No.& NEW BERN CRAVEN COUNTY, N. CRIDAV, FEBRUARY 10. 19X1 -SECOND SECTION 33rd: YEAR S EF1I0F! GOUR : NOW T SESSION Judge Garland 8. Ferguson Pie aiding. .,' Yesterday a Very ), -. : Busy Day.: :kv- :;V " . ',v.:'.' A lwoweks term -of Craven county . . Superior "Court convened in this city yesterday-morning with Judge Garland -S. Ferguson, 'of WsyiresviHai; N. C, presiding. ; The first week's session will be taken up with the trial of crim inal cases while the second week's ses sion will be devoted to the civil rases, of which there ia q lite a large docket At the opening of court ; yesterday ' morning the-following grand jury -was drawn; W. B. Blades, foreman; TJ. H. Gaskins, S. W? Lai ham, - H..D. Gas kins, R. M. White. JT E Warren, J. C. Fulcher, G. W Joyner, N. T. Wh'.t- ... ford, O. McLawhorn,'. L. CN I pock, D. E. White, JSTeeks Ipock, JO. Robin- - to'iC, J. B.. Griffin, Joseph Edward?, Drew Dixon and R, 0. Gidley. After the jury had been drawn the, judge de- liven d hia 'charge to them in a very " brief but forcible manner.' After this they retired to their room and the regu lar routine of the day 's work was begun - All through 'the day the count room -was ' packed with spectators who thought that the cases against the near . beer dealers who are charged with sell ing whiskey; would be 'called and Ihtt they would get a glimpan of the myster ious "Jchn Doe." In this however ' they were disappointed. Although "Mr.'Doe" made his identity known to . the grand jury the spectators in the room above would not have been able to pick him out of a crowd of six men. Bills in these cases have not yet be -n turned by the grand jury but this will . doubtlew be done tod y. j The case of Ejronius Moye, one of the , negroea who assisted in conducting a wholesale robbery at tht hardware store, of the Cutler Blades Hardware Co Company and the Bawight Hardware a few wr eks ago was called but owing to the fact that all of the witnesses wereLcJeared away. There was no insurance, .-Dot present this care was continued un- , tiltodciy. The prosecution has much - incriminating evidence in their pot ses sion in this case and the defend mt will ' doubtless be found guilty of the crime - with which he is charged and be sen ' tenced to a long ttrm in the peniten- : tiary c ron the county roads. j Charley Tripp,' a young colored boy bout 16 years of age was sentenced to the county roads for 12 months for , stealling a watch from Mr. L D Ste vens and $5.00 from a Mr. WillimpA He had been , in the employ of Mr. Stevens and was in the habit of staying in the office while his employer was out Tbevwatch was left in the eafe on one of these occasions and Tripp stole 1 It and went to-Washington where he was apprehended and bi ought back to New Bern aod placed In jut, ' Reuben Fenderson, colcrd, plead guilty to a charge of assault,Bnd-waived examination. ' Judgement was sus pended upon the payment of the cost of the Cbse and payment of the plaintiff's doctor bills, 1 '.' v- - . Stephen Johnson, colored plead guil ty to the charge of abandoning his wife and jadgrhent was suspended upon the payment of the cost bnt the defend ant was rt quired to give a bond of $50 for hia appearance at the next term of. - courfj to show that he had paid his wife tl.e sum of $2 each week to aid in sup porting hi two children. Ransom .Goodman, ' eo'ored,- plead guilty to the charge of larceny and was ' sentenced to a term of 6 months on the county roads. ,: "-" . ' At 5 -o'clock all of the minor cases bad been disposed ' of and aa it was rather lata in the afternoon to take up . any of the jury t cases court was ad journed until this morning, Rheumatism Relieved in Six Hours - -'--- Dr. Detchon's relief for Rheumatism usuajly rolieves severest cases in a few hours. Its action upon the system-is remarkable and effective, It removes at once the cause and the disease quick ly disappears. First dose greatly bene' UU. 75c and $1.00. Sold by Bradham Drue Co. i Vi J V-Brli n son-Summers, Siateavflle, Feb. 2. -A rt pretty wedding was simple but solemnized last night at Rce street Methodist church. The contracting parties being Miss Eva Mardn Brinson,of Reelabo ro, N. C. and Mr. James Samuel Sum inert, ol Dunlap, N. C. There were onlv a few select friends present. The bride and groom, fame down theaialeJolNewlnnds. but be was a bit abashed