-a. .-g i 3uajji gm it I i . i ; j . t i THE V WEEKLY JOOt . btekltokM 1878 - Published IB Two SwttonsT every Tuesday and Friday, at Journal Bulld iy,. ks-60 Craven Street EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. . s 2 Official Paper of New Bern ana OaTn Gouty. yj . SUBSCRIPTION : RATES. Two Month.. .. .' .. ..I three Months..' . t tu Months.."--..;; .- . . fwelve Months.. .. I II 0 LOO - ONLY IN ADVANCE." The Joornal fcJ cnly sent on pay-ln-idvance bails. Subscribers will re ceive notice of -expiration of their sub nrlptlons aoA an immediate response V notice mj do appreciated by the Journal, Advertising rates furnished upon application at the office, or upon ln inlr by maT nteidd at the Poatoffice, New Bern, N. C. as second-class matter. New Rem, N. C. Feb. 7. 1911. WITH FULL LOCAL UNDER STANDING-SUCCESS. "No people in town, village or city can be really prosperous or happy with out being brought together frequently to share common amusements and re creations and exchanges of opinion, it is such attractions that have contribut ed in a great degree to make Paris, London, Florence and Rome pilgrim shrines." The above from that veteran writer, John Bigelow, carries in well expressed language, what in the local vernacular of the day is tersely expressed by two words ''get together." A municipality is only a great family. In the fireside idea, par ents and children form a mutual protective organization, where the social, the business, the religious and co operative stand prominent, because all these make up the home circle into a unity of life and act ion, into a mutuality that with stands any outside force, because there is the perfect understanding and confidence between every member of the family. There can bo no failure iu such a household. It is this local understanding among citizens, that develops the municipality. In the chambetf of commerce, in the businessmen's league, in the fraternal organ iza tion, in social circles, where men gather together there is engender ed a spirit of enterprise, harmony of thought and action unite that serve to produc local betterments, and prosperity that is shared by every citizen. Where is the natural center for a community to gather for common amusement and recreation, but at the school building. Here is the gathering of young and old, that i3 productive of a social feeling that breeds a citizen friendship, which arouses that community of feeling that means community of united interests, that has been gained by getting together. With this full local understanding and friendship, there is a citizenship that can and will make the muni cipality grow and expand. Noth ing outside can with stand its pro gress. Outsiders rush into 'join their fortunes with such a com munity whose interests are thus united. There are no dull business periods,, no tiresome seasons, in stead every thing is on the move forward. ; There cau be no hesita tion, no pausinrg, for the commun ity In one body is pushing1 for ward, and the entire municipality is carried along, with -no thought or purpo except forward,' ever forward. .- ;' - - ; k. ; THE MATTER OF ' ' f 1 ' WOOD CHUCK. It can hardly bethought possis Ma - ttiafc fmm . M meteorolOffioal , ,v . . " " , , .. J Standpoint, jjeDruarj eewimiu vue, .cn,, , ChIle has no forge matter of whether the ground hoglpr bellows, but bents the cold Iron luto sees or does not see his own shad- ' ow, is so vitally:, determinative as the weather wise prophets, allege. : There is a delight, hot confined by any means to the feminine gen der, in lugging about some pet su ncrstition. It may , be the right way of seeing the new moon. The correct pointing of the plo that isk picked up on the street, seeing the horse with one, two or three white feet, whether any one of these, or one of a score or more that might ' be mentioned, thcre is ft human interest developed, in tracing the iM'fc rwrsonal surcrsl'tion to its i i conclusion, tbat In amti:u2. The . . t . avrni;; e rcrsoa w i" - z 1 "d t"" i , r ' " -, v-'" t : l up a Children Cry e V The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been ; Lb use for over'SO 'years, has -borne the signature of and has V-3,2 Bonal supervision since its infancy. f-C6CC4ZZ . Allaw no nnn ta doralvA tou in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. 