1 I i 7 No. 96. y NEW BERN CRAVEN COUNTY. N. C. TUESDAY FEBRUARY, 28. 1911 FIRST SECTION 33rd. YEAR -' I VISIBLE SUPPLY PROCEEDINGS If. BY COFFEE TRUST FOR NEGROES THE LEGISLATURE EXTRA SESSION . : SEELTSASSURED TRAINING SCIO DISASTROUS FIRE VISITS LAGRANGE leetiiib 0FCIPI5 ..They Are Asked 'to Consider an Amendment to the City . ' . " " v Charter. . , : - A public meeting was called t the court house last right to consider three . proposed amendments to the city char ter by the legislature. Mr. Ja's. A. Bry an was madeChilrman and Wm Dunn, ' Jr. and A. E. 'Stevens. Secretaries. " ? Wm. Dunn,-- Jr. read the bill aked to be passed to amend the charter. -Tne pec t ion first acted on by the meeting wan regarding the salary of the city at torney, whether it should te left entire ly t'i the board of aldermen, or a fixed sum named. It was ""Voted that ' the present ' snjary $ 200 and extras be I al- lowed to stand. V;.'!-" The. consolidation -of the" fif'h arid . sixth wards was voted; for. Wm, J Ellis, ! C. D, ,Br4dham Miyor McCarthy and - others spoke on this and the senss of the meeting was ttat ' there were lo)j few voters in these wards for such lews represents ton in the city council.'. It ws a relii of the "parlous times !of : 1893 arid conditions had changed said S. H. Lane.v :TnU Will, reduce ' the hoard to ten members and the wards will correspond-in number to those at a Con ; grespional election. 'JS- . The third section acted on was jn re-- gard to the compensation "of the' city , tax collector. ; At four per cent this ' now amounted to $2,690 and under the : assessment it would be $3,000. On mo tion the fixpd salarylif $l,8C0 was vo ' ' ted for and ordered entered in the pro posed bill. - - rv ' ; S H, Lane moved that .all offices be , limit hI to two terms, for the goo I of ' the city and ; as Democratic doctrine, but this was not acted on. ' .V . ". ': Prof. H B. Craven made a motion in - regard to collection of city taxes, mat " tag a system of discounts and penalties. Considerable discussion ensued on this and the action finally ttken was that i- RepresentativexNunn be requested to : consider the matter upon the basit of a discount of 3 per cent for' payment o txes in September,' 2 per cent in Oc tober, I per cent in November, and at " ter January 1st an interest charge of 6 - 'per. cent per annum be made. r .'. t Wnf. Dunn Jr. was made a committee of one to take care of the bill and have itreach Mr. Nunn at Raleigh. . -r" Entire Trade Controlled .By One Group of Finan-- ceers. - " ' . Washington, Feb. 24 -Charging that the general public is being gouged to the extent of, $35.000, 000 a year by a huge international trust that control the world's coffee supply. Representa tive George W. .Norris, Of Nabraska. yesterday introdnced resolutions in the house calling upon the stale department and the department Of justice to advise congress what can be done to relieve le people of the United States. Representative Norris said: "I find the coffee trade of the world controlled by a group of international bankers of London, Brussels, Paris, Berlin and New Y6rk 'acting with the government of Braiil and the Brazilian state of Sao Paulo," This combination has bean known to exist for along time but only lately lias its 'tremendous and universal power been known. ' Likewise my investigation lias demonstrated to my satisfaction that extreme discrimin ation is being exerted against the United States simply because this country is thought t be able to stand the tx bit ter than others and because we are the largest consumers of coffee " TO CUREAJUllllN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druggists refund mpney if it fails to cure.i E. W. GROVE'S signa lure is on each box. 25c. .. 8ing a 8on0 of Sixpence. 