticut and New York, Justice VanDevanter, the eighth circuit includ ii. g Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri. Arkansas, Nohraaka, Colorado Kansas, North Dakota, South Dakota, Okla homa, Wyoming, Utah and New Mexi co, and Justice Lamar, thd fifth circuit, including Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Miiisiaaippi. Lousiana and Texas. HOUSE EI1GAGES III IP FRAY Speaker Cannot lieverse Pre cedent Established Last . March. Washington, January 10th. After" a wordy battle. on the floor of the house, Speaker Cannon yesterday reversed thelcash m the United States treasury to precedent established by the Norria rules resolution of last March that the house as a question of constitutional privilege can at any time consider or amend ita own tVles.. ; Mr. Cannon de clared that the eontest last March was matter of personal action againist himself aa a member of the rule com mittee. v : . ; -'y ' . To cure an alleged wrong , being done by. the speaker and the committee on rules," . Mr. Cannon said, "this re volution was carried on, fostered by a press, both periodical and daily, that knew nothing 6t the rules. "Under this great parliamentary re form,'.' he shouted, a winging hia gave). there is no way to amend the rules, except by a revolution. It must be done on the "floor." The finht resulted from a split in re gular ranks over the construction" plac ed upon the insurgent "motion to dis charge committees" rule. ! "fiepresentativ Fuller (Repub'ican) of Illionois, introduced a resolution am nding the rule to prevent the "mo- ion to discharge" calendar taking pre cedence over 'suspension of the rules." Mr. Mann (Republican), of Illinois, made a point o order against Mr. Ful- er. In an impassioned address, Mr. Ful ler attacked Mr. Mann, He declared that Mr. Mann had by placing 107 bills on the "notion to discharge"calendar, and cut off abf o'utely all chance for a 'suspansion -of the rules" at this ses sion. . , .,. Other regulars joined in the batfle. Regular Democrats lined" up with the pposition to the insurgent rules. Un derwood (Democrat), of Alabama, and Fitzgerat ( pemocrat),of New York, declaring the Norris resolution was the remit of a fight in a special caae. When put to a vote by an appjal by Mr. Gaines (Republican), of Wast Vir ginia, from the decision tne speaker was sustained. , Organization, Education, Progress The above three words show To the world around us, the object of the Farmers Union. -' i We are organizing for an educational campaign, ana this means progress, it means that the elements of agriculture are to be taught in all of-our rural schools. : Come out t? the court house next Saturday, Jan. 14th 12 m, and hear Mr. Shaw discuss the importance of organ ization and education. We . would be pleased to see the court house filled, it would mean f ncouragement to. the speaker and good instruction to the hearer.". ' 'y,. - "Wi.. . -" Agriculture is coming to the front, butts sayet very-poorly studied and understood. These three things the farmer must do: study his business, di vide profits with his neighbors, and iirice his (roods on the markets of the world, ' ' . A FARMER. PILES I PILES ! PILES 1 William's' Indian Pile Ointment will cure Dlind, Bleeding and Itching Piles It absorbs the tumors, allays itching at once, acta aa a poultice, gives insiani relief. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment ia prepared for Piles and itching of the Drivate Darts. Sole by drueKista. mail 50c and $1.00. , Williams' M'f'g. Co, Props. , Cleveland, 0. . Worth S15.00O. a Greek -Starved to Amass Wealth. - Clarksburg, W. Va., Jan. 11-The trial of Okie Gruven, on a lunacy war rant, and his commitment to the inBane asylum at Weston, by Justice Ames at Fairmont, has disclosed a remarkable case of frugality." . . .. It is alleged that lack of proper nour- Unmeet and hard work led to the young man becoming mentally unbalanced. Although he tiad over $1,000 in bank and owned three houses, from which he derived a good income, yet it is said that he denied himself the food neces sary to keep him in good health, and that (his so wrakened hia system that he finally became insane. , ,v " For Several years he had wotked aa a day laborer and sayjd. every penny he received, denying himself all but the barest necessities of life. He invested his savings In real esi&te, and continu ed io work aa a common laborer.' He was probably worth $15,000 when his mind became unbalanced. , ; Greatest ever today Um bfellas Ladies and Gents 25c Come early and get the Bar gains. J. J. axter. SCAPE GOV ERODED SUIT By Paying 1700,000 Cash in Ac tion tigar Trust Half Million Refused.' ; Washington, Jan. 11. The American Sugar Refining Co, deposited $700,000 in compromise ite eiyiliiabilitiei in the su gar drawback frauds at New York. Sec retary McVeagh will formally accept the money for tba government. Henry, A. Wise, district-attorney at New York and attorneys of the Departments of Justice have advised the secretary of the treasury to take it If Accepted it set lea thet government's civil claims only and does not prejudice'the right to criminal proceedings. :a James M. Beck and Wickham Smith, as attorneys for the sugar company, presented a long statement with the offer," saying the company had been very ready to aid the government in its investigations and that a great number of the stockholders upon whom , the brunt of a civil suit would fall areN wo men. ::.:- iL-'i'' 1 ' The sugar company's original offer to settle the frauds was $250,000, but dis trict attorney Wise declined that.' . The sugar company later, offered $500,000, and ita counsel emphatically informed secretary MacVeagh that such an offer was "the lafct cent.''" It was raised to $700,000 later, however, when the Treasury refused the offer of half a mil lion. ... Crimson Clover. Seed Rye, Hye County. Rust Proof Oats, Hay Grain and Feed Agt. for International . Stock and Poultry Food. Chas. B. Hill, New Bern, N. C. State Cannot Compel Roads to Issue v "7 MUeage. Ralsigh, Jsttr tTSnator John W. Graham; chairman of the judicary com mittee, has just mailed a letter to Erwin A, Holt, of Burlington, giving informa tion on the subject of 'mileage books and the exchanging of mileage for tick- eU. He ssys that it has been decided that the State cannot compel the rail roads to issue mileage books and that it ia better for the drummers to submit to the inconvenience of exchanging mileage for a ticket than for the rail roads to stop the issuances of all mile age books. - t BIOS WANTED. To furnish incandescent lamps for the city of New Bern for the next twelve months. Proposals, will be received un til noon Jan. 17th, 1911,-City reoerves right t J reject any or all bids. ' Chrrin Water & Light Com. War Department Criticized. Washington, D. C. "Jan. 12 -The of ciala of the army arid navy in the State Depirtment were astounded yesterday at the reported statement of Admiral Yashiro, of the Japanese navy, at Pan sma, criticising President Taft'a policy of fortifying the canal aa a great mis t ike upon the part of the United States government. It is tne opionion here that unless Japan takes immediate steps to punish the admiral the incident will soon become a project for diplomatic intercourse, x V V t ' , ONE BIG FOOL But lie Doesn't Live ia New Bern Nor Head The Journal. -A man in Connecticut gave a doctor, la specialist in catarrh $50 to cure him of this common yet most obnoxious di sease," " : '"' Tbe specialist gave him a bottle of medicine and told him to use it. The fool look' tho medicine home, took one dose, put it on a jslf and made ho further effort to follow instructions-' ' "r ' : ' Three months later with the medicine atill oh thesbelf he told a friend that the specialist was a fake; that be had paid him $50 and still had. catarrh. HYOMEI (pronounce it High-o-me) won't cure catarrh if you don't breathe it; it will if you breath it regularly. Furthermore, you dont's need to give a catarrh specialist $50 to cure you of catarrh, for the ipeoialist is yet to be born who can write a better prescrip tion than HYOMEI. , . Bradham Drug Co., and druggists everywhere guarantee . HYOMEI to ture catarrh or money back.