'It is Pleasant, It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness; ,; It cures IMarrlirea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. j The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. t GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS S7 Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THI CNTUI COMPANY, 7 MUHRAV STREET. MEW YORK CITY. own pet fad. It is not that there is any harm, as a rule iu these personal super stitious, inuocent in themselves as the ganiQS of old maid, or croquet, but only looking at them trom a twentieth century civilized, edu cated view point, it appears Wdic ulous to seriously accept them as really potent factors in the scheme of life, health aud happiness.. For weeks the press has been filled with forbodings as to, Feb ruary second, ground hog day. Clear or cloudy! Will it be the end of winter or shall we have auother six weeks reign of the coal mau and the wood dealer Suppose two ground hogs should emerge From holes at different hours t'other day, And one beheld upon the verge Of his retreat the sunlight gay, While t'other, 'neath a passing cloud, Should see no shadow of his form. Why then not draw the conclu sion that, The ground hog that with fear would shake. At his own shadow in the sun And then in reckless terror run. We think might very likely make A weather prophet good as those Who daily deal us out a dose Of meteorologi: fake. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A The Archbishop of Canterbury con ducted religious services at the launch ing of an English super-dreadnaught , hows This? We offer One Hundred .Dollars Reward for any ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Tole do, a .' ;J .' -,.-:r 1 We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in aU business transactions and fin ancially able to carry out any obli gations made by -hie Inn. '. ' WALDIjfG, KINNAN & NARVIN, Wholesale Rruggists, Toledo, 0, nail's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting directly upon " the blood and macou surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent ' free. Price 76c per bottle. ; Sold by aU Druggists.' '.;.-': -.Take Hair Family Pills for eon rtipation. ' ' ' .". Bleektmithe' In Chile. the abape of a horseshoe. . What The Will Do for Yon They will eure your backache, strengthen your kidneys, cor rect urinary Irregularities, build t? the worn out tissues, and climinata-the excess urio acid that causes .rheumatism. Pre. rent Drht's Disease and Dia latts, cr.i restors he&Itii and Tf"- for Fletcher's A been mado under his per- Signature of Crops and Gizzards. ItifWts an odillv constructed ntoms of unlimited nature, ns n rule, and It depends nllnjrctlier nil the species as to intei-nnl innkeiip. In bees the crop Is cn lied t lie honey bins." Insects with nnindililes usually litive a modified form of the Kixmird so typical In the common bnniyiml fowl. In some cases this miniature (.'i'.znrd is a perfect wonder shop, its Inner surface beintr provided with "pads" covered with "horns" and "bristles" in Brent profit Mon. The jtmsshopiH'r's jjlzzard Is lined with liiininienible.ows of teeth, very minute, of course, but well devel oped, true teeth, nevertheless. Thf same may be said of crickets and oth er Insects of that Ilk. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Forty people were killed and hun dreds injured by a dynamite explosion in New York. THIRTY YEARS TOGETHER., Thirty years of association think of it. How the merit of a good thiiie stands out in that time or the worth- lessness of a bad one. So there no guess work in this evidence of Thos. Ansa, Uoncord, Mich., who writes : " J have used Dr. King's New Discovery for 30 year, and its the best cough and cold cure I ever used." Once it finds entrance in a home you can.t pry it oat. Many families have used it forty years. It's the most infallible throat and lung medicine on earth. Unequaled for la grippe, asthma, pay-lever, croup, quin sy or sore lungs. Price 60c, $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by all drug' gists. Ths Adoration of the Wig. i WIrs were never so popular ns In tbe relffn of Charles II. The nnthor Of "The" Keryix and the Dandies" tells U thnt "when Clblier played Sir Foft llnjj FlntferNJiis win was so much ad mired tlHit 'he had It carried to-thc footlights every evening In a eednn chair, from which It was banded to him that lie nilpbt put It on his bead." . . r Placing th Blama. - "Judpre (to burglar onr trial) Hate you anything' to say, prisoner? Bur-glnr-Yes, your honor. I was only act In' on me doctor's advice to take Home thin . nfore goln' tor bed. Boston Transcript. V . ! ' . r Troubla In the Air, - - " t HiiBbond You don't go "hopping with Mrs. Nearby any more? Wlfe No.' The last time we went she want ed a remnant that I wanted. Judgi It's faith In something and enthuaV asm In something that make life worth looking at O. W. Holme. , ; REASON ENTHRONED. S Because meats are ao tasty they are consumed in great excess. Thie leads to stomach troubles, biliousnee and constipation.. Revise your diet, letrca son and not a pampered appetite eon tto, then take a few doses of Cham berlain's Stomach and Liver Tablet and you will soon be well again. Try it. For sale by all dealers. Samples free, i ' " . . 'V. '. '' , Mixed Mttaphor. - i 7 ' "It was a Boutbern senator," said a congressman, "who once met an In terruption wltb the stern and lofty re bulie. The gentleman,, like a mousing owl. Is iilwsys putting In but oar where It Isrrt vmted. ; '.; "I think It was n senator from Cbl cageiwho once declared. Tbe Iron beef of -eferu necessity darken, every benrthHtone.' . ' .. . "And I'll never forget Texas ora tor'e pathetic rry, 'Will you etnmp out the loHt Dickering embers of a life thnt Is fast eliblng awayT" ACCUSED OF STEALING. . 1 E. S. Chamberlain, of Clinton, Me.J toldly acausae Burklcn's Arnira Salve of stealing the sting from burns or scalds the pain from soret of all kint the distreait from boi's or pile. . )! roha cuts, corns, bruises, rins i j injuriei of their terror," "i. " BLOODY FIGHTING ABOUT JUAREZ Wounded and Biderlcss Hordes Dash Across American . Rordere. - El Paso, Texas, Feb.3 The attack on the City of Juarez, across the bor der, by the Mexican insurrectionary troops under Gen. Pascol Orezco is on. Wounded and riderless horses, with bloodstained saddles, stampeding serosa Tthe border into American territory tell the story of a fierce engagement now in progress south of the Mexican city between 500 Federal infantry and cav alry and the advance guard on the rebel soldiers. The irisurrecto forces, after being temporarily checked by the blowing up of a bridge between Juarez and Samv layuca, 46 kilometers south of Juarez, renewed their advance, abandoning their troop train-south of the bridge. The insur rectos are advancing in a crescent-shaped formation, and the reports received here indicate that the Federal troops are resisting desperately their onward mark. The fierce character of the fighting is indicated by the fact that of 100 men of the Fourteenth Mex ican Infantry who marched out to dyna mite Five-Mile bridge and engage the rebels, only 68 had returned. - Aheavy force of United States troops is on guard at the American end of the bridge from this city to Juarez, and all persons crossing the river are closely scrutinized. Another force of infantry is s tat ion a J along the river to a point several miles north of this city. BACKACHE, RHEUMATISM, SLEEPLESSNESS Result from disordered kidneys. Fol ey Kidney Pills have helped others.they wilt help you. Mrs. .1. B. Miller, Syra cuse. N. Y. says, ''For a long time I suffered with kidney trouble and rheu matism. I hid severe backaches