'The London "Globe attempts an ex- planatlon of the rhyme "Sing a 8ong r fii?m.nee."yHere It isi 'The four and twenty NackblraV-represent ' the four ana twenty nours. . i ne ooiioui of the nle Is tie world, 'be top crust represents the sky. The opening of the pie is the dawoQif the day. when the birds becln o slug, "and surely such a sight la- fltfor a king. .The king In his couir' i bourn 'counting out bis money Is tuesuh.rTbe money the klnt; Is-countlHK repreHeuts-the mWlpn Hnnshtiie. The aiieen. who sits In the oarlor. Is the moon. - TUe honey - she Is eating is the moonlight. The industrious maid rho is working In the garden before the sun nas risen Is the day dawn, and the clothes she hangs ouf are clouds. The bird thai So tragically ends the song by nipping off her nose Is the hour or sunset." ' : A flood Exampls. Old Mr. Moulton frankly confessef tbnt lie is not a member of any church ' "But I go regularly, h invariably adds, "and. what's more, I get to the meting houso on time. " It's part of my religion not to disturb the rellglou of other folks." Youth's tttmpanlon. The School Board Meets. The Board of Trustees of the New Bern Academy ard Graded B -hools mat Fridayaf ternoon in the Superintendent'! office. , " '-' v ', ' Reports were made by several Com t lees, and-Supt. Craven reported a ijumoer or raar conoeruing school end its wt rk. S The officers electedtowthfs year were: T. A. Grcen-Pres'dent; Wtr. M. Wat son Sec. and Treas. T. A." Green, C. S. Hollibter. C. W. Munger Eie cutive Committee, . . V , . Tho White Whale. -The while whalo. wor beluRa, ts arctfi- -i tacean and closely allied tg,th Bin , 1,hL It is pme white lu color, t .v. lie to c'Khtfpn feet long, whalellki i. nllb a : : jrp ( ..iii.ry H na.-r lis I. Ii It. f - U In ! m mi 5 -! V to ' 1 .nr A ri V l J i. t n '!! !' t - ; : Situation Affords Opportunity For - Senators To Get In , Some , ' 4,Undefground Work Washington, Feb. 24 On leaving the White House and , after a talk with President Taft, Senator Clapp, pf Min nesota, expressed the opinion that an extra sisaion of '.Congress could not now be avoided, owing to the crowded condition of things in- the Senate, the opposition to certain measures and lack of time for the proper consideration of important measures that a number of Senators insist shall 'not be rushed through without proper investigation. ; The statement : is going the founds that Senator La Follette ia protesting loudly against the passage in the House in a single day of . three appropriation bills. . ''; The Wisconsin insurgents said to have served notice that these measures must not only be carefully considered by Senate committees before they are reported, but he and his political as sociates intend that they shall be look ed into carefully and discussed after the bills are taken up in the Senate. Altogether the situation affords am ple opportunity for certain Senators to get in what is calk d in legislative cir cles "underground" work they cftnde I y matters and score without appear inir to unnecessarily delay progress of bills and agreements favored by the iBlb nUIUIIIIIUBHUU, Torpedo fleet Will Practice. j Washington', D. C, Feb. 24--Plans for the spring and summer practice of the Atlantic torpedo fleet have been an nounced by the Navy. Department. During March. April and May the first and third submarine divisions, with the Castine and ..the Severn will conduct submarine exercises in Chesapeake Bay. . . y ' The vessels will ' leave the Norfolk navy yard for Solomon's Island, Md., on March 1. The entire Atlantic tor pedo fleet will be concentrated 'in the vicinity of Tangier Island in the Chesa peake Bay about March 15 to witness the Spotting piactice to be carried out b? the Atlait e fleet with the San Mar cos, formerly the battleship Texas, as a target. - '.-'r'-": In Miy the destroyers of the Atlantic torpedo fleet; will be called upon Jo operate under war conditions in exer- ises which will bti announsed ter. The third submarine division includ- dg the vessel of the first division tem porarily attached to the third, and the Severn aid Caatloa wid go to Cape Cod B ly for combined operations Wth thi Atlantic fleet in Ju'y and August. - j -' - 'WILLIAMS' KIDNEY PILLS';. Have you neglected your Kidneys'i i , i l-i !' e muzzle ana nu I tveth. pvlnis with ex ' nbllng Hs hugf 1 then strlkln who have etu' . ivi-ons my that ,. iftONt of fl-ib I in y fur up thf t civgnrluuft and In herds of forty iiii'iil!y purr.liol ! .i f " .