the stra ns of Mendelshon s wedding march and knelt in front of an impro vised altar where they were made, man1 and wife by tho Rev. Mr. Hargett. The bride wore a simple gown of white, and carried violets and maiden hair ferns. The bridals' the daughter of Mr. and Mr, S. A. Brinson, of Reelaboro, N. C. and is a very popular and accomp lished young lady. The groom is the son of Mr. W, ' H. . Summers and ia a very popular and Buccessf ul farmer. Their many f rienda Wl,h them a long and hppy life. B. STATE CAPITOL DESTROYED Missouri Legislature Homeless Work" of Session Must be Done Again. Jefferson City, Mo. Fell. 6 The Missouricapitol building was destroyed by fire Sunday n'ght. Many of the records of the Governors and other State offices are lost. ' k - Thy total loss including the structure and many records and State . papers in the offices of the Governor, Secretary of State and Treasurer is estimated at one million dollars with no insurance. Lightning, which struck the cupola of the dome shortly after 7 o'clock, spread the flarfies to, the roof of the House of Representatives on the north side of the structure, and in lass than half an hour it was apparent that the building was doomed 'V-,' Leciu-'e of the inadequacy of the water pressure the fire- could- not be teaehed, -and no aid could be given for some time by the local fire com pany. ' Governor! Hadlcy directed the fight against the (lames, which because of the age of the building, rapidly gained great headway. The penitentiary fire denarlmi nt mi railed and the convicts worked heroically, scaling walls an 'taking dangerous chances for their lives. . The local military company was call ed out and formed a cordon around the building, driving (spectators fiom dan ge'ous positions and removing records from tie different State Departments. The fire swn pread to the roof of the Senate chamber, where the efforts of the firemrnt proved unavailing to hwk it. The records of tho House of Repre sentatives were destroyed, while those of the Senate were saved. In tne Sta'e Treasurt r's office more than $20,000 is in the time vault, supposedly fire proof and may be s ived when the debris is The capitol was erected in 1838 at a cost of $350,000. and in 1887 remodled fit a cost of $25,0W: Wfiile irwas Dufll of stone the roof was covered with friuch inflammable material. The legislature will detcrmins wheth er to continue its session here or else where in the Scate. Thb losi of the House records pra tic ally necessitates the work of llie (.resent session being done oven ' NOTICE. To the tax payers of the town of Bridgeton' . You are aware of the fact that your taxes for the year 1910 . arc long past due. to those who still owe city taxes for the year 1910 are expect e l to pay at once and save cost of ad vertising and collecting. W. R, HOPEWELL, ' City Tax Collector, . - Bridgeton, N. C Representative Small to Lecture. Washington, D. C. Feb. 7. -The Land Reclamation suction of theSontmrn Commercial Congress at Atlanta, Mar. 8th, 9th and 10th, will be -addre ssed by representative Small, of North Caroli aa.-- His subject wi.l be "Recent Prog re's in Draintige Legislation, and he will bring out, for the use of the South ern States, the good points of the Nortl Carolina, Arkansas and Louisiana laws. Hon. Joseph H. Ransdell, President of the National Rivers and Harbor? Congress, will address the same section on "The Undrained Empire of the South.- He will deal with the .wonder ful resources of the South yet remain ing undeveloped In lands suitable for drainage. 4,''.'"'''. '".-'i ' Prof. George A. Creeident of the Ar kansas Land Congress will address the section on the subject of "A Federal Survey of the Wet Lands of the South at an aid in Establishing Drainage Areas Affecting More than one state.," ' The Chairman of the section will be Mr. Edward Wiener, of New. Orleans, President of the Louisiana Meadows Company. . ' " As It Appard 1n Print. Senator Ncwlundsi of Nevada wart Boarlng In detmuoim duy-aourlng so high he "hit tho celling." He realized ho was getting a trlflo flowery and to excuao himself sirld, "indeed, Mr. President, nerferrtd oratory may be pardoued. for this subject furnishes all the food ojoquence needs." - V That sounded pretty good to Mr. wnru be rend In the Congressional Record next day that he asserted Ms topic "furnished