and felt all played out After taking two bottles of Foley Kidney Pills my back ache is one and where I used to lie awake with rheumatic pains I now sleep in comfort. Foley Kidney F'iU did wonderful things for me. Try them now. F. S. Duffy. Edward F. Myllus. who had circula ted a paper with a report that King George, of England, when Prince of Wales, had married morganatically the daughter of Admiral Sir Michael Sey mour at Malta, in 1890, was convicted of libel in London and sentenced to a year's imprisonment. , A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain's Liniment and bound on to the affected parte is superior to any plaster. When troubled with lamST back or pains in the side or chest give it a trial and vou are certain to be more than pleased with the prompt relief which it anords. sold Dy all dealers. Adaptability. A New York lawyer tells of nn old and well, to do farmer In Dutchess county who had something of a repu ration ns n lltlpint. On one occasion this old chap made a trip to sop- his lawyers with refer ence to a lawsuit he Intended , to bring., fie wit down with one of them and laid out his plan at Krent length Tbe lawyer mild. "Ou that statement you bavff no case at all." The old fel low bitched his trousers iiJrvouslv twitched bis face and hastily added: "Well. 1 enn tell It another wy."- Brooklya Life. . ATTACK LIKE TIGERS. . In fighting to keep the blood pure the white corpuscles attack disease germs like tigers But otten germs multiply so fast that little fighters are overcome. Then are nimoles. boils, eczema, ealt rheume and sores multiply and strength and appetite fail. -This condition de mands Electric Bitters to regulate the stomach, liver and kidneys and to ex pel poison from Ui blond. . "ihey are the beet blond purifier," writes C T Budahn, of Tracy, Calif., "I have ever found Jhey make ncn, ren Diooo, strong nervee and build up your health. Try them, ouc at ail druggists. . ; . The Tim te Bluff, j -.,'" The only safe time to bluff Is when you have the goods. Detroit Free Press. -' . LAGRIPPE COUGHS, '., Strain and weaken the system and if not checked may develop into pneumon ia. No dinger of this when Foley's Honey and Tar is taken promptly. It is a reliatle family medicine for . all coughs and colds, and acts quickly and efTe-'iively in canes of croup, Keluse ubsiitutes. F. 8. Duffyv . - Ne Food For Babaa. Tbe tough euatomer was struggling Wltb a tough steak Iu a tough restau rant ; . : . "Bay." you," be tlnnlly roared at 1 waiter. "I nln't used lo eatln' rhinoce ros bide. Fetch me something a little more oourlsUIn' In a'burn-r"' r "Ah, fade away, little oner sold the pugilist waiter wllherlnely. "What do you t'lnk this joint Is a diet kitchen 7" Seattle ront lntelllifeBCer. , C..Ja.a J I l-ki V I iLiaW BRAND V yr r.-. for rnrrHFi-THR'fs V'MiNI I.kanO ril.l.S in Jro nnclA C'tt o Bltllic t!f". -il.l Willi HuXO 1 .k e l v DIAMOND .(' - Get Well First Dottt rislf tven penny-vntil health flret returns. And I mmn ul wKtly tht I km h one phyucian who yi to n imb wlU.outoJmyown pocket wtor our medt eine if It to bring you help I" ; And for 20 yemn Dr. Bhoop BMdiciiw hTj been ujed nl recommended In ry city and Kmletta Amerlc They ere poeiUvaly Mand ird in erery communitT-nd evvy where. Th"n why Py th euk nd at jour riik, for other unwarranted and uncertain medicineit Thoi"d? Sion Aouiand. hay. in tha paa) iTcceMfully uaed Vw. Shoop t RestomUya. . WhTn the StnniacB nerrea. -or the Heart or oV narre. "tl-th'ickone.know how oukkta Pr. Slioop'i RestoraUre wiU brlna them back health again. JJutbestyall tZey positive J takew money risk whatever. They know tTKeriKii flat teat a Ml M day treatment U freely tranlad. But wrlta roa flmt for atvorder. " j Thtf will eave-delay and ditappolntmant. ' All dnisgUu Mil Dr. Bhoop'a itestonttlva and P, Shoop'e Ulieumatla Remedy, but all are notau. thorlzea to give mm ov aj u-.. umv "a " pleaae for I haveappolntad an honest and r ipontlbla drug. : , j tlrt tn tolsana bit ' no Y A V",8'?1?? WV Biedicinu to tha A C J alck. Toll me also which book you need. The books below will iurely opta op tMW and helpful Mom to thoaa who are not well. Beeidoa yon are Perfect ly free to oontult me imimtoo wotnu jmu phyalctan. My adylea and tha Book beloi home are youn and without ooit. - J. nhna a nrd nr two from ma will clear OB tometortous ailment. 