- A com plete outfit which consists of a bottle of HYOMEI, a- hard rubber inhaler and simple instruct'ons for use costs only 1.00. , Separate bottles of HYOMEI if ' afterwards needed cost but 59 cents. WR ROT . ; 1IKELY SAYS United States " Would , Give Philippines to' Japan if She WantTliein. Washington, Jan. 11 War between the United States and Japan over the Philippine Islands is not likely, because if Japan wants the islands" tj United States would gladly give thenrto her, according to Representative ' David J. Foster, of Vermont, chairman of the house committee on " foreign affairs. Representative Foster made this de claration last night in the course of an address on "International Peace" be fore tho Men's Clubof the Mount Plea sant Congregational Church. He char acterized the Philippines as a "lemon" on the hands of the United. "In five years a treaty for the set tlement of international disputes will be entered into by the United States, Japan, France and England," said Mr. Foster. "These four nations, banded together will be a means of completing the rest of the world to follow their example. The result will be an international court for the indiciate settlement of internal ional disputes, established at The Ha gue, and world peace. 'I feel perfectly safe in making this prediction. Past wars and rumors of future wars are draining the great na tions of the world. Over $2,090,000,0:10 is spent each year for armaments. "I would like to refer to rumors of war between the United States and Japan. The possibility is remote. Ja pan realizes that the Philippines are a burden to us and would be to her. For this reason she can have no designs in that direction- Japan is not looking for burdens." .. Teachers Examination, A public examination for teachers certificate will be held at the office of the County Supf. on South Front St. Thursday and Friday of this week. White teachers will be examined Thursday and colored teacheres" Friday. S. M. BRINSON, County Supt, DINING ON SEA URCHIN. Queer Way In Whioh the Glutton Starfish Devours Ita Prey. Fights to the death are common be tween sea urchins and starfish. Tbe starfish when ready for buttle ' raiser one of his arms toward the sea urchin. rhe urchin shoots nut all bis bristling sjilues, or needles, and, In addition to bis always visible arms, brings out an arm that la never seen' unless It la needed for active use. This usually invisible weapon. Is a sort of nipper, edged with teeth! During one fight be tween a sua urchin and a starfish the starfish, with' a sudden movement, broke off the pincers of the urchin. The pincers remained Imbedded In the flesh of the starfish. Finding bis chief weapon gone, the urchin drove all bis needles Into' tbe back of tbe starfish, not all together, but one after another, with aU tbe method of calcu lated action. As the needles entered the back of the starfish the starfish broke them, -one by one. Tbe urchin, rendered powerless by the loss of bis needles, umde a few mechanical move ments In self defense and then lay mo tionless and powerless on the water After a few minutes' hesitation and a Jose scrutiny of hia subject the star fish approached the urchin "mid pre pared to devour hlin. But as the urchin was rIx times larger than bis mouth ho turned out bis stomach In the manner noted by lutturallsts aa a common maneuver of certain animals and, baring rejected his stomach lin ing, Inserted the urchin's carcass, spines and all. Dating tbe time con sumed by blui in the struggle of di gestion be was closely observed. -: Bar lug writhed In agony for some days, he began to show a change of Appear ance. The distention of big middle de creased, and his movements lost tbetr sptiMinodlc- character. loiter be was seen to move with, more activity. One morning, warmed up Tor action by the power of the mil's heat, be moved bis itonmrh rapidly from side to side, and from top to bottom and rejected tbe spines, Una, bone plates, jawe every thing thut hud not disappeared during the process of dlgeHtlon. Tie elimina tion accompllHhed iiud his appetite sat isfied, the ntarflxh replaced his stom ach In Its normal position and resumed the even tent of his life. Harper's Weekly. V NOTICE. After the Big Fire-many of my friends knew I suffered a heavy lost. Many shingles, lathe, some bales of eotton and other