all the food elephants need." Washington Herald. ' ,. None 'on Hand?' Doc fWtulres was u queer old "yarb" doctor or decidedly limited education who flourished In New England a good many years ago. One day some on said to him: "See here, doc have yot any dlplo mar ;. '. ' . . "Waal, no: I ain't got nojje on nnnn Just now, hut I'm goin- to uig aome soon as tho ground thaws out in the ' prlnff." , BUSY DAY IN SU PE Large Number of Cases Disposed of at Yesterday's Session. Many Present. : At 9:30 o'clock yesterday morning the second day's session of , Craven county Superior Court, which is now in suasion here. , was convened. There was an unu sually large number ofVspectitors pres ent, the large auditorium being entirely ti lad, and much interest was manifest ed in the proceedings all through the day. , The first case called was that of the State vs Sam Jone , colored, charged with the larceny of $8 00" worth of fijh from the firm of Harker & Tooker on last December, and also the State vs Jim Farrior, also colored for receiving the the" stolen fish, knowing that they bad been stolen. The prosecution showed that Jones, who was in the em ploy of the firm, had purchased the fieh from a catch which Jjiey had purchased and bad given them to' Farr or, who is a huckster, to sell for him on s com mission. Both the negroes pleaded not guilty to the charge, and although the prosecution was certain of a verdict in their favor, the jury rendered a ver dict of not guilty, The next case ca'lcd was that of the State vs Sam Smith, colored, charged with thejirceny of ch.thes valued at $10 00 fiom John Ellis, also colored. The defendant pleaded not guilty to the charge but tho jury decided otherwise and he was sent to the county ruads for a term of nf 12 months. Mary Marshall, alias One-eyed Mury, eo'ored, the" bane of every officer on the force., was next placed on charged with resisting an officer while he was attempting to arrest her. Last No vembar the woman became beastly in toxicated and going to a store on South Front strett proceeded to clean the! Dlare out. An officer wa3 6ummned and wSen he attempted to tike her into custody she managed to get his hand to her mouth and painfully injured that member. She was hearing be fore the Mayor at the time and bound oyer to Superior Court. Being unable to secure a bondsman she was commit ted to jiil and has been confined there sincethat time. She pleaded guiliy to the charge and the Judge taking into consideration the fact that she had been imprisoned several months offered to suspend judgment upon the payment of the costs of the case. This, however. she was unable to do and was sentenced to a term of 60 days in jtil, to be turn ed out by the commissioners if they 9aw fit. Tho case of the Slate va Addison To- lur, charged with abduction, was called the prosecution moved that this case be continued until the next term of count iind the Judge granted live request pla cing the defendant under a bond of $500. Toler is thirgid with abducting the wife of Mr. M. T. Kowe,of No. 2 township several months ago. Bond was given by the defendant. ; Will Evans, colored, who was arres ted several months ago for tho larceny of a suit of clothes from Mr. L C. Bruce, manager of New Burn steam laundry, plead guilty to the charge of larceny and was sentenced to a term of 12 months on the county roads. -Richard Fulcher, colored, who ia well known in police circles in this city and other Eastern North Carolina towns was placed on trial charged with the larceny of a pistol, shot gun, 'and $13 In money from Jacob Davis, also colored. Fulcher pleud not guilty to the charge but the evidence submitted by the plaintiff was so conclusive to the jury that they brought in a verdict of guil y and Fulcher was sent to the otuniy roads for a term of 6 months. -,' Clauds Gilcroase, colored, plead not guilty to the charge of assaulting Rich- ird Fulcher, also colored, with 'a revol ver, and also with carrying a concealed weapon. The prA.