1 aara helped thousand! upon tlionsandt- by my prlvata oreacrlntlon orT penonia advice u. k.,4 f. BM wafort la anrelr worthyonrilmplaJB, . a? rcqoett. So write now. while yo . hara it fresh In mind, lor tomorrow narat aomea. Dr. Shoo p. Boa 12, Baoina. Wla. : -: . Wklak Seek IUU I leal Teat So. 1 On Dyspepsia :.: No. a On the Heart ho. SOuUieKldner No. 4 For Woman No. 5 Forfait v No.(OnBhenmatta Dr. Shbop's Restorative Sold By iBradham Drug Co. Scandinavian Carving. From earliest times curving has re reived great attention In Scandinavia. One sees evidence of this Iu many Swedish churches, both In wood mid slime, dating back many centuries. In Stockholm are many to be found, now sufely eared for In a well known mu seum. Some of these northern chureli ea, notably those of Borgund and Hit terdal. nre quite covered with sut-li quaint ornamentation: Beyond sueh public expression of painstaking labor one mny see In almost any comfort ably furnished house wooden forks, spoons, salt boxes and platters, but still more attracting attention are hue wooden tankards, and these wHl often bear close study both In design aiid In execution. Foley Kidney Pills are a reliable rem edy lor backache, rheumatism and ur: nary irregularities. They are tonic in action, quick in results and afford a prompt relief from all kidney disorders. r. o. vuiiy. Stopping a Leak. "xes, we round our cook was pass ing a lot of our domestic supplies through a bole In tbe back fence." "You discharged her, of coursef ' "Discharged ber! No, indeed. We nailed up the fence." Cleveland Plain Dealer. PNEUMONIA FOLLOWS A COLD But never follows the use of Foley's Honey and Tar, which checks the cough ana expels tne cold. m. stock well tlan nibal, Mo says, "It beat all the remedies I ever used..' I . contracted bad cold end cough and was threatened wun pneumonia, uneoouie oi roiey f Honey and Tar completely cured me, N ) opiates, just a reliable household medicine. F. S. Duffy. v - No Good te the Landlord. A minister and a landlord In a town In Scotland were talking matters over about a person who wished to become one of the. tatter's tenants. "Morally be la sound, but financial ly be la weak," said the minister. ' "Ah. sveel." replied tbe landlord, "-In that case be's a guld enough sitter for you, but no for me." And the" nego tiations were' declared -off. London Telegraph. ' . ; - -. ;, A KING WHO LEFT HOME. ' and set the woild to tOkimr, but Paul Mathulka, of Buffalo, N. Y. says he al ways KEEPS AT HOME the Kin of all Laxatives Dr. King's New Life Pills and that they're a blrating to ah his family. Cure constipation, head ache, jaduesUcn, dyspepsia. Only 25e at all dealers. - -r . .. .. v V Short Lived Joy. i'J; Wife (who last week quarreled with her husband and now seeks him among bis companions at the Inn) Can you forgive me, Edward! . . .Busbaud Well, you. used me very badly, but let It go. Tee. U Wife-How I tbank yon for taking me back! And now you're coming straight home wltb me! What bust' ness have you sitting hers UU 11 at n!ght7-FIIegende Blatter. . ... REMEMBER THE NAME - r Foley's Honey sndTar for all coughs and colds, for croap,bronchiti, hoarse ns sand for racking lagrippeucougra. no opiates. Keruse eubatiiutea, r. a. . What Was Laeklng-' . The ITobo-Ploase, mum, I'm a sick man. De doctor gimme dis medicine. but I. needs assistance In takln it. The Lady-Poor fellow! Do you want a spoon and s glass.of watcrT The no bo No, mum; I wouldn't trouble yer. But (lis medicine has to be took before meals. Have yer got a. meal handy T Cleveland Leader. " " ' ' ' " " v " '' " Fama. -" ' ' . '. Fame is easily acquired. All yon hove to do is to be in tbe right place at the right time and do the right thing In the right way and then ad vertise It properly. Puck. . ' Ennui." . , . Tommy-rop, what is ennui 1 Torn my's Top Ennui, my aon. Is a dUease thnt attacks the people who are so !nry thnt they pet tired, of resting, rbllmIellq.ln4:e.;L.