merchandise was burn ed besides 16 stores and bouses, sheds, stables and other houses, out building i, j But now I may I say I will try again to succeed and keep on sucking till I do succeed. .. . i r ' ' : - I now have the largest stock of all kinds of sawed ahingles an hand I ever had, I guarantee prices and quality. Thanking my customers for past patro- nage I artT the Old Reliable, ' 'BIO HILL, the Shingle Man, APPALIIM- sippn AT Cincinnati. Four Deaths in Fire That ()0Ht Close to a Million1 ' ''of Dollars. ' . . . . f "V - iiincinnati,... January lis t our men who are known to have been in the Chamber of Commerce building, when it caaght fire unaccounted for and fears are entertained that they perished in the flames which caused a loss estimat ed at close to a million dollars. A score of persons, including a, dozen firemen, were injured, but their injur ies are not believed to be of a fatal na luro. The missing men are Brent Marshall. a confidential clerk"of the grain brok erage firm of Eriy & Daniel, which had offices in the building: Fred Seim night engineer, and Chris Ntitues night fireman, and Harry Leslie, a negro porter of Earl & Daniels. These men were known to have been in the building at the time the first alarm of fire was giyi-n at d efforts to locate them have proved futile. Search of the ruins was not possible early in the day, as the fire was still smoulder ing. ( Besides the Chamber of Commerce the Business Men's Club and the Louis ville and Nashville Railroad offices, more than a score of business concerns had quarters in the destroyed building Their loss will be complete. It ia be lieved th? damage is fully covered by insurance. OVer $7,000 worth of Shoes at ridiculously low prices. A look will satisfy you. J. J. Baxter. Glnners' Cotton Report. Washington, Jan. 10. Cotton of the growth of 1M0 ginned prior to January 1st, as shown by the report of the bu reau of census isaued at ten o'clock this morning wMlT7ZT)ale8Tc6m parcd with 9,647,327 from the growth of 1909. Tbe percentage of the last 2 crops ginned th Jan. 1st waa 95 8 for 1909 and 95.$ for 1908. Round bales included this year are 109,296 compared with 142,919 for 1909 and 230,572 for 1908. Sea Island bales included are 82,422 for 1910 aa against 89,911 for 1909 and 86,528 for 1908. The ginning of the states follows: Al abama 1,161,506; Arkansas 725,378; Flor ida 63,057; Georgia 1,761,814; Louisiana 240,225; Mississippi 1,131,038; North Carolina 701,426; Oklahoma 896,355; South Carolina 1,155,696; Tennessee 201,317; Texas 2,888,479 and other s ates 71,151. , -The distribution' of the Sea Island. cottlin from growth of 1910 by states was: Florida 27.636; Georgia 43,636 and South Carolina 11,150. A. S N. C, R. R. Co. Dividend. Goldsboro; N. C., January 7 At a meeting of the directors of the A. & N C. K. R. Co. in this city today.- A semi-annual dividend of 1J per cent on the capital stock of said company was declared, payable at the office of the treasury ot aaid company in Goldsboro, N. C. on January 15 191L Books for the transfer of stock to close at 12 M January 10, 1911, and re-open at 12 M on January 15, 1911. i D. J. BROADHURSr, j Sec'y and Treat. Stateroom a "Hoodoo." New York, Jan. 12. Stateroom No. 52 on the White Star liner Megantic will in the future bo used as a store' room. Although it ; ia situated on the Lshelter deck and providea excellent ac commodation for ocean travellers, no one will occupy it now, a ita last oc cupant waa the late Dr., Haw ley Crip pen, who waa banged for the murder of his wife. Belle Elmore. , Tbe Megantic waa formerly in the Canadian service of the Wh'te Star line, and later Crippen waa arrested at Rimiuikl, he waa put on board the M gantic and taken back to Liverpool. He waa given stateroom No, 62, and Ethel Leneve occupied a cabin Immediately opposite, lioth cabins are looked upon aa hoodoos, and whenever they . have been offered to travellers the question j has been asked, "Is that the cabin Dr. (Crippen had?" During the voyage across the pass engers looked upon the cabins as cham bers of horror, and during the first 8 daya at sea the stewards were buBy un locking and locking the rooms to satis fy