-il rupture i-U. The 0. h f t, t- a ion ! " ! Have you overworked your nervous ays tern and caused trouble .with your kid oeysand bladderT Have you pains it I loins, side, back, groins and bladder: Have you a flabby appearance of th face, especially under-the eyesT Too f r juent a desire to pass urine! If so, Wil liams Kidney Pills will cure you-ai Druggist, Price 60c Williams' -M'f'g Co., 'Ptops., Cleveland, O. , ' . Fixing the Lesson, Parson Saunders was a little , per turbed one Sunday morning over some worldly matter and .made- a mistake lu the reading of the Scriptural les sons. He read the ' second lesson where he should have read the first As he neared .the end of bis reading tbe parson saw that he was in error. He saw that his congregation anew be was in error. ' How, then, to con clude? To conclude In, the ortnoaoi TOy-xbere endetb tbe second lesson -would hardly do, as It waa not tbe sec ond lesson, but the flrst ' Nor. could lt,oa -the otHer hand, be called the first lesson since properly It was tb secondT Parson Baundera, after a mo ment's thought," wisely and frankly Ann ft 11 A ml ' -, ' r ;."' v "Here endeth the .wrong lessdlL"- New York Press. -r ,i , s 1 It Depends. An actor and a retired army man were discussing tbe perils of their t- spectlve callings. ' "How would you tike to stand with shells bumtlng all round your the "Well," replied the actor, 'At aVapenda on the age of the ejrir." -. . Landslide at Culebra. Colon; Feb. 24 Work on the Culebra section of the Panama Canal is practi cally at a standstill as a resultof a land slide which carried half a million cubic yards of earth into the cut. Engineers say that as a result of the - numerous landslides, the plana for the Culebra section may have to be changed. The change in plans will include the entire removal of Gold Bill from the side of which the landslides come dur ing the wet season, i Died From Terror. 0 ' rerlmiiS the most remarRable death from four wan that of the Dutch paint er Tentman, who lived In the seven teenth century. , One day he went Into a room full of anatomical subjects la sketch some death's beads and skele tons for a picture he intended to paint, The weather was very sultry, and while sketching he Tell ' usleep'. He was aroused by liones dancing around him ad the skeletons suspended from the celling clashing together.. In a fit of terror be tbiW himself from a win dow, and. though be sustained no se rious injury and was Informed that slight earthquake bad caused tbe com motion among his ghostly surround ings, he died In a few (lays in a nervous tremor.- v ' v- An Expert. "How's your daughter comln along In business college? "Her spelling' a little bad yet, but she's careful.. 1 read several lettera she wrote on her -typewriter, aud every Advance Gnard of Mardl Gras Visitors New Orleans, Feb.' '24 -The advance guard of Mardi Graa Carnival visitors put In an appearance in New 'Orleans yesterday, aid from now until the flrst of the ww k every arriving train and boat will bring Us quota o"f pleasure . '.crs to the city. The number of vi -Iters this year Is experti J to reach record br-;ikin? fig tires, owing partly to n !! attraMi'Mi of the automo- ! .'". v in 1 h: I ree!":s which il v. i ..) ; "nl proner . ; i i y an 1 , r h its cli- . ; . i t .' v v i tin r,--ival of V is dotted and every T m crossed." Toledo Blade. , Retail Merchants Perfect Organization Wednesday night the retail merchants f this city completed the organization if the New Bern Branch of the Retail Merchants Association of North Caro lina. 'Every business man in New Bern is vitally interested in this organization Every member of the association (and nearly every retail merchant is a mem ber) has agreed to immediately give to the secretary a' list with- the names of very customer with his credit rating, The name of evey person who is now on Jme'mefchant's books will go to the secretary 'a offices rated according to bis standing with each individual merchant This information-will bo kept on file in the secretary's bfflce, and Iron) it will be compiled a credit book which wi ipmeliately be placed into the hands of each merchant who ia u menber of this association, - Thus any merchant- at ainutes notice can teU the credit rating of any person who ha had ensdit bi New Bern. - : f There are other features. . This or ganization Is connected with the State and National Association. If a stranger comes to,New Bern from any pouSt where this association IS " jepresented, (there are 120 associations in N. a) it will be a easy matter for the merchants fit now his eredlt ratlug where he com from. If a person leaves New Bern owing bills the accounts-will be report ed to the association at jthe city which the former resided of New Bern has moved. . . - ' 1 , . 