-ecutton proved to the satisfaction to the jury that the charge was true and they returr.ei a verdict of guilt v Thh defendant was sentenced to the county roads for, a term of 3 months, . , t ,. . , At 3 o'clock yesterday ofternoon-the case of the State vs. Eronius Moye, colored, ch irged wi h the ., larceny oT a tub of butter from the Norfolk-South era freight depot several weeks' apo was calledMoye plead not guilty to the charge. Mr. S. H. Lane, of the Norfolk Southern office force was plac ed on the stand and told of the tub of butter which was consigned to Kafet's bakrry being stolen. Moye was then placed on the stand and lo'd the jury that. he did not know anything about the tub of butter, that he went to Tobn Harris' store in the western ' part of the city to ' collect $l.GO fol another man and that while he was the Harris told him that he bad puxchuerd a tub of butter from this man aid that al though he bad promised to pay him $1.60 for It that he had changed hia mind and was only going to pay him $1 00. i This amout.t, Moye said, he gave to him and ho carried it to its owner. In winding up his evidence Moye informed the Judge "That Gefo Qwd" h "did not steal dat tub 'o RIOR COURT WEST SEEN NEAR GREENVILLE Attacks R. F. D. Carrier Witn Knife. 300. Men Searching ' Woods. A phone from Greenville N. C, last night stated the negro West who killed one and" severely woUnded another of fice at Wifson,' was seen orilhe road near that city, yesterday, by a K. F. D. mail carrier, who attempted to stop the negro, West sprang at the carrier, wounding him with a knife and then fled to the woods. Word wa4 sent to Wilson and nearly 200 men came by train being joined by 100 at Greenville and the woods are being given a care ful search for the negro. PILES! PILES! PILES! Williams' Indian Pile Ointment will cure Blind, Bleeding and Itching Piles It absorbs the tumors, allays itching at orice, acts as a poultice, . gives instant relief. Williams' Indian Pile Ointment is prepared for Piles and itching of the private parts. Sole by druggists, mail 50c and $1.00. Williams' M'f'g. Props., Cleveland, O, Co., Morse Having Hard Time. ' Washington, Feb. 8-Charles W. Morse cannot win back the 0 days' good time he lost a few weeks ' ago for a breach of prison ruies in Atlanta pin ttentiary, Although the penitentiary warden and Superintendent Ladow were in favor of remitting the time.' Attor ney Ganeral Wickersham, after a re view of the case,4eclined lo approve it. Morse was found with money in his possession and told several stories of whero he got it. His contradictory ex planations cost him 20 days, which had been applied to usual altawmce for good behavior. DIED. Mrs. F. A. Brown; of U-Griffin St. died at her residence'sunday tfternoon between 1 and 2 o'clock. She had been in poor health for somo months, having returned late in October from Baltimore where she underwent an operation. Since her return she hsd failed to re gain her'strength, and other symptoms developed which hastened her demise. . The funeral services were held at 4 p m Monday, conducted by her pastor. Dr. Summerell. The remains were ta ken to Baltimore where the interment takes place today. Mrs. Brown leaves a husband to mourn her death, and four children, Arthur, who is baggage master at the Union depot. Robertr-who h pursuing hia atudii s at the Baptist Theoloical Seminary at Louisville. Ky., Harvey and the youngett a daughter. A faith ful wifo and mother has entered into the rest which rcmaineth for the chil dren of God. C C0I5M Every Mother Should Read and liemembcr This. In any home where a child has a ten dency to croup, a 'bottle of HYOMEI (oronounce it High-o-me) should be kept constantly on hand. A sudden attack - of croup with diffi cult breathing and extreme distress ia apt tS come on at any time. Thecauae to be 'pursued is plain,' Send for your doctor at once, and in the meantime drop 30 drops of HYOMEI into a bowlrf boding water, and hold the child's head over it, cover with a towel or cloth, so that only the air fill ed witn tiyomet vapor is oreatnea. , : This method of treatment has saved many a child's life, and mothers of croupy children should see to it that HYOMEI if always on hand. Full in struct inns for prompt relief of croup in in each package. " . - A 50c bottle of HYOMEI ia all you need in treating croup, Tnis U known in all drug stores as Extra bottle Hyo mei Inhalent Druggists everywhere and Pradham Drug Co., Bell it. Breathe HYOMbl. It is Guaranteed to cure catarrh, croup, sore throat, bronchitis coughs and' colds, rr money back. butter" and that If he was sent to the Mads he would Le out of his place. The ,case was givm to tho jury late In the i afternoon and at the timo thin article was written no verdict has been return' ed. . ... . Archia Whitehurst was found guilty of larceny but sentence was reserved, . The bills in the cases against the netr beer dealers have not yet lxn return ed and the identity of "John Doe" still remains a mystery.. ' . , Judge Perguwn, by his able dispatch of the cases yeaterJay, clearly demon strated the fact that his perception and ability ia of an unusual character and be is to be congratulated upon the manner in wlrWi he U disposing of the docket. mm APPEARS IN COURT A ...1 TUnt:,.