them. .. Fcrnjcif bl , One horse farm, 6 room dwelling, well drained, wire fence, good water, new bams and outbuildings, healthy place, open stock range, cheap to good tenant Apply to Journal. A STATE 'KAY Through North Carolina. Meeting -' is to he Held ia Raleigh, Feb. 14th. a convention vt procure me construc tion, through the heart of North Caro lina, of a great highway to be known as the Central Highway, is to be held in the city of Raleigh on Feb. 14th. The State Highway Commission will desig nate roada through the various coun ties extending from Beaufort harbor through the center of the State, thro' V Asheville to the Tennessee line. The object is to make a continuous highway running through the center of the State. Governnr Kitching haa very heartily r approved of the scheme and recommen-- ded the legislative program to the gen eral assembly, V y ;,y;;"v " A call will be issued in the next, few days by the Wake County Good Roada Association, the Board of Agriculture and the city of Raleigh, for a meeting; and delegates will be '.invited from all the counties, cities, towna. chambers of commerce,, retail merchants' associa tions and lodges of the Farmers' Union between Morehead City and Aaheville; The present purpose ia to have the highway paas through each court house town, and of course through auh im portant places as New Bern; Kinaton, Goldsboro, Raleigh, Durham, Burling 'toh, Greenabbcp, High Point,. Thomas ville, Lexington, lisbury, etc. Probably three-fourths of the road is already constructed; and it only needs co-ordination, improvement and the fill ing in of gaps, like the one acrojss Orange county, ; It i(l not proposed to impose any tax, i ... ... have any elections or have any cum- . berous machinery; but wm the means already at hand and the machinery al- : ready provided and construct this road next spring. The cause of good roads will receive great encouragement; and this road will be a standing example , and object lesson in each county; and it - will, ef necesnity, almost bring about the building of other roada. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS . PAZO OINTMENT is guaranteed to cure any case of Itching, Blind, Bleed ing or Protruding Pilea in 6 to 14 daya or money refunded. 50c .. : Uncle 8am and Canada Dealings. Washington, January 10 The second session of the conferences looking to tariff reciprocity between the United States ond Canada waa. held this after-' noon at 3 o'clock. Ministers Fielding and Patterson, of the Canadian cabinet, and Attorneys Pepper and Anderson, of the State department, attended. Se cretary of State Knox was present dur ing pe,rt of the meeting. . The negotiators maintained the silen ce ' which they have preserved since thi first conference en Saturday. It ia now believed possible the conferences may be brought to an end by the. State dinner on Wednesday evening at the White House for which President Taf t haa issued invitatlona. ' Express Companies Profits $12, 000,000. ( Washington, Jan. 12. Express com panies operating In the United Slates did a business of $132,699,190 for the year ending June 30, 1909, of which $12,294,008 waa profit, according to a report published by the Interstate com? meree commission today. -'. It la shown that the average revenue per piece handled by the Companies was fifty cents. The total mileage of the companies amounted, to 260,507, of which the Welle Fargo Express Co. operat d the largest share. ' , ; ."i -''V;--; Twelve bodies were extricated from the ruins of a powder at San Martin Argentina, which was blown up by an explosion. King of Externals r$ the one Standard prep arationt universally anJ enthusiastically endorsed Ifj Doctor, Drv fist, Lay rsa.C0WAhij CureJ l'neizicsia, Crotp, Cel .r, CcEis,ris3msv asJ all t'iaetla crssel Iron Is ilarinaiioa cr Ccsiestiorr. ' Qownna Prepuratloo tins oni of th lArgebt Mali moat tulufm lory $1ta' of an.r pr'ir$tioa cnrrit J Ui ovr ttovk, b copnidor it woutltrlhf mcrei. . - : ; iiia Lit; kx r drvq co., CifuatJa. C, Juij 11, 11., r-y v vi -rn - .-- - Ui I. l! . .11,1 .! C 1 .1 1" m t .' 4. : ( 1 ..! , ( J f ! ! - i LAS ro

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