'The merchant! of New Bern wllfknow "who is who" from how on. House Committee Decides jto Re port Favorably on Appropri . ating. $5,000 For it. Raleigh, Feb. 24-The House Commit tee on penal institutions decided to re port favorably ths bill appropriating five thousand dollars for the establish ment of a reformatory - and training school for negroes, to b locate! near Charlotte. ' Democrats of the joint committees on Congressional apportionment have deci-1 ded to transfer Catawba county from the 9th to the 8th district ahdr Wilkes from the 8tn to the 7th. Hoke county was placed in the 7th and Avery county in the 9th. ' There was a heatsd discus sion over the changes. Senator Lem- mond, of Union county, objecting to Wilkes being transferred ' to the 7th, but the committees concluded that this was the best solution of the problem in order to make all the. districts safely Democratic' ' The Senate voted to increase the ex pense allowance of the' superior court judges from (250 to $750, in addition to the $3,250 salaries, and also to increaae the Balaries of the superior court judg es to $4,000 instead of $3,500, as now. Many new bills were introduced, inclu ding one by Senator Brown to increase the area of Hoke county by taking addi tional territory from Robeson. Senator Ivie introduced a bill to pre vent insurance comnanies from expend ing extravagant sums in competition for new business. THa House received favorable report? on bills to make the pay of the supreme court reporter $1,500 and the supreme court justice $4,500. Also a bill to safe guard the interest of the state in turn pikes and railroads through convict la bor, the bill carrying an appropriation of 3,600. The Senate passed on Second reading lengthy argumeuf the bill increasing the pension fund for old soldiers from $455,000 to $704,000. Representative Williams, of Bun combe, procured the reduction of the tax on agents for pianos and organ, from $100 to $50 with a provision that will prevent duplicate licenses for agen cies. Judge) Ewart tiied to get through amendments to section 71 as to cigar ettes, Increasing the license tax on the dealers gradually so that increase bfH from $250 to $500 minimum, up to $2,- 500. Carr, of Durham, Connor and others opposed this and the amendment was lost. " To retail, license tax was left at $5 and the section adopted. On amendment to increase the tax on ci garette' manufacturers was adopted, making the tax $2,000 instead of $1,000, the vote befhg 36 to 25. Section 75 was amended so as to ex- etppt ex -Confederate soldiers from li cense taxes for peddling eye glasses. Hester's Statement Shows 4,913,- SOr Bales up to Date- Statistics. i'New Orleane, Feb, 25th. Secretary Hester's statement of the world's visi ble supply of cotton issued last Friday shows the total visible toXse 4,913,301 against 4,037,485 last week and 4,008, 276 last year. Of this tbe totalof Amer ican cotion is jj, 793, 301 against 3,899,. 485 last week and ,286,276 last year; and of all other kinds, including Egypt, Brazil, India, etc.. 1,118,000 against 1,- 138,000 last week and 1,322,000 last year i Of the world's visible supply of cot ton here is now afloat and held in Great Britain and continental Europe 2,888,- 000 against 2,395,000 last year; in Egypt 251,000 against 187,000 last year; in In dia 485,000 against 722,000 last year and th the United State 1,289,000 against 1,304,000 last year. Makes Everything New. Old kitchen chairs, old furniture, old closets, old bureaus, when woim out made new again at a cost of 15 to 20 cents with a can of either Home Finish Domestic Paint, Home Finish L. & M. VarniBh, or Home Finish L. &M. Varn ish Stain. Directions for use on each can. Any body can use it Get it from Gaskill Hdwe. & Mill Sup ply Co., New Bern, N. C. - Woman's Strange Death. New York, Feb. 25-Students of the force of mental suggestion