-. A xt t t Dealers. Number of Gases Disposed Of. At the opening of yesterday's session of Superior Court which is in session here this week fo the trial of criminal cases the jury which had been out on the previous night deliberating on the case of Eronuis Moye, colored charged with the larceny of a tub of butter and a cheese from the Norfolk-Southern warehouse several weeks ago, returned a verdict of not guilty. Moye was immediately placed on trial charged with the larceny of several boxes of snuft from the Norfolk-Southern freight "depot. Mr. S. H. Lnd, one of the offlceforce at tha Norfolk-Southern freight warehouse told of Moye's visit to that place, several weeks ago. He said that he left Moye standing near the spot at-which the snuff was located while , he walked down to the other end of the warehouse to aKfcnd t.o the unloading of a car of merchandise. Upon his return he found that both Moye and the snuff had d'sappeared and that he was certain that the snuff was there a few minutes prior. Char Ie3 Kinsey, a colored drayman for Mr. E. H. Hack burn said that he saw Moye take the snuff from the warehouse and placed it on his dray. That he then went into the warehouse and informed Mr Lane of the fact. John'Hall also colored was placed on the stand and he told of purchasing three boxes of snuff from Moye, p lying him the sum of SB.75 for it. When Moye was arrested on a warrant charging him with the theft of the goods he informed the of ficer that ho had purchased the snuff from an ther man. Later, the officer said, he acknowledged the theft, Neith er prosecuting attorney or the defen dant's counsel mail? speeches and the esse was immediately given to the jury who after a I'hort deliberation returned a ve-dict of gulity. No sentence has yet been passed on the defendant. Rebeeca Davis, colored, was next p!ac.'d on trial charged with the lar ceny of $2.50 from Henry Morse, a blind negro. Morse was placed on the stand and to'd the jury that several weeks ago he had a small tin savings bank in whi"h he kept his money. That on the morning on which the money was tolen he had placed the bank on the floor near his bed so that he would have it at hand to pay for a load of wood which ho had ordered. During the time he was waiting for the wood to arrive he Davis woman came into the house. That he went up in the second story of house and that while he was there he heard her moving around. That im mediately after lia came down stairs Bhe told him that she had to go down town to attend to some business and that when he went after his money he found that it had disappeared. Morse's sister then told of seeing the Davis woman returning from her shopping trip with a basket full of purchases acd that upon looking into the basket she found the bank in which her brother kept his money. After a short deliber ation on the case the jury decided that she was not guilty and she was releas ed from custody. J. W. Smith, white, who was employ ed up to a few weeks ago, at the near beer stand cprted by Ben Brmsoi. plead guilty to the charge of selling whiskey while he was employed at that place. Sentence was not passed upon the defendant at yesterday 'a session. In the case of the State vs Erastus Threadgill and Patsy Williams, both colored, who were charged with the lar ceny of lumber from Isaac H. Smith. The jury returned a verdict of not guil ty. -. Ever since the arrest of the near beef dealers several weeks ago on warrants charging them with Belling whiskey to "John Doe" there has been much spec ulation as to who this man of mystery could be. " There were hundreds of probable guesses made as to his iden tity, but when he appeared in the court room yesterday afternoon In the cases against the dealers whom he is alleged to have purchased the whiskey