- .'- - t rf IT- Legal Notices MORTGAGE SALE. Pnreuant to a power contained in that certain chattel mortgage executed by K. B, Staehnaa audf, C Steclman tradinc aa Steelman "Bro. ta J. W, Stewart bear! at date tha a, day of Ananut 1910. the umi being recorded In tha office of the Register ot Deeds of Craven county is book 181 page 470, 1 will sett at the eoort house door In New Bern N C. on Saturday the 11th. day ot Feby. 1911 at the hour of 12 o'clock If. to tha high- Bat bidder for cash, all of the following described property as conveyed in the Mortgage aforesaid. to-wit: -i , : ' .' One rubber tire laundry wagon bought of B B Stoeton of Winston-Selem, N, C. and all house held and kitchin furniture of ever description belonging to A. B. Steelman and wife. Blossom Steelman. . - ' '.-;. :.r New Bern. N. C." Jany. 8119IL v fZiHV-i i. W. STEWART. ' .- , ; 'V''-V' Mortgagee, ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. Having qualified as' administratrix of the estate of William H. Gillingim. deceased, lata of Cra ven county. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to ex hibit them to the undersigned on or before the 14th, day of January, 1912 or tjiia notice will be pleaded in b of their recovery. ' - - i. AU persons indebted to said estate will please niak immediate payment. . This 14 day of January 1911, JEANETTE STUBBS. ' Administratrix. D. L. WARD. . i Attoraey. ': NOTICE OF EXECUTION North Carolina. I Craven Craven, I In Superior Court, J. R. Mand. B. R, Warren. I ' . . '" . ' vs. I notice oi execution J. B. Price: I By virtue of an execution directed to the un dersigned from the Superior Court of Craven county in the above entitled action, I will on Monday theSth, day of Feby. 1911 at 12 o'clock noon at the court house door of said county sell toJ the hightest bidder for cash to satisfy said exe cution, the following timber and easement, con veyed by J, B. Price to Chas. D. Harrington to deed Varorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Cravens county in book 171 page 119 which said deed is referred to for fuller descrip tion. , ' This Jan: 6th. 1911 ' - t J. W. DIDDLE, Sheriff. NOTICE, By virtue of a power of sale in a mortgage deed from David W Lupton and Sarah L. Luoton. James T Lupton and Kattie Lupton. to us. dated the 10th. of February, 1910, and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Craven county. North Carolina in book 180 page 153. 1 will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in New Bern, Craven county. North Caro lina at 12 o'clock H, on Monday, February 6th 1911, the land described In said mortgage dead to-wit: A certain tract of land deeded by Joseph A. and Lucy H Morton to David W. and James T Lupton on Feb. 15th, 1910 supposed to contain 40 acres more or less. Bounded aa follows: ad joining the lands of John S Morton, . Thajulls Godett and Jerry Godett. Beginning at John S. Morton's south aast corner on tha public road leading from the New Biro road to tha Borden place, and thence with said road running a north- ardly direction to Thadulis Godett'a line and thbnce Westwardly witH said Godett'a line to Jerry Oodctt'a line and still westward ly with said Godett's line to the Morton's mill pond; the high water mark, and thence down said Morton's mill pond to John 8 Mortoa'a Una, and thence east ward ly with said John S Morton's line to the beginning, supposed to contain 40 acres more or leu. . rJ- ' -:f' . " This the 5th. day of Jan. A. D. 1911. -v.. JOSEPH A. MORTON and LUCY B. MORTON Mortgagees. W.D. MclVER. . . v'. Attorney. . . , ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. ' Tha undersigned having duly qualified aa ex ecutor of Adeline Dawson deceased, notifies all persons to whom she was Indebted ar have claims against her estate 'o present tha same to tha un dersigned executor for payment on or before the 4th day of Jan. 191 duly authenticated or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the deceased era required to make immediate payment to tha undersigned. -r .. EDWARD DAWSON. - ' Administrator, R. W. WILLIAMSON. Attorney. - . January 4th. 1911. - -.