will be in terested in the strange death of Mrs Gertrude Richardson, who died sudden ly yesterday afternoon at the funeral of her father, EmilJ. Hultgern. Friends of the woman declare that the death of her lather so impressed Mrs. Richard son that she would die thatahe was un able to throw off the suggestion. Hult- gren died on Washington's birthday. Father and daughter will be buried aide by side. In his last illness the father had predicted the day of his death. Western Union Inaugurates Service. New DIED. In this city yesterday morning at 3 o'clock Mr, Lonnie Everett Bell age 27 years.' The luneral will be conducted from Centenary M. E. Church this af ternoon at 4 o'clock by Rev, 3. B. Hur ley, if The (interment .will bs made in Cedar Grove cemetery. N At hia residence 34 East Front St.Fri day, John Randolph Parker aged 62 years 5 months. Funeral services at his residence this afternoon at 2:30, conducted by Rev. J. B. Hurley. The interment in Cedar Grovedemetery. Beginning March 1st. the Western Union Telegraph Company inaugurates a new form of service called The Day Letter. The rate charged' for a day letter of fifty words or less is one and one half times the night letter rate and for each nddi'innal ten words or left one fifth the initial charge. For exam pie, the Richmond Atlanta Night Let ter rate is 50 cents, the Day Letter rate is one and one half times that, or 75 cents, with 15 cents for each addition al ten words. Day lettera are to be -written in plain English, thus avoiding the delay and complicationa of Code words and Code language. They may he filed at any time and are to be trans mitted as the facilities of the company may permit during business hours, full rate telegrams having priority of trans mission. V1 - ' Sour Gaapes. ., i ' One sneers at curls when one has no more hair. One slander apples. when one lias no more teeth. Karr. . AntiTrust Bill Will Come Up Tomorrow. Other Happen ings of Interest. 1 Raleigh, Feb. 25 Senator Bassett in troduced a bill to make a uniform law to bills of lading and Senator Pionix bill to prohibit the use of dynamite or other explosives in killing fish in any of the waters of the State. An unfavorable report was made on the bill to enlarge the territory of Hoke county out of Roberson county. Tbe committee bill for re-apportion ment of membership in the House of Representatives of the General Assem bly was introduced by Quickel, of Lin- colnton, and put through immediate passage and was Bent to the Senate. It gives Guilford, Mecklenburg and Wake three members each; Buncombe. Dur ham, Forsyth, Gaston, Halifax, Iredell, Johnson, NBsh, Pitt, Robeson, Rocking ham, Rowan, Union, and Wayne two members each and the remaining coun ties one each. The Senate Judiciary Committee sets Monday afternoon for hearing Senator Hobgood's anti-trust bill to prevent con duct interfering with trade and com merce. His bill to create two additional Judicial Districts and his bill protecting employes of common carriers and invol ving the the relief clause in the Atlan tic Coast Line Relief Department are reported without prejudice from the Judiciary Committee. The Barharu bill, placing all graded schools under the State Text Book Cora- mission and adding seven teachers as tnembera of the Tex Book. Commission receives favorable report from the Sen ate Committee on Revisal with an amendment striking out the provision which wou'd place, the graded schools now operating under special charters under the Text Book Commission, thereby leaving the law as it now is in this respect. The House passed the bill for a State Fire Proof Administration building with an amendment cutting down the bond issue to $250,000 from tbe $500,000 that the Senate had allowed as com pared with a million dollars the original bill carried. Amendments for $250,000 and limiting expenditures for the build ing to this amount were offered by Speaker Dowd, who argued it would be a mistaken policy for the Legislature to concentrate building for the State in the one great building but that the policy by the National government" 'of different buildings facing the capitol square aa they are needed, was the wise cojrse. The building proposed in the bill is to be on theState's lot, south west corner of capitol square. GRACEFUL.. ANO JTIBUE Notice. . '.