from there was not a person in the room who was not connected in some way with tho investigation who knew the man. "John Doe," the man of mystery, the man who so successfully purchased whiskey in this city several weeks ago, is Mr, W. H. Smith, the Chief of the Vanceboro police force. The first case against the alleged whiskey dealers called was that of the State vs Ben Brinson. .In this case the counsel for the defendant contended that It wa not constitutional to con front a man with a witness whom he had never seen and that ha would like for the Judge to continue the caso nntil this morning. This request the Judge S ranted, After this action counsel for Gerry Hawk and Tom C Howard both charged with the same offense made the same r?quBt and it was granted. The rases will be called the first thing this morning, and in all probability the j court room will be crowded with spec ' tators who are interested In the oat- comu of the trial of these offenders, During the session yesterday th So- WEST WHS HOT J SVAMP Man Was Taken, But Sot Main Criminal. ' Another disappointment in the cap ture of the negro Lewis West was the result of the efforts in the swamp near Hookerton in Greene county as reported yesterday . The negro who waa hiding in the swamp ai d who was finally cap tured proved not to be the desperador wanted, but he was one of the men sup posed to be concerned in the killing of Sheriff Mumford. The man was taken to Wilson and put in jail there. The latest report in the matter came from Richmond last night, A telegram from that city said that West had been taken there, and this report was sent to Wilson last night, but this needs to be verified as yet. r Jim Sims who was arrested Sunday night and Ed Stetson who was arrested near Selma Tuesday were taken to the penitentiary at Raleigh for safe keep ing by Sheriff Sharp. It is thought there vera: bat four inmates of the house at the time of tho ..shooting, in cluding Mary Young who lived there. House of Jones. Jones painted his house last yetr. It looks dull, dead, no life to it. Smith painted his house 10 years ago, It looks clean, nice, and don't need re painting, because he used L. &M. Paint, and added three quarts of Oil to each gallon. The Oil gave life and preserved it. Besides adding the Oil reduced its cost 40 cents a gallon less than other paint. Thirty-five years use in N. A. & S. A. Our agents are: Gaskill Hardware & Mill Supply Co., New Bern, N. C. More Pensions to be Paid. An extra tax levy was made in by Craven county for additional 1909 pen- ekms for indigent ex-Confederate sol- diers or widows of soldiers living in the county. This money is now tbe paid out at once and the commissioners will issue vochers for each pension that is now on the roll, the amount being for each about $14.00, which in addition to the $26.00 paid by the State makes a tidy little sum. This extra pension allowance by the county is largely due to the efforts df Mr. S. R. Street, Chairman of the county pension board, who is very zeal ous in looking out for the welfare and comfort of the old soldiers and widows This extra pension should have been paid in December but for some cause the money was paid into the sreneral fund and has only lately been diverted to the proper channel. State Senate Kills Automobile Law. Raleigh, N. C. Feb. 8 The senate killed the bill amending the State auto mobile law by giving the board of 1 dermen power to prescribe the speed limit in incorporated towns. Senator Hobgood, chairman of the committee on judicial districts, intro duced a bill dividing the State into twenty instead of sixteen judicial dis tricta. Representative Wootten, in the house offered a bill to put solicitors' salaries at from sl,600 to $4,000, . Rural Route Number One Has Been Amended. That part of Rural Route number one beginning at Spring Hope church and ending at Olympia, has been changed from a daily delivery of mail to a tri weekly, and a tri-weekly mail has been established: beginning at Spring Hope church, and going via the Walker road ana ine new roaa to uiympia. Mail will be delivered on Monday Wednesday and Friday from Spring Hop church on the old route and on Tneaday, Thursday and Saturday on (be new route. The other portions of the old rout will not be affected by this change. By orderP. O. Department, ' ' J. 8. BASNIGHT, P. M. New