- .1 - .-.T-- PUBLICATION OP SUMMONS. North Carolina. Craven County, In tha Superior Court Abigail eXndrewi . ; ;.. . Eli Andrews w";--"V.-' ; '. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above baa been oo meneedia the Superior Court of Craven County to obtain a divorce from the bonds of matrimony I and tbe said defendant will further take no tie that be ir required to appear af tbe February ' term of Superior Court for said county to be held on the 6th day of February, 1811, at tbe court1 house of said aounty in New Bern, N. C. and an-, wer or demur to the complaint in said action or the plaintiff win apply to tha court for tha relief demanded ia said complaint " . - W. af. WATSON, . 'V. ' . f"' Clerk of the Superior Court, ' Yon ar probably aware that pneu monia always results front a cold, but you never heard of a cold, remliinfr in pneumonia when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy waa used Why take the risk when this remedy may be had for a trifle? r'or tale by all dealeis. , America's Gifts. '.. Mnlre, tobacco and potatoes are the three great products of the soU wnkb America gare tbe world. ; ' WOMEN -Women of tie Lighest tjrpe, women of superior evocation and refinement, whose v tJiscernment and judirment pre weight and forca to their opinions, li;L!y praise the wonderful correcliye and curatiVe properties tf CLan. terfain'a Stomach and Liver Tab lets. Thronjlout the raasy s'ajes of woman's life, frcn f'rL'.ood, tiror;h lie trictU tf r :!.e tec J te lit dcc!;n;.'?2 years, tiere is r.3 srler crccre riHal!s rcd- i's j ers HARDWARE . ' .AND Building -Ma-terial L Paints; Oils . - A2SD ;j . Li-J. Varnishes Americkh Field Fetich fifsioi, Sew lert, I.' ' Prescriptions - from ; alt physicians. Quickly and Ac curately filledVK Also a full line of Choice Toilet articles. ( Pharmacy PHONE 173 ' I want to thank my many' cus tomers for their past patronage" and wish them a happy and pros peross 1911 I am still in business for another year and ask " their future patronage to male its happy yeSr fo-jne. -1 am still in position to do any kind of repair work on any kind of s vehicle and can save you money. Don't fail to see me when things are bfoka down. Yours to pletae, - 0.51; 29 Craven St. New Bern, N. C Successor to Williams & Scales ' iVmCHANIGS L "WriUtS So Yta Caa IMentaal V 300 Pictures Aff A ... 1 250 Pages Month A wonderful story of the Praams of this Mechaa leal Aga. Instructive, but more fascinating tha any fiction. A magazine for Bankers. Ijoctoca, Lawyers, Teachers, Farmara. Business Men, Maav nfscturers. Mechanics. Has UOO.000 readers every month. Interests everybody. When roa sea caa you nnderatand why. Ask tha man who reaaa S. Your newsdealer will show you one; or writs) tha publishers for a free aample copy. - , the "Shop Motes" Dept. things How to make repairs, and amdea far . noma snd shop, etc . "Atnatenr Mechanics to;UmtiS furniture, wirelesa, boats, eigintf. maa anil ai tha things a boy love. . - ' ... ;,T.- ., H.SO P far, amaw cakfat f aa ASK YOUR NEWSDEALER Or Aaarsas POPULAR MECHANICS MAGAZIT3 .- , S23 WaaVJawlaai St- CUsa - LOOKS COOKS , TASTES . is . .. ' Bacon and Dried Beef cut on our American Slicing Machine. If you do not ' know about it you should call and see what it does - HP IC'W" ,;u. Al(i.iom.j Phone 174 EliiJIe St Wants! Wants! to purchase ; Soja or Soy Beans and FiVA Peas for which highest prices will be paid. ' , FOR SALE Hyde Co., grown Burt and Rust proof Oat, Hay, Oits, Dairy FeedCprn, Brzr.d zr.i ship Stuff and all kir.d3 f::J. Burr?jjs HENRY'S 8 WORD OF THANKS I BETTER

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