-.'j ', v AH kinds tawed shingles for sale. Bricks lathi, 2 good gentle road or work horses, one new -one horse wagon, all must be sold. A bargain for some one as I am selling out. r imt come. ' First clmk'o, a! o one buodrtd thousand cull ehini;! BUi HILL, tin 1 ;l Man. . I'n.ut St, If you are thin and want to be plump; if you have wrinkles in your face that yod asp not prbud of, if your skin is sal low or subject lb pimples or blackheads take 4JI O-NA stomach tablets for two weeks and notice the change. '. i "... Nine ten ths of the thin people are thin became the stomach is not active; it is not mixing thoroughlyVtth the natural digestive juices the food put into it, and in conHquance is not . extracting from the food enough nourishing . matter for tha kil0n4 to distribute to everv nart of the body. If the stomach does not. do1 Its work properly the nourishment inf the food you eat is passed aldng without giving to .the body and flesh building el amenta. ' . . ' ' . .' , Ml-Q-NA . stomach; tablets quickly build up the stomach so that.it extracts from the food all the elements pecesia ry to form good solid flesh. ' " j . ' If you are thin try a two weeks treat ment of MI-O-NA stomach tablets; two with each meal will work wonders.' . Ml-0 NA itomach.tablets are guar anteed to cute indigestion, acute or chronic, or money back. Sold by Brad- ham Dnirf Co. and druggists everywhere Conquering the Atlantic Whether the ocean traveler Is rich or poor, he can no more realize the contrast between his experience and that of the flrst men who crossed the Atlantic than the tourist gliding over a storm swept moor In a closed motor- np onn fAel the mlsprv of a tramD staggering over It in op rags. The Atlantic Is as eruel as ever a treach erous, gloomy nud vloleut sea but so completely Is It bafflecrjCnd shut out. so smoothly ridden over, that the old traveler, hardly conscious of Its being, Is half lucllned to think its character reformed. What higher praise can be given aud what less praise Is due to our modern shipbuilders? London Times. ' now eSsy It Is for one to suggest fare way for some one else to manage a troublesome anain Butiie Business Section Swept by the Flames. Origin Unknowns Loss Will be Heavy News was received in this ;ity yester day morning that one of the most dis astrous fires that has ever visited that town swept away several (T LaGrange's business houses Sunday night. The fire' originated in a brick building in which was located the Hardy hotel. Fiona this it spread to the bank building and laid this low. The post office which waa adjacent to this was aho destroyed aa was a number of other buildings. The Kinston fire company was rushed to the scene on a special train and succeeded In extinguishing the blaz, 'but not be fore tbe main part of the business sec tion had been destroyed. Every Family At Every Season Of the year needs one or more of the famous Watkina' Remedies, Extracts, Spices, Toilet Articles, Soap?, Perfumes etc. Over 2,000,000 customers ore now enjoying the benefits offered by 2,000 traveling salesmen in every part of the United States and Canada. Just now we want an energetic Reliable young man to sell our products to the people Craven county. Address. The J. R. Watkins Company, 133 South Gay Street Baltimore, Maryland. Established 1808. Capital over $2,000,000. Plant contains 10 acres floor space. B1U For Range Lights at Morehead. Washington, D. C, Feb. 27th Con gressman 1 homas introdm-ed in the House, after tellers were called for, to include n one of the large supply bills the appropriation to provide rano lights at Morehead City. The usual provision was made for the biological station at Beaufort, and $:t,000 additional was al lowed for improvements. EGGS FOU SALE. Full blooded Barred Plymouth Rock, Black Langshans and Buff Orpington S C. Eggs for sale. A setting of 15 eggs for $1.00. Apply to MRS. JOHN HUMPHREY, By Phone or Mail, Clarks, N. C. New York, Feb. 27th. Clarence II. Mackay, president of the Postal 1 ele- graph Cable Co., Saturday made the following statement regarding his com pany's attitude in connection wit h a ' de ferred day letter" service, such