Bern, N. C, licitor called the attention of the Judg to the fact that the ante room set aside for the exclusive use of the jury and the attorneya and their clients, had been tamed Into a lobby, and was used by every dne. That while he waa there a few moirienta before he had heard one of the mar beer dealers In conversa tion with two of the jurymen make some remake that were intended to have some effect on Olelr probable de cision. The Judge eWered that here after the general public will remtinoot of this room. . " ' In the case of Randall Green, colored charged with an assgult with a deadly weapon, guilty, $3.00 an J cost, Jake Moore, colored, was found guil ty of retailing, sentence has not yet been pass d. INCREASE ' GOVRS SAURY Bill For Twenty Judicial Districts Protection Insurance Companies. Raleigh, Feb. 9 The hout-B com- . mittee on salaries aiid fees has voted unanimously for a favorable report for the senate bill to increase the salary of the governor ofc North Carolina from $4,000 to $6,000. This is the bill intro duced by Senator Gardner, and has al- -ready passed the senate. The com mittee considered the . Spainhour reso lution to appoint a legislative commis sion to investigate salaries of clerks in state offices and put . them on a more equitable basis with school teachers and college instructors whose salaries hi ' declares to be all to3 low. However action as to favorable or Unfavorable report was deferred and a joint com mitlee provided for with two from the enate and two from the house to look into the salaries and duty of state clerks and report so that the need for an investigating commission may bo as certained. The House passed a joint resolution for the ratification of the amendment to the Federal Constitution for the in come tax by a large majority and it was Ordered enrolled for ratification. Senator Green, of Craven, introduced hill to permit the sale of pure beer as well ai wines in North Carolina. The bill of Senator Hobgood, of Guil ford, to divide the state into twenty judicial districts, gets a favorable re port from the joint senate and house committee on judicial districts, and if passed the committees will then rcdist rict the state so as to relieve the con gested dockets of superior courts in many counties by the work of the four additional judges. Tne Ross bill to Prctect the insurance companies and the ptople of the State comirg up for third rradirg. it was strongly opposed by Conner, Woot?n, Bryan and others and a long contest was precipitated. The bill provides thut citizens insuring in companies not . licensed to do business in this St ite shall pay the 5 per cent tax . on the premiums the State Treasurer. The charge against the bill was that it is an infringment on the liberties of the citi zen and an effortto effectually exclude all companies from the State who are not in the Southeastern Tariff Asso ciation. -. In defense of the bill Mr. Rosa in sisted that it is largely a revenue bill drawn by the attorney general of the State and the State Commissioner of ' Insurance ard was expected to bring into the State about $35, 010 additional revenue and would . protect citizens from irresponsible insurance companies not subject and actually evading the , Nrth Carolina law- There was op position by Kellum, of New Hanover; Taylor, of Brunswick, and Wallace, on the gound that It would prevent citi- zens from getting cheaper insurance than the Southeastern Tariff Asso ciation provides. Mr. Koonce raised the issue ' that somaxompanies now ' having license in the State might drop 1 license and do business on this 5 per . cent, basis aa cheaper than the State burden they now carry. . The British bark Caithnesjhire ia on a reef at Watling Island and the crew was taken off by a scout cruiser, ' Delegates to the Convention Appointed o The following delegates have been ap-' pointed by the New Bern Chamber of - uiinmCTce iu wo uenuiun-mureneau . .L r - , . i . Highway Convention at Raleigh Feb.- 14th. C L Steven". W Dunn. C W Muneer. J AUryan, L H Cutler, J V Blades, O G Dunn. E H Meadows, O J McCarthy,' E B Hackburn, W B Blades, R- A. ' Nunn, J T Hnllisier, J A Jones, M D W Stevenson.. HAS UU SUBSTITUTE 7 11JU, s ' ' ( i iv rv O . . - .... . . . i . ' '. . f .... ffr - or -t 4 i . 1 1 f i n n rsrr n i

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