as it is understood the Western Union h about to establish. " We give such a fast day eervicu that there is no occasion for any de ferred service, besides which, we ere not a deferred company. We, push our traffic through to destination within a few minutes from the tin e it H handed to us. We do not believe the public has any use for a deferred day service, l'e- cause the present day service and night ettergram service seem to be amply sufficient and we do not think there is any demand for an intermediate serv ice, which would be no different from the night lettergram service in its prac tical workings. A deferred day service would get mixid with our regular da service and would hamper and delay it. Fast service is what the public wants, not a deferred or slow service. " 4,000 Bucket Shops Put Out of Bust ness. Washington, Feb. 27. Attorney -Gen eral Wickersham Saturday declared that final reports of the nation-wide campaign againBt bucketshops shows that more than 4,000 offices of that character were put out of business as a result of that crusade. Reports which Mr. Wickersham has eceived also indicate that the men who ran the buckttshopa have, in most ca sea, engaged in other business. One former liucketshop dealer has told Mr, Wickersham that one result of the cam paign has been entirely to stop gamb ling in stocks and grains in many small cities and towfis. The Attorney General says three fourths of the "brokers' offices" in the west, the south an I in Pennsylvania were conducted as bucketshops before the crusade. Beaufort Bridge Not Down -' There was a report on the streets last night that the draw bridge of the Norfolk-Southern Railway at Beaufort had fallen in. - ; 1 The Journal made Inquiry at the rail way offices and waa told that a easting on the superstructure of the bridge bad split, and the new casting was being made that would be placed early this morning. - - '.', , , The tea a Deeelveiv , Like the land, the sea has Its flow ers, but the most brilliant of the ma rini flowers bloom not upon plants. 1 but upon animals. The living corals ot tropical seas present a aispiay 01 floral beauty that In richness an! viv idness of color and variety mnA grace of form rivals the splendor of a garden of flowers, The resemblance to Tege tut blossoms Ik so complete that some persons find It dlfflcult to belter that tlie brilliant display contains no ele ment of plant life, but Is wholly anl Wl' 1n Its organization. Pittsburg Dispatch. COMMENTS FROM CLARKS. Clarks, N. C. Feb. 25 The road from Clark's school house to Bachelor's creek is being rapidly built. This piece road is about cne and one-fourth mites, from school house to the creek. Capt, J. 3. Lane keepa the men busy, and thty are building a good roaL' ; Capt ions aays hia force ia rather large for best handling. Ifsomeofthe men could be sent back tb repair (be other roads it would be money and labor. well spent There are many holes to be filled, other places need top soil put on, and the ditches need cleaning out. ' The roads need scraping to level them p This Spring will be the t me te put new dirt on the roads, and vet It well racked bv next winter. This winter, so far, and last winter have been fin on the roads, and .we can hardly hope for another as dry ss these two hare been soon. Much of the top soil put on No Deferred Service For Postal Entire Town Found Dead From Plague. St. Petersburg, Feb. 25 A telegram from Harbin reports the gruesome dis- covery of a Chinese village near there in which the entire pogulation was dead . ., .. .. , -- 1 ,.. irom me piague., many Dcaies isy in the open sir and were covered with snow. P51 ryi ui u iv cicu jjupwai SJa Ky.wilhanani sales ot millions f pounds, IS known r' to-day the rover as the wonk comccnof extfotlonalaualitv w 1 The Reuj lanes Co. ' Nr.W0RUAK3,U&A. Rheumatism Relieved in Six Hours Dr. Deletion's relief for Rheumatism usually relieves severest cases in a few hours. Its action upon the system is remarkable and effective, It removes at once the cause and the disease quick ly disappears. First dose greatly bene fits. 75c and $1.00., Sold by Bradham Drug Co. 1 at BO e'its a box. ' ' .?' ) r.

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